A 4 THE RED SPRINGS CITIZEN BED SPRINGS 1 r-GE FOUB THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 13, ( The Party Line ^f BY By KITTY (W. WINCHELL LEE FAIRMONT B rw Fuse Box STRICK By Kitty (W. Winchell) Lee Football certainly is in full blast! My, my, these college games are the most exciting things. Everybody will have stomach ul- .. cers before the end of November. And Lumbertons football games are nothing to sneeze over. That game with Rockingham was a heartbreaker, but those L. H. S. men really played some wonder- Jul football. Of course, the inburg win redeemed them, one has account to gripe, is, nobody but Laurinburg. Sally Harrison had the Laur- so no That nicest birthday dance last Saturday. It . was at the Parish House and just tons and tons of people were in vited. She had the most unusual birthday cake. It had all sorts of suggestions of Hallowe’en for decoration. All that was lacking ‘ was the press (that is not entirely true, because I was there). The radio was represented in full re galia, Sid Lee was there cavort ing with Laurie Annie Harrison, mustauche and all. Allen Vaus came in after 11:15—he gave the hostess quite a good time and Le- Grand Tatum gave all the women a big thrill. You know, he dances like nobody’s business. John Grantham came from State the weekend just gone by. Seems to me he had his roommate with him. John dated Vickie Stedman and the roommate dated Tinkie Millican. Tinkie said, “He’s 6’2 and you should hear his accent. He’s from Georgia.” Ralph McQueen, John Hal Oliver and Clifford Bullard were home from Carolina. Ralph says he’s crazy about the place. Just knew he would be. Seems to me I saw Clifford with Martha Pittman Sunday afternoon. John Hal was over at St. Mary’s, according to him. Nell Boone Crofton is nearly dead with homesickness. One of the records on “Our Best To You" (over Raleigh 11 to 12) was played with the note “for a girl in Bailey Dorm at W. C. from a boy in Turlingtop who doesnt get over to see her very often.” Thats Billy McDuffie playing the record for ’Patsy Butler, both are working mighty But in addition works with the tion. I dont believe ton boy at State school over the ticed a pow-ful to school, athletic They hard. Billy associa- a single Lumber- College stayed at weekend. I no- lot of them wan- dering about town Saturday. Even ... Leon Hamilton got home. Wonder if he got around to see Acita Snel- son. Leon Hobbs and Hubert Welsh got on the road early. I saw them standing at the junc- 1 6 A 1 1 1 i ! Hello there, r T T T r f t t H 111 f t t [here and now to school. i I was not too Edwin Floyd came home from Box last week. for this week. Right I want to state that lazy to write a Fuse I was just all up Wake Forest. Just by accident he i in the air n d wrote one that Billy and Mary'Lou McRainey collided (wouldn’t print. What do you think downtown. She had been in Flor- of that? I had seen several shin- ence all day. Friday afternoon, Maurice Fre- vatte came up to school to get Patsy Heinsberger. How thought ful. It was nice that he got home for Sallys dance. Dost—one white ’48 Ford {club- coupe). Last Thursday night af ter the Tri-Hi-Y meeting a. whole bunch of girls were going to ride ing examples of people being quit ters, and I merely wrote opinion on the subject. Wasn’t awful to let my brain child go waste in any such ma» r»er? In the meantime,. Harry Lee still trying to decide whether farm, move to Myrtle Beach to go to State after Christmas. home with Sally (again), only drawback was that funnies had taken, her ear hidden it. Most unusual, did find out who did it. Holmes, where are you? Wonder who will be “Miss Fire Prevention.” Tile some and Never .Sherlock crowned Thirty- five raving beauties are entered in the contest. Nobody know what business sponsor? g what girl. Anybody want to go seems houses to the to are Va.