. -, T.i 1 A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL THE PEOPLE AND THEIR INTERESTS. VOL. VIII. NO. 16 MAXTON, N. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1893. SI. GO A YEAR. t i 1 K The very latest computation puts at $559,000, 0" the value of the real estate and buildings owned by the City of New York. In 1871 the estimated value of the city's real estate was $267, 000; 000. The assessed valuation of the city property is $205,000,000. The fall is the time of the year when the country demand for broken-down street car horses is the greatest. Dur ing the cold weather the animals get used to their rural surroundings, re cuperate, have only enough exercise to keep them in condition and by spring are able to accomplish the heavier tasks of plowing and harrowing. The increase of nearly 350,000 So cialist votes in Germany since 1890 is an astonishing gain, and the total So cialist poll of 1,S00,000 distances by more than half a million votes the polling strength of any other party in Germany. "It must not be expected," comments the New York Independent, 'that this greater progress will be kept up, but nevertheless one who studies the German politics has got to keep his sharpest eye on the progress and platform of Socialism. " Senator Perkins, of California, ascribes his popularity to a simple little method he has adopted. He says that he has a habit of asking every second or third man he meets for the time of day, and immediately setting his own watch according to the in formation given him. Senator Per kins asserts that the wear and tear on his own watch and the compliment paid to that of his constituent are re paid by the latter 's vote and his sup port in different ways. Immense and rich deposits of nickel carbonate with cobait and copper have been found in Floyd County, Georgia. The development of bauxite near Rome, the county seat of Floyd, has attained a world-wide reputation. Sixty to eighty carloads of bauxite, containing from fifty-two to fifty -five per cent, of oxide of aluminum, are shipped throughout the United States for various chemical purposes. The aluminum works at Rome, Ga., consume twenty-five tons of bauxite per day. When the historian undertakes the record of this year of our Lord, ob serves the New York Sun, he will have a curious entry to make of commer cial disaster almost unprecedented; of great naval, military and civic dis plays, to which all the world hs con tributed ; of a gigantic enterprise in honor of the discoverer of this contin ent, conceived, executed and brought to a successful issue by the ability and efforts of the men and women of a dis tant city ; of an enormous sacrifice of human life by railroad disasters and atmospheric disturbances ; in short, of a general hurly-burly pervading all parts of the country, which its rulers were unable to control. The JVew JTork World observes: We are apt to imagine that America is the land of progress and Asia the land of regress. This i3 doubtless true, as a rule, but every now and then we are startled to find that the Mongolians have ideas also and sometimes act upon them. This statement is borne out by a recent report made to the Japanese Government on the state of agriculture in that country, and advo cating, among other things, the es tablishment of agricultural insurance. Mutual insurance that is, "a fellow ship, the ningle members of which are all insured by that same fellowship" is also advocated. The report shows that the Japanese are wide awake. The recent disbandment of several companies of Indians, who had been enlisted as soldiers in Uncle Sam's army, seems to have been due more to the difficulty of finding recruits than to any real opposition among officers to the employment of the red man in the ranks. The Indian himself does not take kindly to the restraints of discipline, and misses the freedom of Ins roving life ; hence, he will no longer enlist, but while he is in the Government's service he appears to discharge his duties an well as can be expected from him. He does not like the routine of drill, and he cannot be depended on to stand in line of battle, but he makes a good scout and skirm isher in short, he shows ftll the weak nesses and virtues of th& savage. The great argument in favor of taking him into the regular army is still as strong s it ever was, tho experiment with fcim not having weakened it in the least. It is cheaper to pay him for being on good terms with us than to '5ht him, and, even if he will not take Mndly to rules and regulations, he ia esne to become a more tractable being y subjecting himself to them even W, rfectly. CYCLONE LORE. A METEOROLOGIST GIVES HIS THEORY OF THEIR CAUSE. The Popular Belief That Electricity Is the Immediate Origin is an Error How to Avert Cyclones. D. TITUS, President of the National Chemical Company, X a eentleman who has had thirteen years' practical ex perience as a telegraph manager, and in such capacity has studied electrical disturbances and kept a record of them, because a part of his duties, after twenty-five years of observation, and having visited nearly every locality from the lakes to Utah, is free to state, says the Minneapolis Tribune, that no phenomena in connection with cyclones bad ever come under his observation that could be explained as originating through natural causes. The statement was brought out be