7 ROUTES FROM THE NORTH TO PINEHURST, N. C THE PINEHURST OUTLOOK. .. fl I ik mm TO ALL POINTS ISorth, South and Southwest Schedule In Effect Not. 5, 1899. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv New York, Penn. U.K. 11 00am 9 00pm Wellington, " 5 00pm 4 30am Richmond, A.C.L., 9 00pm 9 05am Lv Portsmouth, S. A. L., 8 45pm 9 20am Ar Wcldon, 11 10pm 1143am Henderson, 12 50am 135pm Raleigh, 2 22am 3 30pm Southern Pines, 4 27am (5 00pm Hamlet, 5 14am 7 00pm Lv Wilmington, 3 05pm Ar Monroe, 53am 9 12pm Ar Charlotte, 8 OOain 10 25pm Ar Chester, 8 13am 10 55pm Greenwood, 10 45am 1 12am Athens, 1 24pm 3 48am Atlanta, 3 50pm 0 15am NORTH BOUND. No. 402. No. 38. Lv Atlanta, S. A. L., 1 00pm 8 60pm Ar Athens, 3 08pm 1105pm Greenwood, 5 40pm 140am Chester, 7 53pm 4 08am Monroe, 9 30pm 5 45am Lv Charlotte, 8 20pm 5 00am Ar Hamlet, 11 10pm 7 43am Ar Wilmington, 12 05pm Ar Southern IMnes, 12 02am 9 00am Raleigh, 2 03am 11 13am Henderson, 3 20am 12 45pm Weldon, 4 55am 2 50pm Portsmouth, 7 25am 5 20pm Ar Richmond, A. C. L.. 8 15am 7 20pm Washington, Venn. It. It., 12 31pm 11 20pm New York, 23pm 6 Main Daily. t Daily Ex. Sunday. Son. 403 and 402. "The Atlanta Special," Solid Yestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Char lotte, N. C. No. 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Express," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. I loth trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., apply to H. 8. Lkahd, T. P. A., Z. P. SMITH, C. T. A., Yarborough House, Raleigh, N. C. C. S. Wainwiuuht, Ticket Agt., Southern Pines. K. St. John, n. w. 11. Glovkr, Vice-Pres.& Gen'l Mgr. Tra flic Manager. V. E. McHkk, l. s. Allkn, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Pass. Agt. GENERAL OFFICES, PORTSMOUTH, VA. IMM IU KST PONT OFFICE. MAIL SC'HKDULK. In effect November l, 1898. Departure Mails dose. Arrival. 7.45 a.m. North & South 10.15 A.M. South 9.00 ' North 10.30 " Nortli & South 3 00 P-M. Soutli 4.30 im. North 4.30 North & Soutli 7.00 " North Registered Mails are dispatched at 9.00 A. M. and 3.00 p. m., and received at 10.15 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.f only. Office Hours: 7.30 A. M. to 8.00 p. M.; Sundays nd holidays 10.00 to 11.00 A. M., 7.00 to 7.30 p. M. Domestic Money Orders issued and paid. Let ters may be registered to nearly aLl parts of the world. AND COST OF THE TRIP. & T"? Ft i 1 s-a-:'viv ....Nsww&i i RE are various ways of reaching Mnehuvst which may be chosen ac cording to individual preference by boat or by all rail. For one w hose main object is to get to his journey's end with as little expenditure of time as possible the best route is by rail. An evening train leaving New York (Pennsylvania railroad) at 9 o'clock reaches Southern Pines at 5.55 the follow ing night. (A train leaving New York at 11 a. m. by Pennsylvania railroad, reaches Southern Pines at 4 a. m., which is somewhat early for comfort and convenience. The Old Dominion Line of steamers from New York, the Hay Line steamers from Baltimore, the Norfolk and Wash ington steamers from Washington, and steamers on the Cape Charles route, all stop at Portsmouth, Va., and connect with the trains for Southern Pines. The fare for round trip from New York City to Southern Pines, via Pennsylvania railroad on any of these routes is $20.50 and are limited from Nov. 1st to May 31st. Single faie $1(5.05. Passengers having through tickets, who desire to go by train and avoid night travel, can leave New York at 11 a. m. (Pennsylvania railroad) checking baggage through to Southern Pines, reach Richmond same evening at 8.50, spending the night there, leaving