MARION PROGRESS, UACIOI N. a, THURSDAY; DEC: 211922 liiiiiiii : : : : :n :i ;i 1 11 1 1 : n : : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 in i: : :i ni hi 11 1 n i n n iimii n i n n nun n i iihiiiiiiim NEWS ITEMS FROM : ' OVER THE STATE n ' .1 4 tlifi H If you couldn'.t shop early,; do. it now, better' s Hi Jate.than .never.- VOurs ' b efoTe.HvO 11 r I i n ft' is" in n i items. -'Pricesr arp. a lnu'flVth? lmi;a : titiifii s V corisideredevHI be f through: both: stores, - Don't wait until Saturday, come early this week. m ne bcnsiblc and f CHRISTMAS GIFT Wc how have a most pleasing display of high 5. S grade and dependable Furniture. The kind that EEs Hi you will be prqudjto select si gifts. Below we give jiist a .Cedar Chests Serving trays Pictures Library' Tables -Parlor Tables '.Ladies Desks 'Floor: Lamps . Table, Lamps t, , . Living, Room Suites Bed Room Suites . ; "Before you 'decide' on siniiniiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IT 'T'.mm'.T'mmt 'j:?. 5 .4 1 .'just'fcome into our store and see what suitable, sen-" sible- presents we have yor young and old. .Your Christmals money will go a long way too, in our. Hard ware Store ' , ' Cairo una R. K. SHOTWEOy Opposite Court House ADMIfflSTRATOirS NOTICED AiaistraiorTs notice is -"hereby' -! .-r i tha.t 'th e tind eraigned Vis p. i ; -mt -h-ajj Qtiliiiel as AdminiatrmtoT r ! TV.orr ts I. Grnt, deceased,- lt :Do"jcIl Coanty, North . nannj axd that all persons -j a-ains"t tie estate of .hereby "SSJ cr before November 22.. 1923, for ? rtice will ba plead in bar -'f All rensos indebted. to the A cf the raid 'lftorsas urant, 'answer or demur to th rested to rake an.iminediatejgejjaid aSSine01 f - GT.Airr, Administrator ' A'., -, L. Grant, Deceased. L. Lu;:3f or J, Attorney.- - -r pears are grown in France W United States than inny :r country. - 1U U- U;1U)U':b 1 ". ' 'iCOTTDSlS 1 is the'; most complete riorl fv;m a n 1 1 a n I UV.S'I rpIeasedMo show you -ei Most Pleasing as befitting Christmas 5 few suggestions: E5 Dining Room Suites Ehsy Chairs Rockers Sewing Stands Clocks Candle Sticks Rugs ; Table Runners ' Dinner Sets Kitchen Cabinets sw n your Christmas presents Marion, C " r ' ' NOTICE I i North Carolina; McDowell County:'; , - ' y .t ln the Saperior. Court NanEvat tatfoii Will Pattdrul-Y u nlUt Bcti entitled as above h bArT Ar,o- otiicbwM Soil6 10 PPear on or before the UW I ?e Pintiff 11 aj- This the 4th day of Dec, ,1922.-' ' J. U LAUGHRIDGE, - ' - Clerk Saperior Court. Subscribe for the Marion Progr ess I) El if I Hardware 9 s stockings ;:):'- ' hatof th empty, raggedy tockings - " Tht wilt hang by th chimney on Christmu era, With tbur muu appeals from th poor little owner - ' i Jo th dear old Santa in whom they baliere?., ' For tKeir ihare of his present they ask suck littl, . ? "Just a doll to-hoid in my arm while X sleep, : , A little tin euro that tuna when you wind it, ; . A sounding red drum or a woolly whit sheep., , , only light in their dun, dark eadstenc , . , : Is that wonderful day when old Sent will com ''' ; With hi treasure filled pack that he brings on his bad Fromhitaiiyland,nowyland,toyland home, : Wrmoeatrtify deanu wiUcomtothemIer ' Under th coverlet shabby and worn J But what of the empty, raggedy nocking '.. v That will hang by th chunney on Christmas mornr fJJULS. H. pi SEARCY, in the Gbkgo Tribuwt I IN M V V'M MM.iN iiieeei'a''ii" Day' j 'ee'e1' jjHRE Is an Innate-perception Ali among men ' and ywomen that Christmfts day ought to be the happiest in the year. It is doubtful If they ever attempt to analyze their. own half-formed ideas on the sublect, felij: saTOttriS solicitous for the well-being Of their fellow, men to see that 'this is the case. Look, for instance, at Washington Ir ving telling In "Bracebridge Hall," the story of a. good old-fashioned Christmas according to the flesh, a picture that was to express, his ideal of "on earth peace1, good will toward men." Or turn to the greatest of all the chroniclers of "Christmas, Charles IMckens, the map who in his many pictures, from that of Dingley Dell to that of Scrooge's bedroom, sought to make Christmas a season of good deeds and of good cheer. "Blessings on your kind heart !' Jeffrey wrote to him, on the publication of the "Christ mas Carol." You should be happy yourself, for you may be surerou have done more good by this little publica tion, fostered more kindly feelings and prompted more positivte acts to benefi cejice than can be traced to all the pulpits and confessionals in Christen dom since Chrstmas, 1842." After .that, read the accounts; of how they - actuair kept-Christmar at Braccbridge alIl Dley Dell ? contrast it with the