©^r ^VOLUMC XXXII. NUMBER 10. ^ Springs Citten RED SPRINGS, N. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1929. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE81.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Next Week Is Fire | Prevention Week The State of North Carolina has: made wonderful progress alng many lines but it has to its credit no more striking achievements than the results attained by the efforts of its firemen, teachers, editors and other public- spirited and forward-looking citizens who have carried on for years a re lentless warfare against fire waste and its attendant loss of life and pro perty. I am glad to be able to say that there has been improvement year by year for the past seven years While the records of our State In surance Department covering the sev en years between January 1, 1922, and January 1, 1929, show a total fire loss of $44,799,499, a truly stag gering amount, the loss was well be low the national average and the fire loss for the year ending December 31, 1928, was $4,912,925, a million and a half of dollars under the seven years’ average. I attribute much of this improve- HEADS FARM BOARD Alexander Legge of Chicago, who re- Lumber Bridge Man ment to the educational work done ^throughout the State annually dur ing “Fire Prevention Week” which, ufalls this year in the week of Octo ber 6th to 12th. While we are proud of the progress made, the vre loss of 1928 was much too great for an en lightener! citizenship such as ours, and I appeal to all good citizens to be- cmoe vitally interested in lessening this economic waste. But the property loss : n North Carolina last year, heavy as it was, was not our greatest loss from fire. The Bureau of Vital Statistics o. our State Board of Health reports that two hundred and .seventy-one lives were lost bv fire in North Carolina last year. These appalling losses were caused by carelessness and ig norance of the fire hazard. I therefore, set aside rhe week of October 6th, to 12th as FIR--' PHo- ■MENTION WEEK in accordance w.tfi Section f’'G of the Consolidated Pl - Unites which provides that the Gover nor f North Ca.lina shall .eacn yef in October issue a proclamation call ing the people to a proper observ- I signed the presidency of tlie Interna tional Harvester company to become chairman of the federal farm board. Dies Suddenly Thurs. Lumber Bridge, Oct. 2.—Mr. Thad F. Graham, son of the late Hugh Graham, died suddenly Thursday morning, Sept. 26, about six o’clock. Mr. Graham had been a sufferer from rheumatism for the last year, but was able to be about his work until a few days before his death. A short while before his death the pain seemed to center around his heart. Mr. Graham was born May 12, 1S66, and was in his 64th year. He never married. He was living with his nephew, Mr. Hugh Graham, at the time of his death. The funeral was conducted at the Presbyterian church by Rev. E. C. Clark and Rev. G. Scott Turner. The interment was at the church by the side of his par ents. He is survived by four brothers, E. J., and Duncan Graham of Lumber Bridge, Jeff Graham of Florida and Will Graham, of Hopewell, Va. The pallbearers were Robert Monroe, L. L. Shaw, J. E. Clifton. I. J. Fun nells, J. A. Currie, A. L. Usher. The grave was covered I with flowers. Thieves Rob Store At Parkton Wednesday Parkton, Oct. 2.—The Hughes and Parnell store was broken into Wed nesday night by breaking the plate glass out of the front door, and a small quantity of goods was taken.! Rural Policeman N. M. McRainy and Chief Robert Furmage located some of the goods at G. H. Murphy’s where | Robert Murphy was placed under ar-' rest, and another young colored boy by the name of Arthur McPherson, was found guilty and was also placed in jail. ' 1 PARKTON NEWS Lumber Bridge Items Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Presser of Lex-! ington spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wil-, liamsen. | Mris. J. M. Johnson and daughter, Pattie, and Mrs. J. A. Currie of Lum ber Bridge were visitors in the home of Mi. and Mrs. C. D. Williamson, Thursday. I Mr. Frank Jones of Rockfish was a visitor to relatives in town Thursday. Philadelphus Forms Local of State Grange Trustees of Junior College Adopt Budget ance. During this week I also urge that fire drills be