v- - -I 4 ' " 4. tlieroot .of the trees." -Tb. 12- ni iii in . ini wir m i mv. ryiBi iLi V, aAnd now also the axe is laid un !QjlniliiJ:MynAlL -- 11 . JCk. -. I 1 -! V' L CDMMUNiCATED. . . j along the lines. For the Bkoadaxe. i We are not in tl;e !.M,t discuiir SlllTL GJTT THERE. a-t.j. In ,,rP;lt tU,t -Jhlfpbibuion party h just a inchln' on, She'l soonei-or latt r get there as sure as you are born. She's sorter -slow in starling and ome think she is lame, But though bhe starts, off slowly, she'l ; get there all the (tame. i f . iiiiciwooht wtiikev parties mav riV11 v "s onr oritur n u - V ahead awhile, tink boom?"'' overiaKc ine pass- t heinwi rit ajy ik -The whiskey iw?n may hate her and try "'r to put !ut down, ""But still she'l grow and prosper in toun . try place and tow n. 'So'rah for Prohibiting she's comin' hve ,. . and bye, She's on the w iy as certain as the sun in the ky, And "when she gets here, fellers, the rads tnaystand" asile, And Democratic leaders shall no more hobbies Hdo. Then boys the sickest roosters, that ever you have seen. Will be old Had and Demi with the hot- tie in between. ' For the Huoadaxe. ELECTION OVER. BY A. I MKNOENIIAT,!., and The election now is pust, , And quiet come at last, And the elect now sing under every tree, The hearts of those are glad, The defeated very sad, For the ojjlrc 'has parted from me. All you who ol!lce love, "j . - And can't tha love4 remove, fei IK'V wi ia.vi .o sub.sc n')j.)n pri,'(. if they tal- w C WJ-J AUK TI HK!K u "NVe are tired of seeing the would be Temperance element in the old parties assent to a thiug they claim '.Jjiey dof'not endorse. What do these tSTWiiperance nlen do when oting for candidates who habitually offend the laws of temperance? The now noteil evangelist.. Rev W. P. Kite will b-jgin his nhvting at Ran dlenian lept. stli, and continue eiirl days. Mr. Arthur Butt, who lead his singing, will be present his tent, which has a seating rith for 1500 persons. Kvory fio attend. Ample grou i nu wn be reserved for those who wish to camp with wagons. Rev. W. ('. Hammer is our author ized County Organizer. He will vis it the various sections of Uandolph County for the iurpsoe of organizing Prohibition Clubs and soliciting funds, subscriptions and advertise ments for this paper. lie is a good aud true man and we bespeak J'or him the cooperation of all friends of our caCe. Receive him to your hos pitality and encourage him in his work. ire to direct particular at the call of the Kxecutive muttee for a Prohibitory Conven- . : tion, to meet at: Asebmo, ept. loth. Ijet every Prohibitionist who can, be sure to go. There ought to be a grand rally and some stirring speech es on the occasion. A great deal; depends upon start ing the campaign right. We desiie a full attendance, not , only for the moral effect, but that we may put our heads together in making the nominations. Do imf f'ai? ( ?- there. jr. v. r. r. From the accounts which have come.ro us of the State convention of the Woinans' Christian TemjKrance Union which was recently held in Concotxl, it must have been quite a splendid alfai t; any means. We have muv!) n. .. He.vuy Siii:p.t.-. Brazil, Ixkiaxa, KnrtiijL BikjDa x i: : rno;.-h far in rn- U ian ! 1 .4-1.. ... 1 . .-tailit out paper. I enjov because it i !arl.-.s. in a 1 vx-at in-.-oi'md principles ! vovernttient, down at the hotto.-n of a!J . poitica) corni)tio!i lies tin lipinr tragic. Had government is rati so-! 