V. V PrSLISHED ETKS FBIDA1 AT MUIU'HY, NOR I Jl CAROLINA. w; N. CiOibPER. The militia of thj United States is re ported to be in a nodr&iing condition. The nations of Enrqpe are tax'btr tht people into poverty Jtofbuild war vessel and pay armies, and, 'iaf es. Never, in the histojry of the United States has there txjen! such a scramble felr farms as was witgeslcd at Oklahoma. -i j The Yturbide, in;th City of Mexico, is probably the grindjjst hotel in the world; It was built jby jthe Governor f 01 his palace and cost $3,000,000. It con tains a room used by Governor Yturbide for a chapel that is frescoed in solid gold. f, , s 1 The Boston Herald, humorously remarks that the defeat of Prohibition in Con- necticur. looks like a case of Pro ........ 1 1; and Conn. i i IL Boulanger is in danger oj being forced to come to the United tates. The English Government has warned him not to be perniciously activp in JLondon or he may be expelled. ; j , Population is so scattered pn New South Wales that in one case in a recent elec tion where there was an omission to open polls a given locality, th electors had .to travel twohundred ,nfle(! or lose their !votes. . . 1 Senator Dixon, of Rijiodejlisland, is one of the young mgn of thc United States Senate. He and Faulkher,Kenna,Danicl,j Spooner, Higgins anil ""olcott have numbered not much mqre thiin forty years apiece. i J ' Fifty counterfeit, $10 blls were pre sented and stopped at ithe anks at St. Louis during, one ' refcent day. The counterfeit is51 a dangerou one of the series of 1885. It is supposed that at least 60pO of these bills arefnow ' ti ah' in i'iifmlnttji!l u I.ILVUIUIIVU. The delightful cojftition f the British eoldier is seen from th factjthat a private who, upon being askd bj the orderly officer if he , had any iomplkints to make about his food, replied! that j he had none except that the potatqes wef-e not bilecl enough, was thereupon sentenced to pass eighty-fovir hours in aplitafy cell for.-in-' subordination. A noteworthy event is tie installation f . i of v Mrs. J. M. Keljogg, Lwile oi tne, AtfnmPv.General Missouni; as First j ; . Assistant Attomey-Gtneral She was admitted, to practic in the Supreme Court eight years ago, and as a member ef the State Bar Assoc iation. For several years she was a partner in ness of her husband. ; he law busi- Baron Erlanger, of Paris the largesl foreign owner of 'j American railwaj securities, has been through the South ia pntbusiostic on its nrcBrjects. He b&jM "I am so impressed with the opportunities of the; country that ulti mately, when'my boys reach; manhood, 1 shall probably organize our business here in the shape of a branch houke. I shall certainly come back to America as soon as. I can. I am charmed witjh it." . Near Valdosta, Ga., are a couple ol 'deer farms wiere herds of shose animals are kept within a twekve-foo wire fence, and pastured upon rye and grass till they are fatter than butteri The rigirial stock came from Florida, and the animals are now pretty well domesticate(. The-proprietors say that they can Jraise venison much easier and more cheaply than they can turkey, 4nd that they fcxpect enor mous profits when fairly undr why. Intelligence just 'received, from the Solomon group; of islands shows that a ' shocking state of affairs wasjprevalent in some of the islands, massacre B being fre quent, -owing . to internecine wars. Can nibalism was jampaht, and it was said that in one case at least wheap a number of prisoners were captured the people, after being slain,' Jwere rensted, their bodies being afterward cutfTjfi, packed in "leaves, and exported to other islands foi distribution.' . ! , . Half a century agp in Turkey it was cbnsidered a disgrace for a! oman tc ow how to read. To-dat the buitac f has established t wo schools for in. Constantinople. Seventy years Jgo Harriet Newton 'tvent to ndia to find ' ine womenj snui up in zenanps, ignoniui , pd ttegradea. Jf rom tnc very place where she landed jthere ient to the United Stated hot! lqrig ago 3ane. Jashec, highly educated Brahmin j woman, to ' study medicine in the Woman's College, in Philadelphia. ' . I Poor old Dhuleep ISingh t evident ij hard "up, says the Sew Yok Tribune. Hehas written to Queen Victoria asking her to give him the j f amousi Koh-i-nooi diariioad or bits marjket valiie in ready cadi. He wants th monef to u?e in India against the; peace; aod integritj of the Empire, j circaimstaaice which, coupled with the fact that the jgem doesn't belong to him any more than f to a,scpre rlflif&fcal of other Sikhs make his rqusteufi uncommonly cooli ! The soil ftheuun- ? e this season, RJ .:.