MARION PROGRESS, MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1929 THE OASIS THEATRE PROCRAM Doors Open 7:15—Show Starts 7:30 THURSDAY, JAN. 24th— LOIS WILSON And J. HUNTLEY GORDON in “ SALLY’S SHOULDERS ” The story of a girl who runs an inn to keep her family together. She is also s«lf-sacrificing in being wil ling to give up the man she loves to her younger sister. Later Sallie to protect both her sister and her brother, apparently gets in wrong. However, all turns out well and Sal ly’s shoulders are relieved of part of their burden. Also—A two-reel comedy “ FANDANGO ” Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. LOCAL AND PERSONAL . j Itives in Clinton, S. C. j J. E. Wilson, of Nebo, was a visi tor here Saturday. Mrs. S. L. Klontz is a patient at the Marion Hospital. * R. P. Crisp left Saturday for New York on a business trip. Mrs. Frank Bird has entered the Marion Hospital for treatment. Work is progn'essing rapidly on the McPar Knitting Mill building. T. B. Conley and W. F. Grant were visitors in Raleigh last week. N. P. Anderson is attending the furniture show in High point this week. FRIDAY, JAN. 25th— ESTHER RALSTON in THE SAWDUST PARADISE ” A melodrama in which the star plays a different sort of role, that of a carnival girl who is reformed by a traveling evangelist, helps him make his revival popular, andvthen reforms the hdro whom she loves. Also—Pathe News reel. Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. SATURDAY, JAN. 26th— Second Chapter of “ VULTURES OF THE SEA A Five-reel Western With AL HOXIE “ RUSTLERS END ” A two-reel comedy “ RAH, RAH, RAH! ” And a one-reel comedy “COME EASY, GO SLOW’ “ COME EASY, GO SLOW Matinee at 1:15 Prices—10 and 25 cents. MONDAY & TUESDAY JAN. 28th & 29th— CLIVE BROOK With MARY BRIAN in “FORGOTTEN FACES” A dramatic story, which tels of a | man who betrayed by his wife, leaves ^ Charlotte, were Richard Blanton left this week for Fellows, Cali., where he will spend the winter. Mrs. W. H. Hawkins spent Sunday in Asheville with her sister, Mrs. W. M. Goodson. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kirkpatrick and son spent several days in Salis bury this week. C. F. James left last week for Cu ba where he will spend three weeks on a business trip. Mrs. W. O. Goode is recovering from an operation at Long’s Sanato rium in Statesville. Mrs. A. R. Conley and son were the guests of Mrs. W. F. Wood sev eral days last week. W. K. M. Gilkey, of the Novelty Hosiery Mills, made a business trip to^ New York last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Young, of Elk Park, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Noell. Mrs. Fred Bryson returned home W’^ednesday after spending several days with relatives in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, of Kinston, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Blanton a few days last week. Miss Elizabeth Ichard, of Hick ory, spent Monday here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Jr. A. Workman visit to rela Lavitt’s Department Store an nounce a January clearance sale be ginning Saturday, January 26, and continuing through February 9th. Mrs. J. W. Pless, Jr., was hostess to her bridge club last Wednesday afternoon at her home on Viewpoint Drive. The high score prize was won by Mrs. W. N. Blanton. At the conclusion of the games, delightful refreshments were served. The visit ing guests were Mrs. Guy Kirby, Jr., and Mrs. J. Ray Wilson. Mrs. E. O. Cole entertained her AT THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN’S CHURCH J. S. Lockaby, Rector. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o’clock. FIRST METHODIST, CHURCH Watson O. Goode, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. CLINCHFIELD METHODIST CHURCH J. N. Wise, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45. May we Sunday School class Tuesday even-1 have a good school Sunday morning. ing at a very delightful party. After interesting games delicious refresh ments were served. Thirty members were present and the following offic ers were elected for the coming year Miss Alice Roan Cross, president; Miss Pauline Conley, secretary; Miss Elizabeth Somers, treasurer. FUNERAL HELD SUNDAY FOR JAMES N. NORTON Mr. James N. Norton died at the hospital last Saturday morning fol lowing an attack of influenza. Mr. Norton was 74 years of age and is survived by one son, James N. Nor ton, and one daughter, Mrs. Mamie Bolton, both of Marion. He is also .survived by one half-brother, N. L. Hutchins, of Erwin, Tenn., one sis ter, Mrs. Sarah Ellis, of Charlotte, and four grand children. The funeral servinces were con ducted from the residence on State street Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock by Re\. J. S. Lockaby and interment made at Oak Grove cemetery. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. by the pastor. E. MARION METHODIST CHURCH J. N. Wise, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45. As the flu is subsiding may we find ourselves back in our place on the Sabbath. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P. D. Mancrum, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon subject, “Light on Life’s Darkest Problem.” Special music. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. The Senior B. Y. P. U. will put on a special program in place of the preaching service Sunday night. Sunday School is getting back to normal, but if you are still out come back next Sunday. MRS. TATE HOSTESS TO THE BOOK CLUB Mrs. J. H. Tate was hostess to the members and specially invited guests of the Book Club at her home on Madison street last Wednesday afternoon. This was the first meeting in the new year and there were four tables of 108 in progression. Mrs. Mrs. Tobe Brown and little son, i Tate serv^ed a two course luncheon. patients at the Marion Hospital, are j recovering from an attack of influ-1 RESOLUTIONS enza. j Resolutions of the Business Wom- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, of an’s Circle of the Woman’s Auxiliary the guests of Mr.! of the Presbyterian Church, her, taking their young daughter. Kirkpatrick over the j Inasmuch as it has pleased Al- Ye^rs later the mother tries to ruin i week-end. i mighty God to remove from our the daughter’s life by bringing up Mrs. E. C. McMillan and two chil-l”^!^^^^ death our fellow member, her past, and the father to protect' dren and Miss Annie Laura Blanton i ^^iss Margaret Castex Winslow, on his daughter is the means of his [spent the week-end with friends in'1928, we, the members -wife’s death, thus sacrificing himself Asheville. 1®^ Business Woman’s Circle, do for his daughter. sheriff O. F. Adkins returned last' following resolu- The story is splendidly acted. Thursday from Raleigh where he conveyed eight prisoners to the state prison. Clive Brook is a finished actor; Mary Brian is always pleasing;'and the part of the mother is played by a new Russian actress, OLGA BAC- LANOVA, who is also a smooth and finished player. Also—Pathe News reel. Matinee at 3:30 Prices, 10 and 25 cents. OUR REPUTATION STANDS BEHIND THESE USED BUICKS TWO of Buick’s greatest qualities are absolute depen dability—and amazing long life! That is why any used Buick, bought from a Buick dealer represents the greatest used car value that the market affords. As Buick dealers, we stand behind the used Buicks we sell. And we stake our reputation on them because we know that they will give satisfactory service. You can buy a used Buick—or any other used car— on a small down payment. We will take your present car in trade. BUICK’S DOUBLE-DROP FRAME The Buick double-drop frame makes possible a lowswung body without loss of head-room or road-clearance. And its extra-sturdy construction contributes^ greatly to the long life and dependabil ity of Buick cars. MARION BUICK CO., Logan St. Marion, N. C. When Better Automobiles Are Built . . . Buick Wilt Build Them PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES 1 J. E. Robinson, Pastor. | Divine services, Clinchfield Pres-, byterian Church, Sunday morning at j 11 o’clock, and evening at 7:30. i Preaching at Drvsilla, 2 p. m. We | shall expect you. | FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. C. Story, Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. j 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. You are cordially invited to attend these services. Tax Notice! Please take notice that all taxes on personal property including poll tax for year 1928 is past due and subjcct to levy and garnish ment I will be forced under law to make levy if not paid at once, so please make settlement and save cost. C. R. McCALL, Tax Collector. tions: 1. That we bow in submission to the will of Almighty God, assured that He doeth all things well. Miss Carrie Lowery, who has been | g. That we feel deeply the loss of a patient in the Marion Hospital for|^ faithful and capable member, the past two weeks, has been remov-|^„j remember her life of ed to her home. j faithful Christian service and her Tobe Brown returned Sunday [many deeds of kindness, from Hahira, Ga., where he was cal- j 3. That we extend to her sister MOUNT IDA LODGE K. OF P. WILL MEET THURSDAY NIGHT There will be a regular meeting of Mt. Ida Lodge No. 58, Knights of Pythias, Thursday night at 7:30 0’-! clock in K. of P. Hall. Special meet-! ing of importance. w. w. McConnell, k. r. s. Note:’-The above picture was bill- Mrs. R. F. Burton and ed for January 7th, but another pic ture was sent instead. WEDNESDAY, JAN 30th— YAKIMA CANUTT ‘THE THREE OUTCASTS” sister, Mrs. E. L. Ring. The Ladies Aid Society of the First Methodist Church will meet with Mrs. B. G. Carr Thursday af ternoon at 3:30 o’clock. La\\Tence D. Greene, who under went a serious operation at the Mis Canutt always makes a good Westjgion Hospital in Asheville on Mon- ern story, of the real Western type, i day, is reported to be getting along with riding and action. It has been nicely. quite a long time since he has been q ^ Holcomb and son Her- here so come out and see him in this, returned to their home in Elkin Miss Julia BUrton, our sincere sjrm- pathy. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased member, a copy be written in the minutes of our Circle, and a copy be sent to our local papers for publica tion. Laura Merrill, Chairman; Rena Neal, Elsie House, Committee. Also—A two-reel comedy “ HOT TIRES ” Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. Davis Bros. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 238 20 Logan Street IN CASE OF TROUBLE PHONE 363 National COMMHY BUSINESS LOCAI^ FOR SALE—Bed spring, large table and office desk. Phone 336. CORN $1.20 per bushel. McDowell, Produce Co., Marion, N. C. | FOR SALE — Large heating stove. Apply to 29 Park Avenue or phone 268-X. WANTED — Young women to take training as nurses. Marion Hos pital. FOR CASH and quick sale 100 tons prime 7 per cent cottonseed meal, $2.40 bag. McDowell Produce Co. last Saturday after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph | Parks. j Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Adams had as ^ their guests last week the latter’s brother. Rev. G. W. Hinton, of Lo-■ cust Valley, N. Y. Mr. Hinton is rec- i tor of St. Johns of Lattington. I Mr. J. G. Beaman was host at a I dinner given for the Kiwanis direc- itors last Friday night at his home, ■ Englewood. Covers were laid for I thirteen. After the dinner they ad- jjourned to the living room where a I business meeting was held. I D. C. Griffith, wanted in McDow- ! ell county on a charge of embezzle- i ment, has been arrested in Oxford, Pa., according to information re ceived here Monday. Sheriff Adkins left Monday afternoon for Oxford to accompany Griffith to Marion. A very enjoyable affair of the past week w-as a surprise birthday dinner given for Mr. A. ^M. Smith at his home on Henderson street last Thursday evening. About thirty-five relatives were present, including Mr. I and Mrs. W. Pope and two children! of Statesville. I The Woman’s Club will meet in the . Why not I Kiwanis room on Friday afternoon ZONE Hot Air ! at 3:30 o’clock. A musical program ^ ^ , 11 j • ! ! will be given. This is an important | Heating Plant installed in j i meeting and all members are home? Let me make dining f to be present. The hostesses are Mrs., Ernest House, Mrs. R. J. Noyes, and; you an estimate free OI eost ^ ^ , Mrs. J. W. Streetman, Sr. panion. You’ll find our cuisine excel-j Nuite” Bridge Club met lent, our service above reproach and Thursday evening with Miss Brow^- you’ll enjoy your meal with the same i© Giles. Miss Pauline Conley won zestful relish as if the food was high score prize. The hostess served ^ _ . a delicious salad course. Those pres- cooked in your own home. ^^^e Misses Annie Laura Blan- es, too, will be a pleasant surprise. i Rowena Neal, Frances Gilkey, Brownie Giles, Alice Roane Cross AJr Hr and Eleanor Laurence. OFFICE FOR RENT — single or connecting rooms; steam heat, janitor service, other modern con venience, Tate & Pless Bldg. See J. I IT. Tate, Room No. 5. 2t. FOR SALE—17 acres of upland and, four room house on old No. 10 Highway, two miles from Bridge water. Will sell cheap. Terms to suit. C. F. McKee, Rt. 1, Bridge water, N. C. 4t. Dr. James A. Palmer SPECIALIST Winter Is Here! piGaY wicav I O'Oer The XOorld NO DELAYS - NO HURRY Shop as You Please at Piggly Wiggly PRODUCE AND FRUITS Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Tangerines, Grape Fruit, Lettuce, Celery, Green Beans, Green Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Cabbage and Green Peas. SPECIAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY POST TOASTIES, 3 boxes for 15c PET MILK 5c & 10c ELIZABETH FLOUR, 24 lb. plain __95c SUNFLOWER Flour, 24 lb. self-rsg $1.05 MATCHES, 6 boxes for 16c SNOWDRIFT LARD, 8 lb. pail ...$1.36 JEWEL LARD, 8 lb. pail $1.13 PINK SALMON 17c in the treatment of defective | eyes and the art of fitting glasses. Office with Dr. Butt every Thursday afternoon from 2:00 until 5:00. have TORRID All Steel DINE SUMPTUOUSLY! Avoid the commonplace by here—^whether alone or with with no obligation to buy. Prices from $125.00 up. J. H. TATE, Dealer REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS agree on policy; High Protection at a Low Tariff. Many members of both parties are enthusiastic about their PENN MUTUAL pol icy. The whole family can be win ners if you will see W. s. IMauncy, Agent MARION, N. C. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Organized 1847 IN OUR MARKET Western Beef or Native Beef. SLICED BREAKFAST BACON, lb. 29c T-BONE STEAK, per pound 38c ROUND STEAK, per pound 33c PURE PORK Sausage, per lb. 26c MIXED SAUSAGE, per lb 21c PORK for ROAST, per lb. ..22c and 25c BEEF for ROAST, per lb 20c and 25c VEAL STEAK, per lb. •_ 35c LJVER, per lb. 27c WE DON’T MEET PRICES: WE MAKE THEM Read The Progress Want ads. SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK OF GOODS ] The undersigned Trustee will offer , for sale for cash, at public or private I sale, on the 26th of January, ! 1929, at 11 o’clo^ A. M., at the John W. Autry store-house on 1^. 10 Highway, near the State Garage, : one-half mile North of Marion; The Stock of Goods of John W. Autry, Bankrupt, consisting of groc eries, dry-goods, notions show cases, scales, fixtures, etc; The inventory, when completed, can be seen at the office of the un dersigned in the Lonon Building in Manon, N. C. This January 14, 1929. , J. L. C. BIRD, Trustee.