1V bad men, bad men are caused bv the liq uor traffic. In Indiana v.e have a hard fi'rht. The two old rum enslaved parries are go nearly equal in voo-s lir.it parii-ian strife runs high ;md waxes warm. Thev sav we are trvimi to defeat the Republican party, say we talk Prohibition and vote the Demo cratic ticket. Of course it is a lie. Some hypocritical Deinocrai.s elothn oiuo hvpocntical Republicans Prohibition-and vote the R,pt,b- tjc and some talk 1 lican We are told by peculative politi- cians that, without a protective tariff! the American ixHJDle would ,lie as": the leaves of autumn and be - atla - red to their-fathers. Again we are told that the protective tariff causes the poverty, penury, crime and suffering that is spread over thedaud like the pall of death, but political malefac tors do prevaricate. Through trickery, mobbery and fiendish' treachery Indiana Prohi- bitionists have held their. own polling 3.08 votes. 1K8C. it. I So prohibition does ; proTimit. ram -Jones says, - ; need to stop the business of y . . . - . , , ., . , , " 1 rirohibitorv law and one num.. j 1 : At 11 A. M. Aug". 30 the Demo-j cratie Co. convention organized tern- i lull' lvil " 1 I t 1 ii'l-Mll) i. ill 1 1 V ill th" yy .i.-v.t-- court house at Asheboro. On ' rhv j wall was inscribed tne motto "L niied we stand, divided we fall.f' For one and one half hours vhil the committee on credentials v.vr out trying to adjust matters between contesting delegations, a tine oppor- 1 f I. tunity presented its.-lf for policy I'm- j .-'eiit to a number ot lriends ol Prohi in" Dr. John M. Worth was called. ' bition, and the lar-e number 'of re He said iu substance: Tiiat not with- j spouses t() the appeal is indeed grati in his memorv had such a convention ! lying. IWow is a list of those who conYt-ed at Ashebon: that. tie. Democrats wijre there: the Allium, were there: th.e Prolublt ionists we;-- there: he was glad tV S"e the il then1. He was in favor of'putiiiii: Democracy above ery thing, tlie Alliance next, then Prohibition. Alliance and Democracy aa l -been one and th" same thiin: till, th intro duction of the Sub-Treasurv i ; ; i i ! 1 1 Zeb Vance was the greatest man from the whole South. The body of the Alliance were honest, but they mus; go slow. Tiiey were not prepare-! i. legislate. It would not be well fu them'to follow their leaders, som-.- '! which already had a senatorial b -- in their bonnets. The erring Prohibi- tion brethren wouhi l)e welcome:', back tp the Liriud old party Oe-.. ,v -. The Dr. was called first presum i! 1 ! k because his experience in manipula ting measures for party success eminently fitted him to give advi-.v ()t!:er 'advisers tollou--,! ma;rdy i; the same channel, P.oth :n p a ! i i and in private during the day. ta:Vv was administered, without stint . thar the urand old Ddnocra'ic part v should once more be v : h. " ii save the credit of the county a,ud d justice to the i"ir "y--." :v:t no withstanding the Hercu!ea:i etior: at unity, LiKniv Towns'r.ip w.l- co-n- ijetely ignored a banner Township running sore. US. Wheth 1 JK! n all The n a 1 of the iiov State Exec- uri'.e Cwti.r .itt' f the Prohibition Party u as f. .;!., vi.- : Edwin iia,-r. ,rv. (.. 1 ir-. v -rv. W.,rt!iville.V. C. : rratiK i. haw l. S.citii-at vV. T. Park.-:-. A;v Durbawi. . C;. tie. N. C. and D.r. I). W. C. !i X. c. Greensboro, '.:i , 'r.i.'. Temple in Chi- e.isro, wiji.c conn r-.-t"iie was d - , ... - iiii.'s': run i - pri.-- of spi- n i .'1 a; i-nituile w'nich ih-.u-at,- t?ait th- day of bi- things: MP"!1;i,'',;in(,:Cll,!l!e " cort ; 1 hat the W.