t A VIRGINIA SENSATION. Te Exiraorrlinarr Exprnmre of a Prn inrni Klrlioiundrr. ,'iWimoniJ I'd,, St'ie A. A. Arnold, of th 'V'a'1-y Virpmian, ' Staunton, Va., writ-! the fo.Io ."-in? remark ah l.;ttr. th. truth vrj; h i atUv-.V-J by many prominent Stfiurito:. itizDa Mr. Cravrfoni. hoer, i.i v well kiio-Jcn in r.ichrnon'i that no aff.Uv-u are n'os-wary in hi w. His .rem&rkahi experience- b well worth -w-rusal to th : end: "I was teaching hool at S-heranio: on the m rni;j of th early part of February. lT't. a I p.j"l the vill ijj. tavm the hirel boy informo! me that th-re was a pentWrnaa at tn hou. dying an i t.iat ti-j had seat for in several time. He said that hi phy's;riari hxl told him he ha,i JJright'n Insert.-; .Shortly after midriight hu convulsion were vj .-evere and in such rap.l succ ession the nurs- Ita 1 expecte i him t din every hour, and he was at this mjnient sinking rapid y. How any twing f-oul.l ".uTer as be did and live jg and always w;H n a rnyterv to nic : His groins could be heard at a jfreat distance. Th-uikrf to a kind i'roviden1 e a change caaiv. and after a few days he wa aide to be r. rn mVi1 to his home at fiurnmerdean For many month he was ljoke 1. uj.ua. i no bet.-r than a dfai man. Iinaiu.; niv snrpruo. Mien when a U months ago met him in Staunton I.K-k.n in l-etter hi.-alth than ev.-r. I imagine i 1. wao -pat hed up,' but I was M.4.-,tak-u. f r you mii'ht met't -')0 Iwalthy men an i n a find o:if in the Jot who pr-s-htC more tue arj -tram i- of a ierfe Uy Withy m tn than he II-Kiv.-s mo tho tollowin u-lditjoaa! part, culars: , "After reaching my Innii I ton rav be 1 and the. outlook won that wh-n I left it it w u d Ittf tor a march to the tomb " VniTiiLsion followed con vii'.aio 1 ; in inv ngony my clenched hand-, drove th ; ujiI., . my finders into the Hjh of my paling '"Eve y physician of note in the n-.j;h: r. h 'l and txsveral from Staunton wer v.ni limned, hut for Bright d.v-iae they c-..u give no relief, mu h less a euro. 'I wo eminent physician- wer ? ali--d from Philadelphia: after exam.nin, ni o ie a.s'.e 1 'I wonder why he sent for il; Why, he's a lead man now! ; :' 11 "Thus I lay suffering. All was gloom. A? last some kind ,'nnel suggested that 1 u- ar.ier s safe ure. ' It was administer! to m- and the fourth lxttle had not leen "xhausted before som gx 1 etfrt Is shuwil thtons-;!ves. While i thus la) between two worlds I han ed t read in one of Warners advertisement 'oine constitutions are liable to constij a tion. When this is th case take Warner -safe pills.' My wife sent for some and I took a doti-i, and soon thereafter 1 seemed a new creature in a new worl'L I felt and knew 1 