HIGHLANDS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MAILS. Daily Mails South, East and West close at 10:30 A. M. . Daily ; Mail for Frank'in, Hayesville, Murphy and connecting lints of Western North Carolina closes at 1 p. m. Webster mail, arrives Tuesdays . and Fridays of each week at 2 p. m., and And closes at 3. T. Baxter White, P. M. CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal Church South, Kev. Mr. Moore. First Sunday in each month at 11 oclock. Methodist Episcopal Church, Hev. M. C. Smith. Second Sunday in each month at 11 o'clock. Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. E. Fo gartie. Third and fourth Sundays at 11 Union Prayer Meeting. Every Sunday excepting the first Sunday of the month, at 3:30 P. M. -Highlands Union Sunday School, M. I. Skinner,.Supt., T. Baxter White, Ast. Supt. and Sec, S. T; Kelsey, Treas.; Thomas F. Parker, Librarian. Every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. SOCIETIES, ETC. Highlands Literary Society. Meets ev ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Officers: Dr. W. H. Fritts, Pres.; -Sumner Clark, V. Pres.; Dr. G. F. Wheeler, Sec; Mrs. E. C. White, Treas.; Literary Commit tee : Mrs. G. F.. Wheeler, Miss Maggie Fritts; Miuic: Miss Laurahelle Clark. Highlands Improvement Association The ladies have changed the name of we do not now recall, but none from the Floral Society to "Horticultural and Franklin. - These subscriptions -are for Industrial." We don't think ."horticml- three months to two years. We are told tural" exactly expresses their intention, that the folks about home want to wait The horticultural societies of the country awhile to see if the Enterprise will be have identified the name so exclusively continued. The bump of caution does with fruit tree -culture, that it has come to I not seem to be so large anywhere aa that mean little else than the care of fruit trees grown on North Carolina soil. Would it in its modern sense. The outride reader not be arood thins for the State to culti- will be likely to ask, on readiug the name vatethebumpof go-a-headativeness more, of the society, "Are the Highlands ladies and caution less f The local press has organizing to plant orchards !" 1 been the engine which has wrought the wonderful change in that part of our The weather has been murky and rainy country formerly pronounced the Amer- for the past two or three weeks, but the ican desert. That deeert is now blossom atmosphere has been warm and spring like ing as the rose through its influence.' Ev- most of -the time, so that the "grass is ery county in the Western States has one creeping, creeping every where,"and the to four local papers. They continually "banks and brays and streams around" sound the praise of the country, and cap- are rapidly putting on emerald robes. In ital and labor flow in like a mighty river, sheltered spots the young blades have The people of this country can accomplish grown several inches within the past few similar results by using like means. The days. It seems almost too soon for such impulse that draws one dollar of capital mild weather to hold out, and late frosts will bring ten more after it, and so with may nip the too previous buds. Better population, till those mountains are keep your little heads covered, violets, yet threaded with railroads, covered with dai- awhile. Wanted. 