V: ' 11 ' ' ,-"?'; ' ''-''''V'x'' MACON COUNTY AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. Vol.1. HIGHLANDS, MA(3Q COinSTTY, K 0., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2-7, 18S5? KpJ7. .V Notice to Owneirs of Hogs Notice is hereby eriven that after this week the ordinance of the town prohib iting Hogs from running at large will be rigidly acted on. Owners of hogs will therefore govern themselves accordingly By order of the Town Council. Highlands, Nov. 35, 1885. Mr. J. W. Walker has moved from Clear Creek to Laurel Creek in Georgia. . $10,000 for attendance of witnesses is the sum paid out by government at the recent Federal Court sitting at Asheville, Mrs. Krimmhiger and family' started for their home in Missouri yesterday. Wednesday last wa3 a cold -day high wind from the ftprth and very, light cov ering of snow. Yesterday, still and plea sant. Services were held in the Presbyterian Church in Highlands yesterday Thanks giving day. Mrs. Pender Jacobs, just below Frank lin, fell dead in the house on Tuesday last, supposed from heart disease. Mr. Cleaveland, sr., left Highlands on Monday morning for his home in Bridge port, Conn., after a lengthened visit. Sheriff Allman was up at Highlands yesterday, and was quite pleased with the amount of the taxes paid him. He tbiJks Highlands township has done well. Capt. Yeate3 and party, of the United States Geographical Survey, have struck their tents and will go" into winter quar ters at Washington. We learn that a petition ia in circula tion for the pardon Of Henson, but it is not looked upon with much favor by the people of Highlands. A. M, Parker, the livery man of Sylva, came up on Saturday with a hack load of people. He reports Sylva on a boom, and that it is soon to be the capital of Jackson county. The Enterirrise is dead, and its subscription list transferred to some other paper. Mrs. Starritt, accompanied by Mi3, Le Due, from Lake Minnetonka, Minn., ar rived at Highlands on Sarurday last. Mrs. Starritt is an old resident of High lands, but has been absent about fifteen montlis. one notices many improve ments, and is pleased to get back to the Tho school year in Macon county will be out on the 30th inst Most of the schools will have finished their term oi four months in about two weeks. The attendance has not been so good as last year, on account of the plentiful crop of corn, abundance of nuts,' and somewhat bridges spanning the Gunloco and Chat tooga rivers, on the morning of the 7th inst, by the floods, but all this will soon j be remedied, as Dr. Lucas has already naa tne, timbers prepare to, wholly re- air all injuries done to them. So in a I few days from now travel can resume its along here with and liberal-minded citi2enr "in the neighborhood.. . . ' The village of Pine Mountain is flour ishing, and is destined to continue to in crease, with its salubrious climate and fertile soil surrounding: While it is a perfectly healthy locality, there is quite a difference in the climate here and at Highlands, which can be readily under stood by the difference m altitudes, which is 1,600 feet here against $,700 feet; at Highlands.' This difference m altitude, according to a French scientist, would make Spring 28 days earlier, and the Fall 6 clays later than with you, as he makes four days difference for each 100 yards.in aiutuae. . iviusores. Observations at High lands for the week ending Nov.24, '85 jviiss Aiary unapin, uoserver. Date. Temnerature. Rel've Rain. Menu Jilgh't Low't II u' course along here with perfect satety. hard fames and the want of statable iT1!, ihArjli mwHPn -in' h -1-1.1 X 1.1. T Al. I fions of our zealous superintendent, the county has now an improved class of teachers young, wide awake and up to the times. For some time, no attention has been paid by the authorities to. the hogs on the streets of our town, but the owners thereof are now notified that they must keep them at home, as said hogs are fonder of hunting around back yards and penetrating within fences than noseing among the dead leaves of the forest for nnfs. Our nmintrv frifmrls who own the nnrninft marfliidfirs must not ffifil ao-eriev- "ewiwjtuj. ed at this. Hogs are proverbially a nui sance when running loose, and the com plaints of citizens are loud and of deep utterance. A subscriber, a resident of a distant State, wants to know what kind of an animal a razor back is, accounts of which wild animal he has read of in the classical communications of Cheops. He has heard of 'coons and 'possums, but a razor back is beyond his knowledge. We, however, hardly dare hazard a definition, as it may be a Latin term for very common creature. Perhaps our clever correspondent (Jheops will en- ighten our readers, and not puzzle them so much by hard words. Mr. Cleaveland, one of the witnesses in the Hpnson nase. at the Federal Court. returned from Asheville Saturday In Highlands, Comer OI MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, IS HEAD-QUARTERS For Hats, Georgia Checks, j J eaus, HIGHLANDS LAND AGENCY WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AMOUNT. Qs Nov. 18 40.2 19 88.8 20 85,5 21 87.3 22 47,8, 23 00" 24 24.2 Week 86.2 48 47 47 48 51 89 29 51 37 35 29 29 40 i'y 86.3 91.3 75 79.8 88 23, 100 23 1 22 88'.6 fall .07 Rain Cloudy Fair .50 Rain Farming, Grazing