V A WEEKLY DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDQWEIXXOUNT. V- ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, ft. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 VOLXXYf- NEWSPAPER l j : ARM DEMONSTRATOR - SECURED TOR COUNTY Affriciiltural Extension Work on in This County W. L Smarr, County Agent. The Cooperative Agricultural Ex- -tension work as conducted by the ; North Carolina State College of Agri culture and Engineering, the North Carolina State Department of Agri-1 work to be done in-McDowell coun ty. Our town and our county can not expect to prosper when the agri cultural conditions are not prosper ous. Thousands of dollars are beting, sent out of the county annually for products which can be grown her at a profit. Our farmers should be or ganized in the production and the marketing of money, crops, such as truck, grain, hay, hogs,, cattle, poul try, fruit, etc. In order for the work miHht-o j xv t t . ,;tp De a, success, the people of the w. wuuuty, ami me united , . , States Department. cooDeratin ha., !C,0Unty ust c?P?te and helP Wake teen nnt nri 5 l. 7 xne worK worth while, neen put on m this county. Mr. W. I c . ,: , acquainted with the people and the agricultural conditions of the coun ty. As soon as a preliminary sur vey is made a meeting will be called at which time the problems tf the ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Happening in McDowell- Items About Home People. OLD FORT Old Fort, July 18. Mr. and Mrs R. H. Taylor have returned from is visiting relatives here. visited relatives in Marion the latter part of the week. Jonas Gibson of Arden is visiting his daughter, Mrs. John .Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roberson, Mrs. John Ross and Miss Julia Ross and Mr. and Mrs. t. H. Roberson made -a trip to Mt. Mitchell last week. Herbert Fowler of South Carolina, I Smarr, a former county asrent in lancoln county has been appointed to 'fill the place and has already enter-ed-npon the duties of the work. , Mr. Smarr was born and reared on POnnfw' form in Q-.,xL z"1,, ito rt It 1, Z county will be considered with the lma. He is thoroughly familiar with and . f k arrane:ed the practical side of farming. He is'St P Sn Z arranged. ri 1a . ,x T Te office of the county agent is at F duat Clems oA ltaral e TOnrt houge Mr Ratliffe. , College of South Carolina Follow- oge who are interested are urged ing graduation, at Clemson, he iaught call VItam in one of the Parish .Ag- Call' in and get acquainted . with cultural Schools ; m tas.m for Mr. Smarr- Hned up and two jear In 1915 he accepted the help develop agricuitUral possi wore as county agent in Agricultural biIities of our county. If you have Extension work in . Lincoln county,' nv qhi whir this State, which place he filled f or you would like to secure Mr Smarrs ; Johnson. Birmingham, Ala., and will make their home here. Mrs. John Cannon and two child ren have returned . home after a week's visit to relatives at Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Lee White left Sun- 1 day for Converse, S. C, where they will visit Mrs. "White's parents. J. O. McDaniel made a business trip to Marion Tuesday. Misses Nannie Nichols and Es telle Lavender were in Marion shop ping Monday. T. Y. Lytle of Marion is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Robert Hunter of Asheville is spending the week with her parents, Mr! and Mrs. W. A. Graham. A. A. Sawyer and son, Carrol, are visiting relatives at Democrat. Ed. Burgin of Johnson City, Tenn., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. I?. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Davis of Gas ton ia have been visiting relatives here for the past ..week. Misses Pearl, Rose and Helen TurT ner, Robert Pyatt and Carl Morris motored to Bridgewater Wednesday. Allie and Alfred Lavender made a I cast against "the lri business, trip to Marpn, Saturday inore than six years. During the assistance) send for him. past year Mr. Smarr has been coun- ty agent in Pender constructive agricultural projects have been successfully organized un der Mr, Smarrs activities. county. Many SCHOOLS TO OPEN MONDAY, JULY 24TH Arrangements have been complet- in Asheville. Clarence . Mackey of Floyd Noblitt of New