500 Fur Skins. G. A. Jacobs. Joel bays he is trying wheat bran and saw dust mixed, as ox food, but he don't know how it will do ; it is only an experiment. ry farms, sheep ranges and orchards, filled with hotels and. boarding houses, and swarm with tourists like the Alps in sum mer, scattering thousands of dollars in their train. Get up, folks, and be doing, and don't slumber like the foolish virgins. Uorrespondence solicited irom every neighborhood. Give us the news of your section, country friends. Any items of Died interest will be gladly received. A few Tn F.lliiav townshin on Mondav last linen nn a nnntal will often contain mattArn noma lis BHwea monuuy meetings on tneiiV 0?n, ;f a.. t I vnj t ,j, loaf Kavritvlav lit Airnnr wiAnth 7 v I I Officers: Chas. A. Boynton, Pres.; S. T. Kelsey, V. Pres.: E. 1E. Ewine, Sec; J. Thomas R. and Ellen L. Gray, aged two days. Hideout, Treas. Directors : M. I. -'Skin ner, Geo. A. Jacobs. S. W. Hill, Thos. F. Parker, Chas. L. Frost. The Floral Society of Highlands meets Tirst baturday in every month at 3 p. m. Officers : Directress, Mrs. K. T. Bingham; also building additions to their residences. vice uirectress, Mrs. m. uoynton; Scribe, Mrs. E. C. Whit ; Treasurer, P. E. Skinner. Mr. F. G. Hill, Of Horse Uove has commenced wors II " B" ' -WW a T-l 1i on a new duelling, mr. xl a. Jiuiton and Dr. Thomson of the same place are Yellow Mountain Items. Culd rams and mud plenty ; bad tiine on young lamos, and plenty or them m my neighborhood. Thos. R. Zachary, who has been in Kansas for several years, has returned to Cashier's Valley, where he was raised I suppose to stay. D. N. Highlands Flour. Mr. W. Partridge has had several loads "Walhalla Items. Highlands .temperance Union holds two af wheat delivered at his mill this week. jr n.:. . r- t tt jpp Y - - n I I JACrttV&C VVl Vf i!i.l J a XX VDlQUUUlU f " g8i 1" He is manufacturing a good deal of flour, ha8 a four-leeeed chicken. -Mr. An day at 3 P. M., and one on Tuesday even ing on or before the .month. full moon of each Highlands Railroad Co. S. T. Kelsey, President; Directors: E. E. Ewmg, C. A. Boynton, S. W. Hill, J. H. Alley, H. A. Fulton, J. W. Dobson ; John C Can jion, Sec; E. E. Ewing, Treas. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. F. Ray, Representative in Legisla ture. S. L. Rogers, Clerk Superior Cotirt. Jesse R. Siler, Register of Deeds. James Cansler, Sherriff. .John Ingram, Treasurer. W. R. McDowell, Surveyor. R. A. Wood, Coroner. A. D. Farmer, Sup't of Public Schools. I Chas. W. blagle, Go. Corn's James Bryson, f William Angel. County Commissioners meet at the Court House in Franklin on the first .'Monday of each month. and turns out an article that compares drew Holmes, a well known and highly favorably with the product of the mer- respected citizen of our county, died at his chant mills of the Tennessee Valley. residence, on Lone Creek, on last Wed nesday, the 14th inst., of pneumonia Large Onions. Miss Amanda Morgan's school for small Mr. Jacobs had some fine onions on the boys, the adjunct of Adger College, is in counter of the store which on inquiry we a flourishing condition- learned had been raised by Mr. Jno. H. Ledford, on the Cullasaja. One of the CartoogecHaye Items. onions, skinned and ready for cutting up On the afternoon of the 16th met for the table or stew pan weighed 14 three year old son of Mr. George Hogs ounces. neaa strayed on. as soon as ne was missed a search was made for him. By nightfall the whole neighborhood was elarmed and the search was continued throughout the night. He was found of little alter daylight the next morning, m the woods between Mr. Sid. Slagle's and Mr. Charlie Slagle's very quietly sleeping 5 ao 4 M S a C OX M -I u t QQ o H CD O m o 00 DO l-i 13 t- 85 .-t 30 b b 3 C-3-2 S 2 -SrO 33 S a o 1 P. a 33 JSC 9 o o 00 05 O CO CO to tc ao to 05 C5rflOr'fiOOO MiOOiOC3if5 NfOOW'S'Nl') o 10 tn o o sv vj at ' n . A-k -H rn (! '55 Ol C Ci (M M -g New Advertisements. We call the attention of our readers to the new ads. of Sheriff Cansler and Mr. M S. Burnett, which appear in this issue the Enterprise. The professional card of Jones & Siler, Attorneys at Law, Frankln, N. C, will He seems perfectly well so far. By mid he found in this issue. If any of our read- night over fifty people were engaged in ers abroad are in need of legal advice we the search. We are having remarka can recommend this firm to them as good IhJy warm weather and almost daily rains Mr. T. Baxter White's card directs all who wish to subEcribe for papers or mag- AsiaevHle .Items. aiines where to apply to get them at club Citizen : Gen. Joseph E. Johnston I rates. 