-.-, ! "pettgj jrmaij ya,uyu,u win goior r - I 1 ' jaub Lion is in. a pretty bad 4ay. sunshine As I wnt down he street A woman whose hair was silver. But whose face was a bloesom sweet, Making me think of a garden, When in spite cf the frost anJ snow Of bleak November weather, ' Late, frag; ant lilies blow. I heard a footstep behind jnv ; And the sound of a merry laugh, i And I knew the h:art it ame from Woul 1 be like a comforting staff In the time a d tha hour of trouble, Hopeful and brave and strong One of the hearts to lean on, When we think all things go wrons. I turcei at the click of the gate latch, And met hi manly look; A.face like this gives me pleasure, Like the page of a pleasant book. It told of a steadfast purpose,' Of a brave and daring will;' A. facoi with a promise in it That God grant tue years fulfill. ilo went up the pathway singing; Isaw the woman's eye Grow bright with a worldless welcome, As tur.siiin j warms the skies. ".Back again, tweetbeart mother " He cried, and bent'to kiss The living face that was lifted For what some, mothers miss. i That boy will do to depen mold thatthi From la vest heroes ;irrmt is grandest heart h.aaai. Since titnp Ss A And the boy who kissessSJiother Is every inch a man. j ' GUY'S NURSE, BV HELEN FOR11EST GRAVES. "Hush, - Dorcas! Is that rain? It sounds as if same genii were dashing buckets full of water against tht'ease- monts. "It's ra;n, Guy Thc equinoctial storm, you know.". 3 "And that dreary moaning down'thc chimney ii it wind?" "Yes, Guy, it's wind.'v The boy shivered a little, and drew the bedclothes up around his chin.; The red flames from the b'.czing log hearth danced up and down on the like a migic-lantern, the shaded lamp burned s.tadily on the table. Dorcas Wyntcr stitched quietly away at her sewiDg without looking up. ; "It must be an awful tempest, Dor cas,'.' utter the lad, ns a fresh gust of wind seemed to shake the eld octagonal tower to its very foundations. "It is, Guy. I heard old Lake s;iy that the tide had not high since the year the Royal was wrecked off Paine Point." "It's be.ter to be here, even broken leg," said Guy Palcy, Captain been so Victoria with ' a slightly lifting his eyebrow's, "than out at sea in such a blow as ibis!" 1 . "A good deal better, Guy. " 1"fot that I am a coward, Dorcas 1" cried the boy. "There are worse things than a storm at sea. And I have an in stinct that I shall ba a sailor - t. - But this sickness has taught me this sick ness and you, Dorcas t!:at it's better to go for a thing in an honest,! straight forward way than! to try to reach it by sneaking. But I always supposed it was a fine thing to run away to sea, or else I shouldn't have tried the get-out-of-the-window-by-midnight dodge, and broken my leg. I'm wiser now." Dorcas smiled at : him with melting hazel eyes and rcse:red lips, revealing a line of pearls. ' "Poor Guy!" said she. - "It was a hard lesson, wasn't it?" "I think I needed it, Dorcas. If ever there was a thoroughpaced young ruf fian, it was I! ' groaned the boy. "But, ; you see, nobody ever talked to me. I Scolding without end I got, I grantyou, , but no one talked common ?ense to me before. You faro ;the only one who ! Eecmea to ttiinK me worm reasoning , with; and you shall see, Dorcas, that j I'm worth, the trouble. " Once I'm up 1 lrom tins scrape, 11 tackle mv lessons in real earnest and try to be something better. And I ay,j Dorcas " "Yes, .Guy?'' J "You're the pretficst girl I ever saw!" "Nonsense, Guyl". "Oil, but vour ;3C and and the most sensible! I the sweetest can't think how you ever came:to be housemaid in a place like this." . Dorca? colored a littleT . 