Social And Personal News Of LUMBERTON j Mrs. Christine Giggle, Editor Phone 624 A r I Mrs. C. B. Scoggin Is Hostess At Bridge Mrs. Charles B. Scoggin, Jr., 'n+ertained members of her bridge club and a few guests on Thursday afternoon at Pine Crest County club. Two tables were set up for play in the lounge. Upon arrival, guests were served a dessert course of coaconut cus tard and coffee. Later, during pro gressions, the hostess served coca colas. » When scores were tallied, Mrs. Knox Barnes was declared winner of high score prize for the mem bers. Mrs. Henry A. McKinnon, Jr. was presented high score for guests, with low falling to Mrs. John Branch Stedman. Those playing were Mmes. Knox Barnes, Stedman, O. L. Barnes, Jr. W E. Wilkins, Jr., and I. M. Biggs, members Guests included Mrs. Mc Kinnon, Mrs. Furman Biggs, Jr., and Mrs L. J. Parsons. County HD Council Has Meeting Friday By EVELYN CALDWELL, H. D. AGENT Robeson County’s Home Dem onstration Council met on Friday afternoon, April 1, in the audi torium of the Agricultural Build ing, with Mrs George Nye, pre siding. The meeting was opened with the group singing, “Hail Club Women,” led by Mrs. Russell Humphrey. An inspirational devotional was given by Mrs. N. A. McPhaul of Liberty club. Minutes were read and approv ed and roll call of clubs was made by Mrs. W. B. Hall, who substitut ed as secretary, for Mrs. J. H. Johnson. The financial report was made by Mrs. T. J. Allen, Jr., council treasurer. Several matters of business were discussed at this time, namely: (1) Plans for the Annual Achiev- ment Day were submitted by Mrs. James Price president of the Mc Donald club,' and chairman of pro gram committee. (2) Mrs. A. A. McCormick of St. Pauls, presented a report of the executive board meeting, which had met prior to the coun cil, to make plans for National Home Demonstration Week, that si scheduled May 1-8. (3) The district meeting was discussed and club members were urged to make their plans to be in Laurinburg on April 27, for this meeting. (4) An announcement was made about the summer tour that is be ing sponsored by the Council from June 19-25. After all business was discussed, Mrs. Veronica B. Warner, assist ant home agent, had charge of a brief recreational period. In Recital Miss Winifred Beasley of Lum berton, who will be presented in her graduation recital in organ, at Flora Macdonald college on Mon day evening, April 11, at 8:15. Miss Beasley will receive her B. M. degree with majors in church music and organ, in May. She is the pupil of Robert Retuer, 'Dean of the Conservatory of music, and the daughter of H. M. Beasley of Lumberton. Lum. Book Club Meets With Mrs. Stedman Mrs. John Stedman was hostess to the Lumberton Book club on last Tuesday afternoon at her home on North Elm street, pre siding with Mrs. J. E. Johnson, vice president. When guests arrived, they were served coffee, sandwiches, cookies and nuts by the hostess in a setting of lovely spring flowers. Mrs. Stedman was assisted in serving by her mother, Mrs. Earl. Several items of business were discussed during the afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Alexander, Mrs. E. K. Butler and Mrs. Dickson McLean were appointed as a nominating committee to elect new officers for the coming year.. Mrs. C. C. Abernathy was welcomed as a new member. For the May meet ing, it was decided to charter a bus and go over to Flora Mc Donald college. Each member is to take a guest and a picnic sup per. The remainder of the meet ing was spent discussing programs for the coming year. Those attending were Mmes. Alexander, Butler, McLean Ab ernathy, John, Joe P. Moore and J. L Stephens, Jr TUSOMES COLORFUL- DRESSY • CORRECT Either of these splendid Chips outfits will captivote o youngster end promote his at tractiveness. The jackets have been man-tailored of pure wool fabrics. The Cardigan and slacks contrast handsomely. The plaid jacket b ia high style ever Sabardint Slacks. Jackets will act as sports unit if desired. Sues 4 tel!. *16.95 See Our Complete Selection of Boys’ Clothing and Accessories. Regulars and Stouts. Boys’ Department -- Balcony Floor SUGAR'S MEN'S SHOP 4TH AND ELM PHONE 668 I LUMBERTON Mr. and Mrs. William Pettigrew Parham of Henderson announce the engagement of their daughter, Ora Maria, to Kenneth William Whitney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitney of Maplewood, N. J. The wedding will take place in the early summer. Robert Carl Britt And Carol Choir Are BTU Contest Winners At the Associational BTU meet ing held at the First Baptist church on Sunday afternobn, April 3, Robert Carl Britt ably demonstrated what a little con centration and study can do when he defeated three other contest ants in the Junior Memory Work contest and sword Drill. Robert Carl set his three opponents down with