(Lhr ilrii fpws Bitten )LUME XXXII. NUMBER 36 RED SPRINGS, N, CM THURSDAY, APRIL 3. 1930. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1450 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE resbyterian Women o Meet In Fayetteville Two Days Next Week ^Census Taking Started Wednesday . C. Tax Relief Asso. Organized In Raleigh the Forty-First Annual 'Meeting the Woman’s Auxiliary of Fay- eville Presbytery will convene with i Highland Presbyterian church of yetteville April 8th and 9th. The m for this meeting is Assembly’s me Missions. Mrs. W. M Fairley Raeford is president of this Pres erial. The public is invited to -ry session. The complete pro- ,m follows: Tuesday Morning, April Sth, :30—Executive board meeting. 0:30—Registration. 1:00—Call to Order; devotional, s. W. H Sutherland;’ greetings m local Auxiliary, Mrs G H West; ponse for Presbyterial, Mrs F npbell Symonds. 1:15—Report of credentials com- tee; report of program committee. —Reports of officers: recurd- ■gecretary—Mrs. G. B. Rowland, Ksponding secretary—Mrs. J. A. Googan, treasurer—Miss Mary Lauchlin, historian—Mrs Lauchlin Donald, vice-president—Mrs. J. R- re president—Mrs W. M Fairley. 1:45—Reports of committees: anization, auditing, finance, ad- >ry Flora Macdonald College, ex- committees: tive. 2 : 00-=Biblfe study' in Romans, Mrs. iv L. Little. 2-30—Report of secretary at In- cure, Mrs. Cari S. Matthews. 2:40—Business, appointment ot imittees, announcements, recess lunch. Enumeration of the 1930 census of the United States started yesterday. Census takers of Robeson county met in the court house Saturday and were instructed in their duties by Mr. W. C. Downing of Fayetteville, supervisor of the 11th district. Population of incorporated towns will be first enumerated, and it is expected that this information will be in the hands of the supervisor i’!y April 15. It is explained that any citizen 'may find out the population of the towns by applying to the super visor on or after that date. The enumerators are not allowed to dis close any information. A commercial census of Robeson county was completed some days ago. Fine cooperation was given to those having this work in charge. The same type of assistance is solicited in the enumeration of the population. Township Enumerators. Township enumerators have been appointed as follows: Lumberton— R. 0. Edmund and S. L. Parker; White House—W. T. Jenrette; Max- ton—Miss Bessie B. McLean and Mrs. Jessie B. McDonald; Parkton— , John D. Cobb; Pembroke—M- N. Folger and L. W. Jacobs; Philadel- phus—L. J. Prevatte; Raft Swamp— Luther C. Davis: Red Springs—Mar L. McDonald and . Mm H. McK a. Rennert—Flora McQueen; Saddletree —Grady Harrell; St. Pauls—Miss Alice Clifton and E. D. Sineath; Tuesday Afternoon. •00—Report of delegate to Syn- sal, Mrs. Robert Stewart; report delegate to Auxiliary Training ool at Montreat—Miss Mary Mc- ichlin. ; 10-■'Rhe local auxiliary budget, s. W. L, Wilson. :25—Report of secretary of reli- is education. Miss Kate Sutton; ort of committee on young peo- s work. :35—Address by Synodical presi- t, Mrs. G. V. Patterson. :00—Bible study, Mrs. Little. •30—Reports of chairmen and iliaries of districts II, IV, V. Shannon—B. B Currie; Smiths—Geo. H. McKay and B. Humphrey; Ster lings—Rufus A Britt; Thompson— W. S. Alexander; Alfordsville—Jas. W. McLeod and Allen C. Edens; Rowland—Miss Annie McLean and Fred A. Alford; Back Swamp—Mes- dames Bertha and Dollie Singletary; Britts—Ira Britt; Burnt Swamp— Reubin D. Graham; Fairmont—Elmer Hedgpetih and M. M. Singletary; Gaddy—E. B. Ward; HowellsviUe— Misses Daisy Byrd and Lillian Black well; Lumber Bridge—Make Shaw; Orrum—P. A. McRae; Wishart—John A. Branch. State Board of Elections Met in Raleigh Saturday leress. . Tuesday Evening 45—Music by Glee Club, Presby- a re . Junior College of Maxton. :50—Invocation, Rev, C. S. Mat- ws, D. D., chairman of Woman’s •k, Fayetteville Presbytery. :55—Report of secretary of As- Mrs. G. H. lily’s Home Missions, st. :00—Address, Rev P. cational secretary of ne Missions, Atlanta, D. Miller, Assembly’s Ga. :30—Glee Club. :35—Pageant — Directors: Miss ;e Sutton, Mrs. T. H. Sutton. :00—Offering; music — Highland rch choir. :10—Pictures, Dr. Geo. C. Worth, isionarv from China. :30—Glee Club; announcements; edictionf Rev. H. W. Koelling tor Highland church; fellowship. Wednesday Morning, April 9 :00—Celebration of ■ the Lord’s >per, Rev. H. W. Koelling, elders I visiting ministers. :30—Reading ital report of of minutes, supple- credentials commit- :40—Reports of secretaries of ses: development of spiritual life Irs. W. H. Sutherland, Synodical 1 Presbyterial home missions— is Sallie Thrower. Foreign Mis ts-—Miss Flora McQueen, White >ss Work—Mrs. David McArthur, ihanage—Mrs. L. A McLaurin. |e-.a.caflemv—Miss Sara Williams, ■ess, Mr. Edwin A. West. R;15—Address, Miss Elizabeth J. rowng. 