marvelous story, told by Luke, tthe beloved physician." of that first Christmas day in Nazaretlu Christian Science -iiohitor. FESTIVAL TIME IN HONOLULU 'Melting Pot of Pacific" Consoles Her self for Lack of Snow and Other Yuletide Fixings. ONOLULTJ oft Christmas eve con soles herself for the lack of snow and other traditional Yule-. tide fixings with what - paper calls a conglomerate festivity impossible of counterpart anywhere else in the world." With an abandonment of hilarity equaled only by the pure in congruity of the thing,, Americans, Japanese, Englishmen Filipinos; Por tuguese, Koreans, soldiers, sailors and civilian nien, women and children, took part in the pageant of the streets, throwing confetti and lighting fire 'crackers. "After all, It is the incongruity that makes the celebration of Christmas in Honolulu unique. Here in the melting pot of the Pacific, where those who melt are matched by those who resist the alchemy, all nations of the earth meet In common observance." Fol lowers of Buddha and Confucius take part in the Christian festival with est, .jusras Christians there help to cehebrat ?' -th religious holidays of others. BuVti6i$r Is a strange -Christmas.- pctr?:r' Hbrns were eyery wherey firecrackers snapped and scat tered arid. above the din at times could be' heard th' plaintive tone of HawalCs ukfelele and the steel guitar." TARRHiVL DEAFNESS is often caused by an inflamed condition of tb mucous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. When tma tube is inflamed you have ' a - rumblinc sound or tm perfect hearing. . .-.Unless the inflammation, can be reduced, ' your hearing may be de stroyed forever., .-j r - - .- w . w . . mr. I tnTTW ill! Mo what we claim for itrid your-system. of Catarrh or Deafness caused .Dy Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MF.DICINC has been successful in the trv.ient or Catarrh fdr -over Fbrty Year. f8old by all druggists. F. J; Cheney & Co.. Tolec? NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX , ELECTION IN "SANDY ' FLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT. NortW Carolina, McDowell County. - : -.r: Dysartsville Township. Notice is hereby given that there will be an election held in the Sandy Flat school district at the .public school " house on January 9th, 1923, t6 rote on the qiiestionof levying a special seheol 1 tax not to exceed 30 e oa tty& ?1 0Q raluation ? of" allprdper ty xeal and personal, ande0c on the Tliere.shair be'a new - registration of: theotera' in: S4id :district.H A". votersf who - desire to vote for said special school tax shall vote a ballot on which . shall be printed- or -written the ?ord3 : ,1' VFor Special Tax," and all voters, who- desire to vote against said special tax shall vote a",ba!16t onj which shall be written "or . printed "the Tvord3:: "Against Special Tax',-;, - Board of County Commissioners ' - '-of McDowell County. . ' By. J.!. Logan Lackey, Chairman. R Fred Barnes, Clerk to Board.' - ; : Marion Progress, $1.50 per year.-. I terns Concerning Events or; In terest;and T rri. p b rlta nee Throughout the State -n u - .t V; jV. - -.'., Payetteville. -The - fourth 7 robbery of'A.C. L. freight Tears' which .took place here whf-abox car was, broken open end l.SOOpounda of. meat' 'were stolen.haarbeen'i charged i to ' three white meni BIH Kivet,-: Harmon Kiyet and OUie 'West who !are being held . on i a -String of circumstantial evidence. " N 'Q? Winston-:Salem.---R. 0. ; Burton, one of Forsyth's highly; esteemed citizens died at his home in Bethaniar after three, weeks illness.. His ; age ; was 60 yearswvvHe 4a uryived. byl hia-'wife, two 'daughters and one son, -, beside a number of other relatives. : v : . , Qreenfeboo:-At,' the joint shwol thev North Carolina Pdultryl associa tion and the jCentral" Carolina Poul try association to be held here De cember 13-18 inclusive;' tentative plans regarding the formfal conven tion of , a co-operative marketing movement among the poultry breed ers, Will be the principal topic Xat, discussion. ' , . Kinston-Fire in a building at Blount and Heritage streets here didj damage -to the extent , of '$8,500. Firemen found the rear door of - a wrecked toy - shop "Open, whieh led to the belief that the blaze was of in fcendiary origin. The stock of a grocer next door to the burned 'build ing was damaged. Greensboro.