'it V't 1 ft 1 if j t 1 t j -, t : i ti tow tla 3 i .r t wss J. " - . i i I . . t J I t a c J cf f . . Mti fett i., ,,. ; c 1 tj ' -vi C'ti" ' Lav 1 r 1 ci. J.4Ln'.5oni tt ;! i I ; iiof t' ena- ''o oo"t 1' e in Va h til 4! )! aud i h lusi ; j to t a bp'Vi ..I oo "a- 5 18 1 lUBaotoJ Wl'l Itt "'..J r '' 9 "perv! ion of fc-lur ;', i.'Hirmin of the corrs 1 co, ,;tt'.se. Thie brs- a wa Ifr t';e conduot of tLe Lterary kef tLa campaign, bat m tie work -1 1 - ? done in Chicago, it wa deemed ' i to longer continue the oCoe at ) . ituL i. . - i t ' nt eoretary Hamlin, of the ' ry department, wbo left Wash i v i Uonday for New York, haa ex ! J hia trip aa far porlh aa Gray " j. EeoieiarieeCR" teandTran- ; i 9 there now and Secretary Olney s . t in easy reach . It ia believed in -'.ja that a conference it im I . j to determine the position the i l.i..aiulration will awume, toward ; iremment offloiala who are taking t e t amp in favor of the .Chicago r ie,s and have been eptioiaing .6 a 'jaiujstratlon. "-' , "' . Tl e treasury department ia informed tat Edward Marphy, muter of the e'en ior Laurada, haa been- arraigned at Tort Antonio, Jamaioa, and plaeed on trial for making ' false report to il 6 collcotor of oustome in regard to Innd'gon the island of Navaisaand diuc! urging aeargoandreporting that Le Lad no passengera on board daring t!ie voyage.. The indiotment ehargna t' t twenty-two p engera were land ed at Kavasta, These were the men .used to have been .conveyed to Cuba on the Dauntlese, ' ;.-, ' , LI E nil Greeting. , J rw-'ctf r.ockhi!l'haa re t '. 1 1 : i L'M-ttu kibtoa CvfiBBieroial i It' on, at Vancouver, B. C, s i IMompf dispatch under date of -bir4.hs : t an interview given the eonaula of i t''y oa board the ateamahip Cm i of China, jast previrva to her ituTe f 'f Eonst-Kop . i eioel- if-,.- Li L'uDg'CbaDg,v.3eroy of ( a, reqneflted ms to4 1 1 ame the I r of ti e following mea to my Arts ' 1 s f 'at'y impreried by the j bud kindneaa eztendii'd to me ly t e covroment of yonr eonnlry, t a I f rd ae the i o.'jl fovern- 'ctx ' "n civili? i. I aLall ' ' ; e tuoct -' ut t'OT" f r - tto tLe t 'lLtea, LC s yon to ir f r t renga . , -xt c tiiry moetootJL I, aa I now . a I'ftva f Amorica."V - . ciiiHltwloner'a T' , ut. , ' i I. Kd'j'y, eon iA. loner h nti I'-i arnor.l re . fr tue incul y r f ,'.py Jorie , 11.3, lo i-c.cri. ry He i. , 9 r ? : J 18 1 i . S lie i L 3 V MM . t 9 1 ait's , u.e 9 fv. si j and 1 ! Z t J T 1, it .( I .1 y fr i " ' Uere "ie -2 xc P""- '.' -n. TLe l t.oi v a 1 27; t' a r i j a tj c" : . " .-one for ' r r f eonvio Z rcf e'Mitoneea at its pan t 1 j c oi2y. a t ,.t t e r!, r t 1 a I ' , i At) t c.u li een'or t p; viul. tot C.2 I a to j luwi auU' r4- 5 'red the bnuineas of r roenring fraud ulent penb' na ts aafe and noproflt able." r . ; Oommisaipner Marphy recommend an inereaee to (12 per month of pen aiope to anrvivora of the- ?f wr nd f o ro-" -""aeDiIj t i ! owiuwoeraand aoUiera died from eaneee originating in the eervioe prior to March 4, 1861. He reoom uenda the paaaage of the bill pending in oongreea fJr the oodifloation of the pension lawa. - ..; ( TBK DATJSTLRSS BBLEASBD - Bat Bramwlek Clt awna are Angry : Over the Arreai of the Crew, v f The little ateamer, Danntleaa, vu releaaed at Brnnwick,Ga, Friday, on bond. - Following thie, papers show ing her aaJe to William A. Biabee, ef Jacksonville, Fla., were recorded at the custom house, or Immediately afterwards . "warrants were served on Captain Lomm, Master Engineer Devereaax : and , Marshal Walker, colored, fireman. The warranto were leaded in Sevan sab before United fJtetee Commission r Beckett and ' were - served by Depflty Marshal Wilson, of (hat city, two facta which have aroused indigna tion