A WEEKLY NEWSPAT ER SERVING WESTERN ROBESON—AND TOWNS OF MAXTON—RED SPRINGS PARKTON—ROWLAND Wtte Scottish Citizen THE SCOTTISH CHIEF FOWLED 1887 RED SPRINGS CITIZEN FOUNDED 1896 CONSOLIDATED 1944 PUBLISHED THURSDAYS RED SPRINGS, N. C. AND MAXTON, N. C.THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1946 VOLUME LVII NO. 50 IN UNIFORM N. A. Smith Named Keesler Field, Miss.—2nd Lt. Lin- Cnmmis^innpi' T wood P. Cook, Jr., has reported to ^VMMlllOOWllCl A Keesler Field for duty. Lt. Cook —1 is the husband of Mrs. Norma Cook, ' mUCCCCQ XllcUlcuIl Red Springs and arrived at the AAF Training Command station from Sel- R , . man Field, La. ' S P r, "f s >" Sworn In S-Sgt. Lamon Bruner is now at Court ClerkLast Week. 0 By home after serving 42 months in the, j army, 21 of these spent in the ETO . Neill Archie Smith of Red Springs Lt. Bertha McNeill of Norfolk W3S named a memb “ ° f the R°^- Naval hospital visited her family at Antioch during the holidays- ■ William McNeill, S 1-c, who is “■ing with the navy in the Mar- 1 Islands has recently been pro- ' to 3rd class petty officer. ’' Brock who is in Cebu, P. ieen promoted to corporal. son board of county commissioners last week to succeed the late Wil- 'liam E. Graham, who succumbed to a 1 heart attack Christmas week. Mrs. C. H. Whitlock Taken By Death 0 Mrs. C. H. Whitlock, 55, of Max- ton, died Wednesday evening of pneumonia after a long period of ill health. Funeral plans were not com plete as the paper went to press. She was before her marriage Miss Pauline Cobb, daughter of the late Simeon and Mrs. Nannie Cotting ham Cobb of Rowland. Surviving are her husband, three brothers, L. W. Red Springs Is Far Over 8th Bond Quotas Final Report Shows Area $91,- 648.50 Over Overall Quota. Sales of the Victory Loan bonds in the Red Springs area of Robeson of Lake Worth, Fla., and R. T. Cobb of Rowland, and two sisters, Mrs. A. E. Campbell of Stuart, Va-, and 1 Mr. Smith, formerly a rural mail Mrs ‘ A ‘ K ‘ R° berts ° n of Goldsboro, 'carrier, and more recently chairman' C'obb of Colquitt, Ga., W. N. Cobb'county exceeded the quota by $91,- 648.50, it was reported Wednesday! by Dr. C. T Johnson, chairman of the drive for this area. lof the and is sons. Robeson No. 2, Ration Board deputy grand master of Ma- The term for which he was to the commission expires' ; over the supplies of the December 1, 1948. Mr. Graham had Brock is on the China Sea 'named cRainey, Jr., F 2-c of an interim 0 Maxton Schools To Reopen Monday I Total sales oJ ”E” bonds were [$94,625 while',.ihe quota was $52,-[ 400, and on a similar quota for all other bonds, . $101,823.50 in sales! were reported. The Red Springs area paused it quota the week be- Nt r Pastor Will Be Vard Union Sen V Sunday The Rev. Tuomas A. Fry Begins Duties At Red Springs Pres byterian Church. The Rev. Thomas A. was recently called to of the Red Springs Fry, Jr., who the pastorate Presbyterian church, will be heard at two services Sunday, it was stated by officers of the church. IMr. Fry will conduct the usual morning services at 11 o’clock, which will be the quarterly communion ser vice, and at 7:30 there will be a union service when Mr. Fry will preach to a. congregation from the several churches of the town. Dr. Tucker Graham will preside at the evening service and greetings will be extended by the Rev. Allen C. Lee, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, the Rev. Troy E. Jones, pastor of the First Baptist church, and the Rev. H. G. Bedinger- D. D., president of Flora Macdonald College. Mr. Fry and- his family arrived •in Red Springs today from Black stone, Va., where he has served as pastor since 1943. Prior to 1943 he was assistant pastor of the Goldsboro Presbyterian church. He attended Georgia Tech, and is a graduate of Davidson college and the Union The ological Seminary at Richmond. He is married to the former Miss Louise [Sullivan of Decatur, Ga., and they • have one chld, Thomas A. the third. During the past six months since the resignation of the Rev. James II. Black, D. D., Dr. Graham has served the church as supply pastor. 0 Calvin Jackson Hurt In Tanker Crash fore Thanksgiving and so far is the ', only area of. the county to have pas-| been Maxton schools, which have -..., ..,.„ 6 .