held in schools, factories and stores, and that they be contin ued at regular intervals. That schools, theatres, churches, pub.ic and private hospitals and in- . stitutions, factories, stores and hotels i-be inspected and see t th$t every safe guard ag^'s^^W^'T' ^vided, and also that exit faciliUes are sufficient in case of fire. * . That local authoriti is examine their fire ordinances and make them suffi cient if they are lacking ia any par ticular. To this end I urge our citizens to cooperate with our Insurance Com- mrssiner, and that every maycr issue a. proclamation. I ea nestly request the cooperation of every citizen, chamber of commerce, Roteiry, Lions, Kiwanis, Civitan, American Business, Monarchs and Womens Clubs, an! all echer civic bodies; and the press. Now, therefore I. Oliver Max Gard- r.er Governor of Ni 'a Carolina, in accordance with law do issue this my proclaim:'ter and de set aside and designate OCTOBEE C to 12 as FIKE PREVENION WEEK; and do urge all the people to a proper observance of this week in obedience to the sta tute; of North Carol. ;!. 1 Done at our city of Raleigh, this 25th day of Septemb.-•. in the year of our Lordpne-thousand nine hundred a"' twenty-nine, and in the cue hundred and fifty-fourth vear of our Ariel kan Independence. 0. MAX GARDNER, Governor Presbyterian Church Notes ■ ■ The Rally Day exercises of the Presbyterian Sunday School will be held Sunday morning at 9:45. At this time an offering will be taken for Sunday School Extension. You are corially invited to be present. Rally Day Program 1. Song No. 246. 2. Call to Worship,Psalm 100, Junior Boys. 3. . Prayer. 4 Welcome Billy Brocks 5. Responsive Reading, Psalm 19. 6. Song Junior Boys 7. Program Primary Department 8. Purpose of Rally Day Virginia, McLean 9. “Our Temperature” Emma Sikes 10. “Our S. S. Wh.^1.’ Marian Townsenu, l^ekn Thrower, Mary Bedinger, Mirgare' B. Sikes, Ellen Eastham, Tessie McNeill, Bea Robeson, Ruth Dellinger. Flora Clark, Miriam Garre’: Gertrude McKel lar 11 Where Our Ra 1 .’ Day Offering Goes— —• Tillie Black and Elizabeth Garrett 12. Offering. 13 . Song No. 53. 14 Prayer. PEMBROKE NEWS | Pembroke.—Rev. F. B. Noblitt of Lumberton preached at Pine Grove Methodist church at Moss Neck last Sunday morning. Rev. N. McInnis of Philadelphus filled his .regular appointment in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday night. The Woman’s Missionary society of Pembroke Baptist church held their monthly meeting at the church last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. C. E. White suffered an at tack of appendicitis one night last week. Mrs. Kate Bullard had the misfor tune to stick a nail in heir foot one day last week. Mr. J. E. Sawyer accompanied his son, John, to Raleigh last Monday to enter him as a student in State Col- | legs. Mr. A. D. Prevatte and son, Mil- ton, and son-in-law, Mr. Sandy Smith, returned last week from a trip to Georgia. Master Jimmie Carson of Fayette ville spent last week here visiting in the home of his uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Holt. Mesdames B^ F. and E. C. Cole spent last week in Wilmington visit ing Mrs. B. F. Cole’s parents, Mr. ai.d Mrs. Hurst. Mrs. Platt an 1 baby of Marietta are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Ray. Mrs. Clyde Renfrow and children Raymond and. Bettie of Faiibluff, were Pembroke visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E H. Cook a:e leaving this week to make their home with their son, E. H. Jr, in Dunnel lon. Fla. Their two other sons. Alt. ■ and Isadore, will not go with, their I parents. | Mr. Alf Cook will remain in Pem broke arid Mr. Isadore will be in Maxton, as he is a student of the Junior College there Miss Aileen Williams visited for a few days last week in the home of Mr. Frank Townsend near Lumber- ton. Mr. M. N. Folger attended in Lum berton last Friday night the meeting of the Robeson County Schoolmas ters’ club which was held at the Lorraine Hotel. Misses Elizabeth Paul and Mae Snipes were Lumberton visitors Fri day afternoon. i The Jethro-Almond show is pre senting its programs at night in Pembroke this week. Mr. Knox Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lewis, has recently ac cepted a position with the Hughes Lumber Co., at St. Pauls. Lumber Bridgt, Oct. 1.