cause in a late issue of the Tribune there appears a communication from Mr. Stone, of Pine City, Minn,, in which he predicted that the next generation of man will be compelled to dwell in caves in order to avoid the increasing electrical disturbances upon the earth the so-called cyclones. "The popular belief that electricity is the immediate cause of cyclones is an error. " Mr. Titus said to the Trib une. "All chemical action is based upon the operation of the law of heat and cold. There can be no chemical action without heat. A drop of water coming in contact with a piece of iron cannot oxidize into the oxide of iron rust without generating a certain amount of heat. It is the operation of the law of heat and cold that causes the ocean currents. Cold water is heavier to the square inch than warm, hence the cold arctic currents follow the deep sea beds and channels toward the equator, dispersing and forcing the lighter warm water to the surface and to the poles, where in turn it be comes cooled, returning again to the equator through the deep sea beds. The same law that governs the water of the earth governs also the air. Air and water are both liquids. The air can be seen to flow like water by hold ing a sharp piece of glass in a strong current of air. "From the Gulf of Mexico to the North Pole and from the lakes to the Rocky Mountains is a vast extent of country crossed by no mountain chains to intercept or retard the velocity of air current. The extent of this coun try ia equaled by none on earth. Gold air being heavier to the square inch than warm air, the cold air, when com ing in contact with a warm, current from the south, always predominates, forcing the warm air into the upper current. "The cause of cyclones is the meet ing of a head wind from the North with a head wind from the South. They meet like two vast armies of men. The pressure at the point of meeting ia ao great that the air, by compression, be comes heavier to the square inch than wood, or the human body, hence either one will float in the same manner that wood will float in water it floats be cause it is lighter to the square inch than water. Place water in an ordin ary wash bowl and remove the plug an it will be observed that in passing out the water forms a circular reaction. Air being a liquid does the same in passing either upward or downward ; hence the funnel-shaped spout of the cyclone center. When two immense bodies of air coming from opposite directions meet, the only egress is up ward and sideways, and in passing up ward ii forms the funnel the same as water passing out of a wash bowl down ward. The theory that a cyclone forms a vacuum ia absurb. Withdraw air from a glass jar with an air pump, and a feather withi& the. ..xBcjanm. .formed will drop with The same velocity as lead, or, on the other hand, you can compress air until it is heavier to the square inch than wood, in which case wood will float in tne air. The lifting power of a cyclone is caused by the compression or density of the air, and second by its velocity. Combining the power of density with that of velocity, which occurs at the center or funnel, no power can resist it. The feeling of suffocation or difficulty in breathing when near the track of a cyclone is caused from the compression of air. "Several years ago a cyclone picked np a man and his wife, each having a child in their arms. They floated along together for the first mile or two and then separated. The husband was dropped to the ground lightly without the slightest injury either to himself or child, while the wife drifting into rari fied air, dropped with great force and was killed. Ilad they been carried in consequence of the velocity of the wind they would have been carried at a speed of not less than 100 miles per hour, and destruction to both would certainly have followed. They simply floated in consequence of the density of the air. In olden times unexplained phenomena were attributed to one of the gods or the intervention of divine providence. At the present day many would-be scientists lay what they can not explain to the doors of electricity. Electricity has no lifting power except in connection with the dynamo or helix ; in other words, except when harnessed by man. "Several years ago e, cyclone picked np two spans of the railroad bridge across the Missouri Eiver at Omaha. They have never been found, being probably dropped into the quicksands of the river and passing from sight forever. I was in the capacity of train dispatcher at the time, sending orders to a stock train at Kearney, Neb. The carrying away of the two spans of the bridge broke the wires and disconnected the main batteries. There was no more electricity in the air , at that moment than is experienced in an or dinary thunderstorm. Had there been, it would have interfered with the work ing of the wires. On the contrary, however, the electric disturbance was so slight that it did not interfere with telegraphic communication with the West, and I did not learn of the ac cident to the bridge until some time afterwards, although it was scarcely a mile distant. Soon after this occur rence a certain Professor Tice, of St. Ijouis, wrote a long-winded article on tho subject, attributing the cause to electricity. He might as well have charged it to the heathen gods. I waa working the identical bridge at that identical