., 1 ; , :. 1; tils : ?ir $1 00 ; u.outiis, , . . , , . , , , ,: ' . . 5(l 1 iiict' mnntlii . , ..., ' 23 Tonus cash in advance, v . Cl'KSlXOS IN 'OUTU CAUO UNA. Tlie Messenger baa again ami vtiain uiged upon our people the v Bwssitj of liversiCyiug imlu.. men and going iutu luntiufacUir- u ttiston a wider scale. In this Stat? tti$ are' opmiiugs ainf business twaiiiuis j or puuu iiiuusmea . as raimeries, tobacco factories, wood xyiKkingr faciories, . furniture fau tius, roller float mills, spoke v. Mini hub factories, chair factories ftaicb factories, ,Boap factories, ft uudry aud inacuiue shops, tat i j'jenes, shoe foctories, knitting nulla, stove factories, vj sron and fnto;ies, blind, sash and hot fact cries, sii uff m i :!m, " broom f;f,toiiepv steam, laundries, need - oil and meal mills, sbiit and pants . factories,' cheerie factories, brick, , works, 8w mills', crockery maun factoring, creameries, ice factor- vies, harness factories, fi'e factory, pottery works, woodenware work i woolen mill., cotton mills, agrl cultural implement factories, lime kilns, barrel and hoop lactones, tt iro cotta works, paint factories, Milton factories, saw mills, elec tue light plauts, tiling factorie vloek making and other indnstr'cs not herein named. Stock raining 'is also open andean be ninth" iirnft'ulilp. ----- Then the climate is the best the lauds produce well when prop--rly cultivated, the people are kind and hospitable, lands are cheap iintl aouiidant, water power is nnrivaled, grapes grow almost everywhere and the finest of ap ptee, peais, peaches, figs and ler res'can be j.rown. Then (there is a wide and uncultivated oyster -field, with oppottunitios for a Krcar nusiiuss in nsniug. it i tliesmull ii.dustiies that, pay and bin Id up. Kemember that. little Connecticut, is very rick t day from her numerous aud well con ducted small industries. Wi!- iniug'cn Alesserger. In Memorial. , About Ihe hour of noon on Sat urday last, Mk-8 Kannio N. Mo Bri de, yonngwt daughter of Dr. D. McBryde, of MazloD, passed peace fully away, offer a brief iilnens With, typhoid fever. Scarcely a , morith agobhe brightly b?de her frien.is "good bye" and lft to take i a busme s course at Jie Charlotte ... ymererurUTJTTggBrAlwava act v ift Christian work, heerfu ly as nming any share assigned her, constant in performance of duly, - fhe wilt be sadly misled by hef as ;' teciati, " , , , -: Her gentle, obliging disposition r. .won for her many fnendv Few of out young people oceup:el a f warmer place in . (he n..'ction of the. community thaodid Miss Fan nie.The who!e town turned nnt. tn an company her remains to their het reiling place, thus giviug testimo. 'py.to the regard in which h was held. U gentle spirit , has. departed ( to keep company wi-h that Savior whom she loved. Her abiding faith in Hiro has received ila ' reward, '.and she has been called to ''come up higher." The voice that loved V sing praise to His nam, now j')hm in the anthem of the redeem d the soDg of : Noses and the Lamb, mingling with'lhose' who l ive washed their robes in tha ' ' 1 cf the Lanb. , Of sucli char f ' n,t:.aAB2el of the Lord spake I'.