'snail 1 ten you,, tiuyi 1 came as governess to the primary department, but I h:i.d no discipline, they told me. The younger boys did exaetly as they pleased. I've always thought that Mrs. Vail, who succeeded to the position, had something to do wijth the bad reports of my management tjiat reached rDoctor Delfcr's ears. Butjthat can't be proved; neither can it be helped. I was alone here and friendless and I was glad to arcspt a vacant posion under the house keeper, to. mend lijhen, care for the oc- casional cases in the infirmary, and make myself generally usuful." "I knew you were a lady!" exultantly cried the boy. "I could see it in your face." j ; 'I would rather you.wjould call me a rue woman, Guy,' than a lady," said Doicas, moving the lamp a few iaches further back, so that the light should not shine in Guy's eyes. . ' 'But I say, Dorcas, how old are you?" ' , Rather young, I am afraid, Guy only nineteen.5' ' And I am fourteen, Dorcas. Will you wait seven years for me?" j . 'Gut!" ' j; I "I shall be twenty-one th, and my J U UiUOlVl OUUCU liUV. UVJ v uuu a x4 work like a slave gct'a good profea- II II v "..o me uesi nusoana that ever was to you, for Ira desperately in love with you, that I ami" Dorcas burst out into laughter. "Guy," she said, "what a child you are!" : "But you do love me, don't you? ' - Yes, of course I love you, but not a bit more thin I do Cec l Parker'or little Frankie Gaines." "Dorcas!" m ,rme more perhaps, because rvc had the care of you these four weeks, nw.ll' i . and you've really behaved very decently, "P;, ... m. avutioc me, xurcasi 4 I won't, Guyl" "We re engnged, all the Bame' said Guy, with a deep sigh of relief 'It is a bargain. And now you may tret mp my howl of gruel." "Yes, Mr. Palcy," said Doctor Dcl- fer, with a nod of his spectacled brows, that wild boy - of yours is I a "different creature. kAnd the infirm id nune has done it all. Not to mention! th lves her for kee ninrr snd managing the He viA the worst I don't mind admit- was seriously ling him lrom -our menibcrs." "Guy always, was a wild sort of chap," admitted Mr. Paley. "But his aunts spoiled him. ; He never had any bring ing up to speak of." "But this illness seems to have ex erted a wonderful influence over his moral nature," added Doctor Delfer. "And I ready think Dorcas has done it all. Her influence has been wonderful." "Shci deserves a great deal of credit, I am sure." said Mr. Paley. "I should. like to see hcr anl thank her. Tvc brought a few presents for her a warm shawl, a silver snuff-box and a black stuff gown " Doctor Delfer gasped a little. She I don't think she takes snuff!" said he, feebly. "All these nurses do." Yes but there she is now!" The door opened and Dorcas Wynter came in, carrying a student-lamp, which she had just filled and trimmed anew. Mr.' Palcy dropped the sdver snuff box in astonishment. "I beg your pardon, I am sure!" stam mered he. And when the doctor suggested that the nurse had better accompany young Guy on the journey home, he1 assented without a remonstrance. "Nurse, indeed!" said Miss Sophro nia Paley, a gaunt, high-featured dam sel of 1. fifty. "As if a pretty, simper ing cliit of a thine like that could un derstl.nd auy thing about nuisingl" "She does, though," said Guy. "She's a brick, Aunt Soph. And I don't be? lievc I shoull have been alive now, if it wasn't for her." "You arc quite well enough by this time to dispemc with her services," said Miss Sophronia. "A boy that eats the quantity of muffins and plumj im that yoiijdidat tea, last night, cannot ca'.i himself an invalid any longer. She has been here a nv nth, and " ' ')i But she's not to go away for all said Guy, who was chestnuts like a that, Aunt Soph, devouring roasted dragon. "Ask pa a. She's to be Mrs. Paley one of these day, and " "Mrs. Paley!" Aunt Sophronia turned green and yellow. ' It's come to that, then, has it? Well, I've suspected it this some time. And all I've got to say is " 'Seven years from now," said sGuy, with bis mouth full of chestnuts, "I shall be twenty-one and .she twenty-six. Not enough difference to signify. And," he uttered, with a grin, as his aunt flounced wrathfully out of the room, "you'll get your walking-tickets, old lady, when I'm married 1 I'd as soon have a death's head and bones around the place any time." He was1 sitting curled up in the easiest chair in the library, reading a book, half an hour afterward, wheh the door opened and his father came in!. . Something in the paternal g'.anco and movenvenjt struck the boy. "I never saw father look so young and bright before," he thought. "Some thing must have' pleased him. very much. Perhaps Aunt Soph is going .to marry snmA old chtv or other, nnd thfi roast . O J ' ; will be clear." : "So