McDowell County’s Leading Newspaper MARION PROGRESS AdT^rtismg in the Progress Pays A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MARION ANL McDOWELL COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1896 MARION, N. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1940 VOL. XLIV—NO. 29 TEACHERS TOLD TO SEEK UNITY AND GREAmSECURlTY Rose Points To Need Of Re tirement Plan, Explains New Experiment. Emphasizing the need for organi zation for the common purposes among school teachers, J. H. Rose, superintendent of city schools of Greenville and State Commander of the American Legrion of South Car olina, told McDowell county teach ers last week the teaching profession should fight for a suitable retire ment plan. Mr. Rose addressed an assembly of city and county teachers of Mc Dowell county in the Marion high school building last Saturday morn ing. He spoke in the place of W. L. Lathan, superintendent of Swain county schools, who was not able to attend the meeting. Some teachers in the public schools today should retire, he said, but they are not able to do so be cause they have not been able to ac cumulate savings on the meagi-e sal aries paid them. Those people en trusted with the teaching of chil dren should have some security against future unemployment and political intrigue. They should be made to feel free to teach the prin ciples of democracy to children, he said. Mr. Rose pointed to an experiment being conducted in the Greenville schools in which the pupils are not given grades on their TO PREACH HERE SUNDAY— The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Gribbin, Bishop of the Western North Caro lina Episcopal diocese, will preach at St. John’s Episcopal church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. BUILDING AND LOAN SETS NEW HOME RECORD; OFFICERS RE-ELECTED The McDowell Building and Loan TWO MORE ENTER POLITICAL RACE, THIRD MAY RUN Steppe And Dixon Announce For Register, Cutlar May Enter For Legislature. Two more candidates have entered the race for the Democratic nomin ation for Register of Deeds of Mc Dowell county, bringing the number seeking the office to five, and a pos sible candidate for the General As sembly has announced that he is considering entering the race for Representative. L. J. P. Cutlar said this week he was considering being a candidate for the Legislature in the Demo cratic primary in May. The incum bent is Ashby Robinson of Old Fort, who will seek a seat in the State Senate. D. F. Giles of Marion has al ready announced for the office. Mr. Cutlar said that he wished to give the matter further study before announcing whether he would be a KINZIE ELECTED MAN OF YEAR BY LOCAL CIVIC CLUB Francis Marion Club To Make Award For Work With Underprivileged. Association established a record for i candidate. He is now engaged in the the number of new homes financed insurance business here. He was for- by the organization in any one year | merly in the furniture business and by aiding in the construction of 451 has served as mayor of Marion. I copal church Rev. Norman F. Kinzie was voted the outstanding citizen of Marion for the year 1939 by the Francis Marion club at its regular meeting last Thursday night. He will be awarded a gift by the club and his name will be inscribed on a plaque to be hung in the Community build ing. The naming of Marion’s out standing citizen will become an an nual practice of the Francis Marion club. Rev. Kinzie was selected by the Francis Marion club for his work with underprivileged children of the community, for his contributions of leadership and aid to the Boy Scouts, his help in securing education for sevei’al children, and his efforts to better the town of Marion. Mr. Kinzie, a native of Florida, took up his residence here in Novem ber 1938 as rector of St. John’s Epis- COURT OF HONOR HELDBYSCOirrS INMORGANTON Thirty-One Marion Boy Scouts Awarded Merit Badges At District Meeting. OUTSTANDING CITIZEN— Rev. Norman F. Kinzie, above, was voted the outstanding citizen of , Marion ifor 1939 by the Francis Marion club. 100 GALLON STILL IS CAPTURED BY FEDERAL AGENTS houses during 1939, Zeno Martin, Secretary-treasurer of the Associa tion reported at a stockholders meeting Monday night. In pointing to the success of the organization in 1939, Mr. Martin Cutlar is well known in McDowell, , „ county, having been active in public j ^ I" affairs for some time. For the office of Re^^ter of I f Deeds John M. Stepp and Mack L. Dixon announced this week. Already stated that assets of the Association entered in this race are D. M. ketball tournament to be held here February 22-24 were nearly comple ted. The club expressed its disap- increased by $51,943.46, placing the total assets well above the half mil lion dollar mark. The sum of $112,- woii~ and loaned during the year to children are allowed to speak