was cured, and so I whs, foi now after a lapse ol many years I am sound as a dollar with no symptoms of my old trcu ie, anl havo only Warner's safe cure and Warner's safe pills to thank for my hea.tii.which.ui.de: (Jo i's providence, I'have regained, and I tak" great pleasure in adding my testimony to that of others as to its efficacy. I owe iny lif -to the us of those most excellent micmes. " (Dec. '.'th, 1SKT.) AV. T. Crawford. Mr. Crawford, senior partner of Crawford & Ialley, of the St. Chart s Hotel, is a man vfhos-j weird is pre-eminent for probity all -over the South. When the nlwve thrilling story was sent us by Me.-srs. Warner Ac Co. they authorized us toolfer $o)00 to any p rson who will prove that any testimonial used by them is not strictly true so far as they know. They also Kay that wonderful as is the above, thev can produce many thousands of similarly strik ing proofs of n-nnaneut cure wnen ail other iicencies Niled. A Good Bet to Hold. Dum'.PT '"Brown want to bet me oce hundred dollars tliit in ten years m're New York will Lave a population of over two millions. Robinson 'excitedly "Take him up. Dumiev. tke him up, an 1 let me hd the mjuev." Du'ir. f K35l SSfGREATlj: ijra.- i 1 . In (Central Debility. Emcltl COst MHTION. AND WajTINO l.N CHILDRXN , S( JTT S EMULSION of Ture C-i Liv-r Oil i with Hyjo hojsphites, is a mt valuable foi 1 and mei:cine. It Teaues an appetite for t. ."treiigthens th-nervous sysurn. and builds '.. upthebody Pla.se ra-1: '! .tr ied Sutt s Emulsion on a young man whom I'hyss ui: i at times gave up hop1. Sin ' heljegan umg the E:u'L-ion his Cough cna.s-l, ?ainl fi-sh anl strenzth, and from all appearand m his Lfe will be prolonged many years' J-h Sllliva.n. Ifjspital Steward, Morana. Pa. ; touannpilsn Harelr'CareC To the Editor: Please noriu your readers 1 that I have a positive reniiedv for the alcove ' name.1 disease. By its timry use thousands ' of hopeleKs case have J been, pennarientlv i cured. I shall le gla-1 to send trro Uttlfo'f j my remly khkz v any of your readers who j have consumption if thy will su'l in- thir ; Express and P O. add.:-. Pespectfuli v. j T. A, SLOCUM. M. U..l Pearl ftL. N V. nJlUT.fl:IQI ool If Yflll ? tRrr-atervJ with, or fclrfl? II IUU Iini-i .liw-i,-. or Cruun tnw If Yflll ?v l.st'-t la nrty like nrk II IUU frvju. at t r iM.-nUwU 'Yet. I .ha.;: tr- tk sii f : i.UjT h -r up:;1 it r t- tnu 1. tr . w;'J iw:r. . L- a A-ai :v- : l.k- i- ti i a r., t t:.- a;. t.- L k an i ;,,,! Ik n I ! r .i; U.- r i,- ..4 !..:-.: t.. tak- It a- - &h ili cur h u. n. ' U'tli I d klt t" I Tr-Ali it r..; . t d- .ju:t- um ':! : d.-ti.n'. i. r-' f. 5i-t t. a U-u.! I: W . .. 