The MiixtoR Union. by the max ton p us- LlSMlJSir UUJll i t Secty and Treasure, E. F; XlcBAE Editor MAXlTON, N. C. Triadnv, Jane 18. 1889 Smwcnimo! 1.00 PR. Yfar. Entered at tite Postoffige AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. The Convention. Elsewhere will be found a syn roceedings of tlie Y. 5lJc. A. Cofi Convention. ve Knew that the Association was a good tiling, but never before have we had any conception of its glorious work. Maxtcin asked for she Con vention, she and she got have we had expected a blessing it, for never before such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In the conse cration service Sunday morning ill was seareelv a dry eye in the house, and at the Sunday after noon service there were 23 came out and confessed their sins before men. At night the Presbyterian church was crowded, for every man, wo man and child that was able to go was there, anil we have yet to see the first person who was wot deeply and seriouslv impressed by this service. May this spirit abide with Maxton and community. Mr. Y. P. Fife and others were .. i 1 - V 1 .1 .... I ,1 - 4- 1 ri stil II 1 I t1 1 111 IUJH1 ova . two tMV - oit'd churche. and here much good was done. Long will we remem ber the social and spiritual bless ings that halve been left by this convention, and to God be all the pjaisc. 1 Going Right Ahead. As a proof Hint the Laurinburg tot ton Seed Oil Mill Company mean business this time, they have already purchased a buntlred-horHe-power boiler and a ainoty-borse-power en pine? with a duplex pump at a cost of $2,38.00, th( mill machinery at a cost of $10,600.00, 158,000 feet of lumber at $8 ja thousand, and given the contract foj (he wood-work of the mill Jto be 40 y 90 feet, two stories high, and a sejed thed to be CU by 100 fee t, one stary high, to Mr. W m. McKinnon, whoso bid was $710. Exchange. District Convention of Y. M. 0. A. The Convention was called to McKae, and the ser vice was opened by singing No. 138 Gospel jlymns. Rev. McT. Mclver read 4 portion of scripture and liev. Gejo. W. McMillan lead in prayer. (apt. Wm. Black de livered the jaddress of welcome which was responded to by Mr. L. A. Coulter, in a short impromptu speech i Capt. lilaek was elected tempo rary chairman, and T. G. Ilyman, Secretary. j Rev. Dr. Pptchard delivered an address on the Pastor's Relation to the Association. Mr. L. A. poulter followed, on, How can we Derive most Benefit from the jCor vention! Numerous responses were given by members. A (3ommit :eo of five were tap pointed on permanent organatibn to report next morning, composed of the following members: G. M. Busey, E. F. ilcRae, Rev, Gco W. McMillan, DrJ W. N. Culbreth and i W. S. Prior. On motion till 10 o'clock a recess was taken i Saturday morning. Saurday morning the Conven tion met in the M. E. church at 10 o'clock and a Bible reading wns conducted by Capt Black; Presi dent protein. Committee on permanent organ ization made the following report: r President, W. G. Quackenbusb, of Laurinburg: 1st Vice-Pres Vm. . Black, of Maston; 2nd Vice-Pres. B. F. Kinir. oi Wilmincrton: Rorro - ' j O 7 lary, T. G. Hvman, of Wilmington; Assistent Secretary, J. S. Hall, of Fayetteville. A letter of iegret was read from Mr. W. H. Neal, stating that he .xwas enable to attend on account of rickness. A cqnimittcje on resolutions, con sisting of GJM. Buscy, E. F.jMc .Baerand H..CI Wall, was appoint Our District, iite Extent ttfft Pos sibilities of work in it, in the ab sence of Mi. E. K. Proctor, Jr., was introduced by Prof. W. G. Quackenbusb. Written reports were made from ten Associations, which indicated all of them to be in a healthy and prosperous condition. On mo tiou a recess was taken till 4 p. m. At 3 p. m. a Gospel Service was held in the Y. M. C. A. Hall for men only. At 4 p. m. the Con vention was opened with devotion al exercises in the M. E. church. Definite work of the Association was set forth in a paper by L. A. Coulter, State Secretary. Relation of the social and the re ligious work, was introduced by G. Ilyrian, Assist. Secretary, of Wilmington, N. C. Mr. H. C. Wall, of Rockingham, very beautifully set forth the "Im portance of Associations in small towns." "The importance of committees' was