Richmond at 9.05 a. m. and arriving at Southern Pines at 5.55 p. m. One can go by the Cape Charles route, leaving New York (Pennsylvania railroad) at 8 a. 111. reach ing Portsmouth at 8.15 p. m., spend the night at Portsmouth or Norfolk, leave Portsmouth the fol lowing morning at 9.20, reaching Southern Pines at 5.55 p. m. An afternoon may be spent in Washington by taking train from New York at 8.00 a. in. (Central Railroad of N. .1.), leaving Washington on the evening boat (Norfolk and Washington steamer) at 7 . m., making close connestions witli train which leaves Portsmouth at 9.20 a. m. and reaches South ern Pines at 5.55 p 111. BOSTON PASSENGERS. Passengers from Boston can procure round trip tickets, including transfer with baggage across New York City to Pennsylvania railroad, for $37.50. The train for this route leaves Boston at 1.03 p. m., and Southern Pines is reached at 5.55 p. m. the day following. Round trip tickets from Boston by Fall River line are $33, including transfer witli baggage in New York City. The fine steamers of the Merchants & Miners Company leave Battery wharf, Boston, at 2 o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at Portsmouth, Va., with the Seaboard Air Line railroad. By this route a passenger leaving Boston, say on Tuesday, would reach Southern Pines Thursday at 5.55 p. m., having forty hours at sea. Round trip tickets, $31.75, including meals and berth in stateroom on the steamer. The IMnelnirst Electric Itallroatl connects Willi all train at Southern Pine after November 1st. . 3 J -utm Cht "Queen of Sea Routes" BET1VKEN THE North and South. MERCHANTS k MINERS TRANS. CO. STEAMSHIP LINES - BETWKKN Baltimore, Uostmi, Norfolk, Newport News, Providence, Savannah. Steamers New, Fast and Elegant. Accommodations and Cuisine Unsurpassed. Best Way to Travel Between New Eng land and the South. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER. A. M. Guaham, Agent, Boston, Mass. J. W. McCi.oskkv, Agent, Providence, R. 1. R. II. Wright, Agent, Norfolk, Va. J. C WHITNEY.T.M. W. P. TURNER.O.P.A. GENERAL OFFICES : 214 E. German St., Baltimore, Mi. ADVERTISE IN The Pinehurst Outlook Kates Kkasoxarlk. Carthago Railroad. TIME table In effect October 1, 1899. No. 38. No. 1. No. 2. No. 41. A. M. A. M. P. M. I'. M. Lv 9.35 Ar8.45 Cameron Lv 5.40 Ar4.40 10.00 Lv8.05 Kelly 0.05 Lv 4.12 Ar 10.20 8.00 Carthage Ar (5.20 4.00 Lv 10.40 Cartilage Ar 1.00 11.05 Moosliaunee Lv 12.25 11.25 Parke wood 12.10 Ar 11.40 Hallison 12.00 Trains on Carthage Railroad make close con nections with R. & A. trains No. 38 and 41 at Cameron, and the Durham & Charlotte Railroad at Hallison. W. C. PETTY, Manager. PINEHURST ELECTRIC RAILROAD. On and after November 1, 1899, the Pinehurst Electric, Cars will run as follows: Leave Pinehurst 8.30, 11.00 a. 111.; 1.45, 3.15, 5.00 p. m. Leave So. Pines 9.20, 11.30 a. 111.; 2.30, 4.00, 6.00 p. m. Special trips will be made when necessary, by arrangement with superintendent. The 9.20 a. m. and 6.00 p. m. trips from South ern Pines will make connections with trains from tie north. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Pinehurst Outlook SIX MOXTIIN FOR FIFTY CENTS Southern Railway NEW AND PERFECT SERVICE BKTWKKN BOSTON, NEW YORK and PINEHURST, N. C Only one night travel. Effective Monday, January 1st, 1900. The Southern Railway, Washington and South, western Limited will connect at High Point, N. C, for Pinehurst, N. C, upon the following schedule: SOUTH HOUND. Leave Hoston Shore Line 9 00 a m " Providence " 10 10 New Haven " 105pm Arrive Washington Penn R U 9 45 Leave New York 23d St Penn It R 4 25 p m New York Cort & Pea Sts 