1 PUBLIO LAND SALES. Receipt from their Sale Darin the Past Fiscal Year. Commissioner Sparks of tbe United States Land office, has prepared a statement of the disposals of public lands and receipts there from during the fiscal year ended Jane 80, 1885, from which it appears the disposals were as follows: No. of entries. Acres. Amount Alabama.... 8.950 270,901.63 $66,885.70 Arizona 2,447 878,17478 67,876.28 Arkansas... 4,3U3 un,&s.w 0i,sw.83 California... 15,818 1,295,909.03 784,031.76 Colorado.... 10.V7V WJa.011.03 850,40423 Dakota 53,804 4,547,749.772,568,769.50 Florida fl.WJl Hra.C10.50 UP8.7V1.05 Idaho 8,544 284903.04 111,592.89 Illinois Indiana Iowa 215 11,659.86 8,819.59 Kansas... . sz,074 a,iwu,4aw vm,V8a.u Louisiana... 1,889 181,04160 79,181.23 Michigan... 1,826 89.51L23 47,941.91 Minnesota... 9,198 624,379.49 807,220.91 Mississippi.. 1,862 111,000.03 28,620.10 Missouri.... 8.638 291,277.83 66,769.64 Montana.... 8,059 1,1U,140107 1980407 Nebraska... 87,680 8,698,381.76 903,846.10 Nevada 1,179 171,430.94 6,232.78 New Mexico. 2,417 163,931.57 95,873.22 Unio Oregon 8,481 788,287.71 244,861.60 utan iB4,ta.aa oo.BBaws wasn. rer.. iu,77 l,uio,ii7.70 sot,703.is Wisconsin... 8,283 218,436.92 101.69405 Wyoming... 8,510 532,967.14 855,480.04 Total 226,382 20,113,663.88 $7,686,11480 The number of original homestead entrie was 50,877, including 7,415,885 acres, from wnicn tne receipts were 731,843. me nunv ber of final homestead entries was 22.066. in cluding 3,032,679 acres, from which the receipts were siooaoA rue number oi original timber culture entries was 30,998, in cluding 4,755,005 acres, from which the re ceipta were $425,420. The number of final timber-culture entries was 750, Including tfUjSuu acres, irom wnicn tne roes were f 2,704. The total number of acres.taken under.rail road selections was 8,558,914, made up as fol lows (fractions omitted): Alabama, 83,198; Arizona, 133,052: .California, 876,445: Colo rado, 14,252; Dakota, 790,693; Iowa, 6.014; Kansas, 195,046; Louisiana, 19,887; Minne sota, 108,217; Montana, 793,459; Nebraska, 178,039; Nevada, 60,612; Oregon, 245,886; Utah, 17,123; Washington Territory, 535,216; Wisconsin, 51,819. The grand total of disposals of lands (20, 113,663 acres) includes 881,850 acres of Indian lands. This is a decrease in the number of acres disposed of as compared with the year 1884 of 6,535,656, but as compared with the year 18S3 it is an increase of 033,630 acres. From sales of Indian lands $933,483 was real ized, making the total receipts from all sales of lands $7,686,114, a decrease compared with the receipts during 1884 of $4,159,532, and as compared with the year 1833 a decrease Of $3,086,167. PERSONAL MENTION. Tennyson is about to publish another vol ume of poems. Path's spare moments are being devoted to the writing of her memoirs. All members of the family of the czar of Russia speak the English language. General Joe Shelby, the Confederate raider, is now a dairyman in Missouri. General McClellan is the only survivor of the commanders of the Army of the Poto mac. Dr. Hierme Retsof, an eminent occu list, says that the common electric light pro duces color blindness. Krxtpp, the German gunmaker, is at pres ent chiefly manufacturing guns for China, Turkey, Japan and Egypt President Cleveland's stableman says the President does not care much for horses. In taking exercise he much prefers to walk. Meissonier, the great French painter, is the oldest artist in Paris, having been born in 1803. He is as sensitive as a woman in re gard to his age. Stanley is fitting apartments in London where he will open out the great store of Af rican curiosities and Oriental fabrics which he has packed away. Dr. George B. Elliott, the specialist whose microscopical investigations revealed the true nature of General Grant's disease, and who pronounced it cancer and incura ble, is not more than twenty-seven years of ge. General Sherman positively declined to be president of the St. Louis Grant Monu ment association, or to have anything to do with it "Grant," he said, explaining, "was worthy of every monument that can be raised to his memory, but I think that the one over his grave should be finished before others are begun." A NEW HAVEN SENSATION. A Society Belle Elopes While Preparation! Are Belnc Made for Her Marriage. A great sensation was created in society circles by the announcement that Honora, youngest daughter of Dr. Edwin Harwood, rector of Trinity church, and one of the most promi nent citizens, had eloped and married a rich