VOLUME 31. NUMBER 48. prints Cituen RED SPRINGS. N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 1”’ PER YEAR I NADVANCE BT. McKINNON \Lloyd Huggins Shoots ETS AP WEST POINT POINTMENT Son of Mr. and Mrs Neill McKinnon Honored I?y Congressman J. Bay- Fine Type of American ard Clark; Youth. I Robert Hector McKinnon, better known amorg his friends and ac- as “Chic,” has received notification from the war Depart- ment that be has been selected by Congressman J. Bayard Clark to take the July examinations for admission to the United States Military Acad emy at West Point as a cadet. Mr. quaintances Self in A rm A ccidentay KING COTTON FEASTS IN SUN Shower Given In Honor Recent Bride COUNTY CLUB WAS FORMED IN LUMBERTON FRIDA Y NIGHT While rummaging in a dresser drawer for a necktie Tuesday about noon Lloyd Huggns suffered a bullet wound in his left arm. Among the ties in the drawer was a 25-calibre automatic pistol which in some way was discharged the bullet inflicting a painful flesh wound in the young man’s left arm. Just what caused the gun to be discharged is not known. The bullet entered the fore arm about midway between the wrist and elbow ploughing through the flesh and coming out near the elbow. Fortunately, no bones were broken, but Mr, Huggins suffered considerable Weather Has Been Made-to-Order Kind for Growing Purposes; Out look Much Brighter. McKinnon if the first alternate among- pain Tuesday afternoon and night a long list f applicants. The name of the principal in the examinations.J. T. 0 frm Brings could not be learned. In case of the principal’s failure Mr. McKinnon is [ next in line. On information furnished ; epartment Mr. McKinnon 1 •rented unconditionally so | First Blossom the War D_„. has been accepted unconditionally ■far as men ial examinations are con- e only examination that cernedTh . will be required of him will be a physical cine. Ir. McKinnon says he does not ^Anyone hard luck but he '“shore wan to go to West Point.” go to West Point. Mr. McKinnon is a son of Mr. and McKinnon and brother of Mrs. Neill McKinnon, society editor Just as we were going to press I last week Mr. J. T. Odom brought to The Citizen office the first cotton blossom cf the season. Mir.’ Odom stated that he should have brought the blossom in the day before but just neglected to do so. We believe Mr Odom has produced the first blossom of the state, a s we have not seen anywhere an account of an The weather for the past several days has been ideal for cotton. Up 1 until the middle of last week the cut- look for a cotton crop was indeed gloomy but with the sun doing his stuff now the prospects are a hun dred per cent brighter and so are the cotton farmers. With the exception of probably one day the past week has certainly been regular cotton weather, both day and night. The farmers are in much better frame of mind now. There is plenty of time yet most of them agree, to raise a cotton crop if the weather will just stay as is. It is true plenty of weevil is reported from different sections, but with a scorch ing sun the weevil can do very little damage. Of course, it is a little early yet to make any forecast as to 1 the otucome of the crop but the weather is ideal and the farmer has been given a new lease on life by it. On Friday afternoon, June 21st, Miss Edna Liles and Margaret Hod- gin entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Wade H. Leggette. I The Hodgin home was artistically arranged with baskets of pink gladi- Dr. Moore-Miss Gates Married in Richmond olas, snap dragons and roses. On en tering each guest w,as asked to write ten letters of the alphabet Later they were told to. write a telegram of advice to the bride using the letters previously written to begin each word. The bride was asked to read these and they proved to be very interesting. Mrs. Hanna and, Mrs. Smoak won the prize for com-' pleting a “Famous Lover’s Contest.” Misses Catherine McPhaul and Lila Liles -won the prize for the “musical memory” contest and Mrs. J. W. Mc Phaul and Elizabeth Stutz arranged the brides new initials, which were cut in the form of a puzzle in the most