MARION progress, MARION, N. C., THtJRSDAY, JAN. 31, 1929 » M OASIS THEATRE PROGRAM Doors Open 7:15—Show Starts 7:30 THURSDAY, JAN. 31st— FLORENCE VIDOR in “THE MAGNIFICENT FLIRT” A clever and artistically produced story about an attractive and beau tiful Frenchwoman whose daughter is carefully reared and put in the way of an excellent future, while at the same time the mother looks after her own romance. Beautiful settings and beautiful gowns feature the pic ture. Also—A two-reel comedy “ HIS UNLUCKY NIGHT ” Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. FRIDAY, FEB. 1st— CLARA BOW With HARRISON FORD And NEIL HAMILTON IN HER LATEST PICTURE ‘THREE WEEK ENDS” In which this attractive and popu lar -star has a role that just fits her, that of a madcap and attractive- lit tle chorus ^rl who has her head set on marrying for riches, but who lets her heart rule when she finds her sweetheart is poor. Since they have started giving Clara the sort of role that suits her she doesn’t make a pic ture that isn’t entertaining, and you’ll find this is a typical Bow story, one that ■will afford you entertain ment and amusement. And in addi tion, two popular leading men! Also—Pathe News reel. Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. SATURDAY, FEB. Third Chapter of “ VULTURES OF THE SEA ’ A Five-reel Western “THE FIGHTING RED HEAD’ A two-reel comedy “ BLAZING AWAY ” And a one-reel comedy “JCOKO’S DOG GONE” Matinee at 1:15 Prices—10 and 25 cents. FRISBIE • BIDDIX A quiet and rather surprising wedding took pjace Sunday evening at the Central Methodist Church in Asheville, when Miss Elva Frisbie became the bride of Mr. L. Eugene Biddix of Asheville. The vows were spoken in the pres ence of a few relatives and intimate friends. Rev. H. B. Trimble perform ed the ceremony. The bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Frisbie of West Marion, She was educated at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, N. C. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Biddix of Asheville, and is connected with the Gaston-Biddix Wholesale Co., Asheville, N. C. He is a young man of ability and pos-i sesses many sterling qualities. Mr, and Mrs, Biddix have a large circle of friends who will follow them with their good wishes. They will make their home in Asheville. LOCAL AND PERSONE Arnold Morris spent several days in Charlotte this week. Mrs. C. C. Lisenbee is recovering from an attack of influenza. Jack Childs, of Shelby, spent Sun day with relatives in Marion. Mrs, W. H. Greenlee, of Greenlee, was shopping in Marion Tuesday, Grayson Neal is home from Wake Forest College on a visit to his par ents. Mr. and Mrs, H. Dills are spending a few days with relatives in Dills- boro. J, Q. Gilkey and W, W. Neal spent a few days in Raleigh last week, A cake and salad sale will be held at Streetman’s drug store Saturday at 10 a. m. Mrs. H. F. Little, Jr., of Forest City, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Q. Gilkey. — Miss Willie Stine, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W. S. Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Laughridge and Mrs. J. W, Streetman, Sr,, spent Monday in Charlotte. A. H. Giles, who has been confined home for several weeks on account of illness, is able to be out again. Rev. and Mrs, A, T, Taylor, of Waynesville, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. C, A, Workman on Monday Sheriff Adkins has returned from Oxford, Pa,, with D. C. Griffith, who is wanted here on a charge of em bezzlement. Mrs. W, F, Wood and Mr. Lee Conley left last Saturday for Ral eigh where Mrs. Wood will be the guest of Mr. Wood for several days. Mrs. H. B. Lavitt has returned from New York City where she re ports having purchased an attractive | LOST—Young Walker Hound, white line of ladies ready-to-wear spring j ^ith black spots on sides; lemon 1 color head, -Wearing collars bearing Rev. W. L. Hutchins, of Hickory, i name A, A. Turner. Reward offered. AT THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S CHURCH J. S. Lockaby, Rector. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11 o’clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Watson O. Goode, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. by Rev. Jenk ins, president Davenport College. Sermon Sunday at 7:30 by Rev. W. L. Hutchins. BUSINESS LOCAI^ FOR RENT: Five-room house, good residential street. Rent reason able. Apply Progress office. WANTED — Young women to take training as nurses. Marion Hos pital. CORN WANTED—$1,20 per bush el, McDowell Produce Company, Marion, N. C. FOR CASH and quick sale 100 tons prime 7 per cent cottonseed meal, $2.40 bag. McDowell Produce Co. COTTON SEED I^ULLS—Will have to arrive first of week 20 tons of cotton seed hulls, $18.00 at car; $20.00 at warehouse. McDowell Pro- I duce Company, Marion, N. C. will preach at the First Methodist Church here next Sunday evening. Mr, Hutchins is a former pastor of this church. The meetings now held in the Ki- I wanis rooms are enlivened by the at- I tractiveness of the new draperies, shades and rugs furnished by the Woman’s Club. N, F, Steppe, county superintend ent, attended the meeting of the leg- Notify W, L, Bell, 2t, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. C. Story, Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School. A special musical program will be given Sunday morning at the open ing exercises of the Sunday School. Teachers and pupils are requested to be on time, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Divine worship. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30 p. m. SEVIER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. C. Story, Pastor. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Preaching by the pastor at 3 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P. D. Manarum, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon subject, “Immortality, a Question.” Special music. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Ser mon subject, “Immortality, the An swer.” B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. the AFTER eKects of FLU E. MARION METHODIST CHURCH J. N. Wise, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45, Let every teacher and scholar be present n^xt Sunday, Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m, by the pastor. more dangerous than Flu itself Pliysicians advise that the chief dafiger in this epidemic AFTER Influenza Then, more than ever, colds at tacking the weakened system may lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus trouble, abscess of the ear, mastoiditis, or even the dread meningitis. This is especially true of children..or old folks, AT FIRST, SIGN OF A COLD—Put some Vicks up each nosti'il and snuff well back. At bedtime, apply hot wet towels over throat and chest until the skin is thoro ughly reddened Then rub vigorously with Vicks. Spread it on thickly.and cover with warm flannel., Vicks acts 2 ways at once (absorbed and inhaled) and often checks a cold overnight. If by morning the cold still lingers, stay in bed and repeat the treatment every 4 hours. AVOID TOO MUCH DOSING—A peculiarity of influ enza is that its toxins leave the digestive system upset Constant “dosing,” especially in the case of children, still further disturbs the digestion and lessens the appe tite, just when the body needs nourishment more than ever Vicks VapoRub is especially valuable here because it is applied externally, and so can be used freely at the first sign of every cold, without upsetting the most deli cate digestion. FOR SALE—17 acres of upland and four room house on old No. 10 Highway, two miles from Bridge- j water. Will sell cheap. Terms CLINCHFIELD METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45. We missed you last Sunday. Be present next Sunday. VapoRub 37S«000 Jars Every 24 Hours W. M, Auten, of Hartsville, S, C,, | to has accepted a position with the Pig-1 suit, C, F. McKee, Rt, 1, water, N. C. Bridge- 4t, gly Wiggly store, succeeding Brown in the meat market. MONDAY & TUESDAY FEB. 4th & 5th— BEN LYON and ANTONIO MORENO with MARTHA SLEEPER in “THE AIR LEGION” Thrills, drama and romance in ^ story woven about the draing pilots' getting along nicely. i who carry the U. S. mail across the' Mrs. E. V. Waite, who has been i continent day and night. Two pilots i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cope BABY CHICKS—We expect to put our first hatch in our Incubators | about February 2nd. We solicit or- islative committee of the North Car-, ^ers for Baby Chicks for shipment olina Educational Association in | about the 24th. We will also do Cus- Asheville last Friday. jtom Hatching at $3.50 per tray, two Mrs. Norman D. Ayers, a former j trays or more, $3.00 per tray. Ca- resident of this place, underwent an j tawba Creamery Co., Hickory, N, C. operation at the Mission Hospital in * Asheville last Sunday. She is repo^'c- Don’t forget that CLARA BOW j is at Oasis Theatre on Friday in her I latest picture “THREE WEEK ENDS”. Drama, thrills and romance make | “THE AIR LEGION” a pleasing pic- j ture.At Oasis Theatre next Monday j Bootleg Scotch should be opened and Tuesday, y j with.prayer.