3 1 -:- . ' A .? -I ' '. . , - ' f : Vol, 2. HIGHLANDS, MACOK COUNTY, S. C;, FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1886. Ko. 2. 7 Congress ndjourned on the 5th inst. The Pope is considei-ed hopelessly ill. An Extradition Treaty has been nego tiated with Japan. The stories of the Labrador famine are stated to be wholly unfounded. ' The Whiteside road haw been worked ' 'out and h now in good condition. O Horn On Tuewlay, Aut.'lO. a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ifcirr. The alleged discovery of gold in Ab ington, Mass., causes much excitement. The Kev. Mr. Todd amveu here on Tuesday, and is staying at Mrs. DavisV The sale of the Ford place to Mr. Cobb of Beloit, Wisconsin, has been concluded. A meeting of the Floral Society will lie held next Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Walden's. Tin? French Broad Savings Bank lately established in Abbeville is the only one in North Carolina. Some small, but genuine diamonds luive been found among the gold wash ings in McDowell cottnty A cloud-burst on Monday destroyed 800 head of sheep not far from Fort Keogh, Montana. Samuel J. Tilden, the prominent states man, died at (ireystone, near xonkers, N. Y., on the 4th. Bishop Thompson will hold a service hext Sunday at 11 a. m., at the Methodist church. The Annual Session of. Adger College, Walhalla, begins on (he third Thursday in September. The Henderson vi lie Times has heard a Report that Col. Frank Coxe will build a Jiirge hotel jn that town before next sea- rtnrl a naff inches of snow fell at Mt. Washington on the 3rd,, Thermom eter 2 degs., ana wind blowing sixty wiles jm noYirv Hf French Btttfcl tfeifn-tty Ctftopahy have registered their charter and will be jgju work at fmeff on i he railway from ftmttlfcr to the North Carotffya line. . Harry E. .Harman, E$q., editor of the Waynesville News, wa's married at Yad kin College on the 3rd inst., to Miss Ella Walser. The Richmond State urges that city to 'fiurcliase 000 acres of land for a park, and the Citizen suggests that Asheville iniy 50 or 100 acras for a like purpose. Capt. Yates and party have returned, for the purpose of completing their duty by making surveys in Pickens, Greenville, itnd other counties. Xeoivee Cowrief. N" The land on which Walhalla stands was valued in market forty years ago at . from twenty to thirty cents an acre. News and Courier, JSuvtaw g tlte1 possibility of a difficulty wVrtV Mexico; t1 New York Hkrala shows tiiaf Mexico has 250,01)0 Wll-equip- od troops, with experienced leaders-.- ' Mr. Tilden's will'pwtdes tot lite estab-" lishment of free- libraries- in Fris native I village, New Lefortiorit. N,-Y.-ahd also in Soldiers. The Southern Improvement Company," composed of isorthern men, have legun to .grade streeta and build warelnjuses on tiicir 150 ae-es of land m AihevilTe, so School will ojien on Monday mwf-Mrf Harbison of Forest Hill," Pa., will le in dliarge, aind there seems good reason fori h H ,.r i:u 7 1 J ... . . a mu ioriHiiing tne holding or real tate hi the territories by non-resident alliens, or resident foreigners who do not intend to lecom citizens, passed 'the om:u)v 8UiteiF retepf 209 to 6. , . r;ir-nKelwff,' wife, chiltfaud nurse, Mrs. Ti Melchers and two cftlldreh. Miss Ivittie Melchersand Mrs U.- Welnng, all of Charleston. S. C. The night of Ah g. -10 ii tha oii'w'hicb the earth encounters the zone of hteom which which foltew the- cowU?rIIjM$02, in its orbit. InnunraMe sliootlg- stars uiay le seen on thhff rrfgbt in fiVomble Weather,, but thwyt!he'hib5i!Pshone so brightly hrc, that al? lesrer himtearleij were extinguished fir thetlowfbf h'er ra diance. Itkms or Interest DEPABTlIKXTv- Fno-x iiMIfl ATIOX Mr. T. G lJsrtiL'5ortcf Forest Hill; Pa., f .Tasmfii ot -farming, iimoerano to-xvXkirA: On t!aft23tit of ! July lit . . . . . . . .r - . a aoung manv)f,5,nfe1neans wifhA'Ey E. Magee, tmvH'liiVfffr tht nKntlte,'ib,rbiJgh Vi'ci'trm -Nor! I! VjavoMH, making a Ihor- writes from his home requesting settlers' rated, having decided to locate perma nently in North Carolina, near iligh landa Mr. M. Knowles vll Lenoirsville, Pa. writes tliat he intends to move to this State in the fall and will probably settle in Catawba Co. Some of hia people have moved to that county during the present year, and he thinks a number ot his peo pie will make N. C. their future home. Mr. T. W. Tioladr. formerly of Penn has moved to Warrenton, is well pleased and will induce a number of people down He writes for rates so that two English families can move to this State. The head of one of the families is a black smith. W. E. Fuller, Esq., of Ohio, wishes to locate in N. C. and enrage in agricultur al pursuits. He owns land in Ohio, but thinks this State is more suited to his wants than that. John Havden of Port Byrdri, N. Y., wishes to visit N. C, for the purpose of looking at tne country and probably to locate if satisned. He is a good man and would make a good set tier. The publishers of the Manufacturer's Record have purchased the Baltimore Journal of