attiiactive manner. After -the-frontests little Elizabeth Hodgin palled to the bride a wagon beautifully decorated with gifts. After a .display of these Mrs. Leg- Organization Formed Upon the Initiative of Governor McLean, .... Following Address to Rotarians. Much Interest Shown By Those Present Looking Towards Betterment of Farming In terests of County. Henry McKinnon Elected President. PERSONAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McIntosh and family of Fayetteville were guests ad Mrs. W. J. Council Sun- of Mr. day. Mrs. _ Pete Stanton is spending : two week’s vacation in Danville, Va. ' Nearly 100 Representative Citizens ( of County, Guests of Lumberton I Rotary Club, Launch County-Wide County Club Following Address By McLean; Purpose of Club Is De velopment of County With Special Reference to Improving Agricul- I tural Conditions. as the guest of her mother. Mesdames Bill Graham and Clyde Bain are spending several day.-, at Myrtle Beacn. Miss Ruby Powell and Mrs, Nor ma E. Spell were guests of their brother, Mr. Luther Powell of Park- ton last -week-end. Mr. Phil Bragg left Saturday for New York City where he has accept ed a position. Mrs. Roy Singleton -as returned from Wilson where she was the guest of her mother. Lumberton, June 24.—A county- wide organization to be known as the Robeson County Club, which has for its purpose the development of Robeson County along all lines, with particular reference to the betterment of agricultural conditions, was launched Friday night at a dinner meeting of representative citizens from over the counts' at the Lor raine hotel here following an address Miss Flora McKinnon, society editor of The Red Springs Citizen. He was graduated from the Red Springs high school this year, standing fourth in nis class of twenty-one. He is a young man of excellent character, al most perfect physique and carriage, and a good student-qualities winch ■are needed by an army officer. His friends predict for him a great name in the military world. WAKULLA NEWS earlier blossom. Tuesday of this week we received through the mails a pink blossom from Claud Barnes, of Rennert, from Claud Barnes, of which was picked Monday. Lumber Bridge News On Sunday afternoon of last week about 3 o’clock, the planing mill of F. L. Tolar of this place caught Dr. H. T. Moore and Miss -Gertrude , Gates were married at the home ol the bride’s sister in Richmond Mon day evening/ with only a few rela- tives and close friends present. ; Mrs. Moore is an attractive young lady and although she has made Red Springs her home for only a short time, being connected with Flora- Macdonald College, she has made gette ^ book 0% A dels cake wa About pitality->- Strati Wolf Mr. fire, I the feet and Mrs. Rhffin Powersund Mr. , - Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Benton of Fay etteville were guests of Mrs. J. D. McArthur Sunday. They were re turning to Fayetteville from Lake Waccamaw. Miss Minnie Louise McEachin, stu dent nurse at the Charlotte Sana- torium tion. Miss turned visited is taking a two week’s vaca- Anna Mae Wilkinson lias from McColl, S. C., where Miss Katie Mae Newton. Lena Mae McEachin has re- she re- Miss turned to Boone, N. C., where sue is attending summer school. jOMfr. J. C. Way of Asheboio was a -presented with a unique ^‘ past made by friends. A course of ice cream and h served. V guests enjoyed the hos- disses Hodgin and Liles. Romance Is ’ Mystery Plot ‘Chinatown Theatre! by former Governor A. W. McLean, who urged the necessity of united organized efforts upon the part of Mrs. Dave Hodgin spent Monday, citizens of the county if Robeson .. ,...--,.... T>f„„ e™..