„„ ^v^ closed for two weeks, instead of one ""y "“-“ " - lu " ave ^“T 1 appointment following week, as is usually the custom dur- sed bot . h E bond and overall । ing the Christmas holidays, will re-| t l uotas •" th ® 8th Loan campaign. It sume classes Monday. They were " 0 -' 18 charge of Dr. Johnson, Dou- • served six years, having been given Springs, Fla., is spend- the death of the late J. B. Humphrey leave with his parents of Philadelphus in 1939. and was igs. Vies Leigh, Jr., of New ll0ns - spent the holidays in Red I with his parents. [ Ire-elected in the 1940 and 1944 elec- not opened earlier because of adverse fald Coxe and Put die Dorman, with weather conditions and because of the Mrs - Eugen . e Neighbors serving as DR. D. H. REED, former Maxton physician, who died at his home in Wagram at the age of 71, on Decem ber 14. 0 Maxton Personals continued prevalence of colds and in fluenza. chairman of womens sales. i.Jilly Dunn of Quantico, Va.. 1 'Sunday with his sister, Mrs. las Currie. Joe Smith and his 6rt Sheridan, Ill.—Pfc. Elisha L. are patients at Highsmith 1 Fayetteville. High praise of the individual work of Miss Torrey McNeill, highest in Dillon, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Hal. salc * o f ‘ E ” bonds of the door knock lal, PO Box, Maxton, N C., has en- listed at Fort Sheridan in the regu lar army. He has volunteered for duty with the Infantry in the ETO. Pfc. Dial entered the army in April, 1944, and has earned the combat badge and the ribbon from the ETO. W. J. Snead, SOM 3-c, spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Ellwanger and family in Maxton. W-m. S. Kincaid, S 2-c, who has just completed a radar course at the Great Lakes Naval base, spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Lot tie Kincaid in Maxton. He will're port for duty in New York Satur- Tomrnie McLean of route 1 Max- ton, was discharged recently at Fort Lewis, Wash. Frank Davis and son, James, hospital, James is convalescing Thompson of Greensboro were guests of Mrs. A. J. Cottingham during the holidays. ers, and Mrs. Jennie Lee McNeill from pneumonia, but Mr. Smith! Rev. James Baker has returned to continues quite ill. [Columbia. N. C., where he holds the — ipastorate of 5. Baptist church, after Miss Florence Redwine of Monroe a visit with hrs father, W. D. Baker, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. P. 1 whose services’ at the Scottish Bank have been outstanding in all the war loan drives and were particularly valuable in aiding the area attain I’ 0 William E. Graham Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack its McKinnon. Dr. and Mrs. Karl Pace and sons [of Greenville and Mrs. Eleanor Yel- high record in the last drive. 0 —;— Red Springi Personals Service Held For Widely Known Lumber Bridge Man And County Comissioner. j ’Mr. and Mrs- W. H. Hasty and son, ver ton of Goldsboro were guests of Johnny, visited Mrs. M. P. McLean- .Mrs. T. B. Pace last week. [and family in Winston-Salem ;ing the holidays. | Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Croom 'returned from Asheboro, where spent the holidays With Mr. [Mrs. J. D. Croom, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ruark William E. Graham, 56, Robeson and county commissioner and widely dur-) I IMr. and Mrs. C. C. Higgins Forest City have returned home after have visiting theri daughter, Mi’s. C. A they Hrsty and family, and I I Friends of Mrs. H. S. McCallum Taylor, in Charlotte, of Colraln will regret to hear that. „ , , , , . Ehe is critically ill of heart trouble IMiss Mary McQueen, who is a George V McKay, both of lied Spring Her brother, Dr. J. D. Croom, re-'student' at the Juilliard school of xjute 3 also were discharged at Fort , reived a message however ( Ithat her condition’was ri the "Magic Carpet" this Week are: Mack Stewart, son of Deck Stewart of Maxton; James O. Leach, S2c, son children, Rena and Gibbons, of Chap- known and respected farmer, died were the guests of Mr., and 'suddenly of a heart attack at his el Hill, Mrs. C. diy. IMiss E Leigh, Tuesday and Weds-'home at Lumber Bridge on Satur day, December 22. Funeral services for Mr. Graham Winnie Coxe returned to [were held Monday at 11 a..m. from j Baltimore Tuesday after spending (the home. The Rev. Paul Deanton, •two weeks with her mother, Mrs. pastor of the Lumber Bridge Baptist 1 —1 V s . 