you knew all about it, Guy?' said Mr. Paley, laughingly. "About what, sir?" ; ' "About my engagement." The book fell with a crash to the floor. : ' - "Your what, father?"'; . . "At least you told Aunt Sophronia about it. Well, I'm glad you arc pleased, my boy. And' Dorcas say3 she shall alwJs love you as if you were her own son. As a general thing, I clon't approve o,f stepmothers, but you ; anl Dorcas love each other so dearly, that Why, Guy, what is the matter?" For the boy had rushed out of; the room with an odd, suffocating sensation in his throat. He met Dorcas coming in from the garden, with a bunch of scarlet holly-ber ries in her hand. "Qprcis!" he cried "Dorcas, too are as false as the serpent-woman ! ; You beau" M She comprehended him in an instant, though his voice was choked into si lence. She flung away the scarlet cluster: ad put her arms tenderly about him. "Dear Guy," she whispered, "I love him; but if you are unwilling If it mj. mm n . job it only remains for voultifv bo and-" ..?.. ' J Her voice died away,her h looped on his shouId-T.' There was an instant's then Guy Said, bravely: anJ "Well, so let k be. My 3l rnimn n r . J - .j. " " juu are me on? alive who is worthy ot him. pose people would say six yU much difference I ----- -a'-'. In nilp A rwaa how they're to get over th3 fif i between ,. .,i f. t he adde I, with rlther a foril And then and thn rin . -yi ea nis nret lesson in self-a Dorcas pickc I I up her berries and went to the library, w iscd husband stood. "I have just seen Guv, :1. "Isn't he please 1? ' "Yes, I think he he?Jted Dorcas. "Guy is a ftraf -y f oble na'.ure. I am not squ ¬ Iora," she added, with a dinia T 1.1 1 7 n fier ev.-s. iijm. i wouiu nave 1 y.,ill . 1 1 1 d you if I """i" uui always n:if y 1 Gu7 with me," . - I .. 1 "And my true wifft-qfj1 Guy's true mother: ' said Mr.-?- orawinj Dorcas Jcndj-lw acs sfint:ifuTUr(tajf NigJU. The Brahmin or Zebn Cattle. This is a remarkable breed of -cattle originating in India. They have great powers of endurance, are ac ive, will outravel a. horse under a saddle as used in India, make gcpl beef aud make an excellent cross for the cattle of the south. Mr. Albert Montgomery, son of Colgnel W. B. Montgomery, of Starkvillc, Miss. , now live stock merchant at the New Orleans stock landing, some years since imported a zebu bull from India. We saw-him in New Orleans at the great exposition. He placed this bull on his stock ranch in Texas and finds that the cross with ranch cows is highly satisfac tory. His partner, MK Frost, writing to Mr.Curti3, says: "I defy any man to name the time when he ever saw a tick on the pure or half breed Brahmins; or a worm from the blow-fly (crew worms, troublesome to ranch cattle in wtseisons). Further than this -I dofy any man to say that he ever saw any of them to die from a se vere winter. They arc the grandest cattle that exist for southern climites." We have not room for the other breeds of cattle described in Mr. Curtis book, and have been able to make but slight references to those we have noticed. Picayune. ' Great Rain Storms. - In an investigation of 106 cases of raiofall, ranging f rom idn to twelve inches in eigGth6ufs, Professor E. Loomis has found the area of one inch rainfall to hate extended at least 500 miles in length in ten cases, and to have exceeded 700 miles in threo cases; while the entire rain area was frequently an oval figure exceeding 1000 miles in length by 500 mi'.c3 in brendth. Con cerning these heavy tains the following facts seem well established: First, no great barometric depression with steep gradients ever occurs without considera ble rain. This is true not only for the United States, but also for the f cyclones of the West Indies, the China Sea, InJia and the Bay of Bengal. Second In great rain-storms the barometric pressure generally diminishes, while the rainfall increases. Third The greatest depres sion of ihe baromljj3gial!y occurs about twelve hours after the gieatest rainfall. Fourth A great fa'l of rain is favorable to a rapid progress of the centra of least pressure, while, a small rainfall is generally attended by a less rapid progress. It is, however, plain that the rate of progress of a low centre depends partly upon other causes than amouafc-of rainfall. Trenton- (A". J.) American. Keep Yonr Eyesight Dr. F. Park Lewis spoke recently, says the Buffulo Courier, upon weak eyes and near sighted people. He stated that wl ile people with near sighted eyes might show no loss of sight for years, stiil ncar-sigbteJ eyes should be treated with a:e. 