THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK. The Xext Molar Eclipse. An excellent view of the total eclipse of the sun May 28, which will be one of the great events of 1900, may he had at Pinehurst. Speaking of the eclipse the Xew York Sun says : American astronomers will not have to go to the ends of the earth to witness the total eclipse of the sun that will occur on May 28, this year. Its path is situated most conveniently for the East Gulf and South Atlantic States. Mexicans on the Pacillc Coast a little South of Lower Cal ifornia may see the eclipse at sunrise. The path of totality, about fifty miles wide, crosses Mexico and the northwest ern part of the Gulf, enters the United States a little north of the Mississippi delta, runs nearly parallel with our South Atlantic coast line and emerges at Nor folk. The total phase will also be seen in Portugal and Algiers and will termi nate in the lied Sea. No part of the path'is likely to otter equal advantages to that in this country for observing the total phases of the eclipse and expedi tions from all astronomical centres throughout the world will be sent to the United States to observe the solar and atmospheric phenomena visible during the period of totality. An unusual opportunity will also be afforded to many of our own people to see what astronomers call the most won derful spectacle their science affords, the solar corona, which encircles the dark body of the moon like a halo or crown of light. Some of our largest Southern cities, including New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Kaleigh and Norfolk lie within the path of totality, and several, including New Orleans and Norfolk, are on the central line of the path where the total phase may be longest observed. This is a favorable circumstance, as large numbers will be able to see the total phase, and astronomers who frequently must establish their stations in out-of-the-way parts of the world can observe the eclipse without inconvenience. As many astronomers have announced their intention to establish stations along the shadow path and carry out an exten sive series of scientific observations, the United States Weather Bureau has tried to facilitate their work. Over three years ago it undertook a survey of the sky along the path of totality to determine the probable cloudiness and find out the places where the sky is likely to be freer from clouds than anywhere else. With the aid of volunteer observers these inves tigations have been carried on at from sixty-six to eighty-eight stations and the final report from Prof. F. 11. Bigelow has just been printed as a bulle tin of the Weather Bureau. The obser vations were taken from May 15 to June 15 each year. They tend to show that the low altitude of the morning sun will not be an unfavorable circumstance in the Southern States and that cloudiness diminishes from the Atlantic coast near Norfolk towards Georgia, and also from the Gulf coast near New Orleans toward the same region. The report says that the most favorable area for escaping the tendency to cloudiness, and therefore the best region for the eclipse stations, as far as that consideration is concerned, is central Georgia and eastern Alabama, The observations have been conducted on so large a scale for three years that the deductions from them seem decisive. Long eclipses lasting five or six min- The Pine Grove House. utes are of rare occurrence. The total phase of the 1900 eclipse will last in the United States from one minute and thir teen seconds to one minute and forty two seconds, only. It is to be hoped that the observers may have an unobscured view of it. Hotel Itiiles. A pun, somebody has said, is the lowest form of wit, yet a collection of puns can be very amusing. Some facetious person has achieved the following hotel rules : Hoard, fifty cents per square foot. Meals, extra. Guests are requested not to speak to the dumb-waiter. Guests wishing to get up without being called can have self-raising flour for supper. Guest? wishing to do a little driving will find hammer and nails in the closet. If the room gets too warm, open the window and see the fire escape. If you're fond of athletics and like good jumping, lift the mattress and see the bed spring. Baseballists desiring a little practice will find a pitcher on the stand. If the lamp goes out take a feather out of the pillow; that's light enough for any room. Any one troubled with nightmare will find a halter on the bedpost. Don't worry about paying your bill; the house is sup ported by its foundations. Exchange. PUNGENCIES. Bystander (to painter at work on a fence). "I suppose you call yourself an artist?' Painter. "Not at all. There's good money in the work 1 do. Exchange. Harriet. "Do you think it wicked to play golf on Sunday?" Harry. "1 think it wicked to play it on any day. Only think of the language one has to employ to do justice to his feelings when making a bad play !' Exchange. Mrs. Fogg. "Do you think it gentle manly to smoke in the presence of la dies?" Mr. Fogg. "Do you think it ladylike for women to intrude themselves in places where men want to smoke?" Exchange. lledrikton. "Are you familiar with the Gudjuns who live next to you on your street?" Sanbliss. "Oh, dear, no. We sometimes borrow their lawninower or get them to feed our cat when we are away, but nothing more than that." Exchange. Hilton. "Congratulate me, old fellow. Miss Sweetser has accepted me, and we are to be married next month. Only think of it! It was only a few weeks ago she declared she wouldn't marry the best man on earth." Wilton. "If she only sticks to that, you are all light." Exchange. She. "Come, now, how old do you think I am?" He. "Oh, I don't know. Probably about thirty." She. "Mercy ! I'm not twentv-five vet." lie. "I beg your pardon. I thought 1 was safe in putting it at least ten years younger than you look ; but it is always my luck to make a blunder." Exchange. His Disadvantage. "How did that Scotchman enjoy golf over here?" '"He said our game was all right, but he couldn't catch on to our dialect." Chicago Record. Subscribe for The Outlook now. 4 lira i "j".; j, , PINEHURST, N. C. ILL be open with home com. forts such as New England- ens like, for a limited number of people who are obliged by health or inclination to leave their homes for a salubrious climate such as PiNEHUiiST, N. CM can claim. For such, . A. FLINT, of the Stone Farm House, N. Head ing, Mass., (known as a pleasant place to board during the heated term) will be at the Pine Grove House, to welcome. TERMS, $8.00 TO $12.00 PER WEEK. DEPARTMENT STORE, PINEHURST, N. C. DEPT. A B C D E F C Drugs and Propiietary Medicines. Dry Goods and Notions. Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Hoots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. Fancy and Heavy Groceries. Fresh Meats in Cold Storage. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. DEPT. H Crockery and Glassware. J Furniture. K Electric Supplies. L Plumbing Supplies. M Grain, Hay and Feed Stuffs. N Paints, Oils and Varnishes. O Silverware, Souvenirs and Toys. GROCERIES. We carry full lines of Fancy and Heavy Groceries such brands and assortments as are handled by New England grocers. Dry Goods and Shoes. The Dry Goods and Shoe Departments are complete. Stock bought in Northern markets. Quality our standard for selection. Meat and Fish Market. Poultry, Game, Fish, Oysters and Meats of all kinds constantly in stock. Western Meats handled in cold storage. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. The latest styles of Hats, Caps and Gents" Furnishings carried in stock. Stationery. A full line of Stationery, both printed and plain, will be found in this department. "The Concord'' and "The Lenox" PINEHURST, N. C These houses will be open November 1, 1899, for the accommodation of those who seek a healthful Winter Home. The same personal attention will be given to the wishes and tastes of guests as was accorded to those of "The Concord" last season. Good Table, Comfortable Beds, Electric Lights, Pure Spring Water, Unrivalled Climate. Electric Cars pass the Door. Terms: $8.00 to $12.00 Per Week. Special Rates to those who take rooms for the entire season. Address J. MILTON ROBINSON, Pinehurst, N. C. PMurst Bicycles Steam Laundry v e ,ented at t,,e BowHn Auey- First class work in all t rt departments. A Wheel Chair Available for rental will be Bundles may be left at the General Store, found at the Bowling Alley.