tKe am S’tocs crnzo fern springs, n. c FACE SIX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1949 Lumberton Zone Social And Personal News Of FAIRMONT Ilirs. Billy Whitted, Editor Phone 6002 WMS Officers Birthday Dinner Are Installed For C. M. Oliver An installation service for the new officers as the Women’s Mis sionary Society of the First Bap tist Church of Fairmont was held Wednesday afternoon at t h e church. Mrs. A. A. Fowler pre sented the devotional which charged members as well as new officers with their personal re sponsibility as Christians. Mrs. Raymond L. Pittman, re tiring president, presded. It Was reported that six duffel bags of clothing and a number of boxes of food have already been sent to. needy persons on our for eign field, yet there remain six more duffel bags to be filled for this purpose. Mrs. C. P. McGirt gave a stewardship report; Mrs. B. Iff. Littlefield reported on Y. W. A. activities, and Mrs. John Mus- sellwhite outlined community mis- sidn'work for the month. The new officers installed were: President, Mrs. Fulton O. Floyd, 1st vice-president; Mrs. R. L. Pitt- man; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. P. P. Smith; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Wilton Barden; Recording secre tary, Mrs. H. Craven Pittman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. HAdPittman; Pianist, Mrs. Clyde Williams; Mission study chair man, Mrs. Jack Mitchell; Steward ship chairman, Mrs. C. P. McGirt; Community Missions, Mrs. John Musselwhite; Standard of Excel lence, Mrs. A. R. Pittman; pub licity-chairman, Mrs. S. Edgar Fennegan. Rehearsal Dinner Mr.--and Mrs. Spencer Scott en tertained at their »home Friday evening, Sept. 30, at a rehearsal dinner honoring Miss Jacqueline Rogers and Jimmie Scott of Fair Bluff, who were married the fol lowing Saturday. Auxiliary tables were placed in the spacious Scott living room and,.numerous arrangements of fall'-flowers were used in decorat ing the home. A color scheme of yellow and white was observed. A- three course dinner was serv ed the following guests: Misses Barbara Norris, Evalyn Waddell, Carolyn Gay, Rebecca Dickson, Florence Fairfax Frances Helms, and Frankie Davis, Hubert Rog ers, Jr., Seth Lippard, Thomas Koonce Dr. and Mrs. G. D. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott,’ Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elmore and infant son, Frank, Jr., of Bladen boro spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lit tlefield. Miss Jean Bullard and Miss Meredith Tunnell moved this week into the Jake Shockett garage apartment. - North 41 Drive In Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huff were Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Griffin of Ashbore, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lamb of Lumber- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grif fin, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hall and daughter, Cindy, Miss Florence Griffin, all of Fairmont. Approximately 100 guests at tended the birthday dinner given by the sons and daughters of C. M. Oliver, honoring him on his 73rd birthday at his home on the Lake View road. The mid-day picnic dinner was served on the back lawn. The large number attending were from Whiteville, Tabor City, Chadbourn, Lumberton, Fayette ville, Fairmont, Dillon, S. C., and Lake View, S. C., and included each son and daughter, each grand child, and each brother and sister of the guest of honor. Mr. Olivers sons and daughter include: J. M. Oliver, Lovill Oliver, and James Oliver of Fairmont; Wilton Oliver, Chadbourn; Sam Oliver, Loris, S. C.; and Mrs. Lena Mae Hamilton, of the home. Sidney Lanier Book Club Meets Mrs. J. P. Brown was a gracious hostess to members of the Sidney Lanier Book Club at her home on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. B. E. Littlefield presided over the brief business meeting which was opened with the club hymn, led by Mrs. Clyde Williams, and the club collect which was said in unison. During the com ing year the club will present a series of programs on various hob bies and the speaker at this time, Mrs. J. P. Brown, chose as the subject of her paper, “Flowers — the Gardens and Plants of the Bible, From Eden