.A. IN1 ZE. MACON COUNTS ATO WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. 'HIGHLANI)S'''jc5r-' COUNTY, 0., ffEIDAY, QgTOBER 16, 1885. Ho. 11. Vol. 1." 4' Y w ' MILLINERY. Call and see the .new stack of Millinery at No. 3, second floor of tug. Highland House. - MAGGIE FKITTo. INTERESTING WEDDING IN HIGH LANDS. The nuptial ceremony uniting in loving bonds Augustus C. Barr and Miss Lulu Kelsey, took place at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday morning last, at eight o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Fogartie, the respected pastor of the congregation, of ficiated.in the manner usual to the Presby terian people. The church was tastefully decorated, with flowers by Miss Chapin, and was more than half filled by friends of the parties and, resident of the town. After the impressive service was over, the bride and bridegroom received the congratulations and well wishes of tbeir friends, and thereafter started in a hack for Walhalla, and from thence proceeded to Atlanta, and after staying in that city for a few days, will go to the home of the Vtfdegrocfl3,ampng the orjmge.grovea of Florida. Miss Lulu is the, daughter of the worthy ijounr of Highlands, S, T. Kelsey, Esq. We believe we are. correct in saying that the youthful and accom plished bride will be nearly as much miss ed in social circles and by the young peo ple of our town as in her own loved home. She was most pleasantly surprised by a number of beautiful and costly presents, which she prized, not alone for their in trinsic worth, but more aa expressing the love and regard of her mafny friends, The two commence their marriage liJje. auspiciously ajidj we cordially wish, them every happiness attainable in their new relationship and future b'fe. Fires in the Woods. We understand it is a good deal the practice in tfie moun tains to start fires in the woods in the fall, with the idea that it improves the range for cattle, and makes it easier to gather chestnuts. Now we are reliably informed that the fires are very injurious to tfya growing wood, and by burning the. seed3 of grass and useful weeds, actually injures the range and encourages the growth of laurel and underbrush. The chestnuts are also injured and spoilt for sale. And besides, there is great danger to fences, buildings, and other valuable improve ments; and the soil is much injured, as the vegetable matter is to a great extent destroyed. We believe there is a law against firing the woods, but whether there is or not, our friends in the country should do all they can to discourage and stop such a destructive practice, and which is evidently so senseless and waste ful Our Exchange tjST.We are much pleased with several papers on Our ex change list. The Asheville Citizen (daily) reaches us regularly. It is bright, earnest, and a valuable auxiliary in the advancement of Western North Carolina. We have never seen a better printed, or better got up country paper In every res pect, than the Keoweo. Courier, published at Walhalla. These papers may be taken for models by enterprising publishers. We have been presented by Mr. Alex. zacnary, 01 uasniers, the seed grower, with a quantity of fine specimens of Kid ney White potatoes, some of which weigh ed neaarly two pounds. We have not tried them yet, but we understand they Cook well, and are of excellent quality. Good Shooting. On last Tuesday, C. D. Hill, of Horse Cove, killed twelve partridges at three shots. T. G. HilL on the same day, killed two fine wild turkeys at one shot. The boys claim that they were not Out hunting for birds only looking for their stock, &c. , Mr. A C. Barr has. made contracts for the erection of a. cottage in Highlands, bnd we understand will reside here next fcurnhief. MACON COUNTY COURT. At the court held at Franklin last week, the cases against the parties con cerned in the riots at Highlands last winter, were continued over to next court. 1 H. J. Lombard! was sentenced to seven years in the State penitentiary for rob bing the store. of Mr. Cleaveland at High lands a few months ago J. Hyatt and -r. Siler were convicted of attempting to poison the family of Mr. Enloe, near Franklin. The' "former was sentenced to imprisonment in the county gaol for o year, and. the, latter to nine months, There Ve.re a few other cases of minor importance. According to the New York World, which hap sent a special, rpor tej to study the smallpox epidemic at Montreal, the ravages of the disease have been under stated. It is claimed that four thousand .cases how exist and thai the,, epidemic is .spreading. Unfortunately, also, winter is a favorable, season. $pr. the smallpox, as, unlike most contagious diseases, it flour isbes in cold weather, Ferdinand Ward, the colossal fraud of New York, .has, made a statement in which the. young Grants, Gen, Gordon, of Georgia, and citizens of New York, are badly mixed-in, ugly charges. Probably the whole truth has. not been told. The bell for the Presbyterian Church in Highlands i was caqt by the famous Bell company ox uwkqr h . xocweey, iroy, N. Y., and weighs 56Q Jbs, It is a good one, and; has an excellent sound, The rice crop on the South Atlantic Coast has been bady-damaged by the, kte. wind