0:45—Annual Auxiliary birthday t, Mrs. A. .S Cromartie; report of retary of Oh. Ed. & Min. Re., Mrs. imartie. 1:00—Reports of. chairmen and dliaries of districts Nos. I, III and 1:30—Address, Rev. J. L. Fairly, D., co-secretary of religious edu- Raleigh, March 29.—Rejecting- a proposal to make appointments on a basis if the race for the Democratic nomination to the United States senate .the State board of elections tolday selected three men in each of the 100 counties of, who, as the coun ty boards of elections, will adminis ter the 1930 North Carolina elect ions. The board refused to depart from a precedent of years by endorsing the list submitted to it by the chairman of the State Democratic executive committee, 0. M. Mull. Two Demo crats, and one Republican compose the board in each county. After the move of Charles A. Hines of Greensboro, state campaign man ager for Senator F. M. Simmons, and one of J. W. Bailey, his rival for the nomination .appointed as the Demo crat members of each heard had failed, a resolution to go on record favoring that precinct and poll offi cials be divided equally between the Simmons and Bailey camps was voted down by three to one. The three Democratic members, Chairman J. Crawford Biggs of Ral eigh; John C. Sikes, Monroe, and George McNeill, Fayetteville,, voted against the precinct and poll resolu tion. The two Republican members, Fred D. Hamrick of Rutherfordton, and A. S. Mitchell of Winton, voted for it. Chairman Biggs, in opposing' the proposal of Mr. Hines, whom he suc ceeded’ as chairman, listed several of his objections. One was that the sug gestion' was not made until last night, making it impossible, he said, to prepare such a list for approval today. In case of disagreement between the two Democrats, if the Hines To demand, not ask, a substantial Land tax reduction from the General Assembly of 1931 and to organize for the wage a tax reduction cam paign in every county of the State, 356 representatives from 44 counties assembled in Raleigh yesterday and formed the North Carolina Tax Re lief Association. The three sessions of the day were surcharged with a determination which by the latte afternoon had swamped the suspicion and bicekering which at first threatened the success of the meeting. At last organized and ready to take their fight into the counties the association passed resolutions calling for the following remedies. State support of the constitutional school term. State maintenance of all public roads and bridges, State, county and municipal economy in government. Reduction of land valuation on county tax books. Com plete reform in method of land value appraisal. A tax reduction pledge from every member of the Legislature. Repeal of the tax ex emption on foreign stocks. Though frequently urged and never fought during the morning and afternoon session, the matter of a sales tax was not presented to the body by; its joint resolution ami oranization committee. The com mittee, however, asked for further time to consider other resolutions submitted to it. Invited to address the assembly by a unanimous resolution, Governor 0. Max Gardner told them last night told the delegates that he iklieved North Carolina land was taxed too high but reminded them that each year land bore' a smaller proportion of the total revenue needed to run all governments. The problem, he said, was made more complex by the fact that the State government even now forces a deficit and the next General Assembly will hove to raise $4,000,000 more than the last if the State is not to go backwards in the matter of State projects. The organization committee, which was elected at the afternoon session, was composed of two men from each of the 10 congressional districts with the exception of the , Nhun which was not represented, and by Hallett S. Ward, of Washington, and Miss Sybil Hyatt, in Kinston, whose names were added by the' vote of the as sembly. Interesting Program Planned For P.