in the hearts of every citizen of Bmnawiok. . ' , - The sentiment as felt u beat express ed by ' these word of prominent Bmnawiok man, who said: .. "The manner in which these war rente were issued and eerved 1a the, most ontrageona reflection , upon the honor' and integrity of oar local United States officials that can be eon eeived. v It ia an insult to tbenj and an insult to auoh men ae Hon. Henry- G. Turner, Hon. Hoke Smith and other gentlemen who indorsed them for their posi!;'o"i,'ef 1 in-doing so felt si we all dj, t'ufct eae aie geutamed worthy of the hi(,licat confidence. ' ' "T e t p anish government, by going to Savannah to have those warrants is sued and calling npon Savannah offi cial to arrest those men and bear their prowcution, have virtually said they would not trust our own officials to do their aworn duty; and a a citizen who lores justice and fair play and have perfeot faith in our . loeal ofllcial, I can aoaroely find worda adequate. . "The wL,i1e proceeding smacks of Spenieh treachery and deoeit of the moat underhanded sort and should be condemned by trne Americans." i ' These worua give the temper bl all who are aware of the faota.. . The char-5 in the situation, came -with t" 'a ttiV.'.tj ae to atartle even those ho I ad. antioipated some movement, when the " Dauntless wss released. No-1, however; autioipcited that out slae ( jiuls would be Lioiht in, and no;;, r motive is eeosbed by the pti! "ofor snob a move' except that l'v j ia t" e iii'.-rvioir, 11 a I 51 c! t e -Danntleaa were Cz'llyf. i . j fur c ir X r Lane at 7,000 r. J. C. L'Engle,' -l T. Cony, of v " Vbond, f f Jao" 'onvi.l1, V-e r 1 1 .s J i Jl tond. - nt f t 'r.e for a y ' i r ' i i Uf-y I a 1 I i Atiilieu -V ' . i is' j t!,s.t t'a 1 : of liluce 1 ; .".stik to Governor C ii, tit j i, sjut la rejily ts a tii t' i l..it" t r;ve Lla f i on t"-a b.'.vet q"- -u.), wet ' 1 1st: k to Germany and waa pub . 1 ly tLe new-1; npets there. 1 i ry donlls aa to the anthentioity of l.je lullex were erpreaned by the C i.uii prean, it beirr held, by some of tern tbat it waa a 'jn - docu ment r ii nrd in the United States to aid f ee,...jTf tLe sllreritea.' Inqui ries thitt were cabled from several dif ferent tonroes in the United States showed that considerable doubt exist ed there as to whether Prince Bis marck r"fl"y entertained the opinion set forth in t' e lu"-)r. v i All donbtaa to the anthorehiri of the lotlor ii ro-nrlad ioTprliu ashav-J J"r be t r t. ','-'? t - J lha i t r; Nac' rittei, vhi .h is Jfrinoe L,ouatu sorgsAhas printed Governor Cnlberson'a letter, wbioh .waa Written last Jnne. In it the governor says . The great question of finance ia now of supreme lUret to thepeop'.e of the United states. Itiapresented in various forms, but in a general way it may be said to .be:-'--,S' X-AJy?:t "First, whether the United SUtea shall adopt the aingle gold standard, or -"Seoond, whether they shall -adopt bimetallism with both gold and silver as the standard of primary money f "The argument in favor of each ia well known to yon, bnt it is particu larly insisted that we should adopt the policy of bimetallism because the sup ply of gold in the world for coinage ia inenffloient to meet the demand, and beoause snob standard will still fur ther depress the values of all property. "Which, in your judgment,iathe beet policy to adopt the gold atandard, or bimetallism? Give yonr :i reasons. What effect, in your Judgment, will the adoption of bimetallism by the United States have on the cause of bimetallism in Germany and other great commer cial BaUooar -. Prince Bismarck's reply haa already been published. , , . f ! BBTAM 1H BOSTON.; He Speaka to an Audience of Seventy ; . i ; five Thousaad. , . - William