McDowell County’s Leading Newspaper MARION PROGRESS Advertuins in the Progress Pays A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MARION AND McDOWELL COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1896 MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 VOL. XLV—NO. 17 Christmas Sales Program To Open Today With Parade And Santa Claus Marion Merchants Join In Sponsoring Event To Usher In Yule Season Here. Santa Claus will make his first ap- I>earance in Marion Thursday night, November 21, at 7:00 o’clock when he will be escorted through the town by city and county officials. The Christmas sales program, sponsored by the merchants division of the Chamber of Commerce, will officially open with the Santa Claus parade. Beginning at the Community building the Santa Claus parade will traverse Main, Garden, State, Hen derson, Logan and. ,Court streets. Santa will leave the para3e at the court house steps, where he will dis tribute gifts. Children will greet him on the steps, proceed through the building and come out on the south entrance* The parade will be led by the Marion high school band, which will be followed by the police and fire departments, and city and county officials. f After greeting children here on Thursday night Santa will leave Ma rion and will not appear here again until after Thanksgiving wken he DAIRY PLANT PROJECT TEMPORARILY HALTED Final plans for the construction of a plant for the McDowell Cooper ative Dairy on Highway 70 between Marion and the Clinchfield Mill vil lage have been completed and work on the project will be started as soon as adequate sewage disposal facilities have been provided, it was announced here this week. The town of Marion now has a WPA project waiting approval which will provide a separate sewage disposal plant for the area in which the proposed building site of the dai ry plant is located. Approval of the WPA project and the time required for its completion determine the date on which construction of the dairy plant will be started. The dairy plant, on completion, will provide facilities for pasteuriz ing and retailing milk. Approxi mately $15,000 will be spent on the I plant and equipment before opera tion is begun. The building will measure 50 by 60 feet and will be a one-story brick structure. It will house a refrigera tion plant, a pasteurization plant, bottle cleaning equipment, office and storage space. The cooperative has been incorpo rated by the state and authorized to will visit local stores until Christmas Elaborate plans for the ChrisEtmas issue up to $75,000 worth of capital sales program are. being made here, stock. The financing of the local Street decorations are being comple-• plant will be by local subscription to ted and merchants are arranging stock and a loan from the Federal their stores and putting their Christ-j Land Bank in Columbia, S. C. mas stocks on display. j Tentative directors of the co-oper- Strings of lights and hemlock j ative are: Mayor Zeno Martin, J. R. rope have been hung on Main street Jimeson, W. C. Mclver, Frank Go and workmen are preparing a canopy of lights to decorate the square in front of the court house. Lights will be strung on parts of East and West Court streets. West Henderson street and North Main street, it is expected. Marion merchants voted last week to keep their stores open on the night of the M’DOWELL MAN SHOT IN FACE AFTER ARGUMENT B. V. Lawing of the Glenwood section of McDowell county was re leased from the county jail here ear ly this week under $1,000 bond for appearance at a hearing November 26 in county court on a charge of assault with intent to kill, resulting in serious injury. Lawing is charged with shooting Howard Robinson of the Glenwood section in the face with a shotgun last Saturday night. According to Sheriff Grady Nich ols, the two men were said to have had an argument over a dog, fol lowing a long period of ill will be tween the two neighboring farmers. When the two “fell out” Lawing was said to have grabbed a shotgun and fired at Robinson, several pel lets from the gun lodging in the left side of Robinson’s face. The wounded man was taken to the Marion General Hospital here where his condition was that night described as not critical. His condi tion has been reported improving. Lawing