-T.-A. Meet Friday P. M Quarterly Recital At College Last Monday move were followed, Mr. Biggs said SHA NN ON NEWS Miss Sue Harris returned to Mon roe Thursday after spending a while here with her parents. Visitors in the home of Mrs. D. S Klarpp Sunday were Mr and Mrs Will Thames of Hope Mills, Mr and Mrs. Frank Thames and children of Fayetteville. Miss Leslie MacLaren was in Raeford a short time Monday morn ing. Miss Mabel Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Garren of Florence S. C, were visitors here Sunday. Mir Dewey Pattersoi spenr the ■weekend in High Point. Miss Grace Powell of Red Springs spent the weekend with Miss Lina Currie. Robeson Has Thirty- Nine Delegates To State Convention Raleigh, March 31.—The number of delegates to be allowed each coun ty at the State. Democratic conven tion in Raleigh July 3 has been com p-led by Odus M. Mull, chairman of the state executive committee. There will be a total of 2,412 delegates al lowed. Buncombe county is entitled to the most delegates, 103, and Mecklen burg is entitled to 101. Avery is entitled to only three and Tyrrell to ion. 2:00—B'ble study. Mrs Little. '2:30—Reports of chairmen Hilaries of districts Nos. VII “the Republican member would hold the balance if power.” He said that Moth Republican four. The number each county is of delegates allowed based on the Deme ¬ The topic for discussion at the next meeting of the local parent- teacher association will be “The re lation of the teacher and the com- mhnrty to each other.” Superinten dent W. L. Crumpton, cf trie Lum berton Schools, will speak on “What the Teacher Should Expect of the Community.” From the standpoint of the parents, Mrs. J. O. McClelland of Maxton, will discuss as her sub ject "What the Community Should Expect of a Teacher.” No doubt Both of these experienced speakers will be able to present their topics in a manner that will be appreciated by any audience. Miss Lucile Morton and Miss Helen Reach of Flora Macdonald College, will tenter-tain with vocal selections. The program promises to be a very attractive one and the President, Mrs. J. T. Odom is very anxious that a representative audience be present The meeting will begin at 3:45 The Third Quarterly Concert by students of the School of Music was given in the auditorium of Flora Macdonald college Monday evening, March 31, at eight o’clock. The program was an exceptionally fine one, as all the numbers were well chosen and rendered in artistic manner. Those which deserve special mention were the “Romance” written by Mozart for a string quartette; “Bees” and “Summer Fields” by Denza, sung by the chorus; two selections from German “Pastoral Dance,” and “Merrymakers’ Dance,” by the orchestra. ROBESON CO. TAX LEAGUE TO BE HELD FRIDA ¥ PARKTON NEWS The Junior Baraca class of the Baptist church entertained the young Wies, 'rihAs at a shad supper at Black s Bridge on last Friday night. Tnose present included the members of both classes and several other guests. Meadaanes M. N. McRainey and D. L Godwin represented the' Parkton home demonstration club at the clothing school nt Lamberton last Saturday. Friend? of glad to learn proving after Mr. Tracy Junius Coley will be that he is steadily im- a serious illness _ Blue returned from Hampton Roads, Va., Friday, after accompanying his brother, Eugene, to Hampton Roads government hos- pital, where he will undergo treat ment. The Parkton baseball nine played Philadelphus nine here last Friday. The score was 23-1 in favor of the Parkton tzAm. We hope for the nine as much good luck in the future games that they expect to play. Friends of little Ruth Tolar will be sorry to learn that she is serious ly ill with -pneumcnia. At 8 o’clock Sunday p. m. the peo ple of Parkton met at the Presby terian church to heAir Rev. Chas, E. Clark as he rendered his last ser mon here. A most inspirational mes sage was left with us all—that of building the road of life. Rev. Clark has been one of our highly