; coy 7 ? CRj r. jyi. G. .McK NTZIE, Editur iin t I oprieior. Ci- -r.tes in Mnnt. oro rv Moor", Rich .a.iu.il, Cticsi.prlanJ UoLeson, Bladen and ohms' .its enmities, N, C , aud Marlboro, Marlon nml Chesterfield counties, S. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jne year, $1.00. Six months, ........ .50- Three months, 25. Terms, cash in advance. Turns day. Juke 27, 18!:j. It. is very gratifying Jo note the growth of cotton nianufactoiies in the Sintli and especially iv North Carolina A few years ago as soon a1? ou cotton was marketed it was for?Ii i.h forwarded to Mas EicLusetts, IVnnsylv mia and Olr.o where it v-ts converted ii.to fa-l-irs, VfhL'h fabrics w t re ther a'u'pped to the people who pro djced. the co'fcn and . 1 af. a tre mendous per cent, Some o our progressive, far-seeinr men r ejran to se that upon tbia lun ot d iajr business "thoso level headed Yan kees1' were living in cl .ver at our expense, and si they determined to stem the ti le arid bv,in tlx man ufacting of our own cotton h re a our own holies. Then (ho first cotton factory in the South A tl in tic States was Luilt on IIjw rivtt in Alamance county. Ano'her followed and still another, ar.d the rattle of the looms beg n in r ari. est. In Alamance and Randoplh counties alone there are more thai a score'of factories.': Richmond. Cumberland. Meck'enburg ami Wake have several factories each. Kobeson is catching the Cfactcry spirit, and it will not be lorg be fore every river in the S'ate will le dancing to the music of spin dles as it rushes 'along from i's mountainous source toward tbe At liati'!, and evry hill and v -Her will be duwted with 'jn cotta.f actCMy. A notable mtjerj;:i will ba that' of Mrs Jf tier son. Davis , ami Mrs. Liysses Si Orant at Cronston'-s on the JHudoiurght-of West. Point Idilitjvr.y Avademy wh-tre their distinguished' husbands graduated with high hoiiortJ years ago. lia h, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Grant, have wiitten biographies of their hus bands and they , ate said -to be Authoresses of . uo mean r ability. Although most great men choose women .of the. figure head stripe as wives, yet Mrs., Davis and Mrs. GraDt are notable exceptions to the rule. They, me , women of strong character, possess, a , high degree of intellectual culture..aud are loved and honored by. the. en tire country. They lieyer crossed swords on the bloody. Held pf vc.ar but they bad much to . do . wltli their husbands' ; movements ainl the termination of the great. issue. Let us hope that as these two vo: lueu meet and fot in each ..other's acquaintance each may prom ise the other Ao lend ,hir sweet influence to tbe burying of the bloody shirt and the .ay-ping out of Mason and ;Dixon's ;line: Mrs. Davis and her .charming1 daughter, Miss Winnie, upend Eiuch of their ,time.ai the North. "Chicago Day" at; 'lie World's Fair will be.Jimwu as "Liberty Bell Day" ?-mi will be; the -Glori ous Fouith.'' It willbe a rare and gala day. The poem, "Liberty Bell" will bo real by a; -Chicago belle, the Sf ar Span-led Uaunei will be run up to the top of Ad ministration Building and as the breeze has has c.ught its tolds the greit bell which has beet. f ast in the East from lelies .contributed by the various countries widish have struggled for liberty and treedom of conscience, will give utterance to its Etst graud iioro and every gun in the harbor belch forth a thunder of response orer the great white lake. The bells of the city will take up a re fraia, and it has been so arranged that the bells in New York and other great cities will ring, at the same ho-r. American orator will tell I'ow the eagle, screamed and clawed tbe sun at tYorktown and of the marvelous progress that has been -nade in these TJni ted States, s'uee. And now b all th. 