Some of the, Second; Aentists have fixed the, $ti oj October as JudgrnenJ Day, Cole's circus and menagerie will exhibit at Walhalla, on, Thursday, Oct. 29. Mr. J. C. Birdsong, a Raleigh typo. has been made State Librarian. The cost of the. Presbyterian Church in Highlands, with accessories, fencing, and value of lots, &a , amounts to over $6,000. Corn, cotton and rice in the low coun try have been greatly injured by the great wind and rain of Sunday and Mon day lost. VISITORS IN HIGHLANDS. A LIST OF ARRIVALS AT THE HIGHLANDS HOUSE LAST WEE?." F. A. Barnes, Lebanon, Ohio; Charles Krimminger, Liberal, Barton Co., Mq,; Mrs. E. j. AstOn, Mrs, N. W. Girdwood, Asheville, N. C.j A. A. Howe, Franklin. MARRIED, In the Presbyterian Church, Highlands, on Wednesday, October 14, 1885, by the Rev. J. E. Fogartie, Mr. Augustus C. Barr, of Daytona, Florida, to Miss Lulu Kelsey, daughter of $. T. Kelsey, Esq., Highlands. Meteorological Observations at High lands for the week endmg Vet. 13, do. Miss Mary Chapin, Observer. Date Temnorntnrt. Rel've Rain. Mean Iligh't Low't Hu'y fall Oct. 7 39;5 56 83 85.7 clear 8 42.5 58 85 88 Fair 9 43 58 88 75.3 Clear 7 10 46.5 58 84 76 Clear 11 50 51 49 97.7 Li't Rain 12 50 54 48 100 2.73 Rain 18 46.8 58 39 85.8 Cl'd Week 45.3 58 32 86.9 The Band Saw Mill Works of Messrs. Lowry& Co.j at Waynesville, is a splendid establishment, and a curiosity in this 4 country in the' way of a saW milL It is run by steam power, the saw is in the shape Of a band, passing around two large wheels, and is not thick er than a knife-blade, and cuts through a log of any size like cutting paper, and al most as smoothly as if planed. Asheville Citizen. EARTHQUAKE IN VIRGINIA. Lynchburg, Va., Oct 10. Three distinct shocks of an-earthquake r n. . i j ! i i i - were leit m wis vny vmi iugnt peiween u and 12 o'clock. A loud rumtfling sound preceded each shock, The direitiou of the 7i ; ........I '. ' j ... i ,1 uiebiuuituuu wiip aug iioiiu anu souin, Many people, sciared hy the noise and shak ing of windows andiurnitnre, rushed into tne street, each enquiring of his neighbo: the cause of the disturbances. This is the first shock felt in this, vicinity for ten years. Staunton, Va., October 10. The earth quake shock was very perceptible here last night at 11:40, continuing over a half minute. It was so pronounced, inai several persons ran out of the build ings, and njany were aroused. Richmond October. 10,-The,, earth quake also felt in' certain parte of this vib uiBi 4ugui,, uui uxu viorautms were yery slight. Advices from other points west and stouth of Richmond, report slight shocks between the hours of 11 and 3 last night. Frost Injuries. Says the Waynes villdiVeu! of Friday: " We have made special inquiries this week to ascertain the amount of. in juries to the tobacco crop Dy me recen.t irost. wraveiea person ally as far as the middle Of Jackson coun ty and found th only serious damage to be on the head or Scott'sfcfeek, where sev eral fields were ruined. In other localities in that direction there were no losses. In Haywood county about two-thirds of the crop was gathered before Saturday last. The remaining third was damaged orobablv one half, makincr a loss of about one-sixth of the entire crop. However, . . ' j - - considering the superiority of this year's - J 1 A A - 1 1 crop, we, Cp saieiy esunraro max, wicn au losses there will stiJl be. an ayejage crop oi good cooacco ior naywpoa county. Cardinal McClosky Dead. New York, October 1Q, Cardyi.a McClosky tueu cu-uay . HIGHLANDS RAILROAD NbTIQE. The Annual Meetiner of the Stockhold ers of the Highlands Railroad Company will he, hldhl the parlors of Highlands uotei on Tuesday, ucc, -at, loaa, at o'clock p.m. . Jti. M, UASUUM, ec'y. HIGHLANDS UAND AGENCY WE HAVE ON HAND A LAROE. AWQIOT QF Farming, Grazing, Fiitjt Growing & Timber Lands, HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE TOWN OF HIGHLANDS, Beautiful Bnili Sites, k Parties having cheap properties for sale in Macon or adjoining counties, should correspond with us,' as we are advertising quite extensively, and have superior fa cilities for handling real estate. tW For circulars describing Highlands and vicinity, descriptive price lists, &c, call On or address S. T. KELSEY, Highlands, Macon County, Nt C. RIDEQUT & CO. In Highlands, Qorner of MAIN, and FOURTH streets, is HEAD-QUARTERS For Hats, Georgia Checks, ' Jeans, (OILOTHITC, Besides, constantly on handi a general line of ""v DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes. AND THE BEST OF GROCERIES. We havejust Received from Richmond, a full Falf and Winter supply of tlief Best Bopts and Shoes Inclut$injl the Virginia Brojgaii and Napoleon Boot. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES ! No matter what others offer, you- may miss it by buying before examining the. Largest ' and ' Piiiest' Stock of-- Goods in this- " Section of Western North Carolina. 0 (!) i 0 O 09 GO H CD f 1 m CD J. H. DURGIN, Carpenter and Builder, HIGHLANDS. Feed and Livery Stable, Sylva, Jackson County, N. C. First-clMsTraaiportation to tlirolnts of Interest REGULAR HACK LINE FROM WEBSTER TO SYLVA. A. M. PARKER, Proprietor1 BOOK & JOB PRINTING At The HIqhlander Office.'