Commerce, and will continue its publication. The Manufacturer's Record has in less than four years grown from a small unknown paper to be one of tne xoreuiosi inausn-iai journals in uie country, nnivei'sally acknowledged to have accomplished incalculable good for the South, in promoting the development ot its material resources. The same en terprise and life that has marked the management of the Manufacturer's Rec ord, and the same policy that has brought it such unprecedented success, Mill be observed in the conduct of the Journal of Commerce. It will be a useful paper to business men, and its market reports and quotations of prices will make it use ful to smppcTs ot produce, gram, cotton, lumber, &c. The town council lirfs granted to Mr. J. J. Smith the privilege of laying a tram way from his mill, along the east side. of Fourth Street as fat 3 the ctirpotfStioh limits ; it wnf then be earned around the north side of Bear Pernf, and on towards the Short Oif schoctf JioWfee; Mr. Smith proposes to use the road- for hauling logs to his mill, also for bringing to Highlands buildta& stone, 4uOst ineibaustibfer sup plies of which are found along the' line of the proposed tram-vay ; and as fire-wood is growing scarce near at hand, the town can be supplied with it in the same way from a greater distance. I L I I ! II I . The" work of gl-ading Main Street bfcJ tween Third and Fourth Streets has been going oh tWs week, and- the, hill on Fourth- Stee south' of Mam',- whibh was earlWt in the season cut down scren feet, i is havintr its height and stJpness still further redUcedi'. A lW&'.Bas begri'iml; over the brook that crosses Fourth-Street at Mr. J. J. Smith's saw milk and some tfradinfe witt be doho dh Fifth' Street. The low ground oh Main St. above Fifth will also be filled and bridged; All thdse .artf' much" needed improvements but they are only a beginning of what is meant to be doftff in the not distant fu ture; , One of tli wltnefe in (tietiial'of the Anarchists in Chicago, was unintention ally the cause of much amusement. "Are you a Socialist asked Attorney Foster. -No, Sir." "Or an Anarchist r "No, Sir. I am an American." And it must certainly be impossible for tme-borfl American to beUher the "one or the otltei'. Farm of 460 acres, 20 boifortf;m'200; under fence -W73 cleafed. Ckd "bearr ihg aadiyOUng prChaxtU. ' Six roomed hotU. ahdutbti.ilding.' Splen did range; Edn. - Ei-NfiELD Hrse0' xjovft.' Maoon Co., N;'C, . nc48. GRAIN DRILLS U tbemMt prfeot Free7ee4TmtliMrlfiIl fur eaUlogu MtVIUU i generally. . Send fofillus- trated catalo cuworai woru, York, pa. Machines Qra Saelleri ft 8tiSdtf4'inievIt. cral Imnieineata eeneraJJr. . Send fofi 11 ni UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The next session opens Aucrust 26th. Fifteen Professors offer a wide range of Philosophy. The Law School and the Department of Normal Instruction are fullv Aniiittrwvl. RnAP.ml bfbhftr trlnintrxr in all 'the iSepartmebta Is, provided fori graduates of W& University and of other Colleges free of charge. Select .Library of 20,000 volumes ; Readio-Eoomof 114 Periodicals. Total collegiate expenses $88.00 a year. Board $8.00 to $13.50 per jnonin, cessions uejnn jasv xnursoay m 4.1. ' . 1 J m. I August For ,. full informationn address Dnnnmilvnn T4an "tl D a mmv T T 1 I x ittwsiuibin i xvraiir x xjai xx xjxj( i no50-4t. Chapel HU1, N. C. ui,i stock: GRO C ERIES AT CleAVSlAnds. RlKEGT & CO., Highlands, N. G. fyEALEBS IN ENEEAL MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY KRODUCE. We Keep Constantly On Hand A Full Line Of Groceries, Hoos, Shoes, Ifats; Cidibhirig, Sc., At Lowest Living trices 10,60(y PottiaVolf Wool WatttedbV - ixr;5ss dooDs. Rec'elveH; a fiew Lot of HATS AND SHOES, Just Mm and Setter AND CHEAPER THAN EVER HIGHLANDS TANNERY. I m mmm m ' W shares. ;, -V. ' . HIGHLANDS. no40 lyr. BOYHTOKJlMS&CO. CAllPElNTRS, BUILDERS And contractors. ., , - axOBXANDS. Lumbr FrniLd m CbUf m tta Cheapest. 1 HIGHLANDS I A AGENCY WE HATB ON tiAND ALi&OB AMOUNT (3t ; ' ! Fimit firowidg & Timber LandsJ HOUSES Atfb LOTS IN THE TOWT OF HIGHLANDS, Beautiful MMi Sites, k Parties having cheap nronerties for salo in Macon or adjoining counties, should correspond with us, as we are a4vertisin quite extensively-, and have superior fa cilitiea for handfing real estate. " fiT For circulars deecrioincr Highlands and vicinity, dgsjcriptive price lists, dtc;,' ; can. on ox aauresa HfaHLANDS,. Macon County, N. C. J. JAY smith; MANUFACTURER 01 SASH AND DOORS; j ! ' I i. .,1 i- yli-I . , I Highlands, MaconCounty, N. C BANK, Highlands, ' Macon Co., N. d, Will Buy arid Sell Exchanges, receive DepOsita, and dd' a general ' Bailkirig Business. Remit tances on Collections Promptly Made. HIGHLflJfDS IIILLS, WHiLIA31 PARTRroGB, Prop, , CASH Pdii) $QR CfltAIM Wheat) Buckwheat and. e Flour kept for Sale, HigiiitSiSs ' Mlnf anc .i. s.-i ; vxxf uu y j. CoanecUd vita Itht'OliM Companiei. TBAXTER IHTE, Agent, ;i AUiwbMggg reeWa for newiptpefs 1 REAL ESTATE OFFICE 7" FRAKELpir Macon County'; Nortli CdroUnX K :. I -.) I 4 "