'f The best light tX the -SWS -WfiO ti J n 1 i 'it mtmrnwr good ( hght must be s!rong7rrri?5rsteady. ! Ihe neat ol artitljial light was then con side red. Sunlight 'has the least heat rays; electric light came next; kerosene and gis were laU and warst for the eyes. He c'.osed by stating that in reading the back should h ti the light, the eyes should be shaded and never ba used when tired. One should not read with an uncertaiu light nor on the cars. The Smallest Screws Made. It is asserted that the smallest screws in th2 world are those used in the pro duc ion of watches. Thus the fourth jewjl wheel screw is the nest -Jthing to. beir g invisible, and to the naked eye it loohs like dust. With a glass, however, it is seen to be a small screw, with 260 threads to the inch, andrVg-.ry fine glass ths threads asisSwmn quite clearly. These minute screws are 4-1000 of an inch in diameter and the heads are double. It is also estimated that an or dinary lady's thimble would hold 100, 000 of " ese screws. No Shamming there. Bagley : ' I understand yftur wife is sick." -, Bailey : "Yes, she hasn't! word for three days.' Bagley: "Bj graeiouwr be a pretty sick woman V musM I ' . w i spoke I a X A CffiD-M AN. f t" v Extraordin. ; Discovery by Doj3r,in Kansas. One of ft Mqst Remarkable of Hiian Monstrosities. : t 1 t The has just been discovered in the soutbjarfof thi? (Dickinson) county, writ Kansai Icorrespondent of the Gl6-J)em-jerat, one of the most remark et monstrosities of the human family er known to exist in this section. It s child-man, 0 rather a child's body. ith a man's heaq. A few days ago a icr proiiirprwmineni pnysicpn.was making a can on the family in which the monstrosity lives, and while talking with his patient he noticed an object in a cradle at the opposite end of the room. It was care fully covered up but he thought he V perceived a beard showing from be neath the covering. He could get no opportunity for a more careful examina tion at the time, but in order to investi gate further, informed his patient that other calls would be neeossary. Upon subsWioent visli he managed to be left alone in the rooni with the cradleand its mystcrioui occupant. Hastily 'pull ing off the coirQring there was dis covered a sight ' which made his heart cease for the moment to beat. It was nothing lesjs than a man's head joined to an infant's body. The large eyes blinked a him, and the lips, bearded and mulstached, made inarticu late sounds, but! no gleam of recogni tion or intelligence was observable in the being's face.p Determined to inves tigate the matterlmore fully, the physi cian called the man and woman of the house, and demanded an explanation of the sight which hal met his gaze. At first they were agry that he had pried into theseeret thjat thoy had guarded so well, but at la?jt, seeing that further concealment wasj impossible, they made a clean breast off the aff .ir and told tho following story :' Nearly thirty Jrears ago a man named Reed moved inlo Kansas from Illinois. His family consisted of himself, wife and one daughter. The latter was about seventeen years j old, and rather good looking. They;: settled near the junc tion of the Republican and Smoky Hill Rivers, ia thq icinity of what is now Junction City, "and the daughter mar ried a trapper. Ii Her first child was a boy, and she died in giving it birth. An older sister ha l:' come on from the East by this time, and she took the mother less ' little one into her family. Its father yias killed during the border troubles, and she practically adopted the orpi child jrew and thrive 1 normally until it was about four years and six monthsjold, when it seemed to cease developing. Son it was,noticed that development had not been arrested in all parts of the body. The head kept on growing as if it belonged to the sturdiest child in the Sate. Year af'.cr year this strange growth went, on, and still ' there was no change :n the infantile body or limbs, though the head continued its growth. The j sister nnd her husband moved into Dickinson County, where they have since, resided, aud took the child with them. The