n feMonk A3 VOL. I., NO. 16. PINEHURST, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1898. PRICE THREE CENTS. iw. p mm IN THE PINE BARRENS. An Amateur Botanist Writes of Native Flowering Plants. Region About Pinehurst lias a Wealth of Blossoms In Spring and Summer. Some Familiar Varieties, but Many are New to the People of the North. The name, "Tine Barrens," which is applied to that part of the southern states covered with the long-leaf pine, is not suggestive of (lowers or aught else of beauty. "Nothing hut pines, scrub oaks, and sand!" is the petulant verdict of the casual traveler, as he journeys through this region. IMues, indeed, there are! towering and massive, with foliage so dark as to make them gloomy, until one learns to know and love them. To those who come from the more ungenial North, in search of health and strength, these sturdy trees, breathing forth their fragrant, life-giving aroma, have proved truly that their leaves are "for the healing of the na tions." Wherever the pines are cut out the de spoiled earth is covered by the scrub or ".Jack" oak, which though never attain ing any great size, and of little value for commercial purposes, is by no means useless. Practically it affords excellent fuel, and, notwithstanding its ugliness when deprived of its leaves, during the season of foliage it gratifies the .-esthetic side of our natures. When, in the spring, the fives are covered with their yellow, tassel-like blossoms, they form brilliant masses of color against the sombre back ground of pines. The leaves which fol low are at first the same shade as the (lowers, gradually changing to dark green and when full-grown becoming so flossy and thick that they fairly tinkle '"1 the light breeze, as did the golden ,Migh sought by .Eneas. Moreover, as bidden gust sets them to quivering, they simulate human voices, and fre quently when listening to the dee), "'"sical song of the pines, is the dreamer moused, thinking that guests are ap proaching. in the fall they turn to a 'ieh red, rivaling the autumn foliage of the maples, but finally succumbing to the killing frosts, they turn to russet brown, !,n,lth,ls hang ail(i shiver on the trees throughout the short winter until gent hurrying and scurrying by the mischie V( breath of the March wind. 1 !e particular locality under considera- is in the south central part of North !mlhw, situated on a high ridge where soil, composed mainly of sand so white as to resemble snow, is said by the natives to be "mighty poor." "Why," said one of our southern brethren, "there won't anything grow there except cow peas; and they groan when they sprout!" Yet, in spite of such unpromising conditions, the flora is both varied and fascinating. The flower season opens early, or at least so it seems to a New Englander, and trailing arbutus May flowers no longer are often in bloom on St. Valentine's day ; and for six weeks these lovely flowers, so fraught with childhood memories and recollections of home, gladden our hearts. Encouraged by the balmy weather they sometimes produce a double .variety so rare as to have escaped the notice of most botanists. Before the arbutus is gone the violets flowers, and the larger trumpet-leaf with its nodding, greenish-yellow blossom. With the coining of May the varieties increase, and the Pulse and Composite families seemingly strive to out-do each other in numbers. The most noticeable of the Pulse family are the one-leaved lupine with blue flowers and ever-green foliage; baptisia or false indigo (so cal led because an inferior quality of indigo is obtained from it), bearing long ra cemes of golden-yellow blossoms; te phrosia, or hoary pea, familarly known as devil's lute-string, or shoe-string a name suggested by its long, slender, tough roots rather than undue intimacy with his Satanic Majesty and having a varigated blossom of purplish-pink and yellow, which changes to pink and white, and resembles the sweet-pea in appearance, but without its perfume ; the V f t ON THE KOAD TO PIXEIIUJWT. appear; not only the small shy blossoms of the North, but larger, wide-open ones light blue or lavender and known as bird's-foot violet. With them conies a dwarf iris, bright blue and golden throated; and about the same time, in great patches which cover the ground, is found a low-growing phlox, a delicate flower varying from bright pink to white, and easily reminding one of the Drunimond phlox so universally culti vated. During the early spring the trees give us many beautiful flowers, and a strik ingly handsome bouquet is made of branches of