1 now a resident of Washington City, but Cayuga Lake Nurseries are advertised traveling in Insurance interests, has been ia the Enterprise. Mr. Anderson, the in Asheville during the past two days. proprietor, will furnish a catalogue and Dr. M. Roberts, of Flat Creek town price list to any who send him a postal ship, died on Monday, after an illness of card requesting it. He his a fine assort ment of pears, quinces and plums, in ad dition to other trees, vines, seeds, etc., and many of our readers will avail them selves of his advertisement to order plums, pears and quinces especially, from these nurseries. We believe this region partic ularly favorable to the cultivation of plums, Local Affairs. some months. Mr. George W. Tilson ; a native of Macon county, traveling for Mr. George Brown, of Knoxville, Tenn. dealer in hardware, cutlery, etc., was m town this week. Mr. J. R Dubose whose farm is located between this place and weaverviiie, has introduced upon his place two full blooded Jerseys, the pears and quinces, and no fruit will com- J first, we understand, that has ever been mand finer prices in market or more J brought to this section, ready sale. It ought to be the aim of ev- Real Estate Sales.. The following list of land sales made within the last three months in Highlands and vicinity is reported by S. T. Kelsey. F. G. Hill to Albert Lawrence, 170 i . 1 acres, unimproved, two mueB soma 01 town, $170. J. Johnston to J. M. Fritts, 200 acres, unimproved, one mile west of town, $600. S. F. Bathrick to Ayer Brother 200 acres, a half mile west of town, $1425. S. F. Bathrick to S. Clark, house and ot, on Main St. $600. S. McGuire to S. Clark, house and lot, on Main St. $100. Kelsey and Sherman to S. Clark, lots on Main and Spruce Sts. $225. Kelsey and Sherman to S. Clark, part of three lots on Spring St. $25. Kelsey and Sherman to M. A. Davis, three lots on Spring St. $175. Kelsey and Sherman to Margaret F. Rideout, lots on Chestnut St. $120. Kelsey and Sherman to Hattie Martin, three lots on Spruce St $50. i Kelsey and Hutchinson to Elizabeth Turner, one lot on Fifth St. $100. A. T. House to G. C. Wflley, saw mill, planing mill, &c, on Fourth St. $1000. J. Halleck to S. Clark, 89 acres, join ing town site, $890. A. P. Russell to S. Clark, 472 acres, three miles S. W. of town, $490. R. A. Phillips to E. C. Sykes, 100 acres one a half miles west of town $500. Kejsey and Sherman to W- H. Fritts, one lot on Fourth St. $20. 7 J. C Cannon to S. Clark, house and ot on Spring St. tOO A. N. Kelsey to A. G. Dimkk, house and lot on Main St. $300. Kelsey and Sherman to Mrs. E. P. Ellis, three lots on Main St. $125. II. M. Hambright to John Norton, house and lot on First St. $150. John Norton to J. M. Fritts, and lot on Main St. ?75. Kelsev and Sherman to Pierson and Adams, one lot on Main St. t50. R., Cannon to S. A. McGuire, house and lot on Poplar St. $250. Kelsey and Sherman to Hattie Martin one lot on Main St. 100. Kelsey and Sherman to W. Blanchard two lots on Main St. $83.33, Kelsey and Sherman to D. C. Hunt, one lot on Chestnut St. $50. Kelsey and Sherman to J. J. Miller II acres on the North of the town site 170. JUST RECEIVED AT THE CHEAP CASH STORK, A LOAD OF FLOUR FRO 31 REED & COTS MILLS WITH BRAND, WHICH MEANS VERY FINE. January 16, 1883. It Seed Potatoes For Sale Forty Bushels of Peerless Potatoes for sale. J. J. SMITH. 