ease, earing for himself the right to compete in the regional contest in Fayetteville on Friday, April 8. Winners in the regional contest will go to the state finals to be held sometime this summer. Miss Doris Morgan of Fairmont conducted the drill for the jun iors and Mrs. Ann Wells of Lum berton conducted the intermediate drill. The Carol Choir, consisting of 10, 11 and 12 year old girls, also won a rating of grade A. This choir, conducted by Miss Lois Brooke, had five new hymns to learn by memory and were to be prepared to sing any of the According to the rules of the Fes tival, the contesting group chose one hymn and the judges chose the other hymn, the name of which was given to the group just before they sang. The choir was judged on the following points: accuracy, tone, diction, rythymn, phrasing, inter pretation and artistic effect. They will also go to Fayetteville on Saturday, April 9, and if they re ceive a grade of B or higher, will go to the State Festival later in the spring. Girts singing in the choir are Ann McArver, Elizabeth Baker, Emily Ann Baker, Jayne Blake^ Nancy Britt, Peggy Ann Bullock, Rosa Huntley, Sylvia Jean Kin- law, Judith McIntosh, Mellssa Mc- Le^d, Sudie Jane Phillips, Sue Sessoms, Vandalean Stone, Bar bara Thompson, Sara Townsend and Elizabeth Warwick. Sara Bul lock ccompnied them at the piano. Sylvia Deans of St. Pauls was the other winner, rating first in the imtermediate sword drill. Rev. O. A. Anderson of Rowland, pre sided; devotional was conducted by Rev. E. P. Lockamy of Barnes ¬ ville, and Rev. Earl Roberson of five. ‘St. Pauls led the song service. BTU Convention To Be In Fayetteville Fri. The Baptist Training Union Regional Convention for Region Three will meet with the First Baptist church, Fayetteville, April 8-9. The theme for the programs is “Found Faithful.” Region Three is made up of the Bladen, Brunswick, Burnt Swamp, Columbus, Dock, Eastern, New South River, Robeson and Wil mington Associations. The first session will begin Fri day afternoon April 8, at 3 o’clock at which tme the Adult Scripture Reading Tournament with the Rev. Guy C. Moore, Wilmington, -n charge will be held. One hour will be devoted to Methods Con ferences for various departments. The last feature of the afternoon program will be a demonstration program planning meeting. Sup per will be served by the Women’s Missionary Society of the Host Church. The Friday night session at 7 o’clock will be observed as “Youth Night”. Miss Mary Martin of Pem broke will lead the devotion. The Intermediate Sword Drill, Mrs. E. J. Morgan of Clinton in charge, and the Young People’s Speakers Tournament, Mr. Ross Douglas of Clinton in charge, will be held. Special music will be the combined youth choirs of the First Baptist Church, Fayetteville. The Rev. W. J. Southard, Minister of Education First Baptist Church, Lumberton, will speak on “Faithful To The Call, and the Rev. L. F. Sodeman, Pastor, Clinton Baptist Church, Clinton, will bring the message "God’s Call To Youth.” Rev. Mr. Sodeman will also lead the Dedi cation Service which follows his address. Visitors will then be shown to homes where they will spend the night. Rev. Harvie Brewington of Pembroke will lead the Adult Conferences. The final meeting will begin Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. A series of short talks’ on “This Is How We Did It” will be given, after which Miss Martha Jane Mit- ihell, State Trainng Union Worker, Raleigh, will speak on “Foun Faithful To Thg Training Task“. Mrs. J. V. Case, Rose Hill, will then lead the Junior Memory Work Drill. After the business session and special muse by the Rev. O. A. Anderson, Pastor of Rowland Bap tist Church, Rowland, Dr. Phillip J. McLean, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lumberton, will bring the message “Faithful To Our Mission”. The Hymn Festival will begin at 11:00 with Rev. Mr. Anderson in charge. The Convention will ad journ at 12 o’clock noon. Officers of the Convention are: C. Elwood Coggin, Fayetteville, Director; The Rev. W. A. Poole, Burga, Associate Director; Char les Starnes, Fayetteville, Secretary; The Rev. O. A. Anderson, Rowland, Chorister; Mrs. J P. Johnson, Fay etteville, Pianist; Rev. Mr. G. Van Stephens, Warsaw, Pastor-Advisor; Rev. Mr. Guy C. Moore, Wilming ton, Adult Leader; Ross Doug-las, Clinton, Young People’s Leader; Mrs. E. .J Morgan, Clinton, Inter mediate Leader; Mrs. J. V. Case, Baptist WMU Honors New Church Members All women who have become members of the First Baptist church during the last quarter were honored by the W. M. U. at a love ly tea on last Monday afternoon. The tea was held in the Ladies Parlor of the church, immediately following the W. M. U. meeting. Guests were greeted by Mrs. R. A. Hedgpeth, Jr., who introduced them to the receiving line, com posed of