MARION PROGRESS, MAJSION, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY SO, 1940 i GOSPEL LIGHT : : : • By R. VON KING, Pastor • i East Marion Baptist Church S : : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FINDING GOD Men are continually making great discoveries. There are men like Co-, lumbus who have made great dis coveries of new lands. Admiral Byrd is well-known to the average school boy as an explorer of the regions of the North and South poles. Thomas A. Edison was a genius in the dis covery of the properties and uses of clectricity. Certain great physicians have become famous for their find ings in the field of medicine. But the greatest discovery of life is possible to each individual and is expressed in the words of Andrew to his brother in John 1:41, “We have found the. Messias, which is being interpreted, the Christ.”’ A young lady once came to me at the close of a revival metet- ing and said, “I want to thank you for helping me to find God.” Whatj a privilege, yet what a responsibility j to introduce people to the Wonderful! Saviour, the King of Kings and Lord} of Lords. j There are thoupands of people who have not made this great dis covery and yet Paul declares in Acts 17:27-28; “That they should aeek the Lord, if Tiaply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far form every one of us: For in him we live-and move and have our being.” The problem of many seems to be somewhat like that of Philip when he said .to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father and it suflRceth us.” John 14:8. It seems to be natural for the ordinary person to desire some visible manifestation upon which they may base theis assu rance. Thomas, the doubting disciple declared that he would not believe except he see the nail prints in his hands, and put his finger into the prints, and thrust his hand into his Master’s wounded side, but when Je sus appeared and spoke to him, he cried out “My Lord and my God.” Then it was that Jesus spoke these wonderful words, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast be lieved: blepsed are they which have not seen and yet have believed.” i Here is our great secret of a joyous faith, believing when we have notj seen. This means simply taking God | at his Word without any special visi-j ble manifestation. V*"e must enter into the Christian life by faith, then walk by faith until God sees fit to call us to that better home where faith becomes sight and we shall know even as we are known. Faith that finda its source in the living Word of God and the inword spirit ual experience of being born again is the faith that honors God and car ries us thiough the dark places of,’ life, even the valley of the shadow | of death. I Elijah’s experience with God I should helD us in finding him in our ■ own lives. Not in the wind, not in! the earthquake, not in the fire, but i in the still small voice, Elijah found! God. May we be careful that we do! not fail to recognize -Jesus as we ■ meet him each day. There is an in teresting story told of one of the small kingdoms of Europe. During a revolution the king was overthrown and only one of his sons escaped alive into another country. After many years had passed the people began to desire the kind of kingdom they had formerly had. They learned that this son who escaped was alive, so they sent for him to return and | be their king. At first he refused, | but finally he consented to become | their king on the condition that no ( one should ever see his face. Under his rule the kingdom prospered and the people were happy. After such prosperity and progress the people began to clamor to see their king’s face. He refused for a long time but finally set a day in which he would appear and un\^eil his face to all his people. People came from north, south,, east and west in great crowds to see the face of their beloved and successful king, on that day. They waited almost breathlessly while he ascended to an elevated throne where all could see. Then he lifted the veil from his face and the people were amazed for all through the crowd could be heard such statements as this, “Why, he’s the man who came to my house when we were all sick.” A poor widow exclaimed, “Why, that’s the man who brought grocer ies to my house when we were hun gry.” Still another said, “He’s the man who visited us when baby sister died.” The king was no stranger. He had been among them as a servant and they did not know him. In John 1:10 we read of Jesus “He was in the world and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” TWINS ARE NOT AS RARE AS SOME PERSONS THINK ment each ether. , Although there are approximately 20,000,000 sets of twins in tl-e Uni ted States, the man in the street per sists in regarding them with the same I awe he would a rare side-show at traction. Such open-eyed flattery in- I creases the natural pride of the par ents and encourages them to stress Lthe absolute likene?s of the children. ! Lowell Brentano, writing in the June issue of Good Housekee:ung, ‘deplores this practice and urges the i mothers and fathers to emphasize the difference between the two children, rather than the likeness. They sh.juld realize, the author says, what dam age can be done, if the two have been brought up to be com pletely interdependent, and an acci dent, sickness, marriage, or choice of career, interferes with their rel'J-. ionship. They are individuals, with separate temperaments and mental ities. Their lives, therefore, should be lived independently and not comple- ORIGIN OF PLEDGE TO FLAG According to the United States Flag A.'sociation, Francis Bellany, a member of the editorial staff of The ; Youth’s Companion, was the author •cf the Pledge to the Fl;»g, taught in many schools throughout the coun try and repeated by millions oi pu pils daily. It is as follows:— “I pledge Allegiance to the Flag :of the United States of America, and the Republic for which it stands: One nation, indivnsible, with liberty and justice for all.” CHURCH APPOINTMENTS First Sunday appointments of Rev. J. C. Story are as follows: 11 a. m. Conley Memorial Pres byterian church. 3 p. m. Landis ^hapel. 7:00 p. m. West Marion. A carpenter bee', when boring through wood, detours around nails before it actually reaches them. WHO KNOWS? 1. How long, after the World War started, did Italy wait before enter ing the struggle? 2. What is the present standing of the U. S. Army? 3. What member of the Cabinet recently made an address in Spanish 4. What prominent American, owner of many race horses, recently swore off betting? 5. Do both houses of Congress have to approve reorganization plans submitted by the President? 6. How many pairs of ailk stock ings do American women use in a year? 7. How niany trips has Rear Ad miral Byrd made to the South Polar regions? 8. W^nen did Belgium drop its pro-| tective alliance with France and re-i vert to its neutrality statusi | 9. What is the approxiivate; strength of the U. S. Army and Na-i the new Governor of! vy nowr lO.Who Louisiana? j (See answers on page 7) j ! A small advertisement in our col- j umns often returns large dividends j TO CHECK Evening hours are reading houri THE ASHEVILLE TIMES “GETS THERE FIRST” Both AP and UP News Service Delivered to Your Door J,. G. PRICE, Representative Phone 268-Y THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER “The Foremost Newspaper of The Carolinas” Mrs. Jas. M. Miller, Agt. Phone 901-Yl It IS estimated that speed was re- sonsible for more than 8,000 traffic fatalities in the United States last year. BUY^ A HG CHANCE TO SAVE MORE^W SOAPS and CLEANSERS ECONOMY SALE 'S SPECIAL Available Follow ing Premium Dis tributors: McDowell Hardware Company Mai ion, N. C. T ^LMOlive 6 SEHmVi FOR ONLY 50 COUPONS raoM 6 Quart GRAY ENAMELED Burke Furniture Company Morganton, N. C. 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