j Vol; 2. IHGIILAJSrDSj, , MAOdif, OQIJls J T, K ,Q.,.EIDAY, SEPT. 3, 1886. No. 5, We are horrified to hear that Charles ton, S. C. suffered severely on Tuesday nights- Many lives are. Bajdto have been lost, 150 bodies having been taken from ruined. houses up to. the. tifiw when the news left Walhalla,. Much anxiety has been felt regarding Charleston, no papers reaching ' iis from, there last night, and Atlanta papors reportitig telegraphic com munication broken since the earthquake, whichnvould indicate serious disturbance. "Vve hope that hater tidings may assure us that these first reporjs are exaggerated, but it seemsveviden that the earthquake there has been a terrible catastrophe ; much of the business part of the city is sd to be destroyed. . .Later reports say that 260 bodies have been found i -also that eight churches Vvere destroyed. .. On Tuesday' night between. 8L and 10 , o'clock all Highlands was startled by a Mr. u. U. Godfrey, has sold his farm. Lieut. Hovle and familV nndvedat Mr Henry's on Tuesday eyeningV ' , ABhow oi Livestock vdll be held in AshevHle some time, this fall. The President and' Mas. Cleveland are spending their vacation inthe, Adiron dacks. The partial .eclipse,. of tb eun last . Sun day morning was seen by several of those who rose carry enougn. A cloud-burst in Wilkes county last . . . . - . week swept away trees and houses, but fortunately caused, no Ipsa of life. "There goes one white man who never lied to an Indian," was the, compliment paid to Bishop Whipple the other day by an untutored savage. . The pollen of the Ailanthus tree is now. said to be poisonous, and to cause much ill health diirincthft hlnnminc nonarm in cities wnere tne tree is pieiiaiuiiy plan ted. . ..' The husband of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe died on Aug.. 22nd, and one bf her ' The elaborate arrangements for the opening of the Southern Exposition at Louisville on, Aug. ?o were very success- the fourth season during wldch the Expo sition has bejen held ajad, in preparation for it . great improvements nave oeen made in. the. buildings,. The. Aj$ gallery contains four hundred pictures, by well known native and foreign artists, and in the Music Hall anumber of concerts,, will he given by orchestras led by Prof. W. Damrosch and other noted musicians. uvu. -ui ciwiquaKe vt Bumciejic iorce stowe died on, Aug. 22nd, i tp set sxriall bells ringing, and to make brothers, Mr. J. C. Beeoher, committed windows rattle loudly. Many persons suicide at a water cure at Elmira, N. Y; finding their houses shaking indecided- on the mh He was de"ged. ty unpleasant manner, went out of doors Jr "SSf Jftftf? N-rth u u m, , , Georgia R. R. 48 now lajd to Toccoa nver, to see what the matter was.. Tlus shock nearly 20 miles north of EHijay. Grad tvas not violent enough to do any dam- ing is nearly completed from Toccoa riv- .bufciiB duration wa& noticeable ; cer- ,er co urpny, i mies, HIGHLANDS WABKETS. Wheat.. SI 30 Buckwheat Corn, 6(1 Rye,.....;......;....... 60 Flour, per 100 lbs.'. ...... . 3 50 " Butter ". 15 Eggs . 10 Potatoes 25 " Beans, per bushel. ... .... 1 00 " Chickens 15 Fodder, per 100 1 50 Hay, per 100 lbs. 1 00 Sorghum syrup. . , 40 " Mutton, 5 " 50 25 50 25 50 9 LAN-D; AGENCY r 'taibly no less .ftan'oue and one-half - minures, ana m tne-opinion or very many, more than that, It was presently CoUojwed by slighter shocks at gradually Iengthenihg intervals ; one of these was felt 4s late as 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning. -antl'some" people believe that ne, or ; two occurred during that day. Tuesday night was a very beautiful one, ; Vbngfttly starlight, and perfectly still. As ' faifwe ican Iea.this ig. the first time within the memory of dwellers in this part of. the mountain country that it has r been visited by earthquakes. Jwtbtf Jaheville Citfeen nf WndnM ti&y no mention whatever isniadeof the Waynesville News .'Transylvania Co. nas ine Dest corn crop in the estate. There are one third? ior nnnnlA in- Western North CaroKna this season than ever before. we near that Dr. and Mrs, O'Farrell nT1.Trn.r urnnnniirman tun nnmunnv will move from Horse Cpve to Highlands GENERAL MERCHANDISE1 AND COUMY 1T n cVA4. limn Tkn 11 in I EIDEOUT & CO., Highlands, N. C. PJGALJSBS U PRODUCE. 9 . vv MMMUVWP in a short time. They will occupy Squire Hill's llOHSfi in Whifh Mm. Davia ia nn-m r 'V W -M.K rW I SJ3EhS5 w iw omnnr Han k m un of given up: .. Groceries, Boots. Slioes, THE FLOWER SHOW. Hats, Clothing, &c, wwesi Living mces. 