8 re ijjf ne xir from * E - L. Coxe, and Miss Agnes’ Coxe church, conducted the services, as- M13S Margaret i returned to Greensboro Wednesday, sisted by Rev. John M. ~ ' . - . Gibbs of Stedman. Burial was made in the er stating ‘music. New York. spent, the hopdaxs | ^^ - e . garded l as a l home. rietta and Wean McC^ugan. Misses Ann Marie McGuga n and family cemetery near the, home. Ma- Alice Pender of Fayetteville and sonic rites were held a ” - '* Taylor Red Sp-’ U Mr. Graham was a the grave- e No. 501 | Dr. and Mrs. Bascom Croom of Gilbert Lily of Washington. D. C., Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. H. was the guest of his sister. Mrs. E. J. Johnson and little daughters, of of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Leach of Max-,--. ton; S-Sgt. Billie Brooks, son of Mr. holidays. A. Davis and Mr. Davis during the Bennettsville, S. C., spent Christmas ' ” ’ . ‘Day with Mrs. A. B. Croom. Charlie Hall Post No. Mr. and 'Mrs. Malcolm. Buie of High Point spent Christmas with Mr. ‘Buie’s mother, Mrs. M. A. Buie. and Mrs. G. T. Brooks of Red Springs S-Sgt. Bartram Robeson, son of Mr. .o.., aw.. — ..... Walter S. MacNair, of Winston-! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell have Robeson of Red Salem spent several days with her returned from a visit with her family and Mrs. W. B. Springs, and Sgt. J. T. Odom, son of cousin, Mrs. Lacy Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Odom of Red in Ft. Worth, Texas. Lt. and Mrs. Robert McConnaug- hey, Jr., of Turner Field, Almany, Ga., spent the holidays with his parents. miber of the 5, American Sprint’s. I Miss 'Bessie Williams was the guest Discharged from the navy this week of Mr. and M»s. Burton Lindsey in was Lt. Hugh W. McPhaul at Seattle, Asheboro during the holidays, and Lt. James D. McLean on De- Mr- and Mrs. Chester Miller are spending a while with in Blissfield, Mich. his relatives The Rev. and Mrs. Ellison Smyth and family of Hartsville, S. C., spent Christmas cloy with Mrs. Smyth’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Vardell. Mrs. T. L. Smith spent Csristmas * tcember 19, at Washington. Lt- Me Lean and wife and child have ar- day with her son, Lt. Archie Smith ^ ■. rived in Red Springs for a visit with Jus mother, Mrs. J. D. McLean. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McLean of and his family in Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Troy visited his family the holidays. McQueen of here during Maxton RED have received a mes sage from their son, Cpl. Jasper Mc Lean- Jr., stating that he has arrived in the states, after serving in the Pacific for 27 months. Lt. John R. McKinnon, a veteran of two years overseas service, is ex pected to reach his home in Maxton this week. ‘ T-Sgt. Mills Kirkpatrick of Max- ton is en route home from the Pa- Miss ton, D. Mary McNeill of Washing- C., is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Luther Mc Neill. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mc- I Kinnon. Jr., and little son and Mrs. IMr. and Mrs. Ji R. McVicker and sons, Reginald and Gerald, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Warren DuBose and family in Lamar, S. C., last week. T. F. Barbie of Hartsville, Mrs. A. B. Carter has S. C. returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. G P. Stephenson, in Richmond, Va. cific. Lt. Carlton Evans of Maxton, has been stationed! with the force at Santa Ana, Calif., for who air sev- Capt. H. C. Cousar, Jr., and Mrs. Cousar of Darlington, S. C-, and Mr. and Mrs. James N. Cousar of Dillon, S. C., have returned home after a visit with Mr. H. C. Cousar. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harris and little sons spent Christmas day with her father, F. L. Cashwell. Mr. and Mrs- Lee Correll a^d their daughter, Miss Nancy, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. B. McNatt. Miss Anne Odom returned to Greensboro college Wednesday after spending the holidays with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Odom. Misses Anne Bell and Carolyn Graham will return to Ward-Belmont college Friday after spending the holidays at their homes. ‘ Hubert Edens has returned home from Duke hospital where he was a patient, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kellar of Char lotte spent the holidays with Mrs. eral months, will leave this week for his home and will be discharged soon. Cpl. Bob McEachin, son of Mrs. A. L. McEachin of Maxton. who has served in the ETO for more than two years, is ^en route home. Capt. Roderick McCaskill, who is stationed at Westover Field, Mass., and Mrs. McCaskill visited his moth er. Mrs. J. C. McCaskill, in Maxton during the holidays. Sgt. Glenn Crofton is en route to his home in Maxton after 16 months service in the ETO. Miss Bobby Brown has returned from Anniston, Ala.., where she visi ted her family during the holidays. Miss Pat McMurphy of Wilming ton, who is a former Korean mission ary, is visiting Miss Lillian Austin. They were guests of Misses Anna Among those who have been ill with influenza and are much