THE PINE HURST OUTLOOK. G A X 'Sm ntwaii ms-jigfe .The Pine Grove House. PINEHURST, N. C. TVTILL be open with home coin. forts such as New Engend ers like, for a limited number of people who are obliged by health or inclination to leave their homes for a salubrious climate such as Pinehurst, N. C, can claim. For such, I. A. FLINT, of the Stone Farm House, N. Head ing, Mass., (known as a pleasant place to board during the heated term) will be at the Pine Grove House, to welcome. TERMS, $8.00 TO $12.00 PER WEEK. ( v. a ft DEPARTMENT STORE, PINEHURST, N. C. DEPT. A Drugs and Propiietary Medicines. B Dry Goods and Notions. C D E F C Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. Fancy and Heavy Groceries. Fresh Meats in Cold Storage. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. DEPT. H Crockery and Glassware. J Furniture. K Electric Supplies. L Plumbing Supplies. M Grain, Hay and Feed Stuffs. N Paints, Oils and Varnishes. O Silverware, Souvenirs and Toys. GROCERIES. We carry full lines of Fancy and Heavy Groceries such brands and assortments as are handled by New England grocers. Dry Goods and Shoes. The Dry Goods and Shoe Departments are complete. Stock bought in Northern markets. Quality our standard for selection. Meat and Fish Market. Poultry, Game, Fish, Oysters and Meats of all kinds constantly in stock. Western Meats handled in cold storage. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. The latest styles of Hats, (Japs and Gents' Furnishings carried in stock. Stationery. A full line of Stationery, both printed and plain, will be found in this department. North Carolina NnperftttllloiiN. If one would learn the popular super stitions of North Carolina he must go into the rural districts, ttelow are some of the common sayings : If, in washing the dishes or cleaning the table before a meal, the cook drops a dishrag, some one is coming in hungry. The crowing of a rooster before the front door early in the morning foretells the visit of a stranger. If a red bird flits about the front yard and chirps merrily, a young girl gaily dressed and light hearted may be ex pected soon. The crowing of a rooster early in the night is the sign of hasty news. Tims many a chicken rooster, by a single crow, has cast a gloom over an entire family. The howling of a dog at night foretells some dire calamity, such as a tragic death. If a dog lies on his back, with feet extended upward, in the front yard, some member of the family in which he belongs is sure to die soon. The screaming of a screech owl three nights in succession in or about the front yard is the sign that some one in the house is in danger of death. To drive the owl away stick the shovel in the fire. The crowing of a chicken lien portends bad luck. It certainly means a death, for no good woman would permit a crow ing hen to live any longer than it would take to bring an axe across its neck. In ironing a garment if the smoothing iron is dropped the owner of the gar ment will never live to wear it out. Friday is an unlucky day. If a piece of work is begun on that day, the one who begins it will not live to see it finished. If the individuals of a hunting party in crossing a fence go over the same sec tion luck will be good, but if several sections are crossed the hunt will be a failure. If in strolling two persons go on opposite sides of a tree, one or both of them will meet disappointments before the day is over. Looking at the new moon for the first time through obstructed space as through a tree top, foretells misfortunes during the moon. To see it over the right shoulder and in clear space brings good luck. The rabbit always carries omens of ill fortune. If you meet him on going from home you may look for trouble before you return; if going toward home, there will be trouble in your family. Ashes must not be taken from a fire place in a sick room. The death of the patient would follow. Nor must the bed of a sick person be turned over. No one ever saw a negro meet a corpse. The most courageous negro would go out of his way to avoid sucli a calamity. It is said that if you meet a corpse your time will come next. If the corpse is stopped on the way to the grave, another member of the family will soon follow. Kraut must be made in the dark of the moon if it is to be sour. It is the height of folly to cut a child's finger nails before it is a year old, for then it will steal. The nails must be broken off. If a child is allowed to look in a mirror before it is a year old teething will be difficult. The tying of a small sack, containing the four feet of a ground mole, around a baby's neck assures a full set of pretty teeth. If in teething the child's gums are sore that may be cured by rubbing them with rabbit brains hot from the head. The writer lias seen both of these remedies practiced. To remove a wart from the body steal a piece of meat, rub the wart with it and then bury it. Say nothing about what you have done and the wart will soon disappear. A stray black cat in the back yard foretells good luck. If a woman is making soap and a man comes up and stir3 it, all will be well and the soap will be fine, but if a woman comes, the soap will spoil in making. If you sing in bed you will cry next day. If a railroad engineer sees a black sheep cross the track in front of him he expects trouble. That is an omen of ill luck. If you want a cat to stay at your home rub its paw on the stove. To keep a new dog measure his tail with a cornstalk and bury the latter under the front door steps. If you sleep with your feet toward the door you will soon be carried out a corpse. Exchange. Proctor's Komn Wit. One day, in the Senate, Senator Vest, of Missouri, in the midst of an impas sioned speech recited one of Milton's poems in a very tragic manner. "The author of that great poem," said Vest, in an impressive undertone, "was John Milton and it has been set to music by the great Beethoven." There was a religious silence all over the Senate, when Senator Proctor, whose face had assumed the forlorn and forbid ding expression of a professional mourn er, arose and remarked in a deep bass voice that was heard all over the Senate chamber : "Vest, sing it!" Advertise in The Outlook. "Queen of Sea Routes" ItETWEEN THE North and South. MERCHANTS 4 MINERS TRANS. CO. STEAMSHIP LINES BETWEEN Baltimore, Boston, Norfolk, Newport News, Providence, Savannah. Steamers New, Fast and Elegant. Accommodations and Cuisine Unsurpassed. Best "Way to Travel Between New Eng land and the South. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER. A. M. Gkaham, Agent, Boston, Mass. J. W. McCloskey, Agent, Providence, R. 1. R. II. Wright, Agent, Norfolk, Va. J. C- WHITNEY, T.M. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. GENERAL OFFICES: 214 E. German St., Baltimore, Md. Pinehurst Steam Laundry First class work in all departments. Bundles may be left at the General Store. "The Concord" and "The Lenox" PINEHURST, R C Bicycles Are rented at the Bowling Alley. A Wheel Chair Available for rental will be found at the Bowling Alley. These houses will be open November 1, 181)9, for the accommodation of those who seek a healthful Winter Home. The same personal attention will be given to the wishes and tastes of guests as was accorded to those of "The Concord" last 6eason. Good Table, Comfortable Beds, Electric Lights, Pure Spring Water, Unrivalled Climate. Electric Cars pans the Door. Terms : $8.00 to $12.00 Per Week. Special Rates to those who take rooms for the entire season. Address J. MILTON ROBINSON, - Pinehurst, N. C. n