>v - j g ^ re t a in j^s proud place of pri- with her grandmother, Mrs. Conuly. Mrs. Boatwright lias returned macy as an agricultural county. Met Unanimous Approval. Governor McLean’s suggestion for such action met with hearty and unanimous approval, and following the closing Rotary song, the visit ors geing guests of Lumberton Rotary club, practically the entire crowd of nearly 100 men stayed for the after meeting to which all were invited to from Fayetteville where she spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Daisy Smith. Mrs. G. R. Eastham, who has been visiting her son, Mr. R. L. Eastiiam, for several months, .returned Tues day to her home in Harrisonburg, Va. Mr. ad Mrs. B. W. Townsend and two grandchildren, little Misses Han nah and Jane Bell, are spending sev- such an remain who wanted to see lights” at Red Wals’ Exciting Springs Activity County dues dr looking” er.pl days at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. J. A. MrRae has from Durham where she guest of her parents. Mr. J. A. Love, Jr., "organization formed. i z Officers Elected. reamed. 1 . of Chinese Tongs. many friends here. Her home was originally Richmond. Va. Dr. Moore is prescription druggist with The Townsend Pharmacy and also has a host of friends in Red Springs, even though he, too, has only been here a short time Marley and Mary; p r jj p Bowden and Miss Mary Lorn Beard were the only local peo ple attending the wedding and for sometime it looked as if entire plant with about 100,000 of lumber would be destroyed, by heroic efforts of the bucket brigade the fire was extinguished with but small loss to Mr. Tolar. Misses Lena Baggett were hostesses at a lovely and very informal bridge party Sat urday evening, entertaining at Miss Marley’s home in honor of their guest. Miss Mary Rachel Overman of Pikeville, N. C. The home was ar ranged with bright colored garden flowers. 'The guests playing includ ed Mesdames W. El Marley, W. D. Smith, E. D. McGougan, Charles Heitman of Salisbury, Misses Mannie Cobb and Rebecca Curiae. At the was the There is more mystery in one Chipese standing in a shadowy China- tevri doorway than in all the mystery stories ever written. And spent last ri Officers of the Robeson club, which will have no fees and which all “forward week-end in Clinton visiting friends. Mrs. R. L. Lovin ha s returned from (Ellerbe and Rockingham where she -In “Chinatown Nights” which opens; its two days run at the Red Springs was the guest of her parents, Mr. and theatre tonight, there are more than Mrs. A. D. Spivey, and her siste: PEMBROKE NEWS citizens of Robeson are invited to join nominated by a commitee appointed for that (purpose, were unanimously elected as follows: H. A. McKinnon of Maxton, president; J. C. Lentz of St. Pauls, vice-president; J. A. Sharpe, of Lumberton, secretary. These officers are to select a govern ing board composed of one or more members from each township in the county. They will meet for that pur- Mrs. Grover Wheliss. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gay of Sav- ramento, Cal., are the guests of their niece, Mrs. W. L. McRae. Miss Johnsie Graham returned five hundred Chinese revealed in all the intriguing and little known busi- ness of their powerful tongs. ‘.Chinatown Nights” is a picture foit. everyone who loves drama, ex- citinent and mystery. The suspense and action of the picture are excel lently handled and the revelation of the inscrutable practices of Chinese tong life are surprising. A superior cast of screen artists eneSff this superb drama. Wallace Beery, Florence Vidor, Warner Oland and Jack Oskie head the cast of noted screen players. The picture home Monday from Raeford where (Correspondence of The Citizen: Rev. W. 0. Pridgen filled his regu lar appointment at the Baptist church here yesterday. Rev. Neill McInnis of Philadelphus ipastor of the Presbyterian church here, began a revival meeting las: „ , , „ . Sunday evening. He is being assist- Rachel Overman of tbe meetinR by Rev. Dr. Mat- conclusion delicious iced refresh- 1 Aients were seived. ^■Rkulla visitor Sunday. ^^Mrs. Eola MeGirt, Mrs. Mollie Webster and Mrs. J. T. Barham w" Fayetteville shoppers Monday. Messrs. J. H. and J. B. McArthur and Mr. C. H. Cathey visited Bill McArthur at Fort Bragg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNeill, Miss Louise and Mr. Horace McNeill and Miss' Lila Byrne of Red Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc- I Arthur. Miss Nellie Buie of Elkton spent the week-end with the Misses Buie. Miss Ruby Smith spent Sunday at Lake Waccamaw. Mr. Neill McNeill spent