i -.. V "... ' 'VvC'v.;"'t-. Vol. 2. HIGHLANDS, MAO ON COUNTY, N. 0., FEIPAY, AUGUST G, 1B86. Ko. 1. ft!' ' r" "4 I-' 1. 'J ,1 ! - 7. To-day, tho wi atbor 13 fine; A substantia bridge is to be built aero: s tho Tuckaseege at Wbittier. Her railroad bring to Asbeville plentj of water melons, and fresh isea-ilsb. The Waynesville News hun been chang ed from a patent to an original paper. We understand that maliop 'I hotiipwon and family have arrived at C ol. Alley t in Whireside Cove. An enidemicof tvpboid fever h raging in Pottstown, Pa., caused by the people drinking water from a polluted spring Ifehop Thompson will occupy the pu! pit at the Methodist church on Sunday August l.r)tb, at 11 o'clock. The FloraL Society will - hold tlieii Flo .vcr Show about the last week in Au gust. The WavnewHIe News saj's that the Gurolina, Cumberland Gap, and Chicago R. R. will be built within the next three y'ara. The new Battery Park Hotel, Asheville in to be enlarged to double its present size ; the contract has been let lor the ad ditional buildfhgs.- Tfio starving residents of Western Texas are fleeine eastward from the drought, abandoning their homes and Herds to avoid starvation.. Within two years four provinces 0 Canada Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Manitoba have, quietly given municipal suiFrage to women. Signs of the times, even in the fashion ;j41. -world, disclose the dawning of a day when- a faithfully practical education ah all be demanded both for young women and young men. The Moravian. We have been in the habit of speaking of the altitude of Highlands as 3,7 JO ft.. Ffufc are told that this is an error. It hai been ascertained that' the town stand? 3,3i0.feat above the sea. A? party-of eigkt tourists from Georgia, v.-ith servants and baggage, arrived here yesterdav ; we are sorrv to say that the weather was rainy, and they had to se:1 aheltr in a house, instead or camping out. . - On Julv 19 a two days' snow storm buried East Labrador, cutting olf all com nuinicatiou. Temperature 10 deg. above zero. The cold is caused by- immense masses of Arctic ice along the coast. It iis said that 3,500? people have died The students of the University of Geor ma have issued the first college annua ever published in the South. It is called fhe Pandora. News and Ci-uner, A man named Tom Fowler assaulted Clarke Whitiier, Jr., July.1, and imme (tiately took the train for Wayreville. where he was arrested and taken back to Wbittier. In place of the usual Temperance meet fug on Tuesday evening, Rev. O. E, Tha3er will give a lecture on temperance at the Methods church, to be preceded by singing under the direction of the Rev C. L. Chichester. The, Ashev Hie Citizen of Aug. 1 says The State Immigration Aiient, Mr. Patrick !eft yesterday for Wbittier to see that country again, nnd to investigate certain 'complaints which have been lodged with the department by some parties who had been there. Arrivals at the Highlands House. . 1. F. Smith and wife, Ocala, Fla. ; necieman, wite ana three -children, Charleston, S. C. ; Mrs. John Van Oven and two children, Charleston. S. C. ; C. Nolken, Camden, S. C. ; E. S. Bowers, Webster, N. C. ; H. H. Cunningham, JMeuoenville, Uluo. ; A. D. Farmer, Franklin, N. C. A copy of the first issue of the new monthly, the Land of the Sky, published in Asheville, has been sent to us. Its de clared mission is that of letting the world know the many advantages and beautie: of. Western North Carolina, and judging by the character and extent of the infor mation given in this number it promise. to carry out this mission faithfully, and we hope that its circulation may enable it to do so far and wide throughout the cdkmtry. ., Items of Interest From N. C. Immigra i. . tion Department. . James S. Afikill, Esq., ol Nicholas, ''ffctinn., is desirous of pec-uring information concerning North' Carolina with a view of locating. I have,no doubt of his being a first-ckvw. farmer and a good man to have in N. C. W. A. Ru-:h of Clarinet n, Monroe Co.. v Ohio", de:-iirt tx 1 tite in- C. Parties - hiving l.md.5 fr ssk" may' be able to se t jaii a purtliijeV hy addrui him. V''-?-'..-';-:';"--".- -' ' . ' . E. A. Eastman, 6f St.. Augustine, Fla., is desirous of locating in oujr . State and writes Commissoner Patrick for inf6rma tlon relative to Western North Carolina. ONE YEAR OLD. With the present number The High lander enters on the second year of its existence ; it is yet only a bantling in size as well as in age, but we hope that it holds within it the promise of future growth as well as of greater usefulness. Its mod est sheet 'goes out weekly with the pur pose of conveying such local and general news as may be interesting to the dwel ers in and about this town, as well as of helping in its small way the spread of in formation regarding Western North Car olina,. and particularly Highlands. In political questions it takes no part, but it will, wo hone, always be found on the side of progress in education, in morality in social conditions, in agriculture, etc. etc., and in the love for and appreciation of all that is beautiful and all that is good. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING IN 1886. ; "Dost thou not suspect my place ? Dost thou not suspect my years? I am a wise fellow, and which is more an officer, and which is more a householder, and one that knows the law, go to ; and a rich fellow enough, go to ; and a fellow that hath had losses, and one that hath two gowns, and everything handsome about him." Shak. The Asbeville Citizen in the persons of its editors was a few days since summon ed before Judge Shuford of the Inferior Court of Buncombe, on a charge of con tempt of court, based upon the publica tion on July 28 of the following mildly facetious paragraph : Hanging the Juries. "Judge Shuford's Inferior court seems to be playing the mischief with its lunes It adjourned Monday evening with two hung juries. Now if they would- hang the court and the bar and all the plaint iffs and defendants, we really do not know but that the country would be helped. However, we would really re gret having some of our friends tied up." To whatever cause owing, the dignity of this august court would seem to re quire emphatic self-assertion,. On the day after the case had been partly heard, two other short articles which had ap peared in the Citizen of July 29, were likewise taken exception to, and for all three the editors were adjudged guilty of contempt, and sentenced to pay a fine of $300. Determined however to assert and maintain the rights of a free press, and feeling assured that the Judge com mitted a grave error, they will carry the case to a higher court. 1 The Asbeville Citizen says : "Our ex cellent friend the Highlander is evident ly m trouble. He cannot leave his sanc tum without treading upon Microstvlis ophioglossoides ; Liparis liliifoha," Sec, Sec, giving a number more such names, and ending thus, "and he in a 'dry town' at that." We thank our friendly neighbour for his sympathy, which we beg to return in kind ; we do not know whether the "dry town" has anything to do with it, but certainly Mi crostyli8 opliioglossoides, alarming though it looks, is not nearly so danger ous as the Inferior court, and even Gyvi- naaema tnuentata does not insist upon jeing respected to the amount of $300. BARGAIN IN LAND. Farm of 400 acres, 20 bottom, 200 under tence ; about 7o cleared. Good bear ing and young orchards. Six roomed 4ouse, and outbuildings. Splen did range. Edn. K Nield, Horse Cove, Macon Co., N. C. no48. RAIN DRILLS $8.3?; 13 the most perfect Force Feed FfrtHiaer Drill for catalogue. N A W MILLS in existence, aena n 1 tit and uric , MIX II - T Supines. Gin Paws. Cifler Mills." nmliu Machines Corn Shelter & Standard Am-innl. ural ImBlementa c-enflra-Mv . RnrA frS illn. trated catalogue. A. S. FAEOUHAB, , x-caiujlTaiaa Igricttltaral WorkaTYork,: Pa. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The next session opens August 26th. Fifteen Professors offer a wide range of instruction in Literature, Science and Philosophy. The Lay School and the Department of Normal Instruction are fully equipped. Special higher training in all the departments is provided for graduates of the University and of other Colleges free of charge. Select Library of 20,000 volumes ; Reading-Room of 114 Periodicals. Total - collegiate expenses $88.00 a year. Board $8.00 to $13.50 per month. Sessions begin last Thursday in August. For full information, ".address President, Kemp P. Battle, LL'. D., no 50-4t. Chapel Hill, N. C. A. F.UIyly stock: AT Cleaveland's. EIDEOUT & GO., Highlands, N. C. DEALERS IN MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. We Keep Constantly On Hand A Fnll Line Of Groceries, Boots Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c, At Lowest. Living: Prices. 10,000 Pounds qf Wool Wanted. DRESS doODS. Received, a new Lot of HATS AND SHOES. Just in Season, and Better AND CHEAPER THAN EVER, HIGHLANDS TAJVJVUEY.l HIDES WANTED TO TAN ON SHARES. W,fW. COBB, HIGHLANDS. no40 lyr. BOYNTOH- BROTHERS & CO. CARPENTERS, . BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HIGHLANDS. - lumber Furnished as Cheap as the Cheapest. HIGHLANDS LAND AGENCY WE HAVE ON HAND ALARGK AMOUNT OF Farming, Grazing, Fruit Growing & Timber Lands, HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE TOWN OF HIGHLANDS, Beautiful Bnilflins Sites, &c. Parties having chean nronertiesfor sale in Macon or adjoining counties, should' correspond with us, as we are advertising' quite extensively, and have superior far cilities for handfing real estate ' ItW For cii'culars desciiomg Highlands ana vicinity; descriptive fcrke lists, &C.,' call on or address 1 ' .- 1 S. T. KELSEY, Highlands, IMacon County, Nt C. J. JAY SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF SASH AND DOORS, Hoops, CEILING, SI, 4C, Highlands, MaconCounty, N. C. HIGHLANDS BANK. T. D. WAIiDEIV, DANKER, Highlands, Macon Co., N. C, Will Buy and Sell Exchanges, receive Deposits, and do a general Eankin.g Business. Remit tances on CoUections Promptly Made. HIGHLANDS HULLS, WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, Prop, j CASH PAID FOB GRAIN, Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye Flour kept for Sale. - Highlands Insurance AGENCY Connected with Tirtt-elaM Companies. T. BAXTER WHITE, Agent. Also Bubscriptiona received for newspapers and xnagaxinet . BURKE & CUNNINGHAM, REAL ESTATE OFFICE FRAOTTLTTT, ; Macon Coypty, North Carolina i--'

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