4tf Highlands, N.C. Highlands Novelty Wood Works. Cabinet Work of all kinds. Scroll Sawing tnd Turning:. Signs made ana jenera. All work done at reasonable rates and In workmanlike manner. FRANK E. BOYNTON, 1-tf Highlands, N. O. Cold 'Weather. This is the season when exposure will produce cold on the stornacn causing crripinif pains, dysentery, cramp colic &c Normon's .Neutralizing Uordial will counteract all these troubles. It allays inflammation arising from cold and restores the bowels to their normal condition. HIGHLANDS MARKETS. Corn, per bu., 75 Rye, " 75 Buckwheat, per bu., 75 Flour, per 100 lbs., 3.75 Corn Meal, " 1.75 Graham Flour, per 100 lbB., 3.00 Butttr, per lb., 20 Eggs, per dozen, 10 Lard, per lb., 15 Pork, " 8 a 12 Beef, hy the quarter, 6 a Mutton, per lb., 5 a Potatoes per bu., 50 Apples,' " 1.75 Onions, " 1.00 Beans, " 1.40 Chickens, per dozen, 1.50 Sorghum, per gal., 50 Golden Drip, " 80 Granulated Sugar, per lb., 12 1-! Brown " " 10 a 1 Rice, " 8 Dried Apples, " 4 a Coal Oil, per gal., 30 Salt, per 100 lbs., 1.50 Coffee, Rio, per lb., 11 a 20 1 5""5L; . " TRADE. NORMAN'S fcOT ft aiiiwq CORDIAL. f MARK A SUHS and effectual Romedr forth earot all lrregnlaritiea and dlaorden of tit Stony ach and Bowels, whether In cklldmn or admit. Itlaaooepiabto tottaa Stomach wtthovtMaff Offenaiva to the tte. era Korboa, Cholera Infantum, m Flux, Ortplnir rains, rianuaoej tfaaaea, Acidity of the Stomac Heart barn, Stek and Merrooa Headache and Pjapeyaia. Mar in h. n fa. all llnmMMi at the Stomach and Bowele from relaxation OC thai luteauues or a enange 01 ioob or waw. NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL It u pleasant and fennless as Black, berry Wine. Does tM contain Opium and will Dot constr mended for Children Price asc and ti-oo per bottle. " Sold bf all Dmmittt and DtaUrt to Mediein. EXCELSIOB GHEXIGAL CO, Sole Proprietor, WaJhUa,8.C U.8.A. constipate . Specially reeom SeWckaeM ad TMthing SAW MILL AND SASH FACTORY. M. I. BKINNEK & SON, Uaoafactarers of and Dealers Is ill ICisdi if MflagttalerUI & fratterf. We keep on hand Plae, Cbeainut, Oak, Poplar, BfttUook, CUrryKakoanj, Btoolt, Black Walnut, Box Elder, Cucumber, Maple, &fc, &o., "Hoofing, Ceflin, Siding Laths, Fencing, Picket. We manuf acturt all kM 0! Sash, Blinds, Doors, Window and Door Frame. Mouldings and Stair Balusters a Specialty. Fancy Turned Newel Posts and Bailings. Furniture -For Everybody. If You Want Nice Furniture Skinner & Soli's 13 THE PLACE TO GET IT. Bur earn, Tables, Outre Tablet, Waabstand, bedsteads, Lounges, In fact everytMnf from a Bootjack to a Lady's Drewing Case. Planing and Matching dim to order. If you don't see what you want inquire for it. The Place is at the Old Mill, Onion Setts at the Cheap Cash by the quart, peck or bushel. Store, ery one wao has a plot 01 land to com mence planting, not only those fruits, but grapes, currants, gooseberries and all the small fruits. Crops of fruit are sure in Cherokee Items. Murphy Independent : Fain, AO 1U Col President of the G. & N. C. E. R Jackson county on railroad business. The barn of Wm. Burgess was destroy ed by fire on Wednesday night King &r. Tlfno-mrA r KuTinor a nnw flnnrinor Good country butter is very scarce and transportation direct to the best markets. fcrectea at peachtree. The lumber in demand at twenty cents per pound. Plant at once. . . at Mr. Saml Henry and Bud Axley are Catalogues ReceiTed. making decided improvements in the ap- We understand that Mrs. Bragg Hig-1 all this country and by the time trees and don of Franklin is dangerously sick. I vines planted now are in profitable bear ing, there will be facilities for railroad Can't some of our country friends bring in a supply, Messrs. A. S. Bryson and B. P. Jacobs passed through Highlands this week, with a drove of horses and mules, - bound ibr South Carolina. The willows are green and maples and -alders are in bloom down about Franklin. ' In a couple of weeks the breath of spring will quicken those "early risers" into life, up here on the mountains. Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of pearance and convenience of their Main Cayuga Lake Nurseries, H. S. Anderson, street properties. Messrs. Brittain, proprietor, Union Springs, N. York. Heal and Hyatt, have made extensive or- We publish the advertisement of Mr. An- ders for improved grape and other cuttings, derson in this issue of the B. R. Enter- for the purpose of planting a vineyard prise. A choice collection of Fruita, flow- On Monday John Holland swore out ers and snail fruits are grown at these an indictment against Ben Johnson, of I -a-. m . t ell . nurseries. ireaontree, lor threatening 10 kiu mm Illustrated Catalogue of Bee-Keepers' with a eun. The trial will come off on Supplies, by Alfred H. Newman, Chicago, Saturday 111. Price Notice. Notice is hereby given that, accordine to the power in me vested by mortgage' given me by S. P. C. Justice and wife, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, at the Uaurt Mouse m Franklin, Maeon Co., N. C, on the second day of April, 1883, the -estate now occupied by S- P. C. Justice, on the waters of Tesan tee Creek, in 4he -county aforesaid, contain ing one hundred and fifty-two acres more or less, at being the estate deeded to said Jf. (J. Justice by Moses Norn?. Also the lots of land described in State grants 3188, 3189 and 3190, registered in Register's office, in county aforesaid, in Book "L", pages 549, 550 and ool, con taining two hundred and eight and one- nail acres. X ne above described proper ty will be sold to satisfy a mortgage ex ecuted by said S. P. C. Justice and his wife to M. S. Burnett as security for the payment of a promisor? note, dated May, 23, 1881. M. S. Burnett, March 1, 1883. 6-4t Morgagee. list of Bee-Keepers' supplies, Seeds of Honey ""J 1 t n XT , rrT'r."TW41wr ' H-, E. T. FUnegan, Belleville, vaaaIi Vam i-rk a s4tta OTlal fxnll AAATITI'V 1 . .. . . . . . , m "Bees and Honey, an illustrated cat Cincinnati, February 13. A shock ing disaster occurred here this morning 1 The freight depot of the Cincinnati South ern Railroad was undermined and fell, carrying with it a hundred or more people. 1 0 ' 1 olnvriA nnJ rtwiA hot Af lmrimmfinto TrT merly owned by Mr. - 1 KOA . iniTT11a T t gj 1 rOiT.Min H TrtT I HUlf TIRM " I fll iT 1 1 . T 3 as to r r o TTnnt nf MinnpsntA who I " """""fe"" j men, anu ine eatastropne wasmriner nas 1 ' it t -e ir.j: rtv: 1 1 . "... .. . .. . bought Dronertv and settled in HiglOands, n,"k' Vl euuia, Vmu, uUO ux u m Dy tne leaking of a sewer, which j v. ia oiJAn.A Mr ti o. wil. l """"i sentine correnx aiong ine dobk. a gTeat lev ' and leaves to-day for Haywood author of A. B. C , a cyclopedia on bees rowd of people were there looking at the i oni oil TtdTrainiTiflp ty thom o lai tii riiithai I n i i tt x 11 County Sulphur Springs, where he ex- - - '-- noou wnen xvyann resxauram, a smau pects to remain several weeks, after which o( Gleanings tn Bee Culture, a monthly buildifg, nearly went down. The crowd time be will return to Minnesota to close maS", devoted to bee literature, over on Ae platform of the depot I 1 A 1 A. . it - XX 1 3 J hm bnmnAM there. He thinks he will re- w Bee wnai was me maiier, wnen suuaon wnat's tne jnaner wnn iy the whole depot collapsed and sank in Franklin ? the water. The track was at the same fmr thorough troine mountaineer carries J We seldom hear an item of news or time depressed, and tne cars standing rJ 1 l- . t as his constant companion his trusty, old receive a subscription from that town r close by ran into the depression, covering i k-.-.o'u, Viooinr fntriflfl I its vicinuv on tne Jjittle Tennessee, the the people who had eone down witn tne i, oim fnnnrl with anv ipame. metropolis or tne county, is mat wnoie laiung structure, ine uommon toancu AIom tb b.1ivon bavB of the hunter are region herbmatmg T The world will nev- to-day voted to recommend an-appropria . I - .a m .aa I . m A,awv nAA 1 , 1 1 . xl naaikA in tbin RBction. The tramp and er know there is so beautiful a country tion 01 !(o,uuu, ana to asK tne aia pi me inmuAa nf ivilizAt'ion friffbten the deer nestling among the mountains if its popu- legislature to assist the sufferers by, flood. l . . - . 