was arrested by Deputy Sheriff W. C. Gibbs and placed in the county jail here until bond was arranged. The warrant for his ar rest was sworn out by Robinson. THREE-DAY COLD WAVE STRIKES THIS SECTION WORK ON LOCAL PLAYGROUND IS TO BEGIN SOON Town WPA Project Is To Pro vide Recreation Facilities Of Many Kinds. Work on a $24,362 WPA play ground project for Marion will be started on December 2, Mayor Zeno Martin announced this week. The recreation center is to be constructed on the vacant lot just northwest of the Community build ing, and present plans are to have it ready for use next spring. Wading pools, tennis courts, landscaping projects, picnic grounds and attractive walks winding along the hillside will be outstanding fea tures of the playground, Mr. Martin stated. The WPA project with a federal appropriation of $16,564 supplemen ted by $7,808 put up by the town of Marion as sponsor, also calls for the construction of a sewage pumping station that will enable a number of houses to connect with the main city disposal system. Workmen who are now being em- A three-day cold wave that held temperatures below freezing through out the south and brought snow to Played in cooperation with the WPA several parts of Western North Car- street projects, which include the construction of a number of retain ing walls, will suspend activities on those on November 28, the mayor olina gave way to warmer weather Monday of this week after an official low of 18 degrees above zero had been recorded in Marion. The cold wave followed three days of intermittent rain here last week. Last Thursday the high tenv- perature of the day was 47 degrees and low was 39 degrees. The daily low temperature dropped below freezing Friday to 23 degrees and went to the record low for the week of 18 degrees >n Saturday. The high readings last iWday and Satujniay were 45 and 46, degrees, reispectJve- forth S. M. Curtis,'E. S, Frisbee, Jr., and J. H. Greenlee. In cooperation with S. L. Home wood, county farm agent, Mayor jy * Martin and other business men and j ^ of 19 degrees above zero was McDowell dairymen have planned ! here Sunday but as the cold the project to boost the dairy indus-|^^^g sections the try in this section. | reading for the day rose to 64. I j Monday^s reidir^ gave a high of 60 Santa Claus parade.| GIRLS ARE HURT WHEN " ’degrees and » of 24. RAT CONTROL PROGRAM TO BE HELD IN COUNTY A four-day rat eradiction cam paign will be conducted in Marion and McDowell county November 27, 29 and 30 and December 2 by L. C. Whitehead, district agent of the di vision of predator and rodent con trol, it was announced here this week. The rat control program will be conducted here through the efforts of S. L. Homewood. Rats and mice every year cost McDowell residents great sums of money, said Mr. Home wood and there is a great need for rodent control in the county. Bait to be used during the rat WELFARE GROUPS OFTHISDISIIiia HAVE MEET HERE State Chairman Blair Is Speak* er At Banquet Held in The Community Building. The Western District Welfare Conference was concluded here on Tuesday afternoon with representa- tives of the 19 counties in the dis- eradication campaign may be secur- trict attending a banquet at which ed at the local office of the county agent. McDowell county residents wishing to secure the bait have been requested to notify Mr. Homewood or some one in the office not later than Saturday afternoon, Novem ber 23. There will be a small charge for the bait to Ipover cost of prepara tion. The control progrram will not be effective if it does not receive the full cooperation of the residents of McDowell, said Mr. Homewood, and all property owners should take this opportunity to free their homes, mills, barns and other buildings of rats and mice. Mr. Whitehead has already been pledged the support of Marion town Col. W. A. Blair, chairman of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare was the guest speaker. Col. Blair made a direct appeal to welfare workers to build themselves as individuals that they might be better fitted to contribute to the de velopment of people who come un der their care. America is one of the few remaining lands in which people enjoy freedom, he said, and its citi zens should, by bettering themselves contribute