better are Mrs. J. B. McNatt, Mrs. C. W. Hensey, Mrs. Hugh Drennan and daughter, Judy, Mrs. Bertha Dillard, Miss Kay Essey, and Mrs. L. B. Mar tin. Kellar’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lovin. John Elkins Banks, a senior the Peddie school, has returned R. at to and Margaret McQueen in Thursday. Dr. J. O. McClelland has from several days visit Rowland returned with his .daughter, Mrs. E- K. Butler, in Lum- S-Sgt. Joe B. Clark- Jr., a veteran berton. of 33 months service in the ETO Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cottingham reached Maxton last week and ex- 'pects to be discharged soon. His left Tuesday to visit their son, An- wife is the former Miss Louise Odom gus Cottingham, and his family in of Floral College. Winton and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mc- S 2-c Ernest Odom, Jr., spent a 60 Callum in Colrain. day leave with his parents at Floral College. I Mrs. Roger Cole of Bridgeport, Lt. (jg) Joe M. Cox returned last Conn., and Miss Jane McKinnon of week from Leyte, where he served Columbia, S. C., spent the holidays as communications officer and more with their mother, Mrs. J. A. McKin- recently as legal officer of the base non. since last spring. He will resume his Mrs. Lacy Williams, who became seriously ill Christmas Eve, is much improved. Miss Clarkie itcLean, who has been ill for several.days, is slowly improving. school after spending the holidays with his parents, Lt. Col. and Mrs. John I. Banks.. Banks entered Ped die in Sept., 1943, having previously attended the Laiwrenceville, III., high school. Since entering he has been JV letterman oh the ‘43-44 football team, JV letterman on the '43-44 Mr- and Mrs. W. B. McNeill and position as solicitor of Scotland county court, and Mr. Cox and their little little daughter, Sheryl of Burgaw, daughters, who have made their home with her parents in Maxton during have returned home after visiting Mrs- F. B. is spending mother, Mrs. Mrs. H. K. Tyner of Pine Bluff, some time with her R. N. Bodiford. Young and Mrs. A. G. McNeill spent the holidays in Bis hopville with their sister, Mrs. E. E. Hearon. Mrs. son in Mrs. to her L. G. Wooten is visiting her Raleigh for several days. C. M. Castevens is confined home with flu. his absence, will return to Laurin burg to live. Sgt. Irvin McConneghey has arriv ed at his home in Maxton and is being discharged under the point system. He will take a position with the Maxton Supply company. Pfc. Hugh Douglas Russell of Shep herd Field, Texas, has returned after spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H Russell. Mr. McNeill’s mother, Mrs. Katie McNeill at Floral College during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Drennan and little daughters were visitors in Dur- ham Sunday. Jack Maxwell has Duke university after holidays at home. Mr. and MrsTwTw. returned to spending the Thompson of Legion, at Red Springs. Active pallbearers w^e J. F. Lew is- Frank Tolar, Major Ernest D. Mc- Gougan, N. H. G. Balfour, L. M. Powell and Adrian McRae. Honorary pallbearers included County Attorney Henry A. McKin non, County Manager E. K. Butler, and members of the board of county commissioners: C. A. Hasty, R. B. Tolar, R. A. McQueen. V. J. Griffin, J. D- Herring. Mr. Graham is survived by his widow, the former Miss Carrie Wil liford: two brothers, D. F. Graham of Lumber Bridge and N. L. Gra ham, Jr., of Raleigh; and one sis ter. Miss Lula Graham. Officers Of Presbytery Of Fayetteville Meet On the afternoon of December 28th a meeting of the officers of Fayette ville Presbytery was held at Pres byterian Junior college for the pur- pose of making plans for the of the Presbytery during the ing year. o—:— Maxton Bus Station In Operation work com- The Maxton bus station, which had been ordered closed by John Arm strong supervising inspector of the State Utillities commission, because of inadequate facilities and unsatis factory condition, is in operation, and iwork toward further improvement is 'in progress, states the manager, Ru- swimming team, JV letterman on „ the ‘44-45 football, varsity letterman [ lus 5miin ' on the 44-45 swimming team. He was Weayer They will be at home in a member of the past seasons varsity Buffa , 10 N , Y „ after January 1. Miss football team. Harriet Weaver of Waynesville, Va., Miss Ann B. Bell has returned to and Nat. Jr., of McCallie school for the Ward-Belmont school for girlsiboys, in Chattanooga, Tenn., were in Nashville following her holiday visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herndon