-- "weesea are ice aeaa ' 1 I' 1 "1 f rni hence- 'r' V t Cii ' i ! . i , i I- r, ILu ( . r v..:i be held in l:..:. :-lj ' tober 82-'J3tly inolusivo. TU radioa is have uiado acetU -m;le rate. FUOl flALEIG II. About one hundred of the A- & M. OollcL'Q cadets will lean- Ualeigh on Friday week for AUrnta pto remain about five -caya ' 'Ih-sy svill n$t be undo-r arms. 1 The Bureau of Labor Statistics has completed the report relative to cotton null Etatia'ies iu the Slate. There is an oulbredt of rasn8le3 n fhe . penitentiary wheri" 195 cocv;c!s are iocaroeruted. - Q iito a number of 8tllers eoecl to move lo forth Carolina from Nobrajska next, week, acoirdin? to Mr. II. II. Cnafidler of ItaWgh. Mr W. G. Upchnrch, -( r.e' of Italeighleadin progressive, bnad minded and broad guage business men, died Sunday morning last. Bulletin No. 103, Oolton fe'eel Mulls for Baef PiMucion, whs is sued last week by the State Exper iment Station, ir was wriiten by Profs. Emery an:J K Igor. Our farmers particularly are interfaced in this tulij ct and thnn'.d send lor a copy. WASHINGTON (U. 0 ) NOTES Gen. Wm. Mabone, Viigin'a'i plucky Confederate soldier, active politician, and' pro essional upub lican. who died in Washington last week, leaves his family in com for I able circumstances. President Cleveland reltrraed '"rom Gray Gables, h:s summer homf. on Monday. He leaves nfst vlcuday, the 21:5'..' inst, for tha At lanta Expooition, accompanied by his en'ire cabinet. Sirs. Clovelan'l will not go wiih ihe:n nor any 0: the cabinet ladies. The pftrty will remain South abt ut a weex. Th 23, h mat., is "Clevelaud Day" at ihti Exposition. It is saio that the President returning from I ho At lanta Exposition will stop at Co1. Frnk Coxa's I'lace, in Kuihcrford ccunty for' a I i;d hunt. On Monday the United States Supreme Court reconvened at noon after a recess of four and a hall months with all the members of :h court present. Chief Justice Ful ler'announced the death of Justi cos Jackson and Stum?. The new Atlorney General, ffarmofl, was introduced to Ihe court. HOPE MIM'S 1TKMS. Mr. Moore, an ag d citizen of tlm town died . last Thursday. Rev, Mr. Whiter ptrforme l the burial services. ' itev. Mi. Crumbier preache at the Iiapti8t church, this place, Sunday. We understand that Mr. Grumpier is going to make his home here (or th nex year. t : Sews is very scarce this week. Mrs. Hall of Bowland it Visiting her paient Mr. Bay. near here." -'Mrs. Elizabeth TlamHten died 8unday She was formerly of thUpUce.. ' : ' Mr. D. M. Johnson, of this place, spent several days this week visit ing relatives at Parkton. . . . . ."J tft.'Tj- -A : ...II,, ' '- ' . . Mr. W. M. Driver has returned from the Esposition. , . , Violet, Frki Mwroit Reperinci Book 7 (64 pags) for tnen and women who are siSictod with any form of private disease pecolidr to their set, errors or jouth, contagious diseases, female troubh-s, etc.j etc,, ; Send 2 two cent stamps, to pay postage, to the lea-Hng spciul,u snd physinians in the country, Dr fl AT II AWAY & CO,'':l South AtJatita, Ci. Ci r , ct 1 cf t: 7 f.: , 1 .i 1 . v i n i l ton ii iu' , Cil.f rni.k "u uii a lar.vjii'i l!iqtir6S w9 nn- -ders'aql.' The tJimnte must cer I tainly be a 6 a o:., a fa 'ts !sfi!teen pounds hcavi r rti ti when he went out then?. - Tba family of Re, J)r. Rill