- John JL. Mosley, of Winston-Salem and High Point, plead guilty in federal court here td" a charge of using the mails-to defraud, and was given a three year sentence I in the federal priSOn at Atlanta. Mos ley, operating through the postoffices of the two cities, secured goods from Chicago mail order houses by using aliases. Leaksville. Willie t Leonard and Clarence Roland, school children, are suffering with painful injuries here as the result of having been struck by an automobile driven by H. C. Pace, bank cashier. Lumberton Donnie Looklear, an In dian, 12 years old, is in a local hospital suffering from the effects of a gunshot wound received when a gun he was carrying on a bicycle was pajecidently discharged. The whole load entered his left thigh. Shelby. - Frank' Queen, 21-yearold son of Hub Queen, of near Casar, had his neck broken in two places and his leg broken when the car ne was driving overturned on an embankment where he met another car and ran too 1 A A 1 3 TI Jwtirt w, nOl J Close io me euge. nc woo uutiusj. cne car, ana witn nim was wruou Newton, who miraculously escaped with a slight wound in the forehead. Winstonalem. C. P. Shelton, who was operating the automobile that col lided with a street car ten days ago, was exonerated of all blame at a hear ing in municipal court. The accident resulted in the death of Charles Hanes a local barber, who was a passenger in the automobile. He was thrown out and sustained injuries from which he died next day. V kinston. Lilla Craft, aged 9, was fatally injured by the explosion of a boiler at a saw mill at Beulahville, south of here, dying ip a local hos pital. A portion of he boiler passed through two frame houses and struck the. child, frightfully' mangling her limbs. Winston-Salem The Southern Bank and Trust company, Mocks ville's sec ond" financial institution opened for business3 in the capital of Davie coun ty. A. A. Holleman is cashier. A site has been purchased and the bank will erect its own home as soon as the necessary arrangements can bemads. NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX ELECTION IN COWAN SCHOOL DISTRICT. . 1 a North Carolina, McDowell County- - Dysartsyille Township. Notice is hereby given that there will be an election held in the Cowan school (district at the , public school house, on January 9th, 1923, to vote on the question of levying a special school tax not to exceed 30c on 'the $100 valuation of all property, real and persoral, and 90c on the poll. Thero'hall be a 'new registration of the voters in said district." ' All voters who desire to vote,- for. :' said special school tax shall vote a ; ballot on which shall be printed br written the words: "For Special Tax,"; and all voters who desire; .to vote against said special tax shall, vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words: "Against Special Tax.". Board of Coiinty : Commissioners of McDowell County. By J. Logan Lackey, Chairman, R. Fred Barnes, -Clerk o Board. NOTICE OF . SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX:, x ELECTION IN' LAUREL HILL SCHOOL DISTRICT. ; : ; ) North Carolina," McDowell Coufity: . : Dysartsville Township. Notice, is hereby given that there will be an election held in the Laurel Hill achool f district : t ? ' the . public school house, :'n January 9th 1928; toN vote on the question of levying special school tax" not to exceed 3Qc on the $100 valuation of 1 all: proper ty, real and personal, and 90e on the poll.,,- . , fvv-: -J.:j: : ' There -shall be a new, registration of the voters in isaid .district. All vbters lyho desire to -vote a for said special school tax! shallvote ,a ballot on which shall be . printed or written the words: "For Special Tax' -tiH all voters who desire to vote against said special tax shall tcote a ballot on which shall be written 4 or printed the wordsri-"Against Special iTax'- . -Board of County Commissioners i ' 1 VI of : McDowell. County. : By J. Losran Lackev. rnin?-, R. Fred Barnes. Clerk to Board; -. -" V IhUt. AIM 1 in is?' l Ctfiisstbre bounds in .helpfOh suggestions for holida:g!fts:; :? ; .f . , "We invite ybu'to bring your most .perplexing gill ' prUUIOltlp IU UO IUI cWe have hindreds of gift problems proposed may Ve. have just : the;; idea,, that will nnjinr of pulse giving . Rppmis tine' make; t he ome Life a -joy and' ;cqmrpiti oyoiyiiiig L. iirig Rpbm":spItvlrr'oiTm - M, ' r w a Man-E E) Men of good standing, in .their communities, to sell marble and granite stones in JtfcDowell county and surrounding sections for one of tthe" oldest and largest monument companies ' in . the Carolinas. Write for particulars. MECKLENBURG MARBLE & GRANITE CO. P. O. Box 356 v ;:; 'A , - Snnfi, q r i tmm - 11 " " ' S -to fall back on - Tt i inS. rere Wi-somcthfair Ptsitionable . of : a ArrS ,-.i,vrxx .xresiaent SAE:ETY deposit A: 1 ti wi-v'Y- v 1 I J 111 3 -" "CkHS 1 .. MT- 0 hjm rm .. .. . - : .' t I I - Mi5:9r.o faction of sjo cnat tl : establish advance J v t T i boxes for hcnt i