Alexander. Miss Bell, who is a junior in high school, is a mem ber of the Twentieth Century club, of Ward-Belmont club village- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickson and son, William Dickson and William, II, and Mr. and Mrs. James Dick son of Calypso visited Mrs. R. S. Dickson Sunday afternoon. also home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kirk and chil dren of Martinsville, Va., are visi ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Walker at Floral College. Mr- and Mrs. R. L. Lovin at tended a family reunion Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lovin’s niece, Mrs. K. Andrews, at the Chalfonte hotel in Pinehurst. D. V. Walker and J. T. McCallum attended the marriage of Miss Betty Batson and Robert,Deese which took place. December 29th in Burgaw. IMrs. Frank Simons, Jr., of Eutaw ville. S C., spent the week with her parents, Mr. and MM. L. B. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. M. -W. Jackson of Floral College have been notified that their son was injured in a head- on collision of a tanker with a Lib erty cargo ship on which he was ser- ,-**•«- ntr^e Ann® n. nal*»h\7^hr, |j»tT>«A the Merd^aiit. Marthes bn December 12th, was en route to Italy. Details of the crash were not released, but It was stated that all seaman were rescued within an hour after the cash and that the injured are now being treated at the marine hospital in Norfolk, Va. Calvin is said to have sustained a broken leg, a few cuts and six broken ribs, but is getting along well. 0 Funeral Services For Mrs. Ratley Held Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Irene Fisher Ratley, who died Decem ber 24 following a long illness, were conducted the following Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Red Springs Baptist church by her pas tor, the Rev. S. F- Hudson of Lilling ton, a former pastor. Surviving are her husband, G. D. Ratley; three sons, David A. Ratley and Vernon Ratley both of Red Spring's, and C. D. Ratley of Wash ington, D. C.; one daughter, Mrs. Frank Baldwin of Clarkton; two brothers, R. B. Fisher of Hope Mills and A. W. Fisher of Tampa, Fla.; and three sisters, Mrs. M. D. Culbreth, Mrs. Gertrude Stevens and Mrs- John Bruce, all of Hope Mills. 0 P. M. Covington Is New Masonic Master The following officers for 1946 were installed at the last meeting of the year of Red Springs Lodge No. 501, A. F. & A. M.: Master, P. M. Covington; senior warden, S- C. Love; junior warden, J. D. Owen; secretary, G. C. Lang; treasurer, D. M- McMil- an; senior deacon, Carl Mc-Ilwaine; junior deacon, F. K. Watson, Jr.; sen ior steward, Neill Watson; junior stewart T. L. Amos; tyler, J. E. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. W- P. Dorman and children spent Christmas in Fair mont with relatives. Mr., and Mrs. A. L. Boatwright left Sunday for Florida to spend several weeks. •-" Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ashford and children spent the holidays in Phila delphia, Pa. ——— • Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPhaul and baby of New Jersey are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc Phaul. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. McRae and Mrs. J. N. Clark attended the funeral of Miss Bessie McLeanrat Rowland Monday. Mr- and Mrs. Charles Sardeson spent the holidays with Mrs. Sarde- son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. *W. N. Kellar, master kt the Owen This N. A. Smith, deputy grand of the 11th district, presided installation exercises. James is retiring master. meeting marked the close of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Shook and Misses Lois, Dorothy and Jerry Shook spent last week end with Pvt. Al Shook at Fort McClellen, Ala. Miss Dorothy Shook returned to Wilmington Tuesday after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Marsh Shook. a successful year, during which 24 new members have been received, six courtesy jobs for other states have been done, and a number of War bonds and Victory bonds hav,e been purchased. 0 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS iMr. and Mrs. Clarence James Car ney of Red Springs and Buffalo, N. Y-, announce the birth of a daugh ter, {Sara Leigh, on December 27. Mrs. Carney is the former Miss Kate Muse of Red Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twiddy of Edenton announce the birth of a son, William Earl, on December 29. Mrs. Twiddy is the former Miss Le one Rose of Raeford and Red Springs. "It Pays To Advertise”

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