4 30 " Philadelphia 6 65 " Baltimore 16 " Washington So Ry 10 45 Arrive Danville " 5 40am High Point " 7 27 Leave High Point " 7 60 Arrive Asheboro " 8 50 PinehurstA&A U 00 NORTH ROUND. Leave Pinehurst A & A 7 00 p m " Asheboro So Ry 10 Arrive High Point " 10 15 Leave High Point " 10 21 Arrive Danville " H 56 " Washington " 6 42am Baltimore Penn R R 8 00 Philadelphia " 10 15 New York 23d St 1 00 p m " New York Cort & Des Sts 12 43 Leave Washington Penn R R Arrive New Haven Shore Line Providence " " Hoston " 7 55 a m 4 10 p in 7 26 8 30 Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car Service. Pullman Drawing-room Parlor and Cafe Cars Hoston to Washington, Pullman Drawing room tti.m.;iir('nrHpu' York to Hiirh Point. Dinimr ( Jar service. Elegant thoroughfare Coaches High Point to I'ineniirsi. The new service Inaugurated by the Southern i., nrwl Alipriloon Afc Ashbnro 11. R.. erive the traveling public the most attractive schedule ever offered between New England and Eastern States ana rinenursr, in. . For Sleeping Car Reservation rates, etc., call on or address any of the undersigned Agents. New York Alex. S. Thweatt. Eastern Passen ger Agent, 271 Rroadway. Hoston George C. Daniels, New England Pas senger Agent, 228 Washington Street. Philadelphia C. L. Hopkins, District Passen ger Agent, 828 Chestnut Street. Raltimore J. C. Ilorton, Passenger Agent, 120 East Raltimore Street. Washington L. S. Rrown, General Agent, 705 15th Street. FRANK S.GANNON, 3d Vice-Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. .1. M. CULP, Tra flic Manager. W. A. TURK, General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. ( . Aberdeen & Asheboro R. R. New through train service in connection witli Southern Railway trains Nob. 37 and 38, Wash ington & Southwestern Limited, inaugurated January 1st, 1900. Only one change of cars between Pinehurst and tfewr York. Leave Hos ton, Colonial Express, 10.00 a. in., New York at 4.25 p. m., Washington at 10.45 p. in., Greensboro 7.05 a.m., High Point 7.40 a. m., and arrive at Pinehurst at 1 1 .00 a. 111. Returning, will leave Pine hurst at 7 p. m., High Point at 10.20 p.m., Greens boro at 10.47 p. m., Washington 7.00 a. in., New York at 1.00 p. m., and arrive at Hoston at 7.00 p. m. Herths reserved in Sleeper at High Point at 10.20 p. in., upon request. Magnificent service and quicker time by several hours between Pinehurst, New York and Hoston. Tickets on sale at all Southern Railway coupon ticket offices, and also from Pinehurst for all Eastern cities. Daily nortli of High Point, N. C. Daily except Sunday between High Point and Aberdeen. Local trains daily except Sunday. No. 7 leav ing Riscoe at 6.35 a. m., and Pinehurst at 8.00 a. ru., makes close connection at Aberdeen with northbound Seaboard Air Line Express. No. 38 arriving at Pinehurst 6.45 p. m., makes close con nection at Aberdeen with Seaboard Air Line southbound Express No. 41. No. 41 leaves Asheboro at 10.00 a. m., Riscoe at 1.00 p. ni., Pinehurst at 3.05 p. m., and arrives at Aberdeen 3.25 p. m. No. 42 leaves Aberdeen at 9.00 a. m., Pinehurst 9.25 a.m., Riscoe at 11.15 a. m., and arrives at Asheboro at 2.25 p. ni. Trains leave Riscoe for Mt. Gilead at 7.00 a. m. and 12.30 p. m., arrive at Trov 7.35 a. m. and 1.10 p. m., Mt. Gilead 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Return ing, leaves Mt. Gilead 5.00 a. m. and 9.30 a. in., arrive at Riscoe 6.30 a. m. and 11.40 a. m. J. R. Page, Superintendent. II. A. Pagk, President. A free sample copy of The Outlook will be mailed on receipt of address. C. I). TIEN BOW, Postmaster.

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