moment, and I know from practical knowledge that no unusual electrical forces were at work in the air. A person who has given electri city any thought can tell from his own feelings whether the air is heavily charged or not, but, if in doubt, he can easily settle the question by rub bing his fist over a piece of paper placed upon a table or smooth board. If the air is heavily charged the paper will become charged and stick to any object, the wall or celling." "To avert cyclones," says Mr. Titus, "plant trees. If eabh farmer would cultivate a line of trees running east and west along hia south section line it would break the velocity of the winds near the ground and force the cyclones into the upper air currents." Typesetting Machines. In typesetting machinery the appli cation of mechanics to the art of print ing is reaching a culmination. It is stated that during the last twenty years upward of nine million dollars have been expended in bringing the art of setting types by machinery up to its present state. Now, for all plain work, typesetting machines are avail able. In the London Times office a curious arrangement has been adopted for the composition of the stenographic notes of the Parliamentary reporters in the House of Commons, in which typesetting machines play an impor tant part. The stenographic notes are read directly to the operators of the machines, instead of being transcribed, as was formerly the case. Men at tel ephones in the "House of Commons read these notes to men stationed at receivers in the Times composing rooms, who in turn read them to the typesetters. In this way these notes can be set up almost as rapidly as they could be transcribed by an expert typewriter ; and it is said that the number of errors that creep in are not so numerous as to make the work of correcting proof much greater than by the old system, while a consider able saving in time and expense is ef fected. Engineering Magazine. Artificial Ice Surfaces. A successful system of producing artificial ice surfaces has been inaugu rated in Paris, and is available in large areas at all seasons of tho year. Ab explained, the machinery consists of two ammonia ice machines, driven by two fifty-horse power steam engineB ; this ice apparatus has pumps which force ammonical gas into water-cooled condensors, liquefying the gas, which then passes into large reservoirs, where it expands with the production of cold, the same gas being pumped back and used continuously. In the application of this system for the for mation of a skating surface, a rink has been constructed sixty by 130 feet, having a floor of cork and cement, upon this being laid three miles of connected iron pipe ; through thig pipe circulates a solution of chloride of calcium, an uncongeable liquid, which, by passage through spirals in the refrigerating reservoirs, is cooled to some five to twenty degrees below zero. The water over the pipe is thus kept frozen, and daily sweeping and flooding insures smoothness. CHEESES. . HOW THE MOST POPULAR VA RIETIES ARE MADE, In Europe Cheme is as Much a Staple Food as Bread Roquefort Is Ripened in Caves Swiss Cheese Making. & RELLAT SAVARIN once wise ly remarked, "A last course at dinner, wanting cheese, is like a pretty woman with only one eye"' and at once France bowed to the fiat, cheese became fashionable and dairymen grew rich. J udging by our menus of the most popular great dinners the favorite cheeses among American people of tone are Roquefort, Brie, Edam, Ched dar, Swiss, Cheshire and Stilton. To show how Roquefort cheese ha? grown in popular favor within a few years, permit me to state the following reliable facts ; The total manufacture of this favorite French cheese in 1850 waa 1,400,000 kilos; in 1880, 2,700, 000; in 1870, 3,500,000; in 1880, 4,500,000, and in 1890, 5,600,000. Pliny mentions Roquefort cheese in one of his works, demonstrating that this favorite has a reputation extend ing far back into dim antiquity. It is made from the milk of the Larzad sheep and goats, jrincipally from that of the former. In the year 1866 it is recorded that 250,000 out of a flock of 400,000 supplied the milk for 7,150, 000 pounds of cheese. The very fer tile pasturage of these animals is an immense plain, eight or ten leagues across. In the evening, after the re turn of the sheep from the pastures, they are permitted to rest for an hour before being milked, after which they will yield the milk more readily. From May 1 to the middle of J uly the yield of milk is largest, and each ani mal gives nearly one pint. After the shearing, the flow of milk diminishes. The evening's milk is heated to boil ing and eet aside. In the morning it is skimmed, heated to ninety-eight de grees, and mixed with the morning's milk for coagulation. After the curd has been divided by stirring with a paddle, and the whey drawn off, it ia well kneaded wirth the hands and pressed in layers into molds with per forated bottoms, and usually a thin layer of moldy bread is put in be tween each layer of curd, the object being to hasten the ripening by sup plying the germs of the green mold peculiar to cheese. The bread for this purpose is made before Christmas, of equM parts of summer and winter barley, with considerable sour dough and a little vinegar. The moldinesa is not sufficiently developed in it un der three months unless hastened by