MAMI ON A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF Mc DO WELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 VOL. XXVI-i:0. . 18" ' f3": t I t it T Z r I ' 'ft : . v 0 HIGH SCHOOL ed condition which we will have till the new building is ready for use, we ask that you be patient as well as rnNTR Al T I FT sympathetic, for we expect to do the v 1 1 I I InU I L. L.I very best possible to serve both the patrons and children in an efficient way. From the list above you will see that there are seven teachers who live out of town. Here is an oppor tunity for your homes to be of home service. If you will let me know that you will care for one or any or all call me either at my home or at school. ' T. A. Holton. -Work on New Building Will Begin at Once Faculty for the Year Secured. contract for the new High items of interest from over Mcdowell county Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings Through out the County Items About Home People NEWS ITEMS FROM OVER THE STATE Wadesboro. Charles A. Bland, of this city, has just received notice of his appointment as postmaster at Wadesboro. There was quite a con test for the office. I MORE HiGHW, CONTRACTS Road Projects to Cost 500,000 Are Subj Contracts Let Tuesi DYSARTSVILLE School building was let Saturday by the Marion Graded School Board to McDevitt-Fleming Company of Chat- PREMIUM LISTS ISSUED tanooga, ienn. the building is to be up-to-date and conform to the modern methods now in use for con ducting an efficient school. There are to be ten class and recitation rooms, a study hall, laboratories for the sciences, library, locker rooms, superintendent's office, recreation rooms, fire proof stair towers, etc. The building is so planned that ad ditional rooms may be built from time to time as necessity may de mand. FOR FAIR NEXT OCTOBER The premium lists for the Mc Dowell County Fair to be held Oc tober 10, 11, 12 and 13, are being distributed this week. The booklet is attractive in form, and is evidence school Monday, that the fair this fall will be a credit jrg jra b to McDowell County. Besides the Old Fort, July 26. Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Griffin motored to Asheville Wednesday. Mrs. P. ' L. Payne of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hyams. Miss Nannie Nichols left for Sugar Hill where she Dysartsville, Julv 25. Mr?. Corin- of in able information given. A number of Marion's progressive business houses have advertising snacp in the The contractors will begin at booklet that add to its attractive- once on the construction of this neC!S building, and we hope to be in it as he managers of the fair plan to soon as possible fill every day's program with fun The faculty for the Marion Grade and pleasure and without doubt more and High Schools has finally been people will be brought together on secured. It will be noted with re- the fair dates than were ever as gret that some of the teachers of last sembled in McDowell County, year are not included in this list; Farmers and exhibitors should be some will teach at their respective gn now to get their exhibits in line homes, others have been promoted to as the cash prizes are very attractive, teach in larger school systems. We then, too, it is our own McDowell have tried to secure the very best County fair. We should all resolve teachers possible for the money, and to make it better than any ever held we have been exceedingly fortunate in this section of the state. The tentative program published in the premium list gives a side light view of what may be expected. Oc tober 10 is Farmers' Day, October 11, Soldiers' Day, October 12 Holiday 13 in this. The new teachers come to tis with the very best of recommenda tions and indorsements for scholar ship, efficiency and character. Primary Department. Mrs Mncron-p R Withprcnnnn "R and Everybody's Day, October ' ' w-- V A y Fir?t Grade. Mrs. Witherspoon needs Marshal's Day. no introduction as she has previously Fuller announcement will be made taught in this school a number of lrom time to time 01 more a l ; f n years. We are indeed glad to have -l11 iU1 her with us again. Mrs. C. S. Briggs, A First Grade. BIDDIX CANDY COMPANY Miss Ellen J. Crawford, B Second WILL MOVE TO BILTMORE Grade. The Biddix Candy Company, of Miss. Nell Blanton, A Second Marion, is establishing a branch