0 . . . . . . r , - ' . - . ... . . , . - . -. - -i : i - 2x ' oA WEEKLY, NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO, THE BEST INTCREST OF"TH 'PEbPLEL OF McDOWELL COUNTY. 1 ESTABLISHED 1 89S. MARION, : N. M'.v. -.V C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 vol. xxvii ::c. -c a: r; r7 -A';"v-" in "-"7--' 'J ' ' ' - ' . 1 ,. 1 . ' ' " ' ' 1 t . I,.'".."' . ' c r v J 4 4i t1. late state ;news':items - t Ue'msCo'nceriiing Eventsot s Interest and i Ini portanca icoughout.the State.; ; aKlnston.-Pihckney"Arthur aged 69. ?ied a sbort time -after being rati down; ; amotor truck " driven . by 8 Frank JPhillips,. uegroCtc .Witnesses ;r say tbe ."fatal accident v was'not the result of ;edin;.:::.Cvti::r . ' O rX Imberton.--i-Tliere . were - ginned in ' Robeson county from the crop of 1922 prior to December 1: a total of 44,295 laies of cotton, as 'compared "with - 595 bales from the crop of 1921 at tho-p :Eame:date. ;vv. jr - t-i rX ; StatesYille. According to the cen eus report, 13125 bales of cotton were . ' ginned -'in-' Iredell , . county - from th v crop-Qf .1922: prior;, to December i l, -4922,' as compared with . 8,642 .bales ginned to . December 1; 1921. . -.Raleigh- A total of 479 persons were , .placed :.in connection' with 'positions liy-the stdte and United States depart jnent of emplpyment according to the : ;weekly. report of CommissionerM. I. ; rShipman. : 1 - ' V - Lnmberton.Mr. and - Mrs. Gaston . -'.Britt, of route 4, 'Lumberton, were buiried in the same grave, both gating died of pneumonia following infiuen " lia.'- There wasonly.two hours - dif- r ference'in the tine pt;their deaths. ToasUe.Wiliiam .- Skeen, ,22 Jyeara "old, son o John S. Skeen, 1 Thile sawing wood with his brother on ti5.-vPliilo- Mava ,nlft-; sonth nf town had X:: this left-hand sawed through, severing v isome of his" fingers and cutting across l uia itugcia auu ;uvkiug auw; ck :of his left, hand.' to the ;V A . C r '-theback :' ;" rist. . Sails buryr- Prohibition officers in INorth Carolina captured a total of 89 v: lUicit liquor distilleries, 84,029 gallons of intoxicating liquors, seized 22 auto- rmoblles and effected 44 arrests dur- ig the - month of November, accord V- : w i Wi trw Tvn iMtinA ? : . . IDir Atnr R. ' A : - TCohlossl Salisbury. A committee has been - rajpoInted by-tbej St. John's Lutheran : church . her to rf OTmtuate ; plans.i-ior . -the building of a new church on. West Innes street site,'- recently purchased : : a ro?l oum vlT party, the members of theBook Club . . .-are now -being completed. The-Luth- , . j , ur j ari, congregation here Is said to bd mvited guest on Wednesd of --the largest In the state. " je past week with Mrs. A. C. McCali, Winston-Salem-P: c. Beck, arrest- one of Asheville's .most recent brides iiiereAwas tAlcB:: to Hlrfi : Point, .. whre a warrant" had C " been issued attractively ' arranged with ferns and v -charging .him with speeding., and as- j blooming plants, the lower floor be . ' rtaxdtv, with: a; deadly" weapon with in- ing thrown- together. Covers were V V -tent to kllL Beck it is asserted, drove iaid f0rsixteen, white and green be-v-overtheT office who fired at theicar ing combined color scheme. eaiWrnBTOSj 'throwntq lhe ground - Winston-Salem. A burglar or burg- lars entered the home of Dr. O. P. 51rhnh . here sompr time " after .1 mid-1 nigt ;'and carried away jewelry valued rat approximateJx. ?i,&vo, together witn Mahout 65 .in. cash. 'Entrance was - gained by raising the kitchen window . -About - the. same .time ; someone raised uuut-uit :uiuo -uoo -a. window in tne nome or u. vv, Aictjor - Tde; on-Clover, street, and stole a mU amount of money and other ar - Vticles. " : - . - . ' Rutherfordton. N, Bonle McBrayer, .one i of the: county's best known and wealthiest-citiasens.. who lives vo" i w ill Tnilea southeast " of here, age aboutrempower the commission to compel . r ": 50 year, , surprised his many friends the construction of underpasses 6r t'- and relatives ,by going-to Spartanburgeverpases " at dangerous, highway . : and marryhiS Miss Mary Davis, theCrossines "and force