New Torker named Truman Hemingway and sailed for Europe in the steamer Werra. Be sides tbe elopement there is the added sensa tion that invitations had been sent out and extensive preparations made for the lady's marriage in Trinity church on Wednesday next to Mr. Pruyn, son of the late Hon. John Y. L. Pruyn, of Albany. N. T., who is a millionaire. A number of valuable wedding presents had already been received at the Harwood residence. A Itemed or Sprees. A Tonng wife bad Jnst settled la ber new borne. All seemed fair and promis ing, for she did not know ber husband was a drunkard. Bat one night he eante home at a very late hoar and much tne worse ror liquor. When he stair gered into the boose his wife was verv muoh shocked: he told her he was sick and most lie down at onoe: and in a moment or two he was oomfortablv laid on the sofa in a drunken sleep. His faoe was reddish purple, and altogether newasa praabie-iooklnir object. The doctor was sent for in haste, and mus tard applied to the patient's feet and hands. When the doctor came and fell his poise, examined him, and found be iras only drank, he said: "He will be all right in the morning." Bat the wife Insisted that be was very sick, and that severe remedies most be used. "Too must shave his head and apply blisters. she urged, "or I will send for some one will " Whm. .m.mimr,A'm A - nuvr n, w uunuwuu D UCDU UNO nu" eordingly shaved close and blisters were applied. The patient lav all nurht in drunken sleep, and, notwithstanding the Dusters were eating into Ms flesh, it was not till near morning that be began to Deat aoooc disturbed by the pain. About davlfcrht he woke ud in the moat uncomfortable consciousness of blistered agonies. "What does this mean?" he said, putting his hand to his bandaged head. "Lie still: you rmuatn't stir." said his wife; "you have been sick." "1 am not sick." -'Oh. yes you are you have the brain fever. We have worked with you all night." "1 should think you had," groaned the poor vic tim; "what's the matter with my feet r "They are blistered. " "Well, I am bet ter now; take off the blisters do." he pleaded piteously. He was in a most uncomfortable state his head covered with sores, And his feet and hands still worse. "Dear," he said, groaning, "if ever I should get sick in this way again, don't be alarmed and send for a doctor, and above all, don't blister me again." "Uh I indeed I will I All that saved you were the blisters. And if you have another suoh spell I shall be more frightened than ever, for the tendency, I am sure, is to apoplexy, and from the next attack you are likely to die unless the severest measures are used." He made no further defence. Suffice it say mat he never had another attach The Famous Notre Dame. On the 30th of last January, the sisters of the most noted Catholic ladies semi nary in the United States, the famous Notre Dame, at Govanstown, near Balti more, Md.. made public a card, certify ing to the beneficial results attending the use of Eed Star Cough Cure in that institution. Thev state that they found it emcacious aii&e tor relieving coughs, oppressions on the chest and irritation of the throat. Omcials of the Boards of Health of Brooklyn, Baltimore and other cities have likewise publicly proclaimed tne virtues oi this new discovery, which is entirely free from opiates, poisons and other objections. LOSING THE MONEY. The lesson was on profit and loss, and the teacher was endeavoring to make her pupils reason out the problems. "If a man bought a hat for five dol lars and sold it for three, bow many dollars would he lose ?" "Two," answered a bright little fellow who could subtract three from five. The teacher surprised at his quick ness and apparent knowledge of arith metic, asked him to give the reason why. "How did the man lose the money?" "Must have dropped it somewhere' said the little innocent, who was better at guessing than reasoning. WHAT HE THOUGHT. He was a Western Senator not used to fashionable ways, and was a guest at a Washington baLL Entering a brilliantly illuminated suite, he suddenly stopped; baoked toward the door, and in horrified tones exclaimed: "My stars 1 I've made a mistake 1" "My dear Senator Blank," said the hostess, hurrying toward him, "whaf s the matter? You look ilL" "Oh, nothing, nothing, only I am such a dolt I I oame very near entering this apartment by mistake. Please par don me, and show me the way to the ball-room." "Why, Senator, this is the ball-room. What did you think it was ?" " The the ladles' dressing-room," murmured