THE HIGHLANDER Is Published Every Friday, At Highlands, Macon County, N. C. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 year, payable in advance $1 00 If not paid till end of year 1 25 6 months 50 8 months 25 Single copies 3 ADVERTISING . RATES. All advertisements of five lines or under, 50 ents, and 20 cents each following insertion. Over five lines, 10 cents per line, and. 2 cents each time afterwards. Business Notices, 5 cents a line each in sertion. Business Cards, per year, $4 to $5. Religious Notices free. R. GOLDIE, Proprietor, Japan clover (Lespediza striata) has Inade its appearance on the street between Mr. CIcaveland's store and the post office, The article " Colorado and the Blue Ridge Compared," by Dr. O'Farrell, wi appear in our next number. Commissioner Patrick is moving in the right direction, He will visit several fairs in Pennsylvania and other Northern States this fall to advertise the advantages of North Carolina. Early Red Top Turnip, We have been handed a basket of this variety grown ny Mayor mil. ine seed was sown 1st of July on new ground. Mr, Hill has several acres of these fine turnips at Horse Cove, and says every farmer in Highlands townsmp can nave just as good if they sow 'this variety at the right time on new land. This land was only plowed twice, and the turnips were grown amidst a good crop or com, pumpkins &c. un Wednesday evening, yth inst., an hecident happened to Mr. B. W. Wells which, fortunately for him, was not nearly so Berious as it might easily have been. In driving down the hill at the other side ol the mountain, a strap broke in the harness, causing the buggy to come upon the old mare in a way which started her to run. The buggy was upset, and tho mare broke away from it. Mr. Wells was pitched out, and when the buggy turned over, one ol the wheels struck him on the leg, and he seriously sprained and 1 "l 1 ? 1 - P , 11 J 11 TfcT l nruiseu m leu siiouiuer in laiung. jnoc witlistanding his disabilities (Mr. Wells lias lost an arm), he was in town on horse back the other day. HIGHLANDS AS A HEALTH RESORT. Communication from E. W. Williamson, Esq, No. 717 Walnut st, Philadelphia, Sep. 7, 1885. Mr. R. Goldie, Dear Sir: 1 have your bright little paper before hie, and if you will give me1 space, I want to say a word about my experience of your " land of the sky," and the good a mouthful of its pure, bracing air, sweet water (I had drank a great deal of mud here), and its lovely scenery did f or a run down invalid. I spent the month of June in the neighborhood of the village, made many friends, and came back to the "low country" of Philadelphia regretfully, and with an abiding and very pleasant mem ory of my visit. Mountain scenery, mountain air, and mountain climbing, were new experiences for me. Accustomed only to our slightly rolling country, to see around me a wilderness of momitains-Shortoff the Cowee range Whitesides, with its sharp peak, like the ruins of an old feudal tower, looming up against the sky Sagee Black Rock Big Terrapin- Buzzard Rock Fodder stack all in sight from my terrace stand point looking down upon the lovely Horse Cove, a thousand- feet below me, the misty clouds floating over it beneath my feet"-the low country, beyond the mountains, looking, at evening) so much like the distant sea, sometimes placid, sometimes with a line of raging surf I almost "seemed to hear pdunding on the beach tumbling whitecaps brcaldng 0?er the surfEWe- sometimes showing capes and headlands never twice the same, but always the sea I felt as if had got into another and a grander world. I had been, for months, fighting an ob stinate and exhausting disorder, and had at last about brought if to bay, and my self to such a state of weakness, that the prospect of a mile-long walk, even over our level streets, would have fairly made my hair stand on end. When I left Philapelphia, in; answer to a kind invitation to try the effect of a few weeks of " mountain," and absolute rest from business, I could hardly lift myself and impedimenta together up the steps of the car. When I reached my destination after a final day's ride from Walhalla, over the mountain road which, to speak mildly, is not quite as smooth as could be desired instead oi being m the state of collapse had feared, I found myself actually stronger than when I started, and could lift myself and the aforesaid impedimenta without any uncomfortable tendency to double up at the knees. That much, even then, the air had done for me. In two days after, I was climb ing the mountains, and kept it up through the rest of the time, interspersed with daily "stepping-over" to and from the village as a volunteer committee to look after its prosperity in general and the new board walk m particular, and especially to watch the progress pf the new church, in which I felt a strong interest. And I did it all without fatigue and with con stantly improving strength and health. My blessing on your mountains! That month of Highlands sent me home a stronger, more vigorous, arid more alive man than I had been for years; and I have been singing its praises ever since at every opportunity. I forgot to mention how -1 enjoyed a visit to the Cullasaja and Amala (do help me out with that names) Falls; but my "word" is already growing into wordi ness, and I can't dwell on