1 A u.. r in a.; .t.K,-r , Why We Win cci it i-ure.1 larrb Ey a late decUlon of the Supreme Court ol : Penusylvania, saloon keepers are made re 1 sponsible for any injury, lss or damage suf ; ferei by their patrons in the saloons, or as a ! consequence of their visits there. tiv or CriO tru..e. duiit. iutr or l res la tb pru, . have I.-m Rbfriircati-'-T!. Sdn- Urf. A'.tiiajf tin in wle ur hi, hare IiiaJ o- Dn?pJ. or k-'-J ot hih ooion..: ue, have Mili-u. Torpid Lrrw. DrTri. Oaii fetoae, -Ver aaJ Afue, or Oout, hav IrrtAtiin. Fmi'ttiotlic StnotuxOb har BLOOD aumors. Pimples. Ooertk Secvjiul Wt4i., cr tfyphiiia, have Strmetc Kidney.or Gravel m RlaiV der. Stuppat-cl unoa or DnbbLii;, If Yflll hare Pf,or Ar Tart'. Fout II IUU breath, or i-:i;ii.U- Slime fever. up quickly a run-down oonstituUoa. Don't utvio.-ttj.rly ej-mptoias. Eteet DliM tiOES CjfiHT TO TBI firOT ! III 'icr.u.ne have lr Kilmer's hkcru.ta oa Mil outeiio and inside wmi'pers. Cnlrl ,,v Dicmutv and Da. Iiuu Con OUIU Binrftiamu.ii, s V. $1.00 ij Bottles 65.00 If You If You If You If You If You If You Builds Ir rawv-n n-.m et:mat tr.at ret more tiuui 1- an ii;nr,i autnrtr, 1 nt.i n drink biU m or 1 1 j.'JUj. VJ Strength and Economy Th- dr'ul. pr m-xt mtr.'-i'.. n w un l--tak Rraatkiklr "fjrrj. r crvtl -ti.at c t . .-n.- . Wn. . - itn -ti: n-k- a ..f r.--. s- .rt- I TW- in 1th t;:n.- th.. t t.. XT n w v-rA: w wtiit l- kn ri-a. i ti-un ar. i 3 a:; th-ar- in iO ait;: tit. V t i . tn r-:n -v r.f i:-wk.-.! p r f th 'l i-.C' c. . a.- r , .;. i'l.pt:-.:. h r t-r. th.- d".: -t- .-j r.t! u I. . a--!- :i -.. -.'u '. p r; .-u.-l th. .t-u Uv.i it .it- ir'-.'it.an 1 1 ti ia:; - .. .-ry - il.-i t:.i'. it i- -v-id :i r t Tu- " p an in i::ip" iv . . t- u- I'r r.-- c- t. i'!i M-ii a: I'.-- verv Th.s v i'A i.:v 'A.i- di-.v--- in it- .-ar.:-.- tA- th r y arrr-t.i..- ti..-mviu- th t-rri.n uitlad . ! r-.:.. v .a Honest Modicino fur Hood s Sarsaparilla IOO Doses Ono Dollar 1 (ft UC" The New Prize tory ' Ls 'aerly sou ght for, real with pleasure or d-app" i.ntmeut. is then trsl a-i and f ir j gotten. Hut ladien who read of Dr. Pierce's j Favorite Pre-emption, read it aaiu. for th-y di-'over in it Moinething t- pri- a m--en- ; per of joy v thoe sutTenns from fun -ti"riai ' derangements or an7 of the painful disorders ' or weaknesses p--uliar t' th-ir Pencil- i cal ia.ns. internal mtlammati in and ul;era- ; tion. readily yield t its wonderful curative 1 an i healing jxwers. It is the !ilv nii: tne '. for women. ld by drcggiitr. ua-h r i pnsi- ': (',. i.iiirint'p from the manufacturers, that it will give sittlsfaction i i every ca . r s m neywill lx refunde.1. This guarantee ha . le-n printe.l on the lottie-wrap:er, and fa.thfully carrie.1 out for many years. Man's pin,sioD3 mako him rccrc terri ' blc thaa aaj beast in the wild'jt nesa. If afSiote.i with sore eyes use Dr. Thomp 8 ju's Eye-water. Druggists sel) afi-V. per b.jttl A New Orleans railway inau haa jusl patented a a device for anuouacing th names of stations. Kill T lA - l W.MTII v.t kiirw Vitjr--.tr - n -f- efts.'i.