the railroads to -- -charming and Industrious daughter, of ' " Tr McBrayer . I?T the father; of 12 children, ; ,-nedead and "11 living .f;Hrr'- w j ' tlon to open The Oetlnger Wholesale composed: of. Chairman Frank Fage, Jury Goods Company; early in 1923. A Gov. Rufe A., Doughton -W. A. Mc v v vVlo'ngl5.ase has Been" Uiken xm.quarters Girt, JElwood Cox and W. C. Wil-"Cpl- the fnew' Dally :,buildlng located on kinson. . Presentation of the program -JSontKSpg.;atreet.5'- ?V' '-. '', ' to the' general assenibly has beenleft I- MeJbane.At a meeting of the stock- by the 'committee' to Chairman "Page; ? J-' ioIdersVbf-the FoUr elation the. following were seiectea as 'i2''K-. B-tH. Tyson, m!& ; ix miles front Edenton, two teachers, jassembl td provide ; asinkmg fund rfi. t. nn. - Ayrr.Toin - ftnii' to meet state bonds as they come due. " Miss Nina Easoh ' of . Gates countylt . was xpiamea mat a majoniy oi i twere badly; burned as; a result of an commissioners . favor. theprincpal of ?xplds!on of an acetylene lamp.. S r 'khe sinking fund,: but look upon it as . Lillington. Deputy t Sheriff , J. R - Mitchell is ,in a uaieign nospitai wiw ----L'r-r " ;: lipori-the'alleged'site-'bfastmiabout . two miles northeast pf BuieTs Creekvi; produce, chicken ; and egg business by purchased frT 1918,; are .advised that ; the Farmers' Federation, Inc.. In'Ashe- theyj are . due and payable.; ; at i their ' villa as central headquarters' for di3faCfi-yalue of $5. each bn Januarylj ribuilon of farm products in this ec-. i237vfCf . lion, is to commence January ,1st. J . - Advance ; presentation jfor immed . ; Lmberton---Andrew Chavis, Indian, te8ichang f or Treasury' Sayings -Giea : in asiocai hospital ot injuries F leiveu wueu a roru car wuiou ua wn driving turned over oh -near . Lumberton. Chavis . crashed in the accident. " The car was feing driTen at,fast speed when .the vri. o .nmiTi rrT.tpT nTPr ; ' SOCIAL AFFAIRS t -r :.. .j - j . . v . , . . . . .. ' " The regular meeting- 'of the; Worn- i an's . Club . was iheld j trxday , Dec. -15, at the school -auditorium with .forty four members present. .r -;, ' . k ' t - Mrs.; D. F.- Giles : presided "and the meeting was opened; by singing: ,Joy To the World,? "after r which . Mrs. Giles i read a - very, : interesting paper onVChristmas;'' t , " . - " T ; Mrs. Jl-Wi PI ess,' who attended the South. Eastern Council -df -Wbmans Clubs at PinehurstN. C4 gave an en thusiastic repoft of the meeting. -:, Miss Mary Greenlee, Chairman of Social Service, gave a short report, stating that of the fifteen Christmas Opp'otunities taken, ' that : eight of them were, taken by Woman's . Club members. '. . v -: As this was a musical meeting, Mrs. J. E. Decker had charge of the program, . assisted by iirs. PI ess. ; "Christmas ; Carol Pageant" ': First bhthe program was the Pro cessional singing "Hark h-TJie Herald Angels' Sing" and "Christmas. $ong." The members of the processional wore choir; robes, making -the service most - impressive. They were ' Mrs. Pless, 1 Mrs. 'Giles, Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. McMilHan, Mrs. Little. Mrs. Holton, Miss i Winslow, Miss Bahm and Miss Roughton. Miss Gladys Smith gave a reading 'Christmas Corals" de scribing the origin of some of our Christmas customs. Mrs. Giles sang "0,.Hqry Night," accOmpained by Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Lois Gilkey. A piano duett, "Christmas Festivals," was given by Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Eskridge. ' The trio "But Thou : Bethlehem," was much enjoyed. The progranf was concluded by the double i".""' - v quartette singing"Glory Be To God" and closing with'"Silent Night. - As this was one of the jnost enjoy able and entertaining proerams of year expressions of appreciation and pleasure were heard on all sides "A' social "half hour followed wi Mrs. R. J. Noyes, Mrs. J. W. Ou i HTiff tin MrClL Mts Geo. McGall nd Miss Maty Gordon Greenlee , as ( hostesses. ' Mrs. C. W. McCali entertaiped as euest ' of honor. The bouse wasJ S. McCali and Miss Lois j j -..aji lutey xxx. A5K ASSEMBLY FOR . IN CREASE IN ROAD