-C. L. 1 nion shoid .v. ttvv ijinh-rtakt-n the erection ol a dlliori-tlolhir hnildinir displays la fine audacity, and that they shoti! be carrv i iil' it forward so successful . - - i e inc-s auministrative aoiiirv nev-i er oeiore snown ny any -woman s or - gaji!.;4tion o! any kin i. .May the Te.Miperance Temjile lift its proud h'ud in t itiu- for :!! the world and his wife to -ve it at the World's Fair.v IfV bv thn wav, there are any more T- " " I? p'-"' ' V ' C' l n ion. ix. -PK-VYEUS II ,liay .V0!ir Pruyer like - ' shiP' wllieh' vvhe;) 5t -oes n :l long v) ,,H'S not vmw ,il,len 80 800,1 : bul when it dws come home, it nas a richer ircint. .lere "coast ers" will bring your coals, or such like ordinary thing,"-; but they that go afar to Tarshi:h, return with gold and ivory. Coasting prayers, such as we pray every day, bring us many necessities; but there are great i Tiraverri w hif li. likf t)a nhl fsT-vMiiish to ma nag-.; this matter, and all pledgeTanda and monevs should be sent direct to him, at Randleman. All subscrip ! t lOl-S i to t ii i :m(l ii:mn!.'ii",:i flliul ... I --('-. . V ' ..... - -vdl lm duiy credited in the 1;:oao- J AXE. j K,re,v agree to subscribe to the! t .,. i 4 i :-;-,-- l-n.r .md P-niMvii-m ; l.i i' ' i-urei me sum oi .7 () bu ,,,, (eiuand, and s. to be paid October 1, ls'm. Name.. Postoflice hati The above circular letter lias been iiav.-' subscribed to this fund with 4 a'lit.'uut subscribed opposite each name. i aik-i'V '$35.00 , 2o.(H) ; 12.50 ......10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 -.00 2.00 2.0o 2.00 1.00 1.00 ' . . i i : -e . . Widkcr. T. C. Wortii . I'luik iirt'wn . C ewlin... .!. W. Lonv . c. Knglish.:. T. Parker A. J. Touditison.. V . an M. Hammond. . W. New by Vfm. Rrown . . Xwl I !:-.''!: Macon Lewis i! tithes II. )ie!..Icnhall L. Troy 1 r. O. Walker !-v. W. il. Lowdermilk M -s Hammond . '. i;i;!i . . . udrews. . K. Talh-y ... , p.. lb -nh-; .... L0; ...LOO V -Oi ICu .1.00 .1.00 . . o A. . i "ai 'Us . L Lc n ird !. L dackfui H V Mbri.rbf J his :.owin bcejn W"i t ii means )U, . - It means that thmL-,, .11... . " J'"t wi v n :i!in r t.. .... -v U te nVht 'P- tneir monev in .. , : uey in a C7 rig!;i ' . x. ..nes io x au !U bv.l they came t Im IllC omi, o i iviiscir prot.-t-rj the Ve wr:"''o' to be auact -;il;.r,--d tae c t vliere ar e er-;will ?irigurmJi:De'apptf f jtj hnf tjpuS reform, anl begged i.r rntp it rt oiifs tti turn Oil I t'i e- corrupt ins. y our party .hal i hi f:!d its-' own, we; luwe uone well ; if w ? have gain., it is a victory. "The farmers protest will bo and nnafailiug. Those who are the moat active promoters of the f tris.'rs? movementwill realize tliat ' ftirfr n inriAt linni! !tlni!ir. pmlar reforms. The ProlitbUion pltfty is in better coudition than ever btoro'and will posh forward an a?- gfl-ssire edncational and organizing CT W will Rhow the Far - c:Iaapaign ; We will show .the far I'Mtrs9 1 -"AUbnce,; the , Patrons iuifabandrvJAirricnltnral Wheels and olfaer farmers! ofgrmiiatioiis that oar J Vou will never get ont of it unless ! l. .i 4t.-.-.i.i mLtt. . .i u mi' 1 i iixiy ia meir natural uiijf . uu . :ji -v rii 4-u:. annr- tr y f. rniers need the prohibition party. e.favor prohibition of the liquor iffic," the prohibition "of trusts, ohibition of private ownership ttural blessings, prohibition itered stocks and the wrecking : '1 Pt0-hibUioD f litical ! 1 dfd n6tke mach ' ty and commercial robbery. . it, I was so possessed j with j am just completing arrange- though 1. 