the Senator, mopping the perspiration from his brow Boston REMARKABLE ESCAPJE FROM DEATH. Interesting- Personal Experience ot Weil-Known Philadelphia Lady. From Oie Philadelphia Times. The following remarkable statement, lately made to one of our reporters, is vouched for by Captain Harry Mitchell, residing at No. 816 Jarvis street, a prominent Bepubliean of the First ward, and formerly Captain of the Watch at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Mr. Mitchell happened to know that we had lately devoted considerable time to tne investigation oi cases where bodily relief had resulted from the use of tnat now 'amous medicine, Urown suon Hitters, and meeting the reoorter the other dav in front of Independence HalL said : '1 can tell you of umeuuoK mat may uueroef too. a auww i elderly lady down town who told me yesterday th it she had been rescued from the very laws 0 death by using Brown's Iron Bitters. She is .a intimate family acquaintance of mine, and I knew she had been very sick and was hardly ex pected to live from hour to hour. Her name is Mrs. Margaret Springfield, and she resides at No. 812 Pierce street. She is the mother of a grown-up family of children, and is well-known in the southern section of the city." Captain Mitchell then offered a personal introduction to Mrs. Springfield, and an appointment was made. They accordingly met and proceeded to gether to Mrs. Springfield's residence. The lady was not at home, but was found at the house of her daughter, corner of Eighth and Tasker streets. Our reporter states as follows: "t found Mrs. Springfield a well-preserved elderly lady of pleasing manners and good conversa tional powers. Learning the object of our visit, she made the following statement in the pres ence of Captain Mitchell and her daughter : 1 can say that I thought I was on my death-bed, and none of my family or friends believed that 1 would recover. People were calling at my house continually asking about me, and from day to day I was supposed to be dying. I am quite well now, and I can say that I consider my wonderful recovery entirely due to the use of Brown's Iron Bitters. I was bedfast for three weeks, and for at least five weeks I could not eat anything. My greatest trouble was ex cessive pains in my side and breast, and I had tne worst kind of malarial symptoms. I became so weak that I could not even lift my hand, and was completely prostrated all over. For some time I really felt more dead than alive. I know I contracted a very heavy cold, and it seemed to permeate every part of my system. I suffered terribly, and got so bad f could not take any thing at all. In sheer desperation I resolved to try Brown's lion Bitters because I had read about them. I sent for a bottle and commenced taking it, and to my great delight and astonish ment I began to feel a sense of relief at once. I continued using i , and it seemed to drive out the pains in my breast. I began to gain a little strength, and my appetite gradually returned. Brown's Iron Bitters appeared to ba just the thing my prostrated condition required, and, as I have said, I believe it saved my life. Certainly I never took anything in mv life that did me so muoh good, and I can certainly say that Brown's Iron Bitters brought me to strong life when ! everybody thought I was dying.' " mm"! t ! t- i . iv . .hubs diuia jtoqiiemore, jcorsyin, ua., says: "I suffered from kidney troub'.e, had no appe tite : the little I did eat disagree 1 with me. I tried many remedies without relief. Brown's Iron Bitters restored my health and appetite, and increased my weight 20 pounds." Mr. Cassa Campbell, Six Mile, Ala., says : "I suffered for several years with general weakness. Doctors said I had consumption, for which they treated me, without giving relief. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters and experienced the most beneficial results." Mr. Albert Gregory. Quincy, Fla., says: "I tried many remedies for chills and fevers, but nothing ever did me any permanent good save Brown's Iron Bitters. I cheerfully endorse this remedy." HO MISTAKE. Old Bilkins "Yes, sir-ee. made no mistake when I gave I never my son an education," Old Piikins "Doin well since he went through college, eh ?" "Well, I should say he was. He's just that smart now he can make more in a month than I make in a year." "You don't say so? Well, well I Edu cation is a great thing, that's a fact. What's his business ?" - "Hes a baseball pitober. "Phila. Call "T wnnld not live alwav." No: not if dis- AASA fa to make mv life a daily burden. But It need not, good friend, and will not if you will be wise in time. How many of our loved ones are mouldering in the dust who "might have been spared for years. The slight cough was unneeded, tne many symptoms oi aueas that lurked within were slighted and death came. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discov ery" cannot recall the dead, though it has snatched numbers from the verge of the grave, and will cure consumption in its earlier stages. The wings of a parly do not necessarily make t angelic 1 Have been a trreat sufferer of dry catarrh for marv years and I tried many remedies which helped me, but I had none which did me so muoh ben efit as Ely's Cream Balm, it completely cured me. M. J. Lally, 89 Woodward Ave., Boston Highlands, Mass. The heat of discussion often cooks the de- bater's goose. Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c ' The Mite'y Dollar" That made up of church collection pennies. Dea't Hawk Spit, Coach, suffer dizziness, indigestion, inflammation of hwm mlntmA work and indisposition for bod ily labor, and annoy and disgust your friends and acquaintances with your nasal twang and offensive breath and constant efforts to clean your nose and throat, when Dr. Sagei "Catarrh Remedy" will promptly relieve you of discomfort and suffering, and your friends of the disgusting and needless Inflictions of your loatnesome disease! If a man have love in his heart, he may talk in broken language, but it will be eloquence to those who listen. Pain and Dread attend the use of most catarrh remedies. Li quids and snuffs are unpleasant as well as dan gerous. Ely's Cream Balm is safe, pleasant, easily applied with the finger, and a sure cure. It cleanses the nasal passages and heals the in flamed membrane, giving relief from the first application. 60 cents at druggists. 60 cents by mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N. X. The camel is the only bird that we yearn to hear after listening to a man learning to play the violin. Young or middle-aged men suffering from lervous debility, loss of memory, premature ld age, as the result of bad habits, should jend 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise. Address world's Disfissabt Mbdicax Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Ha fl mnofnal AAmvtnaitiAnn m a itli am an4 songs have been put on the market since Gen eral Grant's death. Miksham's Peptonized beef tokio, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutri tious properties. It contains blood-making, force generating and life-sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over work or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard A Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists. Seneca: Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Iiaal Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell li 25t Charity: A service that the receiver should remember and the giver forget. I Have been troubled with catarrh from boyhood and had considered my case chronic until about three years ago I procured one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and I count myself sound to-day, all from the use of one bottle. J. B. Oooley, Hardware Merchant, Montrose, Pa. It will cost $500,000,000 to complete the Panama canal. Now is the time to prevent and cure Skin Diseases, and to secure a white, soft and beauti ful complexion use "Beeson's Abohatio Alum Sulphub Soap." 25 cents by Druggist, or by mail. Wm. Dreydoppel, Philadelphia, Fa. Man is made out of the dust of the earth, and some of them are terras all their lives. 25c buvs a pair of Lvon's Patent Heel Stiffen- ers. which makes a boot or shoe last twice as long. If we can't inherit a good name, at least we can do our best to leave one. Important. When toii risit or leave New York oitv. save bai expressage and $3 carriage hire, and stop at the . irana Union tiotei, opposite urauu uentnu aopot. euo elegant rooms, nnea up at a cost oi one minion dollars, SI and upward per day. European plan. Ele vator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Hone oars, stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. Sleep: The thief that robs us of our time giving us health in exchange. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. An aetfra Man or WODWhlMt C "county to scU oar goods. Salary Sit. ' Mr Memtfc and jbrainw. zBenM la vane. Canvauin outnt mill Particulars ote. standard silver-ware Oo. Norton, i

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