—The many friends of Mr. Junius J. Shaw will regret, to know he was taken serious-] ly ill last Sunday and his condition was such that he was rushed to Highsmith hospital early Monday Miss Jenevieve McMillan of R -’ Springs spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Tolar. Mrs. W. G. Britt and daughters, Ida Maie and Aleene, were visitors By J. E. Tiddy At a mass meeting of the farmers and farm women c-f the Philadelphus community last Wednesday night, fin al plans for the organization oi sub ordinate grange were completed. Twenty-six farmers and farm women signed the application for a charter and all indications point to a live and successful chapter. At the initial meeting, three officers were elected: J. Edwin Tiddy was elected Master; Miss Blue Bell Mc Callum secretary, and Miss Fodie Buie, lecturer. Six delegates were appointed to attend the state conven tion which convened for its first meeting in Raleigh on Thursday, Sept. 26. ’The charter members of the Phila delphus subordinate are Misses Blue Belle McCallum, Fodie Buie, Margie Humphrey, Katie Mel. Buie, Sarah Tiddy, Isabel Smith, Lena Williams and Hallie Mary Prather of Lum berton, Mrs. C. C. Adams, Mrs. Sa rah Gray McCormick of McDonald, Mrs. J. B. Humphrey, Mrs. Frank Pelligrini, Mrs. H. B. Ashley, Jr., Mrs. W. E. Tiddy, Messrs Clarence R. Prevatte, Frank Pelligrini, J. Ed win Tiddy, C. C. Adams, F. D. Mc- Friday afternoon the trustees of the Presbyterian Junior college for Men met in annual session and pass ed upon routine matters. Among the rest, a working budget was adopted in order to put the operations of the college on a strictly business basis. A committee was appointed to make a study of the future needs of the college and to make recommenda tions to take care of the growth, of this institution. In this connec tion it was brought out that with, the addition next year of new classes and perhaps larger classes the prob lem of additional teachers and equip ment will present itself. The members of the board ex pressed themselves as being pleased beyond their fondest expectations with the successful opening of this insti tution. Resolutions were passed thanking the people of the town and others who contributed to the suc cessful opening. Chairman E. H. Evans of Laurinburg presided at the meeting. PERSONAL NEWS ncirning. He underwent a very seri- us optration soon after reaching the hospital. He is in a very serious condition and little hope is held for his recovery. His wife and son, Mr. Lee Shaw, are with him. Mr. Lee Shaw, a student of the Presbyterian Junior college of Maxton came home Friday afternoon to spend the weekend. Owing to the serious illness of his father, Mr. J. J. Shaw he has not returned to school. Mr. Duncan Graham was» taken Sunday afternoon to Highsmith hos pital for treatment. Mr. Graham has been in declining health for some time and has suffered a great deal with asthma. Mr. Frederick Cobb who is located at Angier with the Carolina Power and Light Company, spent the week- end at home with his mother, Mrs. Martha H. Cobb. Rev. .'.nd Mrs and little a Scott Turner, and 6 by Mrs Ho. p- ter, Sara Revis. in Fayetteville Saturday. Master Charles McNatt burg visited friends in Lend, Martin McCall, J. B. Humph- of Salem- town last Wednesday. : Mr. and Mrs. S. Jones of Barker-' rey, J. P. McMillan, H. B. Ashley, Jr., I. T. Brown, Guy Merritt and J. G. McKay. Mr. J. A. Fawcette of the Cary subordinate Grange, was present to help lay plans for the organization. He will return in a few days to help Ten Mile and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Underwood and children or Tifton, Ga visited Miss Lou Lancaster last h the installati(>n of officers . . I riaay. | Mr Alexandria Blue visited, rela- fives in town last week. Miss Rachel Flake from Charlotte a i l Miss Claudia Roberts of Stone ville spent last week with Mrs. L. D. Gar.ly. Mr. Glen E. Iftotl of George to. in town last A strong movement is now on foot to unite the rural population of North Carolina in the Grange. At present, fifty-two subordinates (or locals), 2 Pomonas (county), and three juvenile Granges have been established in the State. The grange is the oldest far mer’s organization in existence, with Mr. and iMrs. A. C. Lowman of Millboro Springs, Va., spent the week-end here as the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graham. Mr. Lowman returned to Virginia Monday. Mrs. Lowman will remain here for a long er visit with her daughter. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hammond re- turned the latter part of last from Clayton, Ga., where they been spending several weeks at country home. Miss Jo Coxe, who holds a week nave their Pos.- week"’ v '~'t c d ‘ 1R “* "I a membership of well over 800,900 Mrs. Sue Bridgers of Wilmington ^ is ? cti ? j n thirty-three states ° The subordinate Granges which arc Philadelphus People Attend Organization Of State Grange „ WOMAN’S CLUB TO MEET The Woman’s Club will meet in the hotel parlors Monday afternoon at 4 p. m. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Mrs. Lou Fulmore of Wilson is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Pur cell. Misses Blue Bell McCallum and Hallie Mary Prather ’find Messrs Mar tin McCall, J. B. Humphrey, H. B. Ashley, Jr., and J. E. Tiddy, returned Friday afternoon from Raleigh where they attended the organization of the State Grange at the Carolina Hotel. They attended as delegates 1 .m the Philadelphus subordinate Grange re cently organized. Wh : 'e there the delegates took the fifth or Pxncna degree. This degrc; was given by the Rans from Fairfax (Virginia) Pomona No. 884. Other degree work was given the delegates by Mr. J. F. Connell of Washington, D. C. At the State meeting Dr. Clarence Poe was elected Worthy State Mas ter for the coming year. Mrs. Sarah Cray McCormick, who is a member at Philadelphus, also, was elected to a state office, that of Ceres. L. J. Tabor, national Master, pre sided at all meetings except the first which was an open meeting held in the hall of the House of Representa tives at which time Dr. Clarence Poe presided. Mr. Tabor addresses the first meeting on the accomplishment of the grange. Mr. T. E. Browne, state director of vocational educa tion, Dean I. O. Schaub, of State College and Dr. Carl C. Taylor also addressed the convention. tJon in a Gastonia hospital arrived Saturday to spend several days with her mother, Mrs. E. L. Coxe. Misses Sadie Covington and Alice Hall left Monday for Hope Mills, where hey will teach this winter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Annie Johnson. Mrs J. G. Hughes and family vis- i mumty. MM. fye^n., was in ^ s Mr and Mrs. Jce Blount of St. 1 and 7 al ™ ail . “I™- T ,hose who -Pauls visited relatives in town Sun- arp ’ “Crested in joining should see some member oi a subordinate and ^Miss Margaret Beard of Gieens-! ask fo1 ’ an application blank. . secret, fraternal organizations, act as’ a civic and social club in the com-; I ited in Fayetteville Sunday Miss Ruth Covington, of Fayette- ,»«. eliKible for .^ i C ‘“ I Miss Berta Coxe, who holds a po- I sition with the National Bank of I Fayetteville, spent the week-end with 1 her mother, Mrs. E. L. Coxe. of Fayetteville, spent lf= White Oak with Mrs. Turner’s sisteM^JV Jasper Core. They - attended thW^^ .k^M^^ I Bladen Union meeting at Natrnore I Sunday. i Miss Rebessa Currie, a senior of : Greensboro female college, spent the ! weeKend in town with her parents, I Mv. and Mrs. D. C. Currie. weekend id boro visited her parents, Mr. and daughter, Sarah Morgan, visited Mrs Fanner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D ,JT r -N. H- G. Balfour and sister, Miss Ursula, took little Miss Andrey and Master Neill Shaw Balfour to Highsmith hospital Sunday afternoon to see their grandmother," Mrs. Neill Shaw. Mrs. Shaw is thought to be slowly improving now. Miss Billie McNeill spent the week- end with relatives in St. Pauls. Mir. and Mrs. W. E. Marley and children were Fayetteville visito-s Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Williford of Churchland and Mrs. Peele of Manteo spent the weekend i nthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graham. ] Misses Julia, Ruby Lee and Lucile Tolar and Mr. Jones of Red Springs went to see “On With the Show” in Fayetteville Wednesday night. „. D r - M. L. Johnson and Messrs Joe Sikes and- Jack Hayes of Whiteville visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. Ollin McEachin of Maxton spent a while here Monday on busi ness. Miss Ruby and Annie Ree McGou- gan spent Sunday with Mesdames D. Z. and E. D. McGougan. Tiss