1 X.ike as when ti whereby there will be morf serpent was lifted np, thci ineation along this line during a a ixt year than ever was possible ' ,re. We have carefully prepared I heard th is ffgftV ati8 for systematic work iu every charming word it)" fUa TTt.irtii liiriniT tc litvt Ob'"!' InftttWl until ' 1 " i A c - . ;f These plans will not be pub i but; will be pushed." vow. heaven Twill loo y v ; TIKGEJON'S CON VER nowleage - pi ' ' par i.n - t - .r tn n..L- Willi',, K ll!lll". aiouc.a to ste ho with others, hut i to nil wii 1 come to fit op; n 'aii! I na t the on!v wav bi break ir down through a prohibition party, and when they do, they will not be turned aside by anything from J he party, ancl when a!! wh desir- the destruc tion of- l:iis infernal business come toget!.er in ope party, we will sweep it from r'ne fa-v of the eariii a? with the besom of destruction. LKT iinilSllASS UK I'. en an :" '.v in :,, i ,.. ..! in says: io not iu two !i ti;i over-t'tate it ule ii ' si'V 'iiat hundred ti:ous;ind. s doons country have b-.-n insiiu-mera! destroying in.-iv' huinaii s in tlie i-.-t live Vears t!;an tne !v.o lions of armed men did -during the two vears of th-- civil war. Wnisk- v is in dea !' v v,'-'.i!.'i t b in shell, or ai .C; O; !!r.;';;i:i''ii' ot": 1 i our improv-Mi moo- i u .'.a: think of the awful tu'ncession oi us hu- i ill :.M oepi: s tour o.' i di red and r--eii!v uri'i Co !iuu- four miles lei. . nr;iri-bin i ewrv v--;;r poo t :- ooor- wav of hell. i i i v iu: l ed : aat . witn in t!:e last tii'ty y. ar more ttVtr; ; thr-- uiiiiioiisoj Ameru-an citi.ei;s have been destroyed by the lhpior tratlic: a:'l i.iort tluin 'Vcii ntoiion- ol women anu cup'Ir- n. -.-r on; vautite'l ihig of oroi. e-;, at tiie irruvv of their murd A -.-t ! p-d i.us- bands and fa"e-rs .ml :.: v. I i ;! i ! :w wid- ciicS to toe aven, g o": an d f n c n aj a- OoYe TlotU , . ;1VK '!aii iU "I: i V :e nets 'iristui.i '..eti. 1 ), eu .. i ,P 1C ,vs: "Piof. ii'l't H. C. F.nJ -ii Me-rs d. !L at.-. a:Wt.-r a::; ottu-vs u U in; -.-ctio;, k'u .. I '. i ,t, v.al.-d up-li. i tj. I ... .,.,ti.!i,.-i.ic and mtnot- X-re Mio. .. i i '11. . - i-.OTV i-r:-l". 'M II 11 p. i-- l- i - ; , kre true, but v.- ar. autnor::-. m .-T..':.i....tfil frui. r.nj.iSo io a.i " v t :i:ak.- an 'otni.-ia-lic -i-er. X , , -d -!le X itV tVa of the ci.'i red n-.-iViur iitL Mp-;eS JiUil t gi'V.- :t:! our srr?w he jOjfCi-.-;s of r - y, a:': y. ' W" beN j lievv all ; goo peoph- admir" that ti e (ofrw ; " '-i ; - ; o, brethren o'l-at is.i;. of ti:-! dav anl v. ' liiiik IK but I did iiotkuow this place. It wd3 a primitire Metbodi-iU chaeL I Jad heard of these people from many, 'how they sm-j so loady that they n:aw!eivtde heads ache," bat that did lfct ;; matter. I wanted vto know how1, 1 miht be RiTed, and if they uiudej my hed ache ever so much I did not care. So sitting down, the'Serr ice went on bot no minister cnitia, At last a very thin : !mkijtg tin came into the pulpit and ojaed hii Bible and read these words: 'I-JOk- nnto me, and be ye ; saved, all Uie ends of the1 earth. 1 Jnst fietUmg-bis eye upon me, as if ' h kPw ihphII hrL hskid: - he knew me all by heart, he saia: ol! Young man, you are in troable," Well: I was. sure enouirh. SaT be. t juu w& w vnusu auu men my ;nim'I.;a . k...ia v.z .;i : only I think, a primitive Methodist could do, 'Look, look,, look! ' It is only look of ; I saw at once the way of aalvaji of. Oh, how I did leap ior jbyla of j moment ! I know not what the ed and, were healed.; "1 be - waiting to do fifty things - ; have, looked tiny .yr 0 I unutterable. to BJUwi this r v We think we can tell vou wliat it i You are atraitl of the unpopularity