1 VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 32/ RED. SPRINGS, N. C\ THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930. i Second Mistrail In Conspiracy Charge Lumberton, March 1.—Deadlocked with 11 of its members standing for acquittal and one for conviction, a Robeson Superior Court jury came into court today and announced that it could not agree on a verdict in the conspiracy case against C ,E. Mc Daniel of Red Springs. A mistrial was ordered by Judge C. C. Lyon and new 11)81 called. The jury stood ex actly the opposite from the way they did in the first trial last week, Which also ended in a mistrial. At that time 11 stood for conviction and one for acquittal. The two cases occupied seven days of a special two weeks criminal term. McDaniel is charged with conspir acy to defraud the Bank of Pem broke out of large sums by means of worthless checks and other paper. ^ope To Reopen Bank About First of May Arrested on Charge Of Assault to Kill Lumberton, Mar. 1.—Gus McKei- th,an, colored, of Parkton, is held in the Robeson county jail here with out privilege of bond on a charge of waylaying and ibeating Alex McKey, colored, into a state of unconscious- ^ S .s ne a r Parkton early last night. McKev is in- Highsmith hospital in Fayetteville in a critical condition, and little hope is entertained for his recovery. It is alleged that McKei- than attacked the other Negro with a heavy iron bar, beat him over the (bead an ^ crushed his skull in, and then dragged the senseless body 200 yards to a ditch bank, where it was left. Rural Policeman Norman McRainey McKeithan late last night. McKeithan claims McKey was vancing on him with a knife. ad- J. J. Pence Addresses \Dr. Branch To Local Woman’s Club Addr^ 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ROTARIANS HOLD COUNTRY CLUB INTER-CITY MEET The March Woman’s Club Springs Hotel four o’clock. meeting of the local was held at the Red T. A., which^Tq^fij 0 ^ ^ ^al B- Monday afternoon at, was so^cessiuf Sat 11 ^V 76 ^ (decided to it p a s been Miss Louise Furcell, president of night also An” 6 nex ^ meeting at the club, presided over the meeting. I ranged thi>F wni 0gra jn bas been ar- After the regular business shrubs tercet to the 1x5 ° f in- whole adult communi- and plants to be distributed to the FORMED HERE FRIDAY EVENING i D. McLean Rents Part Of Fourteen Out-Of-Town Clubs Parti-' FkeVole^rae' “Sr^ ^yW^ 6 Marr « of Raleigh, Members! ’ • Porty Chief Speaker; Meeting In Flora MacdqirJald Dining Room, Fayetteville, March 1.—The reor ganization committee working on the re-opening of the Fayetteville Bank and Trust Co., which closed its doors on January 13, announced today that the re-organized bank probably will open for business on or about the first of May. Signatures to the re organization agreement have been se cured from a large majority of the 5,000 depositors of the bank, and the committee is still working zealously toward obtaining one hundred per cent of the signatures. There are a number of formalities that must be gone through with before the bank’ can be re-opened. A full report must b e made to the State Corpora tion Commission and the 30 days ro tice must be given the Branch Bank ing and Trust Company. now acting as liquidating agents and occupying tne LaFayette Banking house. GIVES FAREWELL PARTY Miss Ruth Dellinger gave a fare- well party to a number of her young friends at the Rod Springs hotel last Thursday night. The parlors were attractively arranged wita spring flowers. After An evening of games and contests delicious refreshments were served to about twenty-five guests. PARKTON NEWS Parkton, March 4.—Miss of Violence spent the week- W. M. S. NOTES The Hudson McMillan circle of the Baptist W. M. S. will meet at the c "urch Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. Ihe Belle Johnson circle of the Baptist W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Temple Stanton Tues day afternoon at 3:30. colored people were discussed. It was announced that Mrs. J. B. Elliott, of Chadbourn, district presi dent, who could not be at this meet ing because of sickness would be at the April meeting, A social hour will also be held, at this meetpig. A nominating committee composed of Mrs J. H. Townsend, Mrs, W, A Bullock, Mrs W E Garrett was ap pointed to nominate the new presi dent and secretary. The rest of the meeting was given over to Mr. J. J. Pence, superinten dent of the Wagram school, who made an interesting talk on “Citi zenship.” PERSONALNEWS Lumber Bridge Items Lumber Bridge, March 4.