made clear by Mr. O. M. Busey Genl- Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. The hour of adjournment hav ing anivedi the delegates and vis itors repaired to the Y. M. C. A. flail where the "Ladies Auxiliary," had prepared some nice refresh ments, which were greatly enjoyed and highly appreciated. At Si r. m. the Convention con- vened in the Presbyterian church; after a song service'The Influence of Bible Study in tire Association," was introduced by Wm. Black, of Maxton, in placeofGeo. C. Worth, of Wilmington, who was unable to Attend, The last item of business on the programme, "Women's Auxiliary" was brought out in an address by E. F. McRae, of Maxton. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, fhat this convention express to the good people of Max ton its siucere thanks for the gener ous and Jiospitable manner in which they have thrown open their homes for the entertainment of the delegates; to the lady friends of the Maxton Association who so kindly and generously furnished refreshments and so kindly acted the host during our stay. To the Methodist nd Presbyte rian churches for the use of them for our services. To the Maxton Association for having so ! carefully provided for all the needs of the First Conven tion of the Fifth District. Resolved, that the thanks of this Convention are due and are hereby tendered to Jresid't Quack enlmsb, for his able and impartial rulings, and to the Secretaries for their diligent work in recording the proceedings. A collection was taken up for the State woik amounting to r.'-.uu. 'me uonvention iook a recess till 9 o'clock a. m. Suuday, at which time the grand consecra tion service took place in the Y. M. C. A. Hall for men only, by W. P. Fife. At 4 p. m. a young men's meeting was held in the M. E. church, conducted by L. A. Coulter and others,! an( at the same hour rt similar meeting was held in the Presbyterian church for ladies con ducted by G. M. Busey and others. At S p. m. a Gospel service was held in the Presbyterian church and closed with the farewell exer cises of the convention after which Presdent Quackenbusb declared the convtion adjourned without date. TERRIBLE. Two-thirds of all deaths in New York City are from consumption or pneumonia. The sAme proportion holds for uo8t other cities. DKvs are dangerous. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption will always relieve, and may save your life. Sold by J D Croopa. Ex-Semitpr Riddleberger is han kering after Gov. Lee's place. A coffin Trust has been organiz ed. This is carrying the thing into the ground. How Drs. Conqnor Death. Dr. Walter K. Hammond says: "After a long experience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all deaths from coughs, pneumonia and consumption, might be avoided if Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption were only used in tune." This wonderful Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by J D Croom. Commencement Day. JOSEPH DANA MILLER. Marching slowly one by one, With their faces like the sun, In their white robes, like aorae fair Phantoms wave of sky and air, Stern the old preceptor stands, Grasps the rule within his hanls, . Grim and selemn as he looks, With a wise air learned from books. Neath his steady, sunken eye. Something softer I decry, O, child-hearted pedagogue, Fortrraattis loves the, rogue. Thou a knarled oak bent by storm, Cherish in a satyr's form; x Will they love thee; thy divine, All the sweetness that is thine; la the hard liDes of thy face. Deeper tenderness can trace. They have seenjhy fingers stray In that kindly, absent way, With thy hand caressing laid On the head of some bright maid. While thy face a giory swept, And a sudden radiance leapt To those faded, snnken eyes Like a flash from clouded skies. Ah, he holds their sunny locks Sweeter than his dreary books, Tender master, little flock, I shall envy not, nor mock, What are empires and great things, Lands, and jewels, and crowns of Kings, All the wealth sunk in the seas, To be high in hearts like these? rvUBYrS LETTER A letter from Sir. J. V. Rubv, Union City, Ind., says' "I have used your Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pa pillon) Cough Cure and find it a complete), cure for