grandparents are dead and the monstrosity has reached the age of'tweity-nine years. Its head is as large as that of an average-sized man, and is frowned with a heavy growth of ccarje b: own hair. Heavy beard and mustache are on its fac?, and lines of maturity show upon the cheeks and forehead. uThcbody remains, ' from the nec'k down, that of a i V:, four-year-old child The chld, or man, canuot sit up as the monstrous hea l is too heavy for the rritisclesf of the trunk to lift. It lies in the cnidie"helplesrf, and watches with a. brute-1 ike gaze the doings of those around, y; The mind is somewhat in advance of that of an infant, but is still practically inactive. No speech or general intelli gence has been involved from the strange being. It must be fed from an at tend ant'siand, an i though its teeth are well developed, its iiomach can digest noth ing but? the simplest foods. The tiny hands and limbs are as soft-flcshed as thc'vjM-rcJt babifs,'1 while the face and head have tho harsher feeling of maturi ty. There ?nms no reason in the mind of the physician who made the strange discovery why -If the monstrosity should not live to the age of three score yearsi and teh, though it would seem to be a blessing to the jjworld to take its. life from it. The : imagination can easily picture what; it will be when gray hair has settled on the head and beard while the;, body remains that of a babe. Th3 family, ashamed of the pos-? session of suchja monstrosity, has re ligiously hidden this skeleton in tbeit closet fiom the; world, and few know of its existence, fit is onlyi by necident that it was this; time discovered. The doctor's story faa? led several prominent citizens to take a trip to, the farm house to see the femarkable freak, and all unite in calling it the -most wonderful b2ing they ever witnessed. None, how ever, wish to nake a second trip, as one look at the strange creature is enough to sadden their hearts and give them some' thing to dream about for months. Time BrUgs Wisdom.. Jack Borrowit (furiously) To think of it! There's Twitchell, my friend of five years, refused me a paltry ten-dollar loan this morfting. , Lambrequin Maybe that's because he's known you five years, Jacly. Lift. Hereford Cattle, f ' That the. Herefords are distinctly jpure race of English cattle, a(di of great antiquity, is undoubtedly true.lnit it is as probably true that they are Bid to the Devons. The origin of bpth these breeds fa difficult to trace, and) tbey have trainable qualities in common. ;Both are wonderfully prepotent when rbsscd on other cattle. If the cross is by; a Here ford bud, the red body and f jute face are apt to follow; and M the ross be on a pure Hereford cow, the coH usually follows the dam. The Herefords are hardy and prolific, mature jlir, and are considered the bast grazio Rattle in , England.. They have no superior in the United States, and of late; years the bulls have been extensively u led as sires on the great cattle r inches of Ihe Wcat. They do not come in the cajtegory of milking cattle, though many of them are'good milking cows. In England the young .catt'e are largely bought by farmers at the fairs for feeding; and no breed has risca faster into pubtfc favor, as beef-makers, in thh . country. In England Herefords, at the fimithficld shows, at 23 months old havf weighed 14S0 pounds; at 23 month!,! second- prize steers have weighed li5i! pounds; j under three years (2 year?, 7j-months), 1804 pounds; at three! years knd four months, weights came to 2074;. pounds. A cqw 11 years and four, months of age weighed 2324 pounds. Prar Farmer. A Hot-Bed of Crime! Torture by starvation . seeing to be " . 'a legal ia Minsk jail in Rusa!. Eight peasants are lying there accuiel of the murder of the chief forester n. Prince i Radziarll's estate of Dabidgraiki, who three months ago was found banging in a solitary part of the forest. It was evi-, dent that he had been lyncheft for his unceasing tyranny over the Jpeasats. Eight men were arrested on jkispicion, and it has just come to light thjU during their detention they have been deprived of food,-. sometimes for three! days to gether. In spite of those atrocious measures not Jone of the prisoners hat confe sed. Min?k, by tho way (ancient province of Lithuania), seems to be a hot-bed of crime in Central Europe. To mention all the