warmth. When moldy enough it is ground, sifted, moistened with water and kept from contact with the air un til wanted. The curd remains in the mold under pressure three or four days, after which the cheeses are wrapped in linen and put to dry. They remain in the drying room three or four days, after which they are taken to the village of Roquefort, where the ripening is com pleted in a very peculiar manner. This village is situated in a deep, nar row gorge, with high, precipitous walls of limestone rock that overhang the houses, and often immense boulders may be seen between the houses which have fallen from the rock above. This wall of rock is filled with caves and fissures, from which currents of cold air come without cessation, and it is vaults constructed in these fissures that the ripening of the Roquefort cheese is carried on and it would ap pear that the peculiar characteristics and excellent quality of this singular kind of cheese can only be obtained by ripening in these vaults. The currents of air are quite cold, so that in the hottest weather their temperature is kept at from forty-one to forty-four aegrecs. xiiose vaults wnicn are so situated that the currents of air flow from south to north are believed to yield the best cheese and they are con sequently held in the highest esteem. The cheeses are brought in at all seasons by the shepherds, and are bought by the proprietors of the vaults, sometimes the purchases being made several years in advance, so sure is the demand for the cheeses when ripened. They are carefully examined when brought in and classified accord ing to merit. Salt is sprinkled over them, and they are piled up one on an other for two or three days. Then they are taken down, the salt and brine rubbed in, piled up again and left for a week. They are scraped and pared, pricked through and through with needles driven by machinery, in order to accelerate the molding, and after this they are left in piles again for fif teen days, till they become dry and firm in textnre and begin to be cov ered with mold. This mold, by its brilliant whiteness, its length the j filaments being sometimes six inches long its. succulency and the thickness of its coating indicates the quality of the cheese on which it grows and the suitability of the vaults in which the ripening is perfected. v- The Swiss Gruyere is a favorite eheese upon the continent of Europe, and is called Swiss because it was originally made in Switzerland. It is now also made in France, Germany and other countries, including Ameri ca. It is mostly made in huts, called chalets, high up among the Alps, in the time during which the pastures on the mountain sides are accessible and the chalets habitable, say from the melting of the snow in May to the end of September. The milk, partly skimmed or not, according to the quality of the cheese desired to be made, is put into a great kettle and swung over a gentle fire, where it attains . tem perature of seventy-seven .degrees, when the kettl9 is swung off the fire and rennet is added to tho milk. When coagulation has ad vanced far enough the curd is cut into very fine piece. The kettle is again swung over the fire, and the curd is taken up in small quantities in a por riDger and poured back through the fingers, whereby it is still more finely divided. Each particle much be fully exposed to the action of the heat in the cooking process which ensues up to a point when a temperature of ninety degrees has been obtained. The kettle is then immediately swung ofl the fire and the waste of curd and whey stirred for some fifteen minutes longer, and if the cooking has been properly performed the particles of curd have the appearance of burst grains of rice swimming in the whey. The curd is then collected in a cloth, and all the whey is carefully expelled. The salt is next rubbed, from time to time, on the outside of the cheese, care being taken to discern when enough shall have been absorbed. This salt ing process is sometimes continued for one or two years, at intervals of a week. The Gruyere cheeses are com monly three feet in diameter and weigh over one hundred pounds. A successful cheese of this kind is like a soft yellow paste, which melts in the mouth, and is filled with cavities about the size of a pea, one or two, say, in each square inch of the cheese. Connoisseurs will tell you that if these cavities are greasy the cheese is im ported, but if not the cheese is Ameri can, as we cannot imitate the foreign production in this respect. One of the most delightful of the solid cheeses, and one which has grown in favor because of its merits within the past twenty years, it the small, round Dutch known as the Edam cheese. It is called after a small but flourishing town of that name near Amsterdam, in Holland. In size and shape these cheeses resemble can non balls, anTT " when Hry they are nearly as hard. They have perhaps been made more widely known by the story that during the seige of one of the cities of Holland the supply oi cannon balls gave out and Edam cheeses were used as a substitute. New York Advertiser. Thk Vivisector Held Up. One of the most curious expeditions ever planned by man was that once undertaken by Dr. J. C. Bunting, of Portland. During all his life he had been a close student of the philosophy of digestion, and for the purpose of his investigations he hsd