Jennings Bryan arrived in Boeton. Maes., at 5:87 Friday after noon. At the Kneelandatreet station he waa met by a delegation of six mehv pera jl the ' Bryan-Bewail-WUliama club. About 20,000 people assembled to get a ghmpae of the democratic candidate.. - " J ' A great deal of care had been eier oised by thepojice to handle the crowd at the station.:,: When the train' rolled in the crowd eurged down npon tho police ana swept them away. Again and again they made a noble stand to control the crowd, bnt each time they were snored np against the aide of tho train that had brought Mr, Bryan in. " When Mr. Bryan appeared npon the platform of hia ear there waa a cheer, and a mighty rash by the crowd. . The police resorted to foroe, and at last pushed the crowd back and made way' for Mr. Bryan. The candidate then walked through the atation to Knee land street, the crowd -yelling all the time. When ho finally reached Knee land street,' where' hia carriage waa in waiting, the crowd in the street, which filled the whole neighborhood,' cheered vociferously. ,i - Mr. Bryan qufokly . entered hia car riage and waa driven to the American House, where after a short reception at which a few memberaof the bime tallio union and Hon. Arthur Sewal), of Eatb, Me., were present, fie; look luncheon with prominent eilver men. At the "close of the dinner Hon. E. Moody Boynton welcomed Mr. Bryan to JJor.on. Mr. Bryan responded in a f e w serious words. ; : i. :Kr. Xryan was due to begin 'speak -insr on t'.:e common at 6 :45, but it waa 7.oJ before he Conlly arrived there, and Le fonnd f red about the tern ; y s' od i: ui had been erected i x I to "5.C0O people. l'oll or-a s 'd that the ''Crowd I- ' 1 tt 1 1 75,000. Mr. Bryan r 1 it vat e 1 , st gathering he I aJuire-xsol. : z . ' :. r:""JJC IN LOUISIANA. . i I,ave A -reed - I e JhuuC I " i " ' -Vy for .. flt' -'ief lj -if I f ; e i i t. i Vre t 1 ... ... t f- rl ia i ; j r:lt cf . . -,-a ta a ci, ' j for cor-- at J 3 1 16.u, , e Luld tl t r t t -t ia "t t a t it ,d Co j.-r.v itntional, ' ' 9! a; j o ..'sen of the I If vote for prebueut t . I x.ue 1 1 in a-y state ia ! ' ' ' c be on election dy. n.... Unia oi t-;s c1ps are in error. 1 . . The constitution of tLe Unit. It j ainpty provides tlistf -rcr nnn'iU be ehoaen every s; .d ;yoar tr t e people of the aereiul ' and Ct the qualifications re " -mil in chooaing member of the mo . . nc ous branch of the state lej;iuk.' ;8 t .11 apply to voters in elecUug car , mm. ' I The aTne role obti ; si ta matter of presidential electors. It ost be borne In mind that the r1opl So not vote for president and viae president, bnt for electors, equal tt the whole number of aenators an representa tivea to which the atate alay be enti tled in' congress. The constitution concede to each atate en-appointment or eleotion of presidential electora in nob manner as the legislature thereof may direct. ;; The qualification of votera ia left ; to r each Make with only one proviio, that' -the right to votei shall not -be denied or abridged on aoeonnt of race, color or previous condition, of servitude, Each state, therefore, may prescribe the payment of all taxes np to and inclu sive of the year next preceding the eleotion year, and. registrt 'on a pre requisites to voting for congressmen and. presidential eleotora Congress fixe the day on whioh the 'latter shall be chosen and the day. od whioh the electoral college of eaohc atate snail meet and register the will oi the people. Citizenship in ; thi : United Stotiea does not olothe a man with ,the right to rote in any state in which he may be on the day on which presidential elector are being choeen. 