Annie Bell Buie of Washing- on was in own recenly and let the ci ntract to cover and remodel her house on Main street. Mr. D. D. Troutman is occupying the house at present. . Messrs Noah Duncan, Walter Cov ington and William McDonald, of Asheboro stopped on their way hrough town Sunday and spent a while with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ush er. Mr.Duncan is a brother of Mrs Usher. Mrs. J. 0. Leggett and little daugh ter, Doris, of Fairmont, came Fri day and will spent several days with Mrs. Leggett’s mother, Mrs. Sallie Covington. ^r. cP" ^’ Williford of Aberdeen spent Sunday in town with relatives Mr J. F. Williford of Codv, Fla., who has been very sick with malaria 111 the home of his brother, Mr. J- E. Williford, is improving. Mrs. J. F. Williford and children, J a m?s Am old, Sydney, Julian and William, arrived from Florida Friday night and Arnold and Julian have been very sick ever since. All of the family seem o have contacted mala ria in the section of Florida in which they live. Mr. D. J. Butler and daughter, Miss Gladys, recently visied Mr. Butler’s daughter, Mrs. Lennon Marley. Mrs. Butler who has bee nwith Mrs. Marley for the last few weeks, Mrs. Marley, and two children, Jimmie and Lennon, Jr., all returned to Loris with Mr. Butler. Mr. H. L. Baxley of Lumberton a ministerial student of Campbell College, held devotional services at McCrmick, last week. I Mr. Delton McCal lof Tobemory was in town Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Parnell and family visited relatives in Lumberton Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Ferguson and little daughters, Katherine and Doris, spent last' weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Powell. DEPICTS REAL COLLEGE LIFE One of Season’s Outstanding Pic tures Showing Here Next Week. In presenting the Sophomore, which is to be given at The Red Springs Theatre next Monday and. Tuesday, the management is bringing to Red Springs what is said to be one of the Mr. and Mrs. Vance McMillan who have just returned from their bridal; greatest productions of college life tour, have been visiting friends and ever presented on the screen. relatives in and near Parkton. I The featured player is Eddie Guil- Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cobb, lan vvith 0116 °f the best supporting ept. 24, 1929, a son, J. J. Jr. ’leasts which has ever been assembled. Mrs. Gertie Sykes of Greensboro The scenes of The Sophomore are and sister, Mrs. Avirie of Rocky la ld i 11 3 small college town. There Mount, attended Sunday school at 38 8 college prom, a riotous class a fraternity initiation and a Rey. J. Edwin Purcell, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. E. Purcell. Miss Mary Watt Bullock returned last week from -Campbellsville, Ky., where she was a member in the wed ding party at the marriage of Miss Alice Turner. Miss Bullock left Sat urday for Salisbury, where she has accepted a position for the winter. > Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Gage, of Chester, S. C., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Gage’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Vardell. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Duncan, of Si ler City, spent the week-end here as the guests of Mrs. Duncan’s moth er, Mrs. A. B. Pearsall. Prof. Ormond, of the high school faculty, spent the week-end with friends at Candor. , Miss Nell Callahan and friend, Misa Elizabeth Fipps, of Greensboro, were, week-end guests of Miss Callahan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Calla han. the Baptist church Sunday. They P ia y, are both visiting their parents Mr real-to-goodness football and Mrs. C. L. Beard] ’ ' «» surprise. ”” Miss Ruby Williams of Lillington laughs in every scene. spent the weekend in town. Miss 1 The Red Springs Theatre is again Williams taught the first grade in to be complimented on bringing this Parkton school for five years and is always pleasantly remembered. ' Mr. Boyd Ferguson of Albemarle visited relatives for the weekend. 