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted. DRESS QOODS. Received, a new Jjot of HATS AMD SHOES, Jnst in Season, nl AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. letter J. F. WALDEN, The Flower Show given by the Floral Society on Saturday last far surpassed the hopes and anticipations of the Society frljZ exptions of the public, in the v.wfeara. that the shock' in Ashevillewas pluantlty m quality of the flowers vPevere. :Jxi Fran3klin.no damage was done shown, and the taste displayed in their beyond the shakingdown of a few bricks arrangement. The. schoolroom in which :&&iffjL W wpdecorated South. Abbut.half thcL btuldingain Hel- mtl1 erns wild flowers, and was vis ena, Ark,,, are said to be damaged, ited during the attexnoon by almost every cLYaE ?h(?k atNew one in Highlands,, and by some persons . Orleans. At Balsam Gary Jackson coujh - , ty, a chimner was thrown' down, and irom owier piace8- Anree wno ftveral chimneys were damaged at Web- Bave been spending the sumier here, BWr. No injury to persons in the- section- kindly acted as judges ; they gave the kit febeen moT severe than it was here, choicest collection ci out flowers, and the bttt:bffirpnd wrecking the cbunney of a second to 4, fox beauty of arrange very old brick house nc serioua damage ' 01 fge was done1. . ment S1 group ol flowers ; these On Saturday, the 28th ult., at the time ladi(? tixema&lyea gave fifty cents as : of the tremendous csonvnlsiona in drew., a third prize for the beat arrangement of a shock was felt in Charleston, and m wild flowers, which they awarded to No. PRACTICAL WATCH- i rLuuJ: , 10- These m, ,in which general MAKER & JEWELER. Watches and Jew- were tiesiiroyea m lireece, and 600 lives "J TOT v v"1""00"-, nn lost ' Vesuvius is 4n active eruption. " added a few kindly remarks, very encour- In consequence 'of ; the news -from aging to the Society and to others who Charleston. Dr. Thompson and. family, had sent flowers for exhibition; he was te&$tJ2 'QUowed byMr. a T. Kelsey who spoke I in si li Ira Anmnlimmnnr sttH nhDunn n- manner. Mr. Kelsey was then asked to announce the names of those "by whom the prizes had taken. No. 2 be Mrs. J. J. Smith ; No. 4 Mrs, Boynton, and No. 10 Miss A. Henry. Mrs. -T. Waldn hnd a vflnr nrpH-o- oril. lection of pot plants which added greatly to the beauty of the tables, but as there was no competition in this department flowers were sold during the afternoon, and some very beautifully tinted maple leaves from Horse Cove, given by Mrs. fitra.hn.rn arA nnt tin nf. anifiAn kir UTi. Kelsev. brousrht fannv nrirm In fh I PP. A T. "RflTP A TP! ,AWUTri-l7 a 1 s aw-a m m juwamam uv A AUUl of the Literary Society, the remainder of the CUt flowers . Wam snM af. ' annfinn kv Hat tt i . . : r . plunce, and fof thi fine view fmrn t I6? ine P"068 were lopol the UDDer falls over the ne5? m.ie Igders 4.-. --. "a me wnu ooaei, - ana me numorous ' , - . - . . - - v, -J ' but earnest efforts of Mr. Henry. The Hender8onvtlle Times Hendersoa- members of. the Society feel that they Villa Tt' MlttmAoo fltiH vuWii1niAM t M . a m . . f . iuowcoq iuiu uujuiowuij, is biic i uwo . many uiaiiEo TO ail 111086 who SO & Timber Lan HOUSES. AND, LOTS JN THE TOWN OF HIGHLANDS,. Beaitifil UliliDi Sites; k, Parties havincr cheannrnnertioflforvRflta ' in Macon or adjoining counties, should corresDbnd with. n. A vM aria tvflrhiaino' quite extensively, and hAve superior fa. cuiues xor nanqung reai esiaie tT For circulars descriomorHifrhlandit. and vicinity, descriptire price lists; ,&o., AM ilwAAA - i a T. KELSBT?), Afacon County, NyC ing. It is now an assured fact that a railway will be constructed to the foot of Roan mountain, and that a gravity road will ue Miaue irom lis terminus to Gloudland nocei, on tne summit of the mountain. . inat is uie mgnest hotel in this country. Arbxvals at Highlands House. Wright and son, Laurens, S. C. ; J, W Stepson, Columbia, S. C. ; W. G. Nolen, i Auania, Kxa., ju. jn. vviute, XtnoxvUle, xean. a party from here visited the falls of tfte Whitewater -last week, , These falls are about .eighteen miles from here and ore remarkable for their heic-ht. for tr, beauty of the gorge down which they elry repaired in neat and workmanlike manner Work left at T. D. Walderfs drug store will receive prompt attention; HIGHLANDS, N. C. to Highlands Insurance Connected witk Tirit-elasa Companies. T. BAXTER WHITE, Agent. ' Alflb BtfbsorfptidiM reoivd for newspapora and magasiSM. BURKE & CUNNINGHAM, FKAirexiisr, Macon County, 'North Carolina. BARGAIN IX LAND. fteo$ largest place to Asheville in Western kindly aided their efforts and to whom Nnrt.n flnrn 1 1 n a .' -- . I Vm; rtn-, in i. J - rrt a - - In North Carohria a Catholic College its from the. Flower Show, includinic irifts colored' priests -farvork among thfri ne- $19.50, whiclt will be expended in im groea of the South.. a, i :. ) proving thPark, ., Fabm of 400 acres, 20 bottom, 200 under rence ; aoout 75 cleared. Uood bear ing and young orchards. '- Six roomed nouse, and outbuildings. . Splen- . . ", : did range. : ; ;4 Edn. E. Nhxd Horse Cove,5 Macon : Co., N. O. -,, .no48. '. Jf J Y SMITHi MANUFAcmnisa v SASH 4KP POOgS, . FLOOM, CEILING, M c.r Highlands, AfacoriOounty, lft 0. AT Cleave LAND'S: ; OHGHLANDS, 3

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