approximately twenty of the new members. Centering the beautifully ap pointed tea table was the punch bowl, around which was a garland of ivey and purple iris. Mrs. O. L. Henry, Mrs. W. F. Elam and Mrs. Robert Caldwell alternated in ser ving punch, wafers and nuts to around one hundred guests who called during the afternoon. This tea is a first in a series of quarterly teas to be given by the W. M. U. in order to introduce new members to the congregation, ac cording to Mrs. R. A. Hedgpeth, Jr., who is chairman of the social committee of the W. M. U. ALA Hears Talk On Pan America “Dan America" was the subject of an interesting talk given by Mrs. J. H. Barrington, Sr., at the meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. A. Weinstein on last Friday night. Associate hostess was Miss Ethel Pittman and Mrs. Dan Floyd pre sided. During the business session, it was reported that $25.00 had been donated toward a Girl Scout group. Mrs. Jakie Dunie, corresponding secretary, noted that 30 letters of sympathy had been written to fam ilies of veterans whose bodies were returned for burial. Mrs. Hartley read several notes of thanks from Gold Star mothers to whom gifts has been sent. A report of the party given for the veterans at che hospital in Fayetteville on March 11 was also made, and it was voted to send a wedding gift to a young couple in the group which gave the entertainment that night. Announcement of the district meeting to be held in Fayetteville, Wednesday, April 6, was made by the president. This meeting will begin at 2 o'clock and will be held in the Legion building. In his discussion of Pan Ameri ca, Mrs. Barrington outlined the beginning and organization of the Pan-American union of 21 repub lics. This union was first proposed and promoted by the great South American liberator, Simon Bolivar, and was formally organized in 1890 with 9 divisions. The purpose of the organizations was for better understanding, better social and cultural relations between the countries of North and South Am- Rose Hill, Junior Leader; Miss Margaret Mumphrey, St Paul, Story Hour Leader. THE RED SPRINGS CTTPZFP RtlD SPRING® N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 VAGE THREE erica. Much has been done, Mrs. Barrington told her audience, to cultivate the Good Neighbor policy by an exchange of students, mutual study of languages and interest in' the music, arts and handicrafts, Air travel has also done much to draw the northern and southern neighbors close together. In the social hour, the hostesses served coca-cloas and cookies to the following members: Mmes. Floyd, Dunie, Barrington, Hartley, Hazel Powell, I; E. Weinstein, 0.1 O. Dukes and D. L. Whiting. Mrs. Jakie Dunie and Mrs. I. E. j Weinstein will be hostesses for the May meeting. Mrs. Robert McGee of Raleigh was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henderson. The condition of Mrs. George Allen, who underwent a major op eration in Baptist Hospital last week, is reported as quite good. Mrs. Charles Elkins is a. patient at Charlotte Memorial Hospital in Charlotte, where she is undergoing treatment. She expects to leave the hospital this week end and spend some time with her family in Shelby. Margaret Grooms of Lum- began work Monday in the of the Clerk of Superior Miss Grooms replaced Miss Miss berton office Court. Ora Parham. RIVERSIDE “The Home of Better Pictures Lumberton, N. C. FRIDAY- SATURDAY _ HK BAD MEDICINE FOR BADMEN! 1 JIMMY WAKELY ^Ont!^ "CANNON BALL'! ^TAYLOR KAY MORLEY | irWW'VyWMWW***’*'^ HEDY HIT NO. 2 Bowery Boys IN “Smugglers Cove” “Bruce Gentry AND Cartoon SAT. LATE SHOW MONDAY - TUESDAY SOMWODY’S GONNA HAVE TO GIVE 9? A tnittt $ LAMARR - CUMMINGS with ANNA STEN An Eagle Lion Films Release ROBERT such bore-shouldered glamour! such sure support! WITH OUR NEW Feexaiae STRAPLESS BRA A strapless wonder, our gravity-defying Flexaire, for freedom-loving shoulders! Moulds you to the high, round lines of youth with the greatest of ease... Wear it with perfect assurance! Of luxurious nyralon* in blue, black, white... or superior satin* in black, white. Sizes 32-36, A, B, and C cups. (Also available in star dotted batiste... $2.50) J 350 Other Flexaire bandeaux and long lines . . . $1 50 to $5 W Flexees girdles and combinations . . *5 95 to $18 50 fleishman’s For Feminine Apparel’ Lumberton, N. C. ♦Rayon and Nylon. +Rayon and Cotton. **Cotton and Rayon s pretty and feminine - as your EASTER corsage How lovely you’ll look for Easter... in these Sunday-smart new shoes by Gold (Red) Cross. You'll love their fresh, young styling... their gracious elegance... and, of course, their “just for you” fit. See these and many other Easter-bright and beautiful styles we’re now showing. CROSS SHOES SULLIVAN & PEAGOCK 210 Elm Lumberton

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