to Gethsemane.” In this interesting paper the au thor pointed out to the listeners hat the Bible is a book of gardens; the trees, plants, herbs, spices, and flowers of biblical days are still the same now as they were then and this is one link between those long ago times and the present day world. In conclusion Mrs. Brown gave a reading of the poem, “Whoever Makes A. Gar den.” After the exchange of books the guests were invited into the din ing room for refreshments. Mold ed ices in the forms of rosse and lilies were served and members were reminded that these were the two outstanding flowers of the Bible. At one end of the dining table, which was covered with a handsome imported cutwork cloth, Mrs. E. C. Huffines poured coffee while Mrs. Daniel Lane cut and served the delicious cake. Members present at this time were Miss Agnes Ashley, Miss Sarah Davidson and Mesdames A. A. Fowler, C. A. Floyd, Fulton O. Floyd, Furman Floyd, V. G. Gran tham, E. C. Huffines, C. A. Thomp- sen, Paul Thompson, Clyde Wil liams, C. B. Stafford, W. O. Jones, Daniel Lane, B. E. Littlefield, and Jack Mitchell. Mrs. Lewis Is Meeting Here The Lumberton Zone meeting of the Methodist W. S. C. S. was held last Wednesday morning in, Trinity Methodist Church, Fair mont, with Mrs. W. E. Glenn of Elizabethtown, retiring zone lead er, presiding. The meeting which was held from 10:00 until 12:30 was followed by a luncheon in the church basement, at which time the members of the local W. S. C. S. were hostesses. Principal speaker for the morn ing was Mrs. H. O. Lineburger of Raleigh, conference secretary, whose lecture dealt with the dif ferent phases of advance in the W. S. C. S. During the business session Mrs. E. C. Huffines of Fairmont was elected zone leader and Mrs. M. S. Huston was elected zone secre tary. Reports from all the socie ties were also heard at this time. Approximately ninety people were in attendance. American Home Department Meets The American Home depart ment of the Fairmont Womans Club met last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. M. D. Smith, with Mrs. Ralph McDaniel and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins as associate hostesses. Mrs. Carl Pittman, the new chairman, presided over the routine business session after which Mrs. Elwood Meares, pro gram chairman, gave an interest ing lecture on the subject of grow ing roses. In conclusion Mrs. A. A. Fowler spoke to the group on pointers for gardeners during the coming month. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed by the sixteen mem bers present and the hostesses served homemade pound cake, spiced crab apples, and iced drinks to their guests. Those in attend ance were Mesdames Nettie Davis, Ewing Bristow, Willis Fisher, A. A. Fowler, Bruce Grismley, J. H. McCollum Elwood Meares, Frank Mitchell, Carl Pittman, S. J. Smith, Charles Webster and Misses Dinabel Floyd and Jessie Mitchell. John R. Miller Circle Meeting The John R. Miller Circle of the First Baptist Church met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles V. Floyd and Miss Ophelia Floyd with sixteen mem bers present.. During the busi ness session Miss Dinabel Floyd presided and it was reported that a duffel bag of clothing and atten dollar box of food had been do nated during the past month to the overseas needy cause. The program was led by! Mrs. Sam Floyd who was assisted by Miss Jessie Mitchell and Mrs. Bruce Grimsley. During the so cial hour the hostesses served a salad course to their guests. Pres ent were Misses Dinabel Floyd, Lois Hayes, Jessie Ashley, and Jessie Mitchell, and Mesdames Ewing Bristow, Lucy Campbell, Sam Floyd, Bruce Grimsley, Net tie Davis, Carl Pittman, Byrd, Van Johnson, Esther Ames, and Elwood Meares. Bridge Hostess Wives of the new men faculty members of the Fairmont school were special guests when Mrs. Hansard Lewis entertained mem bers of her bridge club at a card party at the Lewis home or Wed nesday evening of last week. Upon arrival the guests were served a delicious dessert course by the hostess after which several pro gressions of bridge followed. Guest high scorer for the evening was Mrs. John R. Prince while club high scorer was Mrs. Clifton Pitt man. Traveling prize was award ed Mrs. Rembert