-nt ! i n . ! r ii .1 oa p.n i r-m -via a . ' . ' '' I M-' II. II. JHM u ' ' ' ' oil.. v ,r t a Jill ' i a.n SWITZERLAND Summer V Ol HITF. Rtsorts. Iannis auiBiaani Blair's Pills." a mm , ureu tngtiik Gout i Ufal ix, Jli rot. 14 rut. ' .'!. rnd llotfl le 'I . i .- i-i.'iti,r K'i-iri U;!it, ii H'lUKkl' WKHKK. Yt-.t-:- r ('mi-; unci'. '..r.i:.ti I r! r t );.- 1 1 1 in 1 a I . iu )i n r l K a lnm,'!'i'' i ! ' r : . ci i . I Ira I'al . . I i . 4c if. :h '.It.- ' ORCAM8. l 14" 1 0. 1 v. Rubral H'ioor t t.. Ortu Ww.J i Eil. i't IB- , jo mt.f, tli to JrtV Ft UT I'liwUt, of 'dU.uj.t, J pp . lo. fr PIANOS. $85 SOLID GOLD WATCH FREE! Tbr .pi. n 1-1. M1 rM. huninr-' w-' h- " ';J gnS . ti 'ku rr.i it th - " Amr un . I", , T . .... ..... i i'i lnfl...'i I- 'un. h IT rrrs 1 r...t . pur r.-.! -r . . ON K I K K . v . d'.r-Tv1-,' on. o riw -.l i c . i. t'-: X r: K:. i 1 li. i lie.,.;:,. '1. -CI ! 1! i..rs r :i . a ' i .f Htm a Ht':c do r ot L.'-At- t. ir ak ti t H rrrif. c.-3i tht ts.r I's.' r n-r-.- . ' m.-r. IC..ij11f! tf tS'3 , r. Ir : w t:.' MAHi.K A HA MLLN I'iA.NJ BTKliMJKfV' Ki. ;r.v. fcrt t 1 . c( t i n1 t.'i j . rs ..- ir i'nr rf !h 1 tie- . n'.a ii tn th w..rla T-u Yt iniwr-w( want i.' !."TT.V Hid tll'lW TO BO&ToN. 164 Trnont St CHiOAUO li wl L A. 1413 St. lUctoe Sk;.j,. Cures bjj IV 1 - 1 U III fl ti-M -h.-t rr,rr,; i.' c?.i:r .u-. o.. "tt uf .i HOMUDLturLM: 'b'mi. " " "',"h- w t.od 4BHOLI-TH.T ri.td T-a kpi ihm m w hi. f r 2 tn irth., r. 1 r-wn tb-m t.. th. wh-. mar L.r. cll. ttr ec-.r r' "rn rnl--rrv . ,t po4- to trk. tU. fTi-t -r wn'..nr Hi '' C".1va Watrh n'l tint -f rlut.i ..mple Fkee. i..r th. nuio thu th. t.c-inof ii-mpi.- m l-:ny. .. r-au.1. ,n lrr tra.H f ir u. ftr cur .,. b.r. l-.n , .n Hr,:,tT far month or t H " u.ui'.ly rt f 'm ' "" t-i'MJln trJ. friia th firrilin r.mn'rr. Tho- who wr. to ui .nd trnubi. w MAVn . tn order that oor my b. pl-.l .t when, tb-y ran b wn. .11 o-r c rrd.r it w.: b lirtl mrtruot:. fir y. o to iti .w the m to tbo. who mir ol! t yoor h.r. n i your r-war-J n.". uui(m tor A rx.l ortj.or, wh.h u wr-.t. ua. co. bat 1 cl nd if. .- k.""" yoa d i no. rr. u. o far-bw wr no h..- .. d e. But if ym do td r.iur .1 lr- at Voi ran errr. ra AS ELM srr &. . LU. c. D, H'-flS'- wTr nd. tur ianra, complt lin-!if al i. bin h'och!