, .- v1? -'r ':i : V' J KB SIG-HLLlsrDE MACON COUNTY AND WESTERN NORTH. CAROLINA ADVERTISER. Vol. 1. IIIGHXAJSTDS; MACON COUNTY, K 0., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1885. No. 5, ZR, :s" Dr. Frost is about to visit Virginia, and will reside there for a time. Colonel Evans has rented Dr. Frost's house. We understand that Mr. Stewart, Sr., of Webster, contemplates moving on to his place near Highlands, very soon. Our readers are reminded that the ded ication of the Presbyterian church takes place Sunday after next. Now that it will soon be time to put up stoves, every Doay snouia see tJiat their stove pipe3 and flues are thoroughly cleaned. The price of the Blue Ridge Baptist has been raised from $1 to $ 1.50 It is a good paper, and worth the increased price. The Highlander, however, will be kept along at one dollar. The event chronicled in another col umn of Th8 Highlander, in which the editor was an interested party, must be our excuse for the delay in the appear ance of this number. Hatton Turnor, Esq., and Mrs. Turnor, of Lincolnshire, England, are travelling in the South in their own conveyance, and have beeu stopping at Mayor Hill's for a few days. They left for Franklin to-day, a'nd intend to winter in Florida. Another wolf hunt took place over at Whiteside on Thursday last. The hunt ers, however, failed to get sight of the "varmints," though the dogs fought with them in the laurel thickets. Mr. Ma guire's dogs were badly bitten. A number of inland revenue officers came into Highlands on Sunday last, and on Monday niorning took Ben Webb to Franklin on some charge of dealing with whiskey in an unlawful manner, concern ing which there are contradictory re ports. Webb has since returned home, having been bound over in the sum of $200 to appear at the Fall term of court. J. S. Tomlinson announces that he will begin at an early day at Asheville the publication of a twenty-four page paper called Country Homes, which Will be devoted to the Agricultural and indus trial pursuits of North Carolina, the De- Aelopment of the Resources of the State, and to all interests that tend to make home happy and prosperous. The Asheville Citizen, in enumerating the number of Westell North Carolina resorts that are doing well and which give token of what is to come in the" fu ture when the West is better known, well remarks : "And it may be added when it is better prepared to accommodate tis itors. The fact cannot be too forcibly re peated that the requirements of the times are riot yet riiet. The Lenoir Topic reports an' earth quake which lately occUrred around Grandfather mountain and along the backbone of the Blue Ridge. Hoilses shook and dishes rattled, and people were" very much frightened. A huge' rdfck ov erhanging a pfecipice rdckedj and the leaves of the trees vfete violently agitated, though there was not a breath of air stir ling. tlie Swnririanda Hotel at Asheville fur nishes guests -svith beefsteaks brought from New York. &d says the Citizen. There serins to be a great scarcity of good beef and butter at Asheville, on which fstate of things the Citizen makes the following sduild reflections : "fins state df affairs is a grave reflec tion updn the industry and intelligence of the people1. Industry rdight find a field in which jt . would ( always be reWilrded ; and iritellige'rice would look far .beyond home for a return for its. exercise. , Beef iind butter are v.iiat all wantj . and all need, for which good prices will always I'lieeifully be paidj ,Now we .pay tery reluctantly very high prunes for very baa leef, and w pay no prices at all fdr but ler, because it is scarcely tp b6 had at any jnee. .. vyna. this is a .reuection upon a nounfeUli a pastera! ceimtiy." VISITORS IN HIGHLANDS. ARRIVALS AT HIGHLANDS HOUSE SINCE LAST WEEK. Mrs. Jas. T. Wilson, Walhalla, S. C. Miss Mattie Quackenbush, Charleston, S. C. ; Mrs.' J. A. Quackenbush, " Miss Flora Lacoste, Charleston, S. C. Mrs. G. L. Pratt, Walhalla, S. C. H. G. Thompson, Horse Cove. G. A. Jacobs, Cullasaja. P. P. Johnson, Irvington, Neb. John M. Dumas, Seneca, S. C. C. B. Zachary, East Laporte. N. C. J. B. Coward, Richmountain, N. C. W. F. Moody, Tuckasiege, N. C. J. Davis, East Laporte, N. C. Theo. F. Lozier, New York. W. H. Arnold. Phila., Pa, J. McK. Arnold, " W. L. Gudger, Knoxville, Tenn. Meteorological Observations at HigJv- lands for the week ending isep. Miss Mary Chapin, Observer. Date Temperature. Ilel've Rain- 1, '85 Mean Hfek't Low't Hu'y fall Aug. 26 65 79 5y 87.2 Fair Cl'dy Rain Rain Rain Clear Clear 27 58.2 28 56.8 29 62.5 30 62.2 31 61 70 58 6o 67 76 72 79 53 54 61 59 53 51 51 72,3 100 98 98.3 84 80.7 88.6 .12 .205 .08 Sep. 1 60.8 Week .0 1.025 MARRIED, At Walhalla, S. C, on the 2nd of Sep., 1885, by H. A. H. Gibson, Esq., Richard Goldie, editor of The Highlander, to Mrs. Louisa Oldman, daughter of the late Mr. William Jackman, of Gumey Court, West Harptree, Somersetshire, England. HIGHLANDS MARKETS. Sep. 4, 