'it is gieat and grand in his tory the notes of the "Ljj,,.,,.; , 1, -jp-should be preserved v HdijuV phonograpb for fu,tnre geueia Xions to listen at. Ilurah It.r North Can U .a bos! Geo. P. llowell, of Goldaboro, "ha just graduated at the bead of hit class at the United States Militan Academy, and Robert P. Jobrson is fourth in the list, lr is just like Walter H. Faee North Car olina produce the b 8 talent un der the sun. "Should our di tii guished eon temporary, the Scottish Chief. be very eager to learn who is the 'powr behind the throne, any way,' in the Scotchman establish ment, we will simply whisper in its ear that it U the immortal Rob a dinloma as well as a earn- in j iirn--i-iu. Who ditsthe Chtkf? ' Red Sp'ff 1 1 1 Scotchmxn. We edit, the CniKF. ?ir. pura pariaon of the Scotchynan with he..1(0pf tue Chir.ese law of feshen !- News and Observer and other pi pers will show that even the "im mrrtal R .bert Burt enn be gi il ty of plagiarism, and guilty bad. Why should you appropriate Capt. Ashe's editorials instead of draw ingrn your own "mighty -rains hist labor, big with verse and prose?" better use your own pep. hough it be a gray goose quill rhan to borrow from others 'Tithot't due credit or apologies. The "im moral Robert Burns!' Baft 2no institution in the State has grown so rapidly ii. the past two years as has the University. The growth and expansion of this in stitution is a matter for State pride and it juicing. The election if Geo. T. Winst-n as President two veins ago marked a new era in the history of the college. The student roll last year numbered! ,';ib the largest number or bos that has been atChtpel Hill ai one time in thirty years'. $20,000 worth of repairs is being made on the buildings this summei; wa er works, bi'.ths, etu.. aic supplied. The scholrship ui the institution is beiu recMgni-ed everywhere as cyusu to that 01 t.ie leading Uui AiOioities, anl soon we snail have inJS'ortli Carolina the great South au Uuiv.ersity iSec advertise meul. The Fonrth of Jaly at Gui ford Ba,ttie U round. The Giuuoiis Fouriu w.h be cei ebittitd wnn t-prtad eaglo etjJt; a., liie Uuilioiti tulile tr-Un J. ihi XiugtOu bilvtr Cornel Mxi s'x.ttu ttruiig; hav giv.u iu cxmbi.iju of iLeir palxioiisiu by w luinctriug liitsir strviCfc8 lor the daj. iniSis ptrliaps the largtbi, aiu Ofcot Laiia lu liiti Stale aua tiitif peilormuces are superb Ihty Vkil. te ihe t.uc&L ol the Uui Luiu liditiw Ground Compauj'. Au'jutanL (it-utrMl Francis Li. Cam cicii lias biiuwu hii apprtciatiou cl tLe day by u load ot a tvvclVi pounu ilowi zer lor the occasion. Fit t. H.ury A. Stoe&ard ot the UniVisity ot Nortii Carolina, a pj eticai genius ol raio qualiUcatioUb and . jutt now iismg iulo lame, has wiilien au. inspiring Foem for the occasion. Hon. (Jyru-i D. Watson ol Win s'loij, will deiiver the annual ad dietsii the evening to l he Confed erate Veterans leuuioEt. Ne oiae who has ever heard Mr. VaJso& in bis happy mo ds will fail to hear hira ..again .rben opportunity af fords. Tke Governor of tbe Stated the Pretident of the University and other distinguished North Caroli nians have promised to be present at the dedication an 1 add a word of congratulation -when called upon. The invi'a'ions are all pr'nted and a ill be eent out this wetk. The posters are in press and will oon announce the attentions ot he day in every corner of the St Hi-. A large cr.'iwd of people vili no doubt be on h'ind. I .U M BE RTON D E PA RTM ENT DR- B E- H'LC MBE MANAGER. The swe-et Miss Annie Meli-ie, ol Ikx'oii, is visiting the pretty Miss Lee M-irr'ec n. ilr. Ciilbre' b, of Clinfrn, was in 'own last we.k v. orkiog up insur n C St veral of our j ot?ng people at rened the Black Swatnpcommence- n nt aaa enpye the exeicige- uxely. Fridav quite a number of ueop.le attended tbn AshpoVe corn aiencemeut and et j yed the tjir isas very much. Mr. A. U. Fu l-r returned la-t j week from a v tit to bis father, whoj na? been Qiite t-ick, but is bet'er. The btcre ot Mr. AniUrosw tald veil will soon be coLajbeted nul I ie sajs he is Sing t have the jrettifbt 6tore ia towa, wLich we .)tli? ve. Ti e (-jera huse is we.fl undt r ay mi 1 o.--.e ot ttie largest, r-ttiest bi-.ib'iuKs iu Lmlierton. Mr. G. o. McL,eods "cot t age . by be Lumlor" ia complete aai cer ainly i- one of the prettiest in own. It u built on qiit a pict iresque spot, on the bank of the -iver, oomsaanding a pretty view f the iron bridge and a long stretch o! the river below. ' 'Xh.3 handsome tegidence of Mr. (Jlarenee Townsend adds a great 'eat to that part of town. Mr. N. A. Thompson, son of Mr. Neill Thompcon, is s' ndying raedr c'n under Pr. Lou Norraect, and will ent r D.v.dson in September Dr. William Norment h3 form ed a copartnership vith Dr. Me Millan at Rowland, and ia rapidly growing por' ar with ihe good nf nn t in Shut mninilv - -r - The tr wn of Lumbt rton lost at 'ej-.b $50,000 in the bank of New Hanover If this country would ing the oHicia'.H of broken banks we are con trained to believe thai the per cent, of failures would be a Kttfe le. We had an enjoyable trip to Lat ta, Msa on county, S. C, last week TUe recaeion was the mar riage of Mr. T. L. Bis, the lirm of l'ourg Bas-, prosper ous young mcrehantp, to Miss I?rj lah MeOalf, of the same r,lace. We pa?st.d through portions of South Caio'ina and found tbe farmers further behind with their farms, owing to . xces ive r-in, than eTen the R Lesoniens. WTe stopped or our way, goinand coming at flo tel Alexandria, G. H. Iiancke, prf p'r, and we must say we have never seen a better managed hotel anywhere'. Tha f-re is simply ar-' d enough for the Qieen of E lgland. Littl i L na B nd ac companied us ;rom IJowlaE-d home. Capt. J, N. Morrison returned Saturday niht from Greensboro, where he went as rejre entative of our Pythian Lodge to. he Grand Lrdge lie fays he eijyei his stay there hugely. Supreme -Chan cellorofih World, W. W. B'ak well, of KenUiekv; the Grand Chancellor of Oii, avrd Hi any o'h nr not ed Py Ihiand w.