im . .-,'" Vol. 2. HIGHLANDS,. MACON COUNTY, N. C, FBIDAY, .JAN. 14,lflgfc-- No. 23. THE ATLANTA, ASHEVILLE AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Mr Kelsey came home from Asheville "fr few days ago, after having, in company with CoL Coleman, examined the route for the proposed "Atlanta, Asheville & Baltimore Railroad," from Asheville htirth to the Virginia State line. Mr Kelsey reports a very feasible route as far as they went, which was some dis iance beyond the spot where the propos d line would enter the valley of New River, turning back then, because all ac counts agree that there are no difficulties whatever from there to Salem or Roan oke on the Norfolk & Western R. R as the line will follow this valley for nearly or Quite the whole distance. North of Asheville the line, about ten miles from the Cranberry mines, will intersect a road alr.ady surveyed from Cranberry to Lenoir. Mr. Kelsey found the people along the line well awake to its import ance, and ready to do all in their power to ensure its construction. Notice has been published in the Ashe ville papers that application will be made to the present Legislature for -a Charter for the 1 'Atlanta, Asheville & Baltimore R. R." As soon as possible after getting the charter a careful survey will be made of the whole roue ; we believe there will be no difficulty in obtaining the charter, since such a road running longitudinally through Western North Carolina from Virginia to Georgia, and conflicting or competing with no corporate interests already granted, will be' of incalculable value td the State. All that the region to be traversed by this road needs in order to flourish like New England, is to be made accessible. There are splendid water powers everywhere ; climatic con ditions far more favorable than those of New England or even Pennsylvania, and it is a natural sanatarium every inch of the way ; the soil is fertile and favorable to the growth of all food crops, a profu sion of timber suited to all imaginable uses covers the land for the whole way from Virginia to Georgia, and the entire flection is rich in minerals. A railroad would soon increase the permanent pop ulation tenfold, and would be largely sup ported by the business which itself would cr&ter, not to speak of the profit it would drfve from the crowds of health and pleasure seeking tourists attracted by the pure air and beautiful scenery. The Schoolteacher, a new periodical of which a notice may be found on another page, is most timely in its appeaarnce, and most admirable in its matter. If" a few striking cases are excepted, schools in North Carolina are greatly in need of the introduction of improved methods of teaching in other words, of better train ed teachers ; of teachers who know how to make their pupils observe and think, instead of loading their memories with useless lumber of dry words. Those teachers who have never had opportuni ties of training in the newer systems, will find this journal invaluable in its ad vice and suggestions. We notice a few typographical errors, as in Dr. Shepherd's fine article on Mil ton, where the printer places the date of the poet's birth at eighty instead of eight years before the death of Shakespeare, and substitutes the name of Suhcy for Surrey. Parties desirous of buying a style boot Or shoe not usually to be found in country stores, would save, money by leaving their orders with Hideout & (Jo. and they win be notihed on tne arnva of a full line of all styles of boots and shoes, now en route from one of . the heaviest shoe dealers in the South, on or about the 20th inst., when you can select any special quality at low est prices. A German ship, the Elizabeth, bound to Baltimore, was wrecked on Saturday on the Virginia coast a few miles south of Cape Henry. Her crew of twenty two men were lost, as were also five life savins: men, wno tried to reacn the wreck. H. M. BASCOM, NOTARY PUBLIC. Highlands, Macon Co., JVC c HIGHLANDS LAND AGENCY EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. In an item last week concerning Mr. Smith's continued illness we inadvertent ly did injustice to Boynton Bros., and some other mill owners in these parts, The two mills nearest the centre of the town had lately come under one owner ship, and Chtnking of that fact and for getting other things the blunder was made of saying there was now but one mill to depend on for a supply of dried fttmber, sashes, frames, doors, etc. It is fruW there is now but one mill to depend 6n for ready made sashes, but for the other articles in the list the Boyntons are prepared to supply any demand, as will be seen by our advertising columns. Ally Bros., of Whiteside Cove also are prepared to furnish 'the people of High lands wjtjh a good assortment of lumber for building purposes, dressed and match ed boards, shingles, lath, etc., and we also call attention to their advertisement in this issue. , We have however, simply tfiis to say in self defense. . If the mill owners had been as careful heretofore as in this issue to advertise their wares, we should prob ably not have made the mistake. We have had some cold days this month, but by comparison with northern and western weather