the week- end with Dan McArthur, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeill and son spent the week-end with Mrs. Sallie Watson. Messrs. J. D. and N. P. McArthur of Bladenboro spent the week-end at I their respective homes here. They re port the latest sport at their mill camp as killing rattlesnakes. Mr. H. S. Smith, proprietor of 'Lake .View Inn, Lake Waccamaw, spent / Sunday with relatives here. Misses / Adeline McArthur and Elizabeth ' Overstreet returned with him to spend several days at the lake. Mr. Walter Watson ha- returned , to his home in Gretna, Fla., after gliding sever-l davs with nis moth- -sKM rs - Sallie Watson. W. R. Brewer of Wadesboro, I was a Wakulla visitor during the week-end. Mr. E. J. Walters spent Sunday at Lake Waccamaw. Mrs. J. W. McNeill is with her mother, who for the past several days has been critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Deaton and Mise Catherine Deaton of Mooresville spent a short while Sunday with , Mr. and Mrs.-Dan McArthur. They voro vofuming to Mooresville from White Lake. Rw'. and Mrs. J. M. Barham end fami’v and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. White and family spent Tuesday at Lake Waccamaw. M^s. Fola MeGirt, Mr. John K. MeGirt, Jr., and Mr. Russell Web ster spent Tuesday in Lumberton. Mr. Geofge Bowers of Richmond, Va.. is spending the summer months as the guest of Mr. John K. MeGirt. Jr. Mr. Bowers and Mr MeGirt are I classmates at Hampden-Sydney. HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB WILL MEET FRIDAY. Miss Mary Pikeville, N. C., was the charming week-end guest at the home of Mrs. M. L. Marley, Sr. Messrs. W. G. and W. E. Marley were business visitors in Lumberton Monday. The many friends of Mrs. D. C. Adamg °f Reidsville, daughter of Mrs. M. L. Marley are glad to learn of her rapid improvement since her recent illness- Mesdames D. I. and E. D. McGou gan were Saturday shoppers in Fay- I etteville. I Mrs. M. L. Marley, Sr., spent Mon day in Parkton with Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Currie. Rev. G. Scott Turner and family were recet visitors among relatives in Fayetteville. Mrs. W. J. Currie of Maxton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. M. I,. Marley, Sr. Mr. J. A.' Currie was appointed commissioner on the pension board by Governor Gardner last week. He succeeds Mr. W. J. Currie, deceased, of Maxton. Mrs. John W. Shaw and son, Wal ter, who have been visiting Mr. J. E. Clifton’s family for the last ten days left last Friday for Statesboro, Ga., for a few days’ visit. From there they will go to their home at Or lando, Fla. Mr. N. S. Tolar spent the week- end in Rowland with his friend, Mr. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Packer of Hopewell. Va., came Saturday to spend a few days with Mr. Packer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Packer. Howard Monroe of Laurinburg re- turned several Davis. Miss one of school home Sunday after spending days with his cousin, Frank Patt Johnson, who has been the faculty of Asheville High for the last year arrived home a few days ago and will spend the summer with her parents here. Mr. Joe Sikes of Whiteville spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Lucy Sikes at the home of Mr. R. G. Dearen. Mrs. J. H. Hall and daughter, Mrs. W. C. Heitman of Salisbury were here through the weekend. They re turned to Salisbury Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Ammons and children, L. J. Jr., and Frances were guests last Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Duncan Graham of Rennert. TO THE PEOPLE OF RED SPRINGS. she was the guest or her sister, Mrs. P°se in Lumberton Tuesday after George Fuller. i noon, June 25. noon, June 25 Miss Johnsie Eastwood attended a • Appeals for Action. In his address Governor McLean The Home Demonstration Club will Wet Friday. June 28th, at the home J. T. Odom. A demonstr'’- the making of tea carts will given at this meeting. As this will be an unusually interesting de monstration all members are espe cially urged to be present. We desire to take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation for the many.kindnesses shown us during our stay in your lovely little city. The college authorities and everyone in the city have been untiring in their efforts to make our stay pleasant and (profitable and we are grateful. We thews of Lumberton. Miss Creech of Smithfield and Miss Herring of Hillsboro, were re cent visitors at the home of Mrs. D. C. Buie. Miss Adelaide Kowles of Charlotte was a recent guest of her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. White. On a recent afternoon a fish fry was given in honor of Misses Ade laide and Ruth Knowles of Charlotte, who were guests of Mr. and’ Mrs. R. A. White. It was given by Messrs. John Buie and Ira McNeill at Moore’s Beach. On Monday afternoon, June 17th, the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church had a very interest ing meeting at the home of Mrs. Hugh Monroe. After the program a social hour was enjoyed during w / ch refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. H. T. Pope of Lumberton and Miss Eleanor Gough of Elmira, New York, were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Folger. Little Miss Doris Ray is visiting relatives at Sanford. Mrs. W. C. Cain of Charlotte spent a few days last week with Mrs. A. M. Maddey. . Mrs. Warren Cain, who has been a patient in Baker Sanatorium, Lum berton. for several weeks is reprov ing nicely. Mr. A. M. Maddey spent a day o’ two fishing at Lake Waccamaw last week. Mr. Charles J. Jones of Hamlet was in Pembroke on business last Thursday. Miss Katie Buie of Philadelphus was a guest in the home of Mrs. D. C. Buie last Wednesday. Mr. Arch Buie and family visited at Buies Sunday. Mr. N. C. Stubbg and family visit ed the nephew of Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Williamson in Chadbourn Sunday Messrs. J. L. and A. A. Thaggard and Misses Annie Mae and Alice Doyle went Sunday to Tobermory to see Mrs. L. D. Underwood, a sister of the Messrs. Thaggard. Mr. N. McInnis spent four days in Bladen County last week surveying for the Lafayette Mutual Life In surance Company. This week he is doing some surveying in Lumberton. I Miss Louise Tyndall of Kinston, who was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Paul a short time ago and who went on to Maxton for a visit came back Friday and stayed that night with Miss Sara Paul, leav ing for. her home in Kinston on Sat urday. was directed by William A. Wellman, ; the man who made “Wings.” ! Mrs." H Chinatown Nights of a white bos s of Chinatown shall look forward eagerly to the con ference of 1930 when we shall' see you again. Young People’s Conference of Fay etteville Presbytery, house party in Raleigh last week-I end. made a strong appeal to Rotarians of Miss Martha Miller Jones spent the county , to take the lend in some Thursday and Friday in Greensboto i movement td bring about better con- as guest of friends. ' ditions in the county, especially bet- Miss Mary Lane Brewer; attended + er agricultural conditions. Robeson I the June German* in Rocky. Mount ^ common with, other North Caro-" "X M. lina counties, he said, faces the prob and sons, lem o f whether or not to abandon . - j W^o. 11. -•.. Bowling „„„ „„..„, Iem O1 wnetner or not to ananaon is the story Robert and McCree, of ^an Antonio, eo tton entirely in view of tlfe fact who Texas, are the guests of Mr wins the love of a white society wo- gald Monroe. She sacrifices everything man. for 1 Dou- Miss Minnie Brown has returned i that Texas and Oklahoma can pro- ' duse the staple at a cost of about 8 him but not until she is dragged from Greensboro where she spent down into the mire of the Chinese : some time in the home of her con- underworld, does he awaken to his sin, Mr. C. L. Black. love for her. Those who see “Chinatown Nights” during its run at the Red Springs theatre will see one of the pictures Misses Rosemary McCoy and An ¬ ce: against cost here of about which will win a leading place the screen honor roll this year. on Novarro Has Ideal Role in “The Pagan nie Mae McLean were Red Springs visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. I., G. Cruse and Mrs. Biggs of Rockingham are guests of their neice, Mrs. W. L. McRae. 