-re pre?f n. ' I-i tho abH!uee of Dr. C--s.v. Rtv. P. R Ltw, ol L-tMb-.':r rb -Ai:--, was sfclf.ctd to dedicate the JJiew Castle Hal arid his naste.Iy ad dress was complimented very Lih ly on all sides. The Grand Lodge of ofSc-r elected are a& f 11. nvt : G. C. C, Sbert, of Wilmington; G. V. C, HaFon, vi Charlotte; G R,L;w P. li., L'jrwber Bridge, G K. of 11. and S, Dodly, of Wihni-.igtor ; G G. M, at A. Wifcon, of Raleigh; G I. G, Bundy.of Monroe; G. O. G., llewlerson, of fchelby. TLe Fay ettev liiaLS tried" tn teal a march on Lumber; 6u LotJge and pot it. nomination .Rev. Mr. Lvon fot Grand Prelate, tut our ow 1 Morri son arose and plead for fairness in dis'ributiiii the offices and er el?c rified the Grand ly (ge that F rm after str rm of applause followed, a-.' when the b.tllot was taken Rev. Patrick R. Law of Lumber Bridge was declared Grand Pre late of the Grand Lodge of North CaroMna. Lumberton Lodge i hard to down, gentlem. n. We will say something at the new coHeg next week, when we obtain desired information. L st Friday ev ning Mr. J. W. Caldwell o our town snt by is press lo Wilmington two liv3 ft x t&, one for Isaac Bates, late Presi dent Bank of New Hanover; the other for W. L Smith, late cashiei Bank of New Uauo er. 'Thereby hangs a tail.' K, K. Proctor, jr, was crea'ed a 'eaeonin the B:ip!st chuieh here las. Tburday night, The dredge boat is almost, in dght, will reach the bridge here this we k. A 'loafer' cl'io' is being ;orgn ized here an1 as soon as it gets well und r way it has dteroiiued to ''bus?.'' too. XaFayeite M A HIGH GRADE. MILITA RY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AXI) YOUXGMEJf. Located at the old. historic town of Fajettevillt-, K. C, which is situated at the iiderM-etion of lo -al ru hvay line.s by the great Thrnugh 11, me. The buiblings and- efjuipruent are first class i; every respect- anil tbe beautiful yrumais are isicelv sliaded ly t;ilt aiai.es ic elms and t bvi rret s. By mea-nn fv in,r ft p.. --, water is tarried to n pjr.s. t the bwikliug. Kieetrieitv 4 nse for lighting both bui-ldiittgs, ad grounds,. i T.ie piofessronal stCT ts mi- riupo.setl ol geittleiMAii whose re i utatiou a.seduicatt)visntt coutiti d ttu,y leailLty tw tte-. laiewrs lw hikve I my s to Ctiu eat e, aMt ytmng "sn who wish to takeeithear preparatory Kuglisb Couvse, an. Acatfeiuio Course, a Kotniat Course,, a yttft Ca-tiiruercial Course, a M itsie or an Arts Cours should chU upon u&or write for cat alogue containing full particlars Address, MA Joe J. W. YEEEX, Supt. llit ary Academy MONEY TO LEND! On ay proved terrify at 2 per cent on ten years' time. Address, - MA5n:rrA!i 2 ita ent. La:3 Co., Rowland, N. G "es? Sale- 1 Residence 10 Room? .-i nated in centra of town. Kvery ewTenienre. Barn and stabh i, garden, Ac, Ar. 1 St re Hoosef n bnsiness part of town, small dwelling on same lot. The above property i- offered for pale on account, of removal ot owner. Twrms and prices can be had &y opplvrng to O. H- Biocrek OI Fort, N. C. or O. S. Uayes, Agent,.Mj.ttt;D, N. C Tte ffo. 9 Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine. I have ?.ccepipd the agency f(1 ' tie celebrated N. 9 Wheeler and Vilnn Sewing 'Machine- a -d will sell on time wi h monthly pay m-n!sor exchange for old ma chines with liberal all iwanee?. I carry also a hevy s ock of all kind of HARDWARE at Lot om prices for cash, CaH and see me. C. A. HOLLAKD, Mt CaskiH Bjilding, M X'on. X. C. April 20ih. GENERAL INSURANCE A6EHCY. Kxaa In, Thornton Block, FAYE1TEVILLE, N. C. H. J- MCDUFFIE, General !nsura?ics Agency, Jx't'pr-.Heiits the foiliiw irs old it-. liii- b!e Co A ... l!i!)i-s: 1. 