1 if, '. " i-:V T ZE3Z !B IEC Gh-.Zffi'ZLi.-A- ZEsT 3D IB Bi. MACON COUNTY AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. Vol. 1. HIGHLANDS, MACON" COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1885. No. 18. V NOTICE. By. virtue of a Deed in trust executed to the Aultman & Taylor Company by S. (J Brysori and wife M. C. Bryson? on the following lands, to wit : situate in Ham burg township, Jackson county, and State of North Carolina, on the waters of the Tucaseega River, beginning on white oak and runs north 70 degrees west W poles to a small locust, and various other courses for complements, contain ing 184 acres, and known as the Mag 'league place. Also tract JNo. 2 adjoins iso. l, begins on a white oak in LOudon's liap, and runs various courses for com plements. containing 50 acres. Tract No 8 contains 59 acres, adjoins No. 1 and 2, and begins on a white oak, being the home lands of the said S. C. Bryson and wire. I will sell the said lands for cash, at the Court House door, m Frankhn, Macon county, N, C, on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1886, to satisfy a deed in trust executed to The Aultman and Taylor Co. K. EL1AS, Att'y 6f The Aultman & Taylor Co. Asheville is on a boom, a grand glori ous boom. So sayd the Citizen, A number of wolves have been killed lately in Jackson county. Mr. Ed. Cunningham has been appoint ed V nitM States Cdmnlissioner tot Macon and Clay counties. Mr. T. F. Parker is stocking his farm with cattle, and has just received a young Jersey bull; Our cdrrespondeht "Cheops" is incorri gible. But don't be scared, boys : get out your dictionaries, cyclopaedias and natural histories. Lost, stolen, strayed, carried oft" or bor rowed, from front of The Highlander office, a heavy Sledge Hammer. Please ifeturn, Qr deliver to Mr. Trowbridge. In Franklin, wheat is worth $1 and Indian corn 46 cerils per bushel. A State Prohibition Convention is to be held at Greensboro, N. C, on the 10th bf December, to organize a Prohibition party. We had a light fall of snow a couple of Uays ago, and it has been cold and windy. We are unable to give our usual meteor ological report, as Miss Chapin's appara tus has been broken by some means. We have received from the Board of Agriculture of this State, a copy of " The Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina," by P. A: Genth and W. C. Kerr. IT Mr. W. S. Blackman, who was ft Very zealous prohibitionist in Atlanta, has be come a raving lunatic, and has been locked lip. Physical overwork in the campaign, and great mental excitement, is the cUuse. LATTBEL CBEEK COBBESPONDENCE, ANOTHER FUNNY G AOL. About four r o clock Wednesday morning, two federa xjuura reeit, iuofuaaou .Liauiui, wa,., i prisoners ana three county prisoners tw q Ifift5 broke out oi the county gaol at Morgan T At 1 a rr At i U KJJ Oi VAAV CULftVA X kVJ JllLL VAX in uie last Highlander, we see mai u the ton of the door frame lif - door off the hinges. The authorities have not yet found any trace of them. RIDEQUT &. CO. has a reader in a distant State, who is puzzled over our delectable razor back. Now, from what we understand, that reader wants it plain. We believe that we can give it to him in such common English that his youncest relations will see the point, and we know that he will, as he has already heard of that carnivor ous mammal, the procyon lotor, and of that marsupial omnivorous mammal, the didelphis Virginiana, yet he may not have cognizance of that auadruDedal re daneous pachydermatous mammal of the In Highlands, Comer of genus dicotylea torquatue, the real ta- MAIN AND FOURTH streets, jacu, supposed to be somewhat allied to ia the razor back ; nor should he confound TTp! AT)-Q TT AT? TK K 8 the North Sea, remarkable for its large 01" llats Georgia ClieCKS, size and tremendous length, and com monly known as the physalusjintiquo- rum. Jmit when we mention the razor back's cognate, the ungulate of the fam ily suidae, we know that your subscriber will at once recdghize our razor batk as a probable descendant of the "wild boar of Ardennes," and whose technical name, in Use by the savans of our country, is hog". It is of sidW growth, ill-natured, and makes its living on the Blue Ridge mountains independent of corn Or feed. The time of its first appearance here is unknown, and ho 6theY hog will succeed similarly with like treatment. A man in Texas, who was kept up a tree for a whole day, by a gang of peccaries, in es caping from them ran into a herd of irate razor backs, which he describes as being of the Swiss cottage, qrder of architec