THE PINE HURST OUTLOOK. Seaboard Air Line Railway Double Dally Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points soutn ana west. IX EFFECT JAN. 27, 1900. iiily. SOUTHWARg. Lv Boston, Shore Line, Providence, VmiT llaupn Ar Washington, P. R. ILwithout change 10 32am Boston, Shore Line, Boston, Springfield, Boston, Sound Lines, Dailv 7 00pm 8 22pm 11 50pm Lv No. 31. Lv New York, 23d St., P. It. R.12 55pm New York, Des.Sts. 1 00pm 1'hiladelpia 3 2!)pm Baltimore, - 5 45pm Washington, 6 55pm Uichmond, S. A. L., 10 40pm Petersburg, 1131pm A. L. Lv Tampa, S. lacksonville, Savannah, Columbia, Hamlet, Southern Pines, Raleigh, Henderson, Norlina Jet., PetersluTrg Richmond, Ar Washington, Penn. It. R., Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Hartford Line, Boston, Shore Line, Boston, Springfield, oounq L,ines, No. 44. 9 00pm 10 20am 1 38am 6 07pm 9 20pm 10 17pm 12 18am 1 32am 2 05am 4 05am 5 10am 8 45am 10 08am 12 27pm 3 15pm 11 00pm 10 00pm 1 1 IGom 7 "'"V") it'll m Daily. t Dailv, except Sunday. 12 00 n't 11 00pm t6 00pm No. 27 12 10am 12 15am 3 50am 6 22am 8 35am 12 33pm 1 10pm Xolina Jet.,' 2 00am 3 23pm Henderson, 2 43am 3 41)pm Kalcigh, 3 50am 5 09pm Southern Pines, 5 53am 6 57pm Hamlet, 7 05am 8 10pm Columbia, 9 0(5am 10 30am Ar Savannah, 12 55pm 2 50am .lacksonville, 3 50pm 7 30am Tampa, 5 00am 5 30pni " No. 403. No. 41. Lv New York, N. Y. P. & N. f? r'"i 8 85pm Philadelphia, 10 20am 112(ipm New York, (). 1). S. S. Co. f3 00pm Baltimore, B. S. P. Co. t 30pm Washington, N. t W.S. B. 6 30pm iTvTortsmouth, S. A. L., 9 15pm 10 05am Weldon, 12 11am 12 3(ipm Norlina Jet., 2 00am 2 10pm Henderson, 2 34am 2 45pni Ualeigh, 3 56am 4 27pm Southern Pines, 5 53am 6 43pm Hamlet, 7 05am 8 05pm Wilmington, 305pm A r Charlotte, 9 51am 10 45pm Lv Chester, 10 08am H 20pm Greenwood, 12 07am 132am Athens, 2 19pm 4 08am Ar Atlanta, 3 35pm 5 30am Augusta, C. & W. C. 5 10pm Macon, C. of Ga. 7 20pm 1 1 10am Montgomery, A. & W. P. 9 20pm 11 00am Mobile, L. & N. 3 05am 4 12pm New Orleans, L. & N. 7 30am 8 30pm Nashville, N. C. ft St. L. 6 40am 6 55pm Memphis, 4 00pm 8 10a in NORTHWARD. Dailv. Dailv. No. 402. No. 38. Lv Memphis. N. C. & St. L. 11 30am 8 45pm Nashville, 9 30pm 9 10am New Orleans, L. t N. 7 45pm 7 55am Mobile, L. & N. 12 20am 12 58pin Montgomery, A. & W. P. 6 20am 6 20pm Macon, C. of Ga. 800am 4 20pm Augusta, C. & W- C. 9 40am Atlanta, S. A. L., 1 00pm 9 00pm Ar Athens, 2 48pm 1123pm Greenwood, 4 44pm 2 04am Chester, 6 28pm 4 25am Lv Charlotte, fi 30pm 5 00am Wilmington, 12 05pm Hamlet, 9 20pm 8 05am Southern Pines, 10 17pm 9 03am Ualeigh, 12 18am 1130am Ar Henderson, ;un 1 onnm J'V Norlina Jet., 2 25am -i niipiu Weldon, 3 57am 3 25pm Ar Portsmouth, 7 00am 5 50pm . Washington, N. & W. S. B., 700am , BiiUimore, ILJSCo., f6 45am New York, O. D. SS. Co f l 30pm Philadelphia, N.Y.P.& N., f5 40pm 5 10am New York, 8 40pm 8 00am No. 66. 8 00am 7 45pm 11 59pm 5 45am 9 20am 10 09am 12 07pm 1 27pm 2 15pm 4 40pm 5 55pm 9 30pm 1 1 35pm 2 Sfiam 6 30am 1 58pm 3 00pm 3 30pm Dilllno" f!ora XT v 1. 