esteemed citizens And we feel a great loss upon his leaving. He has been- pastor of Parkton and Lumber Bridge and Rex Pres lyterian churches for two years and has done great work in this, field. We rejoice with him in his promotion to a wider field in Winston-Salem, yet we regret the great loss to our community. Parkton was well represented at the B. Y. P. U., meeting held at Red Springs Sunday afternoon. There were thirty-two present from here which was next to Red Springs in attendance rating. The special mu sic for the Afternoon was rendered by Parkton also. Miss Irene Parnell sang a solo and Misses Mary Leigh Parnell and Frances Coley gave a duet. An inspirational address was given by our pastor, Rev. A. L Tur- rer, at the conclusion of the pro- gram. Everyone returned with vim and enthusiasm to strengthen B Y. P. U. organizations. our ds fifth Sunday is an odd one in the regular routine of the cbirvh.es, a community assembly was ne'd nt the Methodist church Sun da, mcm- ing at 11 oh' - k. Tile mu'k f r the hour was furnished by th- com- munity choir and a male quartet from Lumberton. Rev J E Blalock, pastor of th' church, gave an inspirational address also After spending a few days at home the fu cwiig have returns: tc the various co”er> s: Miss Myrticc 11...’he:? and • ng friend tv M. C. Alumnae Assoc. Met Tuesday The local F. M. C Alumnae As sociation meet at the home of their president, Mrs Hiram Grantham, Tuesday night. Tlie purpose of this meeting was to elect new officers for the new term. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Jane Council; Vice-President, Miss Mary Lou Beard; and Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Brown Morrison. It was also decided at this meet ing that the local association will serve the alumnae luncheon following commencement. at the A. E. White Offers For Re-election Mr. A. E. White of Lumberton Was a. visitor in Red Springs Mondiy renewing old acquaintances, shaking hands with his friends and making new ones, and incidentally telling those he talked with that he was a carldictate to succeed himself as a member of the lower House of the General Assemb'y . Mr. White, who is completing his first term as a member of the lower House from this county is offering in the June primaries for renomi- nation. He stated here Monday that if elected he would work for a sub stantial reduction in taxes on real estate by shifting the taxes for the support of the schools, rends, and other governmental purposes to other sourecs. Under plans he has in the making the State would Ite required to run the schools for the full term, thus relieving the county of all school taxes. He would also have the State maintain the county roads Attend Regional B. Y. P. U. Convention Rev S. F. Hudson, Mr. H D Bax ley, Miss Dal^a Stanton, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Moody attended the Southern Regional Convention of the. State B. Y. P U at New Hope church near Whiteville last week. Rev. Mr. Hud son addressed the assem'Hage ’Sat urday afternoon This was the best convention that has been held in'the Southern region, comprising several counties, registration being twice that of the last one. The convention will be held in the Red Springs Baptist church next year. Meeting Here Sunday A meeting of the Red Springs district of the Robeson B. Y. P. U. Association was held in the local Baptist church last Sunday afternoon, with H D. Baxley, vice-president in charge of the district, presiding. There, was a large attendance of the majority of the churches i n the dis trict. A special treat was an ad dress by Rev. A. L. Turner, pastor of th e Parkton Baptist church. The next meeting will be held in Parkton church. E. G. Floyd Would The Robeson County Tax League will hold a barbecue at Philadetous Friday beginning at 12 o’clock noon. Plenty of barbeque is assured. All of. the county candidates for office this year have been invited and it is hoped many will attend. They will be called upon to address the Assemblage and state definitely their views concerning the tax situation in the State and particularly in. Robeson county, stating what they pupose. to do, if elected, to relieve the situa tion. Other speakers of importance will A be on hand to discuss this much