4 Every citi zens acquiree citizenship in some' one of the statee and thir exalted prirlege constitutes him a citizen of the Union. In the langnage of Juetioe Story, aa set forth in hia eommentariea on the coMtitution, ''the eitiiena of each atate in the Union are ipse, facto citi zen of the United Statea.'? A citizen must vote in the atate in which he haa liia legal domicile. ' ;? ' :: xo oruor w paruuipaic ia uw elec tion for eonaresemen and presidential electora in Georgia on the third of November next, each voter ,mus sot only have paid all taxes and registered. bnt mnet be 21 year of age' and must have resided in thie atate one year,and in this county etx month axt preoeo ing we eicouuu. , imhjiwuuuj, Mabtih V. Caitut, - Augusta; Ga., Sept. 23, 1896. LADSTOHB TJTTKBS WABNING. Bar' Encland la Aroused anel the : 1 SnlUa Mnat Stop Murder. Fourthouaand persons were present at the mass meeting held in Hengler's circus at Liverpool Thursday afternoon under the,anspices of the Liverpool Reform Club to protest against the rule of the sultan of Turkey and the maeaaore of " Armeniaoa in the Turkish empire. The gather ing included well-known men of all po litical parties, and the audience whioh greeted Mr. Gladstone, who waa the principal speaker, waa a moat entnnsl astic one. . The meeting waa presided over by the carl of Derby. MrJ Glad atone was in excellent health and voice and waa notioeably active in hia raovf- ment"; Prefacing his address Mr. Gladstone proposed a resolution setting forth that the meeting trusted that the govw ernment realized the terrible condi tion in which their fellow Christiana in Turkey were placed, and that they wonld do everything possible to obtain them ft full measure of security" and protection. " v The resolution a' o declared that the government wor ' J have the fullest public support in vlatever etej they mLLt take to put a t'op to the atrooi tie which Were 1 committed in Turkey. Mr. G!a' forward to be m cheered for mtT t ie,!aahe stepped 'a remarks, waa into. ebtan no. .no BOWK.' Tal fluBB Tale f : ' A. i-mpt to Prevent r J Kew Haven,. i .' 1 te- openieg of t!r. I 1't i Iew Tivci ly stl f i tie foci at iitnnti J.orjr A C 051 i cf t " ' . i iat .Til ' . . ll..'Ottt ' ' -eof 3. . I ; iff f o Ce.r f. i r a 1- i. lill ARi's mmi VABicra topics discussed ey f THK PHltOSOPHKB. Ii 'ifUrlV I ! .""i., , I Jl Hi ',- PeopI aa Atre of the pay UaaoUed V.lf yisorooiSiyle., i .;s;. it.-:.' :. Oa'e tMe tero'tla a cenerotlsr M. hearted man by the neue ef Colonal GnSn living at Gsineerille, Ga., and bia heart's desire was to aee peace' on earth and good will among men. Hi nana waa open aa' the day to charity, bnt hia ebiuf delight waa' to veeonoile those who 'were at enmitv and make peaoe between'naburei Ee worked dili-' gently along this line for several yearn and waa called the peacemaker, bnt in course ef time be seemed to lose nit; influence, and if he succeeded in smoth ering a qnerrel' ft broken out again. ' rojitioa got rampant and ebnrob mem ber got at onto, and it took a good deal of bia time visiting around and pleading for peace At task be pon dered over the natter and, liia old Rip Van Winkle, be "swore oft" "X cant do it, judge," be sadly confessed to hia old friend, Judge Lumpkin, "f can't do ii I thought I could reform mankind; bnt I can't They get worse) Instead of better. Society is liken mill dam. It ialway springing a leak, and aa feat aa yon atop one hole it break out at another,. ; Nothing but the'graoe of God can keep peace among the people, and even thai does not seem to circulate in thie region, and so have qnit.,fe-?;J;.::;;,;;';. ic'i The jndge comforted him and told him not to despair, but Griffin retired, from the contest a sadder and a wiser; man. The atrife and Blander and backbiting went