more for themselves, both on their studies adn on school activities. Much im provement has been made in the re- latioRS betwe^ teachers and Returning to the subject of a re tirement plan, Mr. Rose concluded that security and peace of mind A 100-gallon illicit still and sev eral thousand gallons of mash were captured in the Brackett township j section of McDowell county Tues day by alcohol tax unit investiga tors working out of the Asheville office. Earlier, the investigators had seized a still in the process of con struction in McDowell county and had arrested two men, charging them with illegal ownership of a still. One of the men, Wilbur Rumfelt, was released on bond following a hearing before United States Com missioner Nichols at Marion, but the dens and has been with the Marion Manufacturing Company for about 135 people and the number of mort gage loans held was increased by 90, he said. The average loan to home build ers was approximately $1,000. Prof-|i*u its earned during the year by sbaVe-j SO years?'Hr is'now issistanC ove? holders totaled $17,569.50 with $11,- seer of tbe plant. He was bom in 394 of this amount being earned by I McDowell county. He has served as a should be given to teachers who are,being! committeeman of precinct four. . _.e xu_ J.. earned by shares withdrawn, and $4,- 390.29 by full-paid shares, he said. A total of 2,329 new shares of in stallment stock were issued to 247 persons during the year. All officers of the Association were re-elected with W. L. Morris contin steppe, Zeb L. Lackey, and T. wJP''.''™' ° tte proposed re-rooting of Gowan. Highway No. 64. J. M. Stepp is well known in Mc-j T. McAbee addressed other, Charles Childers, was held Dowell county and has been engaged club on the work the Faith Mis- last night in Buncombe county jail in the giocery business in Marion! doing in Marion. The Mission default of bond, for some time. seeking to give aid to needy peo- Mr. Dixon lives at Pleasant Gar-jP^e who are not provided for by oth- shaping the personalities of the fu ture leaders of America. Hugh F. Beam, superintendent of the Marion city schools, intro duced the guest speaker. N. F. Steppe, superintendent of McDowell county schools, briefly, stressing the need er relief agencies, he said. The election o.f officers is scheduled 'ior“^the next regular meeting of the Francis Marion club. DRIVE FOR POLIO FUNDS IN COUNTY NINE TEAMS ENTERED IN BASKETBALL MEET Residents of McDowell county Nine basketball teams, from Me-1 contributed $163.25 to the national The liquor plant captured Tues day was one of the largest taken in Western North Carolina in several years, federal agents said. Taken with it were “at least 4,000 gallons of mash, 800 pounds of sugar, 200 j pounds of “shorts,” and 200 pounds! of malt. Thirty-one Boy Scouts of Marion were promoted or awarded merit badges at the session of the district court of honor which was held in Morganton at the North Carolina School for the Deaf on last Friday night. The meeting was presided over by Piedmont Scout Executive R. M. Schiele, of Gastonia, who opened the session by leading in the recitation of the Scout oath. The following advancements and awards were made: Tenderfoot rank, Henry Stauffer, Jr., troop 1, Marion. Second class, Thomas Fleming, Jr., troop 3, Marion; Dewey Thorn hill, troop 3, Marion; George Gibbs, 1, Marion; Jack Sickler, troop 6, Marion; Billy Burnette, troop 1, Marion; John M. Haire, troop 1, Marion; Alvin Callahan, ti-oop 1, Marion; Calvin Willis, troop 1, Mar ion; and Van Harold Brown, troop 1, Marion. First class, Hugh Noblett, troop 6, Marion; and Howard Burgin, troop 6, Marion. The following merit badges were awarded: Animal industry, Otto Gross, troop 1, North Cove; and Norman Eng- jland, troop 1, Chesterfield. Cooking, Lee Perkins, troop 3, Marion. Dairying, Arthur Melton, troop 1, Marion; and Sammie Homewood^ troop 6, Marion. Farm home sind layout manage- j ment, Sammie Homewood, troop 6, Firemanship, Jasper Finley, troop 3, Marion; and Clifton Willis, troop 3, Marion. ENDS SUCCESSFULLY! MARION WINS THREE Handicraft, George Conley, troop GAMES, LOSES THREE Marion; and Walter Crawford, 'troop 1, Marion. The Marion high school boys'has-i Mechanical drawing, Arthur T. BISHOP GRIBBIN TO PREACH HERE SUNDAY VYII,.. ,T. XJ. ..Txwixio .1 w.f |^owell Bttd adjaccnt counties, have;fund to aid victims of infantile par-jj-g^. continued its winningV'. ' , M ° ., spo e I president, J. F. Snipes as j signiified that they will take part in ^ alysis, practically tripling the am- j gtreak this week by marking up two | ’ P > ar on. o ac ive,— ^ t> /-ii — -~ithe basketball tournament to beiOunts that have been raised here -wins in conference play, defeating said S. J. Westmoreland, I ]\jQj.ganton 37-7 last Friday night tary-treasurer. inounced Truman Westmoreland, i chairman of the committee soliciting ^nd downing the North Carolina' Photography, Arthur T. Melton, Directors of the Association are | chairman of the committee arrang-1 funds m this county, this week. The School for Deaf 46-26 last Tuesday I1’ Marion. Bradford, W. R. Chambers, T.'i^g the meet for the Francis Marion ; campaign ended Friday. The goal of jjjigjii- j Pioneering, Lee Perkins, troop 3, A. F. Hunt, C. F. I club, this week. The meet will be | $100, originally set for the county,! xhe Marion girls lost both their; Marion. James, W. L. Morris, D. M. McIntosh j staged by the Fiancis Marion club 1 was gieatly exceeded. 