1 "1 I mi X - e Xl 1 A.1..MU.KV' ' And tnrkev into- the rougher and more lauon don't speas. uy tne Bame mm ins requesi w ias oirancu was wusnu.- iffiAnlt roAAaBAK of the mountains. The last weeK we received suDsenpuons, ana ea, ana wiuun nau an nour a mux. wm - hi . i .11 i i. a v vni I nulla fnr aomrtiA anniM. from tjanada. Da- troduced in tne senate autnonziuir tne tta uaown wu ub uff tuor uosu " - r ' i A nr.? S3t.rflt and bear all about kota, Georgia, xaassacnusetw, rew xora, cny 01 mcinnaw o uorrww xw,, I - . r4 . I .1 1 ail . xl TT hsm in the laurel brakes. : i Pennsylvania and some otner states wnicn ana tne diii was sent raws nvnuo turn to Highlands to settle permanently. Cheap Cash Store ! When trading at Highlands, don't fall to call at the Cheap Cash and Barter Btorc ot Mrs. A. G DimicK, COENJDR OF MAIN AND FOT-BTH STREET, Where you will And a well assorted stock of Provisions, Boota, Bhoea and Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Glassware, Queensware, Drug, and General Merchandise ; in fact ANYTHING BUT CREDIT. Ill Produce Received in Exchange for Goods, iron a Coon Skin U aFal Beef. Before trading elsewhere, cell and Interview the attendant, Geo. A. Jacobs, Notice I will sell the following lands at the Court House in Franklin, on tne 1st Monday in April next, to satisfy the taxes and cost on the same, viz : low acres in Blue Ridge township, on the waters of Sugarfork River, adjoining the janas oi uapc jjodsod, Ingram ana otners, listed as the property ot J. G. Eve, taxes and cost, f 02.0iS. 440 acres In Blue Rldee townshin. loins B. Wright and John Ingram, a part of the jj orescer iana, taxes ana cose; ivJ acres in tne same townsblD, on tne wa ters of Clear creek, joins It. Howard and others, the property of Dr. Bull, of Balti more, taxes and cost on same. S3. 115 acres on the waters of Walnut creek, in Sugarfork township, joins P. Arer- wood and other, listed by Wm. Fannell, taxes and cost. $4.98. Also one tract on Scaly mountain in Su earfork township, entered by J. T. Forester containing 100 acres, taxes and cost on the same, fa 43. Also 100 acres in Nantahala township, listed in the name oi Davy Pace, joins the Jarrett lands, taxes and cost, $3.40. - Also 100 acres in Nantahala township. near the same, listed in the name -of Stephen Pace, taxes and cost, $3.14. Amo 640 acres in Nantahala township, on the waters , of Whiteoak creek, joins the Jarrett lands, the property of D. B. Verdell, taxes and cost. $462.' Also 40 acres In Blue Ridge township, m the Horse Cove, listed in the name of the North Carolina Mining Company, taxes and cost, on.ine same, 4.oa -Abo, 10 acres in Cowee Towdship, in eluding a Mica Mine, listed as the property ot tne irranZlln Mica cost, $10.5P. , Mining Co., taxes and also. 1600 acres in Blue Ridze Township, listed as the property of Richard Owen, taxes ana cost on the same, fo.iv. Feb. 24, 1883. Jambs CahsueB Shff. Macon County. Who wfil receive yon with a kind word and broad fjrtaa. N. B.-Examine wt HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINE. 600D RIO COFFEE A SPECIALTY. ONE BACK NOW ON HAND STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD UP AN IRON WBDOB. Call on Rideout & Co., Highlands, N. C, BetorBMaslRgBsefttere. Wa keap a good stock of General Merchandise, such as la usually found to a Ooontry Store, and our stock ia oonstantly Improving In quantity and quality and we shall endeavor to keep the best the market demands. 16 Ounces to the Pound and 100 Cents to the Dollar, Both Wtjs, Is oar UottOt RICES AB LOW AS CAN BE AFFORDED, AND THE HIGHEST FRICES -PAID FOR-COUNTRY PRODUCE, Wanted 10,003 peunds of Wool, 500 bushels of Beans, 1,000 boslUa of Apples, 1,000 bushels of Buckwheat, &c, &a A fine lot of Wem Flour just received and for sale below Tennessee Valley Flow prioea, -Give us a trial and we will promise to deal with you aa fair as any one.-