to its advancement. He urged all welfare workers to us* tact, politeness and consideration in dealing with their clients. The conference was attended by approximately ^00 welfare workers, county officials and their guests. The officials and mill owners in carrying j banquet concluded a program that out the control program. began here at 10:00 o’clock Tues- The campaign will be conducted: day morning iji the First Bapitst in Old Fort on December 2 and all i church. residents of that section have been | Opening the morning session, stated, so they will be kvailable for I cooperate fully to make | Mayor Zeno Martin gave the address work on the recreation park. • rodents county- of welcome. The response was by ^ jwide. IE. E, Connor, superintendent of ■ I1UIV17R«ITV Rir m I Marion Kiwanis club voted!public welfare of Asheville. CRE^E^N APPROPRIATIONS The annual message from the CREASE IN appropriations, eradication andap-ig^,^ Association of County Super- Ipointed Bill Shifiet as chairi^n of a Welfare was Raleigh, Nov. 14.—A boost of al- finance committee to raise funds ^ Glover, of Nash most 50 per cent in the appropria-; put the campaign across. The Ki-i president tions for the Greater University of'wanis committee will assist in Provid- i^j^^ North Carolina was requested by 1 ing for the distribution of bait to ^ university ofUciiils today as the advi- iali imrts of the county of the organiza- sory budget comnu^on concluded-.!^ Chri^mlas goods will be on display in all stores and early shoppers will find Christmas values in all of them. AUTOMOBILE OVERTURNS j During the ttiree-day cold period, A discussion on “Mental Hyteiene Services in the Community” was le4 by Dr. James Watson, director of the Division of Mental Hjrgiene of I the State Board of Charities 'aeries of hearings which will form the MARION HIGH ELEVEN basis of the state’s spending pro- TO PLAY MORGANTON gram for the next biennium. THERE FRIDAY NIGHT j p" Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of. itroduced by Dr. G. S. Kirby of Mar- the greater university told the budget I Needing a win over Marion to | jQ„ makers that the increased appropria-1 complete its season with no defeats j Nathan H. Yelton, director of tions were necessary if North Caro ' ' ‘ ’ ■’ j---i lina were to take its place as one Nathan H. Yelton, director oi ro- and no tied games, the Morganton | of; high school eleven prepares to tangle' ^ Charities and Public Welfare, led ennw -foil in narts of We.stem ' x'--r—-—- “■’iof Charities and Public Welfare, led leading educational centers m with the local squad on the Morgan-^ discussion among county commis- Margie Lewis and Mary Lou Lew-: Nortii Carolina, a light fall having special stocks having been ordered ^ is, of Old Fort, suffered bruises and i been recorded at Linville Falls. Snow ^ larlion PAT* 111 > ^11 4*Via for the sales prog^m. The Santa Claus program is un der the direction of Ralph Tate, who is being assisted by Bill Shiflet, Hy- mie Winner, and M. C. Wingate. General chairman of the Christmas Bales program is J. A. Wier. Walter J. Cartier is assisting in all parts of the program. RURAL CARRIERS HAVE HOLIDAY NOVEMBER 21 cuts Sunday night when the car in ifgU in Asheville during the period, which they were riding overturned j xhe heaviest snow in this section ap- about one-quarter mile east of Old j peared to be around Boone. Fort on Highway 70.' The two girls j The cold wave extended through- were brought to the Marion General i out the south into Florida, where con- Hospital here, where their condition was reported not serious. The acci dent occurred about 8:30 o’clock. Roy Lee Bailey of Old Fort, driv er of the car^at the time that it ov erturned, told Sheriff Grady Nichols the car brakes locked as he was about to turn from the highway and caused the car to turn over. Bailey suffered no injuries. r No delivery of mail by rural car riers will be made from the local T>ost office on Thursday, November 21, Postmaster Barron Caldwell an-^ MARION CLUB nounced this week. The regular cityj HAS TWO NEW MEMBERS carrier service will be in operation as usual and windows at the post office Buster Miller and William Horace will be open the usual hours, he said,! Neal were welcomed as new mem- only the rural carriers observing