'games during the week, going down! Plumbing, Arthur T. Melton, J. F. Snipes, J. H. Tate, and C. A. iof Marion. j The city and county schools de-|before Morganton 46-14 and. losing troop 1, Marion. Workman. Plans for the tournament will call; serve much praise for their efforts 1^^ N.C.S.D. 36-26. The girls contin-1 Poultry keeping, Sammie Home- for 12 teams to be entered and for ^ and for their contributions totaling jygj near the bottom in conference. wood, troop 6, Marion, four games to be held each night ex-| $59.07, he said. The sum of $30.00, ratings, having only one win for thei Public health, Herman Baldwin, , J , . „ J i L i vice-president, W. R. Chambers ers ^ Program for teach- geno Martin as secre-jheld in Marion, February 21-24, an-; the pa?t, At the conclusion of the general meeting group assemblies were held for city and county teachers to dis cuss their problems. A. S. H. Henderson, Metal work, Arthur T. Melton, The Re. Rev. Robert E. Gribbin, TWO DIVORCES GIVEN IN SUPERIOR COURT cept Saturday night, February 24, i contributed by the Marion Theatre,' ggason. They defeated Forest City troop 3, Marion. Bishop of Western North Carolina, i will preach at St. John’s Episcopal church next Sunday morning at ll! •'“'Ige Frank M. Arn,strong, of o’clock. The rector, Rev. Norman F. I P>^esidmg m McDow-ell county Kinzie, will preach in Shelby Sun-! day morning at 11 o’clock. '“'y Monday. The services Sunday will include Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o’clock, churcb school and Bible at which played. time the finals will be was obtained from the sale of tickets | weeks ago. Collections from private sources and “Marion placed by far the best; The teams already entered in the the sale of tabs brought in $73.25. class at 9:45, morning prayer at 11 o’clock and evening service at 7:30. Week day services will be held during the Lenten season as follows: Monday 3:30 children’s service; Wednesday 9 a. m. the Holy Eu charist; Thursday 8 p. m. study class on “Faith and Practice” conducted by the rector; Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock Litany service. INFORMATION SOUGHT ON HEALTH SERVICE Letters have been written to the State Board of Health and to the boards of health of various counties in the attempt to get information that would help in determining the cost, organization, and work of a full-time health service for Mc Dowell county, said N. F. Steppe, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, this week. Mr. Steppe was asked by the Board of Health last week to determine what full-time health service for this county would cost. According to Mr. Steppe, the ef fort will be made to determine what j the project back, part of the costs the county, state. No definite announcement Divorces were granted in the cases of Mrs. Kathleen McDaniel Pumphrey vs. W. H. Pumuhrey, Jr., and Ed L. Ritchie vs. Mittie Ritchie. In a $10,000 damage suit against the town of Marion, which was be gun yesterday, non-suit was declared Several witnesses of the plaintiff, Mrs. Beulah Gettys, failed to ap- appear. Mrs. Gettys brought suit against the town for injuries she was alleged to have sustamed last year when she fell on one of the streets in town. Her fall was alleged to have been due to negligence on the part of the town. The following cases have been continued: Robert L. Simmons vs. W. L. Richards et al; Lester Fair vs. W. L. Richards et al; M. L. Ledford vs. W. A. Brown; W. A. Plemmons vs. Laura Jaynes et al; and D. G. Pender vs. John Hall. PROJECT SUBMITTED A WPA project for the building of a city park or playground beside the Community building is under stood to have been submitted to W PA authorities, but the lack of avail able WPA labor is said to have held and federal governments will be re quired to pay for the service. No answers to his inquiries have as yet been received. has been made about the cost of the pro ject or its extent, should it be ap proved. As planned, the project calls for a playground for children. tournament are North Cove, Pleas ant Gardens, East Marion, Beacon Mills from Swannanoa, Spindale “B” team. Plum Tree, Crossnore, Glen Alpine, and Nebo. Scheduled to referee the games are the Shehan brothers of Forest