L. r, Kain Fair Free Trade in South Carolina. Columbia, Nov. 23. A call has been is sued for a free trade corvejition to. meet in Columbia on the 9th of December. Nearly all the, counties an? sending dele gates, and the. gathering oi tann reform ers will be. large ana uumentiai. RIDEOUT & CO. Fruit Growing P fIV T T 1 vv limuer jjantc HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE TOWN; gem of the mountains. It is said by those who know, that blockade whiskey is far from being the genuine O I C. Moonshiners have learn ed the tricks of the trade, and have their little adulterating recipes for lowering the cost of manufacture. Arrivals at the Highlands House. A. M. Parker, Sylva. Mr. Bell, Atlanta, Mrs. E. M. Starritt, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. J. D. Freeman, Westminster, S.C A. D. Farmer, Franklin. me new York Jrieraia says we may expect a cold spell of weather to succeed the full moon, and that the full moon is usually followed by a fall of tempera- ture,particularly inNovember andDecem ber. That is very likely to be the case. But how about the Spring montlis ? Pro bably about that time the full moon will be follQwed by warmer weather. The legislature of South Carolina met at Columbia on the 24th inst in regular session. ' The Eeoicee Courier of yester day published the message of the Gov ernor, Hugh S. Thompson, in full. In it he recommends amendments of the pre sent "cumbersome system of assessment and taxation." The large amount of rainfall, abun dance of good springs and creeks, pure air, and mild, even temperature, points out this region around Highlands as the home of the grasses and clover and 'root crop3. "and just the place for the raising of sou nd, hardy horses, and for dairy ana sheep farming. ' - , " t ast, after an enforced absence of three weeks. Hensen was sentenced to two years imprisonment. He was the leader of the party in the attack on the High- ands House last winter for the purpose of releasing a couple of moonshiners in the charge of United States officers stay ing there overnight, when one of the ttacking party was shot dead by the offi cers, lienson, heavily armea with bad whiskey, was taken prisoner in the house, and the rest of the party decamped, and mostly escaped apprehension. The Judge said that if Henson would inform on the party or parties who incited the trouble and were at the back of it, so that they could be brought to justice, there would be grounds for getting up a petition to pardon him or to shorten the term of lus imprisonment. - OF HIGHLANDS MTlEIWe- Beaatiful Bnilm Sites, k Besides, constantly on hand, a general line ox DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes. AND. THE BEST OF GROCERIES. We have iust Received from Richmond, a f u Fall and Winter supply pf; the tf est Jboots ana Shoes Including the Virginia Brogan and Napoleon Boot ALL AT LOWEST PRICES ! Parties bavins' rliean nronertips for snip. in Macon or adjoining counties, should correspond with us, as we are advertising quite extensively, and have superior fa-, cilities for handling real estate, LAUEEL CKEEK CORRESPONDENCE. Laurel Creek, Moccason District, Ga., NTVP 9SfVi 1SSK wianar!avi,'lf 'tJ nr--.- u 1 For circulars describing Highlands. ..ct. af w ifw wwwc vtMTo ujjci, yuu ana vicinity, descriptive price lists, xc, mfly miss t by buying before- examining me Largest and Finest Stoeh of Qqods in this Section of Western North Carolina. HIGHLANDS HOUSE, HIGHLANDS, MACON CO., N. C. Mil Besort for Winter pi summer. Altitude nearly 4,000 feetThe Land of the the time, because Uncle Benson Pickel- simer was going to have a joyous enter tainment at his corn husking, which was to come off jn a couple of days. Besides, there were some little amatory affairs in progress beiween certain Jacks and Jills, the denouement of which we should have been glad to have witnessed. At Mr. James Thompson's, on tho 21st, there was a ball, graced by festive beaux and belles, who " tripped it on the light, fantastic toe" to inspiring Terpsichorean strains until the " wee small hours" of morning. l?he tables were laden with a sumptuous repast, and all went "merry as a marriage bell." 1 Fine crops throughout this section, with fat kine, iwine and poultry in plenty, and at moderate prices. . Tl. 1 1 - - luu wuee generally prevails in -,fl..ffAT(, with fh W. of T...J. lr -r , I lAxuav muuuuuua, uiu jox. ias. Diiungsxy I skill ,.---; has erected a new mill house, and is put- . We hav6 kind and attentive waiters, j ting in tt large' overshot wheeL So this t6 pleasure in caring f or ourguests. mill will be able to grind with disnatch. The sick receive special attention. Travelers and freighters haVn in. Terms low. convenienced by the damage done to tUj- JOSEPIl fRTTTS, Proprietor call an or adtires 3. T. KELSEY, Highlands, Macon County, JV. C, Highlands Insurance The health-giving power, of our pure air, spring water, and grand scenery, has jg connected tpith only First-class Companies no equal, Winter or eummer. invanos BA-jfTrn? vvtttttc health, will do well to stop here and get it; also better fare at less tnan nan tne Our table is supplied with the best the J , jft. ZiAViMJLU, X . Agent, Sursreoii Dentist. BOOK & JOB PRINTING At ThiJ HiquiiAnibi Office. ,

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