thejbers of the Francis Marion club at Thanksgiving Day set by President | its meeting here last Thursday night Roosevelt. voted to contribute to Mr. Caldwell said regular rural the Red Cross roll call which is be- aervice will be afforded on Thurday, ing conducted here this week. November 28, the Thanksgiving Day set by Governor Hoey, but city car rier service and window service be suspended for the day. RESULTS OF POULTRY TESTS ARE ANNOUNCED Records kept on three poultry flocks in McDowell county for one year show that the average clear profit realized for each bird of the flock was $1*;17, stated S.' L. Home- wod, county farm agent,: this week. According to Mr. Homewood the average feeding cost for each bird for the year was $1.96 and the aver age return on each bird was $3.13. During the year eggs sold at an av- Albert Neal and Red Green were appointed a committee of two to in vestigate the possibility of having a professional wrestling match in Mar ion in the near future. The social committee of the club was instructed to make arrangements for Thanks giving and Christmas dances to be sponsored by the organization. E. P. Dameron was a guest at the meeting. MYSTIC TIE LODGE WILL HAVE MOTION |»ICTURE The Mystic Tie Lodge A. F. and A. M. will sponsor a motion picture of Masonic activities of North Car olina in the lodge hall this evening at'^7:30 o’clock. T. J. Harkins, band J. B. Laughlin of Marion will en tertain principals and superinten dents of McDowell city and county ^ schools at a dinner at the Clinchfield erage of 26 cents a dozen, he said, j Asheville, will be present | Methodist church building tonight, siderable damage to crops has been reported in the northern sections. NORTH COVE GIRL TO “the whole world.” i ton field Friday night at 8:00 o’clock, He asked that the appropriations; The game will close the season for; Community Coop- for the three units of the greater: both teams. j gration ” university be increased by $625,3841 Morganton, led by “Smoky” Mac-; ’ onrr • iaAi AO x j j-j i. ^ 4.1. n 4- A discussion on “Public Welfare to $1,941,397, in 1941-42, and by Leonard, candidate for the all-state. ^ ^ i j J697.196 in 1943. jhigh eleven, will enter the game Pri- ^ Commun.ty was led I day in the role of the favorite. The|!>y consultant of Propose* New Building Program In addition Dr. Graham requested; Wildcats have defeated Hickory, For- that a $ 3,351,652 building program, jest City, Shelby, Lenoir and Cherry- probably financed by state bonds, be ville and need only to down Marion !the Division of Public Assistance of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. i undertaken at the units—N. C. State , to capture their second conference i ^ RECEIVE DRESS AWARD Raleigh, the Woman’s College in i championship in a row. Marion has' 1^*”. ^he Merit I Greensboro, and the university in I been defeated by Forest City and | Cherryville, the locals going down • Recognition for clothing i Chapel Hill, work in McDowell county has come. proposed building or perman-1 before Cherryville here last Friday j with tile receipt by County Agent improvement, program calls for j 13 to 6. Jean Steele of an award for paritci-$661,390 at the! Coach Art Ditt of Marion has seen i j- * t pation in the 4-H dress revue. The,^j^j^,g college; $1,621,026 at the i all home games of the Morganton i j. Presiding at the banquet program was Robert W. Proctor, Marion at- jtomey. Special guests and county delegations were introduced by Mrs. award is a silver medal bearing the words “County Dress Revue,” a graceful figure in a flowing costume and the 4-H insignia in bold relie. It is thumbnail size and worn with a clasp. The award will be presented Marjorie Hoppes of North Cove at the next 4-H club meeting at North Cove school on December 6. Some 10 girls took part in the county revue. The state will be represented .iA the national revue at the time the 19th National Club Congress in; Chicago in December by a girl chos-" en from county winners. The trip and all other awards are given by the Chicago Mail Order Company for the twelfth season to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to plan and construct suitable costumes and wear them becomingly. SCHOOL OFFICIALS TO DISCUSS SCOUT WORK and each bird produced an average,meeting. «>f 