—Life, OFFICE FOR RENT — single or connecting rooms; steam heat, janitor service, other modern con venience, Tate & Pless Bldg, See J. H. Tate, Room No, 5, 2t. Subscribe for the Marion Progress love the same girl. One is a coward and funks his duty, the other keeps his faith in him and finally pulls him through with the “yellow streak” conquered. An entertaining and in teresting story, with plenty of thrills in the experiences of the pilots. Also—Pathe News reel. Matinee at 3:30 Prices, 10 and 25 cents. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6th— TOM MIX And “Tony” in “ KING COWBOY ” Their latest picture and reported j as a mighty good one, a real Western with action and riding and stunts. Also—A two-reel comedy “NO SALE” Matinee at 3:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. land several weeks, left Tuesday ac companied by Miss Elizabeth Cope land, for her home in Savannah, Ga., where the latter will attend school. The members of the Book Club met with Mrs. T. W, Wilson last Monday afternoon for the annual election of officers. Mrs. W. A. Mc Call was elected president and Mrs. J. H, Tate, secretary. Following the i election a business meeting was held. On last Monday evening Mrs. W. F. Grant was hostess to the Phila- thea Class at their regular monthly business meeting, Mrs. W. G. Wil son, president of the Class, j^’esented Davis Bros. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 238 20 Logan Street EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW, FEELS YEARS YOUNGER “Now I eat even sauerkraut and sausage and feel fine. Adltfrika ended stomach gas and I feel 10 years younger.”—Mrs. M. Davis. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re lieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower; bowel and removes old waste matter] you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your] stomach and bowels, Adlerika willi surprise you. Streetman Drug Co. some interesting plans for the growth and advancement of the class which were adopted by the members present to be carried out in the fu-! ture. Much interest was shown by all i the members present. After the con- i elusion of the business the members ] remained for a delightful social j hour. Teacher—And just think! One of you may be president some day. All i of you who would like to be presi dent, please rise. (All rose except I little Willie.) Well, Willie, what’s I the matter? Wouldn’t you like to be president"? Willie — Y’yes’m, b-but I ca-ca- can’t. Teacher—Why not? Willie — Because—because I’m a D-d-ddeniocrat. Dr. James A. Palmer SPECIALIST in the treatment of defective eyes and the art of fitting glasses. Office with Dr. Butt every Thursday afternoon from 2:00 until 5 :00. CLARA BOW in her latest pic ture “THREE WEEK ENDS”, with HARRISON FORD and NEIL HAM ILTON. Peppy and entertaining, with Clara in the type of role that just suits her. Oasis Theatre, Friday. Did It Ever occur to you that the man who believes in Life Insurance but does not buy it leaves his depend ents in exactly the same fix as though he hadn’t believed in it at all? What are you, a “believer” or a “carrier”? See W. s. Mauney, Agent MARION, N. C. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Organized 1847 IN CASE OF TROUBLE PHONE 363 National ll'S MOUNT IDA LODGE K. OF P. WILL MEET ^lL THINGS THAT ARE GOOD THURSDAY NIGHT j breakfast, lunch or dinner you There will be a regular meeting of i are sure to enjoy your meals in our Mt. Ida Lodge No. 58, Knights of | restaurant because we serve all the Pythias. Thursday night at 7:30 ^.^at are m season, every| ! clock in K. of P. Hall. Special meet-1 properly prepared and promptly I ing of importance, | c-^ryed. If you want something spec- , W. W. McCONNELL. K. R. S. | prepared to your order our chef “THE AIR LEGION”, with BEN i will be glad to do it for you without j I delay. Give our restaurant a fair ILYON and ANTONIO MORENO, j Oasis Theatre next Monday andj FOR~SAL^^d spring, large table j Tuesday, is a dramatic story of j CAFE Piggly Wiggly _^// O-Oer The ^ODorld Our Uniform Prices Guarantee You a Saving in Your Grocery Bill PURE PORK Sausage 26c | NUCOA, l ib, 27c SLICED BREAKFAST BACON, per pound 29c BANANAS, 3 lbs. for 25c | PIGGLY WIGGLY Coffee 34c JEWEL LARD, 8 lb. pail . $1.15 OCTAGON SOAP, 7 for _ 25c | ORANGES, per dozen 30c FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, per dozen _ . 37c ■■■■ 15c I PINK SALMON ISc SNOW-DRIFT LARD, 8 lb. pail $1,44 “Stokelys” Fancy I” “Stokelys” Sifted Peas, No. 2 can 17c | TOMATOES, No. 2 can . 12^c 10 lbs. WATER GROUND MEAL, 34c White House Apple Sauce 19c | WESSON OIL, quart 45c. “ELIZABETH” FLOUR, plain, 24 lbs. $1.05 PORK CHOPS, per lb. ..25c | POST TOASTIES, 2 for . 15c SUN-FLOWER flour, self-rising, 24 lbs. $1.10 Shop as You Please at PIGGLY WIGGLY WE DON’T MEET PRICES, WE MAKE THEM and office desk. Phone 336. mail pilots.