- Carolina football game Thanks giving Day? They say there are scads of tickets running around. It was simply too awful that Wilbur Bland couldn’t come down from Raleigh to take Louise Ford to the dance Saturday night. Louise must have been very eager to go! She seemed to have an en joyable enough evening stagging though. That was some decorating party that Sally had Friday. Pow-ful lot of decorating done. Betsy Clarke and Jimmy Jennings left mighty early. Saw them at Dave’s. George Nobles rolled Catawba. He and Nettie later up in from Lambeth had a simple luscious time, I hear. She’s going up weeks hence. Obbie Lee is As a climax to day right, he to Salisbury two quite a social lion, a very gay Satur- had about 50,000 people to his house. His date Sara McIntyre. Wonder if Don Humphrey takes Sara Alice Jackson to in his jeep? Since Stevie bie Lee and a initiated into McIntyre few more the Key and was ever ride Ob- school’s mighty quiet. are being Club, the - - , They are not supposed to do any talking' unless it’s to teachers. What a hardship. What a cross to bear. Taddy Maxwell took a whole crew of people to the airport to see Howard Scarboro. I don’t be lieve the fellow that had the even ing watch appreciated the call too much. Some people can clown even in the face of a terrible disaster. One day last week at lunch time, Alvah tlo “ ^ f % Fayetteville highway Faulk tore his trousers. He didn’t a ? d ^.ALA Rc ’ ad bumm ™g back seem to mind the gay jokes people 1 W« W WANTED: Alt people suffering from Kidney Trouble or back ache ,to try Kiddo. Price $1.10. any of you can help him with this weighty problem please do so be cause he is rapidly turning grey my he to is to or If COOL FRIENDSHIP Little News Of The Negroes of Robeson County J. Thompson — Mt. Olive Methodist church News There will be a Harvest Hore bazaar at Mt. Olive Methodist Church next Tuesday, Wednesday -»d Thursday nigiits. Features will be hayriding, tacky party, bobbing apples, fishing pond, for- tune telling booth and others. A mother and daughter many father and son banquet will and be Editor cently to discuss the new school heaun education program. .Ail schools in the Iroctorviue, Ba-i.es Ville and Hilly' Brancn d..sir...is were represented. Youth Council Members 'iai# With Mayor headed trying to make up mind. Poor Jane McCormick, she has started working at ster’s she has learned the his Since Web- hard way just what long hours or your , feet can do to tern. Saturday aft ernoon she was begging for a tub I of cold water so she could soak Tommy Gonzales shares his ice cream with “Butch” at La Guardia Field, New York. Tom my was seeing his father off to : Puerto Rica. “Butch” was en- £ rotate from London to Mrs. Wil- ! Ham Dexter, Boston, Mass. held Thu.sday. A sion will be charged is in vited. On Sunday night, small admis- and everyone Oct. 16, ganization Day will be held at church. The Onward Travelers and Bethlehem Quartet rendered a vice last Sunday night under Or- the the ser- the Members of the Lumberton Youtl Council of the NAACF recently held a conference with Mayor Hec tor McLean concerning the nam ing of streets and numbering of acusrs. The mayor told the group that paving and lighting of streets would be done as soon as possible. He aiso said that improvements will be made in the rest room facilities BIBLE CHUBCH OF GOD Rev. Joe McNeil, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service 7:30. MT. PLEASANT AME ZION Bev. G. E. Burner, Pastor Sunday School 9:30. Morning HILLY Bev. J. ■ Sunday Service 11:00 BRANCH CHURCH E. Bowden, Pahtor School 10:00 Morning Service 11:00 BTU, 5:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday night, 7:30. FIBST BAPTIST CHUBCH FAIBMONT Bev. J. D. McBay, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 Morning Service 11:00 Prayer meee.ng each Wednesday night, 7:30. MT. OLIVE METHODIST Rev. R. D. Sharpe, Pastor Sunday School 9:30. Junior Church 10:45 Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service 