1 TJI..1 1 na Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos. 31 and tCentral Time. Eastern Time. , I sleeping car reservation rates, etc., call on r address J. C. Houton, G. E. P. A., 371 and 1206 Broadway, New York. . ClIAS. L. LONGSDORF, N. E. P. A., 306 Washington St., Boston. II. S. Leard, T.P.A., Hamlet, N. C. Ticket Agent, Southern Pines, N. C. R. E. L. Bunch, Gen'l Pass. Agent. ROUTES FROM THE NORTH TO PINEHURST, N. C AND COST OF THE TRIP. Jt ' jtwijil ! 1 iuiiiiui'.'' A MAP j , jf ,howii rlahe position ...A sJx'' -"uvL k RAlL-R0APS-4Np5TEAM-5HlP-LINES. PINEHURST. -GULF vrATEXCO 4 T HERE are various ways of reaching Pinehurst which may be chosen according to individual preierence iy noat or uy an rail. or one wnose main object is to get to His journey's end witn as nttie expenditure or time as possible tne best route is by rail. NEW YORK PASSENGERS. The Washington and Southwestern Limited, leavinsr New York bv Penn. R. R. at 4.25 r. m.. Phila delphia 6.55 u. m.. Baltimore 9.11 n. m and Washington over Southern Hail wav at 10.45 d. hi.. connects at High Point, N. C, at 7.50 a. m. with a special train for Pinehurst which is reached (except Sundays; at ll.oo o clock tno following morning, eighteen and one-half hours irom New York. Fare for round trip from New York, $26.50. Proportionate fares for round trip from Phila delphia, Baltimore and Washington. Effective January 3,1901. A Special Pullman car will leave Washington for Pinehurst without change. Sleeper ready for occupancy at 8.30 p. m. on arrival of tne "Congressional Jvunitea " jrom jew lorn. A midnight train leaving New York (Pennsylvania railroad) at 12.15 a. m., reaches Southern Pines at 9.35 the following night. Sleeper open at 10 p. m. A train leaving New York at 1 p. m. by Pennsylvania railroad, readies Southern Pines at 5.57 a. m. the following morning. The Old Dominion Line of steamers from New York, the Bay Line and the Chesapeake Line steamers from Baltimore, the Norfolk and Washington steamers from "Washington, and steamers on the Cape Charles route, all stop at Portsmouth, Va.t and connect with Seaboard Air Line trains tor Southern 1'ines. The fare for round trip from New York City to Southern Pines, via Pennsylvania railroad and Cape Charles route or via. steamers from Baltimore and Washington to Portsmouth is $25.15, and on any other of these routes is $20.25 and are limited to six months from date of sale. Single fare, $15.95. , Passengers having tnrougn ticKets, wno aesire ro go y train ana avoia nigni travel, can leave icw York at 1.00 p. in. (Pennsylvania railroad) checking baggage through to Pinehurst, reach Richmond same evening at 10.30, spendingthe night there, leaving Richmond at 2.40 p. m. and arriv- ng at Southern Pines at 9.3r p. m. An afternoon ma v be spent in Washington by taking train from New York at 8.00 a. m. (Central it;iiirn;wl of N. .1.1 . leavinsr Washington on the evening boat (Norfolk and Washington steamer) at 7 p. m., making close connections with train which leaves Portsmouth (Seaboard Air Line) at 9.30 a. m. and readies Southern Tines at 6.09 p in. BOSTON PASSENGERS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ROUTE. Train from Boston for Washington (without change) leaves Boston at 9.00 a. in. arrives at Washington at 9.45 p. m. and connects with the Southern Railway for High Point and Pinehurst, twenty-six hours from Boston. Fare for round trip, $37.50. Tickets' good for return until May 31st. Special Pullman Sleeping Uar Service. Northbound. Effective January 3, 1901. The Southern Ruilway will operate through Pullman service between Pinehurst and Washington, leaving Pine hurst Mondays and Wednesdays at 7 p. m., connecting with through trains to all points North. Southbound Every Tuesday and Thursday special Pullman Dining Room and Sleeping Cars will le-ive Washington at 10.45 p. m. for Pinehurst without change. Car open for occuuancy at 8.30 p. rn. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Train from Boston for Washington (without change) leaves Boston at 7 p m., arrives at Washington at 10.32 a. m., leaves Washington at 10.55 a. m., and reaches Southern Pines over Seaboard Air Line at 9.35 p. m. Round trip fare $37.25, good for return six months from date of sale. Through tickets may be purchased and baggage checked to Pinehurst vi ia. Seaboard Air j.ineKanwav, . w. , cf . . . The line steamers or tne jjiercimius nuncio vyniimuj. ,c,p """' on Mondavs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting at Portsmouth, Va., with the Sea ; . .-"V 1 ni..-...r it,.. Hi?a ivuitn unssptiirpr lanviiif? lioston. sav on Thursday, would reach ij",ina s-iturHiiv nt fi.0!) n. m.. havinsr fortv hours at sea. Round trip tickets, $29.00, inelud- ing meals and berth in stateroom on the steamer. Tlie lMiieliurst Electric isniiroaa comiecis im trams i mmiuvni PINEHURST ELECTRIC RAILROAD. r nA nftpr December 31. 1900. the Pinehurst Electric Cars will run as follows : Leave Pinehurst 8.15, 11.00 a. m. ; 1.45, 3.15, 6.00, fO-30 p. m. Leave So. Pines 9.20, 11.30 a. m.; 2.30, 4.30, 7.00, J10.20 p. m., or J 10.40 p. m. Except Sundays. fWhen ordered. For in- :oming passengers. 8.15 a.m. trip rrom i-inenuroi whiioi train No. 38, (northbound) on beanoaru Air iine. 7.00 p. m. trip from Soutnern rines coniiecis Mt.ii train No. 41 and No. 27, (southbound) on Seaboard Air Line. Car can be chartered ror extra trips. WILLIAM HOMES, Superintendent. PIXEIIUItNT PONT OFFICE. MAIL SCHEDULE. In effect December 15, 1900. Departure Mails close. Arrival. 7.30 a.m. North 10.15 A.M. South 9.00 " North 10.30 " North & South 2.45 P.M. South 11.15 " North 4 30 " North & South 4.30 p.m. North 6-30 " North of WTash'n 7.00 " North Registered Malls are dispatched at 9.00 A. M. and 3.00 p. M., and received at 10.15 A. M. and 4.30 p. M., onlv. Office Hours: 7.30 a. m. to 8.00 p. m.; Sundays and holidays 10.00 to 11.00 A. M., 7.00 to 7.30 p. M. Domestic Money Orders issued and paid. Let ters may be registered to nearlv all parts of the world. IT. B. STILLINGS, Postmaster. Southern Railway NEW AM) PERFECT SERYICK KETWEEN BOSTON, NEW YORK and PINEHURST, N. C. Only one night travel. Only Line Operating Pullman Car Service Into Pinehurst. Effective Monday, December 10, 1900. 