the swamp maple, with its crimson, winged seed-vessels hanging in clusters, and the brilliant white blos soms of the dogwood. Throughout April the latter trees are a most salient feature of the landscape, and nothing else is so well adapted to household adornment. The flowers, growing only on one side of the branches, turn out wards when arranged in vases or fas tened to the walls ; and our rooms are often converted into bowers of purity and whiteness, charming enough for the most dainty bride. Two members of the interesting Sar reeenia family are found here in abun dance : the pitcher-plant with its curious inli(ofert, or true indigo plant, which, though its blossoms are insignificant, is very graceful, somewhat similar to the maidenhair fern in form and foliage; the sensitive, or partridge pea, and the but terfly pea, a showy lavender flower with an unusually large "banner." It is in May that the sweet bay and its cousin, the beautiful tulip tree, put forth their blossoms; those of the former, creamy-white and heavily scented, and those of the latter yellow and orange, with a scarcely perceptible odor. In this month, also, the roadsides are beautified by azaleas, or false honeysuckles, of which there are two representatives : one flaunting its bright red-pink flowers ; the other more sedate with its white, rosy tinged corolla, so clammy, or sticky, that its sides cling together, holding fast the unfortunate insects which alight upon it. The spurge nettle, a low herb, with rather showy white flowers, attracts at tention in more ways than one if an at tempt to gather it is made. As might be inferred it belongs to the Spurge family, and is also appropriately called "tread softly," its leaves and stems being covered with stiff, stinging hairs. Speaking of nettles naturally suggests the cactus of which only one variety is found here ; this has a deep-yellow blos som and prickles enough for a dozen species. Among the minor spring flowers are a spider-wort, tmdescantia rosea, a name much more imposing than the plant ; a lobelia with a tiny blue blossom; five finger, gold thread, blue-eyed grass, and many others. Most varieties of the Composite family bloom in summer and fall, though a few flower in the spring. Perhaps the most common are the asters, of which there are many kinds, most of them yellow, and varying in size from small low plants with tiny blossoms to those six feet in height with proportionately large flowers. The liatris, or blazing star, grows luxuriantly and is evidently blessed with an indomitable will, for its long branches of rose-purple flowers are sometimes found victoriously growing up from dry looking heaps of chips, or gaily creeping from under piles of lumber heavy enough to discourage any thing less perservering. Golden-rod, here as everywhere, asserts its claim to the honor of being a national emblem, as, with true American patriotism, it shows its colors on umber-hued hillsides and waves triumphantly among the ne glected grasses of "old fields." The terrestrial orchids are a source of much enjoyment to the botanist, and among; several varieties observed the fol lowing are most attractive : the yellow fringed orchis ; habenaria, dazzling white with a long spur ; spiranthes, or ladies' tresses, small white flowers spirally twisted in a spike; calopogon, and po gonia whose names are derived from Greek words meaning "beautiful bearded." One of the handsomest plants in the piney woods is the Yucca filamentosa, or Adam's thread and needle. The latter name is accounted for by the hair-like filaments on the edges of the leaves and the spines on their points ; but, suppos ing that this plant with its lovely, creamy-white flowers was a habitant of the Garden of Eden, it is necessary to admit that Adam possessed more skill in the use of sewing impliments than the modern man. The passion flower is singularly beauti ful, and, with a little imagination, one can readily see the crown of thorns, the nails, the hammers, and the cords in the fringe, the styles, the stamens and ten drils, as did the fanciful lloman Catholic missionaries of early times. The name of the edible fruit, "May pops," is hard ly congruous with that of the vine. Other more rare summer flowers are a small buckeye, fragrant and rose-colored ; an evening primrose which opens in the sun and is fittingly called sundrop, and Indian pipe which apparently has a nature too cold and colorless to thrive in this land of warmth and sunshine,as only one lone, lorn speciman has come under my observation. Many of the summer flowers remain in