7:30. PENTECOSTAL NO. 1 Gavin Town Rev. A. W. Scott, Pastor Missionary Service 3 Evening Service 7:30 Prayer Service Daily at m. -.2. FIRST BAPTIST Bev E. B. Turner, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 Morning Service 11:00 LIT UMeeting 6:00 p. m. Evening Service 7:00 NEW BETHEL CHUBCH Bev. David Fulmore, Pastor S”nday School Q :45 Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Prayer Meeting each Wednesday night. GREENVILLE BAPTIST Bev. B. B. Bethea, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 DAVID CHAPEL Bev. Mack, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Service 11:00 Evening Service 8:00 Prayer meeting each Wednesday night . her aching tootsies some of the pain, surely knowhow with her. Probably ; Tobacco season didn’t it come and I still thin-: that right dirty shame i and relieve Believe me, I to sympathize you do too. is over—and go in a hurry? it is a down that Fairmci-t has money flowing freely around here only the year. wo or three months in What on earth happened to all those brilliant ideas for bringing an industry here that would have a Other towns can’t we'? If Ous.ii ess men year round payroll? have just here then, — why a few cf the sponsorship of the Usher Board. and really pushed sould be der.e. By the way—did got it You eclipse Friday night? together certainly see the That was a beautiful sight to behold. Willie Broox said that he did not like to watch it because it gave him the jitters. True, in a- great big way, but jitters is not exactly the word. Just to stand and watch such an event and realize how the entire universe moves and has its being makes you realize even more so than usual the presence preme Being. It is very of a Su- true that science has an explanation for all such events, but there is still a Power over and beyond all this world that is indefinable even to science. For this fact let us be thankful day after day. The Walter, getting get off Bassetts, ; Catherine nid are very busy these days their affairs in order to for Florida for the winter. Don’t some people have all the luck? Imagine leaving here in a couple of weeks to spend the next six months down there. What could be nicer? I only know one thing—-an uncle and aunt mine left this morning to drive California to spend the winter, tried so hard yesterday while of of to 1 Small furnished or apartment with private bath. See Mrs, . 151-J, Oct 13 FOR BENT — . unfurnished L B Timmons in Maxton, or phone Results guaranteed by Drug Store .Maxton, N. Burroughs Cut-Rate Red I C Maxton C. ana Springs, FOR SALE—Small herd of pure bred Herefords, about 30 head, 36 Angus cows bred to regis tered bull. 100 feeder steers. Huntley & Farrar, Boydton, Va. Oct. 13 20 27 N 3p was in Spartanburg to get. them to let me curl up in the trunk of the car. Eternal sunshine, plenty of fruit fresh off the trees, noth ing to worry about, nothing to do but eat, sleep and take life easy for a while—can you imagine such a situation? I cant, toy imagina tion stops just short cf being able to stretch that far. 2561 SIZES 10 - 20 10, 12, 14, !W1SS ‘-is talhoiic School Marks Ils 4!h Anniversary The Catholic school for Negroes of numoercon marks its lourtn an niversary tnis week. Father justin Goodwin, S. A., pastor of the Saint Madeline-Sophie mission first opened the school on the least of saint Peter Ulaver, patron saint of tne Negro, Sept. 8, 1946. Tne first school building was his rectory. Tne number of chudrenl attending was small at the time be cause of lack or space and tne -leC-- essary facilities. Last year Father Justin erected a beautiful one- story brick building, housing foui- classrooms. With the advent of the new building and suitable school j equipment, the number of pu- ! pits doubled. Next year, tne 1 mission school looks forward io j doubling its enrollment again 1 and ten. 