Mexico, who has been visiting his mother for the past few weeks, returned to the west Monday. Ed. Davis of Marion spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. Joe Kanipe and Misses Millie and Bula Kanipe of Old Fort were guests of Mrs. A. W. Parker last Monday. Alonzo Davis and Roy Noblitt of Old Fort spent Friday and Saturday on the creek. Misses Addie and Rosa Lavender spent Saturday night and Sunday Greenlee with Misses Alma and Annie Laven- sister, ! der. spent the week-end with his Mrs. James Burgin. Mrs. G. W. Sandlin spent Monday Miss Thelma Grant spent Saturday in Asheville. Mrs. Hudgins left Saturday for Akron, Ohio, where she will spend son, Beacher er for tliA nnAninc of a number of While m Lincoln county among the rural schoois on next Monday, July organizations perfected may be men- 24th. Practically all the larger . tioned the Lincolnton Cooperative hools will not onen until Sebtem- reamery, the .Lincoln Cooperative ber Those schools opening now are 1 sometime with her Jersey Breeders Association (the AYnptPH to nnerat continuously and Hudgins. . . . - j . , . . --x x . v I . lei o , ixcu anu xTxai. goi ci . first in the State), thd Lincolnton the majority of them . will do so. A Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Silver spent i week.end at Glenwood. Vpopcrative uerKsnire ureeaers as- smau nUmber may Tmd it necessary 1 the week-end with friends on Ourtis soaation, the Lincolnton Alfalfa. f' Kfnn a f pw Havs during the fodder 1 creek. . lirowers Association, tne Ldncom -CATAWBA VALLEY. Old Fort, Rt. 1, July 17. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scruggs of Cliffside were visitors at the latter's mother, Mrs. S. C. Kelley, last Saturday and Sun day. .. ?- Mrs. T. A. Porter and two daugh ters, Nell and Margaret, spent the County Community Clubs and Fairs, and the Lincoln County Fair Associa- are 1 D. W. Adams has his power plant at the Catawba Falls in operation DYSARTSVILLE Dvsartsville. July 18. Mrs. J. F. season. Blank sunnlies of all kind readv for distribution and teachers 'and is now furnishing power for " tion All of these organizations are are exDected to secure all necessary Ridgecrest and Black Mountain. dive and are a power in the agricul- . material this week, in order to have Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Julyl tural development of the county. 'these furnishings on hand upon the 16, a son Demonstrations in the use of lime opening Gf school, in the growing of the clovers, alfalfa, A meeting of teachers will be held vetch, and other winter and summer t the CTaded school next Friday J A J J!tf i ... .... ' ..... . . legumes were conauciea m mnerent morning at 10 o'clock, of all teach Landis and little daughter, Marguer- Elizabeth, July 10. -parts 01 ine counxy. as a result ox ers whose schools will open on Mon- ite, of Lexington, weirevistors here these demonstrations thousands of day, when they will be instructed as last week. acres of land have been limed and to the work for the coniing year. I .James Goforth and Key Landis sown to the. clovers, grasses, etc. As New text-books have been adopted were in Marion Wednesday. ,sl result of this work many acres are m a number of subjects. The new producing two ears of corn where on- books will be handled by J. D. Blan-'ins of Union Mills, Were here last ly one grew before. Uon m the regular way. Mr. Blan-'week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allison, July 9, a son,, Leon and Jake Silver were in Ma rion on business, last week. T. H. Allison, of Roseman is home for a, few days. Mrs. M. M. Grant ol Greenlee spent yesterday with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Lat Wilson announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret NEWS ITEMS FROM v lv Hover the sxrem -r 1. -. 4 Items Concerning EyexxZas v terest and Z I nr p ovr t Throughout t the State Salisbury. - During ta Jun births more than doublsl in saiisDury wa Kowan wer 52 births and 22 ,deat2 Clinton. Tha Clinton scbcxAjEz has voted a ixty-thousBa.