-I 8.iv V Py il pn al, tu. AiArem. STUio 4 CO, itu tC7 FotiAnd. ita. aj in trad, frsm tb nml:ni r.mn r.. i n w,,., . . i .; ono will re treat b-neai 1 jr fciror y in. work troabl.. Tti. th. in. rmirkaW ar..l liVml off-r e-r , order that oor raluabl. H.u"bu..l ainplra The BUYEHS'OUIUKU issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency- (cldpedia of useful infor mation for' all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of hie. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sues, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' OTJIDE, which will be B?at upon receipt of 10 cents to pa7 posts-ife, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 M.icuj?au AveDue. Cnicatco. Ill HUGHES' TONIC (hills and fever Vy it will Cure the Most Obstinate Gases. Ingenious Frauds. Tvn mpti named Berard and t ourcaae .. - - Have been sentenced to six ani iweie months' imprisionmeut respectively for having practiced a scries of very ingen ious frauds on keepers of public houses in Paris. They were in the liabit of vis iting the landlords and offering them barrels of excellent wine at prcatly re duced prices. The liquor which thty gave the publicans to taste was superb, and the bagain was generally conclu -led on the spot. A few days afterward the unlucky dealer found that the wine which lie had bought was detectable. Since their conviction the men have made a full confession. Berard u-se-l to keep a small bottle of good wine up his sleeve, and when he made a pretence of filling thtf glass from the barrel he was iu reality giving his customer the contents of this "bottle to taste. Tke trick wa-, carried out with considerable ad ins, nrl was never detected oy in.-. iu,il Another "dodge," to quote session, was to pour into 200 litres, forty litres of the remainder of the rilled ui) with nf ! nine 111' I I . 1 i .1. .... the top; the barrel was piercer and the buyer was again persuaded to taste the liquor to Mr.w that there wa deception. Delighted w.tn hi bar jrain he put down the money then and ffierc only to discover after a brief lapse of time that he had been cheated out rageoualj. London Tea gr-ip . "No Mans Land"' lies between the Indian Territory and the S'ate of Kan sas, and it is sometimes ca'.lei Oklahoma IN EVERY ONE A CURE. "No ReturH of PAifl. AT DRU0GISTS'AN3 IjEALERS'. The Ghas-A-VogelerCo-Baijo Md- i Ely's Cream Balm i r 1 1 r i wu COLD IN HEAD. (T'UKS CATARRH- Nta Liquid or Snail. Aj'pl v Balm inf' .a'li nitril Kly i.f 'S . V, Witrrvn St. N V. Lmri Ey ara u aaurm. GOIDU worth pri. Uttari Ey wcrtttauaa, but U od gc a box toy t m. 4m. ampM vortt $1. t 1 Linea not uuler the bone fH. writ Otflnwitcr