—Mr. Duncan G Malloy and sister, Mrs. Annie Belle Smith, made a trip to Quitman, Ga., through the country I and spent a week there with rela tives. They returned last Monday. cx M o ? nd Mrs James Johnson of at. Hauls were in town last Wednes day afternoon for a short while. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sumner were ln ° au l s ^ as ^ Thursday shopping. Mr. and Miss Balfour were Fay etteville shoppers Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Knight and children of Sanford were visitors in t.13 home of Mr. and Mis. W E Har- ry. Sunday. Mrs. Knight is the daughter of Mr. Harris. _ Miss Katie Seals of Wagram who n S member of the faculty of St. Hauls school, spent the weekend in town with Miss Julia Tolar. Mr. G. L. Livingston spent Monday in Lumberton on buskers. ^s-, George Livingsccn was a WAuend visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs M. L. Bristow of Rae ford, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Lytch and children of Laurinburg were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hodgin Sun day afternoon. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Boatwright spent Sunday in Fayetteville with Mrs. Boatwright’s mother. Mrs. Daisy Smith. Miss Sadie Covington of Fayette ville spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Coving ton. Mr .and Mrs. Charlie Love, former ly of Williamsburg, Va., are spend ing several days with Mr. Love’s parents. Mr. and Mrs J A. Love, be fore they move to their new home in Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hall and small son, Raymond. Jr., of Durham, were guests of Mrs. Hall’s parents, Mr. and Mrs J .D. O-om. Sunday Miss Anna Frances McCall left Tuesday for Clio S. C. where she will visit relatives. Mira Mary Lon Bea-d spent Sun- cay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Icard, in Rex E ^ Peaker of the occasion is Dr Heath H^ ^ ^ Board of and other matterata^ta^ Kraion^t/th Oth ? l, interastiig Rebecca Strick; and Mr^Th and . high school chorus i Thomas’ bute a vo^Stion " ^ C * ntri - 2 .fete'S*^' ^“S eight o’clock yB be at toriurn Friday, M^rch^ ^ audi ' Miss McMillan Has Bridge Party tafiVK^^ enter- m honor of he^ K given aw „fj »^ ste £ and brotl Miss Audrey and Master Neill bhaw Balfour spent the weekend in Normal -n -x , ^^ weexenu ir w^k- u. ye K 6 T th th . eir grandmother nd with her grandmother, Mrs. Lnnie Johnson. Miss Dearie Oliver spent the week- no with relatives at Lumberton. Mrs. Rosa McEachern and uaugh- ers, Misses Lena Mae and Rosalie, aid son, Mr. John Pat. spent the Weekend at Rowland. , Messrs Jessie Cobb and Mary Cur ie spent the weekend with relatives t Fayetteville. Friends of Miss Sarah M iDuffie. a aember of the local school faculty, rill be glad to learn that she has tturned to her wont after a serious Iness at her home near St. Pauls. Mr. qjid Mrs. S. P. Brown of Chad- Sh ? w - in tha home of > ^d Mrs. L C. Hubbard. Mr and Miss Balfour went up to Fay etteville for the children Sunday af ternoon ~ ti spent Sundry and Mrs. A. A in tne home of McDonald. Last Friday night Maxton basket- teams played Parkton team ere. Maxton boys lost Co our boys y a score of 59-12. Parkton girls cst to Marton girls by a score of 4-21. Messrs H. J. Furmage an 1 D. T spent Sunday p m. with The Red Springs Rotary club was host to 150 visiting Rotarians from fourteen clubs last an inter-city meet in the dining room aid College. This was given by the Friday evening at and banquet held of Flora Macdon- meeting, which Had your golf today? The loerf golf enthusiasts gathered one night the latter part of last week and organized a golf club, known as the Greenhill Country Club. About torty members have already signed The organization of the club per- ■ eried rf the first meeting was: - President, Preston Covington; b^^^ent, D. Stockton; secretary. The Red Springs due i Staton* & ^ S especially active in promote (J. A Love, Jr. Dr H B Bo^wfc 15- mter - cl . ty meetings and on greens committee, Murphy Singleton* & V^ evem ^ j^y, extended “Doc” Covington. J D Liven ^ ^ simitar meet-i The farm owned by Mr I I) mo- of the several