wer treated to a pteigjnt surprise Sot. uttfayf.evening hy brief visit frora Mr. Uorge MoVeil lrm W of l'ayattev;iu, who is a broth-r-in-law i;f Mrs. OdL U9 is now Gen eral Manager of the StaonW Lite Insorancs cimpaoy; which is fast becoming the leading insnranr .company : of the South. It has never, delayed a payment, n-vr compromisel a ckim; n-:er had a a law 8'iit: 511 envihle rsnr 1 f.ir a eompaoy wHich ha been doing business for th'rteea years. E l Graham, negro, wrf arrested on Thursday a;'trooiu last for out ragiug the persbni of Mr. Philip I'arwh's wr.dow daugh'er. wSn live sevorsi milws South of M jxton, lie had attempted like crime upja a mulatto womao a(eW hou-s pro vious. Such a das'ardly.outraje of so lUgranta typ has no'f, oec aired in this commnai'y in a long r.m? Thre wai o'lcS aijiinit the man, and he would h ve beeij sum manly dealt with, bad he net (alien into the bxoja of men wi;h cool heads No dtiramstratiW was in jdo, th uh the deed was siveraly condemned with ititmiss feeling by blacks and whites alike. The wiser course prevail? ', and he was com rail ted to Lumbron i frm Mx. on Friday morntf. It is a p'ty . . . ? 1. . mm me quun isi a j )iru.a in Lnmberon co.ud nt deal i'h tlits cue? at ones. It is the d -Ia iu the e x-cuti'n of the law that an gers the people. He has con'e sec? hs crime. . FiH and Winter Millinery. We are now ready with til the lateht giylfs uud m.vel ics iu (riiri ined and ontrimnied Millii.ery for ladies and 'children.' A full litH of C-'TS for ( hildren Kid Gloves I Hats -t a! I stl- tor Ladies. Onr rooIs ae all new and well sehct'd ami pritjes are m:l t . fu 1 l.oe of Suho. I li,,ks 1 ways 00 n4 str'oily for cush. Cal! and see oar 'goods' and we will in deavor to please you totb iu jri :e aud goods. Mi PATTERSON 4 MifKINXON. Oct lUth. 181)3. iiSLLOi THSEE! , Do you trado with Low & Jones ? tt not you are not in the procession. They keep a first class dock of Chcico hit) km, which tliev sell at prices to meet t he pockets of all. ' Meal, Flour, Baco", Lard, Molasses, Suar, Coffee. Bouff, lobaeoo, Oegars, aud everythig to satisfy tha. cravings' of ih innrf man. They also have a nice line of EOaoexa Glioea , Which ihpy guarantee to' be. first elas goods for the money. They have all the lates styles for ladiss or gents, and the prices are in reach of every nn. They also have a uice Una of , ' . 1 NOTIONS AND FURN.SKINQ GOODS. whieh yoo can have almost at yonr own price." Everythig i nrsl-clats and guaranteed to be as represent ed. Call and spend Ihe day with ps. . The old Reliable, t rvrvr . trvvfn ' ' A Cut for Headache- . . 1 .... . - A3 a Ttmtly fot slifornM of ksi-ltclij Electrio Butera liw pruteJ to lx th tt boat. It efftxU prraucat ' so sad tlie moxt irm'M tbitnHl lok l'dcht yield to its InSuaoM. : W die all who or allJot- e to pmcur bottl and give tliiremd; 11 tnii triil. Id r8 of hubUiul enn4ti;. (ion Elwlrie EitWr onro ky pi .i.. Ik DK-rtofl too to tba bowclx, am) ft orm rhii tU one of thh 'medicine . Trv we. Lry iwjllk oulyuO CnUt 1. T, C'k dr.ig ttr '.,",':';'.'..; Si ... ,,, i i , i n, a,. i .-,', ,n..' .