Grade. Since leaving us Miss Blan ton has had two verv OLD FORT Fort, July 26. Mrs na Knox and daughter, Sarah, Statesville, are visitors here. Frank Daves attended court Marion last week. Cronje Laughridge of Marion was Sunday here Saturday night and Sunday, opened Frank All en and familv of Hirk- ory were visitors here Sunday. Clarke of Asheville fhoviio inoc u,,r,ta,. r, r,J scent the week-end with her brother. t ; m;.. i : 111 iicn i l io v.uiiaiuci" Burgin Mrs. H. C. Marley and daughter. Margaret, of China Grove, are visit ing his daughter, Mrs. I. L. Caplan. Mrs. W. M. Tisdale and Miss Mae Jordan opened school at Siloam Mon day. Charlie Crause of Marion spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. W. L. Grant. R. L. Snyder of Bryson City visit ed relatives here during the week. Mrs. E. J. Evans of Asheville spent .Monday with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Sandlin. Grace Arney spent Tuesday in Asheville. Hellen Watkins and two brothers, Robert and Roscoe. of Raleigh, are visiting Mrs. J. C. Sandlin. Mrs. Horace Early, who has been very ill, is improving. J. H. Young passed away last and Mrs. Carson Jarrett vt Wednesday. July 19. His death was a shock to the town, although he had been very low for several months. He will be greatly missed. He is amuse- survived by a wife and two small children; his mother, Mrs. James Young, of this place: one brother and two sisters, Ghartie Young Connelly Springs, Mrs. Geo. Hyams of this place and Mrs. John White of The wheat threshers entered this Asheville. section Monday. Salisbury Eastern Rowan is be ing invaded by the worm that has been destroying the oak trees In the counties east of here. Reports from ; 1 the Bringle Ferry section are that Raleigh, July 25. The Sti trees there are being ruined by the way Commission broke all r: many worms that are attacking them, records with the award today So far vegetation has not been bother- tracts for the construction" x ed by the worms. miles of hard surfaced ud 7: of gravel roads at a cost of thr: Bethel At an enthusiastic meeting one-half million dollars. of growers and stockholders of the Today's awards brings .the Bethel Sweet Potato Growers assocla- mileage placed under contract uuu uere- ians were Periectea ror me iast tweive months to 1.600. the 1922 goal of 1,000 miles . organization of the Bethel Sweet Po tato Storage House association. ness Saturday. Joe Laughridge spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near Rutherfordton. Miss Jetty Hutchins of Union Mills is visiting here this week. Alfred and Mark Laughridge were in Marion Thursday. George Satterwhite and son of Bridgewater were here last week. Miss Blanche Patterson of Ashe ville is visiting here. Will Laughridge spent last week with relatives in Marion. Bud Walker and two children of just one hundred miles Greensboro. News has hP,n rP.Piv. five more months to go. . The r u. - ed here of the death in a hospital at 1 ne exaCl IJre5 Pce v Baltimore of R. M. Middleton. who was rerate today's authorirst! cashier of the Farmers and Mechanics S3, 431, 745. 95 which Is iaid bank here. His death was due to can- one of the largest single svr. cr of the stomach. highways construction contrr . to be made in this cocnt hundred and sixty-seven new manufacturing e here is the Allen Roller dollar? of this sum go fcT ; 1: ich have just been completed struction Abridges. " . bridge; Fourteen counties are-inv " the hard-surfaced projects, i , get soil roads while Union, C will get a new bridge. t Gilkey were visitors here la: .Miss Hattie Mar. gum of spent the week-end with he here. Mr w e e k . Marion parents Wadesboro. A enterprise Mills, wh near the Seaboard station. Experts from Tennessee have been here in stalling the machinery. The mill will be of great benefit to Anson county and this section of the state. Fayetteville Fire of undetermined origin prat tica'.ly dosetroyed the stock and fixtures of the Auto Supply com pany and the fruit store of Vann H. Johnson, gutted the building housing the two businesses, and slightly dam- miles around no more SUltiLIe aged tne plant of the Modern French could have been selected for th ST. PAUL'S MISSION HOLDS PICNIC AT GLO ALT Contributed. "-v . Had the country been scoure i ind Mrs. Will .Jarrett a?nl Mr. e in Ma- Dry Cleaning company. w a s rion, Sunday. Curtis