THE MARION PROGRESS A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MARION AND McDOWELL COUNTY — — ESTABLISHED 1896 MARION, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1949 VOLUME 54 No. 24 P Sain-Brooks Motor Company Changed to Marion Motors, Inc. The name of the Sain-Brooks Mo tor company has been changed to Marion Motors, Inc., it is announced by the owners, H. G. Sain and C. L. Quick. Nothing else is changed, it is stated. The same friendly and effi cient service will be maintained, the Vaanagement announces. The photographs of the men who wake up the staff appear in a dou ble page ad in this issue of The Pro cess. H. G. Sain has been a resident of Marion for the past eight years, purchasing the business in 1941. C. L. Quick has been associated with Sain since last July. He was form erly connected with the Ford Motor Company of the Charlotte district. Quite a few changes have been made in the different departments recently, new fixtures set up and a new machine installed to assure bet ter service. STATE TO ADD PENNY TO GAS TAX JANUARY 1 Raleigh—When North Carolina adds another penny to its gasoline tax January 1, the money must be used exclusively to help pay for the rural road program. So ruled Attorney General Har ry McMullan in a special opinion handed down recently. The extra cent tax—which will raise the state's gas tax to seven cents a gallon—automatically goes Into effect the first of the new It was contingent upon the $204*,©00,OW> rural roiff bond is sue approved last Summer. If the bond issue were approved —which it was—the gas tax rate was to automatically go up one cent January 1. In .an option prepared for the revenue department, the highway commission, and the state treasur er's office, McMullan said all in come from the tax increase must be deposited in a secondary road bond fund. He pointed out that the fund was created in a provision of the act authorizing the $200,000,000 bond program and that its purpose as outlined in the act, is to repay tha principal and interest on the bonds. The additional one-cent tax is ex pected to bring the state an extra $6,000,000 annually. HAMILTON PAYS HUNG FEE FOR CONGRESS RACE Raleigh, Dec. 27—Charles E. Hamilton, Gastonia attorney, today officially entered the race for the Democratic nomination for Con gress in North Carolina's Eleventh District. Hamilton paid a filing fee of $125 to the State Board of elec tions, and became the first of sev eral announced candidates to file for the seat which Rep. A. L. Bul winkle is vacating. It was the first filing fee col lected by the board for next year's general election when voters of the state will select two U. S. Senators, 12 Congressmen, an insurance com missioner, three justices of the State Supreme Court, 11 Superior Court judges, 170* members of the State Legislature and a host of county officers. Hamilton, who is 42, is a practic ing attorney at Gastonia and a former clerk of Gaston Superior Court. Others who have announced their candidacy for he Democratic nom ination in the Eleventh District are: State Rep. Woodrow W. Jones ©f Rutherford, Frank "W. Howell, superintendent of schools in Yan cey county, and Nat Hamrick of Rutherfordton. Others who are con sidered as possible candidates in clude Charles Z. Flack of Ruther fordton, Solicitor Basil Whitener of Gastonia and Peyton McSwain of Shelby. Tax Listing To Start Here January Second The annual tax listing of all prop erty for 1950 county taxes will start in McDowell on January 2 and will continue through the month. All property is listed as of January 2. Tax listers appointed by the com missioners have been announced as follows: Bracketts and Glenwood—A. P. Poteat. Crooked Creek—Harlow Noblitt. Dysartsville—C. M. Laughridge. Higgins—-C. Rex Wilson. Marion—Mrs. C. W. Davis. Montsford Cove—Mrs. M. R. Nanney. Nebo—L. C. Parks. North Cove—S. M. Avery. Old Fort—S. F. Mauney. Property owners are urged to see listers in their respective townships and list property as early as pos sible. R. P. Morgan Dies At Glenwood Sunday; Funeral Tuesday Reid Pinkney Morgan, 70, well known resident of Glenwood, died at his residence Sunday evening af-' ter a brief illness. Funeral services were conducted at the Glenwood Church of God by the Rev. Dock Mclntyre at 1 p. m. Tuesday. Burial was in Bethel church cemetery. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Laura Lawing Morgan; four sons, Pink, Claude, Boyd and Robert Morgan; four daughters, Mrs. Ed gar Reel and Mrs. Earl Isaacs of Glenwood and Mrs. Hal Lawing and Mrs. Wiliard Lawing of Marion; two sisters, Mrs. Millard Watson of Rutherford ton, and Mrs. William Kirkpatrick of Cliff side; a half sis ter, Mts. Lee Raburn of Glenwood; 26 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Request Donations On CROP Turned In By The End Of Year The McDowell County Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP), with S. J. Westmoreland as chair man, asks that all ministers and workers who have received dona tions for CROP to turn in their do nations by the end of the year. The cash donations are to be sent to Rev. C. C. Cross, Baptist min ister at East Marion; the dona tions in food and in gram are to be sent to Grady Walker at the