deep seated cold. It has done more than two of our most skillful physicians. My chil dren had the Whooping Congh and with the f id of your Cough Cure, they had it Very light compared with my neighbor's children who did not take it. I believe it to be the best cough cure in the market." So it is. A large bottle only $1.00. Oarke's Flax Soap for the skin. It leads them all. Price 25 cants. Cough Cure and Soap for sale by Maxton Drug Co. Why is an unpaid subscription bill like a bottomless chair! (Chorus from country editors) Because it-needs receipting. Epoch. The Ir&usiiiou from luuj.;, iiiigHiinp and painfnl sick'is to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable(event is treasured in the memo ry and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electiic Bitters. So many feel they owe their rc-sioration to her.lth, to the use of the' Grent Alterative and Tonic. It j on are troubled with any disease of the kidueys, liver or stomach, of long or shor,t standing yon will surely ftkd relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and SI per bottle at J D Croom'3 drugstore. Their Business Bocmfng. Probably no on,e thing has caused such a general revival of trade at J. D. Croom's drng store as their iviag awny to thwir cus tomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. : Kings New Discovery for Consumption. His trade is aimply euormous m this very valua ble article from the fact that it alwa3-s cures and never uiappoiuts. Coughs, colds, Asth ma. Bronchitis, croup, and all throit and Inng diseases quickly enred. You can test It before buying by getting atrial bottle free, iarge size $1. Every bottle warranted. QOMPLETE N jepaper, o -o "THE PRIDE OF THE NORTH CAROLIFA PRESS." o o J. A. BONITZ, . D. j T. B. KINGSBURY, -LL. Edito al Staff WM. A. HEARNE, o o DO YOU WANT To aid in building np a paper that shall re flect the g t-atest credit in North Carolina, no matter where it may be seen? Then iat ronize The Messenger. Published in Three Editions. JTHE DAILY MESSENGER AND THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. Published at Wilmington, N. C. THE GOLDSBORO TRAN SCRIPT MESSENGER. Pabliahed at cldsboro, X. C. They are large eight page papers. Do yon want a reliable paper givirg yon all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the lar gest circulation and has ior more than twenty-one years ben a part and factor in the growth and deTeiopnitnt of the old North State? Th Scbscrti foe the 1essexokb TRIAL KATES. Daily afe&wnger by mail 4 moa. on trial Si Weekly Wilmington Mcreeoger 8 mos. 61.00 Goidsboro Transcript-Messenger 8 mos. 1.00 Cash nc Auvaxct Dr. Tannage's Sermons ae a feature of all three papers , Address J. A. BONITZ, Proprietor. IflMPOllTANT OUR success .o n nr at nILSure to sav th vt onr r:::"y;fi:;,, Tiuxve been kest merchant j j o -A NEW . , . if vxtupotDFTIY in strips of different lengths and widths We received an immense lot cf EMBLOIUMW xn stnps o rhnA Missos. and . ' i XT -i ji 6 ttenvis we canaot promise of securing OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. French and American Sateens in solid k fiRim, Henriettas, AlUxtros, Englh Deige in Spring aud Summer sLades. , Large Lot of White Goods, MILLINERY! MIL INERYH MILLINERY! n SPECIAL We are prepared to do a heavy trade in this Hue. Judging from the manv HATS already sola, the public appreciate our right down r.. T;n;r,0 rii'anlBv has rpcpived most flattering "raises from the Prices juk iuiiuui,! "f-" v' Our many hundre HIS OI laaieS WUO uuve yiauuta uui oiuiv, THE GENERAL VERDICT is that we have remarkably tasty, styles at moRt reasonable prices. Thankir- the public for their feral patronage and soliciting continuance of their future purchxises, I am, lies pectfully, . " At E. L. McConnac's Old Stand. I HAYE XOW IN STORE AN UNUSTALLY LAEGK STOCK OF 4BABY $ CARRIAGES THAT I AM SELLING AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES- Write me for prices if in weed of any. I BUV CARRIAGES AS WELL AS FURNITURE IN LARGE QUxlNTITIES AND WTILL SELL CHEAP. CHARLOTTE, N. C. SSS R S S SSS s SSS ppp B P P P PPP p P p I I I I NN N NN N N N N N K N N N N N NN N NN GGG G G ( G G G GG GGG R K 11 R RRR B li L. I R I R I O- McNATT k TO. nre now receiving their SPRING GOODS which they sfclectd with GREAT CARE and with an eye single to the wants and ne cessities of their patrons. xv LOTH IMG. Our Spring and Summer stock of Clothing is unsurpassed in style and th portant puint PRICE. O- W ir large stock and lovf pric es will enable them tc meet the wants of every man 1)jv and child. o- -o- SHOES- The fact of their carrying thm to tit all and sell close. 