Williams. Each of the four auxiliary tables were centered with lovely miniature nosegays during the dessert course after which each of the hc»ior guests werp presented with cor sages taken from these arrange ments. Honor guests were Mesdames Rowe Henry, Robert Lowdermilk, William Johnson, and William Brown. Members and other club visitors present were Mesdames Ed Hodges, Clifton Pittman, For est Pittman, Rembert Williams, Ellis Page, McAdoo Bullock, C. R. Atkihsci4, John R. Prince, Van Beach, Cameron West and J. W. Gaddy. Young Couples Club Entertained Members of the Young Couple’s Bridge Club were graciously en tertained on Tuesday evening of last week by Mr. and Mrs. Spen cer Scott. Fall flowers were at tractively arranged throughput the Scott home. High score award went to Mrs. A. D. Lewis, Jr., and consolation prize was won by Mrs. Herman Campbell. During the play of cards the hostess served iced drinks with ham biscuits to her guests and later in the evening a dessert course consisting of strawberry short cake and coffee was enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Garren Purvis, Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron West, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wal lace, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Roberts Taylor. Golden Circle Class Meeting The Golden Circle Class of the I First Baptist Church met on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. A. A. Fowler. Mrs. Jimmy Riddle presided over the business session at which time new officers were elected and are as follows: President, Mrs. War ren Barnes; vice president, Mrs. J. C. McAdams; secretary, Mrs. Odell Turner; treasurer, Mrs. Ver- .non Smith; publicity chairman, Mrs. Tommy L. Jones. The devotional for the evening was presented by Mrs. A. A. Fow ler and Miss Doris Morgan gave a short narration. A social hour followed tne meeting at which time a refreshment course was served. Present were Mesdames Arman Jenkins, Vernon Smith, W. H. Brown, Jimmy Riddle, Hoke Leggette, J. C. McAdams, Tommy L. Jones, and one visitor, Miss Doris Morgan. Mrs. Wallace Floyd spent Sun day with relatives in Maxton. Birth Announcement Major and Mrs. Hugh William son of Seoul, Korea, have an nounced the birth of a 7 1-2 lb. son, Charles McNeill Williamson, on October 10th. Mrs. Williamson is the former Miss Frances Mc Neill of Fairmont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector McNeill. Mrs. Loftis Is Club Hostess Mrs. Leo Loftis was a gracious hostess on Tuesday evening of last week when she entertained mem bers of her bridge club at dinner and cards. Numerous arrange ments of fall flowers were attrac tively arranged throughout the home. After several progressions of bridge Mrs. Ross Ashley was de clared high scorer for the evening. Those enjoying this delightful af fair were Mesdames Paul Thomp son, Willie Broox Webster, Buck Blue, Iola Ashley, V. G. Gran tham, Van Floyd, Ross Ashley, Ea:1 Fisher, and Wright O. Jones. Mrs. J. M. Bullock Is Complimented Miss Myra Lewis and Mrs. Olene Lewis entertained in honor of Mrs. J. M. Bullock, bride of Sep tember 30th, at the Bullock’s home near Barnesville. Miss Myra Lewis greeted visitors at the door and invited them in to see the numerous lovely wedding presents which were attractively arranged in a group in the living room. Callers then were directed to the dining room where iced drinks, sandwiches, and cookies were served by Mrs. Olene Lewis, Miss Mary Hannah Lewis, and Mrs. Floyd Currie. Approximately fifty guests call ed during the hours from seven until ten o’clock in the evening. Fine Arts Group To Meet Tonight The Fine Arts Department of the Fairmont Woman s Club will meet Thursday night (tonight) at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Yates Floyd. All members are urged to be present. 79th Birthday E. T. Ayers celebrated hjs 79th birthday anniversary at his home near Nichols last Sunday at a family reunion dinner. Present t this time were four of his six daughters with thgir families. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Butler Loris; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stewart and chil dren, Billy, Sandy and Jane, Nichols; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rog ers and children, Katherine Ann, Eddie and Margaret, Fairmont; and Mrs.' R. J. Campbell and daughters, Mary Frances and Katharine, of the home. W. P. Andrews of Charlotte vis ited here with his sisters, Miss Katie Andrews and Mrs. Belle Ward, Monday. The J. H. McCollum family is moving this week into their new home which was formerly owned by Dr. W. H. Nelson. 1 PRICES HIT ROCK BOTTOM ON CRYSTAL - GIFTS - CHINA GIGANTIC SALE STARTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15111 AND CONTINUES THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12nd YWA Meeting The Young Women’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church was entertained Tuesday evening by Mrs. P. R. Floyd, Jr., assistant counselor, at her home. Upon arrival the young people enjoyed a wiener roast on the lawn. Later they were invited in to the den for a period of tele vision, after which they assembled in the living room for the meet ing of the chapter. In conducting the business meet ing, Mrs. Glenn Russell, Jr., presi dent, appointed a nominating com mittee including Misses Daphne Maftin, Mickie Jernigan, and Ann Troy Mitchell. She appointed Misses Faith Fennegan and Marie Russell as program committee to plan and compile the year books to be pre sented next month. It was voted to hold all meetings in homes, the time of meeting to be changed to the first and third Monday nights of each month. Mrs. Hugh G. Col lins was welcomed as the incom ing counselor. Mrs. B. E. Little field, who for a number of years has served as counselor, gave the quarterly report. Following the devotional led by Miss Faith Fennegan, a program on “Paganism” was presented by Miss Anri Troy Mitchell, assisted by Misses Mickie Jernigan and Marian Baker. The 18 members and three vis itors present were: Misses Marie Russell, Nell Potter, Daphne Mar tin, Faith Fennegan, Ann Troy Mitchell, Bobby and Lucille Shep herd, Mickie Jernigan, Velma Tur beville, Peggy Alford, Jane Mc Cormick, Elease Clark, Aileen Britt and Marian Baker; Mrs. Glenn Russell, Jr., Mrs. Hugh G. Collins, Mrs. E. E. Littlefield and Mrs. P. R. Floyd, Jr. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Hal Davis have announced the birth of a six pound son, Archie Ray, at their home in Fairmont on Saturday, Oct. 8th. Mrs. Davis is the for mer Miss Cathleen Purdy of Petersburg, Va. Birth Announcement Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Mitchell have announced the birth of a son on Tuesday morning, Oct. 11, at Pittman Hospital, Fayetteville. Mrs. Mitchell is the former Miss Florence Lester of Raeford. FILLING YOUR PRESCRIPTION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF OUR BUSINESS- “ALL PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED” WEBSTER'S PHARMACY Phone 6331 Fairmont, N. C. Birth Announcement Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles D. Web ster of Columbia, S. C., have an nounced the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Elizabeth, on September 16th, at Columbia Hospital, Colum bia, S. C. The new arrival weighed in at five pounds and twelve and a half ounces. Mrs. Webster is the for mer Miss Jeannette Ashley of Fairmont. L. I Campbell and Wallace Floyd were weekend visitors at Carolina Beach. Capitol Phone 4301 Fairmont, N. C. Program Week of Oct. 13 - Oct. 19 Matinee 3:30 - Night 7:30 and 9:15 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 y^.^...,,., „„„„., ^.x, ,.,,.^,« l . l ,.. l ......,..^.....,......^^ THURSDAY-FRIDAY “FATHER WAS A FULLBACK” FRED MacMURRAY MAUREEN O’HARA NEWS CARTOON SATURDAY “DEATH VALLEY GUN FIGHTERS” Chapter 6: “ZORRO” COMEDY WVWWWWWWWW*W***WWWWVWWWWMAAVWV4>VVWVM LATE SHOW SATURDAY “STAGE STRUCK” CARTOON MHHH44WMHHUHWV4UWWWWHMUW»MM4H( MONDAY—TUESDAY “GIRL FROM JONES BEACH” VIRGINIA MAYO RONALD REGAN NEWS COMEDY WVVVWWWWVWVVVVVWWVVVWWVWWWWWVWVWWVVVWVM WEDNESDAY “NIGHTTIME IN NEVADA” ROY ROGERS AND TRIGGER Chapter 2: “King of the Jungleland” NEWS ...Coming... ‘Fighting Kentuckian,’ ‘Task Force’ Mrs. John L. Jenkins has re turned home after attending the funeral of her granddaughter, Betty Jean Hudson, in Bedford, Va., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Sealey and . family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis and family, Mrs. Mae Leggett and family ahd Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bullock speht the weekend at Ocean Drive beach. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louder milk have moved into the apart ment in the home of Mrs. Bille- Ward which was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Foster.; Theater THURSDAY — FRIDAY “ALBUQUERQUE RANDOLPH SCOTT SATURDAY — DOUBLE FEATURE NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY FOR 1948 TAXES Under and by virtue of authority of law in order to enforce the pay ment of taxes on property hereafter described, said taxes having been assessed for the year 1948 and remaining due and unpaid in amounts shown below, the cost and penalties to be added to said amounts, the undersigned will on Monday. November 14th, 1949, at 12 o’clock noon at the door of the Town Office in Fairmont, N. C., offer for sale at public auction for cash the following described real estate, situate and lying and being in the Town of Fairmont, N. C. GUNS OF HATE” TIM HOLT “MISS POLLY” ALL STAR CAST Now you can have plenty of comforting "all-over” warmth all winter and still save fuel with your new Perfection Heater that warms the entire "living*! zone—even the floor. And with a thermostat, you get all this plus MORE FUEL SAVING without work or worry—no fires to tend, no dirt, no bother. For carefree fuel-saving, modernize your home heat ing with a PERFECTION; C. A. FLOYD & SON FAIRMONT, N. C. WHITE No. Description Amount 102—Johnson Ashley, Lot Cottage St $ 73.54 106—J. B. Ashley, Jr., Lot Morro Ave SB ™ 124—Kenneth Barnhill, Lot Pittman St 9100 303—W. T. Harrell, Lot Pine St - 26 - 01 317—M. S. Huston, Lot Trinity & N. Main 166.06 324—R. C. Inman, Lot Pittman 36.65 341—Rev. Joel Johnson, Lot Thompson 50.22 354—D. A. Jones, Lot Jackson Ave 9 - 0 ° 373—Henry Lewis, Lot N. Main 23.58 408—Mrs. D. B. Moore and Johnson Ashley, Lot Cottage St 40.50 422—S. R. McDaniel, Lot N. Main ••■• 39.60 425—Mrs. C. S. McKenzie, Lot Walnut • 25.20 442—Wm. E. Page 75.70 503—L. C. Stephens, Lot Jenkins - 28.29 537—E. R. Walters, Lot Jackson Ave 19.00 INDIANS 569—Pearl Hammond, Gertrude 34.30 576—Weldon Locklear, Gertrude 6.93 590—Odis Hunt 9 46 591—Isabel Oxendine 7.20 NEGROES 601—Ester Arnett Est., Lot N. Fairmont 4.50 603—R. T. Alston & Graham Floyd, Center St 72.00 613—Barny Bethea, Old Field 6.85 621—Florence Bluat, N. Fairmont 3.60 630—E. D. Buie, Old Field 4.50 639—Horace Bradshaw, Center St 36.00 692—David Green, Old Field 5.40 699—Calvin Hagins, N. Fairmont 40.78 700—Grift Hagins, Old Field 20.89 706—Ann Harley Est., Old Field 4.50 710—Arthur Hill, Old Field 4.50 711—Dock Hill, Old Field 38.34 714—Weyman Hines, Old Field 5.40 Henry Howell, N. Fairmont 8.20 725—J. H. Isley, Old Field 16.83 745—Geo. Ladson, N. Fairmont 5.50 759—Hester Mercer, N. Fairmont 9.00 790—Lela McDonald, Old Field 12.06 795—Mrs. Wm. McKAY, N. Fairmont 12.60 796—James McLean, Old Field 5.50 821—Wallace Parson, N. Fairmont 6.40 824—Maggie Peppers, Old Field . 6.12 832—Paul Pittman, Old Field 7.30 841—Ariah Powell, Old Field 20.35 854—Willie & Carolina Russell, Old Field 4.86 878—Furman Taylor, Old Field 10.00 900—Edmund Weston, Old Field 5.40 901—Ester Evelyn Williams, N. Fairmont 7.20 908—Ruben Worley, Old Field 4.03 George Yates A. R. PITTMAN, Tax Collector CLOSING OUT Morning Star and Poppy Stemware by Empire State Crystal. Regular $1.15 Value. CLOSING OUT Fleur de Leis and Montclair Stemware ) by Rock Sharpe. Regular $1.29 to / $1.75 values. ( NOW 59c STEM NOW 99c STEM Many other Popular Patterns up to $1.50 and $ 1.95 values DAd||^^(| to S1.00 STEM All these patterns can be found in open stock iwmmvvw nv ^b«wv , - VVV4*V*4 * W. VVVVWVVWWWVVWWWWWVWWWWWWWVWM .VVWWVWWWVWVVVWWVWVWVWWWVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVV ) Prices Slashed on Vases, Bowls, Platters by Tiffin and others. ) Single Candle Holders by Tiffin. Regu lar $2.95 Value. NOW $1.50 PAIR VVVVVVWVVVVWWWVWVVVVWWVWV 20 PER (ENT REDUCTION On China Patterns, Jewelry, Watches Regular $4.50 Plain Sugar and Cream Sets. ONLY $2.47 WVWWWWVWWWWVVV WVVVVWVV 2 Complete 8 place Settings Sterling Sil ver. Regular $180.00. NOW ONLY $120.00 PA GE JE WELERS Center Street Phone 4241 Fairmont