City. Judges for the tournament will be S. L. Homewood, Coach Art Ditt, and Barron Caldwell. Prizes will be given by the Fran cis Marion club to the teams placing first, second and third in the meet. In addition, awards will be made to the consolation winner and loser. Other awards will be made to out standing players in the tournament. Members of the committee ar ranging the tournament are Truman Westmoreland, chairman, Albert Neal, James McCall, Howard Hol land, Fiank Goldsmith, Clarence Rabb, and George Conley. It is expected that the list of en tries in the meet will be completed soon. TAX RECEIPTS Approximately 74:8 per cent of the county tax levy of $202,551.93 had been collected by the county up to February 1, said Mrs. Mary Bur gin, county accountant, this week. The sum of $50,989.50 is still un collected, she said, but receipts are a little better than they were last year at this time. Argentina shippe4 ever pounds of dressed tttjrkeys United States in isbd*. 40,000 to the Principals in the schools in the county took charge of the collections in their schools. The following con- Itributions were received from the principals: Miss Ruth Greenlee, Clinchfield, $20.00; Miss Mamie Sta cy, East Marion, $5.60; Mrs. Addie Williams, Cross Mill, $7.88; Miss Pauline Tipton, West Marion, $6.17; H. C. Holland, Marion high school, $7.37; W. A. Young, Pleasant Gar dens, $1.59; Mr. McDuffy, Old Fort, $4.31; Mr. Norwood, Glenwood, $2.- 80; Mr. Liyingston, Nebo, $3.35. Expenses for the campaign totaled $10.18 for the purchase of tabs. A balance of $152.07 will be this coun ty’s contribution to the national fund. The chairman of the county com mittee and the members of the com mittee expressed their appreciation for the cooperation they had re ceived during the campaign. NEW JAIL DISCUSSED The McDowell county commission ers held a special meeting in the court house Tuesday and discussed with the architect plans for the building of the addition to the coun ty jail. Changes in the original plans were found to b‘e necessary to segregrate juvenile and older prisoners. Curtis Ezell, director of the state department of correctional institu tions attended the meeting and dis cussed with the commissioners the changes necessary to meet state re quirements. Reptile study, Lee Perkins, troop 3, Marion. team to show on the local court this : Stamp collecting, Lee Perkins, season,” said a Morganton sports troop 3, Marion. writer there in commenting on the; Wood carving, Lee Perkins, troop game there last Friday. W. Kaylorj3, Marion. led the scoring for the local boys! with 24 points to his credit. W. Mass i was second high with eight points. 1 Leonard of Morganton contributed j four points for his team to be high The town of Manon will submit a man. j , . , . In Tuesday’s game the Marion j P^^P«««1 ^^e improvement of boys led all the way, N.C.S.D. trail-to WPA authorities, it was decided at a meeting of the TOWN TO SEEK WPA PROJECT FOR STREETS ing at the half 11-19. In the girls’ game N.C^.D. increased its lead in the second half to take the game at 35-26. Marion’s teams played the teach ers of the local high school last Sat urday night. The high school girls lost to the teachers 31-26. The boys defeated the teachers 42-29. DAIRY SPECIALIST TO GIVE DEMONSTRATIONS P. R. Farnham, farm dairy special ist of State College, will be in Mc Dowell county Friday, February 16 giving pasture planting demonstra tions on several farms near Marign, announced County Agent S. L. Homewood this week. Demonstrations will be conducted on the farms of A. F. Hunt, J. R. Jimeson, J. M. Carpenter, S. H. Brown, and J. W. McCurry. Soil sam ples'for testing will be taken from each farm and the advantages of the fertilizing methods recommen ded by the specialist will be found later by comparison with strips of land not treated with the feritlizers. Board of Aldermen last Thursday night. Plans for the work will be given to oMcials of WPA soon in or der that the project may be approved quickly and work may be started this spring. Improvements on eight city streets were planned for the project. Should the proposal be approved, North Lo gan and Crawford streets. Avenue A, Morgan Terrace and Crescent Drive will be surfaced and curbing will be placed. The plans also call for the placing of curbing on Morgan street and the extension of sidewalks on North Main and West Court streets. Of the cost of the project it is expected that between 25 and 30 per cent will be borne by the town. The Board of Aldermen gaye their final approval to the Mayors’ tour of Florida, providing that Zeno Martin, Mayor of Marion, make the trip at the expense of the town. The tour is aimed at publicizing Western North Carolina and will be conducted Feb> ruary 12-23. The Board authorized the pur> chase of raincoats and gloves for the Fire Depratment. iMmii iiife