BONDS Raleigh, Dec. 15. The state high way, commission will ask the general eA blr to increase the highway ; - nnrt . lnd issue from $50,000,000 vto $65,- juvwvu, I irom one to mree cenis me gauuu, place all interest money irom mgn- ; way funds to the-exclusive credit of lmiwz iriimiinninfii aw: ww w - i -r r 1 1 age aboujempower the commission to one half the cost, of construction. This legislative progr&m was a greed upon. at a meeting today of the commission's - legislative committee. ;s:nTlss flttornev: Walter XJahoon; . i. committee tooV no action on h proposer to ask the general purely 'a' legislative Jrmatter and not failing -within their realm of. recom- mendationsW; it a' ? J;WAR S AVINGS; STAMPS DJJE;? : Owners oi war Aiaayings .otamya, Certificates or for payment at -ma SSf W:madeow,at post Vis' skull wasoffices; Pbanks, and; trust; companies. t' The car was . , nrnLJiiil. - yojaee vxv night? Then see' it tonight, you,sure will be entertained. 7 ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM over Mcdowell Brief Mentiono;onVia;H?ni0 OLD FORT , ; Old Fort, N. C., Dec. 19. Mr. C. . - . A. : Snyder tspent Tuesday in Marion. George Marshall is in Virginia on & business trip. Miss Mae Alison "of Greenesboro College 4s spehding the holidayslat horned - . , ' . , Messrs Hugh and Gletus Tate, Wil liam Burgin, Clarence Mauney and Homer Walker will spend the Christ mas - holidays m Old Fort. Miss Ruth Walker of Crooked Creek spent the .week-end here. TheMusic Club gave an entertain ment Wednesday' af terndbn which was enjoyed-, very much. . Mrs. Eugene Buckely, Miss M. Hunt and Miss Anna Philips spent Saturday in Asheville. , Old ForVs third basketball team played Ne1oV Junior team on the latters court Wednesday , Decelhber IS,, score 17 to 15 in favor of Old Fort. The Old Fort- Graded and High school will close Friday, December 22, for Christmas holidays. Work will be resumed January 8, 1923. DYSARTSVILLE Dysartsville', N. C, Deer 19. Miss Mamie Cowan of Water Valley, Miss., arrived the first of the week to spend Christmas vacation -with homefolks. Miss Francis Carswell of Glen. Al pine has returned home. Will Conley, who has been rosvding ead Marion, mo: ed t. 4hi.s se.-tion last week. We are always glad to have new families v mo vt in. Miss Carrie Carswell cf Spindnle is. visiting home-folks; here. : Thomas Glass was in Brldgcwater on .business Monday - Mr. and Mrs. Cronje Laughridge of Marion were visitors here Sunday. Caleh Hail moved to Burke county-, near Morganton a few days ago. CHAPEL HILL- Chapel Hill, . Dec. 1 8.-Mrs 3. A. Swann, who' has heen seriously ill for the past week, is reported as im- proving. t Loyd, little sonof Mr. and Mrs. JohnPoteet, had the misfortune of getting 5adly but not seriously burn ed last Friday. ' ' Miss lena, Swann of Marion, is with her mother, Mrs J. A. Swann, who is ill. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Dr Holland were in Marion shopping Saturday. James Maner of Wjeaverville is visiting his sister,jMrs. A. S. Coats. T. M. Hicks 'is visiting Jiis daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Morris, at Spindale. Missx Adar.Hehley' spent the week end in Old Forfc. W. G Deviny, spent Saturday and Sunday at Spindale. SUGAR HILL SCHOOL There is a marked interest and en thusfasm in the school shown by the pupils and patrons-of the Sugar ffill school. It is reported that they are having the best school . e ver, being taught by Misses Goodloo Haney and Nannie Nichols. These teachers have, made an effort to replace the home-madedesksV by the best patent orteW ilnclement rweather - does T not discourage themKand at each monfeyr making function they v havev netted Lneat sums. As. a result of a pie sup per last week $50 was' added to their equipment fund. ' Mr.W. L. Smarr, County. Farni Demonstration Agent, was with them on this occasion; and assisted with the sale. Mr.,Smarr re Dorts 'that he : has -'had splendid re sults "from the club1 he has. organized i in , that, school and community. - :r PENSION MONEIY HERE FOR DISTRIBUTION Tbpenon money for soldiersyfif the; Civil