that remark able Canadian, Alexis St. Martin, in his care for twenty years. In order to clinch matters and provide facts for the doubting Thomases, Dr. Bunt ing cast about for some one else upon whom he might continue to experi ment. He could think of but one plan, and that was to go into Africa, buy two slaves, and operate upon their fcomac hs. By opening the body near the fifth rib . and perforating the stomach, a condition could be pro duced similar to that existing in the person of St. Martin. Therefore the doctor purchased his supplies and sailed across to Tunis in the north of Africa. There he hired a native chief with forty of his followers, paying them a liberal retaining fee and prom ising alluring largess when the trip should be ended. They set forth. The doctor carried $5000 in his inside pocket, and the chief probably lay awake four nights thinking about the matter. At any rate, on the fifth night he sneaked into the doctor's tent and delivered a little address over the muzzles of two pistols. When he had concluded the doctor passed over bis ducats and the chief passed over the border along with his renegade band. They helped themselves to such supplies as suited their artless and unenlightened tastes. The doctor came back without a retinue, but with a deal of experience that will never appear m a medical work. Lewiston (Me.) Journal. I THE NEW TARIFF BILL. Raw Materials all Put on the Free List by the Committee. Washinoton, D. C The turiff bill prepared by the Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee is now given to the public. It deals en tirely with the customs and adminis trative branches of the subject. The internal revenue portion is left in abeyance. The duty on castor oil is reduced from 85 to 35 cents per gallon, and the duty on linseed oil from 32 cents to 15 cents a gallon. Pig lead is being reduced from 2 cents to 1 cent a pound and lead paints are correspond ingly reduced. Plain white pottery ware is dropped from the schedule, and decorated ware is reduced from GO to 45 per cent. ; un decorated, from 55 to 40 per cent. In common window glass ware duties av eraging 100 per cent., a reduction of more than one-half has been made in all the larger sizes. Iron ore is pnt on the free lint. Pig iron reduced from 86.72 per ton, which is from 50 to 90 per cent., a rate somewhat higher in proportion than the rest of the schedule, because of cheap freight rates on foreign pig it being a favorite freight on westward voyages. Steel rails reduced from $13.44 per ton, now 75 per cent, to 25 per cent. Tin plates are reduced to 40 per cent, ad valorem, more tlinn one-half of the old rate. Cheaper grades of pocket cutlery are 35 per cent; higher grades, 45. Table cut lery is put at 35 per cent. These are very substantial reductions from pres ent rates, which, being specific, reach in some grades of pocket cutlery as high as 90 per cent. Both copper ores and pig copper are made free. Nickel is free. Lead ore has a small duty of 15 per cent. Pig lead is 1 cent a pound. Silver-lead ores are restored to the free list. Unmanufactured lumber is free. Manufactured lumber is put at 25 per cent. On sugar the duty is reduced to one half on refined, and the bounty of one eighth of a cent a pound repealed, leaving raw sugar untaxed for the pres ent. On tobacco the present taxes of $2 and 82. 75 a pound on wrapper leaf have been changed, to 81 and 81.25 per pound, and 45 and 60 cents per pound on filler tobacco. Manufactures of to bacco are put at 40 cents. Cigars are reduced from 84.50 per pound and 25 per cent, ad valorem to 83 per pound. Ijive animals are put at 20 per cent. -Barley is reduced from 30 cents per bushel to 20 per cent., which is about 12 cents. Breadstuffs are made free. Fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs and like food products are untaxed. Salt is free. In cotton manufactures substantial reductions are made, especially on cheap cloths and prints, and the exist ing system of taxing a count of threads in the square inch is retained. Hemp and flax are made free; dressed line of hemp and flax 1 and 1 J cents respect ively. Burlaps of cotton and grain bagging are put nt 15 per cent., but when imported for covering articles to be exported, are duty free. Wool is made free. Cloths and urese goods are put at 40 percent. Clothing at 45 per cent., rates higher than the commitee desir ed but deemed temporarily nec essary they say, because our manufacturers have so loug been excluded from two-thirds of the wools of the world that they will have to learn the art of manufacturing with free wool. A sliding scale is therefore added by which the rates in the woolen schedule are to come down five points, with the lapse of five years. Carpet?i are put at 25 per cent, for Axminister, Moquette and Wilton; 30 per cent, for Brussels, while common grades go down to 20 per cent. The bill provides that the duties on wool shall be removed March 1st, and redued on woolen goods July 1st. In the silk schedule the reduction of rates is smaller than in cotton or woolen fabrics. Sole leather is reduced from 10 to 5 per cent. Other principal additions to the free list are the following: Bacon and hams, beef, mutton, pork, and meats of all kinds; binding twine, borax, camphor, bituminous coal, coke copper in all crude forms, cotton ties, iron ore, cotton seed oil, agricultural