0 A o- -o- I am now prepared to dibpiay the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, that has been here for years. complete, both in Stilts aud Vuaiitv, Gent's Clothing and tiave been selected wit li GREAT Care I iaTito special attention nto special atteaticn Qi an:on the-e are T to my large line of OUOO the cc'.rbr.te.l otatC OR MONEY Up Stairs will be found a most attractive Stock of TT AT" Consisting of a!ost everything FURNITURE to suit the times. The "D R K HORSE' Tobacco is Still Tali ng the Lead. COME ONE AND ALL AND PROCURE BARGAINS. Yon will find polite and Attentive Salesmen, who will take pleasure in showing yon through. J. LEACH. Sept. Stb 1SS8. MAXTOX, C. TO BUYERS inHLftXGBJ. r.e-e so far in Mnxton has greatly excel- bny audthis ought U satisfy any reaonuDie I o WRINKLE - rtvr ivnrfc. J lOnnCrS lor uuiui:cj, Ji'i such targiins.aga.u. Fancy Goods and Trimmings. , , . presence. G, ROTHOLI. GGG OO G G,0 O G O O G O O G O O G GG O O GGG OO OO DDD SSS C) ODDS S O O D D S O O D D SSS O O D D S O O D DS S OO DDD SSS , -O o e most im- i -0 G-OOI5S- E, M. ANDREWS, Ar the largest. stock of Shoes in town enables Come and examine for yourselves. McNATT & CO. ITIIK o ) Xjodics' Brcss aud Low iu prices. Furnishing Goods warranted not to liip REFUNDED. usually kept in that line; trith prices! 1 II WILL FIND At the store of MAXTOX DllUG COMPACT.1 11 V.. B , S. S. S.. .Srsairni. Scott Em nisi n of Coil Livrr Oil with Hpphos ! phitp of Lime ari'l So iv, an 1 Mir irtnfe. Dr. King' New Discovery, Pietce FnTorito ; prescription IlncLltfbcrrj Cor?:?.!. Godfrey j Cordial, MnRtang Liniment, Nerve nnl llooe. I T,iniraent nnd other Liniments, and OiK j Lactopcptine, aud repin in nearly every i form. Fallow and Hematic Comp. hTrun of Hyphosphitea, Qninine, Morphine, 'Lands- tiuai. Paregoric Utpetrr, Coperas, Bine Stone, stor Oil, Sweet Oil Linseed Oil, Putty Glass, Varnishesi Dryers, Colors, Dye Stuf, Pills, Plaster and Painkillers ia pro fusion. Hops Baking Ponders, Cr. Tartar, Soda. Lye, Soap, Medicated Soap, Perfum ery and thousand other article too tedious to mention. t EPSOM SILTS 5 CENTS PER LB. Compound Cathartic Pills U. S. P., 5 cents doz. (in box.) j THIRD LOT OF BUIST'SSTAX- j DARD GARDEN SEEDS just re ceived in fall size papers, regardless of what has been said to the contrary ; .GIVE US A CALL, and if j we don't save you money you need not call again. MAXTON DRUG COMPANY. Miss Lizzie McLean STILL LEADS IN MILLINERY & NOTION. Her FALL STOCK is complete and it wiir pay you to give her a call. . She Will Also Make you a Nice Dress at Reason able Price. MAXTON, N. C, Nov. 5tli, 1SS3. Great Bargains. THE CASH TELLS. -Call aud see our stock oi Groceries. Provisions. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Choice Family Flour by the Sack and Barrel 'and To bacco by TrtE Box, Specialties. HIGHEST riUUES PAID VOll HIDES, FURS, TALLOW, WAY, WOOL RAGS. EGGS, & ALL COUNTRY PRODUCED "When yon come to town bring somethinp; to sell and call at th 'HAYES" cheop cash store. 0. S. HAYES, Ag't. MAXTON, N. C. f. m WITH E. I Office up Stairs at c. f. & Y. v. depot. DEALER IN FERTILIZERS, Heavy Groceries, AND Farmer's Supplies, Call on us before making your arrange ments for the season of 1889. MAXTON, N. C. Jan. 21, 18SD. Cfevcata. aad Tnute-lCarka obtained, awl all Ttstai batiscM coudacted tor Modrta V Oar Offlc U Opposite U. 8. Patent flee. W hare no rob agenciea, an dm2 direct, hebee can traaaact ttent touts tDJZ time aad at 1m cost tbia that icmota froo Waihintoa. - , 8ead model, drawing, or photon with dMf tkn. Wa adTisa If oateatoble or not. cbarre. Oct fee not dne till patent b irtsd- A book, How to Obtain Ntmu., root to actual clients in jocr State, cooutj. town, wot toe. Address. O. A. SNOW l CO. MOOR i I i ITEM! a Subscribe ior $l.DO per VfcHt. th9 Usios.