1 i The Niagnra Fire Insurance Co., of New Yu-rk Assets over " $3,00?,O&O The National Fire Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conn Assets over $ 3 000,000 The Orient Fire Insumnce Co., of Hart f rd, Conn., Assets over $2,000,000 And o'her good Fire, Live Stock, and Accident Insurance Compa nies-. Losses promptly adjusted ad , aid. Insurance a any kind ol 1 roper y place any wherein Cum berland and adjacent counties. H I. McDUFFIE, Agent. April 20. 1893 , ; . ly The Jury Have Agreed auil ?Le ver- kt is, tbat von can Lave niee Piiot orapbH or Tin Typ u at B onV Pictiiid tiullery, nearly oj-jositr Hotel La Fajette and liie & Lc-uk's one dior e.ist ol majble ftpd). C6. sug and eayrnving done ulso. Why Kal )um piettmes ni.sth 10 l e nlur-'ecj when you eiiii-tiave it d.aie uear r home? Pictnee taken i-loudy or r.tiny weatlwer. Yisiteiw Weleome JX)4E.(Jii PUOTUGKAPHER, "' etteilfe, N. C. KOT1CS. Noeth Car 'Lina, ItoSSSON COCNTI. Having qualified as adinii istiator ot James AlcQieen, dee, e.i, notice is hrrebv given to all p rsons h ld n-; . laims aaist the estate of Ja ms M Queen to .resent them to nie duly nnthe- ti ated before April 2'th, lbDl. or this notice will be pi. a led in ar ot" their, recovery. Allpersouiiu eblr-d to said estate will mnke immed ate sittle tneat tftheameto ire. M. A. McQwkex. Avrn's Utiles .uCi ie.B. Tis April 2(th. 1S'J3. Inlgcstioq, and Stomaofc diserdeni take BROWS'g IKON BITTKKS. KU dealers keep it, SI per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines-so. wrapper. IVTOTTR 71ACK ACHES, Or you are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it is general debility. Try it wui cure ysa, cleanse yonr liver, and give a good appetitei. Many Persons' are broken oown from overwork or household eares. Jiv-owii's Iron Bitters Kebsads the systesa, aids digestion, removes excasof bile and cures malaria. Get the genuine. 1. Allen. BARBER ASJ FASH IONABL-E ' ITAO. DRESSER. Sr.nio old stautK uexfc doer to ST Y. RaeEjet. Eftgiwh h;,avm L;. fanPrrt r.mov, ftu rd ..torcuWl iu.nS aial biem tshes tn.ru hoists, bio .d spavins, cusb sj ants sweeny, ring bone, rifles, spmins! d so leu ti.ro. t coii. s, eU- Sve ".0 by we..Ur.. bottle., Wm-raid. .the nT-w woudw! d len.isij t nre ever known. SoH y J. L. l &iux Drn--i .t, JJaxtoP, X. G, MRS S . Wfll&UT. I desire to call your attention to i..y select Stock of MHljwer (ooj for the fcrpriag and Summer. I keep on baud Hats of the latest Styles trimmed to order. An ele line of Ltdies Vndervirearr in fact anything needed to complete a Ladies' Toitator Wardrobe. Pricet, to suit the times. Keapeetf uHy, Wkight. RED SPRINGS, . C. 1 i Deserving Praise We desire to say ta our ciiizca. that tor yeai we bare been veliiog Dr. King' New Dweotrtj lor Consuruptiou. Dr: Kit gs Jfc w ife PiU, Baekleu'8 Arniea It.I Elee trie BittfTM,anl Lave never k indled reme dies tbat as wrll. or that h.negiwn Heb universut t-atisfa tui- We do sot Lcuitate to I'TjajnafteUieiaa eveij' time, an I w e htar-d re id j to rvinud th pwreaaM pri-e. If Btttis lautorv nilis ilo net f' il w their Hue. The rpiiifdiei? lnv(; vfon their uieat popnlaritj ! KoKily tj thiir umit.i J. 1. Ciuwm Drg- it. Duckfen's Arnica Salvo. 