Hutchins of Union Mil' here Saturday. Miss Essie Laughridge is visiting relatives in Marion. The meeting at the Baptist church o. closed Friday on account of rainy weather. Asheville. George R.i'.'s Calvert, an attorney for the Western Union Telegraph company. with offices in Xew York, died here from the effects of a bullet wound, self inflicted, ao nual picnic than the Mission, rr at Glen Alpine. Held as 8 rule the 4th of July, it had beeri j; poned this year until the 20th s : not to conflict with the celcbrs.!;;: be held at Marion on that day. though two threshing parties tx: ; ANDREW WILKERSON DIES NEGRO APPROPRIATES CAR FRIDAY NEAR UNION MILLS AND HAS SMASH-UP Union Mills, Rt. 1, July 24. An- A car. the owner of which is un- business on the Hendersonville road successful near Biltmore. Connected with the years teaching in the Kinston Grade new store win be Mr- E- L- Gaston. School. We are glad to have her formerly of Marion. back. The Biddix Candy Company of Miss Mary D. Hudgins, B Third Marion has been dealing in candies drew Wilkerson died suddenly last known, was temporarily appropriated Grade. Miss Hudgins is a native of anc groceries fbr several years. Friday morning at the home of his by Jack Conley and another colored Marion, an A. B. graduate of Greens- They have leased a large building youngest son, A. J. Wilkerson. He boro College, and has attended the near Biltmore and expect to carry a ate a hearty breakfast and was sit Asheville Summer School. This will ne wholesale dry goods and no- ting on the porch when he called Mrs. be Miss Hudgifls' first year with us tions. The authorized capital stock A. J. Wilkerson to his side and told driver of the car seemed to be full of and we are delighted to have her. 1S $lo0,000, and the concern expects her he was dying. In a few minutes spirits their pleasure was of short Miss Margaret Winslow, A Third 'a large volume of business. he had gone to his reward. cording to members of his familv. For several months Mr. Calvert uad suf- "work nearby, there were at le-'t fered from depression incident to a present at the p i c n i c , all Tr it h -nefvotrs breakdown. "filled baskets, the'crmt::. which were heartily enjoyd t : r Wilmington H. J. Southwell. At- church service, which start?'! ' lantic Coast Line engineer, who was most peasant day of fun fcr shot bv hi. fc.. Dallas, assistant vara by master of the Coast Line here, died In a local hospital. Dallas is in jail charged with murder. Leroy Fonville. yardmajter. was placed under arrest on a charge of accessory before the fact in connection with the killing. as well as the young. walked five or six miles," their baskets, to be present event. ' ! : After dinner had been r; school children of the St. F.. . boy by the name of Sinclair Owens, who went out joy-riding Sunday evening. Owing to the fact that the sion recited &f d sangpres:: Kinston. Chamber of commerce of- Dussenberry's Singing - "T: ficifils here say the local fuel situation Rev. N. C. Duncan of Morr is not entirely favorable. Some deal- sjsted Rev. B. S. Lassiter v ers ana factories iace snortages damaged. Immediately after the collision a colored man and three colored women were seen to escape from the rear seat of the appropriat ed car. Thev left immediatelv and duration. Driving around town and The business at Marion will prob- Mr. Wilkerson was born October going down Main street the car driv- ably be discontinued at some time in 19, 1837. He was married to So- en by the negro ran into Dr. G. B. the future and the entire business phia Marlow in September 1859 and Justice's roadster, knocking it some conducted from the Biltmore store, to this union were born ten children, distance and damaging it to a con Mr. J. L. Biddix, of this place, is five of whom have preceeded him to siderable extent. The car driven by an experienced merchant and has the grave, namely: Mrs. Lee Hall, the colored boy was also seriously successfully conducted the wholesale Mrs. J. R. Ledbetter, Mrs. G. H. candy and grocery business here for Hemphill, Mrs. F. V. Harris and Carl some time. The people of this sec- Wilkerson. His wife died Aug. 8, tion will regret to learn that Mr. Bid- 1916. at the age of 76. dix plans to leave Marion. The best "Uncle Andy" entered the service wishes of the business men and peo- of the Confederacy March 28, 1864, their identity is a mystery. pie of the community will go with and came home on a wounded fur- Conley and Owens were immedi- Mr. Biddix in his new venture. lough July 26. 