them. I find only one thing to complain of. Perhaps you will kindly have that cor rected in ease l should ever again visit Highlands I had confidently expected to kill sun dry rattlesnakes which my inexperi enced fancy imagined were to be heard ringing their "grbuhJ-beus" in' all difec-' tions and bring home all their tails. The sober fact is that, in all my wander ings,! neither saw nor heard a smgie one, nor indeed a snake of any kind except one dead one on the road, and he, she or it was not a rattler. In that matter I feel injured. Perhaps I might have felt stil more lniured it 1 had got into a light with one. Perhaps 1 should have run away ingloriously. I have a good deal of " discretion, and it might have overcome my valor. Who knows r Yours truly, EB-W, H. WILLIAMSON. Highlands Insurance AGEJVUi Is connected with only First-class Companies. T. BAXTER WHITE, Agent, '00 Let Me Assure Yon That ? inoHQia 1 GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES AT Farm in Iowa For Sale. CLEAR CREEK COBBESFONDENCE. Cleab Creek, Sep. 10, 1885. Among the great number of people called " Bud " in this locality, there is one to whom that delectable and euphonious appellative clings, who for a long time :ias awakened the echoes about Scaly, Brushyface and Queen mountains, with the detonating symphony that occasion' ally issued from the small end of his long rifle, which carries a ball large enough for a niountaili howitzer, and fulminates equal to a piece of field artillery. This Bud has obtained an enviable notoriety as a marksman whose collimation is as true as the " needle to the pole." He re cently met with an accident that was sad indeed for one of his fame. After hear ing a talk about the gyascutus, he sallied forth in the mountains, filled with lniag- rigs of that wonderfully constructed animal. Before he started out, Mr. Mack Wilson requested him, should he find it, to bring in a certain little six months old shoat of his, that was perfectly wild. Bud finally espied what he thought was the little hdg, and dashed at it, intending to capture it; but the wild animal also seemed to be in a rage, and also scooted for Bud. He turned pale with fright, threw down his gun, broke the stock, ran swiftly awky-advisuig, as he sped by the" cottaegs, .that no woman ever hereafter travel hjr herself while such f edcious wild animals were in the forest. Bud's won derful adventure and hair-breadth escape from the terrible gyascxittivwaa the world's . eighth wonder f oir about two days, when an eye witness to jh$ affair leaked out the fact that if was' hothing more- nor less than Mr. Wilson's 4ittle hog th&t met and 'vanquished the. hero, who had slain many a polecat without flinching. JHow sad the thought, "Will Bud survive the shock?" heops j 160 acres well water ed- good stock farm 12 acres trees. Will sell or exchange ior property m Highlands or vicinity. Apply at the Highlander omce. R. GOLDIE. J. H. DURGIN, Carpenter and Builder, HIGHLANDS. J. JAY SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF SASH AND DOORS, FLOORING, CEILING. SMS, it, HianbAffbs; Macon Co., N. C. Feed and Livery Stable, Sylya, Jackson County, N. C. First-class Transportation to all Points of Interest REGULAR HACK LINE FROM WEBSTER TO SyIVA. A. M. PARKER, Proprietor. J. M.-ZACHARY, Surgeon Dentist. THE HIGHLANDER'S CORNER. We win send a codv of The Highlan der to any native of the mountains who wishes to have it for one year tree or charge, who feels he or 6he is unable to nav for if. News correspondents at all the post of fices wanted for The Highlander. Farm produce and cordwood taken on subscription to The Highlander. Job Printing of all kinds done at The HIGHLANDER omce. All postmasters are resnectfullv asked to act as agents for The Highlander, The Highlander will be sent to coun try pdst dfficfes for one year -six copies for $5, cash in advance. Blank, Deeda arid,.Mortgagesfor sale at Iii Highlands, Comer ol MAIN and FOURTH streets, HEAD-QUARTERS For Hats, Georgia Checks, W. B. CLEAVELAND'S HIGHLANDS MILLS, WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, Prop. CASH PAID FOR GRAIN. Wheat, Buckwheat and Eye Flour kept or Sale. HIGHLANDS HOUSE, HIGHLANDS, MACON CO., N. C. Health Resort for Winter and Summer. Altitude nearly 4,000 feet The Land of the ' ri The health-giving power of our pure air, spring water, and grand scenery, has no equal, Winter or Sulhmer. Invalids who go to Florida in winter seeking health, will do well to stop here and get it; also better fare at less than halt the cost. Our table is supplied with the best the markets afford, cooked with the best of skill. We have kind and attentive waiters, and take pleasure in caring for our guests. The sick receive special attention. X C I HO IV 11', JOSEPH FRITTS, Proprietor. Boots and Shoes. Besides, constantly on hand, a general line of DRY GOODS, AND THE BEST OP GROCERIES. We Have Just Received From RICHMOND, Va., A full Fall and Winter Supply of the Best and including the Virginia Brogan AND ftapoieon Boot, ALL AT LOWEST PRICES ! No matter what others offer, you may miss it by buying before examining the Largest and Finest Stock of Goods in this Section of Western North Carolina-. : ; a 8 - fll 8 B -.S Z hi BOOK & JOB PRININ m Tfei H&uia&bEii flicSr

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