- Crr bond issue for th erection '- - - r school building. Very few Salisbury n Rowan's first: is taking place, there ! pounds in the lot; The cently grade by" represesSsSrca i the state and national fairgcra Lincolnton. kounty Agent Morrison announces that . tfres 'jolt picnic of the F&rmesjf ' and .the Boys' and Oirfsr CT2v sS coin county will be hel at St Matthews csmp g?oc Belmont. The FlednKxaf TKSs company has installed ! exchange in the telapfoonsi Belmont. This is, a n 'proved switchboard wSfcft i badly needed hare ftir some 'the town has entirely jphone capacity of the board. 1 Newton. Following' a tferriSK on the part of an element ers, Newton school district vofCtir ;000 in. bonds for new school ftsaSffi 1 . thereby taking her -place J other progressive towns in ollna that are endeavoring, to and train the future state. E. W. GrifBn and son, David, att tended court in Marion last week. Willie Mae Carr returned Satur day 'from Cliffside where she has been Joseph, Curtis and Melvin Hutch- ; visiting relatives for a few days. - Chas. Parker and Wm. Nichols made a pleasant trip to Toe River Mrs. Crawford Ladis and little iast week. daughter of Detroit, Mich., are visit- ASHFORD Ashford, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Rom Avery and little son, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Avery of Avery mo tored to Granite Falls last Monday. Chas. Pyatt has moved to Alta mont. Ray McCall spent the week-end with friends at Spruce Pine. H. S. Brown made a business trip to Marion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Lonon motored ' Mary Wall of cPee. Deev Modern Home Orchards were es- ton baS sent in his order for the new tablished in each of the townships books and hopes to have them on where demonstrations were given in gaie next week. It is expected that ing r relatives here. the setting, , prumng, spraying and the new books will be purchased and j E. P. Denton, John Daves and Ed the proper care of the orchard. Many .put into use during the present year, ward Cowan attended court in Ma modern home orchards have been set jn a few cases the old books will be rion last week. and several small commercial or-iUsed. The Free & Treadwell' series Miss Jetty Hutchins of Union chards. More interest is being shown (of readers were re-adopted as co- Mills was here last week, in the. care of the orchards, and the basal for the first three grades. In Miss Etta Walker was in Marion jfarraers are finding it very profit- e upper grammar grades this series Wednesday. able to spray and care for their trees, j of books will be used as supplemen- Mrs. Charles Laughicidge and Other phases of agricultural work tary. When the primary books have children of Shelby are visiting rela which Mr. Smarr devoted a part of been completed in the lower grades tives here. his time' included terracing, drainage, ' the other co-basal book to be used is Georgie Landis, who has .been ill silo construction, dairy barn con- The Child's World, published by the several days, is improving, struction, poultry houses, sweet po- B, F. Johnson & Co. In the upper, Gordon Landis spent the first of iato storage houses, etc. grades a number of supplementary the week with relatives in Marion. Lincoln County has ranked among books were adopted but the basal for Claud Laughridge of Marion was . ' . it T" J 4.1 wamtmaT' orrafla i St.llfliiR f kara Qnndotr the first inXhe worK 01 xne xoy aim "7l T a- xt a t a 1 'spent the week-end with homefolks rs-,i ArmVnltnrflT Clubs. There Reading. Teachers are urged to see; T. B. Landis, Ned Jaquins, Arnold were an enrollment of abovit 200 each that the children get the new books and Frank Cowan, Thomas Glass, Ed year. The members were taught bet-! as early ris possible, in order that win and Ray Landis were in Marion ter methods of growing more and there be no time lost.. Saturday. better corn pigs, and poultry. Many Plans for enforcing the attendance Robert Laughridge and children of of the members have bank accounts law have been completed The law Salisbury are visiting relatives here, as a result of this Work. jwill be rigidlyenf orced this year. Miss Birdie Laughridge of Marion While in the.respec-! Misses Dorothy and Pauline Sat-' districts and upon failure of terwhite spent the latter part of the.rents here. lneana iauemng oi uoga w . f.Trttllli-nrv to Pn. m0 Mr H I Henderson. For the ffn two years the Vance absolutely without a aays the Castile