20 cents the pound. There is a great agricultural problem to solve, j he said, and business conditions_have not been good. Tc.wns have not gone forward as formerly. Citizens of every section of the county must be up and doing if the whole county is i to make any substantial progress or x i keep from losing ground. Mrs. Norman E. Spell of Atlanta,, Taxes Too, High. Ga., formerlv Miss Margaret Powell.' ^e declared that taxes are too of this city, has returned home after high f QT an agricultural county. This spending several days with her par- , condition he blames Upon the sys- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Powell and t em and no t upon anv officials. No sister, Mrs. P. Graham. concerted action has been made to Mr and Mrs. J. M. DeVane and help relieve this condition Filming of Famous Done L u and no’ m uevane help relieve this condition. About homing of Famous Book i s Done f aml iy 0 ^ Fayetteville, were guests the only way people vent their Entirely onJTrcipical Island | of ^ ^ ell De Vane Sunday. | feelings is to “c^s^the tZx assess- “The Pagan,” John Russell’s dra- fo^uisturg wS^ will Xh^^S SetS y0U matic novel of South Sea Island ad- venture and romance, with Ramon Novarro as the outstanding hero, is the attraction coming Monday and Tuesday to the Red Springs Theatre The play filmed in its entirety in the South Seas, is a vivid story of love and intrigue on'a tropic island, with Novarro as a young islander, son of a pioneer settler and a native woman, in a grim battle with an itinerant white girl he loves. Sensatiomdk with man -e® the jungles, ■ embellish th® Gorgeous tr® in the Soutl® mentioned in® back ground® PERS Mrs. V. Hj ed to their ■ spending sevl lor’s mother! near town. 1 Mr. N. Hl Ursula BalfJ Fayetteville. 1 Mrs. Allan,| Allen HenryJ James, of □ week with Ml D. Cobb. 1 Mrs. Neill ’ Andrey and 1 Monday for B L. C. Hubbarl Mr. and Ms dren spent S Conoly’s fami Miss Whisnl Miss Thelma , trader for the native battles under water sharks, hunting in ®^her native thrills of the story. ^^^^H^iUoric spots X^^^^iHfckJ 003 ^ /sYjJ Wtk * "’■^.the 24th and 29th. Mr. C. E. Zedaker. Misses Myrtle and Harriette McMillan and Lydia Walker spent Sunday at Lake Wac- 1 camaw. Mrs. C. C. Gibson of Laurinburg,' is spending this week as the guest 1 of her mother-in-law, Mrs. M. E. Gibson. 1 Mr. G. O. McBroom i s attending summer school at Chapel Hill. Mrs. A. D. McLeod and daughter, Margaret, are visiting relatives in town this week. Dr. H. O. Bowden and Miss Mary Lou Beard attended the Moore-Gates 1 wedding in Richmon, Va., this week. , Lack Solidarity “The thing that Robeson lacks most is solidarity,” said Mr. “There is not that unity and of action by the towns and the var ious sections that is so necessary for progress and prosperity. C.tizens of the towns -stop at their limits in their efforts at ments. County-Wide “Local organizations are Mr. an Mrs. Thad McLeod spent fine and corporate improve- do goor work, but what is needtd now is a county-wide Organization to work for the county as a whole. You can’t have prosperous towns un less the county is prosperous. Good Mr. an Mrs. Thad McLeod spent | highways have brought the people Sunday in Raleigh as guests of of Robeson in close touch as never friends. ! before. There is not the ground for Mr. M. J. McInnis left Tuesday for dissent'ons and differences that ex- Johnson City, Tenn., to be with his listed 25 or 30 years ago when it was Iks, William, who will undergo an difficult and a hardship for people in ^fcation. ■ ■ ' the remotest sections of the county . Ann Buie will leave Thurs- to journey to the county seat. There J is no reason for division today, and ! there is none.” Tobacco Markets. “Robeson can support two or more . tobacco markets,” said Mr. McLeain^ “There is room for both markets an^what prosna^^^^^H Erwin where she will be th -r sister, Mrs. Robert Me- of Greer, S. C., was htor last week-end. ®tleft Monday for ^M^uie will go ^S^B^re she will f^^^^kends. ^ prog ter.

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