-f En;';, i. it or i n I: oru , 1 V u Look tli's Waj. JSTjiWiK if y;u want, nv -ptotcgrupt a t hard tuuf-pr c s don't noti until viu are in my GuMery and po-inj cha'r with your lenk on. I will an), lo-iich you; when lull yr,u Ihe price .iiid giV8 jpn 1.V AtirK in pbi)Vis. cravoa w6r.lt. fli:a r h'.f,tiij!.V m oopv or en( trite yojMdd pictures. I n ill alert t,.. tt. ... -I .L.i.. rphy, mi t an give lemons at try gallery in short time, r at voo' Homes. Write f -r iarli- nlars, Gal lery ,' n Mtjin H'r-' tiiHarlvi.ppitsiti f'per House. inVVflliaraV building. h:)ONS! I'WI I'UOTOOUAPUFB. Ap! 2 t, v;n N C. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month frrwn nray to any one vAto ap. plica through m for tha nwat awitoooua patmt daring the Kosth precrjlnf. Weaaonre tha beat paten ta fbr otir dim ta, as(Hliatjt of thia offer b taaocoioaceimcntoraai keep track of their briaht kiena, At the Mnatima aw wn to impreis upon tha public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS' THAT YIELD FORTUNES, andtaa the " cnawimlow " which can be eaitry Kd trp and dowa without breaking ihe pancnaer'a back, "aauce-pra," "tollar-bution," "nut-bek,"' "bottle. tOjipec, ' and a thousand other little thine that aiott anem cealindavararofiniproTing; and these tirapVa hnftWKis are ttic bnea that brinjs largest rctuma to ua aotbac Try to think oi aomethug to imeat, - , , rr is not so hard as it seems.' Paten tl talien ntit throuclt rareceffeapecinl notice h the " National Recorder, pablftheil at Wuhingioa. p..C.,kieh u.the not seirspaper publishedia America io te?nieres of inventora, .. We furnish a Tear's tub. cripaoa to lhi journal, free of coat, to all 01 clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our 1 10 prise, and hundreds of thousands of copies of tlie "National Recorder," contaiutnf a ketch of thewianer, and a derention efhis inrentkn, will be scattered tliroughout the Uiiitod States among capitalista and aunufacturers, tVus aiir.&uig to Bksra attcntGca tlie miriu of the invention. . . AP corair.jaicsuoor regarded strictly tWfiMmtiA . Address .-. r JOSiN WEDDERBURN & CO.' Solid tors el American and Foreign PataUM, 6.8 F Street, N.W., ,. 80x38?. i . Washington, ft, C Zf HijirxititMii cliit Mtr. WriuJeram , ss'iKKti, er.az. . .. . IPJ ' l .aiaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaasasjas i airiw lSr' WllL'E)CHIBlTiAT..P- - ' JVIHlilWlM ' .ffetfa,.. .' ' .-, ' ... . .-"3 i lupnuroniv T: ' J7VvSi AftRRHKRV Thnrct, Hrf 911.- , AfjT 9V : ON F AlT6 EtJT n 0sf" 1 I ! !lf(-"ui i tJULJ "w 1 'I ,.','' ,"'. ."..,' ' ' ...:".' '. ' , 1 r " j' MiH,j11 P. nl v E pMtrian Qjmr.a.U, '-Asrrsbtta anj'jojji s gltraYrnmih 4qnar'terajf ' , 1be rlob. lfirery tie- ' ' , , , - partment f atftoca ' '.. . Eutertairing, 0- v , AmoMi(r, " : i Tnfeiatics, antlat ove all . ; ' '., f - w , , . 5 llorsl r.:l Inctrcct'vo:, .'''"jit", n ' IF whioh receives tl corr et time Lorn Washington.. dt", rr,n1 ssk f-.r a ..wntch-ofcner, key and che.rK, which v'ree. . - . ISy hi ving vour wnk d ne t.y me 1 I ul y it mime and n:dress on without t xtra V:h.irge. ' - . Tlhving rpcntly rnv.? n largo forlment of maleriid I am enabled to 1 AyiV alr"""VJt'--.s. i to ram ft4! a a vLa incaiia au iiiuv.it more uiau j 'lata! diseases result from 'i Don't pla widi Mature's 1 ' greatest mft hfalrli. Ifroarfelin; situt