1885. Wheat $1.20. Corn $1 Rye 65c. Flour $3.75. Oats 50c. to 60c. Butter 15c to 20c. Eggs 12Jc. Potatoes 40c to 50c. Onions 60c td 73fcj Honey 13c to 15c. Comb honey 20c. Best beeswax 25, Apples 25c to 50c. Chickens 8 J 15c. Wool, bright and clean, 80c. " Ba con 10c. Peaches 50 to 70&. Beeswax 20c to 25c. Highlands Directory CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal ChuiIch South, Preaching on the first Sunday of every month. Kev. J. l. urendle, pastor. Methodist Episcopal ChurcH. Wed nesday evening after the first Sunday in each month. Ilevi J. H. Gillespie. Baptist. -Secdhd. Sunday df every month. Rev; & H. Harringtah. PresbytMrI an. Third and fourth Sun day of every month. Rev. J. E. Fogaitie. SOCIETIES. Literary Society. Meets rirst and third Friday evening in each month. President, F. S. Sheldon. Vice-president, WiUiaiii PjLrtridge. Secretary, Charles L. Boynton. Treasurer, Olive" M. White. Temperance Union. Meets on the first Tuesday of every month tin or befpre the full niodn. President; F. L; Sheldon. Vice President, T, Baxter Wliite. Secre tary, Charles L. Bdyiitdri. Treasurer", T. Baxter. Wliite. Floral and Industrial Society. Directress, MfS. E. Seil&ck ; Scribe; Mrs. Cfeavelandj Treasurer, Mrs. M. I. Skin- Hudson Library fiss Eiiison, Libra rian. Ope'h to the public every Saturday afternddn; 6WN OFFICERSi Mayor S. W. Hill, Esq. Commissioners C. A. Baynton, James Ridedut and W. B. Cleveland. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of the Superior Court and Probate Jtldg6-Samuel L. Rogers. Register of Deeds Wm. L. Dean. Sheriff LeS H. Allman. Surveydr-4A- L. McClure. Ctorofcer R A. Wood. Supfe'rintehd't of Schools Ar.C Farmer. CoTlrity Coni's Charles M. Sldgle, Jaines Bfysbh and "WiM AngeL f , , ; PRESENTATIVES1. LStatf Senator? 43nd district-Cap J. W. vyuui, iuurpny, aeroKee co.j.ru w Congi-ess 9th Congressional district . Hon. T D. Johnston Asheville N C THE HIGHLANDER'S CORNER. We will send a copy of The Highlan der to any native of the mountains who wishes to have it, for one year free of charge, who feels he or she is unable to pay tor it. - 'News correspondents at all the post of nces wanted tor the Highlander. Farm produce and cordwood taken on subscription to The Highlander. Job Printing of all kinds done at The Highlander office. All postmasters are respectfully asked to act as agents tor the Highlander. The Highlander will be sent to coun try post omces tor one year 45ix copies for $5, cash in advance. Blank Deed3 and Mortgagesfor sale at THE HIGHLANDER Office, Business Notices. The Virginia Brogans At RlDEOUT'S. Napoleon Bootef At RlDEOUT'S, DOCTOR KINNIiURIiW. After Sep. 1, 1885, will be found day and nigni over tne post omce at Franklin, Letter Heads. Bill Heads and TCisr velopes furnished promptly and in the 1 i i 1 j m ii oest styie at inn Highlander omce. Note, Letter and Foolscap Paper, a.nn fttivAirmra. sir. f opnts ami linwnn at iiiis niuHLANDER umce. I m . TT . - -1 . rv CD CO CO CD V2 M CD f-i J. Hi DURGIN, Carpenter arid Builder, HIGHLANDS. Farm in Iowa For Sale. 100 acr(?s well watered good stock farm 12 acres trees Will sell or exchange for property, in Highlands Or vicinity. Apply at The Highlander office! R. GOLDIE. DEDICATION. The flrtt Presbyterian Chink OF HIGHLANDS Will htj dedicated on the second Sunday of September, 1885. . All persons are cordially invited to at tend the services, at 11. a. m. Rev. A. W. Miller. D.D.. df CiWiritt-. Jlev.W. H. Davis, of Brevard j feev. James tt. k ogartie, of Highlantls ; and jierhaps other ministers will be present; Highlands Insurance AGEJVCY Is connected with only First-class Companies. T. BAXTER WHITE, Agent, HIGHLANDS MILLS, WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, Prop. CASH PAID FOE GRAIN. Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye Flour kept for Sale. JTGOOB assortment OF GROCERIES AT W. B. CLEAVELAND'S HIGHLANDS HOUSE, HIGHLANDS, MACON CO, N. C. Healtl Resort for Winter and Summer. Altitude nearly 4,600 feet--The Land of thd Buy. The health-giving power of our pure air, spring water, and grand scenery, has no equal, Winter or Summer. Invalids who' go to Florida in winter seeking health, will do well to stop here and get it; also better fare at less than half the cost. Our table is supplied with the best the markets afford, cooted with the best of Skill. We have kind and attentive waiters; and take pleasure in caring for our guests. The sick receive special attention. I Terms low. JOSEPH FRITTS, Proprietor. Oldest House In Highlands. Tie Best of Food Proflucts, FINEST SBJJVDS OF COFFEES and TEAS, M'laEAK'S FLOUR Staple Hardware HATS, BOOTS $. SItOES. Mayer & Grosn's Pocket Cutlerj. DR. HARTERS FAMILY MEDICINES .V n r v . Agent far JoStt Wafinafcaklr'a Custom & Rcittly-inade CLOTHING. T; BAXTER WHITE, HiGHLiNDS, N. C. J. M. ZACIIAllY Surgeon Dentist; BOOK & JOB I'KINTINCf . At THi HI6iffiAf.iiti Office.'

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