cases of brigandage, arson, murder, mysterious disappearances and public lynchings which are reported each week would take a whole news paper. Swindles and forgeries arc too common to be even noticed by the au thorities, and nine-tenths of the Jew population are cither convicted or sus pected fences. Domestic ' servants are being almost entirely disperised with, as in very many recent cases they have been found to be in league with the brigands. These facts are strenuously suppressed by the press-censure office. s Timei-De-nvocrat. The Nebraska Homesteader. -. I met the professional homesteader to. day in Sioux County, the extreme north west county of Nebraska. He stood by a prairie schooner out of which came a stove -pipe.' Behiud was a cow and calf and two dogs. "Where is your home?" I asked. "H'nt gjt no house," he said, as ho kicked one of the dogs and took a chew of tobacco. "Where do you liver' "Whcrcd' I live!" he exclaimed, in dignantly. "I don't have to live anywhere. I'm marchin' ahed of civ'lization, sir. I'm hofhesteadin'." '.'Well, where do you sleep?" "SIcepf I sleep over on the govern ment' land, drink out of the North Platte, eat jack rabbits and raw wolf. But it's get tin' too thickly Fettled round here for me. I saw land agent from Buffalo Gap today, and they'say a whole family is comin' up the North Platte fifty miles below here. It's getting too crowded for me heie, stranger. I leave for tha Powder River co-uatry tomorrow.. I can't stand the rush OnaAa Bee. Tasting Without a Tongue. There exists a mistaken notion that the L tongue is the sole organ of taste, just as the idea, natural but erroneous, is ex tant that it is necessary for purposes of speech. As a matter of fact, taste is as largely resident in the palate as in the tongue, while numerous cases are on record in which persons who have suf fered the loss of the tongue have been able to spcrik with clearness. Recently a proof was given of the widespread na ture of the taste-sense in the mouth. In a patient from whom the tonguo had been very completely removed, it was found that sensations of sweet, sour and bitter nature were still present. Curi-; ously, too, n sense of f alt-taste re mained. : These facts would alrnort seem to prove that various parts of tongue and palate are set apart for the appreciation of different "tastes." . This idea supports the fact that the tongue possesses on its surface papilla; or staste organs of different shapes and sizes. It is consistent to assume that : such varia tions in the ends of the nerves of tasfr imply variations in their functions. 2Tete Tori Telegram, j . "How to Pot It Out Zinc, placed upon the fire in a stove or grate, is sai l to operate as an effective extinguisher of chimney fires. Accord ing this representation, when a fire starts inside a chimney, from whatever cauA a piece of thin zinc, about four inches square, is to be put into the stave or grate connecting with the chimney. The zinc fuse? 'and liberates aciduous fumes, which, passing up the flue, are jaid to almost instantly put out what ever fire there may be. CO 0 FEB. t , RUNNINO ADfff HACK LIN E FROM HORPBY TO -YALLEYTOWH, There coming in connettion with Hack : Line runninjf to an 1 from So you tee the reason why I can do better by the traveling public Mk cause we are bound to go anyway, and the e fore cn carry you Cheaper Than Anybody Else ! grjfrlTm)ri rY ihn iWaUU-at rival and departure of j , trains 00 ! th Miriet ta and Nr' h Georgia Railroad. 1-1-tf A PICKPOCKErflTCAREEa, A. Poor Orphan Boy who Rosi to be a Notorious Thief. 1 "I see Mollie Ma shes has done bis stretch and is out agaiu," remarked a communicative reformed thief to a Kansas City Timet reporter. yohn Larney, or John Ddlaney, for ho has worn both names so long in private life that he doesn't know whioh one ho owns," said the formerly hard man, 'is now between fifty aud fifty-five yeara old nearer the former figure. He be gan life as a street boy in New York at the age of eight years, both of his pa rents having died on the passage irom Ireland. The mfaut provea au to tho task of taking cure of himse earlv evinced the possession of destined to make liim famous. It w New York that he gained the name' Mollie Matches,' being slender, ai with a fresh and fair complexion, at age of sixteen, in woman s-attire, radilv nassed