' MARION PROGRESS. MARION, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1929 They got behind the wheel f ^ got the facts and bought Buicks 'The new Buick out performs any car I have ever driven.” Mr. W. H. K., Shorewood, Wis. (name upon request) This enthusiastic comment merely ^pifies that of thousands who have turned to buick after making their own exacting tests. Be sure to drive a Buick before buying any car. The more careful your comparisons, the more inevitably will they lead you to Buick! The liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan makes it easy for you to own a Buick. * BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Division General Motors Corperstton Sedans - - Coupes • * Sport Cars - SERIES 116 SERIES 121 SERIES 129 > • $1220 to $1320 $1450 to $1520 $1875 to $2145 - $1195 to $1250 $1395 to $1450 $1865 to $1875 - $1225 $1325 $1525 to $1550 These prices f. o. b. Buick Factory, spedal equipment extra. Buick delip* grea prices include only reasonable charges jor delivery and financing. Consider the delivered price as well as the list price when comparing automobile values, Marion Buick Co. Phone 88 Logan St. Marion, N. C. om ^ ISuikina Splenidid Ideas for City’* Health Week Detailed descriptions of the activl- bes tliut made up a health week cele bration in Austin, Texas, were given in an article hy Dr. Kug?Me O. Chi* mene in Hygela MagHRlue. The Aus tin plan may serve as a model for other cities of the same sl«e. A'health piirnde was arranned for the first day. All civic orKuniKnthms had been enlisted and eacb featured a health Idea of Its own choice on a float or exhibit. For instance, the Boy Scouts portrayed their activities bearing directly on health. The den club doplcted gardening for health. The health department em phasized mos«iuito control. Th« Are department urged clean premises as safeguards against fires. The tras company featured safe heating. On Tuesday the results of a health poster contest were announced and the posters exhibited. On Wednesday local food manufacturing plants held open house to visitors and special emphasis was laid on the sanitary preparation of foods. Thursday was devoted to a child health conference as part of the pre school round-up sponsored by the parent-teacher association. A health entertainment was given on Friday evening. Saturday was sports day. Games and a varied group of athletic events were organized at every playground in the city to serve as incentives to interest young and old in the value of play in promoting health. :na-s 'oj^eS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Tune in each Thursday on Radio Station WBT Char lotte, and get CAROLINA STORES’ interesting pro gram from 12:30 P. M. to 1:00 P. M. Meter length 277.6 Kilocycles 1080. “KNOW BETTER YOUR CAR OLINA STORE. IT WILL PAY YOU AND PAY YOU WELL.” MILK or Pet Large can lOc Small 5c Cigarettes—2 Ige. pkgs for All 5c Gums and Candy Bars—3 for 25c 10c FLOUR Zl wSr; $1.00 National 90c Phoenix Matches—Lge. boxes, 3 for __ __ idc Rose Apple Butter—Full quart jar, only __ 23c OYALIM In three sizes Small size 32c SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10 LBS. SUGAR 52c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Lb. 45c FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE 6 lbs. 29c CREAM OF WHEAT Pkg 21c PEACHES Del Monte or Gold Bar 21c CAROLINA STORES FOR CAROHNA PEOPLE 3 Stores in McDowell County Marion Clinchfield Old Fort Watch for (l&realjifffer^ Electric Maid . fo> Modern Mothers A WISE AMERICAN SAID: ‘ The woman vviio follows old methods in^ doing household work, which can be done by Electricity—^is workitig for a few cents per day.” e Clubs Pound Big Help in Forming Libraries By forming county clubs, farm wom en in hundreds of rural centers are providing organized support for li braries. In many cases, they begin with the nucleus of a reading room located iif the village or town which serves as their shopping center, which eventually grows into a fully equipped library, either through their own ef forts and state aid, or through the benefactions of public-spirited citizens of wealth. In an increasingly large number of instances, the work of libraries al ready established has been expanded to conveniently serve a county by the establishment of branches located in Che rural schools. Even where the aid of state library commissions is not available. It is pos sible for an energetic organization of farm women to obtain other assist ance in launching such a movement, a ^'arm .Toumal writer points out. “The American Library association, which is always ready to help get li brary service started, estimates that a county library system, with branches in the villages and schools, can be es tablished for .