dis cussed pro dem and help in working out a plan of relief. The following letter has been dis patched to every member of ,the*; league and practically every voter-"" 1 - in the county: “Lumberton, N. C., March 27, 1930 “Dear member: “On Friday, April 4, 1930, The Robeson Tax League will hold a meet ing at Philadelphus H-Ch School near Red Springs at twelve o’clock, neon, for the purpose of hearing reports- of delegates sent by this organization to a state wide meeting of tax pay- , era to be held at Raleigh on Monday, March 31st. “A barbecue dinner will be served on,the school grounds and all candi dates far office will be invited to. lie present to give their views upon the issues now being discussed. “You will be expected to' be- present find bring with you any of your neighbors, men and women, who are interested and want to join in with this organization in its endeavors to get a fair and just reduction of the property tax. This organiza tion has already saved the Taxpay ers of this county more than $100,- 000.00 by its efforts and by court action sponsored by it in connections with the 1929 tax law as it applied to Robeson County. Your co-operation is necessary, can be manifested, only presence at the ‘meetings league. “Respectfully, continued and this by your of the “J N. Buie, President, “J. H. Barringtori, Secretary” * HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY , Master J. E. McKellar entertained • a number of his young friends 'on' Wednesday afternoon at a lovely par-- ty, the occasion being, his sixth; birthday. Games were played during the (af ternoon and delicious ice cream, cake and candy were served. PERSONAL NEWS Mr. Ernest Roberts of Florence spent-Sunday with his father, Mr. W. M. Roberts. Friends of Mrs. H. C. Hammond who has been quite sick at her home here will be glad to know that she is improving. Miss Mary Paschal and Mr. J. W. Wheeler of Statesville were weekend guests of Miss Genevieve McMillan. Mr. W. A. Bullock, Who is a pa tient in Pittman’s hospital, is still improving. Mrs. J. B. Black, Misses Tillie ‘and Kathleen Black and Mrs. Hiram Grantham spent Monday .afternoon in Fayetteville. - Mrs. Ernest Austin of Brookneal, Va., was a’ weekend guest of 'Miss Hattie McBryde. -Mr. and Mrs,. Clyde Moody Have rented the second story of Mrs. Dougald Monroe’s home and are now at home to their friends there. Miss Elizabeth Frye who is a-pa tient in Baker’s Sanatorium, is greatly improved. • - Messrs Leon Gibson and Ellis Tur ner have accepted positions with the •isroaoway iiieatre in Fayetteville. "This theatre is one of the Publix- Saenger theatres. Mr. George Davis Mr. and Mbs. A. H who accompanied Strick and fam ily to Washington, D. C., returned 'home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Strick and family ar e visiting Mrs. Strick’s ) relatives in Easton Pennsylvania. 1 M.ss Alice Hedrick of Raleigh was l.a "’celaond guest of Miss Laura Hed rick. Relieve Tax Burden] and i cratic vote cast for governor in 1928. ,. , a had] The number of delegates this year, to Queens Colege and win oA-eppo " I Messrs John G. Hughes and Don Cur- w.H. exceed m io . Davidson. and i Democratic county chairmen had i been requested to submit to Mr. Mull 1 and I; business; appointment of ad trim committees; announcements; ess for lunch. Wednesday Afternoon !:00—Circle activities, Mrs. G. V. terson; questions. :20—Barium Springs Home, Mrs. D. Grier, Synodical Secretary of ihanage. :40—Report of nominating com- :tee. Mrs R. M. Williams: election officers; installation service, Mrs. N Page, honorary president Fay sville Presbyterial; election of agate to synodical; election of del- te to Montreat Training School. :10—North Carolina unit of mis- i court. Mrs. C. M. Norfleet, chair- ■^Svnhdical Committee. ■30—Bible study, Mrs. Little. —Reports of committees: Me- rials, courtesy, place of meeting; ding of minutes; adioumment. the men they wanted named their county’s board. Many of those selected today, chairman said, “were appointed Mr. Hines two years ago.” on the by- The state law forbids that more than two members of any political party be appointed on a county elec tions board. Members of the Robeson county board of elestions named as E P Bond of Rowland and W H Hrmpr- rey, Jr, of Lumberton, Democrats, and R. 0. Edmund Republican. Some b’ i.