ture, with hams neither so oily nor so hard as a pm& knot; Cheops. Mr. Wells, near Highlands, possesses a valuable thorough-bred Jersey Bull, Which should be considered quite an ac quisition to this country. The following letter will satisfy breeders as to the qual ities of the bull : State of Wisconsin, Office of Secretary of "State Agricultural Society, -- - . Madison, Sep. 29, 1883. B. W. Wells, Highlands N. a My friend, Mr. George A. Cheney, informs me he is to send you his Pure Jersey Bull Calf, out of his " Galveston" heifer. As I purchased Galveston of Mr. C. S. Dole of Illinois, the best breeder of Jerseys in that State, I thought I would assure you that I rgard the blood which you get of the very best, I congratulate you, as the first purchaser of & bull is of great importance, Clinton Babbjtt, Secretary Of the State Agricul'l Society. P.S. I offered for the calf you get $50 when he was but two weeks of age. BlRTft. . In Smith's Bridge township, on the 28th of November, the wife of Mr. Andrew "Justice of a son. PLUNGED INTO A WmRLPOOL. Asheville, N. C, Nov. 25, 1885. A ter rible railway accident occurred in this section at ten o'clock this nioming on the Western North Carolina railroad, at a point called Deep Water, on French Broad River, near Warm Springs, result1 ing in the instant death of three men. auc tvcotciu iwuuu iicigui llcUll uii MIC track encountered an immense boulder, which had rolled down from the over- langing mountain, and which, owing to a curve in the road, could not be seen i till too late to stop the train. - The tram plunged into a whirlpool seventy-eight feet deep, carrying with it to instant death ixeorge W, rarnsh, en gineer, formerly of Lynchburg, aged twenty-five ; a ndgfd named Whitney, of tins city ; a nreman and one Drateman. George Parrish was to have been married unnstmas eve to a young iauy m Lynchburg. Jeans, Besides, constantly on hand, a general line of DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes. AND THE BEST OP GROCERIES. Wd have iust Received from Richmond. a full Fall find Winter supply of the .best Jtsoots and bhoes Including the Virginia, Brogan and Napoleon Boot ALL AT LOWEST PRICES ! 0 matter whanrthdrs offer, you-' may miss it by buying before examining the Largpst and Finest St'deh of fiftods in this Section of Western North Carolina ATLANTA GOES DRY. HIGHLANDS HOUSE, HIGHLANDS, MACON CO, N. C, Haltl Resort for Winter aid summer. Altittfde nearly 4,006 feet The Laa& of the DX.J. local option passed quietly and pleasantly. The health-giving power of our pure Seven thousand votes were polled. Both ai spring water, and grand scenery, has Riilfis wnrkftfl harA. Th tipoty vrt was no equal, Winter or Summer. Invahds flvenlv divided. Pi-ohihitinn wfls iwrrifid who go to Florida in winter seeking by 225 majority. It will go Into effect health, will do well to stop her and get nn th ft Uujt rlav of nnrt Jniv xchon tii it; also better fare at less than half the existing licenses expire. HIGHLANDS MARKETS. Wheat $1 15 to 'i Buckwheat 50 Corn, new . , 50 Oats 50 Rye CO Flour, per 100 lbs. .. , 3 50 " Butter it i . 15 " Eggs 12 Potatoes 40 Onions 60 . Apples 40 " Chickens 10 Sweet potatoes .....;.., 50 Fodder, per 100. ......... 1 00 Hay, per 100 lbs. 1 00 Sorghum syrup 40 " Dried apples, per lb. , 3 " Fat cattle, live weight: ... 2 Fat sheep, average 1 CO Dried peaches 5 " Dried blackberries ....... 5 Pork. 6 cost. Our table is supplied with the best the markets afford, cooked with the best of ! skill. We have kind and attentive waiters, and take pleasure in caring for our guests. The sick receive special attention. $3m Terms low, JOSEPH FRITTS, Proprietor, 8 75 25 50 50 15 60 1 50 ! 50 4 10 "HIGHLANDS MILLS, WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, Prop, CASH PAID FOR GRAIN. Wheat, Buckxcheat and My6 Flour kept HIGHLANDS LAND AGENCY WE flAVfi ON It AND A LARGE AMOUNT Otf Farming, Grazing, Fruit Growing & Timber Lands, HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE tOWtf OF HIGHLANDS. Beasfsl Bsilii Sites, k Parties havincr chao properties for sale in Macon Or adjoining counties, should correspond with us, as-we are advertising quite extensively, and have superior fa ciHties for handling real estate. fe'.For ciixJulafs describing Highlands and vicinity, descriptive price lists, &c, call on oi "address S. T. KELSEY, Highlands,. Macon County, N, (X Highlands Insurance AGENCY t connected with only First-class Companies T. BAXTER WHITE, Agent, J. M. ZACHARY, Surgeon Dentist BOOK & JOB PBINTINa At Tll HlGHZj3ftgft Office jor saie, ''' " " '