'Ine Mary plans to open a kindergar- schpol is staffed by Mother Hildergarde, principal Sth, 6th and 7th grade teacher; Sister Mary Baptista, 1st and grade teacher. The sisters members of the Community of and and 2nd are the 20 27c Gee whilikens, I had better go and see what all the noise is about. The Mighty Joe Young is playing, and I have never heard such a commotion. Must be quite a pic- at the The favor city hall for Negro women, mayor also said he is ‘in of using the old Dunbar Grady school lot as a special play ground for Negro Boy Scouts. The conference was attended by I Gloria Highsmith, Betty McNeill, , James McLeod and Gus Bullock, j the council advisor. Hilly Branch Hilly Branch High School open ed its 1949-50 session with a large enrollment. The new teachers are: R. E. Hayes, science; Miss S. M. Melton, English and French: H. B. Wilkins, eighth grade, aid Mrs. A. M. Geralds, seventh grade. The old and new teachers were welcomed by Acting Principal W. O. T. Fleming. Robeson County is fortunate in having two state health workers, namely Mrs. Barbee and Mrs. Henshaw. The first district meet- ing was School, health, ture. held at Hilly Branch High A discussion was given on followed by a health pic- Sunday Evening MT. School 9:30 Service 7:00 SINAI CHURCH Bev. H. C. Hasty, Pahtor Sunday School 9:30 235 SIZES 12 - 4Z No. 2561 is cut in 16, 18 and 20. Size yds. 54-in. fabric sizes 16 requires 2% for skirt and Sister Adorers of the Precious: Blood, whose Motherhouse is in' Columbia, Pa. Sister teachers of this sama religious community staff the other schools conducted by the Franciscan Friars of ths Atonement—one for white children, in Lumberton and one for Negroes 1 in Kinston. Father Justin recently purchased! a bus to be used in transporting' children attending the mission school and the parishoners of the church to and- from their homes. The Reverend Father Paulinus, S. A., has recently been appointed to assist Father Justin in his work here. Father Paulinus comes from Graymoor, N. Y., the Motherhouse of' the Friars, after serving two and one half years as resident Catholic chaplain in the United States Ma- Demonstration On Soil Preparation By S, T. BROOKS Negro County Agent There will be a demonstration given on Soil Preparation, Fertil- i izing, Liming and Seeding of a 2| acre pasture on the farm of Fred King, Route 1, St. Paul, N. C., one Oct. 17, at 10:00 A. M. 1 Mr. King lives 2 miles east of the intersection of the Lumberton and the Tolarsville Road at the J. D. Currie farm. There will be a sign posted stat ing “To the Demonstration.” The Allis Chalmiers, representing the Lumberton Trading Company, and the John resenting pany will tion. We are Dairying Company, rep- Johnson Cotton Com- put on the demonstra- urging the farmers to attend this meeting and especial ly those living in the sectku of Fred King. Go To Church Somewhere Sunday NAMED FOR FRENCHMAN The City of Dubuque, Iowa, was ... named after the French-Canadian trader, Julien Dubuque. SIDNEY TROpiJLIS, get you up at night? Be worried no longer Try KIDDO, inexpensive; Money- back guarantee, Fairmont Drug Co., Fairmont. Burroughs Cut ture. The people up the bal- cony are about to go wild. Hope that go ilia doesn’t get loose and Rate, Red Sr>rings. ISLAND PRISON Alcatraz, famous U. S. Sen Francisco Bay, is oh which is only 1,650 feet prison in an island long and . rises 130 feet above sea level. HEADS REPTILE FAMILY Lizards are the most of the living reptiles. abundant D-25pci FOB SALE—Ice refrigerator, 6-eye wood range, two 30-gal. tanks and water heaters and several other items. All in good condi tion. See Mrs. T. L. Smith or phone 270-W in Maxton. grab have So, a rd s now. one of them. Wouldn't w a riot? until next week with How- etchings still hanging, bye sleeveless lumber-jacket. No. 2351 is cut in sizes 12 to 20, 36 to 42. Size 18 requires 2% yds. 35- in. fabric or 1% yds. 39-in. Send 25c for EACH pattern with name, address, style number and size to AUDREY LANE