Community Social Life Here and There Mr. Paul Graves of Washington, D. C., spent last week here v, ith home folks. Mary Lewis Thompson returned to school Monday after an absence of five weeks with whooping cough. Miss Agnes Thome of Fort Bragg spent the weekend here with Mrs. A. J. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Ra leigh visited Rev. and Mrs. James Appleby here Sunday. I Mrs.; Ethel Edwards of Biscoe is , visi ting here in the home of Mrs. j filiifjjtff'M —i— ■ * 1 A*' Mr£»nd Mrs. Grover McNair of jfljjnswM-Salem were guests in the Afot Mrs. Lacy Williams during hakt weekend. Land Mrs. J. L. Davis re id to Raleigh Monday after ling the past weekend here.’ |jrs. A. J. McKinnon. aR __T_s. C. W. Clarke has returned >to Chadboum after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dick Reid, here dur ing the past week. Misses Margaret McLean and Betty Taylor were visitors at Flora Macdonald College, Red Springs, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. N. C. McRoy and daughter, Carlene, of Wadesboro were guests in the home of Mrs. R. E. Bums during the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirkman and son, John C„ Jr., of Bonlee spent! Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKinnon. Messrs. Charlie Carrowon and Laurie Martin of Bennettsville, S. C., were business visitors here I Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. C. Holland, Mrs. Lena A. Carter and Miss Belle Alford spent Saturday afternoon in Fay etteville. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reid, accom- , panied by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie May- 1 nard visited relatives in Chad bourn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Brooks, - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barwiek, Mrs. R. C. Holland and Mr. J. H. Me-; Kinnon visited in Southern Pines and Pinehurst Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis return ed to Raleigh Monday aftef spend- j ing the past weekend here. They ’ were accompanied by Mr. Che^ley McCaskill. ' I Messrs. Allen Charlies, Claude Hogan, Clyde Adams and Iver Mc Iver visited Mr. Ernest Weatherly, who is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham, Monday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhinehardt and daughter, SusJane. ville and .Mr. Carl Du Murdock and Bill, accoi Miss Minne Lou Me mington visK'bd LOVELY BRIDGE PARTY HONORING MRS. ORR i Entertaining at bridge, Miss Mary Patterson complimented Mrs. Robert Orr, at -her home on North Patterson street Tuesday after noon. A profusion of spring flowers, gracefully arranged added attrac tiveness to the reception roornf^ where seven tables were placed fjjr contract. Dainty tallies passed' by the hostess directed guests to tfcpjr respective tables. High score priv. was won by Mrs. H. B. Barwi<\ and pretty guest prizes were pre sented to Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Bob CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our jn&ty friends for ihejr kind^^tsf^ssions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. MRS. FRED SEALS and Family. WANTS LOST—Blue silk umbrella with wide border of mingled grey. < Finder please communicate with Mrs. J. O. McClelland. Phone 51. GLADIOLUS BULBS—25c a doz en. Mrs. George Daw, Maxton, N. C. Readers are invited to rise this column as a medium of exchange for Wants, for -Sale, Lost and . Found, etc. Price, this size Type, 6c Bne,4Bjnimum 15c. Allow about 6 words per line each insertion. This size Black Type 10c line, minimum 30c. All Want Ads. cash,with order. WILL EXCHANGE some Lespe deza Sericea seed for corn, young hens or fryers. Geo. B. Hall. ■FOR SALE OR BARTER—-1 new bed spring for double bed. Bar gain price. Phone Maxton 182. NOTICE TO PECAN GROWERS —Will allow market prices for Pecans in exchange for subscrip tions. The Scottish Chief. Phone 185, Maxton, N. C. HEN WANTED—Will exchange subscriptions to The Scottish Chief for limited number of young hens or pullets, any breed except Game. M. A. Thompson, Maxton, N. C. FINGER WAVING 25c kJane McKinnon r Appointment Phone 144-W Burns, Jr., recent brides. At the conclusion of the game, a salad course followed by hot coffee and sweets were served. Guests were: Mesdames Robert Orr, Bob Burns, Jr., R. C. Holland, G. P. Henderson, H. A.. McKinnon, E. P. Williams, Lee Correll, C. R. Hunter, V. A. Sydenstricker, F. E. Coxe, Randall Brooks, H. B. Bar wick, H. A. Barnes, Marshall James, W. E. Caldwell, of Lumber ton; E. H. Evans, Maynardie Nel son, John F. McNair, Jr., of Laur inburg; Misses Elizabeth Thome. Gladys Chandler. Elizabeth Currie, Clara Lee McLean, Clara Knight, Ava Lee Evan.<, Charlesanna Fox, Maude Croom and Frances McCor mick and Mary Pate of Laurinburg. --o WOMAN'S CLUB SPONSORS BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Rowland.—Last Tuesday evening the Woman’s Club held a bridge tournament-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lynch. The entire lower floor was thrown open, and was attractively decorated with beautiful spring flowers and potted plants. Twelve tables were ar ranged for bridge. Mrs. J. C. Mc Eachern and Mrs. James McLaurin were winners of high store and re ceived attractive prizes indicative of Easter. Refreshments consisted of cakes, coffee, salted nuts and Easter candies. AROUND MIDWAY The chicken pox epidemic is ! nearly over. A good many of the school children were sick but most of them are able to meet classes again. Mrs. C. H. .Gentry is much im proved. Her little son, Bill, is sick with measles. “Two Days to Marry,” a play which was presented at the Liberty school Wednesday evening wa3 ex ceptionally good. Character^ parts were taken by members of the faculty and other citizens of the community. Mrs. N. J. McUimmon and Mrs. J. N. Le Conte visited friends in the Carolina section Thursday. Mrs. Lester McLean spent Thursday with Mrs. George Mc Intyre. Mrs. J. W. McQueen’s mother, Mrs. Wyndim, of Sumter, S. C., spent a few d^vs with her last week. Everyone was sorry to learn or the death of Miss Jane Bracey whtf died Tuesday night. She had been ill for quite awhile and at the time of her death was making her home With her brothgv Mr.* Lika Bracey. Mr. Rufus Lytch was a visitor in, Maxton Thuisday. ROWLAND PERSONALS Miss Mary Phillips left Friday , f >r Richmond, Va., where she will ■•take a commercial course Mrs. W. L. Rogers and Miss Bill Powell of Pembroke visited in Row land Friday afternoon. Mr. Robert Hedgpeth of Camp bell College spent last weekend here at his home. Mrs. C. J. McCallum, Charles and Neill McCallum spent last Satur day in Florence. Catherine Easterling has return ed home after having had an ap pendicitis operation at Baker s Sanatorium. „ . Mrs. Edgar Bracey, Mrs. F. A. Bracey, Mrs. D. A. Bracey, Misses Nora and Gladys Bracey spent Thursday afternoon at Lumberton. Miss Bertha Baker of Dillon spent the weekend in Rowland. Mr. John McArn of Charlotte spent a few days in town last W