$l a year for each per son served, or less than the cost of a single book.” she says. Build for Appearanc* The provision of shelter is the builder's job and many developers are performing a great purpose by the erection and sale of sheltering homes for families with small purses. Yet there should be something more In a community of homes than mere shel ter from the elements and InterlSV comfort. Everyone recognizes that there Is something wrong with communities created "quantltively” with no thought of quality. By all means let us have homes, but not at the sacrifice of beauty; this is the spirit behind the t)est ijiodirn development work. Good construction, made beaatiful, will al ways • remain at a premium In the home market and good developers will alwayfi be able to base successful cam paigns -~en these two fundamentals.— Detroit Free Press. Sbrubbery Important In planting shrubbery, enough Is needed to cover the base of the house except where there are windows. This softens the juncture of the house with the ground. The edge of the lawn should also be planted. Soften the fence lines by planting shrubbery against th6m. Do not cut drtwn all the wild bushes and flowers, ^-specially near the fence; they are most attractive tf left to grow and kept free «from weeds. Do not place artificially formed flower beds indiscriminately about the yard. ImproTed Building Par st Said to be extremely strong, tough, waterproof and airtight, a new build ing paper which is competitively priced -onsists of seven layers of ma terial built up as follows: Kraft pa per, asphalt, cross cords, kraft pa per, asiihalt, cross cords, kraft paper. This seven-ply buflding paper has an Insulating value not heretofore found In such papers. Ever Think of That? ^'hen you send yowr money out of town, and 1 send my money out of town, and ail our friends spend their money out of town, what in is to become of the town?—Exchange. The Famil>'’t House Is there anything that a family cloe* that is quite as illuminating as build ing Itself a house?'—Woman’s Home Companion. With a cigarette as good as Camels tKe simple truth IS enoii Camel CIGARETTES WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE Camels are made of the choicest to baccos grown — cured and blended with expert care. Camels are mild and mellow. The taste of Camels is smooth and satisfying. Camels are cool and refreshing. The fragrance of Camels is always pleasant, indoors or out. They do not tire the taste nor leave any cigaretty after-taste. © 1929, R.J- Reynold* Tobacco Compmny, Wiiutoii>S«lein, N. C. Hear the radio pron^ram of the Hudson - hssex Challengers** every Friday evening there. , ,. imponant tnmqs’ CHALLEI^GE T©®/ EASt OF BtiVIIVC FOR INSTANCE, in this city your first payment, with yo"- f^*'esentcttrincluded, may 0e as low os $290 and your monthly payments $S1.70 Your prcMftt cur will probably cover the entir* first payment. The H. M. C. Purcha.t(> PUm offers the lowest terms available on the balance. • • • E4SEOFOWMIMG On our own streets Essex the Chaf-’enfier. under compete It ob;;rvjtl3a, aviraiei 20 mi!es per gallon. The avjral-s o-raer ia this city can expect 18 to 20 miles aaJ upvrarJ. Gomm*jrcIa5 users oper- atiaj lar’e (Ijjti ot E.iic cars say that service and maintenance cous. c^verin ’ raiiliotis or miles of opo.-ation. are lowest of any car ever tested. Essex challenges the per- ’ formance, the style, the luxurious roomy comfort of any car at any prke,^ on the basis that no oth^ gives you back so much for every dollar you put in. That is why tht big buying swing is to Essex. That is why motorists by thousands are switching from past favorites, and trading ifi their old cars for the big values Essex the Challenger gives. Essex chal lenges: IN SPEED—challenging anything the rouJ offers up to 70 miles an hour. IN FAST GETAWAY—any car regard less of size or price. IN'RE LIABILITY —00 miles an hour for hour after hour. Essex offers a completeness of fine car equipment formerly identified only vtrith costly cars, and available, when at all, only as “extras,” at extra cost on. cars of Essex price- Check these items when you —they represent easily above i>100 additional value in Essex. Wi^e Choice of Colors at No Extra Cost. The variety is so great you have almost individual distinction Standard Equipment Includes: 4 hy draulic shock absorbers—electric gauge for gas and oil —radiator shutters— saddle lamps %vindshield wiper — glare proof rear view mirror—electro- lock —controls on steering wheel—all bright parts chromium-plated. 4, 695 AND UP—AT FACTORY Coach ... 1695 2-Pass. Coupe Phaeton Coupe - (with rumble seat) Standard Sedan Town Sedan • Roadster - Convertible Coupe • • M5 - 695 - - 725 795 85* 850 89S FINLEY MOTOR COMPANY 119 E. Court St. Marion, N. C. Phone No. 320 Phone 64 for job.Printiiig. Old Newspapers for sale at The Progress office at 6c a bundle.