BUREAU. Box 229, Madison Square Station, New York. j rine hospital, Staten Island, Visit Made On Health Program The visiting nurse, Mrs. shaw, and supervisor, Mrs. bee, along with the county N. Har- Bar- super- WANTED: All people from Kidney Trouble suffering or back- ache to try Kiddo. Price $1.10. Results guaranteed by Drug Store, Maxton, N. Burroughs Cut - Rate, Springs, N. C. Maxton C., and Red D25P Quickest Way For Change OF Address The quickest way to rave the address of your Hometown News- KIDNEY TROUBLE, get you up at night? Be worried no longer Try KIDDO, inexpensive. Money- back guarri tee. Fairmont' Drug Co., Fairmont. Burroughs Cut Rate, Red Springs. D-25pd GETTING GIRLS A HUSBAND is her hobby. Manager of Bos ton hotel who makes a hobby of finding husbands for unmar ried women over thirty, bar succeeded in bringing ISO cou ples together. Read how in one exciting case she stopped a girl’s suicide attempt and later T- troduced her to the man she was to marry in "Husband Hunter” appearing in October 23 issue of The American Weekly, nations favorite magazine with the’ Bal timore Sunday American. Order from your local newsdealer. WANTED: Five girls beauticians working through school if you jobs waiting. Write totrain as your way like. Good Charlotte S. Tryon Beauty School, 129% St., giving your name and ad- dress, near what school, church or store you live. Oct. 6-13-20p WANTED TO BENT: Unfurnished apartment, 2 or 3 rooms in Red Springs for several months. Rob ert Gilmore, Phone 4161. Red Springs, N. C. o 6-13-20-c DR. JOHN H. WAGNEB, Osteo pathic Physician, 310 E, 5th St., Lumberton, N. C. Afternoon and evening except Wednesday. Phone 533. Rocky Mount Wed- Phone 146. Ve made over it. In fact, he had a few things to say himself. Mrs. Stephens is just thrilled to death with her little boy. students are so happy She already has some things to tell. All her All the for her', amusing let gunge students enjoy stories of pablum and what not. Last week there was a club pro- paper changed is to write us the gram on going steady. It was well Name of Paper, and give both the OLD and NEW addresses. Mail To Subscription Dept. Box 909 Ve have 3 pianos in this territory hat are real buys. 1 Spinet at a aving and 2 small Upright pianos it a sacrifice. Terms can be anged, If interested, write J. R. KLUTTZ GRANITE QUARRY, NORTH CAROLINA ar^ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having quali fied as administrators of the es tate of Mary M. Tyson, late of Robescu County, and as adminis trators, c. t. a. of the estate of J. Tyson, late of Robeson Coun, ty, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against either of said estates to file the same, duly itemized and verified, with the undersigned on or before October 7, 1950, and upon failure to do so this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persois indebted to either of said estates will make immediate settlement with the undersigned. This October 7, 1949. Mrs. Euphemia T. Crump and J. R. Tyson, Administrators, etc. Johnson & Johnson Got 13 20 27 N 3 10 17 c HOPE OF LOVE BAPTIST Bev. Mac Pittman, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Service 11:00 night. ST. MADELEINE SOPHIE Prayer meeting each Wednesday Father Justin Holy Mass 9:30 a. m. Public is invited. SAVE MONEY, TRADE With These Progressive Merchants On Fairmont Road COMMUNITY FLORIST Flowers For Any Occasion at Any Tim^ PHONE 9150 Robert Barnhill, Proprietor WHITTED GROCERY Fresh Meats Fresh Produce Fancy Groceries PHONE 1091W WHITTED GERALD'S SHOE SHOP We Save Soles PHONE 1069-W Work Guaranteed GERALD'S^ BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN Bex. J. H. Hayswood, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 Morning Service 11:00 Young Peoples Westminister Fel lowship 7:00. SANDY GROVE Bev, J. II. Clanton, Pastor Sunday School 9:30. Morning Service 11:00 *Evening Service 7:00. GROCERY LESSANE SHOE SHOP LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS presented by Marilyn Fairfax. 