War and .widows, of soldiers has been" received, at the . office-: -of Clerk of : CourCiX '; vL. Laughridge: Those whx are r entitled to: receive pensions may get their money by -calling at the clerk's office. . - ": i There. are 56 widbws : of Confeder ate sojdiers ; ir . McDowell county wfio receive : pensions They. get $52.56 semi-annually: Fifty-seven veterans receive. pensiohsn Of these one is in the third class reeeiving 6d4 semi-ah-nually and the 'tcmainmg; 56 . get $5250 jjemi-anhually. COUNTY: ASKS RENEWAL OF 1 3- - CENT STAMP I, Washington; Dec. I4.Postmaster General Work .has received!!, f rim members of the , American history class of the Shepherd . College State Normal School, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, a petition that the Post office Department again issue stamps of the 13-cent denomination, which was re cently abandoned. The petition declares 'thai the en tire history of the United States is boundT up in the: figure 13xand gives the. following histoical reasons tne id cent stamp should be issued. America was; "discovered on the night of thV 1 3th of the month. The republic originally consiste'd"rjf 13 colonies. J The first official flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes. . N The . American Eagle, requires J.3. letters to spell it, as does also the: mot to, "5 Muribus Urmm." - C The first word to pass Over the trans-Atlantic cable was transmitted on the 13th of the month. The, silver quarter is written all over with 13. Arnd the headof Liberty are 13 stars; the eagle bears an olive branch with IB leaves in one claw and 13 thunderbolts in the oth- er. On his breast is a shield bearing Ll3 -bears and in his beak is a, ribbon bearing th motto . with 13 letters ; each wing has 13 feathers and it takes 13 letters to spell quarter dol lar. There are 13 letters in John Paul Jones' name. ' There were 13 ships in the first American navy. Perr's victory on Lake Erie was won on the 13th o tbe xnocith. The Stars and Stripes were raised over Fort Sumter on the 13th of the month. Gen. Pershing arrived in France on June 13, 1917. The 13th amerlrant to the consti tution-freed the"4slaves; a It would not cost any morto make a 13-cent stamp, than any other one. The petition vto Postmaster . Gener al Work also suggests several designs for the stamp, all commemorating the 13 colonies. FARM CROP THIS YEAR SHOWS VALUE INCREASE Washington, Dec. 15 The nation's crops this yearre worth $75,72,!- OQA AAA V 4.Vnt -f u , A. j v-toand for it: hecomes greater. .Vfiincef of December 1, the department -offr, vw ft:ioi7 w 19ft hoot agriculture announced today in its final crop report for one; year. Their value is $l,842,9$t000 niore than, last year's cropireflecting , im prQvement in ; prices Vfor farnt prod-, ucis prevailing now as-compared" With as year ago and increased production in some crops. This year's farm pro duction is v worth about the same as that of 19i0 butVis lower than 92Q by- about $1,800,000,000, and .lower than any year .since 1915, except' Iast year. It is only a little more than half as much as the record-value year of, 1919. " " ' Record production was made this year in rye, white potatoes, sweet po tatoesand hay;" . Other bumper crdps this year were rice with the third lar gest production, tobacco with the" fourth .largest crop., in history, ;whea with the fifths-largest production and corn with its seventh largest crdpT Cotton this year .is the fourth most valuable, crop of that staple ever grown, although a small crqpan point of 'production. - , Corn, as 'usual, is the v country's most valuable cfbp, being worth this year $700,000,000 more " than last year, with a total value of $1,900,! now Ann- - 4 . ' . . - 287,000. - WEATHER KEPORT'.- (i .Thos. sMcGuire, local government reather;h)ireau observer, reports the temperature and rainfall v at Marion for .the week as fbilows;v 1 2r -'Maximum, 54v degTeesrmminium 26 degrees; rain 2.00iiiches;Csunshine percent, 21 v . 