MARION PROGRESS, MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 THE OASIS THEATRE PROGRAM Doors Open 7:15—Show Starts 7:30 THURSDAY, JUNE 27th— H. B. WARNER and EVE SOUTHERN in “THE NAUGHTY DUCHESS” From an Anthony Hope novel. A romantic drama about a charm ing young woman who is dodging a process server, and a handsome and obliging Duke who promises to stand by her, with ensuing amusing compli cations. And—A two-reel comedy “ NO PICNIC ” Matinee at 2:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. FRIDAY, JUNE 28th— SHIRLEY MASON in “ RUNAWAY GIRLS ” The love story of a college girl who is home loving and sweet, and a college boy who wants a career as a reporter. Also—Pathe News reel And a Vitaphone Act— “ THE INGENUES ” The Ziegfeld Follies Girl Orchestra, giving several popular numbers. Matinee at 2:30 Prices—10 and 25 cents. SATURDAY, JUNE 29th— Fourth Chapter of “THE FATAL WARNING” A Western feature “ORPHAN OF THE SAGE” A two-reel comedy “BUTTON MY BACK” And a Barney Google comedy “O. K., M. N. X.” Matinee at 1:15 Prices—10 and 25 cents. MONDAY & TUESDAY JUNE Ijt - 2nd— SPECIAL JOAN CRAWFORD With An All-Star Cast Including JOHN MACK BROWN, ANITA PAGE, HUNTLEY GORDON, NILS ASTHER, DOROTHY SEBASTIAN, and KATHLYN WILLIAMS in “ OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS ” A gay and lavishly produced story of modem youth, revolving about three girls, and the scheme of one of them to win a young millionaire who, at heart, is in love with one of the other girls. The scenes being laid in an atmos phere of wealth, are lavish and elab orate, those of a popular club being the largest ever shown in pictures. The picture is synchronized with an appropriate musical score, with catchy jazz and popular songs. Also—A Vitaphone Act Consisting of a Night Club Revue W^ith Songs, Dancing and Monologs. And—Pathe News reel. Matinee at 2:30 Prices: Children under 12 - 15c Other children of school age - 25c Adults 35c Night Prices: Children under 12 15c All others 40c WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd— TOM TYLER And His Pals in “PRIDE OF PAWNEE” Their latest made picture, and a good one, full of pep and fun and action. You’ll like it. Also—A good two-reel comedy. Matinee at 2:30 ^ Prices—10 and 25 cents. Special Program JILY 4TH Alice White in “Hot Stuf’ Singing! Talkingl Dancing! This is a GOOD One. Don't IMiss It! LOCAL AND PERSONAL I Rev. and Mrs. E. 0. Cole spent I Wednesday in Charlotte. I Frank Burgin, of Statesville, spei)t I the week-end with relatives here. Miss Jennie Davis visited her brother and sister in Asheville last week. Mrs. Margaret Sinclair, of Hick ory, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Sinclair. afrs. S. P. Daniel, of Drakes Branch, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. E. Guy. Misi Jimmie Florence, of Wrens, Ga., spent the week-end here with Miss Carrie Lowery. Miss Evelyn McCall was the guest of Miss Gwyndolyn Younge in Ashe ville during the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Browder, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with friends in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lowery, of Montverde, Fla., spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. J. Homer Beaman announce the birth of a son at the Marion Hospital on June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Arrington Davis, of Henderson, spent a few days last week with JV^ss Jennie Davis. Mrs. R. A. Burnett, of Wellford, S. C., visited her sister. Miss Jennie Davis, here during the week. Misses Gwyndolyn Younge and I Nancy Stoner, of Asheville, were the j guests of Miss Evelyn McCall last I week. W. H. Taylor, of Dysartsville, was a visitor here Saturday on his way 1 home after a visit to his sister in Hickory. I W. W. Neal, Sr., Grayson and Al- I bert Neal and W. K. M. Gilkey left jby motor for New York City on last I Tuesday. ! A number of young folks enjoyed I a dance at Lake Tahoma last Thurs- i day evening. The music was furnish- , ed by Arnold’s Orchestra, of Ashe- ' ville. j Miss Grace Mary Justice, who un derwent an operation for appendici tis at the Rutherford Hospital last Friday, is reported to be getting along very nicely. C. A. Workman and J. G. Beaman left Friday for Milwaukee, Wis., where they will attend the thirteenth annual convention of Kiwanis Inter national