Vol. 2. HIGHLANDS, MACON COtTNTY, K 0., FBIDAY, OCT. 22, 1886. No. 12. 7 THE PROGRESS OF HIGHLANDS. Though there has occurred no "boom" intHighlands tjUch as some of the towns on the western norcn arunim nuiruau have felt during the past twelve months, tlie substantial, if modest proereas that htm been made here is very encouraging Several uretty and comfortable house s have been built and occupied, And im movements and additions have been made to manyS others. The boarding house on Fourth Street has been almost entirely r rebuilt and enlarged to more than three times its former size. New water-wheels have been put in several of the nulls, and in some cases new machin ery. Altogether something like $10,000 lias been expended in building since last October, while further improvements are in progress and other houses are to be erected next spring. The school house is about to be made more comfortable, and as it is already much too small for our crowinK needs, it may be hoped that another room or two will soon be added. The tramway now being laid will bring into the town a quantity of excellent lum ber, and also of building stone from local Sties not to be reached by other mean?. The streets -and roads, have had much money and labor given to them, and have been greatly improved. Storekeepers are doing an excellent business, and the town wears a general air ot tniui ana perma hence which must be attractive to Strang era visiting it With our beautiful seen ery and wonderfully healthy climate, our water of absolute purity, our cool sum mers, our orderly population, our free dom from all that would create or en Courage disease, our pretty churches, our excellent scnooi, our iree norary, etc, wti may congratulate ourselves that we I dreds of manufacturers who are turning their gaze southward for better locations, where they will not have their spindles and looms idle three months out of twelve on account of ice and snow. Every branch of trade and industry, every calling in life will be represented through influential and powerful journnls. The Bulletin. Editor Highlander i The other day I rode for the first time over the much-maligned Whiteside road. I have during the last forty years or so, ridden and driven over roads of all sorts, good, bad, and indifferent, and think I ought to know whereof I affirm in saying that it is a remarkably good road when there is taken into consideration the to pography of the country through which it passes, the fact that it has been made only three years, and that it was con structed entirely by private subscription, and chiefly by the hard work and money of one or two men. This road has been severely criticised by those who did not contribute to it and who are not obliged to use it, since the older and longer way is open to them, but I repeat that, consid ering everything, it is a remarkably good road. Fair PLay. EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. An Academy will be opened at High lands, Macon Co., N. C., on Monday November 8th 1888. The Academy i3 designed to fit pupils f Or College, for Business, or for Teaching. It offers the advantage of three separate courses, viz The College Preparatory Course, The Teachers Normal Course, and The Com mon School Course. Instruction will also be given in Vocal and Instrumental Music. For a catalogue or further par ticulars address PROF. T. G. HARBISON, n9-6t. Principal. The weather continues very fine. We hear that a surprise party was given at the hotel the other night. Some of our people felt a smart earth quake shock early this morning. I. A. Keck, of Bowling Green, Fla., spent a few days in Highlands lately. North Carolina editors are cordially in vited to attend the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Murray arrived here from Excelsior, Minn., on the 15th inst. We are glad to hear that Highlands will nrnHn Vilvr Tna ronrtxaonforl vtr Mr TTol. DOSittSS iiiuuii w uuuuj xiiuuttuiua ox v uc- rqV .t t in Northern Sett fl.s' I nnvfint nn eirable either for a summer sojourn, or as On the night of the 16th ice half an a place of permanent residence inch tnick formed in some parts ttf West- IIIGII LANDS MARKETS. Wheat . . 1 1 $1 20 Oats, 50 Corn, . . 4 1 . t . i i ; t . . . i 65 . Rye ... i ........ i i .. 1 1 . 65 Flour, per 100 lbs 3 50 Butter ; 15 " Eggs .., 10 Potatoes, Irian 5J) Potatoes, Sweet. 73 Beans, per bushel 1 00 " Chickens XQ " Fodder, per J00 1 50 Hay, per 100 lbs. , 1 00 Mutton, 5 Beef, 6 Apples, 25 50 25 25 15 8 8 50 EIDEOUT & CO., Highlands, N. C DEALERS IN OdUHfltf STATE AGRICULTURAL MENT. DEPART- ABOUT THE STATE FAIR. Raleigh, N. C The excursion rates to North Carolina, Northern Settlers' Convention, October 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th, will be as follows, round trip : Boston, Mass., via M. and M. Steamers to Norfolk, Va., thence via Seaboard Air Line Rail Road to Raleigh and return, 19.55. New" York, via Old Dominion Bteamers to Ntfrlalk, including meals and state room, thence" via Seaboard Air-Line to Raleigh and return, $14.55. Alexan dria, Vav, via Richmond & Danville Rail Road to RaJetgh tod retdrtf, $9700. Bal timore, Md., via- Bay Line learners to Norfolk, Va., thence vf Seftboard Air- Line to Raleigh and return, $ 7.00. Persons desiring to take advantage of these rates should address at once J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C, and obtain an order on winch to buy toe nc&ets, stating names 6f each person who will be in the party, Money spent in attending the State