1 , S V, ; ' - 11 i ' - rjfou folks who, live in the country will want ome "special entertainment bh Christmas" Day, so ; of ten you have the bi ' dinner- bring the family; and riendinto town, and see Mary Pick ford - in.' The " Love Light ", at --Oasis Theatre. 7 c . A GEORGIA VERDICT." North, i Carolina is setting a great example to the other southern states. In: the fiscal year just closed the Old OOOjOOO have j been s spent : on roads and in' the past two -years about one hundred" million. dollars - have5- been spent for' -education and good, roads. Ia describing what this great sum for education means j .The , Asheville. Citi zen says: Vv --y t - '-: ; "Forty-two million dollars "on pub lic education in a year! Consider whathat means. It means Xan .im mensity of happiness, ' power, "and wealth for North .Carolina. . It means that boys and -girls -.Who . would V have gone into cotton mills and furniture factories with minds ftntaught to think, will -have their imaginative powersso stimulated by r schooling KNOWNORTH t CAROLINA. why-jlhat hey ' will : contributeMabor-sav ineand monev-makin eN invention to the world of machinery. It ; meaiTs that men . who would have fished the mountain streams frill harness ihose waters to industrial undertakings. It means that young men and women who would have . idled - away das enipty with" ignorance will v - develop ihit genius which paints undying pictures and carves cold marble into warmth of beauty.. It means I" that mothers who woujd have ' cherished no dreamof greatness for their child ren will give them the home life that leads to. fine achievement.- It means; in' brief, that-North Carolinians from mountain top to ocean edge will he worthy of North Carolina, the state which in natural resources is the out standing leader of all America.' " , - Georgia-can- profit-by7 the pattern set by this great old -state. ' While we humaTid haw; over a small bond issuefor roads to match; the govern ment appropriation, North - Carolina is going ahead spending millions for roads. ". Schools . are being generous ly supported, and " Nofth " ' Carolina boys and girls in future years., will show inlives-f-vfine-achievementi dhat a splendid - investment' good schools have been -The Vidalia (Ga.) Advance. ... . NORTH CAROLINA IRON ORES, That thereis renewed: activity in North Carolina iron mining is indi cated in the report just published by the United ; States Geological ; SuWey and rom . which . The' .Manufacturers Record makes quotation this week. It appears from this report,; that the continuous., production of the iron ore known as brown hematite' in this State duriner the -nast. five vears has attracted attention to tur State as a. possible . source r of .an : abundant sup ply of ore of that kind when Hthe de-. the beginning of -1917 about 126,000 tons of brown hematite has been pro- aucea in tne owie,-a-iarge-gars--gr it fn Cherokee ' Countyo Most of the deposits of . hrown ore in North: Carolina are found in the yalleys that ", lie - between the 5 moun tain ranges in the western -part of the oiaie ana , on tne piearaont. piaieau, n its - central part. Some : deposits re found in the: Coastal Plains they are of little value. The 'largest deposits in the mountain district are in Cherokee, Madison and ; McDowell counties. Thos in th piedmont re gion are in Catawba,v Lincoln j ; and Gaston counties.--Charlotte 'Obser ver. :. ; -r- "U-'I'--t -tf ..!v? '- PLAY;FRIDAX.IXi V A Piay--ickmpus mas Carols .will bepresented , at. the graded school auditorium, ; Friday Night, Dec.. 2 2. The cast of characV ers 'is as follows : ' i . ""l . - - ;"-v; Scrooge (a tight-fisted ' old miser) L, J. P.' Cutler. - ; ' 'S! t Nephew . ; (Filled with Christmas spirit) Frank "Adams.;. - 1 Bob; Cratchet (Scrooge's- overwork- ed unpaid cjerk) ; Clyde Finley Hitw V?eUni. Q P" W1iH '3harity Visitor, S. E Whittenfti Ghost, (restless spiritj'of Scrooge's former" partner Miss Martha. JullicW - JSpirit of Christmas: past, " Mildred Hudgins. A v. -; " Spirit of Christmas yet-to: tome, MisMIartha Justice. i Cratchet Family---3lich in "everythr ing except worldly-goods.; s A" visitor;, o; Santa Clause ,Wofk shor." ' Santa Clause J. -W. ..Winbprne. . :' : Dance of - the ..Christmas - Fairy, Mary BettyGwin ," ' t ' . p. ' y Admissionr20 'arid35 cents, r. . 