1864, returning to his ately taken into custody by Marshal command Oct. 4, 1864. He was cap- Arrowftod and were sent to Morgan- PITTS SCHOOL HOUSE BURNS, tured April 3, 1865, and put in prison ton for safe-keeping until court con Fire of an undetermined origin de- at Point Lookout, Md., April 13, venes. stroyed the Pitts school house in 1865. He was parolled June 29, Efforts are being made to locate ber of years of successful experience. North Cove township on Sunday 1865. He was converted to the faith the owner of the car. but at this H!k nnj.rmnfr nie-ht between the hours of 11 and of Christ in early manhood and has writing these efforts have Miss Joyce Decker, Latin, Etc. 12 o'clock. The building was of Miss Lottie Poole, History and wood and highly inflammable and Home Economics. made quite a blaze and considerable Mrs. Jessie R. Morgan, Commer- noise. The people living nearbv cial. were awakened from their slumbers V Grade. Grammar School Department. Miss Edith Matthews, B. Fourth Grade. Miss Matthews is from Clin ton, N. C. She is a graduate of East Carolina Training School. Miss Charleymae Hennessee, A Fourth Grade. Miss Hennessee is a graduate of East Carolina Training School. Her home is Glen Alpine. Mrs. C. H. Giles, Fifth Grade. Miss Gladys Baum, Sixth Grade. Miss Baum is from Fairfield, N. C. She is a graduate of East Carolina Training Sehool. Mrs. G. B. Finley, Seventh Grade. Mrs. Finley lives in Marion and needs introduction. She has had a num- service. and made a short J -: the afternoon inspiring those rr. to do more in creating actirL:; the farm, thereby keeping the 1 ; . home, and making the lives cf more pleasant and profitable. I Sanford John W. Gilliam was in- Isaac Avery was also there fro : ! ' stalled as postmaster of Sanford sue- ganton and he amused the rcj.r:" ceeding S. Vance Scott, who has serv- with his wit, sprinkled amcr.rr ". ed in that capacity very acceptably was lots of timeiv advice as. w C : ' Freight and passenger trains are main taining schedule time over the local branches of the Norfolk Southern and Atlantic Coast Line and the small lines out of the city. for the past eight years. Charlotte.- Two thousand forty-four pounds of wool grown in Mecklenburg county were sold to the firm of J. J. McCloskey, wool dealers of Philadel phia, during the past week at an av erage price of 351" cents a pound. Lumberton. Britain Locklear, In dian, charged with killing Carson Low- things for our fellow beingr;. Among some of the visiters ent were Miss Shepard, ilis 7 and Miss Charlotte Smith, Grace hospital of Morgan: and Mrs. Charles M. AncLr: daughter of New York -"r present. Mrs. Anderson cC:. the piano. Mn Anderson ic in a short talk the benefits ry. another Indian, entered a plea of would accrue from been since lived a life of good influence to failure. his community. j The deceased was 84 years of age ONLY A DAD. and leaves five children, namely: Only a dad with a tired face, Mrs. E. C. Harris, Mrs. John Byrd, Coming home from his daily guilty of murder in the second de gree in superior court here, and was sentenced by Judge W. M. Bond to 25 years in the state prison. race, O Miss Annie Sue Rouo-hton. French and witnessed the destruction of the Messrs. Luther, bred and Arch Wil- Bringing little of gold or fame and some science. MissRoughton is school building. kerson, also 64 grand children and To show how well he has played the sl native of Winston-Salem. She is a ' Early Monday morning a report 22 great grand children. game graduate of both Winston-Salem City was made to the county authorities, High School and Salem College. In who went to the scene of the fire at REVIVAL MEETING addition to this preparation she has once to investigate. The citizens of Wilson. To add to the gloom of already gloomy cotton planters, the dreaded boll weevil ha already made its appearance In Wilson county on the plantation of Henry E. Thompson in Stantonsburg township. But glad in his heart that his own re- joice MAKING- HEADWAY To see him come and hear his voice. taken professional work at the Uni- the community thinking the fire was The revival meeting being held by Only a dad of a brood of four, versity