1 1 V r MARION, ' KC2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 1922 ; VOL. XXVII NO. C' v. 1 0 ; . . ,..-. ''..' - ' . r ; ' .-.-'. . v. .,'.:., ..: ' , 's. ' . ' . - ." c .. ' . ' - . v. x-:-.. .,::. t - ;:,,. . V x ' XX- - , y-t : ,,. ' X.l'' '"j'-'X'X'"" ' f ' - ' -.' K i ''' - v"' T"- ; " - - ' , ' IL, mmmm M- - n . - . . ' ' ' - v,r- ; , A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF. THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL-COUNTY : V . Q r T M'DOWELL FAIR IN FULL SWING Had Successful Opening-on t. Tuesday' ; Large. ; Attend- ance and Good -Exhibits; Big Parade Yesterday. ; -. . The McDowell County lair now In progress Is proving to be a great suc cess. In fact had it come to a close at the end "of the second day it would have' been thegreatest event ever held in McDowell countyl " ' The first day, Tiiesday, brought a good crowd to 'Marian, i Tuesday night the attendance was "good. Wucdnesday brought people from every section of McDowell coanty. The day was fine and the fair ground were in good shape. The program of Wednesday began with a large parade starting at the lower end "of Main street and extending practical ly all the way to the- fair grounds. ' but. spoke interestingly for" . several minutes. The large crowd was much impressed ' with Mrs. Vanderbilt's speech." -The 'exhibits are proving- of much interest" to the throngs of people who visit the fair grounds. . All are pro ducts of McDowell county. Mr. D.- F. Giles, secretary and The many industries Jind enterprises j "ie oeacons ox the liaptist church at old Fort boys were successful: Fred were well represented in the parade, that place. For number of years Grant won the fifty yard dash. John At if o'clock Mrs. Ediih Vanderbilt, Jhe was a member- the county board I steppe won the baseball throw. Fred president of the SUte Fair Assoda-Jof education and did everything in j Grant, Charlie Canon, Franz Strick tion, spoke. to the largest crowd everts power for the elevation and up-?ian(jf John Steppe, won -the relay assembled in Marion. Mrs. Vander- building of the pub'hc school system race. treasurer, haa done a great piece ofjthe sorrowing, family have been heard work and has recived many eongratu-jin all circles, and the sympathy of Utions for theTable manner In which: many friends is extended tothe be- he has pushed the ' fair to a "great success. - V .-v The nrocram for Thursdav and I .TVday fotlowsz 1 TharJr, October 12th. -830 a. m. Gates to fair ground 9:30 a.tm. Brass band concert. 10:00 a. m. String band concert. 10:30 a. to. .Fiddlers and Banjo pickers convention open. . 11:00 a. m. Mid-way shows give morning performance. ' i . , - 12)0 noon. Everybody swing and, change. ir 2:00 p. m. All shows open for af ternoon -performance. " " 4:00 p. m.- Announcement of pri zes for fiddlers and banjo pickers. " 4:30 p. m Free attractions. . 7:00 p. m. The minuet on Jh pavillion 7:30 p.m. .Night showpen. 10:45 v m. Gates to ' the ground closed. .FHiay October 13th. 9:00 a. m. Gates to fair, ground open. - . ; 9:30 a. m. Brass band concert- . 10:00 a. m. Shows give morning performance. , 11:00 a. m. Announcement of all premiums - and awards. 2:00 pi m! Shows and concessions 4:00 p. m.- Exhibits moved. -7:30 p. m. Grand assemble. . . 8 n70 p. m. ! Marshalj give grand promenade, and crown the queens. OLORED PEOPLE END AGRICULTURAL FAIR Aaheville Citizen.: 8th. - , Eighth annual exhibition given; by the Colored People of Western North, Carolina was brought to a successful close Jast night. 'The exhibits ondis plar at Gates ' Park, were "the ; largest in the history of the association. V , ;f To the colored farmers of Ruther ford county went Jthe first prize for truck nroducta. while-Buncombe came Second and McDowell- third.jnoon at 3-0'clock by Rev. J. P. Hipps Mr. and-Mrs. H. D. Becton;of Vir-t-i-.