RED SPRINGS CITIZEN FOUNDED 1896 She Scottish Citizen A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SERVING WESTERN ROBESON—AND TOWNS OF MAXTON—RED SPRINGS PARKTON—ROWLAND THE SCOTTISH CHIEF • FOULED 1087 CONSOLIDATED 1944 j »>«■>>«■»»«» >«B»I>«B»>««K1«»»I^I>«B»’»^'»;» PUBLISHED THURSDAYS RED SPRINGS, N. C. AND MAXTON, N. C.THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1945 VOLUME LV| NO. 47 Bodenheimer Serves On Ship Rescuing 75 Off Iwo Jima CHICAGO, (Delayed) — Ensigne Edward C. Bodenheimer. USNR, of N. C., served during! Red Springs, the war with Forces group credited with surviviors of a Pacific Navy Service' whose personnel was saving the lives of 75, a small tanker during Christmas Concert ?° d i. 4®^^®/ As That Of Mrs [Cotton Picker Is Lawrence MorrisWins At FMC Monday iQuessie Connor , By Glee Club 1 LUMBERTON,' Dec. 6.—Sheriff E. C. Wade announced today that the 'body of a woman killed last Thurs- Program Will Feature A Cantata day night in a bus-oil tanker colli- And A Reuter Composition. i^ 0 ! 1 u near h / rc ,‘ ha J , tnok fiv f lives ; ihad been identified by members or ‘ . her family as that of Mrs. Quessie the height of a raging typhoon off ; The annual Christmas Concert by Walters Iwo Jima, newly revised Navy rec-Sthe Flora Macdonald i - ’ s ords of the group’have disclosed. The club, will be presented by Dean Rob . ; Connor, college glee rovts three. 29, of Lumberton, Although positive identification was ship had to be abandoned 300 yards ert Renter, director, on Monday-eve-' ^ “^ M^ h^ w^ 1 ± t le i ‘ "T J "‘"I' December 10, at 8:15 o'clock. wa5 ^ badly burned> Wa(ie Said , an ' nv.^ st-rreken vessel were going The -g ee club numbers seventy-| the wpman ' s E0n , 13-year-old Car- overside, ambulances were arriving six members who have been chosenL„„ and .Ave-Ji nr eel.- i son Connor, and several of her rela- at the beach to care for the injured by careful voice test from the en- lives who"viewed the body, they ?t!. f -. h .L e - Ver reached shore through tire student body, and their skillful' W:rc satisfied that she was Mrs. Con- « training has been evidence in the nor j n view of the description of e very beautiful programs which have ^ er clothing given by survivors of the roaring surf. Rescue parties went to work entered the sea, some with lines a-jbeen presented on several occasions the crash KZ^nJ 31 ?? 0 ke t p ^ em f ‘‘° m : du ™s 5 he fa11 - Thcse ""^ finished] The boy told Wade that he and being pulled out to sea by the under- productions, unusual in a group of (his mother le . ft the home of an unc i e , college students, and reflected great tow; others didn’t wait for the lines. Nd one could count the individual acts of bravery performed, but when the weary group had completed its task the announcement surviviors and rescue counted' for and all safe. came: “All parties ac- Well done.” Pearl Harbor, T. H.—James E. Green, S 1-c, son of James Green, of Maxton, is on his way home. Green is one of 'bver 1,000 high- point navy veterans whom the “Ma gic Carpet” is bringing back to the States aboard the U. S. S. Sherburne. S-Sgt. ‘Martin English. turned last month fron) New Guinea wher^^'d: Tipwn 1 '20 months, has ’\^&ii[5^j s ^ under the Jlhad been in the a?my*TuT ro2 months'.'’ He""hTrs r‘e- surned Ms position with the City marketUn Maxton; a. • •• ’ :. Ltn;(jgX Jas, R. Dalrymple, Jr., has retqrqed,*Maxton this week: from Guam, whare he has been stationed for" the past 14 months. Mrs. Dal rymple and their little daughter and 4 son have made their home with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Rory Mac- Nair while he was away. Pvt. John Leach McNeill of Max- ton returned last week Field, Coloi, where he in the Air Corps and his discharge. from Lowery was has a cadet received Sl-c Delmus C. Prevatte has re ¬ ceived an honorable discharge from the Navy after 24 months service. He received his discharge from- U. S. Naval Separation Center, Nashville, Tenn., on Novemlber 23rd and is at home in Floral College with his wife, Bonny Campbell Prevatte and their little daughter, Sally Dell. D in First Pr ’ ze In Co ‘n rut through Puces Production Context for Gov. Cherry ! Lawrence Morris, 15 year ^ son V ■ of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mortis of JMaxton Route 1, was winner of. I Thomas McLean Of , Wakulla Dies