clubs. I Lean iust u The meeting was held in the din-! selected as the id^al 1 Xce^for mg room of Flora Macdonald Cdl-lgolf course and ^rk has rfrea^ presided over by Dr.: been commenced on the grounds / five hole course is layed out and swung around the course is fast tak ing. the appearance of a regular goiter’s paradise. nJ^ : SOn ? e .members have already receivS elr t-i 1 1 ^ tlatl0n anJ bare their membership cards, V e several lady members of local Rotary club to the other clubs of this immediate section of the State, was the largest and most delightful inter-city meet John ever held, - lege and was presided over by Dr. C. T. Johnson, president of the Red Springs club. Dr. Roscoe McMillan, lubal club, delivered the address of welcome to the visiting Rotarians and also introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. Wade Marr of Ral eigh , a director of Rotary Interna tional and a past Governor of the dist .rict. ’the club. The address of welcome was re- r ” me address of welcome was re- The young people essu* Mr - “”^ a « - ^ sV^s^iS Mr. Marr, in his characteristic hu wi ¬ bly will not ne long before Red x?‘ r G an ^ ^ r "' Gtis Ri-daw of etteville were guests of Mrs Kinlaw’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J A Love Sunday ^ Harri - s has been quite sick at his home since Saturday. He had a relapse of the flu and is snf- rernig with mastoiditis. Mos Hazel Cobb of Fayetteville spent .a short uhile Sunday ifter- n0 j n T? n town with Mesdames D. Z. and E. D. McGougan. i- Mr ; Sidney Clifton ,a student of Kings Business College, who has for a f ® w days, returned to Charlotte Sunday. He was ac companied as far as Hamlet by Mr De w' s and Miss Allie Clifton. _ Misses Janie and. Elizabeth Liv- rngston spent -Friday afternoon in Raeford with their sister, Mrs. M S Bristow. ' , Mr. “Fatty” Campbell of Florence, ^j’ v i s 't,d friends in Red Springs undny. Mr. Campbell was accom panied to Red Springs from Florence by Mr. Ernest Roberts, who wra called home because of bin brother’s sickness. Miss Irene Sand in of Beulahville spent last weekend in Red Springs visiting friends Mrs. Clarence Lytch and daughter, Miss Sarah Lytch. were guests of aud Mrs. H. H. Hodgin Sunday afternoon. Mrs.. John Allred, who teaches 111 Ellerbe spent the weekend with her husband here. „ ^' Boyd, Mrs. Mamie Arm- k?^ Mrs. George Betts of Fay- visited their sister. Miss ™ j Brown. who teaches at Flora Macdonald College, Monday after noon. Mrs Garland Daniels and Mrs P. ™ razie X ° f Greensboro were guests of Mrs. Frazier’s sister. Mrs W N Gibson, Friday. Mrs. Fannie Marsh, who has been visiting Mrs. Gibson tor several weeks returned to Greens boro with them. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horne of Raleigh ,spent Sunday with Mrs. Hornes mother, Mrs. J T Denny Mr .and Mrs. Elsie McKenzie were guests of Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Ham- Miss Annie Ree McGougan of Fay etteville was a visitor Friday after- S 00n th® k°me of Mesdames D. Z. and E D McGougan. Mrs. J ,E. Clifton was called Sat- ^on at the Red Springs Hotel Sun- ^J^L'^ i-J!!!!! 1 !* start? to “»!>.? » ““S' ilTfe?’ ShSmitl1 Hospital at Fa y«tte Mesdames A. L. Turner and C. W. fartin spent Sunday p. m. with Dr. nd Mrs Moore at St Pauls. Mr. Robert Furmage spent Sunday nth his brother. Mr. Norman, at Tontrose. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Carter spent a chile Sunday with relatives nepr lone Mills. Mr and Mrs. A. B._ Baker and fam- v spent Sunday with relatives at eventv-First., Mr. E. L Haywood made his re?u-I L1* call at Fayetteville Sunday ni^ht. Shannon Happenings Mrs. Charley McMillan of Dundar rach, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Clif ton returned home Sunday but’there was little change in the condition of her sister. day. Shannon, March 4.