-x-:. ;.t. -frftWi iViUnd interment made in -Oak Grove ginia are visiting relatives here- Exhibits were jon display from nine 'counties.' Lower Swannanoa "was a warded the first prize for tfte, rural school exhibits. In the fancy schools work contest, McDowell County school Old Fort: gained all honors.'' croot retain weiirhins? one . to six pounds, were shown as 1 well ;-as many stalks of fine corn. , For the best molasses, Rutherford came first .and Buncombe second. Plans are now on foot to in corpor-' .ate the fair association and ptarchaie .grounds to hold the annual event on The last. week In September of 1923 has been set aside for the next hibrtion. 1 . ' f ' ; . .' ' ', HALLOWE'EN PARTY: ' .;:-r. i '"X r XX There will be a pie "supper and The alumnf of the University-of Hallowe'en social at the Oak dale North Carolina will-hold a smoker at school house on Saturday night, Oct. fthe Marianna Hotel, tonight at. 7:00. 23. Proceeds to be used for school. All Carolina men are invited .to be 'Everyohe cordially invited. ". . "jthere. ; -'X.'X..X'"'X. : X:u " x ' x. v X- 'x .y:: X'- uX- J. L. PADGETT OF NEBO DIES; FUNERAL HERE THURSDAY . Mr. .Jos. L. Padgett, prominent cit izen of Nebo, died . Wednesday - In -fAsherille at the Mission hospital, af ter, a lingering Alness. - Notwith standing the fact that Mr. Padgett's health had been In a rather precari ous condition for gome .'.time, ; hs death taa af a hock ' to - his A many friends'and relatires throoghput Mc Dowell eonnty. '. The remains were brought to Ma rion Thursday morning and the -funeral was conducted at the Baptist church by Rev. J. M. Brown and Rev. tJ T. BAwden. Interment was made at Oak Grove cemetery. The deceased was about 62 years of age. He was born and reared in McDowell county. For a number of years he had been engaged in busi ness at Nebo, where he was held in very high esteem. . Mr: Padgett was one of the best citizens of McDowell county. His influence was always for anything that meant foirthe betterment of his community. He was acUve in hisjne Canon. In the Field Day .exer home church at Nebo, being one of SM f th mnfArpne th foiiAwino- ' . . . i L . . . - ox ine county. Me was araemoer or; the Masonic fraternity and lived up to his obligations in every resneet. Beside a host of friends Mr. Pad gett .is survived by a wife and five children, as follows: Mrs. Homer Beaman, Mrs. Ernest Beaman, Ever ett, Boanie and Joe Padgett. Many expressions of sympathy for reaved family in their great hour of affliction. NUMBER OF FIRE WARDENS IN COUNTY INCREASED With the. drought in western North leaves thua advancing the danger sea son in forest areas, the school of in struction for fire -wardens in Cald well and. -m McDowell counties was a timely one, C. H. lurrage, district fire warden of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, be lieves. . -Mr. Burrage spent a few days last week In McDowell and Caldwell coun ties getting the wardens lined up for the danger season. , Three newwardens were added in McDowell county. These were H. H.I Tate, mayor of Marion ; A. B. JBurgin j and W. J. Porter.' In McDowell! f . the state in raising forest protection funo. there are 10 warden, includ- ing the-three recently addeLxhese are Robert A. Brinkley, Dewejr G.jiand. 7th grade AUie Steppe, Brown, Charles M. Hemphill, Ransom C. Nannev. M. R. Nanney, George F. Rhom, J2 L. Waters, H. H. Tate, A. B. Burgin and W. J. Porter. C.D. ELLIOTT DIES AF TER PROTRACTED ILLNESS V; Mr, Champ D. Elliott,' a well known' citizen of this place, died at the home of his .daughter, Mrs. Mills Hendlty, in Marion last Friday, the 6th, after a protracted illness. Mr. Elliott' was 68 years of age on the date of his death. The deceased is survived by nine children:. -.Mrs. R.