From erosene Burns Law 9 r,,1, l’ Guests Of Liberty 81 "0.00 Victory bond, which was the. Two others In Lumberton Hos- Manufacturing Company At firs i Prize ’ in a three-acre corn Pro- Luncheon Saturday. ’ eduction contest sponsored by M« r ." chants Association of Laurinburg' Lawrence, who is a member of he 4-H club and one of the F. F. A.J The big red bug, with the loud airy hum was put through its paces Saturday morning when Governor R. Gregg Cherry and a group of promi nent farmers and business men wit- pital With Severe Burns Re sulting From Explosion. Thomas McLean, 17 months old produced a yield. Of 80 bushels pe^negro child, died of burns Tuesday acre, the highest in Scotland county. l 'I 0 9 0,w >ng the explosion of an oil can He applied 300 lbs. of phosphate which was left near an open fire, , „ -- jn the row April 14th when the corn ‘nd his brother, James Charles, is cotton by the International cotton was planted. Two weeks later he tot expected to live, according to Ba- picker which is owned by the Lib- applied 500 lbs. 4-10-6 fertilizer be- k ^ Sanatorium officials, erty Manufacturing company of Red tween the rows that were 48 inches hessed a demonstration picking of Springs. apart 100 lbs. of nitrates were ap The explosion happened early Tuesday morning at the home of The demonstration at the Willi- plied as top dresser to each middle ^^ McLean, grandfather ford farms near Wakulla followed a when the corrf was knee and waist ‘Children, after a fire was built in luncheon at the Lorraine hotel of of the credit on the ability of Dean Reuter as a director. The lovely Christmas program to be presented Monday evening will feature “Childe Jesus,” a Christmas Cantata, by Joseph Clokey and Hazel Kirk. Two groups of Christmas ca rols will open the program, and the closing number wild be “The Lord’s Prayer,” a composition of Mr. Reuter. The public is cordially invited to attend this concert. Brown Walters, last Thursday. La te., he said, he returned there while his m'other went in search of work. She was to return Saturday. Coroner D. W. Biggs said he would hold the remains at his funeral home Lumberton where some sixty farm ers, businessmen and state political leaders were guest of the local con cern. George T. Ashford, general manager of the concern acted as mas ter of ceremonies and Edwin Pate, president of Liberty, presented the . , .. Iout-of-county men attending the af- for another week for any other per- fair whicb included Ler Martin sons to view in an effort to estab- R alei g h , Lloyd Griffin of Edenton, l is !l. P° s ^ ,,v f identification. | and Tom Pearsall of Rocky Mount. Fifteen of the 22 persons’ originally ^ r Pearsall introduced the Gov- hospitalized are still in two hospitals : ernor here, at least two of them said to be *n critical condition. Those witnessing the picker dern-, onstration commented very favor-' ably on the speed and quality of the] work done by the mechanical cotton' picker, .and • several suggestions of •.growing of .the staple .for more ef- ,.; n Cvto n j^ me^an^a;Uy wererof- ’ 'kik 0 ^ ® : A^*pp?.a^‘'^ MGr s&^P^JJStr* 01 ^^ attwi^e tifc«iy.iL’ ; ' r v4^i ia A!l(U: ^ -iwiilwi ‘ Ji’-^^ier^jn.. the seesQn * opl^A. ;have ' ^ //'l.a, .•! .•.ich holier grade o-t.staple .; ■ Axis vbtaiiwjl at the demonstra,- S-Sgt. Frank L. Campbell of Flor al College received an honorable dis charge from Army Separation Cen ter at Camp Shelby, Miss., on Nov. 23rd, having served 39 months in service, 10 months of which time was spent in the ETO. Sgt. Camp bell holds the ETO Ribbon with 3 Battle Stars, Good Conduct Medal, Victory ..Ribbon, Combat Infantry man's badge and the Bronze Star. He. is spending a while with his sisters. WB-WW Christmas^ US1C ^ Th c 'Juste rtmXit of terian Junior College |will a Christmas program it th chapel on the evening of E 13th, at 8:00 o'clock. The will depict the Spirit of C ^ * high. He is very proud of the re- j toeplace of the house, which is suit of his 4^H corn project and o f looked on one of the McArthur farms his Victory Bond | near , Wakulla. According to Dan * . i McArthur, the mother, Queen Esther McLean, 20, made the fire before the children arose, left the can near i^ am ^ n ® 0 ^ ° ver ^ e ^s and against the wal!s a od ceiling of the room. ^^Bj^BS|||0w^ i n 'g ^° Pul 0U t toe flaming clothing s 0n toe children. Other