this week. : Dr. L. L. Williams, of Fayetteville, , spent the week-end here with his sister, Miss Della Williams, who has been ill for some time. Miss Williams is improving slowly. ! Mrs. J. F. Snipes left Sunday for Huntington, W. Va., where she will i spend a month with relatives and friends. She was accompanied by Mr. Snipes to Johnson City, Tenn. I G. W. Giles underwent an opera- j tion for appendicitis at the Ruther ford Hospital Tuesday. It is stated the operation was successful and that Mr. Giles is getting along nicely Mrs. Johnson and Misses Maud« and Christine Johnson, who have been the guests of Mrs. H. P. Keeter for the past two weeks, returned to their home in Greenville, N. C., last Monday. Jack Justice left last week for Atlanta, Ga., where he has accepted a position with Underwriters Asso ciation. Mr. Justice recently gradu ated at Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. Miss Carolyn Dysart has returned home after a two weeks visit with relatives in Greenville, Tenn. She was accompanied home by Miss Mar tha Bird McDonald, who will be her guest for a week. Miss Bonnie Padgett has returned home from Greensboro, where she i recently graduated at N. C. C. W. I She remained in Greensboro after i the commencement exercises for ^ several days visiting friends. [ Al vin Banks, who‘has been visiting ; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. I Banks, here for the past ten days, I has returned to Worcester, Mass., where he holds a position with the ; American J’ield and Wire Co. I Miss Eurine Gilkey, supervisor in I the department of Conservatory of 1 Music at Shenandoah College, Day- I ton, Va., has returned home for the summer vacation. En route home Miss Gilkey spent a week in Wash ington and Baltimore. MISS MARGARET ADAMS MARRIED IN BALTIMORE The following clipping from the Baltimore Sun of June 22 will be of | interest to friends in Marion where] the bride is well known: " } “The marriage of Miss Margaretta, Hinton Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Adams, of Marion, N. C., and L. R. W. Barnsley, Jr., son of Mrs. L. R. W. Barnsley and the late Mr. Barnsley of Montgomery coun ty, took place at 6 p. m. yesterday in the chapel of- St. Michael and All An gels Protestant Episcopal Church. The Rev. Charles W. Hinton, of Lo cust Valley, L. I., an uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony. On ly the immediate families and a few intimate friends were present. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Barnsley will make their home «t the Calvert Court Apartments. Miss Ad ams is a cousin of Frank Blackford Adams, of this city.” MISS GILKEY ENTERTAINS Miss Frances Gilkey charmingly entertained with seven tables of bridge at her home on North Main street last Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary Yancey won high score and Mrs. Ingram Holland had low. The home was beautifully arranged with quantities of garden flowers. The hostess, assisted by Miss Jeannette Gilkey and Mrs. Francis Little, of Forest City, served a salad course. The members of the Kiwanis Club entertained the ladies with a dinner at North Fork Resort last Monday evening. After the dinner a social time was enjoyed. BRIDGE PARTY | Mrs. Geo. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. J. | M. Tyler were joint hostesses at a I bridge party given at the home ofj Mrs. Kirkpatrick on New street last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Pless, Jr., won the top score prize and Misss Eva Keeter received low score. Beautiful garden flowers were placed in bowls and vases about the rooms. Misses Christine and Maude Johnson of Greenville, N. C., were the out of town guests. The following young folks, chape roned by Mrs. I. A. Holland, left this morning for the Buck Creek Club House where they will spend a few days on a house party: Dorothy Ed wards, Elizabeth Whitten, Dorothy Wilkinson, Mabel Bishop, Margaret Parker, Rebecca Pittman, Carolyn Dysart, Iris Rabb, Mary Henderson, Mary Hope Holland, Elizabeth Cope land, and Martha Bird McDonald. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buchanan and little daughter, of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Buchanan. Mr. Buch anan is now district civil engineer for the Southern Division of the Missouri Pacific Railway. , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nichols and daughter. Miss Edith, and Miss Kath erine Gilbert, of Darlington, S. C., returned Thursday from a motor trip to Jonesboro, Johnson City, Bristol, and other points in Eastern Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Ceph Blanton and Miss Rose Shuford, of Shelby; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dale* and little daugh ter; Mrs. L. A. O’Neal, of Asheville; and Mrs. Carrie Childs, of Shelby, attended the funeral of little Billy Edward Shuford here last Sunday. If you like a gay and entertaining picture, see “ OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS ” at Oasis Theatre next Monday or Tuesday. MOUNT IDA LODGE K. OF P. WILL MEET THURSDAY NIGHT There will be a regular meeting of Mt. Ida Lodge No. 58, Knights of Pythias, Thursday night at 7:30 o’ clock in K. of P. Hall. Work in second degn:"ee. w. w. McConnell, k. r. s. FISH! FISH! This week we will have plenty of fresh fish. We will have trout, croakers, haddock, and boneless fillet i THE FISH MARKET 14 E. Henderson St. If you like a gay and entertaining j picture, see “ OUR DANCING j DAUGHTERS ” at Oasis Theatre | next Monday or Tuesday. , I Dr. Fred M. Dula | Eye Specialist-Optometrist | will be in Marion on Friday, June 28th.'' Office with Dr. G. B. Justice. | Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted j CASH MONEY! $10,000 for her in case you go naturally. $20,00^ if you go by accident. $100 Lifelong Monthly Income if you are totally and permanent ly disabled before age 60. Protects you while working, your family if you go, and you in your old age. Let me show you how easy. W. s. (Mauncy, Agent MARION, N. C. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Organized 1847 Money to Loan In small amounts from $50.00 to $500.00. Quick service. CaiT get Loan through from 3 to 5 days. This loan is for the man who needs quick money. Easy monthly payment plan. We.also have larger loans to offer from $1,000.00 to $10,- 000.00 or more, with Life In surance Free. Mt. Ida ins. & Trust Co, A. H. Giles & J. H. Tate, Agts. MARION, N. c. Call on us, please, when you need Fire Insurance. Prompt service. I Dr. M. L. Justice DENTIST Office over Workman’s Store MARION, N. C. If You Want Good Clean PURE RICH MILK produced from good healthy cows, which will stay fresh for 24 hours, let HILL TOP GUERNSEY FARM serve you. W. C. MclVER, Box 143. IN CASE OF TROUBLE PHONE 363 National Don’t forget to listen in on Radio Station WBT each Thursday at 12:30 for Carolina Stores’ interesting program. PALMOUVESOAP 3.0. 23c Dental Cream—Pepsodent Ige. 39c Listerine 9c Morton’s Salt, Plain or Iodized — — — 10c KARO SYRUP 5 lb. can „ 35c Ovaltine, 4 oz. can __ __ __ __ __ 32c Phillips Milk of Magnesia, 4 oz. bottle 22c MILK B?b" 5c Tan 10c SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUGAR 25 lb. bag $1.35 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb. can 46c POSTTOASTIES 2 pkgs. for 15c MATCHES Phoenix, 2 pkgs. 5c scon TISSUE 3 Ige. rolls for 25c CAROLINA STORES FOR CAROLINA PEOPLE 3 Stores in McDowell County Marion Clinchfield Old Fort Don’t Worry About The Heat We Have Provided for Your Wants For Ladies Just received 55 new Silk Dresses out of New York in wash silks and crepes, @ $6.95 to $12.50. Others $16.75 to $27.50 each. For Men Big lot of men^s light weight summer Suits in Palm Beach cloth, Mir- otex mohairs and Trop ical worsteds, ranging in price from $10.95 to $21.50. 84 wash print dresses just arriv ed in all colors in beautiful styles cut by patterns that fit sizes 14- 42, @ 95c and $1.95 each. HOSIERY Big lot of Ladies’ Silk Hose in new est shades in Cad et and Humming Bird. (Listen) A full fashion Hum ming Bird Hose with new narrow, heels, silk all way to top, @ $1.50. Our ho^e serve you. SHOES Ladies, select your shoes from our high grade lines such as Rice O’Neills, Queen Qualities and Geo. D. Witts. We assure you you will have value received for your money. Palm Beach Pants in tans and mixtures to suit the hot days. Big lot of wash ties in guaran teed imported wash prints in four in hands and bows, @ 35c each, 3 for $1.00. Bathing Suits Slip into a Bradley bathing suit and take a cool swim. Only found at Tate & Wilson’s. 75c to $5.45. SHOES The Florsheim Shoe for the Man who Cares. We have a complete line of La dies’ and Men’s Furnishings. Tate & Wilson