of North Carolina. of incendiary origin, bloodhounds Rev. Jim Green at the tent on the One of ten million or more, Miss Nell E. Smith, English. Miss were brought from Asheville in an graded school grounds is being at- Plodding along in the daily strife. Smith Is an honor graduate of Ran- effort to learn the guilty parties, tended by large crowds and much in- Bearing the whips and scorns of life dolph-Macon College. Her home is The dogs were unable to pick up any terest is being manifest. Rev. Green With never a whimper of pain or Albemarle, N. C. trail and failed to follow the burners is doing the preaching but he is as- hate Mr. S. Douglas Ervin, Mathematics of the school house. sisted in the revival by the local pas- Fer the sake of those who at home and Chemistry. Mr. Ervin is a na- School will be conducted tempor- tors. The nature of the meeting is await. tive of Landrum, S. C. He is an A. arily in the Methodist church in the that of a union service and is being Only a dad, neither rich nor proud, B. graduate of the University of community. Mr. R. E. Morris and attended by people of all denomina- Merely one of a surging crowd. South Carolina. His record shows Miss Annie Simpson, are the teachers tions. Rev. Green is a strong preach- Toiling, striving from day to day that he made a most excellent student in charge and the school will open in er and his messages are being re- Facing whatever may come his way; in his academic course and was very the church Tuesday morning, with ceived with much interest. Consid- Silent, whenever the harsh condemn, good in athletics. He will be an as- good prospects of a good term. erable favorable comment is heard And bearing it all for the love of set. in both of these fields: instructor and much good is expected to be ac- them. and coach. WEATHER REPORT. complished as a result of these meet- Only a dad, but he gives his all, T. A. Holton, Superintendent and Thos. McGuire, local government ings. To smooth the way for his children Arithmetic. weather bureau observer, reports the small, Elon College A signal honor, that of the election to the chaplaincy of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro. Has recently come to the venerable J. W. Wellons, now in campaign to 'Replenish TLe IT. This phrase Mr. Anderson rtr a slogan several years ago. I' Marvin " Powell, Romulus T71.'.: Judd Galloway added great!" t attractiveness of the occz n their entrancing music Mrs. Eva Jovner, who Is I c of the Mission, was everyr once and everything moved : which proved that intelligc c j. back of the whole affair. In COURT PROCEEDINGS. the Superior Court Isrt v home in Elon College for the past 20 years as co-pastor of the local church and active trustee of the college. his 97th year, and who has made his the following cases were &r?c?: court adjourning Friday: Crawford and Ledbetter Buffaloe arid Hewitt, judf" . , , plaintiffs for SSSO.OO. Henderson. A bond issue of $200.- ... - 000 to take care of proposed street McKinnej. vexsr paring in all parts of the city ha Adams Co., judgment lor been ordered by the city council. A fr 51000.00. bond ordinance was. drawn up and A. Blanton Grocery Corr adopted by the council, and advertise- sus Montford Drag Com;, ments placed and a little more than ment for plaintiff for $ 17 one month set aside in which bids may g q Hensley versus C. be presented to council for the bonds. iaruj, no judgment. . ; j . T. E. Poteet versus JPrc aoro.Tj.n .uu. . ton & Wood Contract! against bad teetn. typnom ana vene- . . "" With this excellent corps of teach- temperature and rainfall at Marion MY BOY has humour, pathos and Doing with courage stern and grim real disease is being waged 4n this. rLorc as ."c ers'we are planning and expecting to for the week as follows: heart interest, the elements needed The deeds that his father did for him. county by Dr. J. A. Ellington, of the e .fnoteij in TTuited states neaun s err ice, i1-'"1 iiu.icis , mt ji i r 4-. V 1 rc nave the most snccessim scnooi year Maximum, yu degrees: minimum i, for any good book, story or picture i This isheJin.e for,him Itpen i- an? TcrfuT - ,T-.c Coo- Or.. a dad, tut the best of -men., ;;v--.- , y ' r-r - ration " in this-With 1 K - crowc" - .thine - c:r .71.. k3 w. A L i. v v - with "home' Don't rr.:;3

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