1 'I i w..t S.ilvr- in Hin world far firnuea. Cwt. Sores, Uleers Salt Bhenm, Fever Sorea tter. Chapped t lauds. Chilblains, Coras Tint all Skin Eruptions, ad positively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is gnarnnteed to give satisfaction or mont-y reiunded. Pice 25 euts p. t box. Ftr Bale by J. D. f Shilohs Consumption cure.l This is beyond question the most suc cessful 'ongh Medicin wp have ever sold, a few doses invariably enre the worst -st-s of Cwi-h, Croup and Bronchitis, hile its wonderfnl smeoss fu the cure of O'nsunijj tion i without a paralK-1 iu the history of medicine. Since its tirt discovery it lias btn sold on a guarantee, a test which no oth-r int'dicine c in stand. If yon have ft cough we eri:estly ask yow to try it. Pikre 10 i.5;J . and $1. If j our lungs are sorc.chest, or I ack laiti1, nse SLiloh's Porous Piaster. Sol-' h- J. I O'l 00111, Maxton. N. C. Oh, Wba aCoagb. Will yon heed the- warning? l"ke signal perhaps f the sure approach of that more terrible disease Cousn. option. Ask yonr selves if yoi am afford tor tbe sale ofsv ing 5(c. to rim the rist? and do uotnint; for it. We know from experience t!-.al iidloh's ure will -m o your eongli. It n-vi-r f i'l-. This rtplii why mor- than a Million Bot tles were sol4 thfr pi-.st year. It relieves croup and whoopiaio; couh at on-e Moth ers, do j:ot be vrithont it. For lame back, sr-le or cUest ue SliiJuh's Iiou.- Iflwslcr. Sold by Dr J (.'rowm. CooD Looks. GochI loo'.s a:e m-re than skin deep, d - iiei;din-4 upon a healiln c.-mli ion of nil tl.e vital organs. If the Liver be inactive, yon have ti tilius look, if your stomath te dis ordered yon hav. a dysp. pt ie look, and if your ki ne.s be affected ymi hav a pinched look. Seeurc? fcood health aBffvtt will hnv u;ood looks Eieetric liitters is tbe greit airero'ivo unil Toie- a:-.d sets directly on 't'e.s-e vital vra; s. Cires Pinif les, blotches, j.'oi'sf and gives a good complexion. Sold u J. D. Ctoom's drug store. 5i)o pr bottle. Pronounctd Hopeless Yet. Saved. Frotu ah tl'-r written by Airs. Ada E. ljnrd ofGrorsni. S wqwte: Wbs taken vith a b id coM wft-rch 9ft-tt!ed on ray lungs, cougli set iu and nuully tenu -(! in l'onsno:p- ftioo. Fiur ttoctors- un ve me io. saving I could live hnt a chort tihie. I gave niTsult np t my Saviour, 'lteru.in d if I could uot stty with my on earth I would nie t my nbsttWt erne nEevo. My htib md "as ad vised tn ftet Dr. Ki g's New Disvovi-iy for Conisump ion. Co-iglu und Coh a. I gave it a tiial, t. ok i: all ei'ht VottIe; it has cwred iue ali thank God I am now a well and hetrty woman.' Trial bottles tre at J. D. Ciooui'k drug titore. Itegular hize 5"c. Jt $ 1. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Is it hot w-rtk t-e snadl price t 75.:. to free ytmrsell of try sjruptom ef these tr.s tressfH rmpLiifek. ii yon fcfcink so e ill- at or stoio k.1 get a Wfcilig- ol Shiloh s ViUl. izcr, evry bottle has a printed unar-iiitee lit, ww accmrdingly an- if it does yn no gol it envts tm netiiinz. oold bu J. V. .ro. ir , million Friends. A friend in need i a trieod in.1ee!. and- not less than uo million people have tftttuit just sncn a lriviia ia Ur. Km - s New l u.-r. vi-ry for Consnaipticn, Coi:.'ht, a id Col-is. It yon have never used tl is Ur ut Congfc lledidfir, one taial will ouvince jon that it ha wou.li iful curative powi rs in all dis eases ot throat, thet and an I Lnn,?.- Fa-h Isittle is guaranteed to do all that H i laimed or oney will b refunded. Tral b-tti-i re at t. D Croovi. Ding tore. DENTIST, LtrmbertoN N. C. CfSee over the 51c Leol E aiding, Iliw Ktrett. Six years rs eTi- - co. CLl 'ri l of Ethyl used lor p.