THE PIN EH URST OUTLOOK. THE MAGNOLIA, ROUTES FROM THE NORTH TO tA7 W 'II A O.A.L Pinehurst, IN. C PINEHURST, N. G, AND COST OF TRIP. There are various ways of reaching Pinkhckst which may he chosen according to individual preference by boat or by all rail. For one whose main object is to get to his journey's end with as little expenditure of time as possible the best route is by rail. An evening train leaving New York (Pennsyl vania railroad) at It o'clock readies Southern Pines at ..V the following night. A train leaving New York at 11 a. m., by Penn sylvania railroad, reaches .Southern Pines at 4a. m., which is somewhat early for comfort and convenience. The old Dominion Line of steamers from New York, the Iiav Line steamers from Baltimore, the Norfolk and Washington steamers from Washing ton, and steamers on the Cape Charles route, all stop at Portsmouth, Ya., and connect with the trams for Southern Pines. The fare for round trip from New York City to Southern l ines, via Pennsylvania railroad, on anv of these routes is and are limited fioni Nov. 1st to May 31st. Single fare $10.05. Passengers having through tickets, who desire to go bv train and avoid night travel, can leave New York at 11a. in. (Pennsylvania, railroad), checking baggage through to Southern Pines, reach Richmond same evening at HM, spending the night, there, leaving Richmond at 'J.05 a. m. and arriving at Southern Pines at 5.55 p. in. One can go by the Cape Charles route, leaving New York (Pennsylvania railroad) at 8 a. in., reaching Portsmouth at 8.15 p. in., spend the night at Portsmouth or Norfolk, leave Portsmouth the following morning at SJ.20, reaching Southern Pines at 5.55 p. m. An afternoon may be spent in Washington by taking train from New York at 8.00 a. m. (Central Railroad of N. J.), leaving Washington on the evening boat (Norfolk and Washington steamer) at 7 p. m., making close connections with train which leaves Portsmouth at !).2() a. in. and reaches Southern Pines at 5.55 p. in. BOSTON PASSENGERS. Passengers from lioston can procure round trip tickets, including transfer with baggage across New York City to Pennsylvania railroad, for 37 ."o. The train for this route leaves Huston at 1.03 p. in., and Southern Pines is readied at 5.55 p. in. the day following. Round trip tickets from Hoston by Fall River Line are $33, includ ing transfer with baggage in New York City. The line steamers of the Merchants & Miners Company leave Hattery wharf, Hoston, at 2 o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at Portsmouth, Ya., w ith the Seaboard Air Line railroad. Hy this route a passenger leaving lioston, say on Tuesday, would reach Southern Pines Thursday at 5.55 p. in., having forty hours at Sea. Round trip tickets, $31.75, including meals and berth in stateroom on the steamer. The Pinehurst Electric Railroad con nects with all trains at Southern Pines after Nov. 1st. Aberdeen & Asheboro R. R TIM E TAHLK. In effect October 1, 18U7. NOItTlllSOCXJ) No. 42. II 21) a. m. !l 50 10 15 10 45 11 15 11 45 1 20 p. in. 1 50 2 05 2 20 2 45 3 (15 3 40 3 50 4 20 Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv Ar 1 15 p. m. 1 55 F. Pa;k, President. Aberdeen Pinehurst West Knd Eagle Springs Candor Hiscoe Riscoe star Ether Steeds Ashbury Seagroves Presnalls Ulah Asheboro TROY BRANCH. liiscoo Troy SOUTH HOUND. No. 41. Ar 4 25 p. in. Lv 4 05 3 35 3 00 2 30 2 00 Ar 12 55 12 40 12 20 12 05 11 50 a. in. 11 30 10 f.5 10 45 Lv 10 15 Ar 12 40 p. in. Lv 12 00 m. J. R. Pagk, Superintendent. Carthage Railroad TIME TAI5LE. In effect October 1, 18'J7. liASTHOUM). Lv Curriesville, Ilannon, Ar Carthage, Lv Carthage, Kelly's Ar Cameron, No. 38. , in. No. 5. 