—Miss Nancy bernethy of Burgaw was the guest riday night of Miss Isabella Cur- e. She spent the remaining part : the weekend with friends at Flora .acdonald College. Mrs. F. Harris returned Sunday •om spending a while with her ■rton. , Mrs. W. L .Riddle, in Lum- Miss Vera Quick has been sick for e last few days but is some better w. .Mrs.. D. S. Klanop spent the week- M with relatives in Dundarrach. Miss Edith Shook of Jamestown ent Thursday night with her par t's. Mr am! Mrs. G. H. Shook. Messrs Claude Gibson and Alvis 'vton of Lumberton were visitors re Saturday. Mr. F Harris was a Lumberton sitor Sunday. Mr. N. H. G. Balfour shipped 8 rabbits Monday morning to Denver, Colorado, and he expects to realize p splendid profit from them. He start ed in . the rabbit business last Aug ust with only 3 rabbits and now he bias 64. He has the Chinchilla rab bits and is very much pleased with them. Mr. David Livingston of Cotombia, S. C., spent Monday and Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. George Living ston, and family. Mr. and Mrs. B N Bristow were In Fayetteville Monday Shopping Messrs W D. Smith, A. D 'Tolar, J. D .Cobb, W. H. Chason, W. G Marley, L L Shaw and D S. Marley spent a while Monday in Lumberton on business. Mr. Hal Stevens of Loris, S .C., spent Sunday with friends near town. Mrs. Charlie Connors and sister, Miss Lena Packer, visited their bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Packer, at Tabor Sunday. Mr. W .E .Marley spent Monday in Wilmington on business. Mr R L Lovin of Pinehurst spent toe weekend with his family here. Mr and Mrs A D Spivey of Ellerbe were guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. L Lovin, Sunday afternoon Mrs. A T Cooper continues sick at her home here. Mr Baxter McDonald, who was operated on for appendicitis in High smith hospital, has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Wheliss and children of Rockingham visited Mrs. Wheliss’ sister. Mrs R. L. Sunday afternoon. William J. Smith Lovin, Dies in Arkansas Mr. William J. Smith, a native of the Antioch section but for 35 or 40 Mrs. M .L. Marley and daughters, Misses Lena and Jessie, were Fay etteville shoppers last Wednesday/ . Mrs. J W. Hall left Tuesday morn ing for Greensboro, where sh» will meet her daughter, Mrs. Charles Heitman. From there she will go to Salisbury for several days’ visit. Miss Julia Tolar entertained a few friends at a bridge party Saturday night in honor of Miss Katie Seals. Those making up the three tablet- i Hubsfla and Lina Currie uk , U1C LIIW w^xx r Gurrie were visitors were Misses Lena Mariev Fayetteville Sunday. x>.tar- 'he friends of Mrs. Wesley Smith Julia and Lucile Tolar,’ Messrs "Hay] e x arn th,at she fel1 wood ’ Franklin, Williford, Williams ’ was badly hurt. and Tolar. Watson. Catherine Lee, Katie Serfs, und Tolar. years- a citizen of the- state - Arkansas, died at his home in Pine Bluff that st,ate last Saturday night at 11 o’clock. He was ill for only one day. and hence his passing was rather sudden and unexpected. Te has many relatives in this section and will be remembered by the older people, especially around Antioch. Mr. Smith w,as about 60 years of age and is survived by his widow, six children, four sons and two daugh ters, also one brother and one sister, Mr. Sterling Smith and Miss Maggie Smith of Antioch. One sister, Miss Lou Smith, preceded him to the’ grave only a few months. of AIR SERVICE BETWEEN BERLIN AND CANARY ISLANDS Air mail service between Berlin, Germany and the Canary Islands will be inaugurated in the Spring of 1930 by the Deutsche Luft Hansa.—As sistant Trade Commissioner Cook, Berlin. in-taw, Mr^and'Mrr^ a ™ d Mother- o^s and sparkling manner, delight-' Springs will be boosting of a Hagai»- of Matthews - E " M - Renfrow, ^ th , e assemblage with his narration, or Bobby Jones. the home ^ ^L W , e to . guests in 0 * the accomplishments of Rotary „ , — ™“ tL SK fc fe 5 y '£i Methodist Happenings Marr’s address w^ the meaning and; ^3^3-1* monthly as undefinable as “love.” A great the Woman’s Missionary Society win deal of the friendly feeling existing meet with Mrs, J. T Odom Tuesdav between the nations of the world to- afternoon at 3:30.’ Circle No 1 will da ^ due t 0 , the influence of Rotary ’ have charge of the program ' Theme according to the speaker, f (or topic for discussion, “Social Ser- Two stunts put on by the loerf, V1 $S;” club were occasions of much merri- Epworth Juniors met at the ment and proved a fitting climax to c ,Hj C b Monday afternoon with 40 a most enjoyable evening. children present, and three members Following the principle address the absent, 14 new members. No. faculty and students of Flora Mac- being the winning train, with “97” douald College delighted those pres- i™ sight. The devotional was led by ent with several song and musierf phe president, Annie Ru# Cope, numbers. " (Celia Newton re,xd an iatentating-det- Dr. C. G. Vardell, in bringing the'ter'from one of our far away friends. meeting to a close, extended the w-t- Mrs. Rogers told the story of “An- come of the college to the Rotarians nie’s Dream.” After the business, the children were served refresh- the home of Mi ss X® ^ weekend. McMillan last Ka™ re in “uZrr for the were attractively decorator! spring flowers -“ wil h FHme a delirious salami J" Cerestin ? served. salad course was u G ™ sts included Mr. and Mrs W LlL 0 ^™' Mr ' and Mrs w V sotoMr. 