-iinless extraction t-f teetli G B PV1TEKS0N, D D S, FAYiiTTEVILLK, N. C. After 7 jer-. experience offetS his profes-si'.i-ml services to ih-i pntli . N. ',. ti yes' Hy'i'n-olic (a true v,esth tii- H Ur the p.ii less exlr-olit-n of teelh. t-'fn-e over Hank of FuetteVille, opposite lintel La a btte. ISo ' el Alesanci-r-ia, K0WrLAND,N C. Eard by the day or pr . ontU. Table exct-llfetit, servants pt;lHtr and af te ntive, terms reasonable, iiot-el just Opened and in txcl eut order. G. E. Baxcke, Proj.netor. M-rch 16 h. The ELECTROPOISE. cu-res- ais easewrrnovT MEEWfCisis. For in torn: alio My teir!KH aHtl d vice address J. K. 11 IL-Lv 1. O. Us 3k Maxteu, N. C. vr 1403 M. Y. Ave.r Wasbiujjtou.l) C SHOE X& ber t&KWr top eotten4Dt twtliTu Wrawanit Kisaes are ttm Se daacrlottw ad wrtm nut waiclt wEi mppmsr la tUspaQodK. Taktf no Substitute, fc Uuiat am. havte XT, 1 DOCCUlS' ieES.wlth uot mw& pctcw rtttmpad M MM mf THOMAS B- PACE, Miitoa, K- C, w. tu 1 1 fa-itittMmjfr if FOR ALL KINDS OF Farm Supplies irfiZizefts APLY TO J. B. WEATHERLY, Who will sell you as low us any one iu the business DB. S, M, WRIUIIT. REDSPINGS. N. C. Offers his professional services to t peopje of Robeson and sur round.' counties in the treat ment of Cancers, Tumors, etc. With many years of successful experience he feels warranted in aying tbat all cases of not too org standing rcadiy yied ta his treatment. An aTeflab$ Laxative and NKRVB TONIO, Sold fcy DrutftffsSsor sent by mail. S&c60o and $1.00 per yaeltage. CamplM treok TTft, TTAt The Favorite TXtZ UIDXES Keedlas a tonl, or children who waat baDA' torn tigl ishould ake BROWll'SIROiy BlTTEBg. M Is yleaaant; eurta Malaria, Indigestion. ItUlotnaasa, Iivr tAmpUmta aad Ktmalgia, It you . feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS For Eal&ria, Liver Troa blQjOrlndigestiouse BROCK'S IRON BITTERS HOI EL HAMLET, HA?; LET, N. V. The taWe is always -supp'ied itn Ppi the market aflords, po lite ad attiitivsi. jvaats, locatiot. ceuvwnient,' r barges reafsonable, ft. lieajrtv rfeeptin tivt n the weary ravelr daj or rirht. utfrKGB J i;eknas, prop'r The Owen House, UNsURPAsf EI FOR Acc2mn:dations and A Liberal Table. Board' 1 . by the ,ayf w. k or mouth. Special rat s ter 'i'hetUiic.il and Escur l -n parties Dock an Front Street-!, wiunNnoN, n. a c.s &. a. THBOL'GII CHJ DULK AS I) coxxr(. tions Mil AND SOUTH. Al! trait s daily txcer f Sunday. North BorisD--!,. 1. Chark-ton via S Ry Lv. ) 50 a m Pr.nal's, C S & N 0 liarliu Cry Arl9 5) " Suti.ter " Lv 10 25 D;ir!iuj?ton 44 "11 45 " HiEt.-vilb- O F&Y V Ar 12 40 n :. Gibson. CiS Lt 1 05 " llamlt t. SAL 1 35 4 A'llminetoti, SAL Ar 6 52 4 Wadfcsb-ro, SAL "2 Co " Charlotte, " il 50 " Sh.lby ' G 19 -4 Itisti.rO rdton. S' A L - S00w tatesviile, R L " 11 17 lnvillc, 12 00 nl 4 liiehmoml, " " 7 00 a w Washington, " " " 45 New Y. ik, rent) ' 12 13 N Io. 1 tronnevft, with C. F & Y. V. nl Benhiettsvill-j fr Vne. evi;le. ci.lih-cIs wku Siaboa. d i Line at II iriilt t for Wit 1 i g'OU. ' harlot fc herb- li ihertmdtr nd t Chaelotie with li. ' & t. ve td.ule liaiiteirfor V.'a- hiuKon au: ft w York Vts stngersca. t.iKe iriei ptrs at narkltc at 8: 1 p. in. K(VTH Bt ITLi- -No Lv NeW York, via Pvn- 4 30 p ui 10 25 " 5 40 12 -0 uht 35 a ni Washington. It A JJ Dinviilfr Rich an' ud. tt Sate.