1 Makes one think a little after hearing things like that. One young lady in the senior Tri-Hi-Y promptly went out and broke her steady going arrangement with a Fairmont gentleman. Since I was. put - in high school, 1 I have never seen such a huge I number of sleepy people. It cer tainly lets you li ow how many sleep walkers there are in the! world. Everybody was walking' around with suit, cases under their eyes and hunting for aspirin. Hope everybody had a time gay enough to be worth the loss in sleep. Even Wade Boone down at the drug store locked a little the worse for wear. Such unseasonable weather! My m i k will be worn out if I pack it and unpack it many more times. LUMBER PRODUCTION UP White fir lumber production has increased more than six times since 1940. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUETOEXCESS ACID Free BookTallsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over three million bottles of the Willard Treatment have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid — Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, -Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days’ trial! Ask for “Willard’s F&essage” which fully explains this treatment—free—at . AUSTIN DKUG CO. 35* I REMEMBER DOCK HILL’S i visor, Mrs. E. Hayswood, met with j the. Hilly Branch school and with I Proctorville elementary school re- JOE’S Phone 1572 By THE OLD-TIMERS From W. E. Burroughs of Indepen dence, Kan.: “I remember when we cradled our wheat and oats and ricked it in bundles with a long- handled wooden rake and bundled it by hand, then thrashed it with a horse-power separator.” From Mrs. John Chapman of Mor gantown, W. Va.: “I remember when my father made our clothes line from a wild grape vine. He HERE'S SOME GOSSIP I HEARD TOKOU TOE GRAPEVINE also used to make a swing for my sisters and me out of these vines.” From Mrs. Mary Stewart of Chi ¬ cago: “I remember when the kitchen chairs were put in a semi circle around the old pot-bellied heating stove and each child, upon retiring, neatly folded his clothes, laid them on the seat, put the shoes under the chair and in the morning, one by one, they ran down to dress behind thq stove. Nothing missing; no confusion.” From the Rev. Truman J. Lawler of Charleston, W. Va.: “I remem ber when, coming from the farm to the county seat by buggy, we would encounter mud axle deep. We had many hardships then but didn’t know it at the time.” From Louis Schlich of Cincinnati, O.: “I remember when Cincin nati had three-wheeled fire en gines. About 70 years ago I saw one upset at Pearl and Lawrence Sts. en route to a fire.” (How about your memories of days gone by, folks?. Why not translate your nostalgia into a con tribution to this column? Send yours today in care of Mr. Friendly, Bcz 340, Frankfort, Ky.) Well equipped laundry with efficient work- THESE INTERPRISING FIRMS OHE YOUR TRADE ers. We will please you if you can be pleased LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK PHONE 9172 TRI-CITY Let's Go GROCERY V Well Dressed 4 4th Street Lumberton Fresh Meats Produce Expert Tailoring and Alterations Ladies Suits, Dresses and Evening Gowns A Specialty jet “Joe” take care of your Tailoring Needs. He has the know how. les Fruits SHOP SERVICE With Courtesy DOCK HILL’S GROCERY Wilmington Rd. * Fairmont GET YOUR CAR CHECKED AT . 21 Years PATTERSON'S GARAGE 136 Cottage St Rev. W. S. Smith In our old clothes and new ones, too. If your suit feels furiny, and you want to save money, bring it to Thompson and look dandy as a bunny. He’ll help preserve your money. Ladies and gents, stop by to see Thompson on Fairmont Road across from Barnhill’s Place, Manager We Strive To Please THOMPSON'S Everyone Tailor Shop GERALD'S AMOCO SERVICE T. L. Gerald 21 Years GAS OIL Phone 2501 Fairmont TIRE REPAIR LUBRICATION WASHING