2 40 p. in. 3 00 4 00 4 20 4 32 5 00 8 15 a 8 27 !) 00 AVESTHOUND. No. 4. S) 55 a. m 10 20 10 40 12 20 p. in 1 30 150 Schedule trains mi C-iwh-uro 1 ,in connections at Cameron with It. & A. trains su ing north and south. W. C. PETTY, Manager. Lv Cameron. Kelly's, Ar Carthage, Lv Carthage, 1 InniKin Ar Curriesville, No. 41. 5 40 p. in. 6 30 6 45 To Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Athens, Mil inlngton, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Hoston, Philadelphia, Washing ton, Norfolk, Richmond. Schedule in Effect Feb. 7, 181)7. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv New York, Penn. R.R., 11 ODain 'J OOpm Philadelphia, " 1 12pm 12 05am Haltiinore, " 3 15pm 2 50am Washington, " 4 4()pm 4 30am Richmond, A. C. L., 8 56pm IJOTiam Norfolk, S. A. L., 8 35pm U 05am Portsmouth, 8 45pm i) 20am Weldon, " 11 28pm ll 55pm Ar Henderson, " 2 56nin l 3;pm Ar Durham, " 1 32am U Oitpm Lv Durham, " t-T'P"' tlil""1" Ar Raleigh, " 2 16am 3 34pm Sanford, " 3 35am 5 03pm Southern Pines, 4 22am 5 55pm Hamlet, " 5 10am 6 53pm Wadesboro, " 5 Mam 8 llpni Monroe, " 6 43a in 12pm Ar Charlotte, 8 3oam 10 25pm Ar Chester, " 8 Main 10 47pm Lv Columbia, C. N. & L. It. It., fti OOpm Ar Clinton, S. A. L., !) 45am 12 loam Greenwood, , " 10 35am 1 07a in Abbeville, " 1105am 140am Elberton, " 12 07pm 2 41am Athens, " 1 15pm 2 45a in Winder, " 1 oSipm 4 30a in Atlanta, (Central time) 2 fiopm 5 20am NORTHBOUND. No. 402. Lv Atlanta(('enttlme)S.A.L.,12 OOn'n Winder, Athens, Elberton Abbeville, Greenwood, Clinton, 2 40pm 3 I6pin 4 15pm 5 15pm 5 41pin 6 34pm No. 38. 7 50pni 10 42pm 11 26pm 12 33ani 1 4(lani 2 Ollani 3 05am Ar Columbia, C. N. & L. It. It., f7 OOain Lv Chester, S. A. L., 8 13pm 4 33am Ar Charlotte, 1U 25pm 8 3Qani Lv Monroe, " i)40pni G05am Hamlet, " 11 23inn 8 15am Ar Wilmington " jafllain 12 30pm Lv Southern Pines, " 12 14am y 20a m Raleigh, " 2 16am 1135am Ar Henderson, " 3 28am 1 OOpm Ar Durham, " t7 32am f4 OSipm Lv Durhain, t5 20pin H lam Ar Weldon, " 4 55am 3 OOpm liichniond, A. C. L., 8 15am 6 50pm Washington, Penn. It. It., 12 31pm 11 10pm Iialtimore, " 1 43pm 12 48am Philadelphia, " 3 50pm 3 45am New York, " 6 23pm (i 53am Portsmouth, S. A. L., 7 20am 5 50pm Norfolk, " 7 50am 6 05pm Daily, f Daily Ex. Sunday. J Daily Ex. Monday. Nos. 403 and 402. "The Atlanta Special," Solid Yestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Ches ter, S. C. Hon. 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Express." Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth ana Atlanta, company Sleepers be tween Columbia and Atlanta. Hoth trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans. Texas, California, Mexieo, Chattanooga, Nasli- vuie, Memphis, juacon, fioriua. E. St. John, II. W. B. Glover, ice-Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. Tra Hie Manager. V. E. McliEE, T. J. Anderson, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Pass. Agt. GENERAL OFFICES, PORTSMOUTH, VA. PINEHURST ELECTRIC RAILROAD. On and after November 1, 181)7, the Pinehurst Electric Cars will run as follows: Leave Pinehurst 8.30, 10.30, a. m.; 1.45, 3.15, 5.00, p. m. Leave Southern Pines 9.20, 11.45 a. m.; 2.30,4.00, 6.00, p. in. Special trips will be made at night when nec essary. The 0.20 a. in. and 6.00 p. in. trips will make connections with trains from the north. Freight car. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following are the unclaimed letters adver tised at the post oflice, Pinehurst, Moure eounty, Aortn Carolina, Dec. 4, 1897: E. A. Grant, Mr. W. C. James, Mr. II. M. Mc Donald, Mr. G. 1). Yoder. It. M. COUCH, Postmaster. Send 25c. and get The Outlook 3 inos. 9 -ik& A: UU c IS it , I i ' iiiiaibtinai ' I J Jt!l AUDibkylN llllllll tllllllllllllltllf i' ... Jiiiiii. r i .iiiiiiiiiiiiiii v Rates, $8.00 to $t2.00 per Week. TI1K MA(iX()MA is now open under the same management as last winter, Mr. J. L. Pottle, who has had more than twenty years' experience as pro prietor of The Highland Hopse, Jefferson Highlands, X. II. This house is modern in all appointments; steam heat throughout, open tires in all puhlie rooms and several of the chambers, electric lights, hath rooms, the best of running water and perfect sanitary arrangements. The cooking will he done by one of the best of Northern cooks. The table will be supplied with good food, well cooked and neatly served. No pains will be spared to make it homelike and pleasant for all guests. For information, address J. L. POTTLE, Pinehurst, Moore Co., N. C. PINEHURST POST OFFICE. MAIL SCUK1H LK. In effect December 10, 18)7. Departure. Arrival. 8.00 A.M. North & South 10.1." A.M. South SJ.S0 " North 10.!) " North & South 3.30P.M. South 4.30 l'.M. North 4.30 " North & South 7.00 " North IiKGlsTKKKi Mails are dispatched at '.(.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., and received at lo.l.i a.m. and 4.30 P.M., only. Office Hocus: 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.; Sundays and holidays 10.00 to 11.00 A.M., 7.00 to 7.30 P.M. Domestic Money Orders issued and paid. Let ters may he registered to nearly all parts of the world. It. M. COUCH Postmaster. The Powell Hotel ABERDEEN, N. C, Is still under the manage ment of II . II. Powell, and as of yore its reputation rests on the excellence of its ap pointments and cuisine. SPORTSMEN J J From the North will receive special attention. The pro prietor is familiar with the haunts and habits of the game in Moore county, and with gun and dog will give all possible assistance to his guests. CHARLES DEATON, GARDENER. Will do tirst class work in that line. PINEHURST, N. C. INiMt Ofliccs in Moore County. There are sixty post ollices in Moore county, North Carolina, the names of which are as follows : Aberdeen Antler liensalein Uijioak Ilroadway Caledonia Cameron Carhonton Carters Mills Carthaj-e Chiloe Chirks Mills Coffer Curriersville KaIcsprins KupHronia Fairliaven Fly nn Forkade Gilbert tilendon Greenwood Grotto Homers Inland Jackson Springs Jesuj) .Jonesboro Keyser Lawlion Lemon Springs Lonely Longleaf Ma nly Mooshaunee Mount Carniel Noise (Juiet ( )ld stores Ollie Parkewood Pattersons Iiridge Pineblulf Pinehurst Pocket Prosperity Rubicon Sanford Southern Pines Spencer Swann Station Swinton Tempting Thagardville Tyra Vass Victor Villanow Westen d A larli.y-lroof Hon Coop. A man in Carterville purchased the gallows on which a man was hanged and built a hennery of the lumber. He lias never had a chicken stolen from it, and it is said that the colored brother won't go within a block of it if he can possibly avoid doing so. Atlanta Constitution. "Is it true that Mr. Jones talks like a book?" she asked. "Yes," he replied, "like one of those ungrammatical dialect novels."' if