aoris.wcfili td renerallv ea iiausted, tie vous. Jf n;irj ear.t- ork, bee in at oncers, it-tr thenutelia- Him llo lrctii?!hf:iir; i wedinne.whichu j Uiown t lrMi Kit- " l-r. A f b..t. ties ccrcb!r,tfit comet lrem Ilia J very MSI tlnse-tf1 -r. a it. I 1is-V teaaauc is Ui gift Cures.v B'5pcd52j. fCIJriir EitJ live.' i ';!a!a:i?., : Ncrvow nl'ijr.ects ?' VtKicn's coftn!;lr.tj. js Stlitt'.CJ . (il.r'.V'1t.t Ct .M.t., wl'l ....,,1 I . i .... Fif Mwj and U.iJr-in. f tcowa ciwtsi'-o. cc i'a"h:.ie - :',"''".:".' UktXsta aftaf t anr.ia, er thHdran whs weal bvjlfe UpTrclntt rlottatuas Liaet tlatip&Mi twd Vtalnlfl. I J L i t ci a-iet&sr Brawns &B II EPS 1 yrs''.,,'1''!; .f 5(', I- I. --V r'tvi-raj . , - 1 now I 0 f, Ac II 1 1 i D'res Goods, Notion Grcccrii, Tf you want ,a laro bundle of Goods for a small amount ofnvoney, don't fail to call at tho store of ' . ' ; 1 '' T- 1 ApririK-1896. Tire Queen iVii. ; v ','; tWItn niHI . V 7 I MLW . waa kouttaoli i too mnt ' ennnot alii s an . s.. . arii. r- FREE! FREE! i I MTTERM ami inv ffftllfe ist targe .lipejirood PIHT.I1 mtrat; w the - v.ii, m r'7wnowtwaiiT-iivg x-eeni sumps for a new Tearlr aulaerhilloo Wa 1 lose roonnr by thbl. but once a aubartrirwr alwnv. . IT.i.,k. fl.. 1 TJ.TT Jl! 1 Z hm. U.....ln I.j h...1..u ... .1... t l : MB nt ""- CO, eV'eVJr'BMk'teV AKFORD I .... ,.-u..lul, uwuujuu m iou wait 'tiu its too late. " f a rosoiKo thb iarraH-lirs Alouaar.' " -i w A srlin" i !mrrSn.u ; I f I Jam s)M o liMMoaoa-tieoiae M reaa. S a 'm.i i uue raK-W.T cST.f ' M" 1 j lAurCsaca-MrlluirTltorJe J uiiri W,ks ol im.2i iK'A-' r & Th; Swan Ba.MaJ Iwwm. M.traataa ?.c? tbs Oio KoSriasw ticu S I .. Tm Shik or Si -Ch.rtoii. l Rraeaas st A Vaitow vtertn r --jStiT f t . I. Rsvaataaor rMtio-lk Hsnxl . .. , Ura DtttMsitesI '...' "';. ' ' ! J elHaliirnass-"r,n.ch.as 1 2 taaaimTe SufVaiKiT 2i. aa IiiKiaHaaaTurMvai.aJea-Chaa tesda. x Ta lisSa oa I vKKa-PrJrVTIT;. 1 I it J'lS?:.0":, "S"I-S1? IhaaaaaT? 3 lia UTa w ltucjBuhi i tt A fieaar Cist--Hrf CeeilHsr. . . st tHUQ -rli. f Densoa. "Jrfc . ... ; .,. 2 Z ij. Mn.CtuDia'srueTail.arruaaa.-D, Jarroli. 2 tI7.TZT. . . ' f 1 Ir 141 lit I j,,. 7v Maxton,.K, Cn of Fashion luaisiniinn trie CELEBRATED . fYr.nAII RflTTcnrtf t Ettabllshed Twenty-Five Years. Banal hiM Cakoo, Vffsrw if. hnnm. etrj., ate. Pre- 1 tnlnuiitlrthe Fubtnn aiut 1I,HW Jurnal fiw tlm mlllloa. f Km? 7 n t,?d!" '" rwfeet patterns fur I . db-fc Mia ntid Willdr. hm dtvrmiiUitr mt J f Vi Tif l,",nl"- 'nietlonl rKhiu Kotea. Beautl- oeauti- a . iltiae ka, I ' Wort, J rnlliMrHi 1 il - 'e"i -m iimi latest iiorettlaa Ma i JUifnf J,n.a irt -Nw.dl "rk- Storied, Mnlliera ''"""rfie rfluv, Iren'a Page, Kltchvo hiitla and recelpta I erononiiutl hntn t.f all kinds. A nluakle. . eld oaaar far aalt an 'I 4X1I itnr think yuu ninnot aSunl ainnlher paiier. Ten I aflord to be without It. Tmi Oiitm'nF Fatuioa I lually snre run from aft to five hundred tinea; f -no juu m .in snv to live Bunnraa timet FREE! - , pniiem and TWELVE aheeta of nwioVmchH I J" vnu m m 1110 HiwraSSI 49 Ct 1 4th St. New York. 1 , . . ! -fl - : S' , - -l t Saturday. i.'ptil.Sili.? 1tcomf3 in its own specia'lLa CONSTPUCrED in c IT I AT.L TIT tflT "4

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