-L. Yount of Rocky Mount" Mrs. S. E. Cline of CUremont, Crosswell Elliott of Call- f ornia, . Harvey Elliott of Kentucky,, Mrs. Geo. Turner of Virginia?, Mrs. Mills Hendley, WU1, Ben and . Frank The . fufneral -services were con-j ducted from1 the' residence, of Mr. and Mrs.' Mills Hendley Saturday af ter- cemetery. GEO. W. HYAMS NOMINATED : - FOR COUNTY-TREASURER llie vacancy on the ' Republican ticket due to " the . resignation of Frank EUiottas candidate for coun- tjvxreasurer has heen lined, accor a ing to an announcement of W. R. Chambers, chairman of the " county Republican Executive committee, by the nominatioiof Geo. W. Hyams-of Old Forte Mr. Hyams, the new nomi- nee for bounty treasurer on the Re-4 ex-publican ticket, is well, known in.Mc- Dowell county and has a wide circle lof - friends. J v;; ' items of-interest from over Mcdowell county Brief Mentionof Some of out the County Hems About HomePeople (- OLD FORT Old Fort, Oct. 9. Quite a number of Old Fort boys attended the pider Boy's conference at Morganton. The conference lasted fromFriday until Monday. The boys enjoyed it very much and think that the conference has accomplished a great , deal of gooVl. Those attending were: Wil liam Treverton, Bernard Tate, Franz Strickland. Clifford Nesbitt. Charlie istirewalt, Fred Grant. John Steppe. Findley Fortune, Royce McDaniel, Edar Hensley, Ralph Harris, Garnet : White. Birch Allison. Garland Sienne. Bernard Steppe, Paul Hugnes, Char-, '"e, Quite a number of people from Old Fort went to Mt. Mitchell Sunday. Miss May Jordan gave an ice cream supper at Siloam Saturday night which was enjoyed by all present. The rajn prevented many from at tending. The proceeds went to the school. Mrs. Lee Jordan and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Jor dan's parents, near Greenlee. vMr. and Mrs. C. W. Graybeal, who were married recently, have taken rooms at the Houghton house Two U. S. Forestry service men, Yomell and Denman, of Asheville, were in Old Fort some-time last week. Mrs. Chas. Dunn left Sunday for a Charlie "Horton of New York will spend the winter in Old Fort.- Mr. Horton is connected with the tannery. The graded school honor roll for the month - of September ' follows: 1st B Ruby Arlington, Mary- Alli son, Royce Burgin, Pauline Gosorn, Myrtle Harvey, Agnes Noblitt, .Billy Nesbitt, J. C. -Silver, Jr.,. Garland Williams. 3rd grade Emmet ' Bur- gin, Horace Dover, Lytle Steppe Lucy Allison, John Rickman, John Robinson, Selma Finch, Daisy Gib- son, Evelyn Gilliam, Beatrice Free man, Julia Padgett, Hazel Swann. 4th grade Sallie Mae Owenby. 5th ! Mcintosh, Eunice Wilkerson, Wilbert Danner, Francis Mauney. 6th grade , Asby Robinson, Elizabeth Strick ! Blanche Lewis. 8th grade Jose j phine Luedley. 9th grade Dennis ! Haynes, Myrtle , Lytle, Rosa Turner. 110th grade Pearl Turner, Janie Par ker.. 11th grade Elizabeth 5her- rill, Estelle Lavender, Lizzie Lindley, Sallie Epley, William Treverton. NEBO Nebo, Oct. 6. The infant son of Mr; and Mrs. Pless Gray died Thurs day after several weeks of sickness. Carl Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jl P- Morrow, was killed by a train in. Virginia during the week. . .-' Mrs. H. F. Teague was called to Hickory last Friday on account of the death of her father,-J. B. Beard. Jklrs.' H. -M. Wellman and children of Weaverville are visiting the ' for mers, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson. ' Miss -Ella Wilson, of Iowa is visits ingher f ather, Tom Wilson. . Nebo, Oct. 10. -J. L.' Padgett of this place died at . the Asheville hos-' pital .last Wednesday and was buried .Thursday in Oak Grove cenetery at Marion. ' ."' A - Carl; Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. J P.s Morrow was buried at the Nebo cemetery, last, Wedn'esdayi - . Walter1 Graham had a serious v ac cident near CHnchcross v last ; week. His friends will beglad to know ihkt he -Is ; rapidly recovering from, the ;jn juries he.received: The ladies Aid Society gave 4an ice cream supper , here Saturday night, .which proved- very successful. The amount .raised; was $23.00. which- will 'go f ols the benefit of the Metho dist parsonage.