Slotj ftadn Ho4lr 'Jo.. H0U7 iiia A LT Ell ATI V E. it .i.'n' tw Tattn AJ a TONIC. It kiv uaad irvtiiriaK TRY IT! Proprlrlnrs tut- nany lf(in trtlfylji4 tfe0 wtrrtf of thl aUuljl rornw-ly In Malarial dial rlrn .ry Txmllj CiOiJ tof It la Ule buiLae tUWAjr Ttatly fttr um. Price per bottle, SI. O bottles, tS for Mi by Dra,nrUt .mi ()ooraJ XsrbavoU. REMEDIAL POME. rULL STAFF OF EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS i SURGEONS. Many ciiromc dihi:ahi:h cCHfully Treated vtilliout Personal Cuiinultat ion. Mac mt-lifin'-. of P' K'fl'-.'. TI"1 lin'r;rlii r rLif -pkiil. an- tLiw r!. invali'lX, b'lWcv. r ai.'l il'-rib.- y.ur t ti - ii.p.. r. - ii ----.: . . u.'i-'! a.i.j 111 - J :if . II,. 1. .t,. t . III. l.i 1 I i- I- iT 1 pr:r.i .f 11. li rn !- .ur - f r tt. ntitn 'li.-a.. anl ti.- nnttU.-4 -l w:'h;:i tin f.. "f l.-'ari' th. y n.iiy r-. . W riU Of his his own ex a barrel tirst -class w;ne. barre". was theu water, slowiy n.ser:el .y The wine rem lined at WVAUDS' HOTEL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 663 Uain St., Buffalo, H. Y. Ln etAir.p. an l c.-iii'.- t- tr.-atu ti uuir li-ar-. -w.,, ! wnt y lull an Vi it uiiti.rt a:i 1 ' i.mi.uity. i.i. ) with .r i mi-('in MARVELOUS no 11 FNnRY ii ii ii it ii ii ii ii ii DISCOVERY. Vsllv unlik. arilfirlnl yaj-.m!. 4'iirr ol' niiud nnnilrrlng Any book learnro In ouc rradlm. ...,f i(Ki Riiltiiisor.-. 100. at I-in.it 1 JIM) .u l'hii.vl.-lpr.liw 1 1 I.I at ts.t.-ti. i;tr- .Mw oi oi iiiM.i.. .p. yai,. . .i..i.'V. i i on. i in ta.l rill.T'lt I'h.a'.iUat.tju.i. Kn h tith !' Ti R. t ti HisiL, Throat and Lung Diseases. rv-hinzt. n, l-iH f . i mihi.i jw r u.i.'nf hi in. Kni v. T-.it v'of ivnn Mn-h i.-iiiit. Ions v. w A--T H .'lull H i f'n3; I' l.tivj ; .J'l.u-.-,ti. I'rm N Y Utt ; l.v .-. rr-- U'ln. I K. -K I. IsK TTK tiiHov. IT kr.iv r. V .rt:i.ti t olU-j.-. l'ri-t;i. ruT rREa ! K;fth .v. N Y Thf? treatiHPiit of Dlaeaaea of the Air PauaKe an l Laii(, u b Chronic Catarrh In he Hcd, Laryngitis Bronrhlti, Anhm, un' Coiiiumpllun, , tmtb through m imrxinl'-rifi' an l at !jr inFtit'itioua. ci'n.tTut' an irni-'rtant P-- iaJlT. We tiutiluh thrt-' e-iar.it' r.H)k. on Nasal, Throat ani Liax l)in., whu-ti tr.v- tnu h vaiuaol.. r, formation. viz : ill A Tn'ti' on r.,n.i'mrtion. Iviry nx: 1 1 an l Bronchitw; prif;. p-w-pai 1. t.-n (-nt8. t2 A Tr-n- n AthmA, or Phtiii arivioir n-'W afii sutcful tn-Htm.-nt: pn-. i-t-paut t'n 'nta. ' i" A Tt-iUAj ou Ciiroaic CXarrb id Uk- Hl ; pno p-t-pHj'l. two o-uta. Dypepiv, "Liver Complaint," Ob. tluate Conotip&tlon. Chronic Dlar rhfi, Tipr'wormt. aii l kinir.-! a.f?.--ti'ns, ar.- .i:n.nrf th. fhr.-n;.' lia'V n t;.