on, and it took peace warranto to keep the peaoe. No on man can reform society, amd with many reformera it ia eooa discovered that they need a little reforming them selves. - '..,. Henry Ward Beeoher waa a great preacher and a reformer of social con duct, bnt he fell-from grace just aa Solomon did. Most of these reformera are in earnest, bnt they are cranks and are righteona overmnoh. Parkhurst brought aohiam and discord in hia ehnroh by exoeseive zeal. Tom Dixon i doing the same thing by dabbling into politics. A reapeotable minority of bi members are ativerJiemoerate, and bis pulpit talk haa insulted them. When ft preacher asanmea to know it all he loses hia influence. Humility Js the beat credential a man of God can have. Vanity and ooneeit may not be sine, bnt' they are traito that nobody forgives. . Political preachers may get bffloe, bnt they make enemies andLthat isftbadsign. Drawing erowde and ereav fcag a sensation ia one thing.hnt sarin g sonla through the power of the gospel ia another, I wish that every preacher would let politic alone, for when be abneee the Democrat be makes them mad, and it does not reconoile them if be abnaea the Bepnblioana and the Pop ulista, too. It ia as if he said : "Every. body fa a rascal bnt me." Of eourao we all get more or lea exoited about politics and let our prejudices get the better of our judgment, and at tueh time it beoomee the preachers to be calm and serene and tolerant and . keep the peace. I see it charged ,"in the northern pre that we , have so fair eleotion in Georgia. I deny the allegation and defy , the" allegator. I have been on the watch for year and have had no reason to suspect that any man, black or white,haa been defraud ed of his vote in my county. I believe that men hare voted who were not en titled to vote, bnt it was no part of aoheme by the offloiala ""wA' nd was wholly unknown to them.; I believe that the eleotiona in .Georgia are aa fair a in apy.state in the Un ion; The defeated party always oriea fraud, bnt never prove i. Siande,r ia 5 a1iu Vtna Iat Ii 1 vV.A tin1 Ind tS State n teaVef. the deeper it aetUea inTth public mind; ' ' ' - ' '. Intolerance is the bane of aooiety, both in ehnroh and state. I Was read- ing today some bitter thing agaioet Women riding btoyelea, and in tbe aame paper temperate sensible artiole in defense of the aex. It waa written bya woman a lady and Iconenred in all she said. , lean aea nothing; im modest in girl riding if ehe ia mod catly dr"-d in skirt and deport a her. jeelf mc5-' :!y, A fast girl will be aat, whether ale rides in skirt or bloom era, or don't ride at all. There ia more immodes'y in fromiwuoua enrf lath ing and in the round dance of tho ballroom than in ri.'.ing the bike, even in bloomer. , A few years "o I, was s!: or Led at the i 1 of any d - n !( girl ri " pj the L S, tut my t .oes have pa- J ay. It po f f a a r 'uovful t" ! t ts C and I " tLe roc try of t ia Lire1 "i if t," a e " i' r r n. 'a is V at 1.1 I t i t 1. ' 3 f 1't til faiitar cf J i rU ti s,:t a Wor' :H tf tkind, eilher. f " r all, f e etrV. He Le i ratLer an erper be' ssy that a good one v.l lut about to yearB) and ia the meantime Ua r- paira Will erefae few ciiara a year, and an 1 don't Bee" that it I any i heaper lh the long run 1 ih&M horae. Lut the price' is entirely too high. A man who knows told me that the actual cost of a hundred-dollar ; bike was about tS5. ; I knew broker who aold forty-two in three month and hi com- lion was f 17 on each ana a bonne oi i juu extra when hi tale amounted to 13,000.' Our People are bttvinir thousands of them, and our money just pour Into their hopper like it alwaya doc tor everythioa: they make and put at us. If it ia not a Chicago exposition it ia aomethina else, and they keep ns poor all the time. But Cobe aaya: "That's all light, major, for everything ia adopted, and the world i obleeged to have poor folks to keep rioh folk in money. V U there waaent any cbiokena there wonlaent be any nawas, u mere waaent any rat there wouldent be any eat, for everything ia adopted.' "And if there waaent any enru there wouiu ent be any boy to fool !em, aaid I. "fee ao, adzakly ao,M said Gobe and he shifted his tobacoo to the other law. - ' .