members of liillB!lllBllliu^MEWS^ > ''J^T^B too family and neighbors arrived in time to save the house from de- liilillllllsiliHB^'W HSSB§B|MBB»El ^*?j^^^^B a ^ e d by the flames. - •’This ,wai .the second fire for the I|®^H1|^k|||: jB^^^^M rS at U McLtan two years. • Th6 ’ r fi rst f ‘ r ^ ^ •• to ■ 1 943 • res ulted to too total, loss of clothing and ^^■gEfW^MBBr . fi^^^ * ^^^ I tidiis'TdHandle [Food Colection 'THE"'REV. CHARLES. HOWARD,. For UNKRA Fife. Thomas Hill Campbell of Floral College has been honorably discharged 'from service. He re ceived his discharge from Camp Butner, and he and his wife are making their home with his pa- r^hts, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Campbell, position with Burn’s He holds a garage. Pfc. Ralph received Butner, home. his Watson of discharge Durham, and Maxton has from Camp has arrived Capt. Charles Campbell of Max- ton has returned to duty overseas after spending a 45 day furlough at K’ me ' ! S-Sgt. Louis Esseytf son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Essey of Maxton, reached home this week atfer two and a half vears service in the ETO. He has been in the army for four years and will be discharged under, the point system. | . ^^ ^^^^g^MMHMa 1 S-Sgt. Darrell Middleton, whose, wife is the former Miss Helen K’^'1 Patrick’of Maxton. has received his, discharge and will have a position n the Air Base of Orlando, Fla, wth the Civil Service. Mrs. Middleton and their sons are with him. Capt. and Mrs. Thos. R* ^olfe, who have been in Colorado Springs, Colo., left this week for his home in Orangeburg.*. C., where he will be on terminal leave, pending his dis charge February 1st. G. C. Lytle an! a truck belonging to Amos Furniture company, were involved in a collision "«" ^ gin’s store at Antloch last Mo™! 3 ? afternoon. Lytle was Driving pickup which was considerably dam aged. of Presby- present the college December program of Christmas jin Art. Literature, and Song, and will be preceded by a prologue, “A Santagram from Santa Land.” Art i will be portrayed by a living picture 'of Rachael’s Madonna of the Chair. For the literature section Mrs. Geo- : rge Jones will read “The Gift of the iMagi.” Music will occur in each 'scene, but the climax is in the last ;group, which consists of carols by .the mixed chorus (vested choir) and ithe nativity scene.. Closing with (the theme of universal peace, the i tableau ends when the angel of who js conducting a series of evange-, ,listic, services at the Maxton feap- mi. T list church which began Monday E W1 “ and, continuing through December devastated land/ T Wal * - 15th ' - jUevastatea lands, L. E. Baldwin an- _ 1 Jounced today. The local appeal ==«=====ggggggg===g|gafis^ : to r * — oodperatlto pvitr/tive r.atioh’v ' 7 I wide Victory Collection; of Canned HKrl^^f^llll^^K Food, on behalf of the United Na- / R. GREGG CHERRY, Governor of North Carolina, takes the [wTu^Menl’T^ Earth ., Good operator’s, seat of the mechanical cotton picker while a Citizen. ( - - - - i 1 4 4 e e • '‘ 'i Vi a -1 the »Qua rtet is .comprosed-'bf-Mfss Eli-, photographer, shoots him at the demons^^o^Ql I he machine* 1 Mrs; R. D. Croom - is' soloist,' "and.. at the Williford ‘Fartrfs near W-akulla’tostt Saturday. zabethjcurmerlbfrs. R.^. C-roo^n," Mfc v FVC; Frosfick, and MrS/ R. ^A^Mt-' LXwi. -Mn^ W. A. Webb ^ the di- DUMPING ITS LOAD—The cotton picker unloads the gigan- tic hamper astop its weird looking frame. The hamper is high enough to dump directly onto a truck, or into sheets placed on the ground when the truck is not handy. rector and Mrs. J. P. Stance! Will t he accompanist. U Flu Closes 1 Schools For ton lek Upon the advice of^k. Croom, Jr., Maxton hBs and Dr. J. O. McClel®*, Crorartie, principal, closed t ton white schools Tuesday 1 as there were 137 pupils at R. be D. officer, W. K. e Max- THE REV. C. J.'^NDRKJVS, W Jw, has recently assumed the pastorate of St. Pauls'Methodist church in Maxton. Red Springs Girl Rates Who’s Who Greenville, N. C., Dec. 4.—Miss Barbara Brewer, daughter of H. E. Brewer of Red Springs, has been ; lions Relief and Rehabilitation Ad-/ ministration (UNRRA.) 