- Si' cTwf il tn-ntmnt jff wnion our gp-ial ;. bv. rriit 8iif. ' O.ir "mpl-t' Tn-atti.- ii-sr",tj infHM win t- e-at tu aoy aaorean Nervous Diseases. Diseases of Digestion. Diseases qf Women. on on rs-ipt of U-'D utt 10 i"XUi- stamp. NERVES! NERVES.'! What ttrriSlc visim t 5 l.tt'.S the r.c: VOUi before the cy Helacke. Neuralgia. IndiKestiOB. Sleeplessnes.. Nervous Prostrateoo Stire them .n the f.i. X.'- t ; s- Ali Fai mm DONT1 DIE in THE HOUjJ I Diseases. El. l.v ' BRIGHT DHEASF., BUBETEH. and kir. :r--i nsai i.h.t. riav.- t..-n v.-ry lArv.y tr--t-l. n pri.no ;nr" H.-" PVt-lilV 1 ,. -..'".-ii aruiiv n tho.jsan w d N-y.n-l h 4J t:i- rnrllT h inrrritlUllT irraifa eiarnmi ts a ly an 1 pr. n T tot- rvf'Tnc. to err. t w n. ri . T:j-' di- ')- t r:;:;ri'-l. . w;!h !..! a ran. Iberfiorr, it their bo !. . ,.'. .:i-m:.-ai an.-iiv-- ar, l :n. r ;. a. ttr.n-- in -ur .rwi l--r.it : -a 1 ' . in wm.-a ...r i:i.ti? .t; -n i taf a-" Vitur-iiiv - U a wry t it.fj.v.- priti.- fpllrptlr rnnrulilom. or I' I to. Pa. ralfol. or Hal, Locomotor Alalia, St. Vltna'a Daue, Inaotnnla, or inaMllty U mi ! thr tu'l insanity. Xertoui Debility, anl -v-ry ari.ty ,f nr,.''uii JTiv tlnn. ar" tr -nt -1 by oar w ialiMii for ttxw di- -av with unu-Tiai buw- nutn.-ro u tauw- rfp.rt-1 in our difl rnt iiluitfraf-d paxnpbi' O on ti-rvou Ji-w, any orv- of wnich ui t- s nt for t-u -nt in pt.uc' itanip. wli.-n n-i'io for th-tz a--jniparii"'l w.tli a tat m-r.t of a 'mm- for -ni.t-tion. tnat w' may know wincti onv of our Tnu to "-n.l. W- have a J!' iaJ I'irtm-rt. l-voU-1 rxeiMAivX't V tl- tr.-Htt.'i. rit of li.--a of Wom'n. P.vi-rjr hj- rutuitiDir oor p' Lai, wbKh"T by W"tu-r or in p-rn. i afiv.-n Um Oftst rarfful aa'l ftruioW-rat- atu-ntion !m r.rtant -aw ianl w- f-t f.-w wto h liari- rt aJr-a.Iy lra.l f h- skiu "f aii tb- borr.- pby.rtawo Ua-.- th- b-nf)t fit a fui Council of .i'l fj-cialurt. iCyyHia fo ili ID Ur Invalite' Hotel anl M.nrvcaJ Intiti.ti- are rt-ry jr.vaf.--. ha-no t n o ntf in nrarr.pi for our ,n.pu-t- Tr-fna- f,n 1 1 r.f WoncB, iilii8tr'Uiil w;tb wox-ruta axxl fra-4 p4ot d( irj. II ERNIA h .. ot HI TTI BP., no maUiT of how fc riif irtari lit.rf. or i f tit n litr-.rtiM.v mi1 prrmaornllr rured I our ;l. without th kiillr nllhool dfWDdrutf aaoti tru At ut.ilaTit r ! r. r'-- m-o! t r. TiU f r Radical Cure of Rupture. an pt!--ntA. who ur li.'iji'raV-l Tnatlj- ii i.i., iisti lj;, ..'.A.- ' riu. ames elerv jmfiound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC (Hme Tiere the Wooitiae Twixttt. ROUGH ON PAIN " Plaster. Poroad. ISO. ROUGH OS "COUGHS." Cougs. colda. v ALL SKIS HUMORS CTREUBY R0UGHH1TCH Rouirb on Iu-b- Ottmnt curr- Skia H 0c. Lto or mail Tn . : -h 1 tr"f-l v .v a T-tai :. - .;!..v.im.i..irifi!h tr:.