Fair .will be a profitable investment. The excursion rates ate so low every one can afford to take a day or two of reo- Jeation-and pleasure. If you are'Of Northern3 birth, and de- nre to acroira toe otace x air, it wiii De to your interest to correspond with J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration. We hope all persons in this county, who were born in Northern States, will attend the State Fair, so as to meet the North ern editors and home-seekers, atid speak to them of the", ad vantages this section Mas to offer. They ctt&'btf'of great bene fit to our native people at tha xair and Northern Settlers' Convention. GENERAL MERCHANDISE -AND PRODUCE. We Keep Constantly On M A Fill Linfl Of Groceries, Bdots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c, At Lowest Living Prices 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted, DRESS GOCXDSi Received, a new licit of HATS AND SHOES; Jnst in Season, ni Better And cheaper than EVER NORTH CAROLINIANS. At no'tiroe itf the history of North Car dlina has there been such an opportunity Offered its' citizens to advertise the State's resources as will be given them at the Approaching State Fair and Northern Set tiers' Convention. The presence of a very large number or newspaper gentlemen from the Northern and New England States is assured. Without doubt the numler will be much greater than' has yet gathered in any single Southern State at one time. The Boston Herald wiH'bV present, and through! 1 its colanms speak to thousands of : capitalists ; the great ag ricultural journal of America, The Amer ican Agriculturist, to thrifty farmers, many of whom are looking for homes in a more geniaiclimate than the chill north ern section. ; . Representative journals from the man ataetuingection to speak to their hun- chester Co., N. Y. A huiricane has done great damage on the coasts of Fngland and Ireland, caus ing the loss of 70 lives. If You Wish a Good Article Of Plug Tobacco, ask your dealer for "Old Rip." The Band of Hope, a temperance so ciety for children was organized on Sat-, urday by some of the young people of Highlands. The Rev. John B. Adger of South Car olina will preach in the Presbyterian church at Highlands on Sunday, 24th inst. Service to begin at 11 a. m. Fourteen of the candidates for election were in Highlands on Wednesday, pre senting their claims for public consideration. The recent storm in the Gulf was se verely felt, on the coast of Texas and Louisiana. More than 100 people were drpwned in one town in the former State. As was announced, the installation of Rev. J. E, Fogartie, as pastor of the Wal- naiia rresDytenan unurcn, came off on last Monday night Keowee Courier. The News and Observer says that the indications promise a much larger num ber of visitors than usual to the State Fair next week. "Violent? storms did much injury to property lait week in Chicago, Buffalo and other places on Lake Erie. Destruc tive gales have als occurred on the Maine coast. Kelsey Bros, have have lately issued H new catalogue. They have this year ad d- ed largely to The number and variety of choice native trees and shrubs in their nursery. On Tuesday Dr. O'Farrell brought us from his garden in Horse Cove some Cumberland Triumph strawberries, both npe and green ; those which were ripe were exceedingly sweet, and a verv unu w - Buai luxury at wis season. T. BAXTER WHITE. Aaent. The programme for the meeting of the AUainbscriptioni received or nowipapen HIGHLANDS LAND AGENCY Wis HAYS ON UAXjj AAfitiE AMOUNT bl Farming, Grazing, Fruit Growing . . Timber Lands HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE TOWN OF HIGHLANDS, Beaoffifll Bflilnir Sites, k. Parties faat in OT ciieap prdperties for sale oinfog counties, should correspond with ua, tas we are advertising quite extensively, and have, superior fa cilities tot Ikridlin real estate tST For circulars descriomg Highland and vicinity, descriptive price lists, &c. ', can on or adore 6; T. KELSEY, . , , Highlands, Macon County, N. CC a; Jrlt SMlTH, MANTJFACT UllEB OF 1 1 mm, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER & JEWELER. .'9 Clocks. Watches aifd Jew elry repaired In neat and workmanlike manner. Work left at T, D. Walden's drug store will receive prompt attention. HIGHLANDS, N,LC Highlands Insurance Connected vlth f&sPcIadi'Comaniei. Literary Society to-night is more than us uout uibcicBMxjK. oiiuil nwra lien min- utes) on Scottish history and literature will be read ; there will also be readings and recitations from Scottish authors, ana me jscotcn songs will be sung. We learn from an exchange that the "Marietta and North Georgia railroad has been completed to" the; State tine, and rails are now betas-laid on the North Car. ohna'sidef- Passengers tfnd freight are being transferred to within, six miles of Murphy." AshetilU Citizen. Railroad Meetino. The annual meeting of Stockholders of i ne uigniands K. a. uomnanv will be hied, at the Highlands Hotel in this place at 1:30 p: m., Oct. 28, 1886. li. IL BASCOM, Secretary. magixines. B0M& p COMIHGHAII REAIi 1 iTSTATiS OiPFltJE. Macon County,' North Carolina, BAROAIN IT$ LAND. Faei of 40D a'cres, 20 bottonl, '-S00 under fence ; about 75 cleared. Good bear ing and young orchards. - Six roomed house, and outbuildings. Splen did range. Edn. E. Nield, Horse Cove, Macon CdT, N. C. no48. SASH DOORS,' PIMIHG, CEM8, Ell, 4c, ' . -I '" I ' . Highlands; MaconCounty, N. C. A. FUIyi; STOCK! 5 AT LEAVELAND S." JC. ptTRGisr, Carpenter and Builder mu iXU AH IK