$ Bnt I can still work around the house and the garden. : The flower pit wss dilapidated, and my wife called my attention to U several time, And ao jesterday I repaired the broken glass atd then got my can of red paint ana gave the aaah new coat, it ioou fine and I we proud of it, and luxuri ted in advanoe npon the praise ehe would bestow upon me, but when I came into her august presence she dis covered eome paint on my panto and vest .''Waa there ever anoh a man in thia world; paintiog in his best clothe the only deoent panto you have got," and she looked afar off and sighed. "Well," ebe continned, Hake them Off right now before the paint dries and let me work on them. J never can get ypu to change your clothe when yon are going to do dirty wort " So I changed them and she got the benzine and .perfumed the room with it, and in half an hour my garment were cleaner than ever. "What make yon do that way V aha. eaid. "Why, my dear, I thought I eonld paint and notot drop on my olothe. and feet ao much like gentleman with my beat clothe on that I feate to take them off, but I won't do ao any more." In coaxes of time she got over it, and I got some praise after alL Things are now calm and serene. BtUi Art in Atlanta Constitution. 1 v TUBER PABTIK8 HAVE PUSED, Democrats, PopuUeta and Sllverltea . of North Carolina Have Fused,.,-; A special from Baleigb, N. C says: The democratic, populist and national silver party state chairmen have signed an agreement for the purpose of. unit ing the votea of the three partiee for their mntnal eandidata for president, W. J. Bryan, and to adjust the com plication arising out of the nomina tion of two candidates for vioe presi. I It hi been arranged thai the three' pit lies vote for the electoral ticket re eently arranged, composed of five dem ocrats, fire populist and one ailvente. and tbat all of the eleven elector, if elected, ahall cast their votes in the electoral colleee for their mutual can didate for th presidency, W. J. Bryan, and for the candidates tor vioe-'preU' dento of their respective pantos. -- If for' any reason it ahall become aeoeeaary to maka any change or change in any of the elector before named. uch changea ahall be made I with theconseot of the chairmen of tbe reapecUVft parties to thia agree ment, , i ' TBCR BIM. AGAINST BVAN f 5- 9 Uobw: . The Fulton county grand jury -et in special tesiion at Atlanta Thnraday morning end returnea a true m against Mr; .Etere Byan for assanlt and battery. Thel,... ,e the result oi an at tack made by- Mr. Byan on .Judge Georsre Goher. Solicitor Hill fixed the bond of Mr. Bran at tl.OOO and the warrant for bisrehtwai' "odir t! a 1 la of EheriiT Barnee. lie will aerre ion Mr. Evn this afternoon. There will be no . i'.nlty about the bond being rn..a a i then tle case will go over uu:-l t 9 opening of the oriniui.l court in October. ' . CIIOBT ON' SACKS. Camps', ' iv Tl3f t' 8 V f " C r l a Literature Monopoltae the c Department '.Atj of t'ae heail jUMlere ol rr-..Montiul noiiiinee in t I r .'olio do nc 'a nn e t" on" ' oe r n .11 ?-i r ( ' i f t eu -tl ? It" .'j I .k a im 1 WW C 4 . 'a f : 1 1 ) I m i 'i TLe 1. ' t r' "if 'T i t" " is now 1 ! It - ij v. tweea I ' .