'Buy" Red Cross :Christmasi Seals. The sale close's with this week. fWWWWWVWWW' -' TTIX mm aota Cm atay : Tm ww m ria b xr, - ." -''.Ami ti twcjwr kami wm tLs-.:Zi ; ntiKtOitntMnijir- f - Bat I vs Jr giri litem, itrt : - -r- - Ami f wtrt tSj W r ; ' v ------ - " -, TS mm, Am wy ymu tall wmf . 2 Wmtmmwf Ion wnimi mam mttpttasJ Wlkca aw W vaa a ucnJ tlla( . . L LeUfca sarartWaia ran W, ov ;' ' vw Ba jataaita toai,;-7-v - i Wem I was m aev ta carcawa , 5 ' '.Ami fwm wara am jreat to atel . Haia br & Brand mU6tt - . - AatkaaktamfciilaaManriia r . y 5wyt fca taeMaieafa Cttjay. Ami cluUna, jaat a u4 1! Far &a lava afaw age urickcr, ' -iU yat I wmmUM ta jay . : Of taa lara taat yat aaly a tprft, 4eu, - -. Far kar ariace, wKa was aaly a7 . Henry Edvtrrd Werner, m the Rickmer Times-DSpatck. - -" , " .: , .. : - Sjiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiu:::::: Christmas Room 9MARTHAtBrlOitAS sit 1 iuii 111 iiHiii liiiin in 1 1111111111! 1 1 1 : n : , 1922, Westera-Newapiper Xjuoh-) FTS HERE is always a place, to wt ' : one may flee in time pf need. , TI place is the Inside of our- own hec Provided, of course, that the inside our own heads; isproperly furnis! with imagination and thatcthe key noCrusted in ''i that lock f rom loiig C. useA&iiyulare a? little lonely : Christmas i: eve; or. a f little unhap; or-a little anything that tends to t: nlsh the glow dfcrthe.) seasdn,xwhy n clTmb up iLtcvthait place; .insldeyc;: head, rattlethe lock,: be ulte fin . with th ;key nomatterhow stublKir: it JsV: then - enter ilnto , what , Joy y c may summon ''- by . you Thoughts ? . '" Glad wishes; for friends' are the gTnVwreathkSwfiJmayfhang In it windows of "durCnristrfiasJroom. " ' ' Hopes pr-another yearare the can dles we light on, the tables i ! vNew. plans are rthe fruit" to deck tlu boards and eiliKely-therfr'Will be r. guest or feo to share them. . Thihk of; the Fire of t Purpose ycu jnay ligation your hearth ! Thlnk.'of the glow; and warmth It wil cast ovef you 1 ? '1 . " . . xThink of the castles and dreams yc: fiftWdtsd &xmt Jof 4 your J heart ; becsus 2 you. were too busj the -fine, adven turous ones ; thef unny ohes you have laughed over air td yourself the Eiy ones .you would o reveal to a soul at. any price. C Call them all back ac.i see, what a splendid set t inspirations -they are; . Youll feel like a new person. on the lYee ; of . Faith for yourself ; . something yonve wanted all your life. If you cant have.itithis year, waitin: will make it' more precious ; and if yc; can '(oh, think; of that!) you'll be aTI .theVbetter prepared. ' ' ' ; Do spend a little time in your Chrirt- mas room ! -.r:. - - 1 ... , HOE-OFFERE v '0).ov err: ;W4nston-Saiem, Dec. 15.--The Izz . day's session of the Baptist state ccr- vention was featured by a very srr.r ' 1 attendance, ; many members - hnvi: ; started for home. ?A proposition f rc i 4 $50,00ftf or. a home -for ? mothe r! 1 : cnuuren was receivea ana reierra ti t- spTOialmmttelthinsthictior 1 to reportat SpNeakingor ;theijninisters' reli: 2 and anhuityjf uhdRew J.3N. Arnel reported that -7 Individuals were tc - ceivihgidir::r '-.'7""- 1 Rev. Lingston Johnson, editor the Biblical tRecordert urged 2 larjr interest artiheT paper and gave' not: thai hereafterr the Recorder wc not publishnjn f discussions --wL ' wouldinjhis" judgment injure t causejfof Christ jpr the; work of 1 rConvehtion. ABOUT 182,000 MOTOR - " VEHICLES REGIoT. TOjKaprdxIniatelyx 182,CC0-' torj-vehicles how. registered, Carolina's revenue from th:- amounts $2,826,075.20 i f , fiscal iyear t period July 1 to 1 anrhnfeevOf52&f7O0.1S o entire amount for 1C21, ' r ; : to ah announcement by the z of Jstaf''v-,; v The. gasoline tax from Dec. ? ladded to the revc n: motor : vehicles brings th 2 tc t I tions to . about 3,C Ca.CC 3 , dilates, according to Jc -:: motor, supervisor of tlis C who prepared the stater-:t suumixxea .to tne frer - ; thathe income frcn will 'show -a record i.. fiscal year.

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