- ' - : r ' .---jj-- The- people are asked to come to the church -here next Saturday morn- ing for the purposejof cleaning off J ";" J"-.' ' " :-' XX-Xr..'Xy'" y, , 1- ' . . the Happenings Through' ( the cemetery. Everybody is Jnvited to come. Dinner on the ground..- DYSARTSV1LLE Dysartsville, Oct. 10. Misses Hat tie and Maggie Taylor of NeBo spent the week-end with relatives , nere- - W. A. Carswell and son' RalpK were in Marion on business Thursday. J. C. Goforth was in Marion last Friday. 1- Mr. and Mrs. TVill Engiand of Gil key were visitors here the first of the week. Miss Frances Carswell left last Friday to attend school-Jri Glen Al pine. Misses Lona and Mamie Goforth of Clinchfield were visitors. here the last of the week. . Miss Elsie Daves is visiting rela tives in Marion this week. R. L. Cowan of Marion was here Sunday. - ; Misses Ethel and Daphne Spratt of Marion spent Saturday and Sunday with homefoiks nere. .. Mr., and Mrs. W. A Carswell were in Glen Alpine Friday. McKinley Hutch ins of Spindale was a visitor hete Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. WiU tJLandis .;and brother,. Edwia- were visitors here bunday. , , A Miss Mary Alice Laughridge of Marion spent the week-end , with friends and relatives berul, A number of people attended the birthday dinner at George Spratt's Sunday. t CURFEW Old Fort, Star Jloute Oct. 9. Mrs. R. D Parker has been right, sick for the. past week. . Bruce Brcjwn and son, - Charlie; Mr. Berry and Willie Jones, all of Spartanburg; $ C., are visitingi Jeth ro Parker who has been right sick. v ' Mr. and, Mrs. John Reel and' child- ten viaiicu icutuveir wu; yiuvfteu Creek Sunday. ' "W. W. Parker made a Husiness trip to Marion Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. vG, G. Morgan visited Grayson Pendergrass near Greenlee last Sunday. Mrs.'J. M. Gibson spent the week end in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Parker andj children of Marion were the guests of J. M. Gibson Sunday. Elisha Gibson has returned home from a 'visit in Caldwell county. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES BEGIN CANVASS - OCT. 14 A full schedule of appointments for. the democratic - candidates has been worked , out. Dr. Kirby, Demo cratic Chairman, expects to have the candidates speak in every precinct in the county. "A full "list of speaking engagements by the democratic Can didates is as follows: Broad River, Saturday; Oct. 14, 3 p. .m.iv A- ' - P Monfords .Cove, Tuesday, Oct. 1.7, 7:30 p. m. v r . "Buck! Creek, Garden City, , Wednes day, Oct. ;l8, 7:30 p. :m. Bracketts, .Vein Mountain, Thurs day, Oct .19, 7:30 p. m; , Marion Mill, Saturday, Oct. . 21, 7:30 p. m. '" o' X ' c-Cedar Cove, Ashf ord, ! Monday, Oct. 23, 7 :30 p. m. X. . ' Turkey Cove? Sevier, Tuesday; Oct. 24, 7:30 p. m V : North Xlove, Pitts, TMesday, ; Ocjt. 24. 3 n. m. r- rf?: Higgins, Wednesday, Oct25; 7:30 Crpoked Creekf. Friday, t0ctr, 27, 7:3Qpm: V i . t Clinchfield. Mill, ;! " Saturday, ? Oct-jC 28rx7;30,p.;im.- : ;-r Glenwood", Monday t Ocfei0?;30 m. '-tj-fX' hM 7:XrXr t. Old Fort "TTiesday Oc13lyri30 pv to,-- t.x2mxxxm'mmxx Nebo Wednesday, Nov. 1 7 :30 ,'p. m.;V '.-::X-i:X'XXX'XXV- Dysartsville;t ThuTsday;NpvJp2, 7:30 . V?-'$MJ-k Marion, Saturday Nov 4;7:30p: mi -: z : . ... The annual' productioh bf radium during v the last five, years has. ayer- aged ; 35 grams, " at approximately $120,000; a gram. - "V - - ; '"fX V gallert;vweaverand,cox l ' v4-T0 'SfcEAK IN MARION Hon. Solomon' Gallerti : of 'llutherT f ordtoni ' will ; open the campaign' in McDowell county; on OcJ;.r14th,' when he is scheduled to' speak at the court house at 7:30-p m.' - , , Mr. Gallert haa been - active in democratic -politics for many years. He'is an-able speaker, ; and it is , ex pected that j& large; crowd "wH hear huzTdiscuss the issues of &e' day. on. the 'above dafe..r