-'. : -Lake, 1 t. 1 ' 030, have tt Tea te.s i hii'tt f:srs,' It wJ ta ovr .-J ' long".--,. cr8-w "' ..-- V i 1 Dr. A. Calmette, of karie, e-y ; in the sernm of immuniuod hoi there ia a perfeot antidota . af'i-" make poison. He has also1 ' f tui I hmedermic intentions cf hycocw..-v of lime and chloride of gold also bane- floial. - t ' . -v, ; i At ft feeent meeting of khe ForiA ! . Hypnologioal Society Dr. Gorouiohza! 5 eommnnioated the iafovmaUoa that ha had ucoeeded, by means rf hypnot o suggestion, in preventing sea-ikness.. , even in the case of person who had! alwaya been violently affected by ifc , A ateel plate, laid to be the largest -? ever made, ha just been turned ont j ' -a Stockton (England) iron- company. " . It measures, tter ahearing, eeventy- ix feet eight inohea, by five feet by , 6-10 inohe in thickness, weighs ilreJ and-a-half tons, and i without flaw. . A new exoarimeht i lighting haa . been made in the room containin.f the; ' " ... n i Tf Baphael cartoona at the ouia o.en- inoton (Londonl .MnsenuU Instead .,.." of clear glase, layer of green, yellow t and bine glaa are nsea. j.uis girw white light, eliminates actinia, ryV . and prevent the picture Jrom J ading.; f Th total nonolatioo of the earth ia . ertimatedatabont l,?OO,O0O,OOO souls; " of whom 82.214.000 die "annually ? i ., n ftverage of 98,848 ft day, 4020 an hour and sixty -seren a minute.. The annual number of births, pn tbe other hand, ia estimated at 86,7,90,p00-L e., -an average of.100,800 a'dayi 200 an ? hour and aeventy minute. " 4 A ''km aerolite eeently explodod above thouity bf- JIadrid, Spoin,,at, 9.80 n- m.; There waa a vivid glare , of light and a loud report," say Soi-' enoe.1 ' ""Bnildinga were ahakeni and . ; many window were ahatter ad. , Ae , cording to the omoiaia 01 tne maanu t . Observatory, the explosion occurred ' twenty mileaabovekhe earth."1 a-' The seventy-two ; race ' inhabiting the world commnnicate with each other , in 8004 different toneues. and , eonfesa to about 1000 religions. The ' number of men and women' w veryw nearly equal, the average longevity of ; both aexea oeug oniy, , sniny-eij" ; years, about one-third f the popula tion dying before the- age of eeven- Generally taking the .entire world, 3 married people live longer than sitfie, and those who have to work LwUi i'" their living longer than those who Cj '.. not,': while also the average xe f : longevity ia higher among .eivOizad than uncivilized raoee. Furtl. r, -people of large physique live 1ol0 -than tho of small, but those el, middle aiae beat both. . vi;;;1. ' . l SUleJ AU Except the Uato.' - 4 ; AVvnnt nlm rrari . atrOT- 'm ' Ita& ,".an schooner,' khe Johannes, while on . ft voyage from Riga to. England, furn- nished a fnghtiul example ot wnat on n man can do on board a aMp. -1 TJmb, s sailor, had been caught r bing hia shipmate, and a'r .the ' finer and men had finished crmstiui ' him, Ian jumped overboard. Je a rescued, and alter that his life on t vessel waa by no meansft ploasctit " -A few night afterward, when 1" v at the wheel, the captain found fu.. with his cteering and etraok LU : ft rope's end. Ian got in a rajs, t ft stick of wood and knocked t' a tain down, and also the man . reUevedhim at the wheel. Tl went to the lookout nd 1 '" 1 ' After thia te called the ol T consisting of three men, o forecastle, and kilkl th; Ji c -Some of the men n ;re 1 dead when he threw tn r A boy on bo" 1, a re'- ive ( ter, was thba tuto a c . . . enraged Kawl. n. '1L 1 1 j all the jewelry and r r find, took the c; ' ing its ownnr o , t with an ai m 1 f ' into the 0 .; 1 1 j L J t -hia money, 'ile n- 1 1 and tbe 1. ' r ' r -fastened al. . i tried to 1' " ' oabin v. ; u then th1' 1'". 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