has- stExosl ajar, denying liberty to withholding freedom front, offender of the public stnfrffffr V Kinston. SeTeR-tew pfgar 'ing the affection of oca farm of P'.S. B. Harpar; I The family Is doing weGL believes the little constIter ord. Sixteen Is & litter iv&ous record for this 'as Mr. Harper has beenvaKa gasst-"vlSar tsr - -: v-;' Fayetteville. The JlfOSc PK3 tillery, 500 strong, is estaWIr3ta Cr National Guard training Bragg for two weeks of intasssSsa training.. The regiment Savannah unit of thet Georges Guard, comprises twenty cSEvzcz an - enlisted personnel: of 4CS TaylorsriUe The AX&zxngtt ecnsz& summer school fs - in sess&mJ graded school building,. wK5r Sisk, who will assume a poseSsb I coming term,-as d. rector . aix2 to Marionf Tuesday. J. M. Carpenter and little son, Joe Allen, went to Statesville this week. tie Jordan, of Durham. c 1 here. The revival meeting came close last Sunday night. to CURFEW Curfew, July 11. Miss Bell Mor gan has returned home from Marion to spend the summer with her pa- of Montf ord's Cove anI vjirruftingj- Miss Beatrice isrown ot Morganton districts will hold an'electfoa for a consolidated school 5th. 1 Mrs. Cora Nichols spent in Marion. While there she. s3ses!X a birthday dinner for fcerv Mrs. Rebecca Nichols, gives at the home of the lattexT: er Nichols. those within compulsory ages. to en- week in Marion. was in Wly .iy the attendance of- Saturday, - - - . t - xi.. promptly - -- - - m 1 : nAaiin riM 11111 iiickiiuu ' - .m jwpuuw ucvv firer-who out of dafci..: ., ; . :v''. The growers of truck were organ ized lnto)a cooperative truckers grow- ers association, for tne growing ! OTardiaus who violate the attendance shipping df truck- cooperatively. 1 ne . expect to answer for their Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Parker spent Glen Alpine Saturday in Marion. t T'il T M ,j"lf J X. "1 X. ay.- re&ri uslu 01 manon , ' spent, iusv will investigate every j Miss Grace Cowan of Marion was week with her sister, Mrs. John Reel. cause- of non-attendance. Every here .Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reel And child- child between the ages of 7 and 14 j Mrs. J. L. Laughridge andchildren ren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs is required to attend school unless Gf Marion spent part of last week Bruce Parker on x Crooked Creek. providentially hindered. Parents and truckers are) receiving more for their products under this .. ; method. Je products rare-being graded which de mands a , better price; and the co operative feature eliminates ;many of ;W!niiddleSen giving, the truckers more for. their products. ' 4 ?Mr 2 Smarcbmes ; itrus highly K recommended. ' There ' is:; a great failure to observe this law! i Spend your money with your home merchants. They help pay the taxes, keep up the schools, build roads, and make this community worth while. You will find the ...advertising of the best ones in The Progress. with relatives here. CROOKED CREEK Old Fort. Rt. 2, July Vf. Rev. W. Mrs. G. W. Parker spent Saturday in Marion shopping. v ' . ; Mrs. M. A." Parker and children spent Sunday at the home of Joe Al- L. Dawson, Jr., assisted by his fath-word on Crooked Creek, er, W. L. Dawson held a series of fj "Miss Pearl Parker, who has been meetings at' Bethlehem last week. ! visiting relatives in this section, has they' will begin a meeting at Bethel Returned to her home in Inman, S. C church. Sunday, July 23. Every body invited to attend the services. Mrs. J. F- Turner and little son MONTFORD'S COVE. Union Mills, July ll.--The people j J. C. Crawford is visSlhgfss Mrs. C. M. Hall. s E. WU Flack was to the bedsidebf; his' fatrrj yj Flflrlcl of tTTntnn MiTfW." ttTi.t-,?1 Sick." ': " ' S ,: Quite a number X)f fbHa attended the v4th-o July: difisSsav at RutherfordtOn .and report : time. , - : .'Vv-'- 'Lr . Miss Floy Williams has position at Blowing Bock. 1 Bornto Mr. and Mrsl Bo2 a daughter. " Z ' .'.: John Curtis and ,Mrs Gxxs3 liamis fof 'Butherfordton and Mira, Lizzie and Mary Willie v side of tfree, were guests at J. J?iX liams' y esterday." : . ;-! v -A . t -. 1 IT-' i V f ' ' '' ' " " '! ! - 1 -1 ; - - 4- j. v 4 Jzk: ljZ ZA -SZ:' U ;Z,Z.Z:: Mib prvr

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