y v', u,, ' On October i20th fHon.",25ebulon Weaver," Congressman from thisr dis trict, wUl speak? at the t Clinchfield school : auditorium.';" Congressman .Weaver promises a livelyjdiscussion bf the- issues in the pretfent campaign. The public : -r is invited' tolearlhim ion the" above date and place. , r. ; Col. Albert Cox, f Balefgh, who is well known, in ' McDpwyjl county, hav ing spoken here m previous"? cam paigns, will -address - the ( people I. of this section at Xhej court house v on Oct. 26th, at 7 :30 p. m: ' ; Coli CoCis one of theV'ablest-8pei&enfr''Korh' LCarolihap, and J it' is hoped- that V large crowd will turn out to r hear him. The Clinchfield ': Band has . been en gaged for -these appointments land will furnish music for the .occasions. STATE AGENT AFTEPAR- iJi TIES BURNING BUILDING Mr. Frank Jordan special-jagentf of the Fire Prevention and ; Insurance Department of North Carolina, . was here-last week investigating the burn? ingr f the HenipJiillbdihg!tJie land of tiie. Power Company on Lake James about two , "week ago. - f This was a valuable . building - and aome parties entering it, built a fire,vwhich caused the . destruction' of the -building. The State is following "such matters., and starting prosecution so as to prevent people, .not" only from setting fires willfully, but Sallowing fthem to be 'set carelessly..- : So'many ftratt ovd Haiti re c&ciT ortrl vq mo nlA TVtL I i perty ye-eaanesa ? hwilA'n Tm ffr It,ifrrn.lw ve been , "made against it and the State is sendine out officers to -"en force these lawsl r-j Mr.; Jordan has learned who -the - parties are who' seti fire to - the building; named and : pre parations are being made to prose cute them. " ASSOCIATED CHARITIES . . - SOLICIT NEW MEMBERS The Associated Charities has1 not made an appeal to the people of Ma rion for sometime past, but now there is need- of a renewing memberships! A good many have kept theirvdues pawl and every one is sked to .be-J and for convenience, will be . collected each month.-- There are calls at this time and as the winter: advancer- the urgent needs cannot be taken jcare' of without funds. Supplies have been furnished many sick . and needy -families.' aA . blanket has been ' requested for' a. sick woman Any one who can supply this,, need will please , let it be known at once. XX ; Solicitations will be niade for mem bershipby the following 'i'Mrs; JH. Tate. Johnston street : Mrs. " E.': H. Dysart; North Main street iMrs. j Joseph Reid, SouthMain: street; Mrs. J.E. Neali West Main street ; Mrs W. A. Conley, South Garden; streeij Miss Lucy Davis, North7 i: Garden"5 'street"; Mrs. CtSxxll Mrs, 12 J; P: Cutlar, .igani street; Mrs. Clifton ;McCall, Henderson street; Miss Nell Shepardson, Morgan street; Mrs.R. H ; Bomar " ;Sweeney Hill ; Mrs.;RSr Clay, tParkpHll WILL LET? CONTRACTS X pllIRiSCHO v ;TneJt;buntyf?Bid will be-in special session MbndayjTfor. the; purpose of receiving bids for the cplcpplilschpol 'SuildingX in Easrjbto:Schb building' isoi striitaiy tnbdf rn and ivhSppfefwl conBjll huniber jbf johtractbrs jiavesecwed - plans and; are figuring theconstructon of this . building. it is expected , that a .number of bids will fcef iled. v '.XS FEDERATED CLUBS TO ip . XX J -;' "CONVENE AT LENOIR Hickory, Oct. -4i--Mrs.: A. ; L.' Coble d Statesville, .president fof . the "elev enth district of federated clubs, has announced the annual "meeting bf the district at . Lenoir for 4Tuesday; . Octo ber l7.-The -Lenoir Betterment as sbciatidii will be hostess to the women fof . the' district, comprising i clubs at Lenoir fiickory,; StatesvUle,Newtori AlberlelnsonvaiepMor Marion! Salisbury,""and' J,orest City. r SEEK; LOCATION FOR ELKS CAi.i Locationjo Lstaonsn i.amH :iirg Grounds Near, Marion Is Being Given Favorable .Consideration. ; v T ' . . r- i i i i ." . ; m (By Hubert Holloway) Marion. VThe Home of Opportuni- r 1 ties,i situated at the entrance to ter ritory" cited by . world-travelers among the -most beautiful in Ameri ca located two railroads with val uable ; manufacturing plants at every hand, and backed by progressive citi- zenship, , may spring . into national 1 prominence ! through proposals of the f Benevolent fand i ltective Order of ElksC establish a camping-ground for members, ;and the tentative selec-tion-of property on the C. C.