VOL XXXIV MAXTOR N. C,, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, W^ NO. 1 EASY MATTER FOR MEN OR WOMEN TO BUILD UP STRENGTH Mr. Byrd Passes. According to This Lady Who Regained Her Weight, Fouad New Strength and Vigor In Jurat Ordinary Ires Reonndy. Highly Concentrated, It Is Mor® Powerful, Cheaper Too, And Goes Twice As Far. “I seRersd for mu's with variose toeubiaa. I sassed al! rundown sei failing fast. I kutgin* it was aksas»sh tecWMU and liver principally that brought as nil the «*m^iia»ife*ae teat. saw: later. I tried cuynral doctor* and ^^ away to Karate, K. Y. hat their aeedleiae did me no good fodUnsMaa, soar, idtw essgiiewt from my utowwch Finsuwaec. WlfiMmsaa, fewted lives, w^ bad naivety* fcchsg, haadaahee, paw bleed and satarsh «f hts& stead ing, head anlw sad uchita sad p«A^ nodi honesty whoa I ibek back »4 these swaths and aumhs w ca^ertag I towuday hew I etaad it ell. Wing to hoc® absto ^9 kA eitm^O with meh ®S>®aM tongas th * euteantxa end psM^ y«s flaws is »wf«4r bar#. I owe my H^f ts a sMertaaaa who waked La ess day when I wo s»£^ ing paxMcntewly bed end he total sass abaat Add Iren Mfetagl. Me had Baes toashtad ths cnaap way I eras waul be took Ask ^ Niueixl swd’sa sn fete rceaiueucats -a I started takka M» gsaat remedy, I took threehostisa ^e it had to# a world ef g^M I fob better then I have is y«t». I a® blasted with wwkupxfui arista and stealth thanite to A I, M. and I new weigh 150 genads,. white bastes* taking it I had asaest given eg ayer feelag * 1 shS strong Bg^. IF^ it because I’m sate U&ni owe be me atedieijis on the taMtoh today that will beta Add boa iUnanaV' eabiski astfenite state* Mrs. & Shart ef Yoi Syke. Ye. kayo*#, by taking a tew litaips er And Ires Mfousal mixed in water We W wee tunes a das ana be ben^itod weadtaWY It terete piste, highly eoaetmtowte ntewal Ten. ft in more #««««> tel and teengte tka® weaker prepared pills er preparau iu» sea* taking teoa as sho chief raa-dicrnU eteaieat Shesyese kit-ws Iran is good tee she blood *ad whole system, tenUdkg ^epte eg skuas! Ites stack- The reason is plaite- To Malta rids Mood yog ojast have teas. Without nah red blood year strength isayes yen, bleed gets (Begged rosy eftaa with arte unid esunia® rhau^nDia troubles and itee whole system bcaosnes weakened and run down Being very powerful a few dr-pa la a state of water tuak^s a dean. It k sold paly te existed teetotal under "‘AI#” toads mark oa Uta bottle wed cartoon Tide is y^ur guarantee el falls strength and quality. Moet druggiste have is and a tw^re owea! bottle state but a dollar and is a spiandid tavaataaaat if the reads* ’ is in starch of uosae thing to teases build up and atoeagthas She - system. Fafi^t, yellow oaathkMdaas seen disa^ear If she Uuntrnnda { of usesas nd the past thirty years are to be believed. Get a bottiei today. AAevfite, M. @,, Jan. 8.—Bev. C. W. Byrd y*ytor tot ta® Stated Hethndist Storch, .died sudenly today forte-win a steaks of apo plexy. Doster Byrd teas held acnennsfnlly seme of tac most important ptaterate® in the M«- thndtei Charsk in the South. He we# gwsW at mriene times at Awaaia, Ge., MedtevUk Toon., and Gr»statetao M. C., sal other ptenss. 3a wasenrvteg hie fourth pastorale te the Gestata Church, ihia M^. Ela is carvived by his widow end one son, Wiiliiua P. Byrd. Sa was about 59 y sari eld. N^^ The nasties sale nd past of ths Mcsxec Estate that was udv»r- Used ta be sold an Jannnry 3rd hs* boss ptat^eaed eath January Wh at 19*9. State sals will bn palled elf tin t^ a^xe data date regardless si the weather, rain, stake or straw, sate add begin at Midway Churab. Saturday saorn- kg. ^2?^fl2£^^ Gold Weather—Fir st Big Sassy in Snvaral Yeara. A sold wove reached here Sat urday eight and by Tuesday ®orukg the temperature had fallen to 18 degrees above zero. Tuesday night a four-task snow saver-id all out of doors—the first snow that depth skua Janu- ry 1st, 1913, sad it has not melt ed, though some rata fell yestsr- eay. Nnisee to Advertise?