as a cirl. and with a b ket of matches infested the crowded ferry-boats. He had a partner with nun, and as Larney solicited . customers among the passengers his fingers clung to the pocket-books, jewelry any thing, in fact, that was in sight, valuable and; easily carried. His stealings were pass ed over to his companion, who did no work on bis own account. In his earlier operations he was frequently caught, but his yonth and virtuous appeal ance and stalwart lies secured a release or a light punishment. In general he was very successful, as men upon discovering the loss of a pocket-book or watch were slow to suspect an innocent poor girl who had mntbps for sale.. As Laniev crew his field of 'operation widened jand his rTphiyp" lUHw"iiyi 1 nr 11" j ty-nve years 01 age ne naueervea t-5ou years in penitentiaries and reformatories, had amassed an honest fortune of $20,- 000, consisting principally of real estate in Toronto. Canada, aud Cleveland, Ohio, and diamonds. In the matter of gems he was equal to an expert lapidary in dkcriminatftra, and it was his mod est boast that iie never stole a paste dia mond in his life. Nor did he waste any time on silver watches, aud when he did steal one through error he made haste to return it to the owner's pocket. "During the war a new opening for hisj&lents presented itself, aud between Sumter and AppomattOx he had enlisted in numberless regiments and jumped $11,000 worth of bountie?. He always lived high, and when at leisure or trav- eling on busines-s, he spent money like a merchant prince. His clothes wero -of the finest, and from his cape chin chilla overcoat to the silk of his under wear there was nothing low-priced or vulgar about him. "Larney was a great actor, and fre quently, although pocket-picjring wasN- his legitimate business, he would, for exercise, try another branch. At bunco titeering, being a charming talker and of gentlemanly appearance, he was al most the equal of 'Hungry Joe,' but always felt as if the industry was low dqwn. Sometimes he doctored his eyes with, red pepper and, putting on bluo . goggles and otherwise disguising him self, would go to a wholesale jewelry store and call for loose diamonds. These it is customary to . display on velvet in ' the counter or show-case, and, ha.ing an excuse in his defective vision, when a number of unst sparks wero before him, he would examine them at a very close rauge, cid convey one or two of the most valuable to his mouth with his tongue: "At the Centennial, Matches ' stole himself into comparative opulence. H realized a bushel of gold watches, but the market was glutted, and ho did not get as fair a return for h's time as h ielt ne oucrht. He eomn mnod n'01 niwn his return lfomc that he had,. toSmli the detectives with 20 per t. instead of the customary , tithe of his earnmm. This was probably a libel, and the out growth of gall and b.t erness. Mrorsix yearsiprior ito his last con viction Larney lived id Cleveland, and advertised himself as blading a life of honesty and integrity, i&d Aid no steal ing within a radius k two hundred miles. His last robbery at Gaylesburg wasTOmmitted early in uly, 1881. ine great sorrow of Larney's life was his lack of education," ccwjcludetT the ex-thief. "He could write us two names, 'John Larney and 'John Dolan,' nd nothing else. He could, not read at alL He often mourrie-l over his early iwoouitwuagt!!., auu ielt sure that he could have pa:alyzed the wo Id in the forgery line if he had only been given proper educational facKi'y when youog. ;"He was surely a thoroughbred and the best known among crooks of any man in the country. I omitted to fay to you that Larney still owes thirteen 1 r years tim to three renal instiiwtioS frorn which Jie has ejeand Express Experts. A novel challenge cornea from Marcos H. Mahoney, of Portland, Me. Maboniej want to mo.H aoy employee of tho Americ m Express Compiny in a match at Ho says he can tako a room full of packages directed to towns ia all part of the United States, mark the rat upon ea-ih package with the weight and enter the whole tranaactior in a tariff book anicker than any man r America. He is milling .to wager fre $50 to $500 on the result of a comr- I tion. His record is. 1,000 packagr wunuaaio, . r ... , .. It f h r 1 ... - v L - r 111 f r

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