'the Southern Railway, Washington and South, western Limited will connect at High Point, N. C, for Pinehurst, N. C, upon the following schedule: SOUTHBOUND. Leave Boston Shore Line fJOOam " Providence " 10 10 " New Haven " 105pm Arrive Washington Penn R It 9 44 Leave Boston B it A It R t9 00 a m " Worcester " 10 12 " Springlield N Y, N II & II 11 45 " Hartford " 12 25 pm Arrive New York 3 30 Leave New York 23d St Penn It R 4 25 p m " New York Cort & Des Sts 4 30 " Philadelphia 6M Baltimore 9 16 " Washington So Ry 10 45 Arrive Danville " 6 40am Leave High Point 7 50 " Ashcboro " 8 50 " Pinehurst A t A 11 00 NORTHBOUND. Leave Pinehurst A & A 7 00 p m " Aslieboro Solly 9 10 Arrive High Point " 10 15 oanviiio " nii;nm " Washington 6 42 " Baltimore Penn It R 8 03 " Pliiladelphia " 10 15 " New York Cort it Des Sta 12 43 p m " New Y'ork 23d St 1 00 Leave New York N Y, N 11 & Hj 4 00 p m Arrive Hartford " 6 50 " Springlield " 7 31 " Worcester B & A R R 8 57 " Boston 10 00 Leave Washington Penn R It f7 45 a m Arrive New Haven Shore Line 4 00 p m " Providence " 7 07 " Boston 8 20 Daily. tPaily except Sunday. Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car Service. Pullman Drawing-room Parlor and Cafe Cars Boston to Washington, Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars New York to High Point, Dining Car service. EleganlthoroughfareCoacheB High Point to Pinehurst. The new service inaugurated by the Southern Railway and Aberdeen & Ashboro It. It., crlve the traveling public the most attractive schedule ever offered between New England and Eastern States and rinehurst, . C. Special Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. Washington to Pinehurst, without change, effec tive Jan. 3, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. North hound, effective Jan. 7. Leave Pinehurst on Mondays and Wednesdays during season. For Sleeping Car Reservation rates, etc.. call on or address any of the undersigned Agents. New York Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passen ger Agent, 1185 Broadway ; Mr. W. A. Johnson, Passenger Agent, 2 1 lsroadwav. Boston George C. Daniels, New England Pas senger Agent, 228 Washington Street. Philadelphia C. L. Hopkins, District Passen ger Agent, 828 Chestnut Street. Baltimore J. C. Horton, Passenger Agent, 120 East Baltimore Street. Washington L. S. BrownGeneral Agent, 705 15th Street. FRANK S.CANNON, 3d Vice Pres. & Gen'l Mgn J. M. CUM', Trallio Manager. S. N. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. ( . Aberdeen & Asheboro R, R. Magnificent service and quicker time by several hours between Pinehurst, New Y"orkand Boston. Tickets on sale at all Southern Railway coupon ticket oflices, and also from Pinehurst for all Eastern cities. Daily north of High Point, N. C. Daily except Sunday between High Point and Aberdeen. SOUTHBOUND. Lv Boston New York Philadelphia Washington Greensboro High Point A sheboro Biscoe Pinehurst Ar Aberdeen 37 Pass 9 00 & 10 00 am 41 Mix 4 25 pm 6 65 10 45 7 00 am 7 27 8 62 10 00 am 10 05 1 00 pm 11 00 3 05 11 15 3 25 NORTHBOUND. 38 Pass 42 Mix 6 30 pm 7 00 7 Mix 3 30 pm 6 35 am 800 8 20 9 00 am 9 25 12 15 pm 2 25 8 Mix 4 00 pm 4 20 7 00 am 918 Lv Aberdeen Pinehurst Biscoe 8 00 Asheboro 9 08 High Point 10 21 Greensboro 10 47 Washington 6 42 am Philadelphia 10 15 New York 1 00 pm Ar Boston 8 30 Connection at Aberdeen with Seaboard Air Line, 8.45 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Trains leave Biscoe for Mt. Gileaa at 7.oo a. m. and 12.30 p. m., arrive at Troy 7.35 a. m. and 1.10 p. m., Mt. Gilead 9.00 a. m. and 2.3U p. m. neiurn ing. leaves Mt. Gilead 5.00 a. m. and 9.30 a. m., arrive at Biscoe 6.30 a. m. and 11.40 a. m. II. A. Page, J. R. Page, President. Superintendent.