-hi to bear by sir i r ers upon Mr Mel.:,-. chairni"i D-n . ratio exe . a ir ve kr. Jim ALL 1 of Lumberton, pleasure was John of the cornin’ Blount tee, to f • umb'-rton BOOK CLUB MEETS nam-u instead of Mr. M imp rev, hut Chairman McLeod, who attended the meeting in Raleigh, concludes that diss Genevieve McMillan and Mrs. the interests of all be better served by concerned would the appointment lowed on the Hasis of the 1924 gub ervatorial- result. Robeson is allowed 39 delegates. Mother of Former Citizen Passes Tues [Mrs. J. H Moody, Sr, mother of Mir. M. R Moody, who lived here until recently, passed away Tues day night, after an illness of several months, and funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Mrs. Clyde Moody attended funeral, the deceased being the ter’s grandmother an d the lat- Miss Elizabeth Hughes of High lands spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Ruby Byrd of N C. C. W. Is spending her spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Byrd. * The following attended a B. Y. P U Regional convention at New Hope church Saturday: Rev. aid Mrs. A. L. Turner, Mrs U. L Norvelle and Misses Irene Parnell, Essie McMillan and Aken? Britt. Lev. Mr. Turner amended the Union Meeting of the Robeson Bap tist Association at Bloomingdale on Thursday. Mr. E. G. Floyd, whose announce-, merit, for the lower House appears. 1 in this issue of the Citizen, was a pleasant visitor to tre Citizen office Saturday. While here Mr. Floyd talked freely about his candidacy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Roberson visit- .ed relatives in Bladen county Sun- Mrs. M. J. McInnis spent the week- and promised to do his utmost to end with Mrs. Artie relieve the landowners of taxes on E Leigh will be joint hostesses the Book Club this afternoon at i home of Miss McMillan. of Mr. Humphrey ,who is also a Simmons supporter. Mr. Bond’s ap pointment as chairman was agreed upon some weeks ago. WOMAN’S CLUB MEETS The Woman’s Club will meet Mon day afternoon in the hotel parlors at 4:00 o’clock mbe district president Mrs. J. B. Elliot of Chadborn, will talk to the chub at this time. A social hour following the meet- Byrd Will Start For U. S. April 9. Dunedin, N. Z., March 28.—Rear Admiral Richard E Byrd (announced today he would start for New York April 9 .aboard the liner Corinthic. real estate in the event of his elec tion. Mr. Floyd is one of the biggest farmers of the county as well as a large hardware merchant of Fair mont. He realizes personally what A Harden the tax question is on the farmer, and is personally interested as well for the benefit of the county, in having this tax burden shifted to other sources, probably on the so called luxuries. Mr. Floyd states that he. is solicit ing support in the June primary on the basis of merit. If th.; voters think he is the man for the office then he will appreciate the." support Suimter, S. C. Huggins in Leaving Wellington on that date the explorer, who a few weeks ago ing has also been planned. This is returned here after more than a yeag the last meeting of the old year in the Antarctic, will arrive at Pan" MRS, VIRGINIA CONOLY The condition of Mrs. Virginia Conoly, who was run over by a taxi cab Sunday night in New York City and promises to be an unusually in- ama April 30, about' 20 days ahead is some better, but still continued teresting meeting. i of his two expedition ships. serious; Misses Mary Lou Beard and Lil- ^an Hamilton were guests of Miss Beards parents, Mr and Mrs. J J Beard, of Rex, Sunday. Jj mes Black, who is a student ^Davidson College, spent’the spring d 3 / 8 W1 ^ bis parents, Rev and Mrs. J. B. Black, here. Mr and Mrs Carl Baggett and children of Laurinburg were weekend guests of Mr Baggett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs G M Baggett. Mr. Knoxwood Herrington, a stu dent at Davidson College, is spending the spring holidays with his parents Mr .and Mrs. Harrington. Miss Sadie Covington of Favette- ville was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' M J .Coving ton. Miss Elizabeth Ferran, who is a student at Richmond Training School (Continued on page five)

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