* and Corrmpnudnads. With this i>s«e ef the Statetab Chief the Cennty Amtual State ment ta finished. We hope to have a re-organized feres of printer® in date to begin issuing the usual paper next week. Copy for advartietaMate must be k band not taler than Wednes day and we targa our nomapoad- enta to send ta the news early in the week. Firn Akran. A barnlng aigsenay at the taenia ef Mr. E. 1. Maybe? ry Satardtey night eanssd the So alarm to sound and a crowd t® gatha®, bat no damage omen ed. Sanday aftomsun the Mam eenatiwi and brought a awaabee af eltaseiu to ceagasgata ng Meta atonal, the esaiso Wag another barafog ahkumy, froaa which ne dantaKte faUewed. Superior Court. Tha Supaeiar neart far the trial ef Mvil eases, which rea- vened Manday, adjourned Tues day evening. Only bwe jary eases were toted, theagh way others were disposed of by con sent. This is the last coart over which Judge W. M, Band will preside ta Bobeaah wakll ha re turns to the circuit, if ever. He made many friends during his vis its te the county and seems pop ular everywhere. Fnatanastar Examioatina. At the request of the PtwtiMUi- tcr General ths Doited Staves Civil Servian Coamteaioa teas an nounced an examination to be held at Hamlet, N. C., on Jan. 9. 1918, for the position of post master at Maxton. N. C. Thia office has annual compensation of 1,900. To be eligible for this examina- tioa ca applicant must tee a citi tan of the United, itates—mast actually reside within the delivo- ry cd the office and have so re Mded at the time the presswt va otasy oeessrrod. Appitaaals must have reached their twawtr-liret, but net thate sixW-firat birthday M the date af the oKamlaadion. A^aaMms Forn 884, asd foil tafossaaticto nwteeaking the re- qairewtegMa d the tetecstaoMou stay ba s«rsr>td Itatai the peta- raaxtar at tee ptace ef vaoanay er fossa the OvU Berries Cosasas- siea, Waahtegtaa. D. C. Ajtjdleeiloess sb**^ tea proper ly executed a®d filed with the CoMunjasten at Washington, D. C., is Mme te am sire far the ex- aaaiaa-tiea ef the applicant. Liberty Boade Randy. SubsariboM to firat issue ef Liberty Bonds at th® Bank ef Maxtea are hereby notified we have the bonda an band now ready for delivery. Please call and arrange. Cotton Ginning Report. WachinRton, Dec. 8—C>tto» ef this year’s g-owth ginned prior to D-c. 1, amounted t 9,7 04 633 runntag bales; including 173.839 round bales and 77,633 bales of See Island. To Dee. 1 last year 10,852,081 bales, ineiudin.«; 177.662 round bales and 102,496 bate* of Sea Is. laud were ginned. Ginnings to Dee. 1 this year by States include: North Carolina, 482 478; South Carolina, 1,155,482; Virginia, 13,473. Ginnings of Sea Island by States wore: Florida, 38,570; Georgia, 88,- 881, and South Carolina, 4.178 fitst/iass WATER GROUND MEAL-Swte year sorn to the old "Enter^tess MilF^ »nd fret the best meal time seal te made, J, CABaker, Miller. n»»t FOB SALE—Oliver type Writer. Ute! bet little. Ccrelina Electric Ce. TOR SALE—2 es^iaci, sets belles- Flee conditions. Caroline Electee Ce. WANTED—300 Farmers t» join epr Thrift Club, have ISC already ta- eolled. Cash prizes te Demerit & the largest yield ee eae west dr eroeisd, besides other irteteemnete If yen have boys give them a atari fer themselves. Oar prv^eei^Si will pet them throejh eellesie . Fer particulars see 0. C. Spestwag at the Bank of Maxton. we. SO PEAS- Will buy your sound Pase. CSSt prices. Gee. H. McKay, Maximo, N. $• -CUT INTO SMALL FARMS 8 MILES OF MAXTON AND ROWLAND, 0 wa valuable land, lying along the Max- ton^ A ma ana not mon btatlon, © nr lancl 1 U 1 hl ©^ « ° ite time. Don’t miss ® os at A j^Sa ^^ 11 a#* ' 8 si - CALLUM, Jersey Vali .ii I ^r o^ SHO Hi j % L J AM idem. W Hi 77 $ Jiri A Hi