-r. .f. 1 :. ;--t :.' . a. .-ru:ii tr.- na. t ..-,.. a-i 1 . of i i .:i. fit ti IV 1- abib ran r.!v - a . rtAin-l t-v a a.--? o ' - ' ,. .r t :n.r.f. tr. i.r.n- . fo.- -!-:. a t- - t.-'-' ., t r r. 1 t. r. r.t' '. weu j ;; Me. ,"-v """ r.. r- .an- r. rat 1 r h 'l-. w. aff't iriaf t! - ; t'. .. u w-.rf . - in tiuT. tw. f rr. t r - as t: ; . r. : r. ..ir.tjar) i- r . r-'M-i. ar.ivly. a' -r. '-ui li a, nr. : aH a: .etui :n-: j t ti-.r o i. ar -'-a.y. th r. fw'bi-'h can r.lv w- ir i ml ' i :r. . li. -J ;n ' i.-'-i' u w. rn .:i -. .- ;;a . yi- t.. :- -a.- iv tri'.-i Tr.-t'.'.- i lrTv- on r--.l-t ; f Bladder Diseases. diri.n.rv u.f.T PI t.i' t or. -. .i t t .. - INFI. TION Of Till di i:. mom; i tut hi. I.rai.l, Enlar-d ProMalr Htrntlon ol I rln. -.r. : . . ti---.- ::.,t hi ! -5 a'-- t- rf i ., or !-" . -- ' '' a ' ' 1 Th--- r f-. ; tr- it--: f l"r.iun- .. ty J r 1 ni.D. AUOI.Ii, t. land, :r arr. - We Offer Ha iPOLO&Y. ( I Til- . f r.t ? -ti. .r, ai.tA-' f r itjy f r a Ii ' a;--. 1 1. n '.T.f tf-al f 'i. -'-:r: -! ' f . !.t.: n f bu n.' ri'. tt irr t..- r pr ay, rr.u'ii : a; .t i l-atfjy I. .ra" Stricture. E. s. Wiua -r?T City j f.'-KiJncvs. Liver -c --.; V i -N rrvc 1 "r.;w . WHEN OTH tK3 B:oci It 1 CURES FAIL. ROUGHIPILES n r-rSti I'-ehifiX. Prrro iialaiwl ex-urrnal rnJj VrBinTRE AD Tl'1.41 Hjri!r.., of .uf-. fuant- . ? f- . r r r ... r u ' T .nTT-..n".' " iT-rrn.i.pK.t .an?. &r. i ur.-' ' ar 1 .trj'-r rrrtnpiirat ! -rii. a-... . . Trm n--. -f trsi.- ri t.--. t : rnivARv ri- Of 1TJ' ur-.nry lui.r n-i!-.' an t tJL-.W .,ur p-r-.A.'T trst'" 1 tra::. To crrut ;ri-. a'.-! tani : ott.- t.'. : Ti.- 't Jk- rr-aialf- t. af?: wt.x pfcyy .r. ::. th- r- f-. ' - r.'j-i- j. rat .-in .--:. ar. a. . t - ar. : a..- .' i-r.av '; Wl t ' ; -t,. !,...., j. f.i.nt :' t t- ',. t i.S'i' -.jr. '. a.' 1 f a., rr.ar.a.r. J tf-r- i pr-'-aM r.-r-raj. r-it k r. . a, i.tt- r. r-?' ? -r- ' tr'-aj' ,t-'. o-.,- , 1 .... a., a: piw-anta :.'. a.-. it- ':.-a :. . : . n . r yf '.' i.' T Ul 'I.i, ' O- rx tat, Blvlinx w a -laVIl life t'T n rft rr,aij.---. - - " t LVM oT CtM ' i-u ; r v . r f-r .?h x' . if rr;! tp-rv- ij UiaT. wi tVu-aV3i msaaiif k-a-t&r-rr umt.ri tr.-saim-nt Sri l p-arui '.r of y -. c- aa 1 u-i Cured at Hcml t omplfl -.t if i ; - i- f -"". t' tl ' V. at a Trfatla t: rt. aj. 'ar. t' tr-a!'-l t y u : n w aw." if b'-r" on ..-i rT 'r n -,u.-y. cr of rjtja)taX.oa to p. r. v, or. r--!i Aii .'at-ri,t!t :ay3 so!.. : ' a,! ir -; to W9HLD'S DISPEISART UIDICA1 ISSCCIATIOI, 71 o MS Uain U, DUrt AXO, T.5. $j.oo a Bottle HELLS. fHCHARDSJnTACO.fi nttBI.INGTOS. Procnetors, to acb 1L. Wtnxa. Jeraey Qty. a. J. c-ci?a m Wi-.r-. law.