Farm ers Federation building on West Henderson street. A communication from the North Carolina CROP News, dated De cember 14, quotes Governor Gor don Browning (Tennessee): "It is necessary to see the conditions in Europe to appreciate the need which religious organizations are proposing to do through CROP." Stuart Pratt, former director of CROP in California, visited Japan and wrote: "In Tokyo I saw afresh what It is to work for CROP and to" be a part of the world's most ef fective peace program—genuine applied Christianity/' Several counties in North Caro lina have completed their CROP campaigns, and the report is very heartening. Here follows a listing of what some other counties have given CROP: Alamance, $313.89; Beaufort, 33,000 pounds of corn:; Catawba, 10,000 pounds of corn, wheat, and milk; Greene, 62,496 pounds of corn; Pitt, 123,200 pounds of corn; Iredell, 26,000 pounds of grain and $1,000; Mecklenburg, 42 cases of canned milk, 1,060 pounds of grain, and $275. * 1 WILLIAM F. STROUD of Clearwater Manufacturing company, route J 1, Old Fort, was one of three Western North Carolina Ford contest win- ' ners, according to an announcement by C. L. Quick, secretary-treasurer of Marion Motors, Inc., (formerly Sain-Brooks Motor company. He received a $50 U. S. Savings Bond. Richard Weill, district repre- ; sentative of the Ford Motor company, made the presentation. < Hospital Drive Fund Boosted To $77,500; Date Is Extended] The Prize Winners In The Contest At Rexall Drug Store The list of prize winners in the annual Rexall contest for boys and girls conducted by the Rexall Cut Rate Drug store are announced as follows: Girls' prizes: First prize, radio, Patsy Rector. 2nd prize, Dy Dee doll, Becky Epl»;y. 3rd prize, twins in plaid, Margaret, E. Davis. 4th prize, Lil lady stove, Harriet Gib son. 5th prize, nurses set, mary Steppe. 6th prize", drawing set, Krist Hasskamp. 7th prize, Junior venda bank, Amelia Yancey. Grand prize, Schwinn girls' bicycle, Ann Buroette. Boys' prizes: First prize, radio, Bobby Suttlemyer. 2nd prize, A. C. Gilbert New Erector set, Jack Hew itt, Jr., 3rd prize, basket ball, John ny Nabors. 4th prize, ping pong set, Lee Reynolds. 5th prize, fielders' glove, Myles B. Brooks. 6th prize, cowboy spurs, Howard Copenhaver. 7th prize, softball, Bobby Ledford. Grand prize, Schwinn boys' bicycle, Steve Patton. Kiwanians Raise $370 By Dime Board Total contribution to the Dime Board sponsored by the Kiwanis club of Marion last week amounted to $370, it was announced this week. The collection of dimes was made for the benefit of underpriv ileged children. I I [ 1 The Marion Hospital Building Fund Drive reached a total of $77,500 yesterday, including $500 donated last week by the Frances Marion club, S. R. Cross, fund chair man, announced. The drive has been extended un til January 16, Cross Stated, and a united effort will be made to reach the goal of $100,000 by this date. A special phase of the campaign developed recently permits an indi vidual or organization to contribute • Memorial Gifts for hospital rooms, j A plaque on the door would be in- j scribed with appropriate wording, j For private rooms the amount is; $2,500 permitting the use of one j name. A semi-private room, with two names on the plaque, would re-j quire a donation of $1,000 and a ward, using up to five names, $500. Watch Night Service Set For The Chapel . Hill Baptist Church There will be a watch night ser vice at the Chapel Hill Baptist church on Saturday night, New Year's Eve, from 9 until 12 o'clock. Reverend Carl McKinney and Rev. C. C. Parker will preach. Spec-1 ial music will also be rendered dur ing the service. Everyone is invited to attend. Change In Schedule Eastbound Train 16 The Southern Railway announces that effective Sunday, January 1, eastbound train No. 16, "Asheville Special," will leave Marion at 4:22| p. m. instead of 4:37 p. m. j HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL May 1950 be a year of Peace, Prosperity and Plenty .... May your joys be many, your sorrows few . . . May your cup of blessings overflow . . . And, in every way; may 1950 be your very happiest year. Babson's Forecast Of Business \nd Financial Outlook For '50 1950 IN A NUTSHELL General Business: Off 5% Automobile Manufactures: Off 15% National Income: Off 5% B'lding and Construction: Off 7% Farm Income: Off 15% Natural Gaa: Up 5% Bituminous Coal: Up 5% Foreign Trade: No Change Anthracite: Off 5% Airline Passenger Miles: Up 5% Crude Oil Products: Up 5% Military Activities Steel Output: Off 5% Including Aircraft: Up 20% Retail Trade ($ Volume): Off 3% to 10% Prize Winner® In fainter'* Contest The prize winners in the boys and rirls contest at Tainter's Drug Store on December 24 are a3 fol ows: 1—Dee Hensley. 2—Fannie Mae Snipes. 3—Roy Rabb. 4—Mrs. Lewis Erskine. 5—Rose Clemmer. 6—Dickey McCall. 7—Mrs. George Waycaster. 8—G. P. Seagle. 9—Patsy Proctor. 10—Bonnie Rumfelt. 11—Betty Floyd. 12—Mrs. Lon Drake. 13—Mike Stacy. 