1 Mary Odom from Red Springs' spent the- weekend with her aunt,! Mrs. C. D. Williamson. Mass Eunice Jones who has been! spending a few days with her sister Mrs. J. J. Cobb, returned to Fayette ville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Byrd and fam- ay isited relatives near Turkey Sun day. Messrs Jeck Ferguson and. Bill Blount visited relatives and friends in town last weekend. The Woman’s Auiliary of the Pres byterian church will hold a mission study class this week. will surprise. game that There are thrills and 34 BANKS IN N. C. AND NEW YORK IN MERGER along with so many other of the big pictures of the day here. And we be lieve we are safe in recommending this picture as the finest screen en tertainment ever offered here. SHA NNON NE WS Shannon, Oct. 2.—Shannon seems to be on a “boom” this fall. The houses that have been vacant all the summer are now occupied and in one house two families are living. The cotton gin is running on time and seems to be kept well supplied vrith cotton. Miss Meta Klarpp is expected home Tuesday from Charlottesville, Va., The daily press carried news dis patches last week stating that 01- ganization of a $50,000,000 investment trust, end cons.Ruatio:) of 32 banks in North Carolina and New York, with combined resources of one billion dol lar.; had been announced by W. C. Wilkinson, president of the Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Char lotte. The holding corporatin will be in corporated under the name Marine Midland corporation and will dis charge the functions of a manage ment comporation with headquarters in New York City. The capital will be $50,000,006. where she has been nursing for sev eral years in the Blue Ridge Sana- College, Salemburg, spent the week-i crium. She will be at home for sev- end with Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Currie J eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hughes of St.] Miss Eglah Smith returned to Paul visited relatives in town Sunday.! Shannon Monday night after having Mr. E. D. Gaitley is attending spent the weekend with homefolks in court in Lumberton this week. 1 (McColl, S. C. Miss Smith went to Mrs. Edgar Maness and little sons,' Maxton Saturday afternoon where she Ted and William, are visiting Mrs. stayed until Sunday when she went Miss Virginia McNatt of Pineland T. A. To Meet Friday, October 4th The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular monthly meeting in the high school auditorium, Fri day, October 4 at 4 p. m. Officers for the present year will be . elected at this meeting and it is urged that a large attendance of Maness’ parents, Mr. and M Lancaster. T to Charlotte where she has accepted a position. Misses Leslie and Dorothy McLar- Trie Woman's Missionary society of 1 the Baptist church was pleased to ! en delightfully entertained at a gar- associational den party Saturday night on the have Mrs. L. J. Moore, superintendent, "f St. wish them last Friday, them an instructive talk Yelk and o-gani^ rt • , We sympathize with arm relatives of Mrs. Pauls, meet She gave on W. M. U. the friends Eliza Jane : row whose :L ' oc.ur--d at the hon:- of her uncle, Mr. Jack Ed- arco. near Midway, Sunday, Pert, emo the home of his aunt, Mrs. Cashwell, near town, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Cashwell has been confined to her room for several months from paraly sis. (Continued on back page ■ lawn of their new home. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Culbreth are - now making their home with Mrs. I Culbreth’s mother, Mrs. J. F. Wal ters. We are glad to have them in our midst. 1 Mr. John Sinclair of Buie who 1 used to live in this community, was 'a recent visitor among relatives. Mr? B. B. Currie has returned from Laurel Hill where he visited a few days. Mrs. James McBryde of Fayette-1 ville is visiting her father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Shook. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris were Fay etteville shoppers f’ iday. the patrons will be on hand. Woman’s A uxiliary The executive committee of the Woman’s Auxiliary will meet in the church hut Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Circle No. 1 wil Imeet Hut Thursday evening. Circle No. afternon at 4 Mrs. Duncan Circle No. afternoon at of Mrs. J. Cierle No. 2 will meet, o’clock at the McNeill. " will meet in the Tuesday home of Tuesday 4 o’clock at the home D. Callahan. 4 will meet Tuesday Miss Mary Linda Vardell. Circle No. 5 will meet’ Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the homa of Mrs. Grantham. _