imple ments (cotton gins named) salt soap, building material (except marble) lum ber, timber and wood. REMOVED THE WRONG t f. A Surgeon's Mistake Which Ceprived a Nor folk Man of his Sight. Norfolk, Va About two weeks ago a young man, employed in the chops of the Seaboard Railroad in Ports mouth, while at work was ptrnck in the eye by a small piece of rteel, and the ball was very badly cut. The fight was entirely destroyed and he was ad vised to visit an oecnlist in Baltimore to have the eye taken out. He did so, and after examination the physician stated that the best he could do would be to furnish him a glass eye. He was put under the influence of drugs and the work commenced. After the ef fect of the drug passed off, the young man awakened to learn that he was 8tone blind. The doctor had cut out the wrong eye. The unfortunate me chanic had been married only four weeks, and his young ' and beautiful wife is prostrated. Congressman- Charles O'Neil, of Philadelphia, died Saturday night. He was the "Father of the House," its oldest member in &trvic, Jtd near ly so in years. A BRILLIANT TELLER. His Carelessness Secure'! His Acquiftat of the Charge of Embe? zlement. Roanokk, Va. If. F. Loving, for mer paying teller of the First National Bank of this city, who was indicted October 23d for embezzling 83,500 from the funds of the bank, was ttied in the Huntings Couit to-day n:id no quitted. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty after fifteen minutes deliberntion. The prosecution failed to prove that Loving actually took the money or that there hail been a real embezzlement. The evidence was to the effect that Loving, while teller at the bank, was careless and negligent and often in cabhing checks would over-pay large sums, sometimes paying out as much as $1,000 in excels of tho face of the check presented. It waa Fhown to be likely that Loving made this rniistake ami when he found tho (shortage in his accounts, falsified tho figures, hoping to hide the matter tem porarily until the shortage could ho made good. The verdict, which was in accordance with the instructions and the evidence, was received with applause by the audience inthecouit room. THE NEGRO PROBLEM Congressman Murray of South Carolina A vises His Colore' Brethren. New York. The Brooklyn Literary Union, a colored organization in that city, hehl one of its monthly reunions at Evere tt Hull, in Willoughby street. T. McCantH Stewart presided. Tho feature of the evening whs an address on the negro problem by Congressman. G. W. Murray of Sumter county, S. C. He said that too much time ha I been spent in declaiming against the wrongs of the colored race and too lit tle in practical work for their redress. The element of color made the a malgamation of colored people, with others difficult. American shivery, lasting through 200 years, hud. effaced every vestige of the independence which freedom bfgot, and even caused the deformity of the race physically. Color was the result of countless ages of climatic influence. Mr. Murray advised his colored brethren t work like the white people and spend their money like tb;rn. Very Modest--Only Wanted $25 . Washington, D. C. Among thecul hrfi at the White House was u young man, who explained to th usher th;t he had come to ask President Cleve land for 825 with which to purchase a horse and wagon. He was inoffensive and made no resistance when an offi cer was called to conduct him to the police station. He gave hi name as John W. Kor tum, and f fated that he was a farm' r living at 'Mantua, Gloucester county, N. J. He is being h H awaiting tho arrival of friends. This whs Kortnm's third visit, to th White House, his first having occur red three weeks ago. On both !ievi ous occasions he was persuu d 1 to re turn to New Jersey, but the third visit caused his arrest. A Politican Becomes Preacher. I)anvill,e, Va. J. Sydney Peters has joined the Methodist Conference in session here, and asksto)e assigned to a church. The application of Mr. Peters elicit ed lengthy discussion, becar.se of tho following facts: The applicant is a very bright, brainy young man nml n politician of some note, he having been one of the bright members of the State Legislature. He has been rather wild and dissipated nut was converted about six months ago. He is cultivated and before the examining board ho stood at the head of the class. FOOLING WITH A REVOLVER. A Mother, with her Baby in her Arms, Acci dentally Kills her Husband. A special from Buchanan, Ga., says; William Schell, a prominent citizen of Bremen, was accidentally shot and killed by his wife. Mrs. Schell picked up the pistol and was playing with it and an eighteen months-old bahy, when the pistol .vas discharged, tho ball passing through her husband's body near the heart. The only words he uttered in reply to her question, if he forgave her. He replied, "I for give you," and expired. Sues a Congressman for Beard. Lincoln, Neb. Congressman W. A. McKeighan, of the fifth district, is sued for a good sized board bill by A. J.Hoover, a proprietor of tho Hotel Lindell He charges the legislator with procuring board and lodging from January 4 to February 'It'., and during that time failed to pav uuv charges. Business worries are sai l t 1 " lo calise of twelve per cent, of fhe fi.sp, of insanity

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