1 George Thrower is chairman of ithe collection committee. His .com mittee includes Tommie AT os, Ben Jenkins and L. E. Baldwin. I “This is an appeal we’re sure ev- - ery family in Red Springs will want to support,” Mr. Baldwin said. “We’ll open our collection center on Dec. i 15 at Amos Furniture company. We [hope the men and women of Red Springs won’t wait to be contacted iby members of our committee, but e> will start begirding their contribu tions to thf collection center the day jit opens. Speed is essential. The slogan ‘Give a can and save a life’ is literally true. “We are assured by UNRRA that all ' food • collected in Red Springs will be shipped to a seaport promipt- and* sepTWerseas without delay. Plenty o’f cargo space is available. UINRRA will pay the shipping costs and will distribute the food to the needy and destitute in war-torn countries without any discrimina tion whatever. Husband Of Former I Parkton Girl Dies mgo, was ween 1 selected as one of 16 students from) Raleigh.—Frederick Norman Fish ier, 2512 Everette avenue, Raleigh, East Carolina Teachers college whose ming, it be- achlcvements ° n the campus here cause of influenza or colds* Mr.'™“t h ! ! ‘“'“‘P” ° f ^^ names Kei t h of Parkton died in Rex hos- Cromartie states that classes will be l™ Who’s Who Among Students '" P “ ^^y ^ resumed Monday unless the health American Universities and Colleges.",Funeral erv will be held Wed- autlioritie advise otherwise lhe students, all seniors, were 1 nesday at 11 a. m. from the Yel- Dr. Croom and Dr. E. R. Hardin, ch 0 ?en ° n a basis of outstanding rec- 'TO'"’ Funeral home, Raleigh with ords in scholarship, leadership, and Rev- Lee Shepherd, pastor of Pullen extracurricular ac- Memorial church, in charge, and in ¬ husband of the former Miss Karlie [county health officer, request the pa- rents of children under 16 years of P'^yapation in n t Jivit’.cs and because of good charac- Iciment will be made in the Mont ier and indication of future useful-,town Memorial park. ness to business and society. | Mr. Fisher was owner and opera- “Who’s Who,” college year book, to r of the Fisher sandwich shop, a 'is published in Alabama with the member of the Exchange club and [cooperation of 600 American col- of Pullen Memorial church. leges and universities. I Surviving are his wife: 2 sons, Win- | Miss Brewer has been a student fio ld Thomas Fisher of Raleigh, and [leader here during her years in col- ^t. (jg) Frederick Herbert Fisher. age to see that they do not attend any public gatherings during the epidemic, as there is little point in closing the schools if the children attend these places. 0 Orthopaedic Clinic In Lumberton Tomorrow iloge. She has served on the house w ho is with the navy in China; one An orthopaedic clinic will be held committee of Cotten Hall, Women’s niece, Miss Virginia Fisher of Ral- ' ’ and 4 grandchildren. , December 7, in the base-[dormitory, and has been vice-presi-1 e toto of the agricultural building in dent and treasurer of the Commerce! This clinic is free to Hub. At present she holds the of- , Red Springs Negro children under 12 years^ice of secretary of the senior class. . O. L. Miller of Charlotte will $1,100 Prize For surgeon in charge and patients | p . register between nine and ele-, ^OttOn Champion ven A. M. School Recommended To New York “U” Classroom practices of the Red Springs school for Negroes, were re- , /The state cotton growing champion (commended for study by students of Dr. and Mrs. William L. Rule were of North Carolina will receive a prize the graduate department of the New most interesting visitors at the col- of $1,100 for his efforts at the meet- York university this week, accord- lege on Wednesday and Thursday. ;ing of the North Carolina cotton gin- ing to a notice received today by Mrs. Rule is the former Miss Effie ner’s association, Dec 10. Prof. J. T. Peterson, principal from Prof. J. T. Peterson, principal from Crane of Atlanta, Ga., an alumna of । The money is to be awarded to the the State Department of Education. Flora Macdonald, class of ’38. Dr. winner of a state-wide "five-acre"! The notice stated that the Red Bule is a graduate of Davidson, and cotton contest sponsored by-’h group Springs school* was being placed since completing his medical educa- of agricultural agencies interested upon the lists of the university as tion has been a medical missionary in the production of better quality .representative of the school of the n Africa ' cotton. state.

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