-ville, ti u t ii ii iw ic Ku:heri. Jtcn. S A I 7 50 9 24 ii it Shelby, Char!t.te, 12 01 N 1 45 p lu liSOau) 5 00 44 2 55 p m 4- i" 50 rt VVade&feora, Chraw, WiltaiDgt-n, aatnkt, O S & N ti Ar Gibion, Bunettsville,4 Dirliitgton,"' Sumter, Uarlin Citj, 44 Pregnalls. 44 Clinrlestou, SC Jj it 4 50 & 30. 45 8 59 10 23 . i No- f pasaengcra by this train have through staler. New York to Chatleston conoactM with 8. A. L. at Mandt Irom Cjharlotta aud Voithr aud irom Wilmiutoa onuecta with S. C. Ky at iregnlls rr Cbarlt-Jon. Diuaer at Hamkt. For far thar lnformatioa adtT& JOHN 6. SHAW, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, tfayetteville, N. C. Practiy s in State and Federal courts. Speciul attention; givn t businean in Cumberland, Rjb son, BladeD, bampson and Moore counties. Apr. 20. W. II. NEAL. NEAL & McELYEA, Attorneys at Lawr MAiTOS, N. C. Will practicv iathe Com is (eeiier.ii"ly. Promptattculiou ijvva to liwun lor c.d lectiou - IC H. L J. Dr McLEAH, J)EALKH 3 IN ill s!Zs of heart and s.ip pire lun7 bt rr dressed antl HtulretSt d. H or ing, ceiling,, all hearts or t: lu rv iwe M desired. ' All orders filled n hTt notice. (i e us yfur orden nd! tbey will receive prompt at teutiou. M, II 2l . D. Jli'LEAN', Maxton. N. f. Bfow - Spring MILLINERY. AT MISSES PATTERSON' AND .McK EN N()NS, Oal-1 anxl see t u-r elegant '"MtpLi- ot Spl ine and lit-nut r ?ii!i!i-i y -ilis McK':-.nor. lias j st rt-tinn (51 Motn the Northern nmrk - i s wliet-N s'f )ihh pi. fchat d the inot-t coi!. pl"e m-imI ' ar.dst me li. -i i f fat-h ion-ih;lo millinery g;xx!.s tvtr hr-. U.jht tc Max' on. HATHr TIONNKTS, BABY C.i'S, BOY'S OA PS, . BIBHONS, BUPHINO.-, GLOVES, CORSETS, VEILINGS.. Apr.ins, Fmbreidciy Silkn, Washabh- Sil).i r Cliiflbn in all colors, I t-os, Eiubn a'lr -ru u, Itibbon, Xc. Hove a kv ly apsorltnfnt of all kinj-t of g otls usually kept in a fiit t'Uss mi'linery l rr. Wilt keep our stock replenished v.ith 'reh, ne w good from time to tihaw during the Spiinjr and dimmer. Gall and see as beU-ru purohuaiug and se if ve can't ruako it to you r interest to buy ot a Kecpctfii'lv, Mis3e8 M. H. Pattersoa and Ida McKinnon. Maxton, N. O , April G h, REMOVAL. I have r"rvoveJ my stocK of g Js to my Brick Store, near tlur Methodist chuTch, where I will bz please to have tlhc pwblic ea vv her.- in nt:d ol FIRST CLASS GROCERIES or anything else in my line. The best goods, always, for the least money, lie sure come and see J VV. ROHBINS. f Lumber Bridge Hotel, Mrs. 3J. B. McDonald, Prop'r. Aen fot re'iiar nod tra'ssl.-tit custom First-class a c. ? aicdatu us for the trav.l iug publit-i Stuilents ) jiimber BiidKclli'tb Sohi os will bcbi'Hii t; I lor sS.OO jh r month. TAStC TIIC2 -. Ui,U DSOT SSata., - . IIM.JJi-.il I SOots. and $L00 Eot One cent a dose. Tuta Gr.EAT CanoM t.'irKR uror!iit.ivctrVji :zu..j. Where all others fail. Caught, Croup Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and' AstbnMC For Consumption it has no rival; has cared thousands, and w'-'l cctk yotj tr takenin time. Sold by Drug-gista on a gruar aetee. lor a Lame Lack or Chest, hho BHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTERic SR f L0 F fSCATARR II nave you Cuiarrh ? This remefly is srup.j-an-teedtocr.-eyou. Price, 50 cts. Injector free. J- G. FBTRELL, PRACTICAL Watctoiaker Jeweler Ail OPTICIAN, KED SPRINGS, N. C, iSejf&irins apcialt. Work UxwaoicaA tie. L ,.'-,. - ' "'. -tr, V 1 ..'.az-''".- v.

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