5 S G r T b’ B f ltobe: Martin McKinnon, G Mta s B MaS’ Mc’ Eachern and Miss’ Laura Hedrick. Six Wives of Former Presidents till Live The spotlight of public interest has turned its glare away fromX women in the United States ^hose “^ .behold words® ar “, ^mg quietly and without public acclaim as hundreds of thous ands of other American women do— -x on rT e they Presided over the White House in Washington, as the first ladies of the land. The six are Mrs Thomas J Pres ton, formerly Mrs Grover Cleveland- Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Mrs. W i liam Howard Taft, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, all of whom lived in the White House- and Mrs Benjamin Harrison, who was married to Mr. Harrison after he retired from the presidency. She, too, had her share of White House life, however, for she was a nieca of the first Mrs. Harrison and spent much time in Washington. according to the speaker, f and inviting them to meet at the college often. Dr. Vardell was tne first president of the Red Springs ciu . Flight” Reunites The regular monthly meeting of The Epworth Juniors met at the ments. “65” Rule Cope Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. E. A. Hamilton at the hotel. After the opening song. Mrs Eliza Roberts led in prayer. The circle then went into the Bible study. Mrs. Rogers gave ,t Submarine ,, Trio outii^^h^hn^ B °^ k o ^ A ? s ’ outlining the book, and using for ’ the Scripture lesson the first chap- Planes darting and swooping ter. Mrs. McRae very interestingly through the clouds, locp-the-loops, discussed the 2nd chapter. Mrs. A. B. depth-defying parachute jumps, tail- Watson had the third chapter, and spins, thrilling battle formations, haz- Mrs Ashley the fourth. Each one ardous landings and blazing planes— present was asked to take part and these are some of tn e thrills that bring out any part of the lesson. will hold the audience at the Red- Business was taken up, and the reports were balled for. 36 visits had been m,ade by the members of the circle,.Mrs J. A. Singleton mak- rng 16 visits to the sick and strang ers, six trays and flowers being sent. Eleven members were present and the circle was glad to welcome as a wrings Theatr ludfence at the Red a breathless when “Flight,” the Columbia all-talking roadshow attraction about the air ¬ men of the Marines, opens Friday night. Many occupations in life have at tracted these famous women. Mrs Taft, whose husband recently re signed as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, still is a fig ure in official life in Washington. Mrs. Coolidge is writing magazine articles. Mrs Wilson and Mrs Har- tods vivid and intimate story of the love and adventures of two heroic and daring flyers in the United States Marine Corps, reunites for the first: time since they appeared in the 1 much-lauded undersea drama, “Sub-' marine,” Jack Holt. Ralph Graves and risen are busy arranging, the his- “rector trank R. Capra. Again topical papers of their husbands. ( tbeserthree men have scored. Holt Mrs. Roosevelt’s time is given to her 1 Graves make a wonderful team. 1 home and her family and to journeys - Or the interr,relation of sheer drama abroad. ’ ' land the sincerity of character delin ¬ eation, these two are the perfect -ombnation. The direction of Frank new member Mrs. Leigh. The trip to. the “Foreign Fields” was begun which the circle plans to make this VQar. The next meeting will ’be with Mrs. J .D. Odom Circle No. 2 met with Mrs Will Graham. Mrs. J. T. Odom has charge of the Bible study in this group. Mrs. Jones is circle leader. Widely scattered sections of the country claim these women as citi zens now. Mrs. Preston resides with her husband, Professor Thomas Jex Preston ,of Wells College, in