14—Karo McCall. rwo Men Are Jailed 3n Robbery Charge Otis Chase, of Burnsville, and 'has. W. Wise have been lodged in ail in Elizabethton, Tenn., charged rith the kidnapping-armed robbery f Grover Williams of East Marion ast week, it was stated at the Sher ff's office yesterday. They will ight "extradition, it was stated. Williams said two men tricked iim into entering their car and rove to a lonely spot on Houte 26 ear Gillespie Gap where they took is wallet containing $835 and forc d him from the car. tArs. E. C. Cordell )ies At Old Fort Mrs. Elizabeth Collis Cordell, 67, of Old Fort, widow of the late Mel vin Cordell, died Tuesday night af ter a brief illness. Fiineral services will be conduct ed at Chestnut Grove Baptist church, near Little Switzerland, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Carl McKinney, assisted by Rev. Lee Jones, and burial will be in the Collis cemetery. She is survived by three brothers and one sister, Willie T. Collis of Marion, Walter Collis and Mrs. A. J. Burnett of Old Fort, Rt. 1, and Jeff L. Collis of Old Fort. The remains will remain at Mc Call's Funeral Home until time of the service. Farm Income Tax Law Is Changed Income tax time soon will roll around again for the nation's farmers, reminds C. Brice Rathe ford, in charge of farm manage ment extension at State College. Two important changes in laws relating to filling returns and pay ing tax on farm income have been made during the past year, says Ratchford. He explains these changes as follows: In past years farmers have been required to file an estimate of their income by January 15, pay on the basis of this estimate by the same date, and make final return and payment by March 15. They still will be able to do this for the current income year. If they pre fer, however, they may wait until January 31, making final return and payment at that time. Another chiuige is that if the farmer's business year does not end on December 31, he may file his return and pay his tax any time within 31 days after the close of his business year, or he may file an estimate within 15 days and make the final return and payment any time within two and a half months. The latter change, however, will not effect most North Carolina (Continued or last page) By ROGER W. BABSON 1. The total volume of business for 1950 will be less than that of 1949, due primarily to the unfor tunate labor conflicts. Considering that the innocent consumer will be the chief sufferers and will be obliged to pay the bills, it seems too bad that labor troubles should upset the applecart. Labor Outlook 2. Even with all the threats* there will be few wage increases during 1950. On the other hand, all labor negotiations take the minds of both the employees and the management off their regular business. However these negotia tions come out, they result in a loss from the standpoint of the country as a whole. 3. There will be fewer strikes in 1950 than in 1949, but there will not be fewer extended negotia tions which are very expensive in themselves. 4. The Taft-Hartley Law will continue to stand throughout 1950, although many schemes for detour ing his law will be devised. 5. The great drive against the big companies will be for pensions and for sick and other benefits. These- will probably be helpful to* the wage workers and may aid In ironing out the business cycle, but they will be paid for by consumers. 6. It is hoped that all parties will begin to realize during 1950 that the real road to national pro gress is through increasing produc tion and greater efficiency. This is the bright light we see in the labor situation. Commodity Prices 7. Movements in commodity prices during 1950 will vary with different groups of industries and of products, but altogether there will be a general lowering during 1950. 8. We, therefore, advise going easy on inventories. 1950 is a time to get out of debt and stay out of debt. Speculation in commodi ties should be discouraged in 1950. 9. We believe that the cost of" living index has turned down for the present. The average for 1950 will be less than for 1945. 10. Practically all retail prices will average less in 1950 than in 1949, notwithstanding the excess of money mentioned under 27-28 and 29 below. Farm Outlook 11.The total farm income for 1950 should be less than that of 1949, which means lower prices on the average for wheat, corn, pork, poultry, eggs and certain dairy products. Farmers should diversify more in 1950, get out of debt and. put their surplus money into sav ings, in prepai-ation for the next crop failure. 12. The supply of ecrtain can ned vegetables and fruits (except citrus) should be greater during 1950 than at the same time during 1949. The prices of these products should fall off, barring some wea ther, insect or blight catastrophe. 13. Poultry and dairy products will especially increase in volunme during 1950 with prices averaging less than in ,1949. 14. Farmers will continue to work to hold present subsidies. It is popular to criticise the vast a mount of crops which the Govern ment own or is making loans on, but this surplus in storage may be a great blessing when the next crop failure or war comes. TAXES 15. The Federal budget will be increased during 1950 over that for 1949. 16. Over-all Federal Taxes will not be increased during 1950 and there may even be some readjust ments to encourage venture capi (Continued on last page)

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