143 eggs. Records during the year; pi^. were kept on 231 birds. . [ture has been shown here and will jbe a most interesting entertainment BANKS OBSERVE NOV. 28 for all citizens of the community as Marion banks will observe Novem-iwell as members of the lodge, ber 28 as Thanksgiving Day, it was’ Members of the lodge and their announced here this week, and will | families are especially invited to at- be open for business on Thursday, | tend and the show is open to the November 21. ‘public. No admission will be charged. November 20, at 7:00 o’clock. Boy Scout work in McDowell will be dis cussed. Mr. Laughlin has long been active in Boy Scout work in this section and is now directing Scout activities in this area, Subscribe for tiie MarioB Progresi —^the home town paper. N. C. State, and $1,069,136 at the; Wildcats and occupies a position to university. Principal items are: organizations of the State Board of ' rr T T n K r7 Charities and Public Welfare. Mrs. I upset the dope-bucket by leadmg hisl^, Kirkpatrick, McDowell super- •Marion club to victory. Woman’s college—Laundry, repair! A news release from Morganton lintendent of public welfare, intro- shop and storage building, $117,990; I states: “Coach Reinhardt and his j _ J ^ . f cnArtA u TTr-ij ^ J ! The mvocation was by Dr. B. F. student union building, $150,000; 11- Wildcats are leaving nothing undone; \ . Al ' Albert Hewitt of Manon pre- N. C. State—Agricultural building, ] though favorites to i/^/.oio 1 ®®”ted two solos, accompanied by [in preparation for the game. win, the locals $139,995; assembly hall, $ 541,450;[read the papers before and after the general engineering laboratory build ing $1,621,026. SJiiiversity— Library wing, $345,- 761; commerce building, $335,000; Ifm^age building, $196,000; laun dry alterations, $56,000; departmen tal equipment, $94,875. I Miss Julia Burton, i TWO SPEAKERS HEARD Duke-Carolina game and even recall 1 that Coach Arthur Ditt was a star RITES HELD TUESDAY back on past Carolina teams. One of the largest crowds of the season is expected and a host of fans, includ- FOR MRS. MITTIE STACY Final rites for Mrs. Mittie Hill ing the crack high school band, will ; Stacy, 49, who died at her home in come from Marion to pull for their j the Sugar Hill section last Saturday favorites.” Iwere conducted at the Clinchfield I Methodist church at 1:00 o’clock HERE AT ROTARY MEET j BLUE RIDGE CHURCHES {Tuesday afternoon with Rev. W. H. ARE TO MAKE OFFERING Wellman officiating. Burial was in jEast Marion cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Miss Mary Rose Badgett, home economist with the Farm Security Administration here, speaker at the regular weekly meet ing of the Marion Rotary club last Friday. She spoke on the FSA pro gram, how it operates and its bene fits. Larry C. Whitehead, Rotarian of San Antonio, Texas, spoke briefly on 1 Members of Baptist churches in.. tt « 1 T>, T> j X- -n 1 j;Mike E. Stacy; three sons, Howard the g^uest the Blue Ridge association will load a+i n ^ . J i. 4.1. o 4.1. Stacy, of Atlanta, Ga., and James a car of produce at the Southern . ox ^ 4.u ^ . X • rp and Edward Stacy, of the home; station in Marion on Tuesday and ^ r> i- at , XT ^^A 0-7 two daughters, Pauline and Lillie Wednesday November 26 sod 21^. ^ for the Baptist Orphanage mThom-^jj^ g ^ 1. • J- J 1 • *„’and Mrs. Goldie Ashworth, of Eller- Churches or individuals wishing to . v ii. iri ^ ^ ^ .. be Springs; and one brother, Elzie contribute to the worthy cause ^ Atlanta G» a proposed rodent eradicatoin project j been requested to bring their offer- ’ ’ Mr. Whitehead is associated with a biological survey being made by the government. The program for the meeting was under the direction of Bob Smith. Rev. W. A. Jenkins, president of the dub, presided. ELECT NEW DEACONS for Marion and McDowell county, {ings to Marion next Tuesday win which he declared to be much needed Wednesday. The car of produce is i an annual Thanksgiving offering j made by member churches of the j Blue Ridge association. The full co-j The First Presbyterian churclt operation of the public has been re-! will elect three new deacons next quested. Sunday morning to succeed David jHervey, C. A. Harris and W. L.Mor- Don’t forget. Trade in Marion, jris, retiring deacons. ✓