& O. railroad "within .striking distance of the city.-.y c : :. -; - , The . PeboJ Canip Company;' com posed of members of , the B.- P. O. E., n6wlnpr6cessrpf rmation,; -has ; been Coffered anyptioir and is making plans to 'sepure 'valuable property in thJihearfel thelBhie" Rdge ;Mdun-": tains 'for the purpose of establishing the camp grounds where members of thejorerrimay ' spend Jeir. vacations at; a moderate cost. The move , ? is started by Northern members - f amil- r iar;witH:,ilus;seco't ' The uresent idea is to secure a lo- fcion Inttenibuntains, pref eraLly in Western NortH : Carolina, ' where the. altitude' is from "two to ; " three; thousands f eet, on -the; railroad so as to make tt accessible .to all and on qt convenient to a, good , fishnig stream and there build7cluh houses, , swim ming pool and other attractions . tliat ' would add, to tHe; pleasure of the ta -. - '-v E11 Qjpv&out the country, aa :xn- dividuals aiid '&ftp"hv lodges and'' would.- bring! .thousands of' members to'Western North Carolina each Sum- me y.y J-i- v. The location which is now being given - favorable consideration is on the Carolina, ; Clinchfield and Ohio and Southern-Railroads in the vicini ty of Marion and covering : a .-large area iris the heart :. bf this rugged and picturesque "country, f which" , has been hailed bjX proniinent ticjrists as among v the most beautif ul in Ameri- " T '''.",-?' - .,'',-' j- '-'j,''.",' Cllrti a t i ! .l'- a"""' th-' i.'"v'-- - -' ,V'. ; Located between Marion and John .. son? City. Tenn., - the tract would be'. serve1 by;:the Southern .Railway at both Marion, and ' Johnson' City and the . C. 0. & O.. for. intermediate ter- ntory;-;; .; : o?C' ,r"-. X": - ' ';- ' ; .v Altapas,' Spruce , . Pine, Green -, : ' Mojuntainfrwin vflUnaka . Springs ' and Toecane are in close ' proximity to. the ' location and - woiild ? give the ; Elks one of the most attractive camp- ing -grounds1 iii' America. ' " Shares in 'the enterprises are be- ' ing offered to Elks at Jf25 per share . andit!is planned 1 to ; sell at least 2-..-boOshares before the canip option 4 ' would be taken up and the movement ' to buildpjbe ;caniping grounda stad:iySXsXX -r ' ; : Several Elks who - have expressed .; interest in,"the. proiect i have , , stated'5 that possibly, members of he lodges in various cities would erect huts and camp houses, to be used by -rnembers" -. from these cities. .- ! r ; INCREASE1N ENROLLRIENT. Approximately 60,000 more child ren attended ; the,' public ' schools - of North Carolina - during X the - term 1921-22 than during 1920-21: That istarsaat 'aughvestimate some- -thing, like 443,000 children Jbretween tbeagesjdf .andW were in public schoplsin -this : JState. last rj year ."as ' against 383,000 between the ages of" 8ahd ; 14 .enrolled the year; preceding. Tlese figures arebased upon ' those frpni; 6 5; counties reporting? to the State j Superintendent of Public ln strubn4'.togese, 65? counties-"' tte?ehas;been an Increase of-40,C0Ch chilb!nrolled aince the'"extenslbn. of he age lindt of the'pe'riod of cohi pulsory, school 'attendance from 8 b 7jeaXXXXXk--y- rj -. - Xo ho paerXrrics to you -an -old frielid ; andj neighbor, tcllir youjall the home news while th 3 lzr city ;paper "eirters; your : hoins -3-" stranger. , Send in your utcciPtio to The Progress and keep pected c ioc.i axiairs. t wThe Progressive Fsrr;cr cni Tha" Progress i both one jcr Z2SZ -' y .'v ' 'I ...

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