of our cause. If ;!ie christian nun of tins nation believed fully that ours would be the winning party in I8'.r2, millions o:' good men would vote wit! U-. who in the te-xt presidential idee tion vote with one or the other of the 1 key parties. If th-.;. good men of h'-lU.ioIpil County could believe that o.trs 1 !.c the iliO-t pojei COUilfV, W"e would lar ji trt Vi m t a. Iiun- eds of oteS H hiell Wi!! be j dvei. iy christian men in f.tvr o principles they pray agaiiist ccrv lay. "li is tu ei ni ne o.vn ;.; iiiliar li'; "!i I -.vho has lift -d up his h-vl again-t !e or 1 li t i ; i.. VJ' 4 M;:. KptToi: : Wl.V i'o v.ei p:oHKe (. r ; i i a pn- hdtMioi. tieke; in ii'ainioj ii co i n ' v : i i Hae V'Ui jj.it been co'jvjjicet!. Ion: igo. ::a: v..- an !ui vi,ir .hck . i 111 That yon an- k nown -very where t :iou.in- but a "M!e Siiow" in th" int. r -st of the democratic an.! P-pub- , . . :.. i:c.m par'!--: Ly. That lw , . , , 1 .. - . ,.l'.ri-i.ill T 1 1 . . O ! . -I I W ! to , I r t , . et ;..,. . . : ?-1 t in .-.li'. 1) . !iCOi.- Yo!: know rbatthe -A Wl.r .! py l.) tent Wi i in - .... le!i,M-;a:;c j..trrv na i f ti'uoiv on an .'A ' l Shu on o .. party ii io---l to pncnbinor., : i:ui is eormmio-i o " I . . I -rli. I .1 ecu.- " pbmk. and t. you cdaiimiHS to want piehioitl.-:-. :H -ie th-- inter-si id tie- R. publ rv. ' ?h. shame ' shame ! Why don i.!-n . Oui: teii5g sucn , ..j ai voUf Ilien t0 .. .a. ilivi.it: tljetn eiiiain, -ii- - 1 the IVmovralie p.tay. aim to lU. i:,.,rb,k-an irty. V i . lhi u;. Lie. ne ami !fl-. ..Ji. iff Ynl 3 I r- l now ui"- w-- i t preach a Jej-J JM )l 111 (Will ' -' nothing efsc in our plattoYiw a i:;u:m:;i!1 man oo.-s or fan ot 'Hi Toe PitoniBrnox pARirof Rani dolph county, by its Ilepresentativea assembled in Convention, acknowl edge Almighty God as the sourer of all power aud authority in all hnmmi governmenr, ana mvoKing ins o vujh fhelp in all its efforts for the aboli tion of the drink traffic declares ' Fiust That the traffic in intoxuat? ing liouois is the prolific sour. of crime and lawlessness, th- chief agency in the corrupt ion of the ballot, legislation aud a ministration of law, the d Uon of the Sabbath, and th Ol ii wiiiuiuauuiio ftu ' lions that ericouraire a idleness: immorality t more. rg iO'iY, rr.'s "MFA Dl'.S'll A I.I. S-e. r-'ouTii!: as'ni'm, mki:tin'.s op fin: TP.N1. V ! N : ' ' 1 1 U I I I ti n! sit i n tos oi- 1 smo. The following official ihwip"""' J from tie- Ptte ofC-orgia -,r receiv ed during the a-t at-";l! ""'ting f the .Vitional U'oman's Christian 'i'einperanc- Cldou, held in the city of 'hi. .!'.' tlie y.iv 1 All ASIA, I' A., Oct. -' 1nS! In 7 0:ji" r." i' ml f)hi'ifi of' if X unn't lL,,- ( 'irifli'in The suhsc ril rs her to, officials and cit' us of the st;iti of Ccjrgia and citv -f Atlanta, reSjK-ctfuUv in- i,irt ,., .lllir eminent ph i hm irpic ltIy to hold iU UvJ.t (i,iUua National convention, in fj,.. al,tnmn of 1-V.mi. in mi-:, MIi ana ,ds mo.-t cord hil in : rtitl .. .1 I llli'Il I kill! ' . . . 4 ,-Hu.leare kc iiiy ame r 1 1 ""gVeat concnis of religion, 4 - I ... .. .',-.- ..,i. "overnm in. un. v5 "'. "' h. - y are d--p!y inlrcstt-l in ail Un- - e I l...t P . 1'cient hx-.ui re;ri, aim n.t. --j irh i-t an i skilled in the dutu-3 are arn m un s otin. and helpful patri- Y r V esec 1 J did oot n:ak- anv .o r... - - f I -'I ,'p.t.TiI. thorn '-' tl' 1 Sal'.t yu s-e that To ma-vc L1' er. each half Voll r Jt to - UUUVI- . .-.l..r.l- 111 . k - - till Oil LIlOSi l'U'V . hilars !i"Wt-er d- -J b

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