they were not very severe. Only once has the mercury here fallen below zero, on the 3rd inst., when it indicated 4 degs. below. In Athens, Minnesota, on the 7th'"ipst., thermome ters stood at 60 degs. below, and in Maine an the 4th they showed a temperature of ,2l0 to 40 degs., varying with the locality. Petitions for the new county are being circulated in every direction. , We hope ery. man wilrVgn. Mr. Brown, representing Payne, Bur ger K Mood, wholesale clothiers, Knox ville, Tenn., will call on Rideout & Co. about Jan. 15, with a full line of samples arties desiring ready made suits would save money by leaving their orders with Rideout & Co., and so get a much better bargain than by sending on for the same goods in the usual way. Now is the time to" bring fodder to town and not wait, as some did last spring till there was no. sale for it. And it you have corn to sell bring it along, foritwil not be as high the 1st of May as it is now. We are sorry to sod by the Asheville Citizen that Col. Cameron, one of the editors of that able paper, slipped and fell in the street in Raleigh a few days since, breaking his arm. We are glad to report Mr. Smith's health as so far improved that he is again at work, and hope for his own sake as well as others that he will now be abJe to keep his mills running constantly. A fire-geyser has been discovered in Dakota, where the flames shot up a hun dred feet into the air. It is said to be caused by burning coal beds. Anson Times. Mr. Henry SUed a small ice house this week with ice from the mill pond, six inches thick, in all 23 tons. Ice-cream will be possible here next summer. T. B. White has some very fine Light Jbrahma fowls for sale, .People would do well to improve their native stock by a cross with these fowls. The weather thii week has been changeable. Yesterday it rained ; to-day very fine, thermometer 33 degs. at day Ifght. The subject before the Literary Society this evening will be the Spanish Con quests in America.' Numerous avalanches have fallen lately in Switzerland, destroying homes and kfllirig many cattle. Dr. Frost returned home last evening after a long visit to the North. In Jacksonville, Fla., on the 3rd inst.. the mercury fell to 22 degrees. We had a brief cold snap on Monday night. ' s If You Wish" a Good Article Of Plug Tobacco, ask your- dealer for . .'.'Old Rip." J. I. AND Z. B. ALLY Of Whiteside Cove",' Areprepared to furnish lumber, dressed and matched, lath and shingles, as cheap as the cheapest. Janllth,' 1887 n'62$lyr. An Academy will be opened' at High lands, Macon Co., N. C, on Monday, November 8th, 1886. The Academy is we have on sand a LARaE AMOtrtft Ofr designed to nt pupils for College, for Business, or for Teaching. It offers the advantage of three separate courses, viz Tho f!nlloo-fl "PrAnorafririr Cnnraa TIio Teacher's Normal Course, and The Com- Jb aiming. Grazing; UUUll UUUliW. JJ1HM UUtlUU Will also be given in Vocal and Instrumental Music, lor a Catalogue or further par ticulars address PROF. T. G. HARBISON, rio9-6t; PRINCIPAL. Fruit Growing & Timber Lan&gj HIGHLANDS MARKETS. Wheat $ 1 20 Oats, - 50 Corn, 70 Rye 65 lour, per 1W lbs 3 50 Butter 15 Eggs 10 Potatoes, Irish ; 50 Beans, per bushel 1 00 Chickens 10 Fodder, per 100 I 50 Hay, per 100 lbs. 1 00 Mutton, 5 Beef, 6 Venison, 10 Apples, ' 50 50 25 25 15 8 8 75 RIDEOUT & CO., Highlands, C. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. we Keep Constantly On Hani A Fnll Line Of Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing:, &c, At Lowest Living Prices. 10,000 Pounds of Woolf Wanted. 'DELE&SS' GOODS. Received, a new Lot of HATS A1STD SHOES, Just in Season, and Better AND CHEAPER THAN EVER HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE TOTO OF HIGHLANDS, BeaitiM Biliir Sites, k. Parties having cheap properties fr sale in Macon or adjoining counties, should correspond with us, as we are advertising quite extensively,, and have superior fa cilities for handling real estate H3T" For circulars desmoine Highlands and vicinity, descriptive price lists Ac.,' call on or address S. T. KELSEY, Highlands, Macon Cpunty, N. 7,' J. JAY smith; MANUFACTURER OF SASH AND DOORS; FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, it. Highlands, MaconCounty, N. Cl CALL AT ULEAVELAND S; AND SEE WHAT HE HAS FOB THE HoMd J. F. WALDEN, PRACTICAL WATH MAKER & JEWELER. Clocks, Watches and Jew elry repaired in neat alid workmanlike manner - Work left at T. D. Walden'sjirug store win receive prompt attention. . HIGHLANDS, N. C. Raisins. Prunes, Pru-i .Lemon Peel. Highlands Insurance AGENCY.. Connected with rirst-class Companies. T. BAXTER WHITE, '.-Agent. Alad ptfbBcriptions received far newspapers and magazines; BDBKE & CUNNINGHAM, REAL ESTATE OFFI E. RANKLIIST, Macon . County, North Carolina, j New nelles r Figs, Malaga Grapes, ; --0" . ' Paper Shell iil monds, Eng-. , lish Walnuts, Bra'- zilNuts, Oranges j6ran- berries, a Fine. Lo t of Can dies, Choice Tea' and Coffee soots ana snoes, .Pry,. . Goods, Hats and Caps. Water Proof. Cloth ing, and Groceries of all Kinds. IniawBt''-pfaU1df zacen m exctianse for goods.' J. H. DURGENy Carpenter and. Buttdciv 'yV'-Ii.f1 : Si' ... y a 4'. . i ; " - f