Prince ton, N J. Mrs. Taft, of course, still lives in Washington, and Mrs. Cool idge has returned to her quiet little home in Northampton, Mass. Mrs. Wilson still resides in Wash ington but makes frequent trips to Geneva, Switzerland, where she main tains a small vilta. It really is ra ther uncertain where Mrs Roosevelt’s home is for she travels much of her time. Mrs. Roosevelt is the only presi dent’s widow who receives the gov- ernment pension of 85,000 a year. I Mrs. Wilson declined it, Mrs. Cleve land’s second marriage put an end to her pension, and Mrs. Harrison re ceived none because she was married to Mr. Harrison after he left office. The husbands of Mrs. Coolidge and Mrs. Taft still are living. Four of the women enjoy the privi lege of sending letters without post age, known as the franking right. Congress has not vet extended the privilege to Mrs. Taft or to -Mrs. Coolidge. James Black Member Literary Fraternity •Davidson. Feb. 28.—Two of the honorary fraternities at Davidson college have recently extended bids to 13 members of the student body. Sigma Unsilon, national literary fra ternity, chose nine, and Gamma Sig ma Epsilon, national chemical so ¬ ciety, selected five. The latter was founded at Davidson. James B. Black. Jr, of Red Springs was among the nine students hon ored by Sigma Upsilon. R. Capra is flawless. . The film is supercharged with ac-l Hon and drama. An exciting foot ball game, a beautiful Damon ,and sionery This circle takes the lead in attend ance. 14 members being present! Re freshments were served by the hos tess. The Epworth. League and Epworth Juniors and the Young People’s Mis- ocirty, are tasked to, meet Pythias friendship between two dare-1 a ^ the church Sunday evening" at 7 devil avtatojs, a three cornered lotto o’clock, affair involving the two buddies' Last meeting of the Mission Study w: ma: h culm’n-ifos in :. smashing di class will meet Wednesday •afternoon at 3:30 at the parsonage. Just a the dramtazarior. of the io Nic.-agua and the’ short sorirf program after the study ■ s^nsat'onA air fcits ever photo 0 unrisi i£ sour. graphed are ;.il i r’ated in 'his - “ I ila Lee ena-ta 1 he Lone Star Ranger role wihi a > . • “ • t v' cud reiw^-1 goaded With Big Thrills Others ni -he cast include Har- ° Goodwin. Ji nmv De La Cruze | ► Alan Roscoe. No all talking picture'' yet made, it is said, surpasses the vivid action CARD OF THANKS ! of ‘‘The Lone Star Ranger,” Fox We take this method of thinking Mov’etone all talking "romance of the the people of Red Springs and the: Southwest, adapted from Zone Grey's Red Springs Fire department for ’ story ehat has been'read by millions nhotodramatic to-at tin leading feminine chum that is -'elkrtf old and department for ' story ehat has been'read by millions — This picture will be steen hand heard at the Red Springs Theatre : next Wednesday and Thursday. I George O’Brien, one of the most their sympathy and assistance (hiring] of people., the loss of our home. Mr. and Mrs E A Hamilton and family. ( popular leading men in all talking MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT | pictures, portrays the leading role, Mrs. Hattie McMillan, of Selma, i while Sue Carol, beautiful, charming N. C., announces the marriage of end vivacious screen actress, enacts the leading feminine character and the two provide the love interest. her daughter Marv Pelle, to George D. David, of Louisburg, N. C.. on M.v 12, 1927. CARD OF THANKS We want to express ur apprecia tion to the people of Red Springs and the Red Springs F.re department for their sympathy and assistance tau-ing the destruction of our home by fire. Mr. and Mrs Neill McKinnon and family. Mr, P. A. Roberts, who was oper ated Ion at Charlotte Sanatorium is improving slowly. O’Brien was selected to play the role of Buck Duahe because the’ part seems to fit him. .' He is tall, hand- some and athletic in addition to qualifying as a talented iactor. Then, too, the character required a man lightning fast with a gun and O’Brien, long student of his father, until recently chief of police of San Francisco, mastered the Art of “throwing- a; gun” before he thought of a career in motion pictures. In cidentally, it might be mentioned that O’Brien’s father has, for many years, ( Continued: on back page-

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